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2008 Putin Study

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A Technical Report on the Nature of



With gratitude to

Vladimir Putin,
The President of Russia
For helping us understand

. . . . . .

Prepared by Brenda Connors,

For the Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense
January 2008
The views expressed in this report are those of the author and do not reflect the official view,
policy, or position of the. Department of Defense or the United States Government.

Movement patterns enervate basic. human development, including brain function. This
developmental process also underlies perception, learning and action which relates to
how decision making unfolds. How, a person (and their body) visibly reveals the self in
motion ultimately offers a map to how their brain functions and how they make
decisions. Today, neuroscience. is. rapidly approaching the time - - when the. linkage of
movement and the brain - - through use of magnetic resonance imaging, (fMRI) and brain
scanners - - can be more accurately traced and depicted.
This visible, but subtle template. also sets a grid for a better understanding of human
leadership potential- as well as compensation. This technical report discusses these links
in relation to one subject in particular, the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. He is our
focus because his movement patterns and his microexpressions, analyzed on open source
video, so clearly reveals that the Russian President carries a neurological abnormality,
This profound behavioral challenge has been identified by leading neuroscientists as
Asperger's Syndrome, an autistic disorder which affects all of his decisions. His primary
form of compensation is extreme control and this is isomorphically reflected in his
decision style and how he governs.
Brain neurology is primarily embedded in the first year of life. Putin's neurological
development was significantly interrupted in infancy. Analysis of adult hardwired
movement patterns, such as Putin's, offer visible evidence about which patterns are fully
wired, which are more dominant and which may be latent. Although, brain scanning
through fMRI presumably can not be conducted upon the Russian President, the links
nonetheless to behavior, the brain and movement can be traced and act as a foundation
from which to design a future scientific test of such conelates on other subjects.
Putin's abnormality and its affect on his governance is so apparent, it becomes a prime
template for more general research related to decision and leadership analysis as well as
the eventual interpretation of how the brain and central nervous. system develop, in part,
through the unfolding of basic neurological movement patterns.
Scientifically, the movement brain and decision template offers a basis for empirically
testing human movement patterning's developmental effect on brain function, and, by
extension- human decision making, including our potential to predict it. Putin's recent
decision to hold on to power confirms an earlier prediction by this investigation.
Moreover, his continuing presence on the world stage provides a rich ongoing basis to
confirm previous project hypotheses about his behavior. An individual's leadership
potential and the degree to which compensation may play a role can also be determined
through this approach. The findings would be applicable to all leaders. The next
deliverable will outline such a scientific approach and the means of testing it with
application of reliable measures made to real world assessments

As a real world subject, Putin also displays the kind of powerful compensatory patterns
simply not well understood in the history of some of the world's most authoritarian and
unpredictable leaders. This warrants further investigation as well. Putin's unique
behavioral profile (and continuing presence on the world stage) offers obvious data for
tracing human compensation patterns and the implications for political and behavioral
Lastly, appreciating more specifically what a leader intrinsically carries gives political
scientists a measure to better interpret behavioral baselines in relation to strategic context
and national culture. Movement is an enervator of the brain which reflects ultimately
leadership potential. For the national security community, appreciating the actual
significance of the role of movement also offers a potential for intervention and
repatterning of individuals in (or on their way to) powerful positions. As such,
understanding better those. links, their significance and their potential to predict behavior
and decisions is as potent an instrument as an evolving weapon system.

Movement, Brain, Decision Template -- Linking Neuroscience to Predicting

Decision and Leadership Style
Movement patterns enervate basic human development, including brain function. This
developmental process also underlies perception, learning and action which relates to
how decision making unfolds. How, a person (and their body) visibly reveals the self in
motion ultimately offers a map to how their brain functions and how they make
decisions. Today, neuroscience is rapidly approaching the time - - when the linkage of
movement and the brain - - through use of magnetic resonance imaging, (fMRI) and brain
scanners - - can be more accurately traced and depicted.
This visible, but subtle template also sets a grid for a better understanding of human
leadership potential- as well as compensation. This technical report discusses these .links
in relation to one subject in particular, the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. He is our
focus because his movement patterns and his microexpressions, analyzed on open source
video so clearly reveals that the Russian President carries a neurological abnormality, a
profound behavioral challenge identified by leading neuroscientists as Asperger's
Syndrome, an autistic disorder which affects all of his decisions. His primary form of
compensation is extreme control and this is isomorphically reflected in his decision style
and how he governs.
These movement patterns were initially detected through movement analysis as early as
New Years Day 2000, in the first television footage ever seen of the then, newly
appointed president of Russia. Today, project neurologists confirm this research project's
earlier hypothesis that very early in life perhaps, even in utereo, Putin suffered a huge

hemispheric event 1 to the left temporal lobe of the prefrontal cortex which involves both
central and peripheral nervous systems, 2 gross motor functioning on his right side (head,

A stroke is the

leading hypothesis. Putin's mother was.41 at the time of his birth and apparently in

extremely fragile health. She had given birth twenty years earlier to Putin's two brothers, one who died at
birth and the other dead of diphtheria at five, while. he and Putin's mother lived in a children's shelter. Putin
refers to his mother in his self portrait,. First Person., saying she was often hungry, in fact she once fainted

and was placed on a pile of dead bodies taken for starved but was revived.
2 It is assumed that our central nervous system (CNS) affects how we emotionally and cognitively
experience, filter, organize and respond to information and thus make decisions. Since the late 1800 -1900s,
the autonomic nervous system was considered to have two branches: the sympathetic and the
parasympathetic. Basically our fight and flight and flee responses were connected to the sympathetic. Our
more ordinary functioning, when we are calm and collected, belong to the parasympathetic. So called
Balance theories about the CNS and its two parts had evolved because many of our organs are connected to
both parasympathetic. and sympathetic systems. The Poly vagal theory describes the newer theory and the
actual neurophysical and neuroanatomical distinction between the two branches.

rib cage, arm and leg) and his micro facial expression, eye gaze, hearing, and voice


general affect.
Time Magazine's top editors are astute observers in describing their 2007 man of the
year. Their interpretation of Putin's eyes however would likel y be challenged by

behavioral scientists. Their person of the year article, A Tsar is Born5 begins with the
following sentence about Putin's appearance and his eyes.
"No one is born with a stare like Vladimir Putin's. The Russian President's pale
blue eyes are so cool, so devoid of emotion that the stare must have began as an
affect, the gesture of someone who understood that power might be achieved by
the suppression of ordinary needs, like blinking."

Pervasive Developmental Disorders such as Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism.

arguably have their roots in the earliest months of life 7 when basic neurological

patterning, senses and perception and reflexes emerge and become integrated into an

infants early functioning. 8 During this time, movement also acts as a catalyst to brain
development in that movement as a medium, is a two way street. The relationship
between the neurodevelopmental movement patterns and the central nervous system is

mutually influential. "Neurodevelopmental movement patterns influence the growth and

function of the central nervous system. Equally, the Central Nervous (CNS) system
affects whether or not all the types of movement will occur and their quality." While we

The movement of Putin's right arm and right leg has a loss of immediacy in the initiation of the actjon. It

takes his CNS longer to kick in, in order to move these extremities. He is not "weak "as he has spent the
better part of his life strengthening his body. Dr. Jeremy Schmahmann, Harvard Medical School cerebellum
theorist,. the latest brain expert to examine the footage believes the origin of Putin's loss likely occurred as
an interuterine injury. Conversely, he believes. if Putin was weak-than

a more

recent onset- and brain

damage. would hypothetically have been likely. However, with such a long standing insult as his, you get
slowness, delayed initiation which is what is seen in. Putin. Movement function, according. to Schmahmann
is about "much more than justt strength, it's about coordination, accuracy, motor dexterity, agility and lies
far outside of realm of tone and tremor that afflicts those who have cerebral palsy or Parkinson's, for

For a more complete discussion of the analysis on Putin's micro-facial expressions see Brenda Connors

earlier report, "An Act of Trust to Move Ahead" prepared for the Office of Net Assessment, 2005. This
includes Connors' interpretation of Putin's emotional baseline as well as the commissioned expert analysis
of Dr. Mark Frank, Paul Ekman's, the founder of Facial Action Coding, associate.

Time Magazine, Person of the Year, A Tsar is Born, Time Magazine, Dec 3 I -Jan 7, 2008, pp 46-62.
Grubinger, Lenore Grubinger, Neurodevelopmental Movement Patterns and the Central Nervous System.,

200 I, www.amajoy.net.

While a plethora of autism research has been conducted in recent years on the origins of the disease and

even its definition across a wide spectrum of syndromes, no definitive theory seems to account for its
etiology, See Harvard Magazine, Autism.: Probing The Roots Of a Devastating Disorder, Jan. -Feb , 2008,
pp. 27 -31. Movement research and analysis has however been used to diagnose the presence of autism
before age one.
8 This project's analysis is based on the work of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen's Body Mind Centering as well
as another movement analysis method, the Eskhol Wachman System are both promising approaches to
detection of autism in the first year of life. See also "a Neurophysiological Basis for Intervention" by Ralph
G. Maurer,D., Center for Autism and Related Disabilities, University of Florida, Gainsville, Florida, 32610.
9 Lenore

Grubinger, Neurodevelopmental Movement Patterns and the Central Nervous System,. 2001,

www.amajoy.net, Grubinger, Ibid, p. 6.

are genetically designed to naturally mature - movement and the CNS are actually the
vehicles through which much of the interaction between an infant's inner and outside
environments takes. place. "This reciprocal relationship is simultaneously physical and
The behavioral implications of the early trauma Putin suffered are profound, affecting his
ability to. socially interact which poses great behavioral challenges to his. cognitive and
emotional processing as leader. Dr. Stephen Porges, neurobiologist and founder of the
1995 Polyvagal theory, a new interpretation of human evolutionary adaptation, believes
Putin's brain wiring is latent where (the nervous system links to the head and face to
enervate his) typical social engagement behaviors emerge. Instead Putin is primarily
perceiving and expressing himself from the earlier adaptive fight/flight or flee stages of
I n short, Putin's neurological perception is challenged and autism experts say this can
manifest in hypersensitivity, social shyness and behavioral withdrawal from social
Recently, while being interviewed for Time's international award by the Magazine's
editors, his hyper vigilance shone through. Here's another description of the Russian
President's affect during the. interaction:
"He is impatient to the point of rudeness with small talk", . . .


"Charm is not part of his presentation of self -he makes no effort to be

ingratiating. One senses that he pays constant obeisance to a determined inner


. . . he misread several of ours attempts at playfulness."


Put in himself is sardonic but humorless. In om hours together, he didn't attempt a

JOk e, . . .
Theoretically, Putin's brain behavioral abnormalities affects his social engagement and
defensive behaviors, including, sensing whether the environment is safe or, others
trustworthy. This needs to be respected, if good and "trusting" interactions are to occur.
During the Time interview, he answered 2 1 questions. His response to one editor's query
reflects in this analysts mind, Putin's basic personal struggle -- whether or not he can
trust anyone- an issue that is so basic to his neuroceptive condition.




Time Magazine, Ibid, P. 49.


Tbid, p.48.
Ibid, p.SO.

Time's Question :
"what do. you think are. American misconceptions about Russia? . .
Putin's Response:
"Well, you. know, I don't believe these are misconceptions. I think this is a
purposeful attempt by some to create an image of Russia based on which one
could influence our internal and foreign policies. This is the reason why
everybody is made to believe, like, its O.K. to pinch the Russians somewhat. They
are a little bit savage still, or they just climbed down from the trees and probably

need to have their hair brushed and their beards trimmed." 15

A prefrontal cortex insult also involves the brain's decision activities such as reasoning,
planning, organizing, and strategizing, key components of leadership.

Brain - Movement Loss


Brain neurology is primarily embedded in the first year of life. Putin's neurological
development was significantly inten-upted in infancy. Analysis of adult hardwired
movement patterns. such as his which remain consistent over a lifetime and can offer
visible evidence about which patterns are fully wired, which are more dominant and
which may be latent. Although, brain scanning through a fMRI presumably can not be
conducted upon the Russian President, the links nonetheless to behavior, the brain and
movement can be traced and act as a foundation from which to design a future scientific
test of such correlates on other subjects. Moreover, as a real world subject, Putin
continues to display the kind of powerful compensatory patterns simply not well
understood in the history of some of the world's most authoritarian and unpredictable
leaders.. This warrants further investigation as. well. Putin's. behavioral profile (and
continuing presence on the world stage) offers obvious data for tracing the nature of
physical and emotional compensation and their implications politically and behaviorally.
When developmentally

profound capacity is missing as in Putin's case, due to the early

trauma and neurological abnormality, excessive control at all costs and hard work have
buttressed his lack of social and perceptual skills. The inestimatable sources of human
potential and plasticity in the face of profound loss have enabled him to function, albeit,
with compromised neuroception and expressive capabilities.
Putin's overall approach to governance, driven by a need for extreme control, amassing
personal power and an excessive attention to detail has today brought Russia a unique

ibid, p.51.

social contract. Apparently, the Russian are people feeling slightly better off. The long
term effects however of eradicating any previous "ether" of human political freedom is
heretofore unknown and a source of concern among many experts.
Physiological Loss Of Freedom-Origin of Extreme Political Control
Putin lost "freedom" in the most basic behavioral sense when so early in life he suffered
the neurological insult. If a brain MRI scan could be conducted, we could confirm that
the left hemisphere insult to the prefrontal cortex of the brain took place which would
also roughly corresponds to movement patterning and neurological. enervation related to
the forebrain as we11 as other brain areas. Aspects of this layered process of development
begins as early as birth and surges in the last half of the first year of life. 16 Enervation

triggered by movement begins in the lower brain, proceeds to the spinal cord, then the
midbrain and emerges finally in the forebrain's mylineation. Such developmental
patterning in the brain as elsewhere in the body -- is an overlapping and at times uneven
process -- with certain patterns emerging, then disappearing and others remaining
constant throughout life.
If we analyze Putin's movement patterning today, we clearly recognize that he did not
crawl. This means contralateral movement and other final neurological patternings that
emerge around ten months and integrates right left brain function, are missing. Moreover,
the lower brain and spinal reflexes in Putin's case are partial. For example a basic
neurological pattern called "positive supporting" of the upper extremities is missing. This
Jack of distal initiation can be easily seen when Putin struggles to maneuver himself off

the judo floor. This missing neurological pattern 17, another very early movement marker,

typically embedded at about 2 months is physica11y about "reaching out" as well as "self
Putin is likely compensating for these missing synapses by imposing a sense of control to
feel unified and literally held together and protected. Control at this level, which
represents his baseline, wi11 however over time have diminishing effectiveness. He will
need to seek recuperation in order to maintain a longterm sense of balance. Coping with
such a profound personal physical and perceptual obstacles, results, in arguably, Putin's
imbalanced sense and exercise of power.
Control and Crisis
Putin's compensation patterns of control reflect both an inner and external imbalance.
During crisis, to stabilize himself and his perceptions of any evolving context, he can

The rc!lexcs. of symmetrical lumbar reach, asymmetrical tonic lumbar and asymmetrical lumbar reach

begin enervating at birth. By month two, visual placing of first the upper and then lower extremities occurs.

The most recent research recognizes that movement neurologica l patterning and especially the absence of
upper extremity integration correlates. to a wide sample of autistic infants and children and more futt1re
research is warranted..

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen has been re patterning autistic children for decades. She clinically notes a

common missing pattern among this population is the homologous push of the upper extremities, which in
Putin's case seen in his judo performance, is not integrat ed .

revert to imposing extreme control upon potentially all contexts. In his case, it is basically
a reflexive physical action as well as a cognitive emotional response. Such abrupt
behavior can be compounded by his tendency to withdraw from social stimulation as he
did at the time of the Kursk nuclear submarine incident. These behavioral responses also
relate to the absence of his social engagement faculties and a strong reliance on the fight,
flight and freeze responses.
Putin's movement profile reveals an excessive amount of time spent attending to detail in
a very real sense to make sure he thoroughly knows what is out there. Unlike other
leaders, who can simply trust more the descriptive nature of context and interact with it in
the moment, Putin's movement shows he fastidiously studies all the details- to make
sure he's "got it right" and is literally on solid footing. This can make for a slow decision
cycle, potentially disastrous during crisis. Putin revisits and returns to square one
continually until he knows all the facts. But more dangerous in crisis could be if his
system returns to the earliest stage, when he reverts to the most primary stage of
adaptative behavior -- to freeze. This was his response, when so soon into his
administration, when the aforementioned Russian nuclear submarine, the Kursk sank. His
response then was to do nothing.
Putin's fight or flight reflex kicks in when he personally feels threatened or when
approached to take actions that make him uncomfortable. Such was the case when oil
tycoon and democrat, Mikhail Khorodovsky took a high public profile on reform. Putin
fought him and put Khorodovsky in prison.
Putin's extreme centralization of Russia's legislative and judicial systems under his near
control too is an isomorphic example of needing to ultimately control the levers of power.
This includes how other people perceive him and Russia which early on he managed to
do through his takeover of all conceivable press outlets.
Carrying such neurological challenges often make an Asperger's subject, like Putin, very
self referential. Observer's were bewildered two seasons ago when Putin suddenly after
examining New England Patriot's owner, Bob Kraft's super bowl ring, Putin actually
pocketed it. Bewildering too, is a word that may describe Time Magazine's team account
of Putin's social skills or, obvious. lack thereof. . Here's. the account of their final
moments with the man they call "Tsar of the New Russia."
"Back at the Dacha, with snow falling outside. our dinner and discussion
continue. Putin has been irritable throughout, a grudging host. Suddenly, at

tO' o'clock, he stands and abruptly ends the evening. "We've finished eating,

there's nothing more on the table, so let's call it a day." he declares. Actually, the
main course (choice of sturgeon or veal) and dessert ("bird's milk" cake)
lovingly printed in gold ink on the prepared menu cards-haven't yet been
served. The Russian President's brusqueness is jarring. Have our questions
angered him? Bored him? Does he have another appointment? It's not clear. "Bye

bye" says Putin-in English-as he walks briskly out of the room .. The. work of
rebuilding Russia, apparently, is never done."
2008 Vladimir Putin- A Personal and Political Work in Progress

Putin strives, due to his abnormality, for a wholeness for himself and by extension, now
as national leader, for Russia to regain it's former unified glory. His December 13, 2007
declaration of his preferred successor, Dimitry Medvedev was followed by a two day
summit to Belarus, the once, and in Putin's design, future "White Russia." Putin's next
agenda maybe a re- merger of the two former Soviet Republics which may take some
time, but by 2 0 1 2, operating from a shielded public limelight as Prime Minister, he may
do so continuing along the lines of Time Magazine's 2007 characterization of him as
"Tsar of The New Russia." .
If he remains four years in the number two, prime minister position, this enables him to
still maneuver in fulfillment of completing the self, a life long unconscious process. By
extension, he can continue his vision of a return to a former and greater Russian, while
plotting his own future.
Prime Minister Role - Offers Behavioral Relief
The plan to step into the Prime Minster's slot, allows him a continuing reign on Russia's
ultimate power while offering him the badly need relief from the very public ceremonial
role of president which challenges his autistic condition so much. Putin has made known
his intent to continue residing in the presidential house. This makes sense behaviorally as
this home environment is now familiar to him and brings him a badly needed sense of
physical comfort as well as power, status and control. Putin, by temperament as well as
through skill, excels in number two positions as he did as Deputy Mayor of St.
Petersburg. Overseeing a portfolio in the "number two" position is also certainly familiar
(with an added benefit of shaping the nearby presidency, occupied by "his man,
Compensation as a Source of Unique Leadership Style ?
Moreover, Putin's lack of physical integration robs him of pure physical determination
which explains his extreme compensatory effort, control and yearning for power. It also

affects his peculiar sense of time. He Jacks any true. sensibility in regard to pacing 19.

What Putin has learned to understand about time is basically -- the need to do what is

necessary -- to remain - - in control. Putin's default is to extend his time indefinitely in

power until he can accomplish "his agenda" which is in part conscious, and in part
unconsciously driven. .
Control And Vulnerability
18 Time, p 62.
19 Our physical relationship to time is enervated deep in the inner ear's vestibular canals which in Putin's
case according to Porges may not be hooked up.

However by paying such minute attention to detail, he. may easily miss the big picture
and could also ultimately become vulnerable to a presumed loyal insider, a traitor gaining
power. His difficulty interpreting emotion and building actual trust could result in
someone close to him and presumably "trusted," eventually betraying him, circumventing
his scrutiny to ultimately undermine him in some subtle. or eventually obvious way.
Testing The Template
Putin's abnormality and its. affect on his governance is so apparent,. it becomes. a prime
template for more general research analysis and the eventual interpretation of how the
brain and central nervous system develop, in part, through the unfolding of basic
neurological movement patterns. Scientifically, the movement brain and decision
template offers a basis for empirically testing human movement patterning's
developmental effect on brain function, and, by extension -human decision making,
including our potential to predict it. Putin's recent decision to hold on to power confirms
an earlier prediction by this investigation. Moreover, his continuing presence on the
world stage provides a rich ongoing basis to confirm other previous project hypotheses
about his behavior. An individual's leadership potential and the degree to which
compensation may play

role can also be determined through this approach. The findings

would be applicable to all leaders. The next deliverable will outline such a scientific
approach and the means of testing it with application of reliable measures made to real
world assessments
Finally, appreciating more specifically what a leader intrinsically carries gives political
scientists a measure to better interpret behavioral baselines in relation to strategic context
and national culture. Movement is an enervator of the brain which reflects ultimately
leadership potential. For the national security community, appreciating the actual
significance of the role of movement also offers a potential for intervention and re
patterning of individuals in (or on their way to) powerful positions. As such,
understanding better those links, their significance and their potential to predict behavior
and decisions -- is as potent an instrument -- as an evolving weapon system.

Putin's Movement Decision Drivers Are An Extreme Attention To Detail

And Excessive Control.
Because he never fully arrived at the final stage of contralateral developmental
patterning, he has difficulty walking, reaching, initiating from his center of gravity (the
body's source of human power) in the torso. He is not solidly in touch with the ground
through the legs and feet. Such holding poses great hurdles to his perception and decision
making. Because of the splitting of the body mind unity, physically (and emotionally), he

actually stmggles with managing power personally and politically. On a very deep level
Putin overall feels a constant level of vulnerability and threats to his balance are very real
psychophysically and perceptually.
Putin's compensation patterns of control reflect this sense of inner and external
imbalance. During crisis, to stabilize himself and his perceptions of any evolving context
he reverts to imposing extreme control. In his case, it is basically a reflexive action.
However by paying such minute attention to detail, he may easily miss the big picture
and could also ultimately become vulnerable to a presumed trusted insider- traitor
usurping power. His difficulty interpreting emotion and building actual trust could result
in someone close to him and presumably trusted, circumventing his scrutiny to
undermine in some subtle or eventually obvious way, his power.
Putin's abnormality is nonetheless supplemented by an innate human drive to become
whole which he accomplishes through control His sense of time is peculiar in that his
lack of developmental scaffolding robs him of any anticipating or pacing intiatiative in
terms of time other than t o do what is necessary to remain in control. Putin's default will
to extend his time indefinitely until he can accomplish his large and unfilled agenda of
fulfilling a deep sense of wholeness for himself and that Russia's and it's former glory.

His December 13 declaration of his prefened successor, Dimitry Medvedev was followed
by a two day summit to Belarus, once, and in Putin's design, future White Russia. The
agenda a re-merger of the two former Soviet Republics.

Some Behavioral Relief In Being , the Number Two Position

Prime Minister
Putin is and likely always will be a personal "work in progress" And as his personal
identity seems now inextricably engaged with running Russia (as often happens with
leaders, such as his predecessor, Boris Yeltsin) Putin's personal drive to unify and control
at all costs will remain the national agenda for as long as he wields such power.
Phenomenologically with the. Russia cultural and political context, will not wane,
however. This combination, the phenomenon that Russia seems to desire and thrive I
spirit on authoritarian leaders explains the contextual potency and potential for gaining
even more momentum.
If Putin occupies the Prime minister's position with Medvedev as President, while he
may potentially call the shots from behind the scenes. And rumor has it he will do so still
residing from the Pres.idential residence. Apparently he dos not wish to move and
famialiarity is indeed very important behaviorally for his feeling safe and trusting.
Remaining in his current home provides a needed sense of familiarity as does basically
overseeing a portfolio in the number two position, that too he has mastered in a sense.
What is unexpected are potential benefits of his being in the number two position. at least
publicly, offer him a sense of the familiar. Putin by temperament as well as skill excelled

in number two positions as he did as Deputy Mayor of St. Petersburg. Also perhaps more
significantly, is that in that position he gets relief and :is shielded somewhat from being in
the public ceremonial limelight which causes him great stress. Coping with the
Asperger's condition, this too will be a relief in terms of his moment to moment
behavioral challenges.
New neurobiological theories about the evolution and structure of the brain and the
central nervous system claim that our evolutionary hard wiring (typical of fish and
reptiles) equips humans beyond these two basic adaptations to flee; and to fight or flight.
A third developmental stage has evolved relying upon the central nervous. system,. in
particular, and the cranial nerves which wire neurological functioning to the head and
face and affects our hearing, seeing, voice and facial expression: in short our social
engagement skills.
This maturation of these evolutionary hard wiring links the nervous system specifically to
the middle ear, face: our eyes, mouth and voice. In short, the cranial nerve hooks up our

auditory, visual and speaking centers priming us for social engagement. This new 2004

Poly Vagal theory says that our CNS is not as previously believed "balanced," but instead
is organized to respond to threat and stimulus in a sequential fashion. Humans primarily
rely on the benefit of these third stage social functions to negotiate interactions with the
outside and inside worlds in the basic process of decision making. However, when under
severe threat or danger, the system is designed when appropriate to sequentially triggers
backward to an earlier stage: fight/ flight or flee. In some humans, dues to myriad
processes the third stage may not have been fully mylineated thus perception and social
skills are not as responsive hat level and the nervous system will resort to earlier less
mature adaptation.
In the case of individuals, whose CNS are not as completely hooked up; their
neuroception may be gauged at the pre- mammalian, pre social engagement status
permanently neurologically hinged at the fight or flight or flee modes. (For most humans
these are the response we use typically for extraordinary emergencies beyond when social
engagement processes fails.)
Nonverbal communication evidence suggests. that Russian President Vladmir Putin does
not yet have benefit of the entire CNS systems cranial nerve mylineation which would
serve to fully engage his social systems. He operates and his decisions are arrived at
through a more primitive perceptual and social filtering system. Putin's behavior
according to leading autism specialist, psycho- biologist Dr. Stephen Porges of the
University of Illinois Brain Body Center reveals Putin carries a form of autism, a
pervasive developmental disorder called Aspergers Syndrome. His eyes gaze, facial
expression, voice and hearing also reflect profound neuroception challenges.
Theoretically, this effects his social engagement and defense behaviors, including,
sensing whether the envi1onment is safe or, others trustworthy.


Putin developmentally is supported at the reptilian stage of development where the need

for order proceeds alL interaction. 20 His primary coping strategy is to control. Once Putin
has made a decision it may be very difficult to persuade him to act differently.
These issues may have profound implications for his personal interactions, decision
making and especially, crisis management. During crisis, Putin coping with his control
without typical social comfort may become stubborn or stymied. His neuroceptive
problems can also manifest at the other end of the defensive spectrum such as "fight"
triggering an aggressive reaction.
Putin,. behaviorally (in spite of his. appreciable performance skill when he is inclined to
try,) copes with hypersensitivity, social shyness and behavioral withdrawal from social
Putin is likely most comfortable with routine, and personally struggles with novelty such
as the Time Magazine. interview. ln any context, he benefits by a reduction of certainty, a
difficult condition in most political social settings.
Intervention can change the fabric of such individuals. Which brings us back to the origin
of this. study the potential of movement as an analytic and intervention tool tool
movement. Putin lacks distal initiation seen in how when he holds a pen his fingertips do
not fully touch the pen.
A proposal to test the movement brain template drawn from this preliminary study will be
presented in the next deliverable with application to the study of all leaders. Through
such testing, evidence in regard to the neuroconnections of movement will be determined
and the reliability of movement indicators to the brain further delimited and their
reliability tested. The movement samples for analysis on this subject, the Russian
President and all leaders come potentially from open source materials. As these patterns
are consistent over a lifetime, assessments of the leadership potential of individuals
ranging from chiefs of state -- to terrorist -- to rising military officer -- can be made
before an individual assumes responsibility; before a leader comes to power (and
throughout their tenure;) before a flag officer is assigned his next command; and could
help avert the potential actions of a future terrorist.
In regard to future applications, such study can diagnose and offer proscriptions on how
to more fully interact with such leaders as Putin, especially those whose neurology so
significantly affects their behavior and decision style. Likewise, when an upcoming
american leader is available for testing and intervention this approach once more fully
tested can be used to refine. the movement neurological template in order to enhance
leadership potential and enhance decision style. Simultaneously, the empirical knowledge
base derived from this investigation provides new evidence into modes of learning about
and coping with adversaries with the ever increasing potential of more accurately
predicting what they may do.



an interesting

validation from an entirely different source, Echo ofMoscow editor Yeniditov says "For

Putin order precedes everything else in the social contract."


Time Magazine's 2007 Man of the year, Vladimir Putin was described as "charmless",
"irritable", "tough", "aggrieved" and "defiant" yet "adored by his nation."
Recommendations on how to exploit the delicate balance of the complex and
contradictory aspects of his character and how effectively to relate to him within
interactions are posited and will be more fully explicated in a September 2008
Furthermore, since such patterns are so consistent, speculation on how they will effect his
governance in the number two role as Russia's Prime Minister beginning March 2008,
will also be discussed. For example, Putin may benefit greatly from not being publicly in
the number one position. For him, balancing his unique personal needs along with those
of Russia causes him behaviorally a great deal of stress emotionally and cognitively. In
the long run, adoring Russians may reflect that while their President established a sense
of stability over the past eight years, his actions served to also undermine an evolving if
fragile national infrastructure that my have ultimately provided the nation long-term more
global opportunity and the people more individual freedom of choice and rule of law.
The early and profound handicap that shaped Putin the man, apparently deemed his self
image to reflect someone who needs to be seen by others as "getting it right." Because of
his handicap both physically and psychologically, Putin is not circumspect
developmentally of what entirely is around him and as a form of compensation, he is an
astute investigator of information, forced to unconsciously see as much as possible from a
relatively early developmental perceptual lens. Because of his investigative prowess, in
terms of what he considers important, he may remain a brilliant designer of the whole-as
he relates to it -- but his handicap inhibits him from any visionary potential. What Putin
has accomplished both for the nation is based on what in the past he believed was good
for Russia and what in the present he can assess. as concretely valuable and that can
literally be stood upon. More abstract values are not as aspect of his mainstream
Vladimir Putin will never. be very comfortable publicly presenting his ideas to large
audiences or even small groups such as the Time Magazine team, who recently
interviewed him.
Putin's movement and neuroception loss amounts to a leader who simply lacks trust in
human interactions. And by extension the world experiences his appreciable lack of
dynamism or charisma. Putin is more behind the scenes a team leader in that, he has to
rely on trusted others to control ultimately because many intrinsic leadership skills are
simply not present. Those that work with him in Russia or, from abroad like US officials
will likely benefit by offering him recommendations that proffer a set of tested data that
result in one outcome and alternatively, another recommendation with facts that may
produce a different outcome -in order to get his attention. Otherwise, unsubstantiated
recommendations may be lost in his perceptual system that simply has trouble taking in
information differently. Taking on action for action sake without an exhaustive fact sheet
on most matters is not advised and would likely be dismissed. Why? On face value, Putin
can not take on movement, moving or actions based on just a simple sense of trust.

Taking movement risks on such face value is unknown to him because his physical
architecture and embedded nervous system are simply not wired in such a way that
affords him to move or take action so purely. And any type of learning for Putin will
involve the same perceptual processes. Putin takes a good deal of time to fotm a
perspective accomplished through in part the reliance on others in a sense as a form of
personal compensation for what he can not entirely perceive.
While known as the top and sole power broker in modem Russia, he's actually by
necessity a team leader. Behind the scenes trusted aides can come to him and offer
recommendations. that promote a choice. between alternatives. Putin's nature is not an
action man for the sake of making decisions. He has to be solidly rooted in data that will
actually make a difference. Just as his movement disability makes it imperative that he
sense solidly that where be is -- is indeed on solid ground. How much he can trust others
in the room with him depends a great deal on his own fragile sense. of self trust. His
neuroceptive challenge that makes him prone to social withdrawal and thus mistrustful.
In terms of achieving some sense of overall Russian stability, Putin achieved this through
harnessing oil reserves and enabling the people to experience a greater sense. of stability
and hope on one level. And after the tumultuous Yeltsin years, that was what the Russian
people welcomed. Seeking other forms of stability through centralization of control of
basically all sources of power seen in most basically the reversal of democratic reform in
order to centralize all sources of power reflects his very personal aspect of his self
image-a psycho physical self that needs so clearly to feel unified and fully conscious of
his center of gravity and power.
Putin's lack of psychophysical stability requires that he impose a sense of deep control
and willful power over his every conscious move in order to simply remain balanced.
This self referential perception is the same lens that he focuses on in the larger effort or
as he takes what he needs to do as Russia President. As this present chapter of his
Presidency now comes to a close, in many ways his handicap has peculiarly served him
and Russia in the short term, well. Both the man and the nation badly needed a sense of
stability and control. In the long run however, Putin i n the Prime Minister's job out of
the day-to day spot light of many ceremonial activities which tax his Asperger's
condition, may find him less preoccupied with extreme control. In terms of his
developing a deeper sense of trust with the West and the US, that level of bonding may
never be accomplished. Developing a closer bond with the likely next President, Dmitry
Medvedev may sway how decisions are taken in the future. Moreover, Putin, in the
number two role, with a basic fort to be overly analytical, is inclined to miss.
opportunities. There is also the potential that someone maybe behind the scenes but close
by among the Kremlin's warring offices in the Executive offices could undermine his
base. Putin's track record for removing such threats at any cost is well known. Under a
different although handpicked successor, such as Demitry Medvedev, Putin's ultimate
power over who stays and who goes, if Mededev is a "conscious" leader and aware of
his predecessor's liabilities, things may change.


In terms of long term influence-Putin's own sense of self is a work in progress

because he has such profound neurological loss and extreme forms of compensation and
a tremendous willfulness, if he continues to see Russia as an extension of himself -- with
his peculiar personal sense of time then the work on then nation will remains also a long
term project for him. If he succeeds in dominating Medvedev than he might indeed try to
return in 20012.
Putin's hardwired personal style is likely to change very little. The fat that he has less
public pressure in the moment to moment in spite of the expectation that he will still be
ultimate power- may offer him some slightly different perspective and perhaps different
opportunities for Russia. For these reasons he may be quite effective in doing a great deal
of ground work behind the scenes and watching Medvedev be the front man.
As for Putin's fate, his extreme sense of control and perceptual narrowness could
ultimately cause him to miss opportunities and misread adversaries. There is the potential
for someone behind the scenes and within the inner circle with a different vision for
Russia ultimately to. attempt to take. matters into their. own hands ..
His. eyes gaze, facial expression,. voice and hearing also reflect profound neuroception
challenges. Putin is supported at the reptilian stage of development where order proceeds
all interaction. 21 and his coping strategy is to control. Once he has made a decision it may

be very difficult to persuade him to act differently. Theoretically, this effects his social
engagement and defense behaviors, including, sensing whether the environment is safe or
others trustworthy.
These issues may have profound implications for his personal interactions, decision
making and especially, crisis management. He may become stubborn or stymied during
crisis and his neuroceptive problems can also manifest at the other end of the defensive
spectrum triggering an aggressive reaction.
Putin, copes with hypersensitivity, social shyness and behavioral withdrawal from social
stimulation. This needs to be respected, if good and "trusting" interactions are to occur.
He is likely most comfortable with routine, and personally struggles with novelty. In any
context, he benefits by a reduction of certainty, a difficult condition in most political
social settings. Intervention can change the fabric of such individuals..
The right side of his body, arm, ribs and leg move with difficulty.
Although brain scanning through fMRI presumably can not be. conducted upon the
Russian President, the links to behavior, the brain and movement can nonetheless be
traced and do act as a foundation from which to design a future scientific test of such
correlates. Moreover, as a subject, Putin displays the kind of potent compensatory


an interesting

validation from an entirely different source, Echo ofMoscow editor Yeniditov says "For

Putin order precedes everything else in the social contract."


patterns simply not well understood in the history of the world's authoritarian and
unpredictable dictators. Putin's behavioral profile offers obvious data and further
investigation into the nature of basic neurological patterning could offer unprecedented
insight for tracing the nature of compensation. Inspite of the relatively insurmountable
obstacles, the unique and underestimated sources of human leadership potential are
traceable and better explained when we can recognize which neurological pattern re
dominant and which are latent and instead being compensated for by others.
Moreover, appreciating more specifically what a leader intrinsically carries gives political
scientists a measure to better interpret that baseline in relation to strategic context and
national culture. For the national security community, a better understanding of how
certain unconscious human processes such as decision style --on face value -- are
generated and reflected in movement as a functional expression of the brain --is as potent
behaviorally as an evolving. weapon system.


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