Beyond Einstein and E mc2
Beyond Einstein and E mc2
Beyond Einstein and E mc2
pp.546, Chapters 7
MASS DEFECT and BINDING ENERGY of deuteron. The generalized equation dE=Ac2dm
can explain.
(v) An alternate Theory of Earliest Formation of Universe is developed that universe started its
life from ZEROANS (waves or particle of zero masses). The gravitational energy is another form
of mass. This theory contradicts none of existing theories.
(vi) It is justified that, Newton did not give Second Law of Motion, F=ma but given by Swiss
Leonhard Euler in 1775. Thus the existing literature has to be revised. Further it is confirmed that
Action and Reaction are always equal and opposite.
1. Einstein derived L =mc2 For Newtons Perception; and its historical aspects.
2. Contradictions In Einsteins Derivation Of L=mc2
3. Derivation Of Generalized Form Of Mass Energy Equation, E =Ac2m
4. Applications Of Equation E =Ac2m In Understanding The Origin Of Universe.
5. Applications of generalized mass energy inter-conversion equation in Nuclear Physics and
Nuclear Reactors
6. Rest Mass Energy Erme = Mrmec2 Is Derived From Non- Existent Equation.
7. Frequently Asked Questions : Based on previous chapters Email [email protected] Mobile 0091 94184 50899
Back cover (BLURB) of Beyond Einstein and E=mc2
Einstein quoted Galileos Principle of Relativity (1632) as his own as first postulate of
Special Theory of Relativity without acknowledging Galileo. What you would say 7th or
8th wonder of science?
The other concepts which underpin Relativity were given before Einstein by Poincare,
Lorentz, Larmor , Fitzgerald etc., Einstein mentioned none of the original inventors. Thus
what is original contribution of Einstein in Special Theory of Relativity?
Einsteins published five papers in annus mirabilis (wonderful year) WITHOUT
REVIEW in Annalen der Physik in 1905.
Atom bomb explosions on Hiroshima and Nagasaki do not confirm E =mc2
quantitatively. It simply implies mass is converted to energy in nuclear reactions.
On 11 December 1951, in Nobel Lecture Sir J D Cockcroft stated that in their 1932
experiment Einsteins E =mc2 is closely confirmed. But it is not true , as experiment
had %age deviation of 9.687 .
Einsteins September 1905 derivation of E =mc2 is a bundle of inconsistencies. The
derivation predicts that when body emits light energy then its mass must increase or
remain same. So mass and energy are created out of nothing.
Thus new generalized equation, E=Ac2m is derived ( A: coefficient of proportionality,
A=1, A>1 or A<1). E =mc2 is special case of E=Ac2m.
According to E =mc2 , the conversion factors for burning of a bit of paper ,
annihilation of electron-positron pair to gamma ray photon, binding energy etc. is same
i.e. (8.98752 1016 m2/s2). But it is different for different reactions in E=Ac2m.
In nuclear fission the velocity of secondary neutron is 1.9x107m/s (2MeV) , so their mass
must be relativistic in calculations of E =mc2 but regarded as classical mass. It is
contradictory to relativistic variation of mass.
Oct. 2013
The spiritualism becomes science if testable. Science becomes superstition if un-testable.
Chapters of
Newtons second law of motion, F = ma was not derived by Newton. It is clear from the
Principia. Euler gave in 1775 in research article. It is available at website of
Mathematical Association of America. However, the first and third laws, as we teach
now, were given by Newton.
The mathematical equations, based upon the Archimedes principle, became feasible
after 1937 years of enunciation of the principle. How did scientists take the principle
granted for so many years without equations? Newton defined g (acceleration due to
gravity) in 1687.
When mathematically analyzed, the 2265 years old Archimedes principle predicts that,
under certain feasible conditions, the volume of the medium filling a balloon becomes
undefined, i.e. V = 0/0 (meaningless).
When the Archimedes principle is generalized, then the exact volume, i.e. V = V is
Further, the Archimedes principle does not account for the shape of the body, the
viscosity of the medium, etc., these factors can be taken in account by the generalized
principle. The generalization can be experimentally confirmed by sensitive experiments.
Aristotles assertion about falling bodies (i.e. a heavier body falls more quickly than a
lighter one) is even now true under the conditions, Stokes law holds good (in fluids).
In the existing literature, there is no theory which explains the distance travelled (fallen
or arisen) by bodies of different magnitudes (1 mgm or less and 10 kg or more ) of
different shapes ( spherical or distorted) in time t (say 1s) in various fluids.
Consequently a generalized theory of rising, falling and floating bodies is formulated for
the first time.
The Italian scientist Evangelista Torricelli constructed a mercury barometer in 1644, but
even after 369 years no water barometer has been constructed. It would require a tube
10.3 m long and experiments may be revolutionary in many respects. Email [email protected] Mobile 0091 94184 50899