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Global Reinsurance

Our Insight, Your Advantage.

February 9, 2012

Hedge Fund Sponsored Non-Life Reinsurers Build Momentum

Hedge funds are showing renewed interest in the reinsurance business as they seek to diversify their investment
strategies and deploy accumulated capital. The catastrophic losses experienced by the reinsurance industry
in 2011 have piqued the hedge funds interest. Given the
importance of Best Credit Ratings in the reinsurance
community, some of these hedge fund backed reinsurers
are rated, and others have inquired about initial ratings.
A.M. Bests analysis employs standard rating criteria
with special attention to the risks of both the investment
strategies and business/underwriting profiles of these


In 2004-2005, a handful of hedge funds began looking into

opportunities in the non-life reinsurance market. Flush
with capital and seeking to diversify investments away
from the capital markets, the funds looked to catastrophe
insurance, for which prices had increased after losses
from the 2004 hurricane season led by Ivan and the
2005 season, led principally by Katrina. The returns on
catastrophe and property/casualty reinsurance are seen
as uncorrelated with those of stocks, bonds and other
The initial entry was through the purchase of catastrophe bonds, which are issued with maturities of three to
five years and provided attractive yields to the funds.
Catastrophe bonds issued by the insurance sector provide a form of reinsurance via spreading the risks and
costs of natural disaster to the capital markets. The buyers of cat bonds are at risk to lose some or all of their
capital investment in the event of triggers, which could
include flood levels, Richter scale readings and/or wind
While the cat bonds provided a point of entry to the reinsurance market, the length of exposure and extremes of
risk/reward do not match the long-term strategy of a number of funds. As a result, hedge funds put up capital for the
start-up of new reinsurance companies. The funds kept a
portion of the targeted risk in the catastrophe bond market because of the yield and limited exposure, but their
sponsored companies incorporated a primary strategy
that focused on the low-volatility property/casualty (P/C)
market. While expectations at the time were that additional hedge-fund capital would follow, the market stresses
that arose in 2006 and 2008 through 2010 were enough to
keep other funds on the sidelines until recently.

New players look to replace industry capital lost

from the property/casualty reinsurance markets
through the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in
Japan; U.S. hurricanes, specifically Irene; and the
rash of other global natural disasters in 2011. Industry estimates are that worldwide catastrophic losses
exceeded USD 105 billion. Historically, the investment banking industry would have funded such new
reinsurers, but hedge funds took the lead this time.
Whether it is the attractiveness of the investment
opportunity for the hedge funds or the continued
hesitancy of investment banks to run the regulatory
risk of entering the market is not clear. In addition
to the funding of the start-ups, the fact that hedge
funds will hold and manage the reinsurers assets
raises question as to increased risks that may be
present in this structure.

Issues When Rating Hedge Fund

Sponsored Non-Life Reinsurers

While many insurers and reinsurers investments are

held and managed outside of the company, the level
of volatility often associated with a hedge fund and its
investments is not typical of that related to the insurance
With this volatility in mind, A.M. Best applies the quantitative and qualitative analysis outlined in Bests Credit
Rating Methodology (BCRM). To assess the financial
strength and financial flexibility of a rated entity, a variety
of balance sheet, income statement and cash-flow metrics are reviewed, including corporate capital structure,
financial leverage, interest expense coverage, cash coverage, liquidity, capital generation, and historical sources
and uses of capital.
While balance sheet strength is the foundation for financial security, the balance sheet provides an assessment
of capital adequacy at a point in time. A.M. Best views
operating performance and business profile as leading
indicators when measuring future balance sheet strength
and long-term financial stability.
As such, A.M. Best reviews the volatility associated with
the segment of the insurance industry in which the reinsurer operates or plans to enter. The inherent risk of the
reinsurers business profile is analyzed for the spread
(both geographically and by product) and the potential
volatility associated with the segments of the markets in

Copyright 2012 by A.M. Best Company, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report or document may be distributed
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February 9, 2012

which it will operate. A focus on low-volatility P/C reinsurance is an offset to capital requirements driven by
investment strategies when analyzing hedge fund-owned
reinsurers. Combining a high-volatility business profile
with hedge-fund investment strategies would make it difficult to achieve a Financial Strength Rating of Excellent or
Superior (A- or higher).
What makes the analysis of each reinsurer unique is that
a vast majority of unencumbered assets will be subject
to an additional form of risk/reward through their respective asset strategies.
The investment strategies and inherent risk may
vary among hedge-fund sponsors. One sponsored
reinsurer may follow a partially hedged equity portfolio that consists primarily of publicly traded securities with a long and short philosophy that produces a partial hedge on market performance and asset
value; another may be invested primarily in publicly
traded debt and equity securities, as well as government debt, asset-backed securities, gold and other
precious metals.
While the reinsurers assets are managed by the hedge
funds investment manager, in each case the portfolios risks are mitigated by the reinsurance companys
assets being part of segregated pools from those of the
general fund. As with all investment strategies, specific
risks must be addressed in any analysis, and therefore
the portfolios are viewed for their respective risk and
volatility. And while a hedge-fund portfolio has more
risk than a bond aggregate investment strategy, it also
has significantly less risk than a straight, well-diversified, long equity portfolio because of its natural hedging activity that is not present in an unhedged, fixedincome or equity portfolio. An offset to the increased
risk of a hedged portfolio versus a bond aggregate is
also present in the lack of leverage used by the rated
entities. It should be noted that an increase or incorporation of financial leverage in the asset strategy would
add precipitously to the asset charge used in the rating

A.M. Best Company

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Phone: +1 (908) 439-2200

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The companies are reviewed using the traditional BCRM.

As such, the criteria state that when common stocks are
more than 50% of invested assets, or 100% of surplus, the
baseline capital risk charge of 15% will be increased to a
level appropriate to the risks of the portfolio. The fund
strategies and portfolios of the investment managers are
reviewed for performance and volatility over the life of
the funds in each of the two rated companies to date,
greater than 12 years. The asset volatility risk then is layered onto the underwriting risk to determine the ultimate
rating. This analysis, with a focus on the worst performing and highest volatility period, is incorporated into the
ultimate increase in the capital risk charge, which may
exceed 30%.
A.M. Best has a dedicated team of analysts who perform
surveillance on the asset managers performance and
update the analysis of the portfolio risk on a more frequent basis than with non-hedged strategies of other
rated reinsurers, with a typical minimum of a quarterly
review. In addition, periodic meetings are held with the
asset managers and insurance team to review investment and underwriting strategies for changes that
could impact the factors used in calculating the capital
analysis or review of the most recent Bests Capital
Adequacy Ratio (BCAR). This surveillance strategy is
employed to monitor risk of developing or changing
investment strategies.
While the investment strategies of a reinsurer owned by
a hedge fund and/or the assets managed by a hedge fund
may have a different volatility measure than that of a reinsurer with other types of ownership/investment strategy,
the basic tenets for rating remain the same. The evaluation of underwriting risk, capital and investment risk all
are accounted for and stressed through the BCRM.
Analytical Contacts
Martin Kennedy, Oldwick
Nicholas Dranchak, Oldwick
Editorial Management
Brendan Noonan, Oldwick

A.M. Best Europe Rating Services Ltd.

A.M. Best Europe Information
Services Ltd.
12 Arthur Street, 6th Floor, London, UK
Phone: +44 (0)20 7626-6264

A.M. Best asia-pacific LTD.

Unit 4004 Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2827-3400

Important Notice: A Bests Financial Strength Rating is an independent opinion of an insurers financial strength and ability to meet its ongoing insurance policy and
contract obligations. It is based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a companys balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile. These ratings are not a warranty of an insurers current or future ability to meet contractual obligations. The Financial Strength Rating opinion addresses
the relative ability of an insurer to meet its ongoing insurance policy and contract obligations. The rating is not assigned to specific insurance policies or contracts
and does not address any other risk, including, but not limited to, an insurers claims-payment policies or procedures; the ability of the insurer to dispute or deny
claims payment on grounds of misrepresentation or fraud; or any specific liability contractually borne by the policy or contract holder. A Financial Strength Rating
is not a recommendation to purchase, hold or terminate any insurance policy, contract or any other financial obligation issued by an insurer, nor does it address the
suitability of any particular policy or contract for a specific purpose or purchaser. In arriving at a rating decision, A.M. Best relies on third-party audited financial data
and/or other information provided to it. While this information is believed to be reliable, A.M. Best does not independently verify the accuracy or reliability of the information. For additional information, see A.M. Bests Terms of Use at www.ambest.com/terms.html.

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