Military History of India - Camels in Indian Warfare
Military History of India - Camels in Indian Warfare
Military History of India - Camels in Indian Warfare
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Camel mounted units of the Indian Army (13 and 17 Grenadiers) carried
out cross-border raids and captured Pakistani territory along the
international border in Rajasthan during the 1965 and 1971 wars. The 13
Grenadiers were the Bikaner and Jaisalmer Princely States' contribution to
the Indian Army, and further traced their ancestry to the medieval armies
of those Rajput States which had been using camels in warfare for
centuries. The above miniature painting portrays a medieval Rajput camel
rider bearing arms like the bow and arrow, as well as sword and shield on
his camel, which is accoutered in traditional gorbandh and has a doubleseated saddle.
In the ancient Vedic texts of India the Sanskrit word for camels is ushtra,
which over the centuries evolved into uttra (Prakrit) and unta
(Apabhramsa). Camel bone remains have been found in the Bronze Age
civilization spread across the plains from the Sindhu to the Saraswati
River in North India. Daimabad in Maharashtra has a camel depicted on a
pottery fragment from the chalcolithic Jorwe culture (1300 BCE).
The Markandeya Purana says that the camel is born out of the feet of
Brahma and the only God with a camel as his mount is Virupaksha. The
Goraksha Samhita says that Goddess Kalakarni has a camel as her vehicle,
and Hemadari assigns a camel mount to Vikata Gauri. This latter Goddess
has been mentioned in the Harsanatha temple at Sikar (Rajasthan) built
by the Chauhan Vigraharaja II (973 CE). In later times Ustravahini Devi or
Unta Devi, is the family deity (Kula Devi) of the Pushkarna Brahmins.
Images of Unta Devi are also found in Orissa. The Goddess Mahamaya,
Kula Devi of the Jadeja Rajputs who ruled Kutch for centuries, also has a
camel as her mount.
Camel cavalry and artillery
Camels of the Mewar breed are noted for their ability to carry loads
across the hilly terrain. In this miniature painting Mewari camels bear
Rajput nobles out on a hunt in the forested Aravalli range. In the past
camels were bred in many states, but today the National Research Center
on Camel recognizes four distinct breeds: Bikaneri, Jaisalmeri, Kutchi, and
Mewari. Camels of the Marwar breed were considered distinct in the past
and the state of Jodhpur had camel sowars in its army, but today
northern Marwar is included in the breeding ground of the Bikaneri breed
while camels bred in southern Marwar are considered part of the Jaisalmeri
One unique facet of camel breeding in India is that communities
associated with this task, like the Raika and Rabari, do not eat its flesh
which is common for camel pastorals in other parts of the world. Camel
meat in general is not acceptable to most other communities in Rajasthan
and Gujarat. The Raika grooms come seated on a camel for their
weddings, and the community has accumulated a vast pool of knowledge
on camel characteristics, training, and disease treatment. Camels are
used for ploughing and drawing water in Jaisalmer, and camel products like
milk, hair, bones, intestine, and leather, are an important part of the local
economy. Camel grazing is also more environmentally friendly than in other
Posted by Airavat at 8:51 AM
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