Changing Space, Changing City in City Press

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Albert Camus: As a remedy to life in society, I would suggest

the big city. Nowadays, it is the only desert within our means

Changing face of a city

Johannesburg is brought
to life in a new book that
details how the city
transformed itself to forge
a new urban identity

Gauteng then and now

This offers an account of complex and often bewildering transformations in Johannesburg since the end of apartheid

Unemployment by ward across

Gauteng, 2001
Red wards have the highest unemployment rates; mustard-coloured
wards are above the mean for unemployment in the province
Data source: Stats SA (2011a). Cartography by Maryna Storie

Racial distribution in Gauteng

Data derived from the 2001 (top) and 2011 (bottom) censuses show the
dramatic increase in population in Gauteng, as well as where the four main
racial groups have moved to and where they have an increased presence
Data sources: Stats SA (2001; 2011b). Cartography by Chris Wray

50 priority wards (unemployment)


[email protected]

ohannesburg is a regular feature on the list

of must-visit cities and its residents
fiercely defend it from critical Capetonians.
Now a new book explores how and why
the city has changed in the past 20 years.
Changing Space, Changing City:
Johannesburg After Apartheid is published by Wits
University Press and brings a range of data sets and
statistics to life in telling the story of the city since 1994.
Its authors explored the citys expanding, densifying
economy; its growing, changing population; the change in
its physical form; and its restructured governance to try
and understand the City of Gold.
The 2011 census put Gautengs population at
12.7 million, or about 24% of all South Africas residents
on about 1.4% of its surface area.
One in 10 of Joburgs residents live in informal
settlements, down from one in four in 1996.
The authors found back-yard shacks had become an
increasingly common form of informal housing.
They accommodate more people than homes
in Gautengs informal settlements.
The authors found that only 2% of
Gautengs citizens lacked piped water
and 96% had access to a flush toilet.
They discovered that an average of
20% of household income is spent on
Changing Space, Changing City,
overlays this and other data on to a series
of maps and chapters that explore different
elements of Gauteng and Joburg.
One of the authors, Philip Harrison, writes of
Gautengs economy: Between 1996 and 2011 the Gross
Value Added (GVA) of Johannesburgs economy expanded
by 87.7% compared to a national increase of 61.8%.
In South Africa the number of individuals with jobs
increased by 43% compared with 79% for Johannesburg.
As the economy expanded, so its structure continued
to change. The transition from a mining to a
manufacturing economy, and then to a service economy,
was well over by the mid-1990s when South Africa
entered the age of democracy.
The major driver of this structural change was the
cluster of industries in the finance, insurance, real estate
and business services sector, which expanded its
contribution to GVA and employment significantly.
The advent of democracy has also changed the citys
demographics. The demographic structure of the city
shifted marginally between 1996 and 2011, with the
gender distribution remaining almost evenly balanced at
about 50.1% male and 49.9% female. The big change,
however, was in terms of race, says the book.
The African population is increasingly dominant,
accounting for more than three-quarters of the total
population by 2011. By contrast, there was a significant
relative decline in the size of the white population.
Among the smaller groupings, there was a significant
proportional increase in the size of the population of
Indian/Asian descent, driven mainly by a wave of inmigration from Asia, and a slight proportional decline in
the size of the coloured population, which is not
benefiting from in-migration.

Data sources: CoJ (2012a); DRDLR (2012).

Cartography by Pete Ahmad



Worse than mean


Other wards

R1m R5m (10 trans)

Local municipality

R550K R1m (10 trans)

Less than R550K (10 trans)







Orange Farm






Property priceband
shifts in Joburg

Population (1 dot = 100 people)

Estimated uptake of social grants

per ward across Gauteng, 2010







Red wards have the highest percentage of adults receiving social grants;
mustard-coloured wards receive above the mean for the province


Data source: Lightstone (2011). Cartography by Maryna Storie

50 priority wards (social grants)


Worse than mean

Other wards
Local municipality








Source: Changing Space, Changing City: Johannesburg after apartheid Wits University Press 2014


Newlyweds slain in robbery

Africa, Azania woo listeners

At about midnight on Thursday, newlyweds

the electronic items were missing, said
Wamukelwa Memela and Wendy Campbell
were awoken by intruders in their
He then saw the blood and rushed into
Bryanston home.
the main bedroom where he was
Minutes later the 29-year-olds were dead
confronted by the bodies.
they were tied up and strangled before
He first thought they were unconscious,
their killers fled the scene with electronic
but found they were dead.
devices from the couples home.
Memela said he and his son had spent all
Wamukelwas father, spokesperson for
day together last week setting their goals
the national department of arts and culture
for this year.
Sandile Memela, said the family was
He said his son was a passionate and
distraught even though they knew crime
humble man who had a bright future
was rife in South Africa.
ahead of him.
But you never think it will
In 2003, he had won a chefs
happen to you, he said.
competition that allowed him to
The couple had been
represent South Africa in the
married for a month.
US and in China. He returned
Memela said the police
home and opened his own
investigation suggested that
catering company in 2006.
the intruders had broken in,
He could show what the
gone upstairs and got into a
youth of this country was
scuffle with his son.
capable of. He was a symbol
It appears Wamukelwa was
Wamukelwa Memela
of black excellence. He
hit on the head with a
and Wendy Campbell opened his own company at
garden tool, dragged back
a young age and also wanted
into the bedroom and tied up alongside his
to open a cooking school and empower
wife with electrical cords.
others, said the father.
The intruders then ransacked the house.
Memelas fondest memories of Chef
But instead of fleeing with their loot, they
Wamu, as he called his son, was of
murdered the couple.
Christmas, when the young man would
During the commotion, Memelas cousin
invite his mother, Busisiwe Mashiane who lives in a cottage on the premises
Zumas family and his fathers relatives to
heard noises, but thought the two were
dine together.
arguing. He went back to sleep.
He loved to bring people together and
[The cousin] told me that when he
he did that for us this Christmas, said
woke up to go into the house, he saw that
Memela. Athandiwe Saba

Cape Talk radio fans, who may have been

Talking about the sister stations decision
listeners of Metro FMs Total Bliss, woke
to add a second voice to the Weekend
up to a familiar voice yesterday morning.
Breakfast show, Gwangwa said they were
Azania Mosaka did her first show on
mainly personality-driven during the week
Talk Radio 702 and 567 Cape Talk, cowith hard news, politics and business
anchoring the weekend breakfast slot with
where you get to experience the
Africa Melane.
presenters view.
Joburg fans most recently heard Mosaka
But through various platforms, our
in her afternoon slot on Power FM.
listeners told us they wanted to relax on
Earlier in the week, Mosaka told City
weekends, so we wanted to create a
Press that listeners could expect a fresh,
dinner-party feel where its light,
funny and fun show.
informative and conversational.
Now shes joined Melane on
Mosaka was chosen because shes
Saturday and Sunday mornings
dynamic, knowledgeable, warm
from 6am to 10am. City Press
and can inform without
sat in on their first four hours
sounding like shes talking
down, said Gwangwa.
I havent slept I slept
We chose her and Africa
about two hours and the rest
because theyre strong
I was half-asleep, half-awake,
personalities, but theyre very
and thinking about stories and
work, said Mosaka.
So we have a co-host and
Her banter with co-host
not a sidekick.
Melane was easy and warm,
The new pair had a warm,
and belied the fact that they had only met
infectious energy together.
for the first time on Wednesday.
It remains to be seen how this will
About halfway through the show, a
translate when Melane returns to Cape
listener called in to ask if this was a new
Town to broadcast from the 567 studios
breakfast show.
while Mosaka works from 702s Joburg
She added: I think it adds a nice
dynamic and Africa, youre laughing
Yesterday, the two shared high-fives at
6.30am and again just before 7am.
Station manager Pheladi Gwangwa
Towards the end of the show, listeners
popped in during the last hour of the
heard a surprised Mosaka shouting:
show to congratulate the two on their
Where did the time go?
maiden broadcast.
Gugulethu Mhlungu

Boys to men
RITE OF PASSAGE Circumcision initiates
at their welcome-back ceremony in
Shayamoya township, Kokstad, this week.
King Goodwill Zwelithini and government
department representatives attended the

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