Dear Parents, Carers and Friends
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends
February 2015
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,
Well it certainly has been a very busy and very productive start to 2015 in school. The calm
atmosphere and very positive approach to learning was commented on by the school
Governors when they spent the morning with us last week. They were impressed with the
quality of the displays that both celebrate and support learning and were pleased that the
new target books were up and running. They certainly felt that the high expectations were
evident throughout school.
Welcome to our new school Chef!
There will be a change of chef for our school dinners after February half-term due to the
increased number of pupils ordering hot dinners. School dinners will be prepared in Mattersey
School kitchens by their chef, Dawn. Dawn is looking forward to coming into school to meet
the staff and pupils and find out what they like and dont like about the NCC meals.
And welcome to our new school hall!
Fantastic news! The building work for the new school hall will commence on Monday 16 th
February. Dexter Pollards will be undertaking the build and they are as keen as we are to get
it started. We will have a ceremonial digging of the first foundations on Friday 13 th February
and are inviting pupils to come in their Bob the Builder style clothes (old jeans and wellies
and a hard hat if they have one!!) to break ground. Photographs of every child breaking
ground will be taken and for a donation towards our fundraising, we will then email the
photos home to mark this auspicious occasion. Please send your donations in a named
envelope on the morning of the 13th February.
Dexter Pollards will then get things well underway during the half term and February INSET
day so that after the half term break you will be able to see the progress that they have
made! As the compound for the building will take up the grass and pathway to the side of
the building, we will have to reorganise access to the main reception area of school. After
half- term we would be grateful if you could whenever possible email or telephone the school
office rather than popping in and send any monies or letters with your child which can then
be placed in the red class boxes in the centre of school. If you do need to speak to Mrs Morris
(Monday Thursday!) then, the KS2 cloakroom doors will be open between 8.20 and 8.40 and
again between 3.00 and 3.15pm. There will be a temporary doorbell placed near KS2
cloakroom door in case of emergencies. The disruptions wont last long and Im sure you will
agree, the end product will be well worth any minor inconvenience! Hopefully by the end of
June, it will all be completed!
School Hall fundraising.
Whilst we are over the moon that the building work will soon be underway, we are also well
aware of the hard work we need to do fundraising so that it can be completed and fitted out
to the standard we need. The vast majority of the funds so far have come from the school
budget, we have been saving hard our building capital monies, over the past few years! The
school governors have asked the local authority and Southwell diocese if they can put any
money into the pot however they too have been hard hit by cutbacks so are not in the
position to support us. A fundraising committee comprising of members of the governing
body, the PTFA, staff, parents and local supporters has now been set up and they are working
together to find ways to raise the additional 20,000 we need. We would love to hear from
you if you can help us in any way. Maybe you know a company which would like to sponsor
part of the build, or have friends who could help, maybe you can help by providing materials
to paint the building or you can provide the small lift needed to provide access for disabled
users? There are lots of ways you can support this vital project, we all know what a difference
the hall will make to our school so please, let us know if you can help, we need you!
EYFS Community Open Morning, 12th February 2015
Once again the foundation stage staff would like to invite FS1 families and new families to
their open morning. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to share in their childs
learning, meet the staff, try new things and have lots of fun with their children. We do hope
you can join us!
World Book Day, 5th March 2015 Step into School and Share a Book!
We will be celebrating World Book day this year in school on Friday March 5 th and it would
make our celebration of books and reading even more enjoyable if everyone could come
dressed as a famous book character the funnier the better! To make these celebrations even
more memorable for the children, we are inviting Grandparents of pupils to Step into
School and Share a Book from 8.30 until 9.30 book character costume is of course
optional! Lets see our school jam-packed with readers!
Red Nose danceathon, Friday 13th March
The school Council will be writing to the Village hall committee to see if they can borrow the
hall to raise money for this really worthwhile cause on Friday 13 th March. They will be joining
with thousands of other children who will be dancing their way to raising money. The theme
for Red Nose Day this year is funny faces, we cant wait to see how funny they are! Face
paints, masks or anything goes but please do think of other pupils are make sure they are
funny and not scary!
Choir success!
The new school choir has got off to a flying start with a lot of very enthusiastic pupils eager to
join in! We are hoping that our new Choral Worship which takes place every Wednesday, led
by Miss Bellamy, will further add to our love of singing.
Parent Governor update
Parents commitment to school was evident in great response we have had to the parent
governor nominations. Mrs Stanley and I were pleased to talk to quite a few parents about
the role of the school governors and the positive impact they could have on the schools
development. We would like to thank all the parents who approached us for more
information, for their commitment to school and for being willing to make a difference to
pupils. Thank you!
The voting finishes next Friday at 10am so please do drop your ballot forms into school.
Event Reminders
6th February Class 1 assembly for families at 8.30 a.m
9th February African Ark visit to school to teach pupils about African Fair trade.
10th February - Tag Rugby Festival for Y5/6 pupils
10th February Safer Internet day being celebrated in school
12th February EYFS Open Morning 9-11 a.m, all new families are welcome to come along and
join the FS1 parents and pupils for this event.
12th February Charles Darwin Day being celebrated in school.
13th February Break up for half term at 3pm
Monday 23rd February INSET day.
24Th February school re-opens for pupils. Handwriting day in school!
As always if you have any concerns, worries or something great to share with us, then do
come and see us! We are here to help!
Head Teacher