CH 05

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Chapter 5
Rational Numbers
This chapter deals with rounding numbers to a specified number
of significant figures, expressing recurring decimals as fractions
and converting rates from one set of units to another.
After completing this chapter you should be able to:
identify significant figures
round numbers to a specified number of significant figures
use the language of estimation appropriately
use symbols for approximation
determine the effect of truncating or rounding during calculations on the accuracy of results
write recurring decimals as fractions
convert rates from one set of units to another.

Syllabus reference NS5.2.1


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Diagnostic Test

The value of the digit 8 in the number

136.832 is:

When rounded to the nearest hundred

23 629 is:
A 236
B 237
C 23 600
D 23 700

Which of the following numbers are not

equal to 1490 when rounded off to
3 significant figures?
A 1486.23
B 1493.99
C 1495
D 1485

When 59 700 is rounded to the nearest

thousand the answer is:
A 59 000
B 59 800
C 591 000
D 60 000

When rounded to 2 significant figures,

3.968 is:
A 3.97
B 4.0
C 3.9
D 4


Which of the following numbers do not

have 3 significant figures?
A 6.931
B 3.60
C 245
D 35.7


Rounding numbers before the last step of

a calculation:

A 80

B 8



Which of the following numbers are not

equal to 52.39 when rounded off, correct
to 2 decimal places?
A 52.387
B 52.392
C 52.385
D 52.395

A never affects the accuracy of the


When a number is rounded off to the

nearest 10 the answer is 60.

B often affects the accuracy of the


The smallest the number could be is:

A 55
B 55.1
C 59
D 59.99

C always affects the accuracy of the


Janelle was measured to be 162 cm tall,

to the nearest centimetre. Within what
range of values does her actual height
A 161 height < 163 cm
B 161 < height < 163 cm
C 161.5 height < 162.5 cm
D 161.5 < height < 162.5 cm
The first significant figure in the number
0.04072 is:
A 0

B 4

C 7

D 2

D makes the answer bigger than it

should be

The recurring decimal 0. 5 2 7 is

equivalent to:
A 0.527777
B 0.527527527
C 0.5272727
D 0.052705270527


When converted to a decimal, 1 2--3- is:

A 1.666666667
B 1.666666666
C 1. 6
D 1.7

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1


To convert 0. 5 7 to a fraction:
Step 1: Let n = 0.575757
Step 2: then 100n = 57.575757
Step 3:
------ = -----Step 4 : Hence n = 57
The missing Step 3 is:
A 19n = 57
B 33n = 57
C 99n = 57
D 90n = 57


A rate of 18 tonnes/hectare is equivalent

A 0.18 kg/m2
B 1.8 kg/m2
C 18 kg/m2
D 180 kg/m2


Which of the following rates are not

equivalent to 6 m/s?
A 360 m/min
B 21 600 m/h
C 21.6 km/h
D 216 km/h

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the sections
listed in the table.





15, 16

Consider these situations.
1 $1600 is to be shared between seven people and each share deposited in a bank account.
Now, $1600 7 = $228.571 428
However it is not possible to deposit this exact amount in a bank account. Since the smallest unit of money
we can deposit is a cent, and each share is closer to $228.57 than to $228.58, then we would deposit
$228.57 into each persons account.
2 A piece of timber 2600 mm long has to be cut into three equal lengths.
Now, 2600 mm 3 = 866.666 6 mm
However it is not possible to cut a piece of timber
exactly this long. Since the smallest unit of
measurement we are likely to have on a tape
measure is a millimetre, and this length is closer
to 867 mm than 866 mm, then we could measure
and cut each piece of timber to be 867 mm.
In both of these examples we have approximated the
result of a calculation to make the answer meaningful.

This process of
numbers is also
called rounding off.


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Example 1
Write down the value of the digit 7 in each of the following numbers.
a 273.6

b 1407.2


d 2764

a 7 tens or 7 10 (= 70)

b 7 units or 7 1 (= 7)

c 7 thousandths or 7 ------------- (= ------------- )

d 7 hundreds or 7 100 (= 700)

Exercise 5A

Write down the value of the digit 6 in each of the following numbers.
a 465.9
b 2346.1
c 3698
e 16 382 000
f 12.836
g 5.698
i 20 600
j 0.0006

d 6284
h 30.562

Example 2
Round off to the nearest thousand:
a 7390

b 24 830

c 46 500

a Round off 7390 to the nearest thousand means: is 7390 closer to 7000 or 8000?



By drawing part of a number line showing thousands and using the digit in the
hundreds column (3) to find the approximate position of 7390, we can see that it
is closer to 7000, that is 7390  7000, to the nearest thousand.
Note that the digit to the right of the thousands column (3) determines to which
number it is closer.
b Round off 24 830 to the nearest thousand means: is 24 830 closer to 24 000 or
25 000?
23 000

24 000

25 000

24 830
By drawing part of a number line showing thousands and using the digit in the
hundreds column (8) to find the approximate position of 24 830, we can see that it
is closer to 25 000, that is 24 830  25 000, to the nearest thousand.
Note that the digit to the right of the thousands column (8) determines to which
number it is closer.

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

c Round off 46 500 to the nearest thousand means

is 46 500 closer to 46 000 or 47 000?
45 000

46 000

By convention means
everyone agrees to do
it this way.

47 000

46 500
By drawing part of a number line showing thousands and
using the digit in the hundreds column (5) to find the
position of 46 500, we know that it is exactly in the middle
of 46 000 and 47 000. By convention, we round off to 47 000,
that is 46 500  47 000, to the nearest thousand.
To round off a number to the nearest thousand, locate the digit in the thousands column.
If the digit to the right of the thousands column is smaller than 5, retain the thousands digit and
replace the digits to the right of it by zeros.
If the digit to the right of the thousands column is bigger than 5, increase the thousands digit by one
and replace the digits to the right of it by zeros. This is called rounding up.
By convention, if the digit to the right of the thousands column is equal to 5, round up.

Example 3

The symbols  and

mean approximately
equal to.

Round off to the nearest thousand:

a 874 296

b 23 741


a The digit in the thousands column is 4. The digit to the

right of it is 2, which is smaller than 5. Hence we replace
all the digits to the right of 4 with zeros.
874 296  874 000, to the nearest thousand
b The digit in the thousands column is 3. The digit to the right
of it is 7, which is bigger than 5. Hence we increase the
thousands digit by one and replace all the digits to the
To the nearest
right of it by zeros.
thousand is known as
the level of
23 741  24 000, to the nearest thousand
accuracy of the answer.
c The digit in the thousands column is 2. The digit to
the right of it is equal to 5. Hence we increase
the thousands digit by one and replace all the
digits to the right of it by zeros.
2520  3000, to the nearest thousand


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Round off to the nearest thousand:

a 36 800
b 83 500
f 623 490
g 180 524
k 760
l 390

c 524 100
h 6287

d 8299
i 2999

e 18 560
j 400 721

Example 4
Round off:
a 2380 to the nearest hundred
c 28.5 to the nearest whole number

b 7862 to the nearest ten

Using the method of examples 2 and 3:

a Locate the digit in the hundreds column (3). The digit to the right of it is 8, which
is bigger than 5. Hence we round up.
2380  2400 to the nearest hundred
b Locate the digit in the tens column (6). The digit to the right of it is 2, which is
smaller than 5. Hence we round off.
7862  7860 to the nearest ten
c Locate the digit in the units column (8). The digit to the right of it is 5. Hence we
round up.
28.5  29 to the nearest whole number

Round off to the nearest hundred:

a 5360
b 16 829
f 240 230
g 3075
k 86
l 29

c 20 421
h 9628

d 849
i 450

e 369
j 147

Round off to the nearest ten:

a 674
b 2368
f 28
g 306
k 8
l 4

c 825
h 20 056

d 1056
i 409

e 73
j 1251

Round off to the nearest whole number:

a 16.7
b 25.3
c 81.5
f 265.07
g 20.9
h 106.28
k 0.71
l 0.36

d 236.67
i 300.7

e 583.1
j 55.5

Round off the following numbers to the nearest:

i 1000
ii 100
iii 10
a 46 783.5
b 28 456.7
c 39 165.5
e 182 678.5

iv 1
d 8462.3

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Example 5
Round off to the nearest 1000:
a 39 600

99 798

a Locate the digit in the thousands column (9). The digit to the right of it is 6, which
is bigger than 5. Hence we increase the thousands digit by one (increasing 39 to
40) and replace all the digits to the right by zeros.
39 600  40 000 to the nearest 1000
b Locate the digit in the thousands column (9). The digit to the right of it is 7, which
is bigger than 5. Hence we increase the thousands digit by one (increasing 99 to
100) and replace all the digits to the right by zeros.
99 698  100 000 to the nearest 1000

Round off to the nearest 1000:

a 29 700
b 59 854

c 179 500

d 199 870

e 799 500

Round off to the nearest 100:

a 3970
b 5963

c 23 950

d 79 980

e 19 965

Round off to the nearest 10:

a 698
b 1795

c 32 599

d 99

e 6999

1 decimal
place can be
abbreviated to
1 d.p.

Example 6
Round off 12.3815 to:
a 1 decimal place
c 3 decimal places

b 2 decimal places

a Locate the digit in the first column after the decimal

point (3). The digit to the right of it is 8, which is bigger
than 5. Hence we increase the 3 by one and delete any
digits to the right of it.
12.3815  12.4 to 1 d.p.
b Locate the digit in the second column after the decimal point (8). The digit to the
right of it is 1, which is smaller than 5. Hence we round off at the 8 and delete any
digits to the right of it.
12.3815  12.38 to 2 d.p.
c Locate the digit in the third column after the decimal point (1). The digit to the right
of it is 5. Hence we increase the 1 by one and delete any digits to the right of it.
12.3815  12.382 to 3 d.p.


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Round off 38.2683 to:

a 1 d.p.
b 2 d.p.

c 3 d.p.

Round off the following numbers to

a 8.4382
b 6.5839
f 21.6029
g 4.0611

i 1 d.p.
c 0.8625
h 5.0437

ii 2 d.p.
iii 3 d.p.
d 0.1864
i 7.0069

e 18.5555
j 3.0002

The last zero must

be shown in order to
indicate the level of
accuracy of our

Example 7
Round off:
a 2.497 correct to 2 decimal places
b 19.96 correct to 1 decimal place

a Locate the digit in the second column after the decimal point (9).
The digit to the right of it is 7, which is bigger than 5. Hence we
increase the 9 by one (increasing 49 to 50) and delete any digits
to the right of it.
2.497  2.50 to 2 d.p.
b Locate the digit in the first column after the decimal point (9). The digit to the
right of it is 6, which is bigger than 5. Hence we increase the 9 by one (increasing
199 to 200) and delete any digits to the right of it.
19.96  20.0 to 1 d.p.

Round off:
a 3.598 to 2 d.p.
e 0.996 to 2 d.p.

b 49.96 to 1 d.p.
f 4.8997 to 3 d.p.


2.6895 to 3 d.p.
99.98 to 1 d.p.

d 12.997 to 2 d.p.
h 69.995 to 2 d.p.

Example 8
When a number was rounded off to the nearest 10, the answer was 60.
a What is the smallest the number could have been?
b What is the largest the number could have been? Discuss.
c Write a mathematical statement that shows the range of possible numbers.
a 55 is halfway between 50 and 60 but by convention is rounded up to 60. This is the
smallest the number could have been.
b We cannot specify the largest number but we do know that it has to be less than 65
(because 65 would be rounded up to 70).
c The number could be equal to 55 or between 55 and 65. Mathematicians write this as:
55 number < 65.

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1


When a number was rounded off to the nearest 10, the answer was 80.
a What is the smallest the number could have been?
b What is the largest the number could have been?
c Write a mathematical statement that shows the range of possible numbers.


When a number was rounded off to the nearest 100, the answer was 400.
a What is the smallest the number could have been?
b What is the largest the number could have been?
c Write a mathematical statement that shows the range of possible numbers.


For each of the following:

i What is the smallest the number could have been?
ii What is the largest the number could have been?
iii Write a mathematical statement that shows the range of possible numbers, given that
when the number was rounded off:
a to the nearest 1000, the answer was 28 000
b to the nearest 1 (whole number), the answer was 43
c to 1 decimal place, the answer was 5.7
d to 2 decimal places, the answer was 6.32


Emily was measured to be 163 cm tall, to the nearest centimetre. Within what range of values
does her actual height lie?


The weight of a can of fruit was measured as 420 g, to the nearest 10 g. Within what range
does the actual weight of the can lie?


The time taken for Ken to complete the 100 m sprint at the athletics carnival was 12.4 s, to
the nearest tenth of a second. Within what range does his actual time lie?

A method that combines the rounding off techniques of section A of this chapter involves the use of significant
The first significant figure in a number is the first digit that is not a zero (reading from left to right).

Example 1
Write down the first significant figure in each of the following numbers.
a 3790

b 4.0625

0.002 86

The first digit which is not a zero is the

a 3
b 4
c 2


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Exercise 5B

Write down the first significant figure in each of the following numbers.
a 2876
b 5 069 836
c 1.0035
d 0.0791

e 0.000 802

Significant figures
may be abbreviated
to s.f.

Example 2
Round off 63.75091 correct to:
a 1
d 4

b 2
c 3
e 5 significant figures.

a The first significant figure is the 6 which is in

the tens column. In this case we are required
to round off to the nearest 10.
63.75091  60 correct to 1 significant figure.
b The second significant figure is the 3 which is in the units column. In this case we
are required to round off to the nearest 1 (whole number).
63.75091  64 correct to 2 s.f.
c The third significant figure is the 7 which is in the first place after the decimal
point. In this case we are required to round off to 1 decimal place.
63.75091  63.8 correct to 3 s.f.
d The fourth significant figure is the 5 which is in the second place after the decimal
point. In this case we are required to round off to 2 decimal places.
63.75091  63.75 correct to 4 s.f.
e The fifth significant figure is the 0 which is in the third place after the decimal
point. In this case, we are required to round off to 3 decimal places.
63.75091  63.751 correct to 5 s.f.

Round off 28.470 58 correct to:

a 1
b 2
c 3
e 5 significant figures, giving the level of accuracy of the answer.
Round off each of the following numbers to:
i 1
ii 2
iii 3 significant figures.
a 428.3
b 6238
c 7.819
e 53 689
f 725 600
g 0.039 26
i 6103
j 2005

d 4

d 0.5273
h 0.005 072

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Example 3
Write correct to 3 significant figures:
a 249 700

b 629.51

0.001 896

d 6.998

a The third significant figure is the 9 in the 1000s column. We need to round off to
the nearest 1000.
249 700  250 000 to 3 s.f.
b The third significant figure is in the units column. We need to round off to the
nearest whole number.
629.51  630 to 3 s.f.
c The third significant figure is in the fifth place after the decimal point. We need to
round off to 5 decimal places.
0.001 896  0.001 90 to 3 s.f.
d The third significant figure is in the second place after the decimal point. We need
to round off to 2 decimal places.
6.998  7.00 to 3 s.f.

Write correct to 3 significant figures:

a 369 800
b 239.6
f 499.7
g 0.039 98

c 0.005 798
h 0.299 9

d 8.997
i 0.001 999

e 299 700
j 999 900

Example 4
When a number was rounded off to 2 significant figures, the answer was
a 430
b 3.7
i What is the smallest the number could have been?
ii What is the largest the number could have been?
iii Write a mathematical statement that shows the range of possible numbers.
a The second significant figure is in the tens column, hence the number has been
rounded off to the nearest 10.
i 425 is halfway between 420 and 430 but by convention is rounded up to 430.
This is the smallest the number could have been.
ii We cannot specify the largest number but we do know that it has to be less
than 435 (because 435 would be rounded up to 440).
iii The number could be equal to 425 or between 425 and 435. Mathematicians
write this as:
425 number < 435


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

b The second significant figure is in the first column after the decimal point, hence
the number has been rounded off to 1 decimal place.
i 3.65 is halfway between 3.6 and 3.7 but by convention is rounded up to 3.7.
This is the smallest the number could have been.
ii We cannot specify the largest number but we do know that it has to be less
than 3.75 (because 3.75 would be rounded up to 3.8).
iii The number could be equal to 3.65 or between 3.65 and 3.75. Mathematicians
write this as:
3.65 number < 3.75

When a number was rounded off to 2 significant figures the answer was:
a 560
b 8.2
c 48
d 0.72
e 37 000
f 0.084
i What is the smallest the number could have been?
ii What is the largest the number could have been?
iii Write a mathematical statement that shows the range of possible numbers.

When a number was rounded off to 3 significant figures the answer was:
a 483
b 3.86
c 14 500
d 0.128
e 56.9
f 3210
Write a mathematical statement that shows the range of possible numbers in each case.

For each of the following write a mathematical statement that shows the range of possible
numbers, given that when rounded to:
a 2 s.f. the answer is 300
b 2 s.f. the answer is 3000
c 3 s.f. the answer is 6000
d 3 s.f. the answer is 24 000
e 3 s.f. the answer is 500 000
f 2 s.f. the answer is 0.80
g 3 s.f. the answer is 0.400

Example 5
How many significant figures are there in each of the following numbers?
a 294

b 0.3


d 0.0017

e 56 000

a 3
b 1
c 3
d 2
e We are unable to tell precisely. 56 300 rounded to the nearest thousand  56 000;
55 970 rounded to the nearest hundred  56 000; 56 003 rounded to the nearest
ten  56 000; 55 999.6 rounded to the nearest whole number  56 000. So there
could be 2, 3, 4 or 5 s.f.

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

How many significant figures are there in each of the following numbers?
a 38
b 0.49
c 2896
d 0.075
f 1.800
g 0.0053
h 0.060
i 400
k 23 000
l 8 000 000

e 0.40
j 7000

The number of
significant figures
indicates the level of
accuracy of the

Example 6

Explain the difference between measurements of:

a 5.62 m and 5.620 m

2.4 kg and 2.40 kg

a 5.62 m has 3 significant figures. The last significant figure

(2) is in the hundredths (of a metre) column. This indicates
that the measurement has been made to the nearest
hundredth of a metre, i.e. to the nearest centimetre.
5.620 m has 4 significant figures. The last significant
figure (0) is in the thousandths (of a metre) column.
This indicates that the measurement has been made to
the nearest thousandth of a metre, i.e. to the nearest millimetre.
So 5.62 m has been measured to the nearest centimetre, and 5.620 has been
measured to the nearest millimetre. The second measurement is more accurate.
b 2.4 kg has 2 significant figures. The last significant figure (4) is in the tenths
(of a kilogram) column. This indicates that the measurement has been made to
the nearest tenth of a kilogram, i.e. to the nearest 100 g.
2.40 kg has 3 significant figures. The last significant figure (0) is in the hundredths
(of a kilogram) column. This indicates that the measurement has been made to the
nearest hundredth of a kilogram, i.e. to the nearest 10 g.
So 2.4 kg has been measured to the nearest 100 g, and 2.40 kg has been measured
to the nearest 10 g. The second measurement is more accurate.


Explain the difference between measurements of:

a 3.64 m and 3.640 m
c 12 s and 12.0 s
e 23.8 s and 23.80 s
g 1.5 t and 1.50 t

5.8 kg and 5.80 kg

36 cm and 36.0 cm
7.29 km and 7.290 km
5.83 L and 5.830 L

Working in groups, discuss the level of accuracy of the numbers in the following statements.
(You could consider the number of significant figures and how the numbers may have been
a There were 42 000 people at the concert.
b The profit made by the bank was $600 million.
c The radius of the Earth is 6400 km.
d The distance of Mars from the Sun is 229 000 000 km.
e Light travels at 300 000 km/h.
f The length of the influenza virus is 0.000 26 mm.


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1


Exercise 5C

a Calculate 12 843 + 678 + 15 632.

b Round off the answer to part a, correct to the nearest 100.
c Round off to the nearest 100:
i 12 853
ii 678
iii 15 692
d Find the sum of the three answers in part c.
e Compare the answers to parts b and d. Comment.

a Calculate 8085 2834 correct to the nearest 10.

b Round off to the nearest 10:
i 8085
ii 2834
c Find the difference between the answers in part b.
d Compare the answers to parts a and c. Comment.


Multiply 2.341 by 8 and round off the answer to 1 decimal place.

Write 2.341 correct to 1 decimal place.
Multiply the answer to part b by 8.
Compare the answers to parts a and c. Comment.

Truncate to 1 decimal place

means to cut off all digits
after the first decimal place
(without rounding).

a Calculate 4.83 29.68 and give the answer to 1 decimal place.

b Round off each of the numbers in part a to 1 decimal place and
then perform the multiplication, giving the answer to 1 decimal place.
c Compare the answers to parts a and b. Comment.
d Truncate each of the numbers in part a to 1 decimal place
and then perform the multiplication, giving the answer
to 1 decimal place.
e Compare the answers to parts a and d. Comment.

a Calculate 32.683 + 16.87 + 25.619.

b Round off the answer to part a, correct to 2 significant figures.
c Round off to 2 s.f.:
i 32.683
ii 16.87
iii 25.619
d Find the sum of the three answers in part c to 2 s.f.
e Compare the answers to parts b and d. Comment.


Multiply 3.5 by 17 and round off the answer to 1 s.f.

Write 3.5 and 17, correct to 1 s.f.
Multiply the numbers in part b and give the answer to 1 s.f.
Compare the answers to parts a and c. Comment.

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

a Calculate 16.358 7.499 giving the answer to 3 s.f.

b Find:
i 16.358
ii 7.499 correct to 3 s.f.
c Divide the answers in b and give the answer to 3 s.f.
d Compare the answers to parts a and c. Comment.

a Multiply 32.86 by 128.57, giving the answer correct to 3 significant figures.

b Round off each of the numbers in part a to 3 significant figures and then perform the
multiplication, giving the answer to 3 significant figures.
c Compare the answers to a and b. Comment.

a Calculate 145 784, giving the answer correct to 2 significant figures.

b Round off each of the numbers in part a to 2 significant figures and then perform the
division, giving the answer to 2 significant figures.
c Compare the answers to a and b. Comment.


a Find 11 correct to 2 significant figures.

b Multiply the answer in part a by itself (i.e. square the answer.) Is the result 11?
c Repeat parts a and b using
i 3
ii 4
iii 5
iv 6 significant figures.

It should be clear from the above questions that rounding numbers during a calculation often affects the
accuracy of the result. So never round off before the last step of a calculation.

The value of is 3.141 592 65 correct to 9 significant figures. Calculate and comment on the
accuracy of the following approximations for , i.e. to how many significant figures is the
approximation accurate?
------ to 1, 2, 3, s.f. and compare with the value
a -----(Round off the value of 22
of to 1, 2, 3, s.f.)
b ---------113

553 2
c ----------



Example 1
Five metres of rope have to be cut into three equal lengths. Calculate the length
of each piece, rounding off to a reasonable level of accuracy.
5 m 3 = 1.6666 m
A reasonable level of accuracy for the result of this calculation could be correct to
4 significant figures or correct to 3 decimal places, as this would be equivalent to
correct to the nearest millimetre, i.e. 5 m 3  1.667 m.
Note that if our tape measure only showed centimetres, then rounding off to
3 significant figures or 2 decimal places (i.e. to the nearest centimetre) would
be more appropriate, i.e. 5 m 3  1.67 m.
Hence, several answers are possible, depending on the accuracy of our measuring


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1


Perform each of the following calculations, rounding off the answer to a reasonable level of
a 100 mm of cotton has to be cut into three equal pieces. Find the length of each piece.
b 100 cm of string has to be cut into three equal pieces. Find the length of each piece.
c 100 m of rope has to be cut into three equal pieces. Find the length of each piece.
d 2 m of rope has to be cut into three equal pieces. Find the length of each piece.
e A running track is 11 m wide. If the track is to be divided into 8 lanes, how wide should
each lane be?
f There are 2100 families in a country town and the total number of children is 4897. Find
the average number of children per family.
g A bank announced that its annual profit was $170 million. Calculate its average monthly

As a decimal


= 0.375 and


= 0.333 33

When converted to a decimal, the fraction

three places have been filled.


terminates. The digits after the decimal point stop after

When the fraction 1--3- is converted to a decimal,

the digits after the decimal point keep repeating
or recurring. We call this a recurring decimal.

When converted to
a decimal, all
fractions either
terminate or recur.

0.3333 is written 0. 3
The dot above the 3 indicates that this digit recurs.

Example 1
Write the following recurring decimals using the dot notation.
a 0.4444
d 0.415 415 415

0. 4

b 0.4 1

b 0.411 11
e 0.415 341 534 153

0. 4 1

0. 4 1 5

The dots are put

above the first and last
digits of the group of
digits that repeat.

0.414 141

e 0. 4 15 3

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Exercise 5D

Write the following recurring decimals using the dot notation.

a 0.7777
b 0.355 55
c 0.282 828
d 0.325 325 325
e 0.678 467 846 784
f 1.4444
g 6.922 22
h 0.494 949
i 0.234 234 234
j 0.033 33
k 0.909 090
l 0.536 666
m 0.217 77

Example 2
Use your calculator to convert:
a --b --- to a decimal.
a By calculating 5 8 or using the fraction key


= 0.625.

b By calculating 2 3 or using the fraction key, the display could show 0.666666666
or 0.666666667, depending on the calculator used.
Both are approximations for the recurring decimal 0. 6 . In the first case the answer
has been truncated (because of the limitations of the calculator display) and, in the
second case, the calculator has automatically rounded up to the last decimal place,
i.e. --- = 0. 6 .

Convert the following fractions to decimals.






e 1 ----12

1 2--3-



-----1 13


Example 3
Convert the following decimals to fractions:

a 0.8

b 0.63

a 0.8 = ------ = --10

0.63 = ---------100

Convert the following decimals to fractions.

a 0.6
b 0.78
c 0.125


c 0.148 = ------------- = ---------1000 250

d 0.08

e 0.256


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Example 4
Convert 0. 4 to a fraction.
Let n = 0. 4
n = 0.4444
10n = 4.4444
9n = 4

by subtraction

n = --9


0. 4 = --9


Convert the following recurring decimals to fractions.


Multiplying by 10
moves the decimal
point one place to
the right.

0. 2

0. 3

0. 5

0. 8

0. 7

0. 9 8

Convert 0. 9 to a fraction. Discuss the result with your class.

Example 5
Convert 0. 5 7 to a fraction.

by subtraction

Multiplying by 100
makes the decimal
parts the same.

n = 0.575757
100n = 57.575757
99n = 57
57 19
n = ------ = -----99 33
0. 5 7 = -----33

Convert the following recurring decimals to fractions.

a 0. 4 6
b 0. 9 1
c 0. 3 0

0. 6 3

Convert the following recurring decimals to fractions (Hint: Multiply by 1000).

a 0. 5 8 6
b 0. 2 3 9
c 0. 8 5 2
d 0. 4 2 3

0. 6 1 5

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Example 6
Convert 0.3 5 to a fraction.
Let n = 0.3 5
by subtraction



32 16
n = ------ = -----90 45

0.3 5 = -----45

We need to make
the decimal parts
the same before
we subtract.

Convert the following recurring decimals to fractions.

a 0.3 8
b 0.6 5
c 0.9 2

d 0.1 6

0.0 9

0.04 9

Example 7
Convert 0.51 2 to a fraction.
Let n = 0.51 2
by subtraction



n = ---------900
0.51 2 = ---------900

Convert the following recurring decimals to fractions.

a 0.54 6
b 0.72 3
c 0.76 2

0.90 5

A rate is a comparison between different kinds of quantities. For instance, we could compare
distance travelled with the time taken to travel this distance (this well known rate is called
speed), mass of fertiliser with the area to be fertilised, cost of washing powder with the mass
bought, and so on.


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Example 1
Farmer White spread 1500 kg of fertiliser over 1200 m2 of a field. Write the rate
of application of fertiliser in simplified form.
We are required to find the amount of fertiliser per (one) square metre of area.
1500 kg
1500 kg per 1200 m2 = ------------- ------21200 m
------ is usually written
= 1.25 ------2m
kg/m .
= 1.25 kg/m

Exercise 5E


Julie paid $8.60 for a 2.5 kg packet of washing powder. Find the cost per kilogram.
Ben was paid $100.48 for 8 hours of work. Calculate his rate of pay (per hour).
Kylie typed 660 words in 12 min. How many words per minute can she type?
On a journey of 882 km a car used 84 L of petrol. Express the petrol consumption in km/L.
A truck travelled 585 km in 6 1--2- h. Calculate the average speed of the truck.

Example 2
Convert a rate of:
a 83 cents/metre to cents/centimetre
b $8.70/hour to
i cents/hour
a 83 c/m

83 c
= ------ ---1 m
83 c
= ---------- ------100 cm
= 0.83 ------cm
or 0.83 cents/centimetre

ii cents/minute
b i $8.70/h = $ 8.70
870 c
= ---------- --- or 870 cents/hour
1 h
870 c
= ---------- ---------60 min
= 14.5 ---------- or 14.5 cents/minute

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Example 3
Convert 12 tonnes/hectare to grams/square metre.
Write the rate as a
fraction then convert.

12 t
12 t/ha = ----------1 ha
12 1000 1000 g
= ---------------------------------------------- ------210000
= 1200 g/m2

a 91 cents/m to cents/cm
c 84 L/h to L/min
e 9% p.a. to % per quarter
g $50.40/h to cents/min
i 6.5 t/ha to g/m2
k $36/L to c/mL


125 cents/m to cents/mm

15% p.a to % per month
$9.60/h to cents/min
18 t/ha to g/m2
$19/kg to c/g
7.5 kg/L to g/mL

Convert 72 km/h to


ii m/min

iii m/s

Convert 108 km/h to


ii m/min

iii m/s

Convert 60 km/h to


ii m/min

iii m/s

A 600 litre fish tank was filled in 2 hours. Calculate the rate of flow of water into the tank in:
i L/h
ii L/min
iii mL/s

Example 4
a 5 m/s to km/h

b 12 g/m2 to kg/ha

a 5 m/s = 5 60 m/min

b 12 g/m2 = 12 10 000 g/ha

12 10000
= ----------------------------- kg/ha

= 5 60 60 m/h
5 60 60
= ----------------------------- km/h

= 120 kg/ha

= 18 km/h

a 8 m/s to km/h
d 15 g/m2 to kg/ha
g 0.5 c/g to $/kg
j 0.8 g/mL to kg/L

b 20 m/s to km/h
e 8 g/m2 to kg/ha
h 12 c/min to $/h


35 m/s to km/h
25 g/m2 to kg/ha
2 mL/s to L/h


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

An athlete can run 100 m in 10 s. Calculate his speed in km/h.

A car uses 125 L of petrol to travel a distance of 1000 km. Calculate the rate of petrol
consumption in:
i L/km
ii L/100 km
iii mL/km


A machine fills bottles at the rate of 240 bottles/h.

a How many bottles could be filled in 4 1--2- hours?
b How long would it take to fill 6000 bottles?
c Convert the rate to bottles/min.
d How many bottles could be filled in 45 min?
e How long would it take to fill 200 bottles?


Paint covers walls at the rate of 16 m2/L.

a What area could be covered by a 20 L drum?
b How much paint would be needed to cover an area of 240 m2?
c Convert the rate to m2/mL.
d What area could be covered by a
i 500 mL
ii 200 mL can of paint?


A car travels at an average speed of 90 km/h.

a How far will the car travel in 5 h?
b How long will it take the car to travel 675 km?
c Convert the speed to m/s.
d If the time it takes to stop the car from this speed is 5.4 s, how far does the car travel
before it stops?


Water can flow from a tap at the rate of 4.5 L/min.

a How much water would flow from the tap in 1 h?
b How long would it take to fill a 40 L drum?
c Convert the rate to mL/s.
d If a plastic bottle is filled in 24 s, what is the capacity of the bottle?


A patient in hospital is given a saline solution intravenously at the rate of 50 mL/h.

a How much saline solution will the patient receive in 24 h?
b If each millilitre contains 12 drops, convert the rate to drops/min.


A telecommunications company quotes its rate for mobile phone calls as 15c/call plus
8.5c/30 s (or part thereof).
1 gram = 1000
a Convert the time rate to c/min.
b What is the total cost of a 3-minute phone call?
c Use the answer to part b to calculate the average cost per minute
of a 3-minute phone call.
d How much would it cost to make a call lasting 5 min and 10 s?
e Joo-Mee decides that when she rings her friends she cannot
afford to spend more than $1 per phone call. What is the
maximum time she can spend talking to a friend?


Slopon UV protection cream contains 72 g/L of the chemical titanide. Express this
concentration in:
i g/mL
ii mg/mL
iii mg/10 mL

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

non-calculator activities

Round off:
a 34 671 to the nearest thousand
c 15.187 to the nearest whole number
e 7.6351 to 3 significant figures

b 7.296 to 2 decimal places

d 2454 to 2 significant figures

How many significant figures are there in each of the following numbers?
a 2.34
b 0.0087
c 40 000

Write the following using dot notation.

a 0.4444
b 0.525 252
e 0.213 213 213

By division, convert to a decimal:

Convert 0. 3 7 to a fraction.


a 36 km/h to m/s

c 0.566 66


d 0.576 666


b 1.5 g/mL to kg/L.

Language in Mathematics

The value of the digit 7 in the number 13.475 is:

A 7 tens
B 7 tenths
C 7 hundreds

D 7 hundredths

Explain the difference between the measurements 9 seconds and 9.0 seconds.

Explain what is meant by the term level of accuracy of an answer.

Explain the difference between the words affect and effect.

Complete the following words by replacing the missing vowels:

a fr__ct__ __n
b d__c__m__l
c s__m
d pr__d__ct
e t__rm__n__t__

Write in your own words the meanings of: recurring, convert, retain, truncate, convention.


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Three of the words in the following list are spelt incorrectly. Find these words and write the
correct spelling:
significent, repeating, deleet, figgers, accuracy.

How many words of three or more letters can you make from the word APPROXIMATION.
(No proper names or plurals allowed.)





















round off







The value of the digit 3 in the number 156.832 is:

A 30
B 3

When rounded to the nearest thousand 23 629 is:

A 23
B 24

C -----10
C 23 000

When 7982 is rounded to the nearest hundred the answer is:

A 7900
B 7990
C 7980


D ---------100

D 24 000

D 8000

Which of the following numbers are not equal to 36.5, when rounded off correct to
1 decimal place?
A 36.48
B 36.54
C 36.55
D 36.50

When a number is rounded off to the nearest 10 the answer is 70. The smallest the number
could be is:
A 69.99
B 69
C 65.01
D 65

The mass of a soup can was given as 380 g to the nearest 10 g. The actual mass of the can
lies in the range:
A 370 mass < 390 g
B 370 < mass < 390 g
C 375 mass < 385 g
D 375 < mass < 385 g

The first significant figure in the number 0.005064 is:

A 0
B 5
C 6

D 4

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference NS5.2.1

Which of the following numbers are not equal to 4600 when rounded off to 2 significant
A 4639
B 4608
C 4550
D 4650

When rounded to 3 significant figures, 4.5976 is:

A 4.597
B 4.598


C 4.59

Rounding numbers before the last step of a calculation:

A never affects the accuracy of the answer
B often affects the accuracy of the answer
C always affects the accuracy of the answer
D makes the answer bigger than it should be


The recurring decimal 0.6 4 is equivalent to:

A 0.6444
B 0.646 464



When converted to a decimal, 1 7--9- is:

A 1.777777778
B 1.777777777


B 11n = 63

A rate of 13 tonnes/hectare is equivalent to:

A 0.13 kg/m2
B 1.3 kg/m2

D 0.034

C 0.064 44

D 0.064 064 064

C 1.8

D 1. 7

C 99n = 63

D 90n = 63

C 13 kg/m2

D 130 kg/m2

To convert 0. 6 3 to a fraction:
Step 1
n = 0.636363
Step 2
100n = 63.636363
Step 3
Step 4
n = ------ = -----99 11
The missing Step 3 is:
A 7n = 63


D 4.60

Which of the following numbers do not have 2 significant figures?

A 7.29
B 5.0
C 36


Which of the following rates are not equivalent to 5 m/s?

A 300 m/min
B 18 000 m/h
C 18 km/h

D 180 km/h

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the sections
listed in the table.






15, 16

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference 5.2.1


Write down the value of the digit 5 in each of the following numbers.
a 253.6
b 1405.2
c 86.457

d 2564

Round off:
a 2470 to the nearest hundred

b 7926 to the nearest ten

c 33.5 to the nearest whole number

d 49 900 to the nearest thousand

Round off 8.4625 to:

a 1 decimal place

b 2 decimal places

c 3 decimal places

Round off:

a 3.497 correct to 2 decimal places

b 19.98 correct to 1 decimal place

When a number was rounded off to the nearest 10, the answer was 40.
a What is the smallest the number could have been?
b What is the largest the number could have been? Discuss.
c Write a mathematical statement that shows the range of possible numbers.

Write down the first significant figure in each of the following numbers.
a 3790


b 2

c 3

d 4

b 0.6

c 8.20


Explain the difference between measurements of 3.65 m and 3.650 m.

Write the following recurring decimals using the dot notation.
a 0.2222

b 0.422 22

e 0.425 342 534 253

0.425 425 425


Use your calculator to convert to a decimal:


Convert the following decimals to fractions:

a 0.6


e 5 significant figures

How many significant figures are there in each of the following numbers?
a 795

c 0.002 86

Round off 48.350 92 correct to:

a 1

b 4.0625

Convert to a fraction:

a 0. 4

c 0.424 242


c 0.138
b 0. 4 1

b 1 2--3-

e 28 000

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference 5.2.1


Convert 16 tonnes/hectare to grams/square metre.


Convert 1.2 L/km to L/100 km.


Write down the value of the digit 6 in each of the following numbers.





Round off:

13 560 to the nearest hundred

b 4063 to the nearest ten

147.55 to the nearest whole number

d 99 900 to the nearest thousand

Round off 1.5607 to:

a 1 decimal place

b 2 decimal places

c 3 decimal places

Round off:

a 2.695 correct to 2 decimal places

Susan was measured to be 164 cm tall, to the nearest centimetre. Within what range of values
does her actual height lie?

Write down the first significant figure in each of the following numbers.
a 24 560

b 15.0715



0.005 09

b 539.53

c 0.002 397

d 1.998

How many significant figures are there in each of the following numbers?
a 37

Write correct to 3 significant figures:

a 365 400

b 39.96 correct to 1 decimal place

b 1.3

c 17.90


e 4000

Explain the difference between measurements of 1.85 kg and 1.850 kg.

Write the following recurring decimals using dot notation.


b 0.366 66

0.567 856 785 678

Use your calculator to convert to a decimal:

c 0.282 828


0.314 314 314

b 1 7--9-


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference 5.2.1


Convert the following decimals to fractions:




Convert to a fraction: a 0. 8


Convert 36 km/h to:


Convert 5 mL/s to L/h.


c 0.267


0. 4 9

ii m/min

iii m/s


Write down the value of the digit 8 in each of the following numbers.


b 36.8

c 23.487

Round off:
a 13 827 to the nearest hundred

d 89 600 to the nearest thousand

24.09 to the nearest whole number

765 to the nearest ten

Round off 13.0652 to:

a 1 decimal place

b 2 decimal places

c 3 decimal places

Round off:

Write down the first significant figure in each of the following numbers.

a 4.196 correct to 2 decimal places


b 4.0625

20.95 correct to 1 decimal place

c 0.002 86

Round off 17.6308 correct to:

a 1


b 2

c 3

d 4

e 5 significant figures

When a number was rounded off to 2 significant figures the answer was 430.
a What is the smallest the number could have been?
b What is the largest the number could have been? Discuss.
c Write a mathematical statement that shows the range of possible numbers.

How many significant figures are there in each of the following numbers?
a 795

b 0.6


d 0.0032

28 000

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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference 5.2.1


Explain the difference between measurements of 6 cm and 6.0 cm.

Write the following recurring decimals using dot notation.
a 0.1111.

b 0.377 77

c 0.929 292

d 0.637 637 637

e 0.423 333

Use your calculator to convert to a decimal:


Convert these decimals to fractions:


Convert to a fraction:


Convert 72 L/h to mL/s.


Convert 2 cents/min to $/day.


0. 8


-----b 1 11



b 0. 6 3 5


Write down the value of the digit 3 in each of the following numbers.
a 12.03

b 3568

c 93.257

d 530.8

Round off:
a 78 463 to the nearest hundred

b 509 to the nearest ten

c 34.08 to the nearest whole number

d 499 500 to the nearest thousand

Round off 2.0566 to:

a 1 decimal place

b 2 decimal places

Round off:

The weight of a can of tomatoes was measured as 240 g, to the nearest 10 g. Within what
range does the actual weight of the can lie?

Write down the first significant figure in each of the following numbers.
a 135 700

a 3.198 correct to 2 decimal places

c 3 decimal places

b 0.0063

b 59.97 correct to 1 decimal place

c 5.0084

Write correct to 3 significant figures:

a 24 671


c 0.050 67

d 2.995


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Rational Numbers (Chapter 5) Syllabus reference 5.2.1

How many significant figures are there in each of the following numbers?





d 0.000 93


Explain the difference between measurements of 12 seconds and 12.0 seconds.

Write the following recurring decimals using dot notation.
a 0.9999

b 0.455 55

0.858 585

d 0.726 666

e 0.436 436 436


Use your calculator to convert to a decimal:



Convert the following decimals to fractions:



Convert to a fraction:

a 0. 6


Convert 90 km/h to:


Convert 0.75 kg/m2 to tonnes/hectare.


b 1 ----12

b 0.96

b 0.3 9
ii m/min

iii m/s

c 0.545

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