Proiect Lectie

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TEACHERS NAME: Drozd Ana-Maria

SCHOOL: Scoala Gimnaziala Calopar
DATE: 15TH of January, 2015
TEXTBOOK: What a day!
SKILLS: speaking, reading, writing, translating, grammar.
LANGUAGE FOCUS: reviewing the past tense simple of irregular verbs.
LESSON AIMS: by the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
- recognize the verbs in past tense simple,
- make the difference between regular and irregular verbs, giving their infinitive at
the same time,
- show the order of the events in a story, after putting the verbs in past tense simple,
- read and translate a text with verbs in past tense simple,
- ask some questions in past tense simple about the text above.
ASSUMPTIONS: I assume my students have already learnt the form and use of past tense
ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: My students may need help with the infinitive form of the
irregular verbs.
AIDS (MATERIALS): worksheets, textbook, chalk, blackboard.
METHODS: conversation, reading, grammar exercises, word puzzle, competition.
INTERACTIONS: whole class, group work, T-Ss, Ss-T.
ORGANIZATIONAL MOMENT: the student on duty tells the absents; the T writes the
absents in the register, then the T checks the homework and the students correct the mistakes,
if necessary.
Timing: 5 minutes.
Aims: to test the Ss ability to:
-complete the sentences with the right verb from a box, making the difference between
regular and irregular verbs,
-identify the structure of the regular and irregular verbs in past simple.
Timing:5 minutes.
Interactions: work group, T-Ss, Ss-T
Procedures:The T announces the title of the lesson and writes it on the blackboard. The class
is divided into fivegroups. The groups are given some worksheets and announced there is
going to be a competition between them, so the timing is very important. The T asks the Ss to
solve the first exercise by completing the sentences with the right verb from a box. The Ss do
this task and read the exercise, correcting the mistakes, if necessary. The T asks the Ss to tell
the difference in structure between regular and irregular verbs. The Ss answer the Ts
questions. The T writes down the points gained by each group after solving the exercise.
Aims: -to develop the Ss ability to identify the past forms of some irregular verbs in a short
period of time,

-to practice the recognition of the infinitive of irregular past verbs and their writing in
Timing: 10 minutes.
Interaction: work group, T-Ss, Ss-T.
Procedures: The T proposes the Ss to identify the irregular past verbs and write down their
infinitives. The Ss do this task as quickly as they can,not forgetting they take part in a
competition.The T checks their answers and correct them if necessary. Also,the T writes down
the points gained by each group after solving this exercise, too.
Aims: to test the Ss ability to:
-write down from their memory the past of some irregular verbs from some sentences,
-order these sentences
Timing: 10 minutes.
Interaction: work group, T-Ss, Ss-T.
Procedures: The T gives the Ss two list, each one containing infinitive forms of the verbs and
irregular forms of the verbs. Ss will have to match the words from the 2 lists and write them
on the blackboard.
Aims: -to develop Ss reading skills and vocabulary,
-to test the Ss ability to translate the text correctly ,
-to develop Ss ability of asking questions based on already given answers.
Timing: 18 minutes.
Interaction: work group, T-Ss, Ss-T.
Procedures: The T asks the Ss to read. The Ss try to make a correct translation, the unknown
words being already given. The T gives the Ss a final task, that of asking questions about the
story based on some answers. Each group reads two sentences and the other groups correct
them. The T writes the final score on the blackboard and the winning team is congratulated.
The T gives the Ss the homework. : exercise E from their textbook.
Timing: 2 minutes.

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