Valdez v. RTC QC
Valdez v. RTC QC
Valdez v. RTC QC
Whether or not RTC acted in its capacity; decided correctly in applying Art. 147 to
RTC decision affirmed
1. Art. 147, 148 apply to
properties in question
Case at bar is governed by co-ownership just like with
common law spouses. Any property acquired during union is
presumed obtained jointly. Neither party can dispose of
share without consent. If one party acted in bad faith,
shares to his/her children.
Absolute community or conjugal partnership of gains applies
to valid and voidable marriages. Coincident property
relations not to be assumed before annulment.
Court with jurisdiction on nullity must be able to resolve
incidental/consequential matters as well
Present law aims to do away with continuing uncertainty of
status of 2nd marriage after nullification of 1 st. Art. 43, relates
to Art. 41, 42 on effects of termination of subsequent