Sumerian Biblical Parallel

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Cain and Able: Inanna prefers the Farmer

The struggle between farmers and herders is a common motif in Mesopotamia. It

shows up early on in the story of Cain and Able where the moral is that a
sacrifice of vegetation is nothing compared to a sacrifice of meat.

In the myth "Inanna Prefers the Farmer" Dumuzi, the shepherd god, competes
with a farm god for the affections of Inanna. Inanna ends up preferring the
farmer, but Dumuzi ends up wooing her after threatening the farm god with

In each of these myths similar things happen, but with reversed roles. Cain
committed violence against able, and the outside force preferred the farmer to
the shepherd in the biblical version.

The theme can again be seen in the myth "Debate between Cattle and Grain"
where Lahar, god of cattle, and his sister Ashnan, goddess of grain, were created
so that the gods could enjoy their products. These gods were unable to make
effective use of these items, so man was created.

The Sumerian gods, being relatively peaceful by comparison, did not end up at
each others throats. They did however argue about who is the greater, in the
process belittling the other's product. We don't know who won that argument as
we do not yer have the end of that myth.

Abraham of Ur: A direct connection

How do we know that the Sumerian myths came before the biblical myths? In the
bible Abraham is said to come from the city of Ur of the Chaldeas. That means
that Abraham would have come out of the middle east and been aware of the
myths, customs, and beliefs of the people of Ur.

Abraham was thought to have lived sometime around 1850 BC. This would have
placed him as a contemporary with Sargon the first of Assyria, not to be
confused with Sargon the great founder of the Akkadian Dynasty, according to G.

Roux. He would have been an Akkadian speaking person from Babylon. This
would have been long before the Chaldeans, but the city would still be the same.

The bible described Abraham's behavior and the behavior of those who were
with him and we can easily see that they were shining examples of what an
Akkadian of the day would have been like. He was gracious as both a host and a
guest. He was loyal to his personal god, going so far as to make a traditional
covenant with him.

This connection is important. Some have argued over the years that the early
parts of the bible were simply stories made up for entertainment or for other
reasons. This connection shows not only where the myths come from, but it puts
them in a context that makes sense for the culture of the day.

Over time this man who followed many gods would give rise to a people who
recognized many gods but followed only one as we can see in the time of Moses.
From there they would go through the reforms of Leviticus and develop into the
strictly monotheistic people that we think of today as the Jews. From there the
monotheism would break down into a triumvirate with an evil god as their rival
and be added to a host of saints and angels to become the Christian pantheon of

The flood: Removing man from the earth

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