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A Guide to Medicinal Plants An Illustrated, Scientific and Medicinal Approach

by Koh Hwee Ling (National University of Singapore, Singapore),

Chua Tung Kian (Ministry of Education, Singapore) &
Tan Chay Hoon (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
The first publication of its kind on medicinal plants growing in
This book presents up-to-date information on a total of 75 native and nonnative
medicinal plants growing in Singapore. Comprehensive and useful
information from the published literature including plant descriptions
and origins, traditional medicinal uses, phytoconstituents, pharmacological
activities, adverse reactions, toxicities, and reported drugherb interactions
is presented in an easy-to-read manner for easy and quick reference.There
is no minimum level of knowledge required to read this book, and botanical
and medical glossaries are also provided for readers convenience.
The book will be of great practical benefit to a wide-ranging audience.
Educators and students in complementary medicine and health,
pharmacognosy, medicinal chemistry, natural products, pharmacology,
toxicology, pharmacovigilance, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, botany,
biology, chemistry and life sciences will find the information useful. The
book will also appeal to clinicians, pharmacists, nurses and researchers, as
it contains a comprehensive reference list at the end for further reading.
Scientific Names
Common Names
Traditional Medicinal Uses
Pharmacological Activities
Dosage; Adverse Reactions
DrugHerb Interactions
Botanical Glossary
Medical Glossary

Hardcover: 312 pages

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company; 1 edition (February 20, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9812837094
ISBN-13: 978-9812837097
About the authors
Koh Hwee Ling
is an Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science of the
National University of Singapore. She obtained her BSc (Pharmacy) and MSc
(Pharmacy) degrees at the National University of Singapore and a PhD degree at the
University of Cambridge (UK), with support from the Economic Development Board of
Singapore - Glaxo Human Resource Development Scholarship and the Herchel Smith
Endowment Fund. Her research areas include the quality control and safety of
Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbal medicine, drug discovery from medicinal
plants, and the design & development of novel therapeutics. She is a registered
pharmacist and a technical/ expert assessor with the Singapore Accreditation CouncilSingapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAC-SINGLAS). She reviews for various
international journals and grant awarding bodies, and publishes in various international
peer reviewed journals including Drug Discovery Today, Journal of Chromatography A,
Drug Safety, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry & Food Additives and Contaminants.
Chua Tung Kian
is an Education Officer at RiverValley High School, Singapore. He obtained his BSc
(Applied BiologyChemistry) degree at the University of Leeds, UK, with support from the
Public Service Commission, and a MSc (Chemistry) degree at the National University of
Singapore, with support from the Ministry of Education, Singapore. He also holds a
Post-Graduate Diploma in Education with distinction from the National Institute of
Education, Singapore, and was awarded a gold medal and a book prize for his
achievements. He is currently teaching Chemistry at the H2 level and is an author of six
textbooks and assessment books published both overseas and locally.
Tan Chay Hoon
is an Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmacology, Yong Loo Lin School of
Medicine of the National University of Singapore and consultant psychiatrist at the
National University Hospital. She obtained her MBBS in 1980, Master of Medicine
(Psychiatry) in 1986 and PhD (Pharmacology) in 1997. She represented Singapore in
the Technical Review of Antidepressant Medications Task Force to review the
international use of antidepressants. She is appointed by the Ministry of Health as
member of the Chinese Proprietary Medicine Advisory Committee and National
Medication Network Committee. Her main research area is in the field of clinical and
experimental studies of psychoactive drugs. She has edited and contributed chapters to
psychiatric textbooks both in Singapore and in Asia.

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