Inferno Intro & Canto 1 (Ciardi Translation)
Inferno Intro & Canto 1 (Ciardi Translation)
Inferno Intro & Canto 1 (Ciardi Translation)
I, m, V, t, XXXIV
because of his fourth Eclogue, in which he discusses die birtii of a potential savior of the Roman people. Medieval people, obsessed with relating the pagan past to die present Christian experience, were
constantiy justifying reading ancient literature by
means of such interpretations.
The various sinners with whom Dante meets
and the punishments tiiey suffer serve as warnings
to him to change his life for die better. The images
and events depicted in die Purgatorio and die Paradiso, die last two sections of die Comedy, reinforce
die lessons of die Inferno.
Gustave Dore
new York Public Library
Virgil carries Dante down through the bottom
of Hell and then up toward the mountain of Purgntorio. The organization of Purgatory, with its
movement toward redemption, is the mirror image
of Hell. Not surprisingly, none of Dante's enemies
are to be found in this realm of hope. Traitors thus
begin their long climb toward Paradise at the bottom of the mountain. They are preceded by the envious, the wrathful, and the other lesser sinners. At
the top of the mountain, and at the verge of salvation, Dante finds the lustful, confused by their pursuit of physical rather than spiritual love. His contemplation of love preambles his encounter with
Beatrice, the personification of perfect love. At this
point, Virgil can go no farther and Beatrice must
become Dante's guide.
Dante Alighieri
translated by John Ciardi
Wood of Error
She mates with any beast, and will mate with more
before the Greyhound comes to hunt her down.
He will not feed on lands nor loot, but honor
and love and wisdom will make straight his way.
He will rise between Feltro and Feltro,17 and in
shall be the resurrection and new day
which is the seat and first cause of man's bliss?" 100 of that sad Italy for which Nisus died,
"And are you then that Virgil and that fountain
and Turnus, and Euryalus, and the maid
of purest speech?" My voice grew tremulous:
He shall hunt her through every nation of sick
"Glory and light of poets! now may that zeal
so and love's apprenticeship that I poured out
on your heroic verses serve me well!
till she is driven back forever to Hell
whence Envy first released her on the world.
For you are my true master and first author,
Therefore, for your own good, I think it well
the sole maker from whom I drew the breath
of that sweet style whose measures have brought
you follow me and I will be your guide
me honor.
and lead you forth through an eternal place.
There you shall see the ancient spirits tried
12. Lombard . . . Mantuan: Lombardy is a region of
nortiiern Italy; Mantua, the birtiiplace of Virgil, is a city in that
13- sub Julio: In die reign of Julius Caesar. It would be more
accurate to say that he was born during die lifetime of Caesar
(102?-44 B.C.). Augustus did not begin his rule as dictator
until long after Virgil's birth, which occurred in 70 B.C.
14. under Augustus . . . lying gods: Augustus, the grandnephew of Julius Caesar, was the emperor of Rome from 27
B.C. to A.D. 14. The "lying gods" are die false gods of classical
15. and sang . . . Troy: Virgil's epic poem, die Aeneid,
describes die destruction of Troy by the Greeks and the
founding of Roman civilization by die Trojan Aeneas, son of
Anchises (an kT sez').
3. Why is it appropriate that Virgil is Dante's guide?
4. (a) Explain the significance of the straight road, (b)
Of the dark wood.
8. Assuming that you were undertaking a journey
such as Dante's, whom would you choose as
your guide and why? Would you choose a literary
figure, a political figure, or some other prominent
person? Explain your choice and in doing so tell
why there would be special advantages that
stemmed from your decision.
Composing an Allegory
Think about a strong emotion you have felt at
some point in your life. This emotion could be love,
anger, sadness, or disgust. Could you associate an
animal or an object with this emotion? A singing bird
could represent happiness, for example. A soft bed
might represent comfort. In what way would you
describe the animal or object in order to convey all the
important aspects of this feeling? Write a brief essay in
which you convey your emotion through the description of the object or animal. As you revise your work,
think as the reader would. Is your allegory clear without
being too obvious? Your reader should still have to
guess at the meaning of your description.
Tracing Influences
Dante is basing his Divine Comedy in part on
classical epics, particularly Virgil's Aeneid, which
tells the story of the founding of Rome. Aeneas, the
epic hero, flees Troy and wanders throughout the
Mediterranean region in his quest for a new land. In
Book VI of the Aeneid, Virgil describes Aeneas's
descent into Hades, which is divided into the
Elysian Fields, where the souls of good men and
women wander, and the realm of punishment,
where the souls of the wicked suffer. Aeneas is
guided by the Cumean Sybil and protected by a
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