ArchiCAD 11 Basic E-Guide PDF
ArchiCAD 11 Basic E-Guide PDF
ArchiCAD 11 Basic E-Guide PDF
Interactive Training Guide
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Graphisoft ArchiCAD 11 Basic Interactive Training Guide International English (metric) version
Copyright 2007 by Graphisoft, all rights reserved. Reproduction, paraphrasing or translation without express prior written permission is
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Getting Started with the Archicad Interactive Training
Guide __________________________________________5
Step 1: Download and Install Archicad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Step 2: Create the Interactive Training Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Step 3: How to Use Movie Player in Archicad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
The PDF guide can be printed and all the narrated movie clips can be
launched from the PDF. However, we recommend that you play the
movie clips within ArchiCAD, while completing the steps using the
training project files.
All you need to do is to start the installer and follow the instructions.
The ArchiCAD 11 Student version is free to download for students
and for professors from the Graphisoft website
( Please feel free to contact Graphisoft or any
of the worldwide partners for further information.
Please note that there are separate installer
packages for Macintosh and for Windows
operating systems. Please make sure to use
the appropriate installer.
Graphisoft ArchiCAD 11 Basic Interactive Training Guide
ArchiCAD will open the selected archive project and read all the
library elements directly from the archive file. The ArchiCAD training
project files are all saved as archive files. This is important because the
library elements have different names in localized versions of
ArchiCAD (localized meaning translated to foreign languages and
customized to meet different local standards).
3 Click the Play button on the player to start the first clip. You
can pause the movie at any time, or use the slider to repeat or
skip any parts of the clip.
The title bar of the movie player always indicates the number of the
current step and the total number of steps available in the current
4 Once the movie is over and you have completed the current
step of the exercise, click the Next button to proceed to the
next step of the exercise and open the corresponding training
clip. You can also click the Previous button if you wish to
open the previous clip.
We hope that you will find this guide useful and will agree with what
experienced architects worldwide say: ArchiCAD is easy to learn and
fun to use.
You are always free to contact Graphisoft and its worldwide partners
if you have further questions:
Part I: Conceptual Design Chapter 1: Working with Slabs, Walls and Columns
Lets start our project by creating a new, rectangular floor slab in the
active Floor Plan view this will serve as a plato slab. We will build
our building on top of it.
Open the AC11-ITG-Chapter-01.pla ArchiCAD project file
located in the Chapter 01 folder to start this stage of this
interactive, hands-on ArchiCAD training guide.
The Favorites button, in the top left corner of the Dialog Box, lets
you save the current element settings with a new Favorites name.
Part I: Conceptual Design Chapter 1: Working with Slabs, Walls and Columns
Hint: Favorites are the easiest and fastest way to use pre-defined element settings
in your projects. You can export and import Favorites lists and share these
pre-defined element sets with your colleagues. Further, you can use these on other
machines or in other projects. All you need to do is select the Favorites button at
the top of any ArchiCAD Tool Settings Dialog Box and save the current tool
setting with a unique name.
4 Click OK to leave the Slab Default Settings Dialog Box, and select
the Rectangular
geometry method from the Info Box.
Make sure that the Tracker
is switched on by selecting it, if
5 Move the cursor over the origin (i.e., the fixed point from which
ArchiCAD counts the moved cursors new X and Y coordinates)
and wait until the cursors shape changes to a Checkmark
indicating that it has located the projects origin. Click now to
define the first corner point of the new slab.
6 Press the X button to extend the
Tracker, then enter 10 for the Width
value; press the Y button and enter
6 for the Height value, then hit Enter.
The result is that the new diagonal slab
vertex will be defined. The new slab will
now be 10m x 6m in the plan.
Part I: Conceptual Design Chapter 1: Working with Slabs, Walls and Columns
projection mode only, enables you to navigate and explore your design in a quick
and easy manner using keyboard shortcuts and various navigational functions as
specified in the 3D Explore information Palette.
Hint: To change the view in a project, choose the appropriate buttons from the
bottom of the current project window. If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, you
can use the scroll function to zoom in and out in real-time. By depressing and
dragging the scroll wheel, you can pan around in real-time.
Part I: Conceptual Design Chapter 1: Working with Slabs, Walls and Columns
3 Activate the Slab Tool from the Toolbox, and then activate the
Slab-02 entry from the Favorites to load the necessary slab
thickness, level height, hatching type and materials for the
pavement slab.
4 Select the Rectangular slab geometry method from the Info Box.
5 Click the construction grid intersection Point 1 to start creating
the rectangular paving slab, and then click Point 2 to complete the
new slab.
Use the Tab button to switch between overlapping pre-selected elements. Click
once to select the required element. Its fill will change, indicating that it has been
selected. Hold down the SHIFT key to add or remove elements from the selection
group. Alternatively, you can use one of the selection geometry methods
and draw a polygonal shape with the cursor to select elements
within the shape. You can choose to select only those elements that are fully or
partly inside the selection polygon
3 To cut a rectangular hole in the
selected slab, click on any
perimeter line of the selected
new slab and from the Pet
Palette choose the Subtract
from Polygon option. Hold
down the SPACE while
clicking inside or on the
contour of the floor slab you
have previously placed.
ArchiCAD will cut it as a hole in the paving slab.
Part I: Conceptual Design Chapter 1: Working with Slabs, Walls and Columns
4 Open the Model tab in the Wall Settings Dialog and click the
Link Materials button to provide uniform material for all wall
surfaces. Select the Brick Aged material from the Material list,
and click OK to apply changes and leave the dialog.
5 Alternatively, you can double-click on the Wall-Ex-02 item in
the Favorites to load the already configured (as above) settings for
the curved masonry wall.
Hint: Wall reference line: When drawing the line of a wall, a heavy black line
follows the cursor like a rubber band after the first click. This line is the reference
line for the wall. The width of the wall is measured from this reference line. The
reference line is used to connect walls smoothly and helps locate the walls with the
Graphisoft ArchiCAD 11 Basic Interactive Training Guide
Part I: Conceptual Design Chapter 1: Working with Slabs, Walls and Columns
5 Now click once to select the curved wall. As a result, the fill color
of the wall will change, indicating that it has been selected. Zoom
in on the left wall-end with the mouse scroll wheel, or use the
Scroll Zoom button to zoom in.
6 Click on Point 1 i.e., the hotspot at the end of the reference line
of the wall. The cursor will change from an Arrow to a Checkmark
when snapping to a hotspot.
7 Select the Angular Stretch button from the Pet Palette that
Part I: Conceptual Design Chapter 1: Working with Slabs, Walls and Columns
Hint: The pet palette is always available with the appropriate content, providing
easy and quick access to the most probable editing operations. Use the Options >
Work Environment > Dialog Boxes & Palettes option to define the movement of
the Pet Palette to jump to a preferred position, or to follow the movement of the
9 Repeat the same procedure at the other end of the wall. This time
enter -31.10 degrees at Point 2 as your Angle.
10 The Floor Plan with the newly stretched curved masonry wall will
look like this:
Part I: Conceptual Design Chapter 1: Working with Slabs, Walls and Columns
Part I: Conceptual Design Chapter 1: Working with Slabs, Walls and Columns
6 Click the top right selection hotspot of the column wait until the
cursor changes to a Checkmark (indicating that it has found a
vertex), then click the top right vertex. Now start dragging the
rubber line horizontally. The + indicates that at least one copy
of the selected element will be added to the project.
7 Move the cursor to the bottom right corner of the existing external
wall (Point 2) so that the cursor changes to a Checkmark, and
keep it there until two perpendicular (vertical and horizontal)
Guidelines appear.
8 Move the cursor down along the vertical Guide Line until it
indicates that it has located a perpendicular position (relative to the
original columns corner point).
9 Click now to complete the Multiply command, and place three
additional, equally distributed columns along the wall.
10 Click on an unused portion of the screen, i.e., not on another
element, to deselect the columns.
Note: Alternatively, you can hold down the SHIFT key while
dragging the columns horizontally toward the right end of the
building. This will constrain the horizontal direction and the
columns will be placed parallel to the lower side of the building.
You can also use Point 2 as a reference point when defining
column multiplication.
Hint: ArchiCADs Intelligent Cursor helps you to identify special points (end,
corner points, edges, etc.) and points of elements with geometric relationships
(perpendicular, tangential, crossings) within the building. It highlights whether
special Tools (the Magic Wand, Eyedropper, etc.) would be useful at any
particular moment.
Guide Lines: These are always at hand as you will have noticed by
now to find special points and projections when creating or editing
elements. Check the Options > Work Environment > Guide Lines
page for further details and options. The following screenshot
presents some of the Guide Line settings and the options available.
Part I: Conceptual Design Chapter 1: Working with Slabs, Walls and Columns
3 Select the OK button when you are done. Notice that the last
highlighted story will be shown in the Floor Plan when you choose
the OK button.
Note: You can easily cut and copy existing elements between
stories via the Edit Elements of Selected Story Dialog Box.
All you need to do is to select the necessary story, uncheck the All
Types check box at the top and check all the necessary element
types and select the Copy, Cut or Delete button. Now select the
target story in the case of a cut or copy operation then select
Paste Selected Elements to paste them to the target story. The
event list will provide feedback about the current operations.
Note: The automatic setting is useful if the wall is higher than the
story level. ArchiCAD automatically shows exceeding walls on the
next levels.
4 Open the 3D window to check on design development by
activating 03 Perspective view in the Camera Views folder of
the Navigator > ArchiCAD Guide View Map.
The following screenshots present the design using Open GL and
using the internal 3D engine mode.
Note: 3D Window Settings: Open the View > 3D View Mode >
3D Window Settings Dialog Box to switch between the OpenGL
and Internal 3D Engines. If you choose the Internal Engine, you
can select Wireframe, Hidden line, or Shaded modes, switch on
Vectorial 3D Hatches, Transparency in Shading and Sun Shadows.
If your computer supports OpenGL, you can use the OpenGL
engine for faster 3D navigation and representation. In this case,
you can choose between wireframe and shading mode and display
transparency in shading. You can also select various 3D display
methods (e.g., Contours) and Effects (e.g., Vectorial 3D Hatching
or Transparency in Shading), adjust display and background
properties, and so on.
2 Activate the Slab Tool
, and then
the Slab-03 item in the Favorites to
load the appropriate slab settings (20cm
thickness, WD Siding Medium and
Paint-01 materials) for the new internal
gallery slab. Make sure that the Home Story is set to 1. Gallery.
3 Select the Rectangular geometry method in the
Info Box.
4 Open the Special Snap
Points drop-down list on the
Standard Toolbar.. Make sure
that Half and Along Entire
Element are selected.
Note: Special Snap Points help
you to find special points on
construction elements. These
Snap Points can be pre-defined
Graphisoft ArchiCAD 11 Basic Interactive Training Guide
5 Click Points 2 and 3 to define the second and third points of the
arc. Finally, click Point 4 (which is graphically same as Point 3) to
determine the length of the arc segment.
4 Select Trim Top in the Trim to Roof Dialog Box and click OK
to proceed.
5 The selected columns and walls will now be trimmed to the lower
surface of the roof.
6 Click elsewhere on the screen, but not on another element, to
deselect the trimmed elements.
Lets return to the floor plan, adjust the Section settings and then
create one Cross Section to see what the building envelope looks like
in section.
Note: Use the scroll wheel in the Info Box to find all settings.
Note: To cut a cross-section through the building, simply create a
Section line on the Floor Plan. ArchiCAD will automatically
generate the Section view of the building. Any modifications to the
model in the Section Window will be updated automatically in all
other views of the building.
4 Start to create a new section line by
switching on the Grid Display and Grid
8 Open the new section view with a right click on the new section
line and by activating the Open Section in new window
option from the context menu.
Note: Alternatively, you can also open the new section view by
activating the S-01 Section item under the Sections
container of the Navigator Project Map, or by opening the
appropriate item from the View > Navigate > Sections menu.
7 Add three more elevations (E-02, 03 and 04) around the building,
looking in the direction of the building. Make sure that the
appropriate elevation IDs are defined for the new elevations: E-2
for the north elevation (Points 5 and 6), E-3 for the east
elevation (Points 7 and 8), and finally, E-4 for the south elevation
(Points 9and 10).
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 3: Working with Sections and Elevations
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 3: Working with Sections and Elevations
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 3: Working with Sections and Elevations
Note: Alternatively, you can also open any of the Elevation Views
by selecting their Floor Plan symbol and activating the Open
Elevation command from the context menu, or by
double-clicking on their name in the Elevations container of
the Navigator Project Map.
3 Position the cursor over one of the top hotspots of the selected
curved wall and click. A Pet Palette will appear offering various
editing options.
4 Click the Stretch Height button and start to stretch the wall
height vertically move the mouse downwards to reduce the
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 3: Working with Sections and Elevations
5 Type y to open up the Tracker and enter 4.20 for the top
elevation Y value and select Enter to complete editing the wall
height.Start to type '4.20' to open up the Tracker and hit Enter to
set the new top elevation value of the curved wall.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Note that you are now drawing a partition wall from Point 2
(1.00m to the right of Point 1).
4 Move the cursor upwards and use the Guide Lines to find the
vertical intersection point with the curved wall. The cursor shape
will indicate where the temporary, vertical Guide Line and the
curved wall intersect. Click here to complete the creation of the
new internal partition wall.
Hint: To update the current view, you can apply the Redraw command
(View > Refresh > Redraw). This results in only a simple updating of the visual
appearance of the active screen. The Rebuild command (View > Refresh >
Rebuild) starts a more thorough screen update it will also refresh the wall
intersections and draw them correctly.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
In practice this means, for example, that you do not need to delete
and look for another window object if you want to change its size or
sill height, adjust its frame, sash, oversize, board or casing properties.
You can even specify shutter options using various shutter and
glazing types. You can choose from a variety of handles. All these are
available and valid for the very same window object.
Hint: Door Parameter Settings: Use the Parameters panel of the Door Settings
Dialog Box to define, adjust or fine-tune geometry properties, 2D and 3D
representations, Materials, Door Frames and Panel styles. Open the 2D
Representation parameter set to edit the Opening Angle, Pen-color and Fill,
Wall Contour lines, and much more.
Well place the entrance door in the middle of the front wall of the
entrance enclosure.
3 Select the centerpoint geometry method,
in the Info Box,
and click OK.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
1 Activate the 2.2 add internal door pre-set view and activate the
Door-In-01 internal door from the Favorites.
2 Select the Side Geometry Method in the Info
3 Click to place the door on the internal corner
point of the wall junction (Point 1).
4 Click to the right of the door in the wall to define the door
position (Point 2) with the double-eye cursor.
5 Finally, click below and to the left of the new doors center with
the eye-shaped cursor to define its opening direction (Point 3).
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
4 Hold the cursor over the internal perimeter line of the curved wall
(Point 1) to generate an intermediate, temporary Snap Point in the
middle, and click this point (Point 2) to define the position of the
new window.
5 Move the Eye-Shaped cursor outside the curved wall and click
here once to define the orientation of the window (Point 3).
6 Add two new windows in the middle of the external wall segments
for the bathroom and the toilet (Points 4 and 5).
Well now insert two new sliding doors into the project.
1 Activate the 2.5 add sliding doors pre-set view from the
Navigator View Map and activate Door-Ex-02 sliding door
from the Favorites.
2 Select the Side insertion geometry method to
place doors at both sides of the bottom
corners of the exhibition space.
3 First click the inside corner point of the bottom left wall junction
(Point 1) to define the insertion point.
4 Now click with the double-eye cursor above the wall corner
(at Point 2) this will define into which wall the sliding door
should be placed (clicking above the insertion point will result in
that vertical wall being selected).
5 Now click with the eye-shaped cursor to the left (Point 3)
outside the external wall to define its opening direction.
6 To place the second sliding door, repeat the above steps. Start by
inserting the door at Point 4. Click above the insertion point to
select the vertical wall (Point 5) with the double-eye cursor.
However, this time click to the right with the eye-shaped cursor
(Point 6), which again is outside of the building, to define the
opening direction of the sliding door.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
6 Now click the top right corner selection point of the door (Point
4) to bring up the Pet Palette.
7 Select the Multiply button on the Pet Palette to add an
additional two copies of this door to the project.
9 Click on one of the selection dots on the right side of the door
(Point 5) to define the origin of the multiplication.
10 Move the cursor to the internal corner point of the bottom right
wall junction (Point 6) and wait for the Checkmark cursor shape.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
3 Switch on the Eyedropper button (or use the ALT key). With the
help of this, any elements parameters can be picked to be the
4 Move the Eyedropper cursor over the entrance door that is
currently visible on the referenced Ground Floor Plan. As you find
any of the corner points which will be pre-selected some basic
details about the entrance door will appear.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
5 Using the Eyedropper cursor, click the door below in order to set
its properties as the default door properties.
6 In the last step the Door tool in the toolbox
became active.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
3 Make sure that the Virtual Trace display is switched on. Click the
wall corner point (Point 1) to define the insertion point of the new
4 Click to the right with the double-eye cursor to define the
orientation. Then click above the wall with the eye-shaped cursor
to define the windows opening direction.
Now lets add a circular window on the Gallery level
5 Activate the Window-Ex-03 entry in the Favorites.
6 Select the Center Anchor Geometry Method in the Info Box.
7 Open the Set Special Snap Values Dialog Box from the
drop-down list of the Special Snap Points on the Standard Toolbar
and enter 4 for Divisions, then select OK to leave the Dialog.
10 Position the cursor above the top temporary Snap Point so that
the intelligent cursor becomes a Checkmark (Point 2).
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
13 Repeat the same steps (10 to 12) to symmetrically insert the same
round window into the eastern wall on the other side of the
building (at Point 3).
Hint: Activate Model View Options from the Document > Set Model View
menu to store Model View Combinations and fine-tune various view options for
Construction Elements, as well as for Fills and Zones. You can, for instance,
define whether you wish to show the openings on the plan, show or hide door and
window markers, define column, beam as well as section marker views, and much
There are two possibilities shown below for displaying openings on Floor Plans:
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Lets reduce the height of the second window by applying the settings
of the previously modified first window.
6 Activate the Eyedropper button from the Standard Toolbar (you
can also hold down the Alt button for the same result).
7 Now click any of the corner points of the previously stretched
window with the half-filled Eyedropper cursor. The window is
pre-selected to load its properties as the defaults.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
9 Click with the Syringe cursor on any of the corner points of the
second, middle window while it is pre-selected to transfer the
previously loaded parameters to this window.
3 Select the window on the gallery level (hold down the Shift key,
move the cursor over the window and then click the pre-selected
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
4 Use the Edit > Move > Multiply command to multiply the
window, or use the Multiply option from the Pet Palette or the
context menu after right-clicking on the selected window.
7 Click the top right corner of the gallery door (Point 2) as a drag-to
point to create three more evenly distributed windows on the
Gallery level.
8 Check the results on the referenced Floor Plan View. Notice that it
as well as all the other project views has been updated
5 Enter 3 for the number of copies and select the Distribute-1
method, then click OK to leave the Dialog Box.
6 Click the upper right corner of the selected gallery window (Point
1) to set it as the drag reference point.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
6 Click with the Checkmark cursor on the corner of the gallery slab
(Point 2) to complete the stretching of the sliding door.
3 Select the sliding door in the Section view (move the cursor while
holding down the SHIFT key to pre-select it, then click to select
4 Click the top left selection hotspot (Point 1) of the selected sliding
door to bring up the Pet Palette.
Graphisoft ArchiCAD 11 Basic Interactive Training Guide
7 Notice that the referenced Floor Plan has also been automatically
Now well edit the other sliding door in the 3D window.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Alternatively, you can also activate the 2.11 edit sliding door in
3D pre-set view to get to the same project view in the 3D window.
This pre-set view also stores the marquee information that was
previously placed on the Floor Plan view.
12 Zoom into the 3D window to the sliding door that needs to be
stretched, such that the edge of the gallery is also visible.
13 Select the sliding door in the side-wall and click on its top corner
selection hotspot to activate the Pet Palette.
15 Move the cursor over the edge point of the gallery slab so that the
cursor changes to a Checkmark, indicating that it has recognized
the edge-point of the slab.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Open the Settings page underneath to enter a name and an ID for the view to
be saved as, e.g., Axonometry Detail 1. Notice that layer combinations, scale,
zooming and even the marquee positioning and settings will be saved with the view.
The new view will be listed in the view-set where you saved it. You can simply
re-organize the saved views by dragging and dropping them into folders, or you can
rename them.
Hint: You can further fine-tune the content displayed in the 3D Window.
Activate the View > Elements in 3D View > Filter Elements in 3D command
to bring up the Dialog Box to determine which stories and elements you wish to
show in 3D.
You can also choose among different marquee effects. For example, you can easily
switch off the roof elements display to simplify the design evaluation without the
presence of the roof.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
7 Type x: the Tracker will fold out and the current 2.20 X
Coordinate will be highlighted and selected.
9 Hit ENTER to place the staircase at this position (Point 2). Now
the staircase has been placed on the plan at its insertion point,
70cm to the right of the corner of the door.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
6 Place the first new slab-perimeter node to the top-left edge of the
staircase: move the cursor over the stair corner and click it with the
Filled-Pencil cursor to add the new node here (Point 3).
7 Add further slab nodes, as above, and move these to the corner
points of the staircase (Points 2, 4 and 5).
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
8 Deselect the slab as soon as you are ready with the edge
modifications, and open the 3D window to display the results.
(Select the previously placed camera and open the 3D window, or
activate the pre-set 05 Interior View from the Camera Views
folder of the Navigator View Map.
9 Notice that the gallery slab has been modified: an opening has
been made.
Lets modify the internal surface finish for all external brick walls on
all stories in the 3D window. The easiest way to do this is to use
ArchiCADs powerful Find & Select function. Find & Select gives
you the ability to find and select building elements of your project
with various editable criteria and properties.
1 Activate the 3.4 edit in 3D pre-set view from the Navigator
View Map to open an internal perspective view of the project.
2 Activate the Find & Select command
from the Standard Toolbar or bring up the
Find & Select Dialog Box from the Edit
3 Choose Wall from the Find Elements list. Use the Fewer
Choices or More Choices buttons to add or remove selection
criteria. These are based on element properties. Set these to leave
five of them: Pencolor, Material and Fill, Line Type, and Height
follow the screenshot below.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
5 Now hit the + (add to selection) button to select all the walls
with the previously loaded properties.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Lets add some handrails to the terrace and to the gallery on the upper
level and adjust their length to the existing building elements.
1) Activate the 3.5 add handrails pre-set view from the Navigator
View Map to display the Gallery Floor Plan.
2 Activate the Object Tool in the Toolbox and
then the Rail-01 entry from Favorites to add
rails to the Terrace and to the Gallery on the
upper floor.
3 In the Object Settings Dialog Box, preview the Rail objects
parameters and settings and make sure that the Rotation Angle
value is set to 90 degrees on the Parameters panel. Make sure
that the Current Story is set to 1. Gallery. Click OK to leave the
Dialog Box.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
5 Click inside the bottom left corner (Point 1) on the left of the
balcony slab to start placing the first railing.
6 Move the cursor upwards to the internal surface of the terrace
parapet wall (Point 2) to define the rails length.
7 Repeat the previous two steps using Points 1 and 2 on the right
to place another rail on the other side of the terrace and to also
add railing by the short side of the stairway (Points 3 and 4).
8 Change the rotation angle value to 0 degrees in the Info Box.
9 Place the railings along the long side of the stairway and the edge
of the gallery slab. Start adding the railings at Point 5 and
complete them at Point 6.
4 Select the diagonal geometry placement method from the Info
Box before placing the Rails on the Floor Plan.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
3 Open the Parameters panel in the Dialog Box and change the
No. of Posts under Post Parameters to 10.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
Use the mouse to define cutting planes in the three views and click with the
Eye-cursor to define which part of the cutting plane should be removed.
Hint: You can also use 3D cutting planes to create tailored 3D cutaway views
with ArchiCAD to help with design evaluation and with your project
Activate View > Elements in 3D View > 3D Cutting Planes to set 3D cutting
planes for the current 3D view.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
You can switch the 3D cutting planes on and off at any time using the View >
Elements in 3D View > 3D Cutaway option.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
7 Move the cursor over the perimeter of the block wall in the
bathroom area and click the second temporary Snap Point
(Point 2) from the left with the Checkmark cursor to place the
basin object.
Part II: Design Evaluation Chapter 4: Adding and Adjusting Openings, Internal Circulation and Furniture
12 Move the cursor over the lower floor-slab next to the piano
and click to place some chairs on this slab.
13 Now move the cursor over the gallery slab and click here as well to
place further chairs.
Notice that switching on Gravity helps you to determine the
elevation height of the objects to be placed, and you can easily
adjust their elevation height to slabs, roofs and meshes simply
choose the appropriate button from the Gravity options.
6 Click any horizontal line (e.g., the horizontal edge of the external
pavement slab) with the Mercedes cursor to define the initial
Dimension direction.
7 Click next to the external edge of the southern external block wall
(around Point 2 as shown in the screenshot) to define the
position of the first Dimension Chain.
5 Choose Object endpoints and Place dimension on four
sides and enter 0.50 m as the distance between Dimension
1 Activate the 2.1 add level dimension pre-set view to zoom into
the Entrance area on the lower floor.
2 Activate the level dimension tool in the Toolbox
and select the Level-Dim-01 entry from the
Favorites to add a level dimension to the Floor
3 Select the Gravitate to Slab
button from the Gravity
drop-down list in the Standard
4 Click outside the entrance area
(around Point 1) to place the Level Dimension.
Please note: When you position the cursor over an element, it will
be highlighted, indicating that it is pre-selected for Dimensioning.
At the same time, the Element Information pop-up will
display some brief information about the pre-selected element.
Use the TAB key to switch between the pre-selected elements that
are located on top of each other. Please always ensure that you
Dimension the correct building element (slabs, walls and roofs)
and NOT the text labels.
4 Click the OK button in the
Context menu to finish
adding more points to the
Dimensions. (Alternatively,
you can simply double-click
anywhere in the view to get
the same result).
5 Click once with the Hammer cursor close to Point 4 to define the
position and to place the dimensions.
4 The Hammer cursor appears after the first click, indicating that the
position of the stamp needs to be determined.
3 Click once on the lower Floor Plan view, inside the exhibition
space area (Point 1), to place the first Zone. ArchiCAD will
automatically analyze the plan geometry of the Zone area it will
be surrounded by the block walls.
Hint: ArchiCADs Zones are real 3D spaces. You can use them to create
conceptual space studies as well as to create detailed space lists and area calculations
(see below). You can trim the 3D Zone spaces to slabs, roofs or beams: and similar
to walls and columns, to create more accurate volume calculations.
Use the Options > Project Preferences > Zones option to fine-tune the
Zone-related calculations and element subtractions.
5 Place the next vertex in the lower left corner point of the Gallery
(Point 2), and continue with the other corner points at
Points 3 to 8.
6 To complete i.e., close
the Zone polygon after
Point 8 click Point 1
again, or right-click to
display the Context menu,
then choose OK.
7 Click inside the Gallery
space to place the 3D Zone
stamp with the Hammer
cursor (Point 9).
Layer settings are also stored in the pre-set views of the Navigator
View Map. Thus, when you clicked the 1.3 edit zones in 3D
view earlier, all the model display pre-sets stored with this view
took effect immediately.
2 Activate the Document > Schedules and Lists > Schedules >
Window List default schedule.
12 Undo the change by entering the 0.45 value again for the width.
Again, notice the automatic update. Close the schedule window.
Please note: The Interactive Element Schedule Dialog Box
enables you to control and edit all the major characteristics of any
type of ArchiCAD element from the schedule sheet with great
ease of use and continuous graphic feedback.
The fine-tuned element lists can also contain graphic entities. You can
include the Floor Plan, Elevation or 3D representation of the
elements. The spreadsheets can be placed on layouts afterwards and
they will be handled as an integral part of the project documentation
set similar to any other project view or drawing.
Hint: Note that you can save generated lists from ArchiCAD in Microsoft Word
(.doc) and Excel (.xls) formats on the Microsoft Windows platform, besides the
Tabbed Text (.txt), dwf and pdf formats which can be saved on the Mac platform
Hint: You can also display some prepared Element, Component and Zone lists.
Double-click on the entries in the Navigator/Lists folder to view various text and
graphic lists and schedules. These lists and schedules can be fine-tuned and
configured to meet different needs, expectations and standards.
3 Make sure that the Reference ID of the new detail is set to D-01
and the name is defined as Handrail.
8 Finally, click near the middle of the handrail (Point 3) with the
Hammer cursor to define the position of the marker.
10 Adjust the Detail IDs and enter the name in the Detail Settings
dialog box. Create a D-02 Floor detail at the wall junction of the
external curved wall and the terrace slab, a D-03 Lintel detail at
the lintel of the sliding door, and a D-04 Sill detail at the sill of
the gallery window.
Please note: You can select a marker and use the Pet Palette
buttons to: modify its position; change the orientation or the
length of the reference line; or modify the radius of the rounded
corners of the marker rectangle, etc.
11 Ensure the new detail entries are all visible and accessible from the
Project Map/Details folder of the Navigator.
1 Activate the 2.1 place DWG detail pre-set View from the
Navigator View Map.
2 Check the draft detail drawing, which ArchiCAD
automatically extracts from the building elements
of the project.
You can use ArchiCADs robust 2D functionality
to enrich and to work out this callout view. Or, for
instance, you can merge an existing external detail
drawing from a DWG file.
3 Choose File > File Special > Merge.
Should the Locate Simplex.shx Dialog appear on your screen,
please choose the Skip All button to close it. For more
information on this subject, please visit the Graphisoft Home page
and download the Collaboration Interactive Training Guide at
8 Select the exported DWG drawing and use Edit > Move > Drag
to place it on the model view drawing.
9 Select the model view drawing and delete it. Activate the Trace
and Reference palette from Window > Palettes > Trace &
12 By moving the Splitter with the cursor you can cover the
Active drawing with the Reference drawing and vice
Hint: On the Trace & Reference palette you can change settings for both the active
and the reference views.
13 Modify and adjust the merged DWG detail drawing and adjust the
detail boundaries.
Feel free to edit and modify any other parts of the detail: for example,
select and delete unnecessary lines and fills from the window if you
14 Repeat the same procedure for the other three details. First open
the detail drawings (D-02 Floor, D-03 Lintel and D-04
Sill) window from ArchiCADs Navigator Project Map, and
then merge the corresponding DWG detail drawings (D-02
Floor Detail.dwg, D-03 Lintel Detail.dwg and D-04 Sill
Hint: ArchiCADs robust 2D tools are always there to help in any project design
view. Try all the tools in the Document area of the Toolbox: various
dimensioning tools, Texts, Labels, Fills, Arcs, Circles and Ellipses, Lines,
Polylines, Splines, Hotspots and Figures. These all help you to create professional
drawings and details. See ArchiCADs user manual for further details on these
Hint: ArchiCADs Text Tool allows you to easily create
and edit tabulated text using the power and functionality of
any text editor. You can use different styles, fonts, colors,
etc., within a text block. Imported text entities (e.g., from
Microsoft Word or from external DWG files) will retain
their original formatting.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
Then hit ENTER to define the top right corner of the slab (Point
5 As you move the cursor diagonally (towards the
lower right) you will see the Guide Lines appearing
(if the Guide Lines option is on). Press x to
switch to Input mode, enter 48 for Dimension
1. Now hit the Tab key and enter 48 for Dimension 2.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
7 Select the Plateau slab, make sure that the Slab Tool is active, and cut
a rectangular hole in it around the paving slab by simply clicking two
of the diagonal corner points (Points 3 and 4) of the Paving slab.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
down the the middle mouse button to pan the current view. The 3D
Explore information palette provides some brief details about 3D
navigation for Explore mode navigation.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
sketch style and black line color on the Basic Settings tab.
Make sure that Show 3D Vectorial Hatching is checked and
that the Background is set to a single, white Color on the
Background panel of the Dialog Box.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
Hint: Use the Options > Element Attributes > Materials command to set up
and fine-tune all the material properties.
Feel free to experiment with different settings and materials. Use the LightWorks
and Sketch rendering engines to set up and try different line-colors, line styles,
vectorial sun shadows and 3D hatches, as well as Material settings. You can also
apply different paper textures as background images to further enhance the style
and quality of your presentation.
These settings will determine the quality of your renderings. First, select the
rendering engine in the Create Preview with menu, and use the various panels to
adjust and modify the properties. You can select different textures, transparency
and reflection options, etc.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
You can simply activate the 2.3.1 2.3.16 preset views in the
Navigator View Map to see some pre-set samples.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 9: Adding Cameras and Creating LightWorks and Sketch Renderings
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Here you can freely add or delete, show or hide, lock or unlock, or
rename layers. It enables you, for example, to show only those
layers that are required for our Design Set.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
10 Once you are finished, click Add to save the current Dimension
standard with a unique name. Use Design Dimension
Standard for this case, and click OK to leave the Dialog Box.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
12 Click the New Folder button to create a new folder in the root
of the Project View Map.
The new view set folder has been immediately added to the
Navigator View Map.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
3 Select the Sections folder on the left and drag and drop it into
the My Design Set folder on the right.
4 Repeat the same operation with the Elevations and Details
containers: drag and drop all the details from the project map to
the View Map/My Design set folder.
You can add the elements of the folder one-by-one, or in one step,
using the Shift or the CMD (Mac OS) / CTRL (WIN) keys to
select multiple views.
You can also click the Save view button below the Project Map
to add the Details folder and its content to the View Map (on the
5 Select the My Design Set folder on the left
and click the New Folder icon in the
bottom-right corner of the organizer. Enter
Floor Plans and click Create to add this
new view container to the set.
6 Drag and drop the existing 9.2.1 My Ground Floor Plan and
9.2.2 My Gallery Plan to the newly created Floor Plans
folder under the My Design Set container in the View Map.
7 Reorganize the folders in the My Design Set folder so that the
order of the elements will be as follows: Floor Plans, Details,
Elevations, Sections
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Please note that detail properties of the selected project view are
displayed in the View Properties area at the bottom.
Lets add some new layouts to the project layout book using some
previously created custom project views.
2 Select the Project Chooser in the Navigator, and select Show
Organizer in order to switch to the Organizer Layout
Editor mode to add pre-set views to the Layout Book.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
3 Select the View Map on the left and the Layout Book on
the right side of the Organizer.
7 Drag and drop the selected project views to the new My Floor
Plans layout subset on the right in order to automatically place
the two selected project views on the layouts. Alternatively, you
can use the Place Drawing button to place the selected Views
(from the left) onto Layouts (to the right).
As you can see, the previously defined Ground Floor Plan view
was automatically inserted on the default layout and added to the
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
11 Open the Properties panel of the Dialog Box and check that
Magnification is set to 100 [%].
10 Make sure that the Update Type is set to Auto and that the
Store Drawing in the Project file box is checked.
12 Open the Frame panel, and make sure that Manually resized
frame is selected in Frames behavior.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
You can also define whether you wish to store the drawing within the
design project file: this enables you to handle all the related project
information in one single file.
Use the Title panel to fine-tune the drawing title information,
including not only font type and size and pen color, but also its
content. You can easily show and hide the drawing name and scale,
and drawing and layout ID in the title, if you wish.
Open the Frame panel to modify the size, angle of rotation, anchor
point, Pen Set and Colors of a drawing item, or to add a border-line.
Adjusting the Frame behavior of a drawing can be convenient if you
wish to create an abstract polygonal drawing frame instead of the
conventional rectangular frame (which is set as the default).
Please note: You should also activate the My Gallery Floor
Plan layout and repeat Steps 8 to 14 to configure all the
necessary settings and adjustments of the Gallery Floor Plan
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Hint: There are various AutoText entries to help you when developing your
project layout book. Some AutoTexts are generated from the individual properties
of the current project views (name, ID, scale, magnification, etc.) placed on a
layout. There are also AutoTexts that are identical for a certain project (client
name, Project Name, Address, Keywords, etc.). All this project related
information can be defined at File > Info > Project Info, and all these Project
Info items can be used as AutoTexts throughout the documentation process.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
You can define the number of drawing cells, their layout and
geometry, line-type, drawing ID logic, and format.
3 Double-click to activate the Gallery Details layout under the
Details layout subset of the Navigator Layout Book. Click the
Fit in Window button to fit the whole layout into the screen.
6 Undo the previous two operations using the Edit > Undo
Parametric section and detail markers will save you a large amount of
coordination time and effort and always give you an up-to-date layout
book, ready to be published at any time.
1 Open the S-01 Section view in the Sections container of the
My Design set folder.
2 Select the D-01 Handrail detail by
SHIFT-clicking and open the Detail Selection
Settings Dialog Box.
3 Select the Linked marker and choose The first
drawing of the selected viewpoint as shown on the screenshot.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
5 Open the Marker Head panel and choose the circular marker
style. Make sure that Show Reference ID and Show
Drawing ID are selected in the First Text Row, and Show
Name and Show Layout ID are selected in the Second Text
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
6 Go back to the Marker panel and enter 14,00 for the diameter of
the marker. When you are done, click the OK button.
remember, all these detail markers had been previously placed on the
section view.
For instance, the Lintel detail marker is called D-03 A2/Lintel
A.05.1, meaning that this Lintel detail drawing is located on the A2
grid cell of the A.05.1 layout sheet of the project layout book. Its
detail ID is D-03 and its name is Lintel.
Hint: You can fine-tune and adjust the sheet and drawing information displayed
in the detail markers. Simply switch to the source project view (browsing the
Navigator Project Map or View Map), select the detail marker you wish to
adjust and activate its settings Dialog Box.
Open the Marker panel to adjust the marker settings, geometry, drawing ID and
sheet number, etc.
10 Click on the A.05 Details subset in the
Navigator Layout Book to select it. Then
click the New Layout button to insert a
new layout in this container. Enter the name New Detail
Layout and choose the AC11-ITG A2 Landscape-Grid
Master Layout in the Create New Layout Dialog Box.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
This means that the D-02 Floor detail drawing has not been
placed on any layout yet so lets place it on the new detail layout
17 Click on the Project Chooser
button at the top of the Navigator
and activate Show Organizer
from the pop-up menu.
18 Select the View Map icon on the
left side of the Organizer Layout Editor, and
Layout Book on the right side.
19 Browse and select the D-02 Floor detail in the
Details container of the My Design Set
view map. Drag and drop it to the A.05.2 New
Detail Layout of the Details container of the Layout book.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Please note: If the update type of the Section view has been set to
Manual update, you need to click the Update button in the
Navigator to complete the marker update on the layout.
21 Activate the A.05.2 New Detail Layout layout in the Navigator
Layout Book to adjust the newly added D-02 Floor detail
position and settings.
22 Ofset the drawing edge with the help of the Pet Palette as
necessary. Drag the D-02 Floor detail drawing to the A1
lower left grid cell on the layout.
25 Open the Properties page and set the Drawing Scale to 1:10.
23 Select the detail drawing and click the Drawing Settings button
in the Info Box to review its settings.
24 Open the Identification panel and change Drawing ID to
By Layout and click OK to close the Dialog Box.
Please also ensure that the Size field in the Properties panel of
Drawing Settings is set to 100% and that Frame > Frames
behavior is set as Fit Frame to drawing before you leave this
Dialog Box.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Please note: If the update type of the Section view has been set to
Manual update, you need to select the Update button on the
Navigator to complete the marker update on the layout.
Section markers on the different project floor plan views behave in
a way similar to that of smart detail markers: they also
automatically adjust their content to reflect the layout sheet on
which the corresponding section views are located.
28 Activate the 9.2.1 My Ground
Floor Plan view in My
Design Set/Floor Plans to go
back to the ground floor.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
S-01 / Section DS4, since the S-01 Section is located on the DS4
layout. If you change the order of section layouts in the Navigator
Layout Book, all the corresponding markers on all the layouts
including the floor plan markers would also be updated
Hint: If your project views and drawings are set to manual update, ArchiCAD
will automatically warn you if you open an existing design project file containing
any layouts that were changed during the design development.
Select Skip All if you wish to proceed without updating any of the drawings, or
select Update All to have ArchiCAD update all drawings on the layout to
reflect the latest stage of the design project.
Alternatively, you can also open the Drawing Manager to review and manage the
drawing settings in the layout book individually. Here you can update selected
drawings, break the hotlink between the central design project file and the
corresponding drawing on a certain layout, and create a new hotlink by defining a
new source for any of the selected drawings.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
5 Select the DWG format , which will result in all the contents of
the selected My Design Set folder in the DWG Design
Publisher Set being set to DWG format.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Hint: You can also upload the published documents to an Internet FTP site. In
this case just as before all you need to do is to choose the Upload to Internet
option and the corresponding settings in the Publisher Set Properties Dialog
Box. Click Publish to publish the updated and up-to-date project view-set.
ArchiCAD ensures that all the pre-set views, layer sets and display properties,
scale and zoom are maintained when publishing.
To view this set, your clients do not need to have ArchiCAD installed on their
machines nor have any knowledge of how to use ArchiCAD. A regular Internet
browser (e.g., Internet Explorer) is all thats needed to view, print or redline the
published sets.
ArchiCADs published files can be opened, reviewed and redlined in Project
Reviewer, a free Java-based viewer embedded in all published documents. All you
need to do is to check Include Project Reviewer web environment in the
Publisher Set Properties Dialog Box. You can even send an automatic e-mail
notification with ArchiCADs project publisher if you wish.
This is a great tool for clients, consultants, or firm principals, as no license or
knowledge of ArchiCAD is required. Files redlined in Project Reviewer can be
merged smoothly back into the original Virtual Building project database thanks
to Project Mark-Up.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
6 Select the Design Set folder in the top-right and expand the
Format panel at the bottom-right of the Dialog Box. Select
PDF from the drop-down list and ensure that the Merge to
one PDF file option is checked.
4 Create a new folder on the right by clicking the
New Folder button and give it the name
Design Set.
5 Drag and drop the A.02 Floor Plans, A.03 Sections, A.04
Elevations, A.05 Details and A.06 Worksheets and the
Please note that you can choose from various (raster) image and
(vector) engineering file formats when configuring a publisher set
including DWG, DGN and DWF. This will ensure seamless
collaboration with the extended design team and your clients.
Graphisoft ArchiCAD 11 Basic Interactive Training Guide
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
On your local machine, define the location where you wish to save
the PDF design documentation set.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
11 Open the new Design Set.pdf file on your local machine and
use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader application to view your
design project documentation set.
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project
Part IV: Presentation & Publishing Chapter 10: Publishing the Project