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Quran Says, "Come to Prophet Muhammad

(saww) for forgiveness for Sins"

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Asking for help from Imam's

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Those who dont do Baraa'at from
the enemies of AhlulBait (as)
edited by Ashiqali Ratnani

"We sent not a messenger, but to be obeyed, in
accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only,
when they were unjust to themselves, come unto You
and asked Allah's forgiveness, and the Messenger had
asked forgiveness for them, they would have found
Allah indeed Oft-returning, Most Merciful." [Quran
The above verse clearly shows that Allah (swt),
expects the believers to come to the Prophet (saww)
for asking for forgiveness for their sins. This verse
clearly permits us to Ask for help from the Prophet

013: Al-Ra'd
edited by Ashiqali Ratnani

003 - Aali Imraan

edited by Ashiqali Ratnani

Fatema Zehra (sa)

edited by Ashiqali Ratnani

Who Killed Prophet Muhammad

edited by Ashiqali Ratnani

Merits of the Shias & Muhibb

edited by Ashiqali Ratnani

Ziyarat al-Nahiya
edited by Ashiqali Ratnani

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And this is not limited to the life of the Prophet

(saww). This verse is applicable even after the passing
of Prophet Muhammad (saww) as proven from the
following narration:


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Online Books

And Narrated Al-Sam'aani from Amir Al-Momineen

Ali bin Abi Talib (as):
"That a Bedouin came three days after the burial of
the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and his
family) and threw himself on the Holy grave and put
the soil on his head and said, "O Messenger of Allah
(saww), You said and we heard what you said. And
you made us aware about Allah and We became aware
about You. And it was revealed on you "If they had
only, when they were unjust to themselves, come unto
You...". I have wronged myself and have come to You,
so pray for forgiveness for me to my Lord." Then
came a call from the grave, verily He has forgiven
[Source: Al-Mazar - Shahid Al-Awwal, Pg. 4]

From Ziyarat-e-Jamiya
Ziyarat-e-Jamiya is an authentic Ziyarat truested
and relied up by scholars from the past and present.
This Ziyarat is also considered authentic by Sheikh
This Ziyarah can be recited for all the Imam's (as)
and hence its called 'Jamiya'.

"I take shelter in your neighborhood. I make a visit to
do homage and praise you. For me your resting
abodes are sanctuaries. In the court of the Almighty
you are my advocates. I seek His nearness through
you. And submit to you(keep before you) the
fulfillment of my wants and desire."

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"Ya Wali Allah! Indeed there are sins between God the mighty and tremendous - and me, that cannot be
removed except by your pleasure; so by the one who
has trusted you with His secret, and has made you
shepherds in the affairs of His creation; and has
conformed obeying you with obeying Him; seek the
pardon of my sins; and you are my interceders."

For the Imam's (as) that have passed away, we have

the following words in the Ziyarat which prove that
the status/position/authority/Wilayat of the Imam's
(as) remains the same even after their death.

"I testify that was was said earlier is for you in the
past and will continue to be for your in the future."
[Source: Ziyarat-e-Jamiya, Uyoon Al-Akbar Al-Reza Sheikh Sadooq]
For the details on the scholars who considered this
Ziyarat as authentic and reliable read here (in
Other than this, we have (at least) a couple of more
Ziyarat with similar meaning hence making this
Mutawaatir (frequently narrated). Those Ziyarat's
are also quoted below.

Prophet Muhammad (saww) says "O'Ali (as)

Reach me"

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"When Prophet Muhammad (saww) left for the battle
of Tabuq and left behind Ali bin Abi Talib (as) with
his family, and ordered him to stay with them. Then
the hypocrites said, "Prophet Muhammad (saww) did
not leave him behind but to be independent of him.
When Imam Ali (as) heard this, he took his weapon
and left towards the Prophet (saww) and said, "O
Messenger of Allah (saww), the hypocrites claim that
you left me behind to be independent of me.
Then the Messenger of Allah (saww) said, "They have
lied, but I left You behind, so that You are left after
Me. Go back and leave to my family and your family.
Are You not satisfied that You have to Me the
position/station that Haroon had with Moosa except
that there is no Messenger after me."
Then He went back towards Medina and the
Messenger of Allah (saww) carried on with his travel.
Then when He ordered the army, the army broke
apart and defeated the men from the Messenger of
Allah (swt)
Then Jibraeel descended and said, "O Messenger of
Allah (saww), Allah (swt) sends blessings upon you
and gives you tidings of support. And tells you that if
you wish the angels will descend killing, and if You
wish for Ali (as) , call Him, He will come to You. The
Messenger of Allah (swt) chose Ali (as) .
Then Jibraeel said, "Turn Your face towards Madina
and call, "O' Abal-Gais Reach me", "O'Ali Reach me",
"Reach me O'Ali".

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[Source: Madinat Al-Ma'ajiz, Vol. 2, Pg. 9-10]

Narrated from Mufazzal bin Amr from Aba Abdillah




Aba Abdillah (as) said:
"If you have a need from Allah (swt) and cannot reach
it, then pray 2 Rakat (units). Then after Salaam, say
"Allah is Great" 3 times, then recite the Tasbeeh of
Fatema (sa), then go to Sajdah (Prostration) and say
100 times 'O My Master Fatema (sa), help me'. Then
place your right cheek on the ground and say the
same again. Then return to Sujood (Prostration) and
say the same 110 times and then mention your need,
verily Allah (swt) will fulfill it."
[Source: Bihar Al-Anwar Vol. 99, Pg. 254, Al-Balad
al-Ameen Pg.159 - Actual source of this is the book
'Qabs Al-Misbah - Sheikh Al-Shehrasti]

Mohammad bin Is'haaq narrates from his scholars,

who said:

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When Ali ibn Abi Taleb returned from Ohud, he gave
his sword to Fatema (sa) and read this poem:"O
Fatema (sa)! Take my sword, the sword that is not
disgraced. I am not frightened nor am I a villain. I
swear that I worked hard to support Ahmad (saww)
and to please the Merciful lord of the slaves."
On the day of Ohud when it was very windy, people
heard a voice that recited this poem:
"There is no sword except Zulfiqar, and there is no
man except Ali.
When you need help, cry out the name of the loyal
one, and the (name of the) brother of the loyal one."
[Source: Amali - Sheikh Toosi 1:142 / Basharatul
Mustafa Le Shiyat e Murtuza Ch.11 Hadees.13]

Narrated from Abu Abdillah Imam Jafar Sadiq (as):


Abu Abdillah [Imam Sadiq (as)] said:
When you want to go to the Ziyarah of Husain (as),
go to his Ziyarah while you are saddened, anguished,
grief-stricken, disheveled, covered with dust, hungry
and thirsty for verily Husain (as) was killed while he
was saddened, anguished, disheveled, covered with
dust, hungry and thirsty.

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(After you perform your Ziyarah), ask him for your

needs and then leave. Do not settle in Karbala.
[Source: Al-Kafi Vol.4 Pg.587]

The following are the words from a Ziyarah of Imam

Az-Zaman (atfs):

"I ask You, O My Master to ask the Almighty God

for guidance in my matters, and fulfillment of my
needs, and the forgiveness of my sins, and taking my
hand in my religion and worldly affairs, and hereafter
to me and my brothers and sisters all believing men
and women, verily He (Allah)is Forgiving, Merciful."
[Source: Al Balad Al Ameen Pg. 286, Misbah Kafa'ami
Pg. 497]

Here are the words from a Ziyarat to be recited in the

month of Rajab. Its known as "Ziyarat e Rajabia"
This has come from the safeer of the 12th Imam (atfs)
- Abul Qasim Al-Husain bin Rooh (ra)
Following is what we say to the Imam's (as) in this

"I seek you, and depend upon you for my
questions/issues and my needs and it is to safe my
neck from the fire and make me stay with you in the
house of award with your Shias. And peace be upon
you .. I ask You and hope upon you in that what has

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been authorized to you and upon you is the

compensation as from you and upon you is to cure the
[Source: Misbah Al-Mutahajjid, Sheikh Toosi, Pg.

Prayer for fulfillment of needs near the head of

Imam Husain (as)

Narrated from Imam Sadiq (as), "One who has a need
from Allah (swt), then he is to stand near the head of
Imam Husain (as) and say, "O Aba Abdillah (as), I
testify that you are witnessing my position and
hearing my words. Verily you are alive near your Lord
receiving sustenance. Therefore ask Your Lord and
my Lord for the fullfilment of my needs."
[Source: Uddat Al-Daaee, Pg. 65]

Prophet Muhammad (saww) gives blessings

even after death


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It is written in Kanzul Fawaid by Karajaki that once
Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (asws) was eating food with Abu
Hanifa and after finisning, Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (asws)
expressed gratitude like this:
I thank Allah (azwj) who is the Sustainer of All
Worlds, O Allah (azwj) this was a blessing from You
(azwj) as well as from Your Prophet (saww).
Upon hearing this Abu Hanifa said: O Abu AbdAllah
(asws)! You have include someone else along with
Allah (azwj).
Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (asws) replied: Be Careful! Allah
(azwj) Says in His Book(9:59):
If only they had been content with what Allah and
His Messenger had gave them, and had said,
"Sufficient unto us is Allah! Allah and His Messenger
will soon give us out of their Kindness"
And at another place Allah (azwj) Says (9:74):
And they only stayed in opposition because Allah
and His Messenger enriched them out of His
After listening to these Verses from Imam Jafare-Sadiq (asws), Abu Hanifa said: By Allah (azwj)! It
seems I have never read or heard someone reciting
these Verses of the holy Quran before.
Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (asws) said: No, its not like this!
You have not only heard these Verses before but also
have read them. However, Allah (azwj) Says for you
and people like you(47:24):

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Will they then not meditate on the Qur'an, or are

there locks on the hearts?
and Says (83:14):
Nay, but that which they have earned is rust upon
their hearts.
[Source: Bihar Al Anwar Vol.47 Pg.240]


O Muhammad, O Ali, O Ali, O Muhammad, Give me
enough, because both of you provide sufficiently.
Help me, because both of you help and protect.
O our master, O the living Imam, HELP! HELP!
HELP!Reach me! Reach me! Reach me

Ziyarat Aale Yaseen

Imam Al-Asr (atfs) in His (atfs) Tawqee (letter) while
teaching us the Ziyarat of Aale Yaseen:


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Translating the part in red: "If you want to direct your
attention through US (as) to Allah (swt) and to US
[Source: Bihar Al-Anwar Vol. 53 Pg. 171]

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