Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information Kronslev Per

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Curriculum vitae

Personal information
Surname(s) / First name(s)

Kronslev Per
Egemosevej 24, 4174, Jystrup, Denmark
+45 5556 5252



[email protected]

Date of birth

Occupational field

Work experience

Mobile: +45 2782 5652

21 01 1965

Supply chain management, procurement, storage and distribution

Accessing, managing and building supply chains

2012 ongoing
Director for SCMS in Ivory Coast under MSH. Responsible for procurement, storage and distribution
of HIV related medicines as well as building of capacity within national institutions to forecast,
quantify, procure, store and distribute the medical products and manage the daily flow to health
Responsible for a Supply Chain moving products worth USD 40 mio per year. Manages an
organization with a staff of 24 including deputy directors and managers. A substantial part of the
staff being technical experts. The results delivered are a focused tight managent of the supply chain
paried with fast and unbeurocratic execution of actual change projects in national institutions
securing long term sustainability.
The method to deliver the results are a re-structuring of the organization into clear responsibility for
the management of the supply chain and a targeted project management focusing on change
management in local instoutions. Setting Mission and Vision, and moving the focus into visible
project results and empowering of the local experts has been important in creating the results.
Continued part time lecturing as Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen at Master in
International Health in logistics.

Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities

2009 2012
Continued full time Independent consultant with consultancy company FLOW
Consulting in procurement and supply chain management. Associate Professor at University of
Copenhagen at Master in International Health in logistics and at Copenhagen Business School in
international supply chain.
Assistance with setup of IT systems, forecasting, procurement, warehousing and distribution in
Ethiopia, Mozambique, Tanzania, Congo, Lao, Kenya, Nigeria, Guyana, Haiti and Cote dIvoire.
Team leader on several assessment teams doing both in depth analysis of procurement,
warehousing and distribution as well as financial planning and running workshops. Setting up full
system solutions including agreements with subcontractors for procurement warehousing and
distribution. Project management connecting people daily across US, India and Africa.

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Kronslev Per

Cote dIvoire for SCMS. Three months management support for the SCMS team. Set up
project management, client relations and budgeting, re-focused teams and managers and
executed analysis of national medical wholesaler (CMS), as well as presentations and
workshops with government representatives and donor group.
Democratic Republic Congo for USAID. Assessed the national medical supply chains, public
and private. Planned establishment of buffer stock for ARV supplies and set up of system for
PEP kits for treatment of sexually violated woman. The reporting of the task was directly to the
Tanzania, analysis of LMIS systems for major health programs and essential medicines,
design of process for setup of data warehouse for LMIS data managing health commodities.
Existing Logistics Management Information systems was mapped and a plan for the
development of an integrated database built in a workshop, an integrated system collecting
data from existing digital and manual systems securing data availability and transparency.
GMS mission for Global Fund to Laos. Training and facilitation of work process mapping and
organizational design. Adjusted business processes of the ministry procurement unit and
secured that the ministry units was trained in the procurement processes in line with VPP and
World Bank procedures. It was as well facilitated to recruit a company which can be medical
procurement agent for the Ministry Of Health.
Financial Management Assessment of Millennium Development Goal, Pool fund in Ethiopia
for a group of donors funding procurement of essential medicines by the Central Medical
Store. Assessing the forecasting, procurement and Supply Chain component of the MDG
Pool fund. Linking the purpose of the fund with the actual procurement, storage and
distribution. Delivered workshops and fieldwork, mapping the status together with the national
wholesaler and as well detailed reporting on strategically and operational challenges.
SCMS mission to Guyana. Setting up national processes to improve the collection of logistics
information and implementation of a national digital logistics system for management of
essential medicines.
GMS Mission for Global Fund to Laos, analysing Procurement and Supply Management and
training Principal Recipient on forecasting and procurement. Conducting training on
procurement methodologies under Global Fund VPP rules.
SCMS mission - Post Implementation Review (PIR) of ERP warehouse management system
in Mozambique. Analysing Central Medical Store operations, procedures, and the MACS ERP
solution supporting the store and national distribution system for medical supplies.
SCMS mission - Post Implementation Review (PIR) of the implementation of ERP system in
the national medical wholesaler in Haiti. Assessment of both the setup of the physical medical
supply chain system in Haiti, as well as the setup of IT systems for the supply chain and the
daily management of the SCMS medical warehouse. The assessment covering the full supply
chain and done partly via interviews and workshops, partly via physical mapping.
Assessment of Management information system at the Central Medical Store of Cote dIvore.
Analysing the stores IT systems and its management setup. Coaching stores management on
strategic approach to business processes and IT setup. Creating strategic alternatives for the
medical wholesaler and planning and costing them.
Kenya for Chemonics under USAID. Designing and implementation digital Logistics
Management Information Systems, forecasting and procurement and practical handling of
storage and distribution of medical supplies under the PEPFAR program.
Participating in the Grant Management Solutions workshop of MSH, within Procurement and
Supply Management for Global Fund projects.
Connecting Danish companies with Business Process Outsourcing companies in India,
assisting in setting up Business Process Outsourcing and Knowledge Process Outsourcing.
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Kronslev Per

Kenya for Chemonics under USAID. Two visits. Setting administrative systems and running
workshops, coaching local personnel on handling of quantification storage and distribution of
PEPFAR commodities.
Project manager on assessment of medical stores for medicine and bed net stores in Nigeria
for Global Fund. The task included specifying a website for posting the assessments and
developing the assessment tool based on WHO Good Storage Practise and writing the actual
proposal which won the bid. I managed a team of 23 consultants who took car all public and
private medical stores involved in the distribution assessed and improvement plans was
designed costed and executed.
Kenya for Chemonics under USAID. Writing specification for web based system for
management of distribution of ART in Kenya for PEPFAR. Working with sub contractors doing
the actual storage and distribution, and organizing the collection of demand data from health
Kenya for Chemonics under USAID two visits. Facilitating workshop for the planning of tying
of LMIS systems to the Enterprise Requirement Planning systems of the sub contractor and
the sub contractors processing of procurement.

Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities

2007 2009
Regional Chief of distribution at Post Danmark. National postal company of Denmark 2 year
Responsible for route planning, quality measuring, method implementation and implementation of
Lean on South-, West and Mid Zeeland. Responsible for three departments of consultants.
Work is alternating between management reporting up un the system to the top management of
Post Danmark and daily guidance of the work teams within each area and management of
The work included in depth technical knowledge about using tools for route optimization, as well
working constantly with KPIs and measuring of efficiency and using Lean to further optimize the
system within the constraints given by agreements with unions and a falling throughput of products.

Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities

2005 2007
Full time Independent consultant with consultancy company FLOW
Supply chain management consultancies. Assistance with setup of procurement, warehousing and
distribution in Tanzania, Zanzibar, Sudan, Congo DRC, Namibia, Philippines, India, Vietnam. Team
leader on several assessment teams doing both in depth analysis of procurement, warehousing and
distribution as well as financial planning and running workshops. Setting priorities and strategies for
logistics at CMS stores and for national programs. Setting up full system solutions including
agreements with sub contractors for warehousing and distribution
Drug tracking study in Tanzania. This was a comprehensive study of the flow of money as
well as the flow of drugs in the health sector of Tanzania. The study included field work at all
levels from primary health facilities (PHF) to referral hospitals and as well collection of national
data at government and development partner level. Drugs and medical supplies were tracked
from national forecasting and procurement over import, warehousing and distribution to
consumption at PHF. Six weeks.
Assessment of capacity of Central Medical Store in Southern Sudan Juba. The task was to
interview key personnel and assess the physical infrastructure and propose immediate
solutions. Two weeks.
Formulation of program for building up infrastructure and technical capacity of the Zanzibar
Central Medical Store. This task was done for DANIDA in close collaboration with The Global
Fund who would be financing most of the investments. Two months on and off.
Team leader on assessment and formulation of program for strengthening of the infrastructure

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Kronslev Per

of The Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in Vietnam for LUX Development. We made
a comprehensive overview over the present status of cold chain equipment as well as
management systems and planned a strengthening over five years of both infrastructure and
systems. Five weeks.
Project manager of delivery of supplies into Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) of HIV
supplies funded by The Global Fund, with UNDP as the Principal Recipient. The task was
done for MissionPharma who had the supply contract with UNDP. The supplies were
consisting of ARVs, HIV tests, drugs for opportunistic deceases and malaria drugs. These
supplies was procured, shipped and delivered all the way to 100 health facilities inside DRC.
Four months.
Analysis of methods for contracting delivery of hospital supplies to church hospitals in
northern Tanzania and assisting the faith based organization in setting up procurement. The
analysis was done for DANIDA. One month.
Analysis of storage and distribution needs for Central Medical Store Namibia. The analysis
included detailed mapping of distribution and warehousing systems as well as mapping of
suppliers. USAID funded the task through MSH. One month.
Analysis of Central Medical Store Philippines and analysis of the supply system over regional
and district store to the public health facility. This analysis included physical infrastructure,
organization and management systems. The task was funded by EU, lasted six weeks.
Implementation of IT system at Zanzibar Central Medical Store and general capacity building
in the store. The task was funded by Danida. Five weeks.
Prequalification of suppliers and formulation of strategic plan and Request for Proposals for
MEMS in Arusha Tanzania, sourcing essential drugs. The task was funded by Danida. Four
Analysis of procurement needs of Zanzibar Central Medical Store and formulation of tender
documents. Two weeks.

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector

Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities

Self employed via own consultancy company: FLOW

Supply chain management and health systems

2000 2005
Senior Logistics Advisor, Medical Stores Department, Tanzania
Implemented the ERP system ORION in the whole company across the country, including the
modules of warehousing, finance, HR and procurement. Real time stock status and financial status
was established across Tanzania via this project.
Developed the sales and distribution network by managing the change process in the national
network of branches, and developed MSDs methodology for distribution of ARVs and OI items.
Designed new warehousing facilities, restructured the distribution.
Developed procurement and logistics strategies. Designed transport management, inventory
management procedures and systems. Building up packing lines and IT ordering systems and
negotiation service contracts with suppliers. Trained medical stores personnel and external

Name and address of employer

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Kronslev Per

DANIDA, placed in Medical Stores Department, Tanzania

Type of business or sector

Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Wholesale of medical supplies for public health sector in Tanzania

1999 2000
Outsourcing consultant
Outsourcing and moving production for LK A/S in Denmark to Estonia, India and Germany
Laurids Knudsen A/S Ballerup, Denmark
Industrial production
1997 1999
Senior Consultant
Working in the field of logistics. Was stationed as logistics manager at a production company
producing and distributing food for the Scandinavian market. Developed logistics strategies for other
companies and did several logistics projects for retailers, optimizing order processing and materials
Implement A/S

Type of business or sector



1995 1997

Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector

Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector

Senior Consultant
Project management, analysis
Deloitte & Touche, Copenhagen
Recycling industrial waste in all of Europe. Constructed and implemented a full materials
management system, including supervision of consultants and
Training of personnel. Negotiated transport contracts
NLM Combineering, Nrum, Denmark

Logistics Consultant
Materials management at a bus operating company, Implementing SAP, an internal ISO 9001
project and a large logistics project at an airline, optimizing personnel and materials management.
Accenture, Copenhagen

Education and training

Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/Occupational skills

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Kronslev Per

Bsc in Management
Organizational management

Name and type of organisation

providing organisation and training

Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/Occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing organisation and training

Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/Occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing organisation and training

University of South Denmark, Denmark

Supply Chain Management programme
Supply Chain Management
INSEAD, France

B-Sc (Supply Chain Management)
Supply Chain Management
Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen, Denmark

Level in national or international





Title of qualification awarded

Principal subjects/Occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing organisation and training
Level in national or international

M-Sc. (Forestry & Nature Management),

Economics, statistics, forestry
Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Master of Science

Personal skills and

Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s)


European level (*)


Spoken interaction


Spoken production



Proficient user


Proficient user


Proficient user


Proficient user


Proficient user



Independent user


Independent user


Independent user


Independent user


Independent user



Independent user


Independent user


Independent user


Independent user


Independent user



Basic user


Basic user


Basic user


Basic user


Basic user


Social skills and competences

Organisational skills and
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Kronslev Per

Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level

Good empathy, team spirit and able to work well independently. Prefer to work in a multicultural and
multi-lingual setting, flexible and professional.
Project management experience and professional training. Strong project management knowledge
and presentation skills. Routine in running workshops and managing meetings across cultures and

Technical skills and competences

Supply chain management skills and analysis tools. Tools for procurement, warehousing, transport
planning and drug quantification.

Computer skills and competences

MACS design and evaluation, SAGE evaluation, ORION implementation, SAP implementation,
setting up reporting in discoverer. Windows XP, MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Navision,
supply chain mapping tools

Artistic skills and competences

Other skills and competences
Driving licence(s)

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Kronslev Per

Presentation routine and skills.

International experience from work in Vietnam, India, Tanzania, Namibia, Philippines, Democratic
Republic of Congo, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria and Germany.

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