Lec 36
Lec 36
Lec 36
Prof. M. L. Kothari
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Lecture - 36
Voltage Stability (Contd)
(Refer Slide Time: 00:53)
In the previous lesson we have discussed the basic concept of voltage stability and I have
discussed the transmission line characteristic, I have also talked about the VP curves for
understanding the voltage stability problem then I discuss a problem which I still
reiterated again about the large system. Suppose for a large system if you have to plot the
VP curve how do we plot the VP curve for a large system.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:50)
Today, we will specifically discuss the generator characteristics, then load characteristic
and discuss the characteristics of reactive compensating devices such as shunt capacitors,
regulated shunt compensation under this regulated shunt compensation we talk about the
SVC and STATCOM. We will also talk about series capacitors we will also discuss
briefly about the regulated series compensation like thyristor control series compensation
and synchronous, static synchronous series compensators and so on. Then we will discuss
the voltage collapse phenomena, how the voltage collapse takes place in the system what
are the sequence of events that take place which may cause the voltage to collapse. Then
the next point which we have to discuss is the classification of voltage stability, voltage
stability analysis then determination of shortest distance to instability the continuation
power flow analysis and ultimately the prevention of voltage collapse.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:14)
I intend to cover these topics in two lectures the the material which I am covering today
and in the subsequent lecture is mainly drawn from this book on power system stability
and control by Prabha Kundur. In this book he has discussed one one large system
voltage stability analysis problem the system considered is shown here this system has 39
buses, 39 buses and 9 generators and 1 synchronous condenser, synchronous condenser.
Now for this system first step is that suppose for a particular area, the area which has
been identified is marked here this is the area called as area one this is the area one.
Now here in this area some some buses which are likely to we can say suffer the voltage
instability problem are identified the buses which are very far off from the loads are likes
a 530, this bus number is 530 this is one typical bus which has been identified.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:02)
Now for this system the first step which has been done is to plot the VP curves for this
multi-machine system, how do we perform the obtain the VP curve. The approach which
has been considered here is that in this area one we increase the load in small steps that is
at all the buses you increase the load in this area one and and to meet this load, we
correspondingly increase the generation at all the generating stations in proportional to
that to their sizes right and then a load flow is conducted to find out what is the voltage at
this point that is you perform repeated low flow for different loading condition in this
area area to plot a VP curve corresponding to the bus number 530 okay.
Now this figure shows the VP curve obtained for area obtain for bus 530 considering the
load change in area one that is area one has number of buses right and at each bus the
load is increased in small steps and to to meet that load the generations also increase
correspondingly and then load flow is conducted then for each of the loading condition
you find out what is the voltage at this bus 530 which is considered to be the critical bus
and is the found to voltage in stability.
Now this curve is similar to what we have seen for a a single a single bus system or we
can say radial transmission system where load is at only one bus right. Now we can see
here as the load in area one increases the voltage at the bus number 530 decreases and at
this point C we will find actually that beyond this point if you want to increase the load
we are not in a position to increase the load, the load flow will not converse right and
therefore we have generated actually in this in this example the VP curve for a 39 bus
system considering a particular area and a particular bus.
Now while plotting this plotting this VP curve the power factor at the at the buses the
load power factors are assumed to be constant that is when we increasing p you may
increase correspondingly value of q also. Now here there are three points are identified
one operating point A which is called normal operating load which is less than 100 mega
watt and more than something like 80 megawatt around 85 megawatt in the normal load.
Another point b on this curve is identified where the load is more than 160 megawatt, this
point B is very close to the critical point and C is the critical point in the system.
Now to understand the voltage collapse phenomena one very important approach is to
examine the qv curves because we know actually that the voltage is related mainly to the
reactive power injection at that buses right therefore for this system which we have
examined the QV curves are generated.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:00)
Now for generating the QV curve the approach is that we go to the system let us say that
we want to generate QV curve for say bus 530 QV curve what we really do here is that
we inject a curtain amount of reactive power at this bus, curtain amount of reactive power
at this bus or other way around we say that we want to maintain curtain voltage at this
bus then compute what is the reactive power injection required that is you assume that
bus number 530 is a PV bus right and perform the load flow analysis and then compute
what is the reactive power required at this bus to maintain the voltage at that level.
Now this exercise has been conducted for four different buses in the system. The buses
identified are bus number 160, bus number 200, bus number 510 and bus number 530
that is for the complete system under the normal operating condition right the the QV
curves are to be generated. Now for generating this QV curves again 3 different loading
conditions are considered, one is corresponding to the point A which is shown here,
another is corresponding to point B and third is corresponding to the critical point C in
the system for for this the point A which is the normal operating condition right the QV
curves plotted are shown here.
Now these QV curves are shown for different buses like this is the QV curve I will just
redraw it more really here this is the QV curve plotted for bus number 200. Now if you
examine this QV curve that is on this side we have put the injected reactive power and on
this side we are putting the bus voltage in per unit. Now you can see here actually that
this QV curve shows as the bus voltage increases the increases initially the injected
reactive power decreases it comes to a point where we reach a minimum point if it is a
minimum reactive power injection required to maintain this voltage at this level then to
maintain the voltage at any other level beyond this point again we have to increase the
injected reactive power.
Therefore we can see this curve then this curve is basically a V curve type thing where
when the voltage is very low we have to inject curtain amount of reactive power if the if
the desired voltage is more reactive power required injection is less right. Now in this
similarly this QV curves have been generated for other buses likes say bus 530, bus 510,
160 all these curves have similar pattern. Now let us examine this curve that is a QV
curve for bus number 200, this is the QV curve.
Now you can see here actually that this is the point where if you find out the slope that is
dq by dv then this dq by dv is 0 that is at this point the slope of this curve is 0. Now dq by
dv 0 means actually here here if you increase the increase the reactive power injection
voltage does not change right. Now if you go from this point onwards then this dq by dv
is positive that is from this point let me call this mark from this point onwards then dq by
dv is positive and therefore the any operation on this part of the curve will be stable
operation in the sense that dq by dv is positive means that when I increase the value of
reactive power injected the there is a increase in the voltage at that bus but now if I see
the left part of this curve then the slope of this curve slope or slope of this slope that is dq
by dv is negative it means if you when you increase the reactive power injection then the
voltage drops right and therefore this portion of the curve of course we write I take this
extended portion like this then this portion is unstable operating point. On this portion,
we cannot operate because if you just increase the the reactive power voltage drop rather
than increasing.
Now this is the different type of q curves which have been shown and as we have see in
our further discussion that this the slope of the slope of this curve or you can say the qv
sensitivity will be very important term or indicator for for analyzing the voltage stability
of a system okay.
Now this shows the QV curves generated for loading condition corresponding to B on the
nose curve or on the VP curve. Now the you can examine you can see that now the
curves or you can see shape of the curves have drastically changed.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:06)
Similarly, for the last case that is the operating condition corresponding to the point C
again QV curves are plotted and you can easily see that the curves have completely
changed therefore the what we conclude here is that the QV curves for different buses
depend upon the loading condition on the system and the QV sensitivity is different at
different loading condition.
Now after this we, let us examine the characteristics of various components of the power
system which would affect the voltage stability of the system. In fact the voltage stability
depends upon the complex interaction between the various components of the power
system. Now we start with the characteristic of generators it is very well known actually
that a generator is a source of reactive power, it can generate reactive power, it can
observe reactive power and it can generate real power also. Therefore, now let us to to
study the study the generator characteristics particularly in response to voltage stability
phenomena phenomena we we see that all generators have automatic voltage regulators
and these generators are the generator AVRs are the most important means of voltage
control in a power system.
When we talk about the voltage control in a power system then the devices which are
available for voltage control are automatic voltage regulators of the generators that is by
regulating the excitation of the generators. We control the voltage by tape changing of the
transformers we control the voltage by by reactive power injections. The reactive power
may be injected by synchronous condenser or may be by SVC or may be consider by
shunt compensators or static capacitors or so on but these are the means for regulating the
voltage therefore in generators the AVRs will regulate the voltage under normal
conditions the terminal voltage of generators are maintained constant that is as the
loading condition changes the terminal voltage is maintained constant by the
Now, during conditions of low system voltage because because voltage stability problem
comes when the system voltage becomes low. The reactive power demand on generators
may exceed their field or armature current limits this is very important point I will
explain here that that whenever you increase the reactive power demand on the generator
then we have to increase the excitation current right and therefore in case suppose
reactive power demand becomes such that the you cross the field current limit right.
Now the field current limit is an important limit actually one has one should not violate
the field current limit similarly, the armature current limit should not be violated
therefore any generator is concern. In case in case suppose you come to a situation where
we exceed the field or armature current limits then then we will not be in a position to
regulate the voltage beyond that. Suppose the field current reaches the upper limit it
means now we will not be in a position to regulate the terminal voltage of the generator
current limit reaches its maximum value.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:39)
When reactive power output is limited the terminal voltage is no longer maintained
constant, see the in any system the generators are the are very important voltage control
devices but movement actually you you reach the field current limit then that particular
generator will no more be voltage controlling device it will have actually fixed internal
voltage right. In which basically you are you are in a position to maintain a voltage which
is constant behind a synchronous reactance right.
Now to explain this point I will just briefly talk about the operating chart of a large turbo
alternator, all generators generators when they are operated right an operating chart is
used. So that the operator always maintains the the generator operation within the
operating chart.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:03)
The typical operating chart of a generator is shown here where, on this on this axis we
have shown the reactive power reactive power supplied by the generator that is this is the
base point I will just highlight some lines. This is our x axis and this is the y axis, the on
x axis we have marked the real power input in megawatts on y axis we mark the reactive
power output in MVR that is this positive part of this axis so the lagging reactive power,
lagging reactive power and on this side it is the leading reactive power the the the region
in which the generator is to operate is confined by some considerations, one consideration
is the the maximum real power output that is the that is that is determined by the turbine
For example, here this line which is drawn here shows that the the this is the maximum
real power output with a generator cantilever right let me just draw it here. Okay that is
this is the maximum real power output which one can generate then then in the same
mark we have in same actually operating chart this portion of the curve shows, this
portion of the curve shows the stator current limit that is in case you go beyond this side
then the stator current will be more than the rated current then this portion you can see
here this portion of the curve I will show by a different color here shows basically the the
field current limit right, field current limit. Then this part of the curve which is shown
here is is to represent the stability consideration.
In fact this graph is plotted in fact this line, this horizontal line shows actually the
situation where the phase angle between the terminal voltage and the internal voltage will
become 90 degrees and that is we cannot operate when the the power angle is more than
ninety degrees right and this graph is plotted considering a stability margin of 10 percent
and therefore the operating reason is inside this graph or inside this curve which is shown
here which has we consider a four different segments, one segment of the curve
represents the stability stability limit consideration and this is basically we are operating
in the leading power factor condition.
This vertical lines shows actually the real power output condition that is the turbine limit,
this segment q to n is corresponding to the stator current limit and this from n to this point
n to m it represent the field current limit right. The moment you operate within this
within this the generator will be regulating the regulating the terminal voltage but the
moment you reach actually the limiting condition, terminal voltage can no more be
regulated right.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:27)
The next important components of the power system which affect the voltage stability is
the loads and their characteristic I have discussed actually in the previous lecture the load
characteristics there are certain loads which which can be consider as a constant p and
constant q loads that is equal to p loads then there are certain loads which which are
which can be characterize as a constant impedance loads, there are certain loads which
can be characterized as constant current loads and in general a load in a power system
will have some component which may behave as a constant impedance load, some
component may behave like constant current load, some may behave as a constant pq
load right.
Therefore, normally the composition of the load is very important and it affects the
affects the voltage stability to a great extent load characteristic and distribution system
voltage control devices are among the key factors influencing the voltage stability that is
we have talked about the load characteristic another important aspect which we have to
understand is the the voltage regulating devices in the distribution system. In any
distribution system we have some voltage regulating devices that is the voltage regulating
devices along with the loads have a significant affect on voltage stability.
Now when I talk about the voltage control devices the one of the most important voltage
control device is the is the under load tape changers, in the distribution system we have
under load tape changers and and as a as and when the terminal voltage or the voltage at
the load point decreases then this control device will tried to bring the voltage to the
required value or try to regulate the voltage. Therefore, the behavior of this voltage
control devices and the load characteristics have a very significant affect on the on the
voltage stability. Loads whose active and reactive components vary with voltage interact
with the transmission characteristics by changing the power flow through the system.
This is very important point actually those you have done some studies of the power
system and if you want to account for the load loads depending upon the voltage that is
load dependent voltage, I am sorry voltage dependent loads.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:51)
If you perform load flow analysis, load flow analysis consisting the voltage dependent
loads right then the then the solution of the load flow will be different then a case where
you consider consider the constant pq loads right because in the moment the load at a
particular bus depends upon the applied voltage then then the the net voltage which you
get resultant voltage will depend upon the composite characteristic of the transmission
line and the load characteristic.
The system voltages settle at value determined by composite characteristic of the
transmission system and the load. Now another aspect is when the distribution voltages
remain low for a few minutes which is another interesting aspect by suppose due to some
reason the voltage are at low level right. Then what happens is that we have many loads
which are thermostat control the examples are particularly even the you can say air
conditioning load or the fridge they are all thermostat control.
Now when the system voltage is low right then these devices will remain on the system
for longer time to achieve the same level of temperature right. Therefore, this the when a
distribution voltage remains low for a few minutes thermostats and other load regulation
devices as well as manual controls tend to restore load restore loads means actually the
more loads will be there on the system.
Consequently, more such devices will be operating at any given time and this will cause
further drop in voltage, more the devices are operating in the system obviously the
voltage will drop and if the voltage was low because the low voltage devices more
devices are on the system, this in turn will cause further drop in voltage.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:38)
Therefore one has to examine the characteristic of the loads which are thermostatically
control another aspect is that we have large number of induction motor loads and the
induction motors will stall at a voltage which is below 85 to 90 percent of the normal
voltage and suppose induction motor stalls and remains in the system it will cause further
dropping voltage. However, what happens is that most of this induction motors have
magnetically operated contactors so that what happens at that moment the voltage is low
then the contactors will open and trip the load when the contactors open and take the load
the voltage will be restored again right. Therefore, this type of phenomena takes place in
the system that is voltage drops when the loads trip voltage will again go up. For voltage
stability analysis loads need to be modeled accurately this is very important point when I
talk about the voltage stability analysis one has to model the loads that is industrial loads
may be induction motor loads have to be modeled then the thermostatically controlled
loads have to be model.
We have to model actually the operation of the under load tape changers right then in
addition to this one has to model the the behavior of the shunt capacitors which are there
in the distribution system for for reactive power compensation. When the voltage is low
then the reactive power injected by this capacitors which are there in the system will also
becomes low it is proportional to be square of the voltage right therefore this whenever
you examine the voltage stability problem one has to one has to model these loads in
detail this is very important and the the dynamics of this load models is slow.
For example actually the thermostat opens and closes it is not very fast it takes few
seconds and even sometimes minutes right therefore when you model this the voltage
stability phenomena is to be examined over few minutes, did not like angle stability
where we examine in first few seconds, 2, 3, 4 seconds system is stable or not that can be
(Refer Slide Time: 32:06)
The next important device in the power system is the reactive power compensating
devices and one has to model the behavior of the shunt capacitors and the shunt
capacitors are the most inexpensive means of providing reactive power and voltage
support that is although we have today more sophisticated reactive power compensation
devices but the fixed shunt capacitor or series shunt capacitor they are the most
inexpensive devices. When you use this shunt capacitors the one very important
advantage which we get is that the generator spinning reactive power is made free that is
suppose a reactive power demand is made by shunt capacitors naturally the generator the
demand on the generator will be reduced.
So that the reactive power will have some spinning reactive power reserve which can be
which can be used in a very short time okay, that is why the what you this the application
of shunt capacitor will free up a spinning reactive power reserve because generator is
already operating or spinning reactive power reserve.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:12)
I have already mentioned that the reactive power generated by a shunt capacitor is
proportional to the square of the voltage and during system conditions of low voltage, a
very interesting part when the system voltage is low we want more of reactive power but
on the other hand what happens if the reactive power injected by the capacitor decrease
that is why during system conditions of low voltage the var support drops and thus
compounding the voltage stability problem, say the voltage becomes low right the
capacitors further you can say reduce actually their share of reactive power and therefore
the problem gets compounded.
The next category of reactive power sources come under the heading regulated shunt
compensation under the regulated shunt compensation we know about the static var
compensators SVCs the another device is the STATCOM today which is available. Then
these devices the difference between these devices is that within certain voltage suppose
you talk about SVC I hope everybody knows about the characteristic of SVC that in the
normal voltage regulating range range the SVC will be in a position to maintain the
voltage constant but the moment.
You go outside this voltage regulating range then the SVC will become a constant a
capacitor a constant capacitor it will behave like a capacitor only just like a shunt
capacitor because it is now no more in a position to regulate actually the reactive power
right and the reactive power consumed by the shunt capacitor is proportional to the
square of the applied voltage. Therefore that limit will become but within the voltage
control limits it maintain the voltage constant this is very important point. Then another
device is particularly the static synchronous condenser the STATCOM and synchronous
(Refer Slide Time: 35:27)
The another device which is very important here is the series capacitors, when I talk
about the series capacitors we do not use series capacitors in distribution system but we
have series compensation in transmission network the advantage of the series capacitors
is that the reactive power generated by the series capacitors is proportional to the square
of the current and therefore the series capacitors are self-regulating the reactive power
supplied by series capacitor is proportional to the square of line current and is
independent of bus voltage.
This has a favorable effect on voltage stability whenever you have actually certain
problem of reactive power demand being not made because I have already talk to you
that voltage stability is the problem of insufficient reactive powers available in the
system, in insufficient reactive power sources right and particularly here series capacitors
will be in a position to give you reactive power even the voltage is low but voltage it does
not depend upon depends upon the current which is flowing and they are very helpful
actually in.
Now we will take one example of generating QV curves because as I have mentioned
actually the QV curves play very significant role and I have also mentioned actually that
the the the voltage at a bus will depend upon the interaction between the between the
transmission line characteristic, it will depend upon the load characteristic and it will also
depend upon the reactive power sources which are therefore to understand understand the
basic concepts of voltage stability where I have mentioned that the QV sensitivity is very
important that is dq by dv right therefore here. Let us study how do we generate the
generate the a QV curves for this the example considered is transmission line supplying a
load through a transformer, step down transformer.
Now the voltage V1 this is the this is the infinite bus the voltage of this source is assume
to remain constant equal to one and its phase angle is 0 degrees that is the voltage is one
per and its phase angle is 0 the transmission line considered is a long transmission line
and this example is discussed in the book on power system stability and control by
Kundur in chapter 14 the we will discus the salient points of this example at the load bus
where load is connected to a transformer we are injecting a reactive power Qi, Qi is the
reactive power which injected at this bus our exercise is to plot the QV curves QV curves
for fixed values of real and real power supply real and reactive power supply.
For this particular example the the loadings considered are at different levels like say
1300, 1500, 1700 and 1900 megawatt. These are the four different loading conditions are
considered. For each loading condition the power factor of the load is assumed to be
unity and the cubic curves are generated. Now for generating the cubic curve the
approach is again what I have discussed earlier that is that is to maintain a certain voltage
voltage with the given load you perform the load flow analysis and find out what is the
reactive power injection required right. Now this diagram shows the QV curves plotted
for this example considered.
Now this graph I will again highlight it here and see this graph I will take this graph this
is the QV curve plotted for load equal to 1300 megawatt on this axis. We are marking the
reactive power injected and on this axis we are marking the voltage magnitude of V2 that
is magnitude of the voltage V2 at the load point as we have seen actually the graph is
having the same pattern as we have seen for a multi-machine system.
Similarly, we can plot curves for different loading conditions 1500, 1700, 1900. Now on
the same on the same graph we are plotting the characteristic of the capacitors that is the
reactive power injected by a fixed capacitor that is here what has been considered is that
you take a capacitor whose value is say 300 MVR, it means this what we have assumed is
that there is a capacitor who we can supply a reactive power of three hundred MVR when
the voltage is one per unit right.
Now for this capacitor if we plot the voltage versus the reactive power injected then this
is going to be it means its shape is going to be parabola right because as the voltage
increases the reactive increase proportional the square of the voltage right. Therefore, let
me just take one one particular characteristic. We can see this is the characteristic this is
the QV characteristic of the shunt capacitor. Now when you I have already mentioned
very clearly that for this when I specify that shunt capacitor has a 300 MVR rating means
it it supply three hundred MVR, if the voltage across it is one per unit right therefore if
the voltage deviates from one for example this is the one the voltage deviates from one it
will absorb it will supply more reactive power and it when is less it will supply the
negative power therefore this is the graph okay.
Now the operating point is determined by the intersection of intersection of QV curve of
the load with with QV curve of the shunt capacitor. Now this point at this point if you see
then it is slope of the QV curve of the capacitor then the slope of the QV curve of the
capacitor at this intersection point is less than the slope of the QV curve of the of the load
right that is at this point this point is a stable point reason is that suppose you deviates
slightly from this point. Let us say that you deviate and come to this point it means what
happens what happens the to stay at this point it will require more reactive power while
the shunt capacitor is supplying less reactive power therefore it will move and come back
to A right. However, if you take this point then this is not a stable point right this can be
Now point here is that when you go from from loading equal to 300, 1300 megawatt to
fifteen hundred megawatt you get the similar operating point when you go to 1700
megawatt then the characteristic of this MVR device which is put as 7, 625 MVR device
this become just transient but if you have a MVR device or actually the shunt capacitor
whose MVR rating is 950 MVR and the load is 1900 hundred megawatt the this is the
intersection but this point is not stable. We can examine it what do we find here is that
that at this point is slope of the slope of the QV curve of the system is less than the slope
of the shunt capacitor that is if you deviate from slightly from this we will find that
voltage will keeping on increasing right and therefore the the point which I want to
highlight here is highlight here is that S by injecting a certain amount of reactive power
we can operate the system at a stable operating point.
However, this reactive power sources of large capacity large capacity right then we will
not be in a position to operate at a at a stable operating condition. Next point we want to
illustrate through the same example is the effectiveness of SVC reserve the effectiveness
of a fixed capacitor.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:44)
In this graph we have shown the QV curves of the same system at four different loading
conditions 1300 megawatt, 1500 megawatt, 1700 megawatt and 1900 megawatt for
different loading conditions and one typical SVC is shown here that SVC will be in a
position to maintain the voltage equal to one per unit, you can just see in SVC this is the
SVC characteristic shown.
So for the around this voltage equal to one per unit depending upon slight slope right. We
will find actually that till the reactive power of the SVC is a reactive power limit of the
SVC is reached it will be in a position to maintain the voltage at the same level whether
the load is 1300, if it is 1300 this will be the operating point, if it is 1500 this is the
operating point, 1700 this is the operating point. Now suppose the you reach at this point
B where the SVC reaches its limiting condition, the moment it is said limiting condition it
becomes a fixed capacitor and the capacitor SVC as a capacitor device as this
characteristic as a capacitor.
So that this point B, B in case it is a it has reached the limit when this B again becomes a
unstable operating point because the the slope of the capacitor characteristic or QV
characteristic of the capacitor is more than the slope of the a system QV characteristic
that is why actually the the we have importance of regulated reactive power sources right.
Now I will just take one typical scenario of voltage collapse how the voltage collapse
phenomenon takes place in the system the, first we have to understand what we mean by
voltage collapse?
(Refer Slide Time: 49:02)
The meaning of this voltage collapse is voltage collapse is the process by which the
sequence of events accompanying voltage instability leads to low unacceptable voltage
profile in a significant part of the system. This is a very general definition that there may
be certain sequence of events may takes place which will which will lead to unacceptable
voltages in the significant part of the system, then say that the voltage collapse taken
place. In fact voltage instability and voltage collapse are considered to be the synonyms
now let me just explain how the voltage collapse takes place in any particular system.
Suppose a system is operating, now in the case the system is initially operating where its
loading is heavy heavy loading in the sense actually the transmission lines are heavily
loaded. We have limited reactive power source is in the system the generators are fully
loaded or generators are quite away from the source. Now suppose a heavily loaded
system is now subjected to some sort of contingency.
(Refer Slide Time: 50:19)
Now example of contingency may be that there is a one heavily loaded transmission line
is tripped the movement this happens happens the other lines will be further loaded and
the reactive power consumed by these lines will increase and this will cause reduction in
voltage. Now the when the reduction in voltage comes the immediate thing which will
happen is happen is that the under load tap changers will come into operation to retain the
voltage and in case in case actually the ULTC in a portion to to stop the voltage drop
voltage will be at a curtain level voltage drop.
Suppose voltage is dropping and ULTC start functioning and the voltage drop is stopped
another thing which happens is that suppose the ULTCs reach their limits then they will
not be in a position to regulate the voltage further. There is a possibility that generators
may also reach the field current limits they are not in a position to further supply the
reactive power, this will cause naturally the reaction in voltage was earlier generators
were in a position to maintain the terminal voltage but the movement actually the reactive
power demand has increased they reach the reactive power demand and therefore the the
moment of reactive power demand limit is reached or reactive power limit of the
generator which is reached then they will no more be regulating the terminal voltage.
Then the effectiveness of the shunt capacitors have reduced because when the voltage is
low shunt capacitors supply less of reactive power and all these phenomena put together
may cause the system to lose the voltage stability. Although some times what happens is
that when the voltage drops then the some of the loads starts consuming less power
because the the power consumed by the loads depends upon the voltage.
When they consume less power right there is a possibility that that the system will
stabilize to a low voltage but at the acceptable level, voltage may be low but with the
acceptable level. But the the sequence of events that take place in a very complex manner
right and in that whole process process the if reactive power sources are weak we have
less of reactive power then voltage may come down to very low level and we say it is a
voltage collapse phenomena.
(Refer Slide Time: 53:29)
Now for studying the voltage stability we always divide this stability phenomena as a
large disturbance voltage stability phenomena and small disturbance voltage stability
phenomena the this classification is similar to that for angle stability we just define the
large disturbance voltage stability. The large disturbance voltage stability is concerned
with a systems ability to control voltages following large disturbances such as faults loss
of load or loss of generation or loss of heavy loaded transmission lines right. But they are
called large disturbances similar to our angle stability problem. We will discuss actually
the large disturbance voltage stability analysis in the next lecture. I will talk about the
modeling requirement of the requirements when we study the large stability problem.
The determination of this form of stability requires the examination of dynamic
performance of the system over a period of time sufficient to capture interaction of such
devices as ULTCs and generator field current limiters, large disturbance stability can be
studied by using nonlinear time domain simulation which include proper modeling. In
fact actually the angle stability and voltage stability the mathematical model required is
identical accept that curtain details which are necessary for voltage stability may not be
relevant for angle stability.
Small disturbance voltage stability, the small disturbance voltage stability is concerned
with the systems ability to control voltages following small disturbances such as gradual
changes in the load whenever, we talk about small disturbances means gradual changes in
the load. Idea here is that the system is never never in static condition it is always in
Quasi-static condition loads keeps on changing and when the loads keeps on changing
right then if we are in a position to control the voltage, this small changes in load we say
it is a it is a the system is small signal voltage stable. With this let me sum up what we
have discussed today.
We have primarily discussed 2 important aspects, one is how to generate the QV curves
for a system I have given you the example of generation of QV curves for a large system
we have also plotted the QV curve of a of a machine infinite bus system or a load
connected to a long transmission line. We have also seen the interaction between the QV
characteristics of the system with the QV characteristics of the of the shunt regulating
devices like fixed capacitors and and and actually regulated regulated static var devices. I
have also define the voltage stability as small signal voltage stability and large signal
voltage stability, I have also briefly mentioned about the voltage collapse phenomena
how the voltage collapse takes place in the system we will continue with this in the next
lecture. Thank you!