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efforts in national and multilateral arenas, nongovernmental organizations, unions, and others are
engaging in marketplace politics to press their social
and environmental concerns. While important criticisms of market-based regulation abound, recent
research has suggested that this form of politics is not
restricted to simple market signals or a singular
market logic, so the question of what drives corporate responsiveness remains. Drawing on a statistical
analysis of a large data set of marketplace campaigns 285
and in-depth interviews with campaign proponents,
consultants, and targeted executives, this article proposes a relational framework for understanding marketplace politics, situating campaign strategies in
relation to targeted firms brand vulnerabilities and
corporate social responsibility (CSR) absorptive
capacity, on the one hand, and parallel actions of key
intermediariesincluding investment advisory firms
and pioneering competitorson the other hand. I
argue that it is influential minorities of consumers,
investors, and intermediariesoften in dialogue with
targeted executiveswho create change, rather than
majority, arms length market movements. Overall,
this research enhances the multiplicity of recent case
studies by identifying common opportunities and
barriers for marketplace politics and contributes to
the burgeoning literature within economic geography
that is redrawing the boundaries of corporate CSR
decision making and capacity building.
Key words:
marketplace politics
corporate responsibility
socially responsible
ethical consumption
Trina Hamilton
Department of Geography
University at Buffalo
105 Wilkeson Quad
Buffalo, NY 14261
[email protected]
I thank the National Science
Foundation (NSF) for
supporting this research
(award number 0327425)
and my interview subjects
for contributing their
valueable time and insights. I
also thank Henry Yeung and
three anonymous reviewers
for their very helpful
comments and suggestions.
At least when considered alone rather than as part of a multistrategy campaign. There are a few exceptional
cases. For instance, Wapner (1995, 327) described how activist and media reports about the potential health
effects of the chemical Alar led to a huge decrease in the demand for Alar-sprayed apples and ultimately
led the Uniroyal Chemical Company to stop producing the chemical.
where strategies are developed and assessed. Well-known brands are thought to be
particularly vulnerable to marketplace politics because the impact of both activist attacks
and corporate responsibility initiatives on brand value is notoriously difficult to measure,
yet the management of brand value is increasingly important. This measurement problem
creates a context for the renegotiation of the boundaries of corporate social and environmental responsibilities to include changes whose direct benefits are often unquantifiable, but that may affect brand value or reputational capital.
Economic geographers are well positioned to investigate the drivers of this marketplace politics, having increasingly framed the firm as a potentially vulnerable institution,
subject to both internal and external contestation and driven by diverse strategic imperatives. As Yeung (2005, 309) argued, Instead of being a mechanistic production function
or an abstract capitalist imperative, it is a contested site for material and discursive
constructions at different organizational and spatial scales. . . . It is indeed a dynamic and
evolving organisation constructed through ongoing social relations and discursive
struggles among social actors. Upending the unified, singularly calculating firm allows
one to uncover the regulatory processes at work in the marketplace through corporate
interactions with stakeholders and in internal disputes over corporate strategy. Moreover, 287
research on the cultural circuit of capitalthe continuously reinvented discursive
apparatus created and deployed by business schools, management consultants, management gurus and the media (Thrift 2005, 6)has pointed to alternative circuits that
provide practical critiques, born out of actual attempts to produce new forms of economic institutions (Thrift 2005, 49). In other words, economic geography is already
attuned to corporate contestation, both internal and mediated by external gurus and
consultants, although the details of how these discursive struggles and practical
critiques play out through marketplace campaigns have not been fully uncovered.
Drawing on a statistical analysis of a large database of campaigns targeting U.S.headquartered multinational corporations (MNCs) and in-depth interviews with key
informants, I propose a relational framework for understanding corporate responsiveness
to marketplace politics. This framework situates campaign strategies in relation to targeted firms brand orientation and corporate social responsibility (CSR) absorptive
capacity2 (i.e., their ability to integrate social and environmental issues into their
decision-making and strategic development), and parallel actions of key intermediaries
(including investment advisory and research firms and pioneering competitors) that are
central to translating stakeholders concerns into legitimate business risks and actionable
business strategies. In contrast to market signals models, the research presented here
highlights the roles of influential minorities over majority market shifts and identifies
dialogue and negotiation as central determinants of the success of the campaigns.
Overall, the research contributes to and extends recent work in economic geography that
has examined the role of external stakeholders in driving the social and environmental
performance of corporations (e.g., Affolderbach 2011; Goodman 2010; Clark and Hebb
2005; Freidberg 2004; Emel 2002), and the development of alternative cultural circuits
of capital (e.g., Hughes 2006; Thrift 2005). It moves beyond the case-study approach and
provides a relational framework for future analyses of the intersections between marketplace campaigns and the burgeoning corporate responsibility consulting industry, and it
redraws the boundaries of corporate CSR decision making and capacity building.
In the first section of the article, I outline current theorizations of the drivers of
corporate social and environmental change, focusing in particular on brand management
I develop this concept later in the article, but it refers to the concept used in innovation studies to assess
companies ability to exploit external knowledge (Cohen and Levinthal 1990, 128).
and strategic diversity in the face of stakeholders demands in relation to social and
environmental issues. Then, I briefly describe the results of my statistical analysis and set
out the conceptual framework for the rest of the article. Finally, on the basis of my
interviews, I provide a detailed look at the processes of leverage-building and implementation that have shaped this new regulatory politics.
Finally, recent work turns our attention to influential intermediaries, including investment ratings firms, ethical training programs, market researchers, and NGOs. For
instance, Clark et al. (2007) pointed to the role of ratings firms in guiding investors
decision making on traditional corporate governance issues, as well as social and environmental concerns. Ratings firms act much like the market researchers described by
Clarke et al. (2007) and Kortelainen (2008). They provide a new context within which to
evaluate corporate strategy and a rationale for willing (or embattled) executives to
implement social and environmental initiatives. Sadler and Lloyd (2009, 616) argued that
the work of CSR consultancies is critical to developing and framing ways of measuring
(and thus managing) corporate responsibility programmes. Similarly, Hughes (2006,
1010) contended that an ethical learning economy is being constructed by a new set
of agents to the cultural circuit of capital described by Thrift.
This development of new CSR scripts for managers fits Kruegers (2002) conceptualization of discursive regulation. Kreuger explained that environmental activists introduced an ecological sensibility into the gold minepermitting process in Montana,
replacing an engineering paradigm that had prevailed previously, and effectively shutting down the industry. In the case of Hughess (2006, 1014) ethical learning economy, 289
ethical awareness-raising courses are pitched at the sometimes paralyzing gulf between
different corporate units, such as retail buyers and CSR staff. These courses focus on
engaging, inspiring and empowering the retail buyers to think and act in more ethically
sensitive ways themselves in their purchasing practices (Hughes 2006, 1016). Moreover,
social auditing training helps develop a completely new set of skills from those that are
generally held by retailers technical staffs (Hughes 2006, 1015).
As ORourke (2005, 124) noted, NGOs are now part of this ethical learning economy,
finding and promoting solutions in the marketplace, and Affolderbach (2011) documented this shift from confrontation to collaboration in her analysis of environmental
campaigns against the forest industry in British Columbia, Canada. Van Huijstee and
Glasbergen (2008, 301) identified two types of knowledge that executives can gain from
environmental NGOs: (1) expert knowledge about specific environmental issues and (2)
knowledge about market risks and opportunities. In addition to technical knowledge and
market insights, NGOs can also transfer credibility (Linton 2005; Tully 2004). These
examples suggest that the future of stakeholders campaigns may be in the (re)making as
much as the breaking of brands.
Overall, the literature on marketplace politics in economic geography and related
disciplines has evolved from an early focus on attacks on brands and market power to
more nuanced analyses of the mediating roles of corporate culture and capacities and
external consultants. This evolution reflects not only shifts in the strategies of social and
environmental campaigns but also an analytical shift toward poststructural and relational
approaches to the decision making of firms. While the main sphere of political activity
in these cases is the marketplace, the political process is conditioned by multiple acts of
narrative building and interpretation rather than by the direct market signaling and
corporate response one may imagine on the basis of orthodox economic theory.
Campaign Trends
This article is based on a broader study of social and environmental campaigns that
targeted publicly traded, U.S.-headquartered multinational corporations between 1990
and 2004. Most research on the dynamics of marketplace campaigns has been based on
case studies that may or may not reflect broader trends or on a single set of actors or
strategies (e.g., socially responsible investors or boycotts) that do not reflect the synergies
among parallel actions. The goal of the study was to identify underlying trends in the
determinants of successful campaigns and to gain a better understanding of the dynamics
of marketplace politics by studying the actions of multiple stakeholders and intermediaries that have targeted firms on the same social or environmental issue. The study
combined a quantitative analysis of 179 campaigns and in-depth interviews with 41 key
informants, including campaign proponents, consultants, and executives of targeted
To identify common dynamics among the campaigns, I tried to develop as complete a
database of campaigns as possible. I started with lists of campaigns from academic work
(Manheim 2001) and proponents of campaigns such as the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility. Then, I developed a snowball strategy, starting with Google and news
searches for corporate campaigns and following up on links to additional campaigns and
campaigners. There are undoubtedly campaigns that were missed, yet it was as exhaustive
a survey of campaigns as I have found to date and provided a basis for generalizing the
trends that I identified.
Using publicly available secondary sources (e.g., annual reports and corporate and
290 campaign websites) and a proprietary database of corporate profiles developed for the
socially responsible investment (SRI) community,4 I collected data on the outcomes of
campaigns (corporate change related to each identifiable campaign demand) and possible
determinants of the success of campaigns, including (1) the characteristics of the stakeholders involved in the campaign and of the campaign itself; (2) the characteristics of the
corporation being targeted, including the companys brand value and strategic orientation; and (3) the characteristics of the sociopolitical climate or context. Table 1 presents
the independent variables that I used for the statistical analysis. Again, the goal was to
evaluate as wide a range of potential determinants of successful campaigns as possible
within practical limits. There were other variables I had intended to include (on the basis
of their identification as significant factors in the case-study literature) but was not able
to quantify appropriately. For instance, I had originally developed a series of variables to
measure media attention but found that too much variability was generated by different
search terms to provide comparable data, so I had to eliminate the variables from the
analysis, which could account for some of the unexplained variability in the final results.5
Table 2 presents some of the basic characteristics of the campaigns. In general, the
campaigns brought together multiple stakeholders, with the majority driven by large
NGOs and shareholder activists. They covered a broad range of social and environmental
concerns, including the protection of endangered ecosystems, the implementation of
living wages, and even the pricing of products. The campaigners deployed a diverse set
of strategies aimed at raising awareness of the companies activities (through protests at
retail sites and headquarters, for instance), cultivating and deploying powerful allies (via
consumer boycotts, letter-writing campaigns, and shareholder resolutions) and, in almost
half the cases, engaging in a direct dialogue with corporate executives. Although the state
The research methodology and statistical analysis are discussed in more detail in a previous article; see
Hamilton (2009).
I purchased a 1-year subscription to KLD Research & Analytics Socrates database, a compendium of
profiles of more than 3,000 corporations, including narrative coverage of 65 issues related to: community,
diversity, employee relations, environment, human rights, products, and controversial business lines
(gambling, tobacco, etc.). KLD was a corporate research firm serving socially responsible investment
managers and has since been bought out by MSCI. See
For instance, a search of Coca-Cola + recycling returned different results from Coca-Cola + bottle
deposit, making it impossible to create a single, comparable search for each campaign.
Diversity of stakeholders
Campaign issue
Location of concern
Campaign length
Corporate characteristics
Consumer brand
Executive change
Corporate policy
CSR reputation
Contextual factors
Impending regulations
Competitor changes
Competing campaigns
was not absent from these campaignssome campaigns focused on regulatory violations, for example, the campaigns generally focused on engaging corporations directly by
targeting corporate branding, retailing, financing, and decision making.
Overall, these campaigns proved surprisingly successful; 74 percent elicited corporate
change on at least one demand, and 58 percent of the identifiable campaign demands
(including policy, reporting, and operational changes) were addressed. To try to identify
underlying patterns of influence, I conducted a stepwise discriminant analysis to identify
the variables that were the most significant discriminators between successful campaigns
(those that elicited change on at least one demand) and unsuccessful campaigns. Discriminant analysis is generally used to understand group differences (see Hair, Anderson,
Tatham, and Black 1998) and results in a function that can be used to predict group
membership. When I started this research, I had expected the determinants of this
success to be related to the hammer of the market (Affolderbach 2011)that is, that
consumers and shareholders would be the most influential stakeholders and that consumers and shareholders actions would be the most influential strategies. I also
expected, as hypothesized in much of the literature, that consumer brands would be more
vulnerable to market attacks because it would be easier to mobilize consumers against
Vertical integration
Campaign Issue
Campaign Strategies
Community welfare
Consumer protection
Percentage of Campaigns
(n = 179)
Shareholder resolution
Consumer action
Government enforcement
Percentage of Campaigns
(n = 179)
Large NGO
Local organization
Percentage of Campaigns
(n = 179)
Types of Stakeholder
Annual meeting
Inside corporate offices
Retail outlet
Outside corporate headquarters
Public spaces
Community/location of operations
Production facilities
Conferences, trade fairs, sponsored events
Spaces of Engagement
Number of Stakeholder
Types Directly Involved
Campaign Proponents
Table 2
Percentage of Campaigns
(n = 179)
Percentage of Campaigns
(n = 179)
Variables Included
Successful Correctly
Unsuccessful Correctly
Consumer brand
Corporate policy
Consumer brand, corporate policy, dialogue
A Relational Framework
To gain a more in-depth understanding of the dynamics of campaigns and add to the
explanatory power of the statistical results, I conducted interviews with key informants,
including campaign and corporate consultants and executives of targeted corporations. I
developed a purposive sample of interviewees by choosing six campaigns representing
different corporate targets, issues, and locations of concern.7 The goal was not to analyze
For a detailed discussion of the discriminant analysis, see Hamilton (2009); each of the variables identified
was statistically significant at least at the .004 level.
Because of practical constraints, I had to choose the campaigns for the qualitative sample before I
completed the campaign database; therefore the sample reflects my attempt to cover a broad range of
campaign issues and locations of concern. The campaigns included (1) a community health and environment campaign surrounding a manufacturing facility in the United States, (2) a global genetically modified
them. As is shown in Table 3, while campaigns against consumer brands were indeed
more likely to be successful, no specific stakeholder groups proved to be statistically
significant determinants of successful campaigns, and the only campaign strategy in the
resulting discriminant functions was direct dialogue between campaign proponents and 293
corporate executives. The third variable identified was corporate policy, or whether the
targeted corporation had a policy in place related to the campaign issue.
Since a stepwise discriminant analysis builds a final discriminant function variable by
variable, Table 3 shows the variables and classification rates for each individual variable
that I identified as a statistically significant discriminator, as well as the final combined
function.6 Although none of the functions can fully discriminate between successful and
unsuccessful campaigns, the classification rates hold some interesting insights. For
instance, the consumer brand variable produced the largest overall correct classification
rate, yet did a poor job of classifying unsuccessful campaigns. By contrast, the addition
of the corporate policy and direct dialogue variables resulted in much better predictions
of unsuccessful campaigns. In other words, consumer brands seemed to provide important foundations for campaign leverage, but the other significant discriminators pointed
to the potential mediating influence of corporate strategic orientation (corporate policy)
and the negotiation of new social and environmental responsibilities (dialogue), rather
than arms length signaling and response. Overall, the discriminant analysis and the
simple descriptive statistics that highlight a surprising amount of corporate-stakeholder
dialogue (44 percent of the campaigns), in addition to traditional oppositional tactics,
provide strong support for a relational conceptualization of marketplace politics, even
though they do not provide a complete predictive model.
Table 4
Interviewees by Stakeholder Group
Large NGO
Local organization
(n = 41)
specific case studies but, rather, to examine the experiences of as many different actors
and types of campaigns as possible. As Table 4 indicates, I interviewed 41 people from
a variety of stakeholder groups, broadly mirroring the stakeholder ratios of the larger
294 campaign database (see Table 2). Specific organizational affiliations are omitted to
maintain the anonymity of those who requested it, and campaign affiliations are not listed
because the interviews focused broadly on experiences across multiple campaigns. The
majority of the interviews were conducted in-person in 2004 in the Boston, New York,
Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Chicago, and Miami areas, and the rest were conducted by telephone. The interviews were semistructured and focused on the identification of campaign targets, development of campaign strategies, coordination with other
stakeholder groups, interactions with targeted corporations, and evaluation of outcomes.
I tape-recorded the majority of the interviews for transcription (in a few cases, I took
detailed notes instead at the interviewees request) and coded the responses, along with
background material provided by the interviewees and through secondary sources, into
key themes. While many themes and particularities of specific campaigns emerged from
the interviews, this article focuses on the brand, policy, and dialogue dynamics identified
as overarching trends.
Table 5 outlines the conceptual framework for the rest of the article. Drawing on my
interviews, as well as secondary source materials provided by the interviewees or uncovered during background research, it illustrates in more detail how branding, corporate
CSR policies, and dialogue shape corporate responsiveness to social and environmental
issues. What emerged from the interviews was the necessity of a relational framework
that highlights how campaign strategies are related to corporations strategic orientations
(specifically, their branding strategies) and CSR absorptive capacity (i.e., the type of
executive oversight, degree of background knowledge, and power within internal
decision-making structures). In addition to this interplay between corporate characteristics and campaign strategies, the interviewees highlighted time and again the role of key
intermediariesparticularly investment advisory professionals and competing firmsin
ingredient campaign against a food products company, (3) a global water pollution campaign against a
cruise line, (4) a U.S. farmworkers campaign against a restaurant chain, (5) a global recycled paper and
old-growth forest campaign against a retailer, and (6) a developing country toxics and community
compensation campaign against a manufacturing company.
This strategist-consultant category includes consultants working with shareholders, large NGOs, local
organizations, and unions. Compared to the stakeholder distribution in the large database, this sample
appears to underrepresent labor, although at least two of the strategists and consultants worked directly
with union campaigns, and several of the large NGOs and local organizations represented labor interests
or were nonunion worker organizations.
Corporate Characteristics
CSR Policy
Campaigns leverage
influential minorities of
consumers and investors
with brand capital and/or an
interest in protecting brand
Campaigns leverage
discrepancies between
policies and on-the-ground
Campaigners become
progressive brand
ambassadors following a
corporate change.
Campaigners engage in a
dialogue with corporate
executives on materiality,
branding, supply chain
reorganization, and other
Intermediary Roles
Investment intermediaries
provide analysis and advocacy
for the materiality of specific
campaigns and issues.
shaping the dialogue around the materiality of the campaigns concerns and the viability
of alternative practices. These intermediaries are an important element of marketplace
politics that were not captured by the statistical analysis but that correspond with recent
work in economic geography on the CSR consulting industry described earlier. What
emerged from this analysis, although not a complete model of successful campaigns, is
a compelling case for the potential impact of influential minorities of consumers and
investors, and the intersection between campaigning and an emerging CSR infrastructure
inside and outside targeted firms. While the sociopolitical context (e.g., impending
regulations and media interest) is highly variable from issue to issue and campaign to
campaign, this conceptual framework identifies some common dynamics of successful
marketplace campaigns. In the following sections, I describe this relational framework in
more detail, with comments from the interviewees and background material (including
recent campaign updates and CSR trends), highlighting successful leverage and capacity
building, as well as enduring obstacles.
Campaign Strategies
Youth markets are the focus of much of the work on the cultural capital of brands (e.g.,
Klein 2000), as well as the successful campaigns identified by the interviewees. One
campaign that was able to mobilize a youth demographic was the farmworkers campaign against Taco Bell, which focused on improving conditions for workers in Floridas
tomato fields. The campaign directly challenged Taco Bells cultural capital with its
target 1824-year-old market9 by calling out Taco Bell market research about selfindulgence to mobilize students against the company: It is time to show Taco Bell that
we are more than just self-indulgent cash machines addicted to constant stimulation.
It is time to show Taco Bell that more than insatiable cravings go into our buying
decisionsthat human rights and the dignity of labor also enter into our thinking when
we decide where to spend our money (Coalition of Immokalee Workers [CIW] n.d.). The
campaign mobilized enough support to Boot the Bell (by removing or blocking contracts) from 25 colleges and high schools, with an additional 20 campaigns underway
when they declared victory in 2005 (Student/Farmworker Alliance n.d.). While the direct
hit may have been modest for a company with 5,600 outlets in the United States, it was
a symbolic hit as well, throwing into question one of Taco Bells expansion strategies
296 and one of its key demographics.
Such mobilizations of consumer minorities add a new twist to Freidbergs (2004)
concept of critical citizens. While Freidberg proposed that citizens may become more
powerful by leveraging their identities as consumers, one may extend the concept to think
of critical consumers who are not only critical of corporate practices, but are also
critical to the success of corporations beyond the sum total of their purchases (e.g., as
brand image-makers, growth markets). Not all campaigns are able to mobilize these
influential minorities, however. One organizer who was tasked specifically with mobilizing a broad base of college students explained that some proposed campaigns simply
did not align with or excite her organizations base (Interview, NGO representative, 1
June 2004).
This is not to say that youth markets are the only critical consumers. For instance, the
interviewees described conducting and publishing surveys and reports that were intended
to push firms to reassess consumers priorities. For instance, a report on the cruise
industry argued, The cruise industrys own customer base is appalled at the practice of
cruise ships dumping untreated sewage into the ocean and the lax laws that enable this
practice (Oceana 2004, 3), citing evidence that the respondents already assumed that
cruise ships were doing what the campaign was demanding. The underlying message is
that it is disingenuous to assume that current buying behavior is a vote of confidence in
a companys practices. Although their impact was not always clear, these actions mirror
the cases described earlier (e.g., Clarke et al. 2007; Kortelainen 2008) about the provision of new scripts for managers to use to justify changesthat is, putting the firm ahead
of broader shifts in public expectations.
Shareholder Diversity
Influential minorities can also be found within the broad SRI community. While some
social and environmental issues (such as climate change) have gone mainstream within
the investment community, investors who are driven by more than profit motives, such as
charitable foundations and religious organizations, represent another unique source of
minority influence. Indeed, foundations were identified by several interviewees as having
The significance of the youth market to Taco Bells brand is symbolized by the Taco Bell Foundation for
Teens launched in 1992. See
as reported by Emerson 2003, 41). Yet, in the same vein as the consumers discussed
earlier, foundations provide a unique source of leverage for select campaigns.
Negotiating Materiality
Although foundations have a material interest in social and environmental issues by
virtue of their dual roles as social change agents and investors, many of the interviewees
discussed attempts to renegotiate the boundaries of materiality more generally. Proponents of campaigns regularly engage corporate executives over the materiality of their
concerns, and these dialogues are influenced by numerous intermediaries within the
investment research and advisory industry, as well as the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC).
For publicly traded corporations, a social or environmental issue is deemed materiala legitimate business concernif it is likely to affect shareholder value. While
some issues are unequivocally material (e.g., legal proceedings and fines for regulatory
violations), other issues are open to ongoing challenges. Over the past decade, the SEC
has issued a series of bulletins guiding companies on social and environmental report298 ing (Chan Fishel 2002). Despite these clarifications on the materiality of consumer
boycotts and other issues, companies still systematically underreport social and environmental issues (Chan Fishel 2002; Lewis 2002). This gap in disclosures provides an
opportunity for campaigns. For instance, a lawyer and campaign consultant explained
that while one petroleum companys disclosure said that their sales of gasoline had
gone down due to competitive factors, at the exact same time when their dip in sales
started to happen was the time when a boycott was launched. So he argued that they
should at least be mentioning to shareholders that there was a boycott in place (Interview, 21 May 2004).
Debates over materiality are often waged at corporate annual meetings through shareholder resolutions calling on corporations to disclose information, develop a policy, or
alter its practices on a specific social or environmental issue. Indeed, 60 percent of the
campaigns (see Table 2) in my study used shareholder resolutions. Although these
resolutions are nonbinding, they are believed by many campaigners to be an important
entry point for negotiation and, in some cases, are withdrawn following dialogue and
corporate action on the issue.
The audience for these arguments is not only other investors but also influential
intermediaries, such as proxy voting consultants. As one shareholder activist explained,
It is definitely sometimes an agonizing process, trying to figure out what is the text
because its also, . . . if we can get ISS [Institutional Shareholders Services] to see this in
our favor then they will support it and make a recommendation, and weve found theres
definitely a lift when you get ISS support, approximately like 20% (Interview, 27 May
2004). Proxy consultants provide recommendations on how to vote on shareholder
resolutions, and several interviewees discussed the role of ISS in particular. The agonizing process just described is symptomatic of the lack of a universal business case for
corporate responsibility. As one longtime shareholder activist noted, There are probably
good business reasons to be a rapacious exploiter, too, but you can make a case for good
business reasons to try to be ahead of the curve and be a responsible corporate citizen
(Interview, 21 February 2003). Another shareholder advocate shared his own laundry list
of potential investor-friendly framings: Is the company doing something illegal? Is there
government regulation? Is there new political pressure? Are they getting a lot of bad
media hits? How are their competitors doing? Are the shareholders upset? Are there
groups targeting them for a boycott? Or is there new technology that means they dont
have to do this bad practice any more? (Interview, 20 July 2004).
While the interviewees described some of their success stories, they were not able to
explain ISSs lack of support for other similar resolutions, although their interpretation
of the potential risk of a specific campaign is likely mediated by such issues as media
attention (including whether coverage is sustained over time) and the allies who are
leveraged (including the critical consumers discussed earlier). In the case of the farmworkers campaign against Taco Bell, ISS recommended a vote in favor of a 2003
resolution asking Yum! Brands, Inc. (the parent company of Taco Bell) to prepare a
sustainability report addressing its policies and practices related to social, environmental and economic sustainability throughout the supply chain (Yum! Brands, Inc., 2004).
The resolution received an almost unprecedented (for a social resolution) 39 percent vote
in 2003 and a 32.5 percent vote in 2004. Although Yum! Brands had been targeted for
several years, the resolutions sponsors suggested that the issue gained broader support
in 2003 when it was framed as a sustainability issue, rather than simply as a human rights
issue. Moreover, they specifically invoked the Dow Jones Sustainability Groups (DJSG)
definition of sustainability in the resolution, focusing on being responsive to a broad
array of stakeholders in order to secure a social license to operate and superior
customer loyalty and ultimately superior financial returns (Yum! Brands, Inc. 2004).
The DJSG can be seen as part of an increasingly significant alternative cultural circuit
of capital that is integrating social and environmental issues into its consulting and
advisory practices. Although the DJSG may be a minority voice, its strategic location
within the mainstream circuit (as part of the broader Dow Jones Indexes and Dow Jones
media families) provides significant symbolic leverage.
Multiple interviewees also highlighted the importance of investment research firms,
particularly Innovest Strategic Value Advisors. Innovests comparative analysis of corporate performance on social and environmental issues pays particular attention to their
impact on competitiveness, profitability, and share price performance (Innovest n.d.).
One shareholder advocate described his organizations attempt to reach Wall Street
analysts by holding roundtables on particular companies and specific social and environmental issues using Innovest reports. Referring to one particular meeting, he
explained: [T]he people that attended seemed interested. Weve had a couple of press
articles out of it, wire services that ran it in a bunch of places. So I think it raised some
questions, and the [Innovest] report was just really scathing [so it was hard to ignore]
(Interview, 20 July 2004). Moreover, he explained that some investment groups that
would generally not take information or would just kind of blow us off have now started
to ask questions, particularly in relation to issues of climate change. These dialogues
represent another example of the circulation of new scripts for corporate action on
social and environmental issues discussed earlier. The fact that Innovest, ISS, and other
SRI consulting and research firms were recently bought by more mainstream investment
advisory groups10 suggests that they are making some headway on Wall Street and are
being further integrated into the mainstream cultural circuit of capital. Future research is
needed to determine whether this development is good for stakeholders campaigns.
While integration will undoubtedly increase their influence over mainstream institutional
investors, it could also narrow their focus and/or affect NGOs and other stakeholders
access to dialogue with them, effectively closing off a significant negotiating space.
Indeed, new barriersas well as new opportunitiesfor these renegotiations of materiality are continuously created. For instance, the SEC has restricted shareholder resolutions that it believes address only standard business risks, rather than issues that
300 may affect society as a whole (Leone 2006). In general, resolutions are not to impede
on executives management of ordinary business. Some firms employ specialist
consultancies to choreograph potentially contentious annual meetings (Clark, Salo, and
Hebb 2008, 1387), while others slap shareholder activists with defamation suits (Kary
2006), or even take flight. One interviewee described a target company that repeatedly
moved its annual meeting, at one point moving to a town that was about three or four
hours away, starting the meeting at like seven in the morning, and [buying] up all the
hotels in the town so everyone had to drive for hours to get out there (Interview, 20 July
RiskMetrics acquired ISS, Innovest, and KLD (a leading SRI firm) between 2006 and 2009 and then
subsequently merged with the global investment advisory firm MSCI in 2010.
Absorptive Capacity
It is instructive that the Staples executive described being out of alignment with
industry colleagues in inviting NGOs into the C-suite, because it reflects the differences
that corporate CSR culture and capacities make. As I noted earlier, I use the term CSR
absorptive capacity to describe corporations ability to integrate social and environmental issues into their decision making, much like the economic geography literature on
innovation has referred to corporations ability to exploit external knowledge (Cohen
and Levinthal 1990, 128; see also Gertler 2003; Boschma 2005). Although my statistical
analysis identified corporate CSR policies as being significant determinants of successful
campaigns, my interviews focused on this broader CSR absorptive capacity (the policy
variable could also be a proxy for these broader factors), including outreach and access
points, preexisting knowledge of the campaigns issue of concern, and the CSR staffs
relative power within the corporation.
At the most fundamental level, a successful dialogue hinges on a clear point of contact
for CSR issues. An investment manager noted that one company she was engaging on
environmental issues didnt even have a person that was head of environment (Interview, 27 May 2004). Another shareholder advocate explained, Weve been talking to
[Company X] for years, but this is the first year Ive felt anyone was paying attention, and
theyve had three different directors of their corporate responsibility programs (Interview, 20 July 2004).
Beyond access points, CSR absorptive capacity is also a function of corporate expertise on social and environmental issues. One advocate of fair-trade coffee noted, the
conference calls we had with [Company X], they obviously did not understand the issues,
obviously did not understand the content [of the shareholder resolution] (Interview, 10
May 2004). The same advocate argued that the dialogue with a competitor was successful
because they were much more knowledgeable about the issue. . . . There are two things
you want when youre in dialogue with a company. One is that the people that youre
talking to have some power. The second thing is that you want them to be knowledgeable
about the issue.
of our products (Forest Ethics 2002b). After reaching an agreement with Staples, the
campaign took out a congratulatory ad in USA Today that read: Weve been calling
Staples names for years. Never thought treehugger would be one of them. It also noted
that it look[s] forward to spreading the word about Staples commitment to the dozens
of Fortune 500 companies, as well as colleges and universities all over the country, that
have made commitments to stop buying products from endangered forests and to
increase their purchases of recycled paper (Forest Ethics 2003).
Progressive corporate commitments and branding provide not only opportunities for
campaign attacks and arms-length brand ambassadorships (e.g., campaign sticks and
carrots) but also an entry for campaigners to become corporate consultants, providing
specialized expertise on defining and mapping endangered ecosystems and alternative
sourcing strategies, for instance. Indeed, in the Staples case, NGOs became part of the
ongoing implementation of Stapless new policy, partly because of the openness of the
Stapless executives. According to Mark Buckley, the vice president of environmental
affairs at Staples, despite protests from others within the industry, NGOs were given the
opportunity to make a presentation at Staples headquarters to the companys suppliers.
Moreover, they have since engaged in ongoing dialoguessome on the ground in the 301
forests of the Carolinas and the Canadian Borealto develop common definitions of
endangered forests and other details of Stapless environmental policy (Interview, 7
September 2004).
Recent evidence suggests that the number of C-level executives who are charged
with CSR oversight is on the rise (Whitehead n.d.), a signal that campaigns may, at the
very least, have more success making initial contact and perhaps cultivating internal
allies. Moreover, knowledge of social and environmental issues is also on the rise in the
MBA ranks. Indeed, one executive I interviewed graduated with an environmental MBA
and a campaign consultant was heading to business school to join his interests in CSR
with a better understanding of corporate strategy. And, according to an annual survey of
CSR content in business schools, between 2001 and 2009, the number of elective courses
with social, environmental, or ethical content had grown, and the percentage of schools
that required students to take courses dedicated to business and society issues
increased from 34 percent to 69 percent (Aspen Institute n.d.). Yet there is a long way to
go, with one study pointing out that less than 13 percent of Russell 1000 firms have an
executive-level committee with responsibility for corporate social responsibility (CSR)
or environmental, health, and safety (EHS) issues (Sustainable Enterprise Institute
2009, 10). While other companies may indeed have sub-C-level managers who are
responsible for CSR issues, they will necessarily have less bargaining power in internal
302 struggles over corporate resources and strategies.
The professional backgrounds of CSR executives and the firms CSR structures also
affect the executives strategic orientations and power within the broader corporate
hierarchy. For instance, Mark Buckley, vice president of environmental affairs at Staples,
explained that his background in procurement led him to define his role as that of an
internal consultant. This role is facilitated by the companys CSR structure, which
includes an Environmental Action Group with senior-level managers from every aspect
of the business (Interview, 7 September 2004). In contrast, many campaigners were
frustrated by public relations professionals whom they thought had neither the knowledge nor inclination to address their concerns seriously.
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