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EC Understanding Key Concepts of EN1990

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S Denton, H Gulvanessian


S Denton, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Bristol, UK
H Gulvanessian, Independent Consultant, London, UK

BS EN 1990:2002 establishes principles and requirements for the safety, serviceability and
durability of structures, and describes the basis for their design and verification. It is a key
document and one that all bridge designers using the Eurocodes will need to be familiar with.
In particular, it explains how actions should be combined and contains partial factors on these
actions and factors to be used in evaluating their design effects. Perhaps most importantly,
however, it establishes the overall framework of principles used by the other Eurocode parts.
The paper provides an overview of BS EN 1990:2002 drawing out important issues with
particular emphasis on those that represent a change from past UK bridge design practice. In
doing so, six key new concepts are identified that bridge designers should understand. A
summary of each of these concepts is provided

Notation and Definitions

The notation and definitions used in this paper are as BS EN 1990:2002.

BS EN 1990:2002 was the first of the Eurocodes published, and it is frequently referred to as
the head Eurocode. This is because BS EN 1990:2002 essentially serves a dual role, and
understanding this fact is very helpful in understanding the Standard.
As would be expected, BS EN 1990:2002 sets out principles and requirements to be applied
by designers. In addition, it also establishes the overall framework of tools and principles
used by the drafters of the other Eurocode parts.
As a result, BS EN 1990:2002 includes some very general statements, such as clause 2.1(2)P
which states that a structure shall be designed to have adequate structural resistance,
serviceability, and durability. Whilst this is clearly an entirely sensible statement, BS EN
1990:2002 gives little guidance on how this should actually be done. Once designers are
familiar with the full Eurocode suite this is not a problem, because the means of fulfilling
such general principles are given in the other Eurocode parts.
It is sometimes helpful to think of BS EN 1990:2002 as a toolbox providing the tools that
are then used by the other Eurocode parts. This can make reading EN 1990 in isolation rather
tricky as it is not always immediately clear how the tools it creates are to be deployed. This
paper aims to help with that challenge.

S Denton, H Gulvanessian

It does so by providing an overview of BS EN 1990:2002 following its structure and drawing

out important issues with particular emphasis on those that represent a change from past UK
design practice. In doing so, six key new concepts are identified that bridge designers should
understand. These are: design situations; reversible and irreversible serviceability limit states;
representative values of variable actions; the six different ultimate limit states; the single
source principle; and the five general expressions for the combination of actions. A summary
of each of these concepts is provided in Appendix A.
The background to the UK National Annex to BS EN 1990:2002 is described by Lane et al[1].

Section 1 General
Section 1 of BS EN 1990:2002 sets out its scope and assumptions. It also contains definitions
and notation. It is noteworthy that the scope of BS EN 1990:2002 includes structural design
of civil engineering works, including execution and temporary structures, i.e. temporary
works (clause 1.1(2)), and also that it includes the structural appraisal of existing
construction, in developing the design of repairs and alterations or in assessing changes of
use (clause 1.1(4)). However, there is an important note below this latter clause that explains
that additional or amended provisions may be required for this purpose, which enables the
UK to maintain the use of existing assessment standards for bridges.
It is also worth noting that the assumptions given in clause 1.3(2) are quite onerous and
impact the designer, contractor and client. They include requirements for competency and
quality control.

Section 2 Requirements
Section 2 of BS EN 1990:2002 sets out basic requirements, and also general requirements for
reliability management, design working life, durability and quality management.
The basic requirements include the three stated in clause 2.1(2)P. These are that the structure
should be designed to have adequate structural resistance, serviceability, and durability.
There is, however, effectively a fourth basic requirement embodied in clause 2.1(4)P which
states that a structure shall be designed and executed in such a way that it will not be
damaged by eventsto an extent disproportionate to the original cause. This clause requires
structures to robust, and designers should be very mindful of this fundamental requirement,
particularly when designing structures with complicated structural forms, when using brittle
(or quasi-brittle) materials, components or connections, and in structures with limited
redundancy (i.e. without alternative load paths).

Section 3 Principles of Limit State Design

Section 3 of BS EN 1990:2002 sets of general principles of limit state design, addressing both
ultimate and serviceability limit states.
Design situations
BS EN 1990:2002, 3.2, introduces the concept of design situations. This is the first of the six
key new concepts summarised in Appendix A. Design situations are circumstances (sets of
physical conditions) that the structure might experience during its life. As explained in clause
3.2(3)P, the design situations taken into account in the design, shall be sufficiently severe

S Denton, H Gulvanessian

and varied so as to encompass all conditions that can reasonably be foreseen to occur during
the execution and use of the structure. Although it is important that the designer satisfies him
or herself that this principle has been followed, in general, the design situations that need to
be considered in bridge design are addressed through the requirements for actions in the
various parts of BS EN 1991, and in the requirements given in the other relevant Eurocode
parts, depending on the materials used and form of construction.
The real usefulness of the concept of design situations, however, lies in the way in which they
are classified. Design situations are drawn together into families that share common
characteristics. These categories or families are called persistent, transient, accidental and
seismic design situations. Since seismic design is rarely required in UK, it is the persistent,
transient and accidental categorisations that are of most interest.
The value of these categorisations is that they recognise that the design requirements for the
different families may be different. In practice, the distinction between persistent and
transient design situations is rather subtle, but the treatment of accidental design situations is
quite different.
Persistent design situations refer to conditions of normal use (clause 3.2(2)P) . The word
persistent is used because the structure will be in this configuration with the potential to
experience one of this family of design situations for an extended period of time, in fact,
typically for most of its design working life.
Transient design situations refer to temporary conditions when a structure is itself in some
special configuration for a period of time, such as during execution or maintenance. An
important distinction between persistent and transient design situations therefore stems from
the different duration of exposure, so that for example, for transient design situations it can be
reasonable to use reduced wind and thermal actions because of the shorter duration of the
design situation.
Accidental design situations refer to exceptional conditions in which there is typically some
extreme accidental event, such as a vehicle impact with a bridge pier or superstructure. The
important distinction with accidental design situations is that, because they are so unlikely to
occur in practice, some degree of damage to a structure can typically be accepted.
In bridge design identifying whether a design situation is accidental, transient or persistent is
usually straightforward. If the situation involves an accidental action then it is an accidental
design situation. If not, and the structure is itself in some special configuration for a short
period of time, then it is a transient design situation. And if it is not a transient design
situation, it will be a persistent design situation.
Ultimate limit states
Ultimate limit states are defined in BS EN 1990:2002 as limit states that concern the safety of
people, and/or the safety of the structure (see clause 3.3(1)P). This definition is similar to
past UK bridge design practice. However, as discussed later, a distinction is made between
six different specific ultimate limits.

S Denton, H Gulvanessian

Serviceability limit states

Ultimate limit states are defined in BS EN 1990:2002 as limit states that concern the
functioning of the structure or structural members under normal use; the comfort of people; or
the appearance of the construction works (see clause 3.4(1)P). Again this definition is similar
to past UK bridge design practice.
However, BS EN 1990:2002 then introduces in a concept that was not expressed explicitly in
past UK practice, when in clause 3.4(2)P it states that a distinction shall be made between
reversible and irreversible serviceability limit states. This is the second of the six key new
concepts. Of the six, it is the one that perhaps has the least direct impact on bridge design, but
it plays an important role in understanding the different combinations of actions defined for
serviceability limit state verifications as discussed later (as the sixth key new concept).
The concept of reversible and irreversible serviceability limit states is perhaps best understood
considering the case of a simply supported reinforced concrete beam with a point load at midspan. As the load applied to the beam is increased its deflection will also increase. At some
point this deflection may exceed a serviceability criterion. Whilst this is not an event that the
designer would wish to occur (too frequently), provided the beam remains elastic the beam
will return to an acceptable deflection when the load is reduced i.e. it is reversible condition.
The situation is rather different if the steel reinforcement yields when the load is further
increased. Yielding of the reinforcement is another serviceability criterion and if it occurs it
will mean that some permanent damage will be done to the beam; it will not return to its
original position when it is unloaded and cracks will remain i.e. it is irreversible condition.
Clearly, this is a more serious situation than the reversible condition.
Thus, it can be seen that not all serviceability limit states are of equal concern. Those which
are reversible are of less concern than irreversible once. Differentiating between reversible
and irreversible serviceability limit states is useful because it enables a different probability of
exceedence to be applied to each. As will be seen later, this can be done by using different
combinations of actions for reversible and irreversible serviceability limit states.

Section 4 Basic Variables

Section 4 of BS EN 1990 covers the three sets of basic variables considered in structural
design, viz: actions, material properties and geometry. Here the treatment of actions and
material properties will be discussed.
It is appropriate first to note the use of the term actions in this context. In past UK practice,
the term loads has traditionally been used, and in fact it remains an entirely valid term in a
Eurocode context. However, in the Eurocodes the term loads is used to refer to a set of forces
applied to a structure or the ground (i.e. direct actions). The term action is used more
generically to mean both loads and also imposed deformations or accelerations, such as those
due to thermal movements or earthquakes (i.e. indirect actions). In many ways, the use of the
term actions addresses an ambiguity in the way the term load has been used in the past.
Actions are classified by their variation in time as either (see clause 4.1.1(1)P):

S Denton, H Gulvanessian

permanent actions (denoted G), e.g. self-weight of structures, road surfacing and
indirect actions such as uneven settlements;
variable actions (denoted Q), e.g. traffic load, wind and thermal actions; or,
accidental actions (denoted A), e.g. impact from vehicles.

It will be sensible for designers to become familiar with this terminology, rather than using
the terms dead and live load. Likewise, it will be advisable to reserve the words persistent
and transient for design situations. Referring to a transient load in a Eurocode context is
potentially rather confusing since it mixes the terminology for actions and design situations.
For permanent actions, BS EN 1990:2002,4.1.2(2)P explains that their characteristic value
should either be taken as a single value, Gk, or if the variability of G cannot be considered as
small, as the worst case of an upper value, Gk,sup, or a lower value, Gk,inf. Further guidance is
provided on where the variability can be considered to be small and specifically, BS EN
1990:2002, 4.1.2(5) states that the self weight of the structure may be represented by a single
value Gk based on mean density and nominal dimensions.
In bridge design, important cases where the variability of G cannot be considered as small are
loads due to surfacing and ballast (see BS EN 1991-1-1:2002, 5.2.3). When the variability in
G cannot be considered as small, it is helpful to note that 4.1.2(2)P does not require upper and
lower values of G to be applied to the adverse and relieving areas of the influence surface.
Rather, whichever single value gives the worst case is taken throughout
For variable actions, BS EN 1990:2002, 4.1.3 introduces another new concept for UK bridge
designers. This is the concept of the four representative values of a variable action, and it is
the third key new concept, as summarised in Appendix A. As discussed later, these
representative values are used in the different combinations of actions.
The four representative values have different probabilities of occurrence. They are called the
characteristic, combination, frequent and quasi-permanent values. The characteristic value is
the main representative value, and is the value generally specified in the various parts of BS
EN 1991. It is a statistically extreme value: in the calibration of the basic highway traffic
loading model, LM1, it is a 1000-year return period value (see BS EN 1991-2: 2003, Table
2.1); for wind and thermal actions it is generally a 50-year return period value.
The combination value is established by BS EN 1990:2002 to address the reduced likelihood
that extreme values of more than one variable action will occur simultaneously. The frequent
value of a variable action can be understood as the value that is exceeded occasionally, but
not too often perhaps weekly or monthly. The calibration of the frequent value of LM1 is
based on a one week return period. The use of the word frequent here sometimes causes some
confusion, since it is essentially a relative term; here it is frequent in relation to the
characteristic value. The quasi-permanent value is generally the value that is exceeded most
of the time. For traffic loads on bridges and wind actions, the quasi-permanent value is
therefore zero.
The four representative values of a variable action are illustrated in Figure 1. The
combination, frequent and quasi-permanent values of a variable action are found by

S Denton, H Gulvanessian

multiplying the characteristic value by 0, 1, and 2 respectively. For bridge design,

recommended -factors are given in BS EN 1990:2002, A2.2. The UK National Annex
modifies the values for road bridges and footbridges.
Instantaneous value of Q
Characteristic value Qk



Combination value oQk

Frequent value 1Qk

Quasi-permanent value 2Qk


Figure 1. Illustration of four representative values of a variable action

Material and product properties

BS EN 1990:2002, 4.2(1) explains that properties of materials (including soil and rock)
should be represented by characteristic values. It also states that when a limit state
verification is sensitive to the variability of a material property, upper and lower characteristic
values of the material property should be taken into account (clause 4.2(2)). Although it is
rare that an upper characteristic material property will govern a design, rather than the lower
value that is generally used, there are some important cases in bridge design when it can do
so. These include earth pressures applied to integral bridges and other buried structures,
where an upper characteristic angle of shearing resistance of the soil can govern.

Section 5 Structural Analysis and Design Assisted by Testing

Section 5 of BS EN 1990:2002 gives general principles and requirements for structural
modelling and analysis. These provide the framework for the more detailed treatment
included in the various Eurocode material parts.

Section 6 Limit State Design and Annex A2 Application for

Section 6 of BS EN 1990:2002 describes how the partial factor method is applied in limit
state verifications. It provides the overall framework for the applications of the partial factor
method, including the way in which actions are combined and partial factors are applied. It is
best considered, however, in conjunction with BS EN 1990:2002, Annex A2 which gives
supplementary bridge-specific requirements for establishing combinations of actions (except
for fatigue verifications which are typically addressed in the relevant material part), provides

S Denton, H Gulvanessian

-factors and material-independent partial factors, and also gives methods and rules for some
material-independent serviceability limit states (e.g. vibrations and deformations of rail
Design values
The design values of action effects are determined accounting for uncertainties in the actions
themselves and also uncertainties in the evaluation of effects of actions. Similarly, design
values of resistances are determined accounting for uncertainties in material properties and
also uncertainties in resistances models.
Strictly this is done by using two partial factors in determining action effects (with one
applied to the action and the other to the effect of the action) and two partial factors in
determining resistances (with one applied to material properties and the other applied to
resistances). These factors are:
Action effects:




partial factor for the action which takes account of the possibility
of unfavourable deviations of the action values from the
representative values
partial (model) factor taking account of uncertainties in modelling
the effects of actions
partial factor for the action which takes account of the possible
unfavourable deviations of a material from its characteristic value
partial (model) factor covering uncertainty in the resistance model

The model factors Sd and Rd are similar to the partial factor f3 used in past UK bridge design
practice (see BS 5400[2]). They are illustrated in Figure 2 (included towards the end of the
Whilst it is quite rational to recognise these four different sources of uncertainty, in practice
the application of partial factors is generally simplified in the Eurocodes by combining:

f and Sd into a single partial factor denoted F (or more specifically Q for variable
actions and G for permanent actions), and,
m and Rd into a single partial factor denoted M

Values of F and M are given in the relevant Eurocode parts, and their National Annexes, with
material-behaviour independent factors (i.e. almost all partial factors on actions) given in BS
EN 1990:2002, Annex A2. Clearly for linear analyses combining the partial factors in this
way will not affect the overall result. For non-linear analyses some careful thought is always
required concerning the correct application of partial factors (see e.g. BS EN 1992-2, 5.7).
Ultimate limit states
BS EN 1990:2002 and BS EN 1997-1:2004 require six ultimate limit states to be explicitly
verified where relevant. Although all of these would have been considered in past UK bridge
design practice, their explicit identification and treatment is the fourth key new concept , as
summarised in Appendix A.

S Denton, H Gulvanessian

The six ultimate limit states are referred to as EQU, STR, GEO, FAT, UPL and HYD. Three
of these (EQU, UPL and HYD) are principally concerned with stability, and three (STR, GEO
and FAT) are principally concerned with resistances. Two (Uplift and Hydraulic heave) are
only dealt with in BS EN 1997-1:2004 and are rarely relevant in bridge design so will not be
considered further here.
The three ultimate limit states principally concerned with resistances, STR, GEO and FAT,
cover failure of structural members, failure of the ground and fatigue failure respectively.
The EQU ultimate limit state covers the loss of static equilibrium of a structure, although as
discussed further below, it has a very important relationship with the single source principle.
The usefulness of explicitly identifying six different ultimate limit states lies in the
opportunity it provides to use different criteria and different partial factors in their
verification. For example, in EQU verifications the partial factors on actions given in
National Annex to BS EN 1990:2002, Table NA.A2.4(A) are used; for STR verifications not
involving geotechnical actions of resistances, the partial factor in Table NA.A2.4(B) are used;
and, for STR and GEO verifications involving geotechnical actions of resistances the partial
factors in both Table NA.A2.4(B) and Table NA.A2.4(C) are used. This latter case is
discussed by Denton et al[3].
Single source principle
Tables NA.A2.4(A)-(C) give two partial factors for each permanent action: a higher value,
denoted, G,sup, to be used when the action is unfavourable; and, a lower value, denoted G,inf,
to be used when the action is favourable.
There is, however, a very important note in the UK National Annex to BS EN 1990:2002,
Table NA.A2.4(B) and Table NA.A2.4(C). This note states that the characteristic values of
all permanent actions from one source may be multiplied by G,sup if the total resulting action
effect from this source is unfavourable, and by G,inf if the total resulting action from this
source is favourable. This note is a statement of the single source principle, which is the fifth
new key concept in Appendix A.
The single source principle is very convenient for designers as it means that it is not necessary
to apply different partial factors to the favourable and unfavourable parts of a permanent
action arising from a single source such as a continuous bridge deck (i.e. to the adverse and
relieving areas of the influence surface). Because the note is included in Table NA.A2.4(B)
and Table NA.A2.4(C), it means that the single source principle may be used in STR and
GEO verifications.
There is, however, a risk in applying the single source principle, particularly in conjunction
with the single characteristic value for a permanent action allowed by BS EN 1990:2002,
4.1.2(2)P. This risk arises because the sensitivity of the structure to minor variations in the
magnitude or spatial distribution of a permanent action from a single source is not examined,
and where such minor variations could lead to collapse it is critical that this is done. The
EQU ultimate limit state fulfils this purpose, and the single source principle is not (in fact,
must not) be applied at EQU.

S Denton, H Gulvanessian

In reality, cases where minor variations in the magnitude or spatial distribution of a permanent
action from a single source could lead to collapse are rare. They should certainly be very rare
in persistent design situation, since if not, it would clearly be questionable whether sufficient
robustness is being achieved in designs. Typically, the collapse load of statically
indeterminate structures with even very modest ductility will be insensitive to variations in the
magnitude or spatial distribution of a permanent action. Cases can, however, be unavoidable
in transient design situations, such as during bridge launches or in balanced cantilever
Special cases in the application of EQU
There is recognised issue with the current drafting of the definition of EQU in BS EN
1990:2002, 6.4.1(1)P. EQU is defined as, loss of static equilibrium of the structure or any
part of it considered as a rigid body, where (i) minor variations in the value or the spatial
distribution of actions from a single source are significant, and (ii) the strengths of
construction materials or ground are generally not governing.
The first part of this definition explains that EQU is concerned with a loss of static
equilibrium of the structure or any part of it considered as a rigid body, i.e. the formation of a
collapse mechanism. It is perhaps questionable whether it needs to be explicitly stated that
the structure or any part of it needs to be considered as a rigid body, but otherwise the
intention is clear. The second part of the definition aligns with key role of EQU to account
for the implication of possible minor variations in the value or the spatial distribution of
actions from a single source. A difficult arises, however, with the third part of the definition,
particularly since it is given as an additional requirement (i.e. the word and used) rather than
an alternative one.
The difficulty is that there are cases where minor variations in the value or the spatial
distribution of actions from a single source could lead to collapse, but the strengths of
construction materials or the ground are governing. An example would be the design of a
prop to prevent overturning of the deck during balanced cantilever construction. The UK
National Annex to BS EN 1990:2002 acknowledges this issue in Table NA.A2.4(A) note 9,
but is not explicit on how such cases should be treated, explaining that appropriate factors
may be determined on a project specific basis.
Although such cases are themselves rather rare, being effectively a special case of a special
case, it is valuable to provide some advice on how they should be treated. Firstly, it is clearly
crucial (and a necessary part of the EQU limit state) that the single source principle is not
applied, i.e. that the favourable and unfavourable parts of permanent actions from a single
source are modelled and factored separately.
Secondly, applying either the partial factors for permanent actions in Tables NA.A2.4(A), (B)
or (C) alone will be not appropriate. The partial factors for permanent actions in Tables
NA.A2.4(A) reflect relative uncertainty in their value and special distribution; whereas those
partial factors for permanent actions in Tables NA.A2.4(B) and (C) reflect overall
uncertainty in the magnitude of the action effect.

S Denton, H Gulvanessian


Generally, it will be appropriate to adopt the following approach where minor variations in
the value or the spatial distribution of permanent actions from a single source are significant
and the strengths of construction materials are governing:

model the favourable and unfavourable parts of permanent actions from a single
source separately
factor the (effects of) unfavourable parts of permanent actions by the product of G*
and G,sup as given in Table NA.A2.4(A)
factor the (effects of) favourable parts of permanent actions by the product of G* and
G,inf as given in Table NA.A2.4(A)

where G* is either G,sup or G,inf as given in Table NA.A2.4(B), whichever is more onerous
for the particular verification.
Where minor variations in the value or the spatial distribution of permanent actions from a
single source are significant and the strength of the ground is governing, it is likely to be
appropriate to use a similar approach and adjust the Table NA.A2.4(B) and Table
NA.A2.4(C) partial factors is a similar fashion, applying them in conjunction with the partial
factors on materials and resistances defined in BS EN 1997-1:2004, as
combination 1 and 2 respectively according to Design Approach 1. (See Denton et al[3] for
background on design approaches).
Combinations of actions
BS EN 1990:2002 identifies five general expressions for the combination of actions that are
used for bridge design in UK. There is a further combination for seismic design, but this is
not usually relevant in UK and is not considered here.
Combinations of actions is the sixth key new concept summarised in Appendix A. Their
application is discussed in more detail and demonstrated by Stacy et al[4]. They are
summarised in Table 1. Each combination of actions has a different statistical likelihood of
occurring and they are used for different limit state verifications.
BS EN 1990:2002 expresses the requirement that all actions that can occur simultaneously
should be considered together in these combinations of actions (see clause A2.2.1(1)). There
are, of course, cases where for functional or physical reasons actions cannot occur
simultaneously and examples are given in BS EN 1990:2002, A2.2. In the case of bridge
design, the way in which actions are combined is further simplified by forming traffic loads
into groups which are then treated as a single (multi-component) variable action (again, see
Stacy et al[4]).
Two combinations of actions are used for ultimate limit state verifications: one is used for
persistent and transient design situations and the other for accidental design situations.
Three combinations of actions are used for serviceability limit state verifications. These are
called the characteristic combination, the frequent combination and the quasi-permanent
combination. The quasi-permanent combination is also used for calculating long-term effects,
such as creep. Although not always honoured by the other Eurocode parts, it was the

S Denton, H Gulvanessian


intention of BS EN 1990:2002 that the characteristic combination would generally be used for
irreversible serviceability limit state verifications and the less onerous frequent combination
would be used for reversible serviceability limit state verifications.




actions, Qk,j
(j > 1)


variable action,

Prestress, P

Accidental action

actions, Gk

BS EN 1990 Equn
Ultimate Persistent or
transient design
Service- Characteristic








1 (4)





















(1) Values of are obtained from Tables NA.A2.4(A)-(C)
(2) Values of are obtained from Tables NA.A2.1, Table NA.A2.2, Table A2.3 for road bridges,
footbridges and rail bridges respectively
(3) Expressions 6.10a and 6.10b are not used in bridge design, see NA.
(4) Expression 6.11 allows the use of either or 1 or 2, but 1 is generally used for bridges, See
Table NA.A2.5. However, see also BS EN 1990:2002, A2.2.5(3).
(5) Also used for long term effects.
(6) Guidance on which combination should be used for specific serviceability limit state verifications
is given in the relevant parts of EN 1992 to EN 1999.
Table 1. Combinations of actions used in UK bridge design

Limit state verification

The approach to limit state verification is dependent on the limit state being considered but in
all cases is based on ensuring that the relevant effect does not exceed a relevant design value,
which may be a resistance, a stabilising action or some serviceability criterion (see BS EN
1990:2002, 6.4.2(1)P, 6.4.2(3)P and 6.5.1(1)P).

S Denton, H Gulvanessian


As an illustration, the overall approach to the verification of STR ultimate limit state for a
persistent or transient design situation is shown in Figure 2. This figure highlights the way in
which partial factors and -factors are applied, including the way in which f, Sd, m and Rd
may be used, although as discussed above and indicated in note (ii) they are more generally
combined into two partial factors F and M.































Where the action is a traffic load group, factors will have been pre-applied to the
non-leading actions within that group


In many cases, Sd may be combined with f and applied as a single factor F to the
actions, and Rd is combined with m and applied as a single factor M to the material

Figure 2. Verification of STR limit state for persistent or transient design situation

An overview of the key aspects of BS EN 1990:2002 relevant to bridge design has been
presented. Six key new concepts have been identified that bridge designers should
understand, viz:

design situations;
reversible and irreversible serviceability limit states;
representative values of variable actions;
six ultimate limit states;
single source principle; and,
combinations of actions.

The first five concepts all play a key role in understanding the sixth concept. The category of
design situation dictates the combination of actions used for ultimate limit state verifications.

S Denton, H Gulvanessian


The distinction between reversible and irreversible serviceability limit states explains why
both the characteristic and frequent combinations of actions are used for serviceability limit
state verifications. The four representative values of variable actions play a key role in
accounting for the reduced likelihood that extreme values of several variable actions will
occur at the same time and in the various combinations of actions having different statistical
likelihoods of occurring. The six ultimate limit states and the single source principle dictate
how partial factors are applied and the values used for persistent and transient design

The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of colleagues at Parsons Brinckerhoff
in developing some of the presentational materials included in this paper.



Lane, J, Shetty, N, Ko, R, Denton, S and Gulvanessian, H, Development of the UK

National Annex for EN 1990 Annex A2,
BS 5400, Code of practice for the design of bridges, BSi, London.
Denton, S, Kidd, A, Simpson, B and Bond, A, Overview of Geotechnical design of
bridges and the provisions of UK NA for EN1997-1, in Proceedings of Bridge Design
to Eurocodes UK Implementation, Ed. by S. Denton, Nov 2010, ICE, London.
Stacy, M, Shave, J, Denton, S and Hendy, C, Understanding combinations of actions,
in Proceedings of Bridge Design to Eurocodes UK Implementation, Ed. by S.
Denton, Nov 2010, ICE, London.

Appendix A Summary of Key New Concepts

Key concept summary 1: Design situations
Design situations are categorised as persistent, transient, accidental or seismic. These
categorisations draw together families of circumstances or conditions that the structure might
experience during its life. Persistent design situations refer to conditions of normal use. As
such, for a highway bridge, they will include the passage of heavy vehicles since the ability to
carry heavy vehicles is a key functional requirement. Transient design situations refer to
circumstances when the structure is itself in some temporary configuration, such as during
execution or maintenance. Accidental design situations refer to exceptional circumstances
when a structure is experiencing an extreme accidental event.

Key concept summary 2: Reversible and irreversible serviceability limit states

The Eurocodes differentiate between reversible and irreversible serviceability limit states.
Irreversible serviceability limit states are of greater concern than reversible serviceability
limit states. The acceptable probability of an irreversible serviceability limit state being
exceeded is lower than that for a reversible serviceability limit state. A more onerous
combination of actions is used for irreversible serviceability limit states than reversible
serviceability limit states.

S Denton, H Gulvanessian


Key concept summary 3: Representative values of a variable action

There are four different representative values of a Variable Action. The characteristic value is
a statistically extreme value. It is the main representative value, and the value generally
defined in EN1991. The other representative values are called the combination value,
frequent value and quasi-permanent value. They are determined by multiplying the
characteristic value by 0 , 1 and 2 respectively. The combination, frequent and quasipermanent values are less statistically extreme than the characteristic value, so 0 , 1 and
2 are always less than 1.

Key concept summary 4: Ultimate limit states

The Eurocodes explicitly establish six different ultimate limit states. Two of these, UPL and
HYD, are specific to EN1997. Two are concerned with resistances: STR when verifying
structural resistance and GEO when verifying the resistance of the ground. FAT is concerned
with fatigue. EQU is principally concerned with ultimate limit states involving a loss of
overall equilibrium. However, it has an important relationship with the single source
principle (see key concept summary 5). Different partial factors on actions and geotechnical
material properties are used for different ultimate limit states

Key concept summary 5: Single source principle

Application of the single source principle allows a single partial factor to be applied to the
whole of an action arising from a single source. The value of the partial factor used depends
on whether the resulting action effect is favourable or unfavourable. EN1990 allows the
single source principle to be used for STR and GEO verifications. EQU addresses cases
when minor variations in the magnitude or spatial distribution of a permanent action from a
single source are significant.

Key concept summary 6: Combinations of actions

EN1990 establishes five different combinations of actions relevant to bridge design in UK.
Different combinations of actions are used for verifying different limit states. They have
different statistical likelihoods of occurring. The quasi-permanent combination is also used
when analysing long-term effects. The differences between the combinations of actions
concern: whether partial factors are applied; which representative values of variable actions
are used; and, whether there is an accidental action included. The different combinations of
actions are used in conjunction with the Eurocode material parts. The Eurocode part
generally states explicitly which combination is to be used in each SLS verification.

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