Physics of The Granite Sphere Fountain
Physics of The Granite Sphere Fountain
Physics of The Granite Sphere Fountain
Physics of Fluids Group and J.M. Burgers Centre for Fluid Dynamics,
University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, 26500 Patras, Greece
(Dated: April 3, 2014)
A striking example of levitation is encountered in the kugel fountain where a granite sphere,
sometimes weighing over a tonne, is kept aloft by a thin film of flowing water. In this paper we
explain the working principle behind this levitation. We show that the fountain can be viewed as
a giant roller bearing and thus forms a prime example of lubrication theory. It is demonstrated
how the viscosity and flow rate of the fluid determine (i) the remarkably small thickness of the film
supporting the sphere and (ii) the surprisingly long time it takes for rotations to damp out. The
theoretical results compare well with measurements on a fountain holding a granite sphere of one
meter in diameter. We close by discussing several related cases of levitation by lubrication.
In our view, therefore, there is some reason for a paper
that explains the physics of the granite sphere fountain.
It turns out that the levitation hinges on the principle of
lubrication. The key observation is that the pressure that
builds up in the thin fluid layer, squeezed as it is between
the kugel and the socket, supplies the force required to
balance the colossal weight of the granite sphere. The
pressure integrated over the submerged area gives an upward force that equals the weight of the sphere plus the
force exerted by the atmospheric pressure on the equivalent area around the top. For the sake of clarity we neglect buoyancy and also the minor contribution to the upward force from the shear stresses at the submerged surface of the kugel. Hence, if Fg is the weight of the sphere
and Fup the resultant upward force due to the pressure
inside the fluid layer minus the atmospheric counterforce,
the balance gives:
Fg = Fup =
levitated by a thin fluid layer, such as water drops floating on their own vapor layer above an overheated surface
(the so-called Leidenfrost phenomenon) and also the airborne variety of the kugel fountain.
We first consider a two-dimensional version of the fountain where the levitated object is a cylinder instead of a
sphere. This is known as the granite wheel, an example
of which is shown in Fig. 2. The analysis for the cylinder
is easier than for the sphere and therefore provides a more
direct illustration of the physical mechanism. In this section we will not include rotation yet, so the floating cylinder is supposed to be at rest. We compute the pressure
at the inlet nozzle (or equivalently, the inflow rate Qin )
required to give the fluid layer the desired thickness h of
a few tenths of a millimeter, i.e., sufficiently large for two
well-polished surfaces to not grind each other and at the
same time sufficiently small to guarantee that no fingers
(not even those of the smallest children) can get caught
between them.
shear stress is much smaller than the pressure (by a factor
h/R) and therefore the contribution of the shear stress
may be omitted in Eq. (3).
For simplicity we also omit the contribution from the
buoyant force. Given that the depth of the basin is R(1
cos max ) = 0.175R for max = 0.60 rad, only a small part
of the cylinders volume is under water: the submerged
fraction is given by (max cos max sin max )/ = 0.043.
The associated buoyant force is g times the submerged
volume (0.043R2Lg, with the density of water), which
amounts to a fraction 0.043/gr = 0.016 (or 1.6 per
cent) of the cylinders weight. A similar calculation for
the spherical fountain yields that the submerged volume
fraction in that case is (2 + cos max )(1 cos max )2 /4 =
0.0069, meaning that the buoyant force compensates no
more than 0.0025 (0.25 per cent) of the kugels weight.
Clearly, the levitation owes little to Archimedes law of
FIG. 3: (a) Sketch of the cylindrical fountain. The gap coordinates (x, y, z) parallel and perpendicular to the curved
surface are related to the cylindrical coordinates (r, , z) as
x = R, y = R + h r and z = z, where R denotes the radius
of the cylinder and h the thickness of the fluid layer. The
cylinder is submerged up to the angle max . The thickness of
the layer has been greatly exaggerated for the sake of clarity.
(b) The flow inside the water layer is essentially straight since
h R. After leaving the inlet nozzle, the velocity profile u(y)
quickly takes a parabolic shape.
= LR
[P () Patm ] cos d.
+ (u) = 0,
It is the presence of the nonlinear term (u)u on the left
hand side that makes this equation so notoriously difficult
to solve in general. Fortunately, in the present case, all
terms on the left hand side (proportional to the fluid
density ) are negligibly small in comparison with the
viscous term 2 u on the right hand side. This means
that inertia of the fluid plays a negligible role, making
the cylindrical fountain an example of creeping flow, or
Stokes flow, as it is known since Stokes seminal paper
(from 1851) on the subject.5 Usually this type of flow is
associated with low Reynolds number (Re < 1) but in the
present case it also holds for larger values of Re. Indeed,
the first term vanishes because we consider steady flow
(u/t = 0) and also the second term (u )u =
uu/x ex is identically zero on account of Eq. (5).
In a more general setting, when the derivative u/x
would be unequal to zero, inertial effects could come into
play. This is for instance the case for the spherical fountain. In that case one estimates the relative importance
of the fluid inertia by inserting the order-of-magnitude
estimates u/x U/R and 2 u/y 2 U/h2 (where U
denotes the characteristic value of the velocity). Then,
the condition uu/x 2 u/y 2 can be written as
U 2 /R U/h2 , or equivalently:6,7
h2 U R
Re 1,
d2 u
= K.
dy 2
where P (0) is the pressure at the inlet nozzle. The pressure at max where the flow meets the surrounding air
must be Patm (= 1atm), so Patm = P (0) RKmax .
This gives the gauge pressure P (0) Patm = RKmax .
The only unknown in this relation, K, will follow when
we solve the second equation of Eq. (12).
Integrating the second equation, we find that the velocity profile has the form u(y) = A+ By (1/2)Ky 2, where
A and B are integration constants to be determined from
the boundary conditions. We employ no-slip boundary
conditions at the socket (y = 0) and at the surface of
the cylinder (y = h). If the cylinder is not rotating this
means that the speed vanishes at both boundaries, giving
respectively A = 0 and B = (1/2)Kh, hence we arrive at
the following parabolic velocity profile (see also Fig. 3b):
u0 (y) =
Ky(h y),
and P () for every angle between 0 and max is then
readily obtained from Eq. (13):
P () Patm =
u0 (y)dy =
LKh3 ,
6Qin R
(max ||) .
12Qin R2
(1 cos max ) .
(1 cos max )
. (20)
thickness of 0.87 (Qin /gL)1/3 0.3 mm. This is satisfactorily small: there is no danger for fingers being caught
between the wheel and the socket. The small value of h
also justifies our earlier assumption that h/R 1. In
the present example this ratio is only h/R = 0.6 103 ,
which is very good news in the context of the lubrication
condition Eq. (7).
In practice it is wise to choose the inflow rate such that
the film thickness is several tenths of a millimeter. We
note, however, that there is no specific threshold value of
Qin below which the fountain could not work in principle. As long as Qin is positive, the pressure P (0) at the
inlet will always exceed the atmospheric pressure and a
thin lubrication layer establishes itself between the basin
of the fountain and the cylinder. If the surfaces were
perfectly smooth, any supramolecular thickness h (corresponding to tiny inflow rates Qin ) would be sufficient to
make the fountain work. The only problem with choosing
a very small value of Qin is that it will render the system
rather vulnerable: small irregularities in the masonry, a
slight unbalance, or even sand grains caught in the fluid
layer may be enough to cause scratches on the polished
FIG. 6: The spherical coordinates (r, , ) for the kugel fountain. Within the fluid layer one may also conveniently use the
coordinates (x, y, ) with x = R and y = R + h r as in
Fig. 3. The thickness of the fluid layer has been exaggerated
for clarity.
tically zero anymore, but for the time being we shall assume it is still small in comparison with the terms P
and 2 u, which is a valid approximation as long as the
inflow rate Qin is sufficiently small.) When reaching an
angle , the circumference of the cross-section has become
2R sin , and the total flux through this circumference
per unit time is simply:
Qin = 2R sin
u0 (y, )dy.
Once more, the velocity profile across the fluid layer is
parabolic in the creeping flow approximation. So we set
u0 (y, ) = 12 K()y(h y) and the integral in the above
Eq. (21) is then readily evaluated:
Qin =
R sin K()h3 ,
Rh3 sin
P () Patm =
2 Z max
6Qin R2
(1 cos max ).
(1 cos max )
FIG. 8: The classical demonstration of Bernoulli suction, using a yarn spool and a paper card with a thin needle pierced
through it, to keep it centered with respect to the hole of the
spool. If one blows air through the spool, the increased air
velocity in the narrow layer between the spool and the card
induces (by Bernoullis law) a region of low pressure there. As
a result, the atmospheric pressure of the ambient air pushes
the card against the spool. The demonstration is usually done
upside down, as in the above picture, to show that (apart from
the surprising fact that the card is not simply blown away)
the Bernoulli suction can even beat gravity.
= Patm 2in2
8 h
Stokes equations. This is why we have until now concentrated on the limiting cases of purely viscous and purely
inertial flow. If one wants to combine the two, one generally has to reside to approximation schemes. For a radial
flow between two parallel discs in the horizontal plane
(such as the yarn spool of Fig. 8, and arguably also the
spherical fountain, since the curvature of the kugel plays
only a minor role) this problem has recently been addressed by Armengol et al. in this journal.12 They derive the following approximate expression for the pressure
field in the fluid layer:
P (r) = Patm +
140 2 h2
In this equation one recognizes the pressure contributions
from viscosity and inertia, respectively; their structure is
very similar to the previously derived exact expressions
(24) and (28) for the idealized limiting cases. As expected, the pressure due to viscosity generates a positive
levitating force whereas the inertial pressure works in the
negative direction.
We note that the magnitudes of both contributions increase with the inflow rate, but while the viscous pressure
grows linearly with Qin , the inertial contribution scales as
Q2in . This confirms our earlier observation that the dominance shifts from the viscous to the inertial regime as Qin
is gradually increased. Using the estimates Qin hRU
and r R one verifies from (29) that the cross-over takes
place when U h2 /(R) is of order unity, consistent with
(7). Eventually, at large flow rates, the generated levitating force will no longer be able to lift the Kugel. In
Fig. 7 we have sketched how inertial effects change the
pressure profile in the fluid layer below the granite sphere
(dashed curve).
FIG. 9: (a) Rotation of the levitated object breaks the symmetry of the flow inside the fluid layer. (b) The velocity
field is now a superposition of the parabolic Poiseuille profile
(caused by the pressure gradient from the inlet nozzle to the
surrounding air) and the linear Couette profile caused by the
velocity difference between the socket, which is at rest, and
the surface of the kugel moving at speed R.
profile can be seen as a superposition of the Poiseuille
parabolic profile and a simple linear Couette profile. Such
a superposition is allowed since the Stokes equation (8)
is linear with respect to the velocity. Mathematically the
profile can thus be written as u(y) = u0 (y)+u (y), where
u0 (y) is the profile without rotation given by Eq. (14) and
u (y) = R .
LR d
2max LR3
The frictional torque is thus proportional to and opposite to the direction of rotation. It will slow down the
rotation according to the equation of motion
T = Icyl
where Icyl = 12 M R2 = 21 gr LR4 is the moment of inertia of the granite wheel. Given the expression for T
derived above, this equation of motion takes the form
gr Rh
gr Rh
Hence we recover a similar exponential decay of the angular velocity as in Eq. (34), with a relaxation time
that once more reads
gr Rh
In conclusion, we are now in a position to give a definitive answer to our original question: What makes the
fountain work?. It is not Archimedes law of buoyancy,
the favorite of the Science Museum visitors. Instead, it is
another basic principle, less familiar to the general public
but of key importance in almost every type of machinery:
As a matter of fact, the kugel fountain can be thought
of as a giant roller bearing. The pressure inside the
thin fluid layer (thickness h) scales as 1/h3 , and is perfectly able to carry the heavy granite sphere. For a given
flow rate Qin , usually around 1 liter per second, the water layer automatically adjusts itself to the thickness required to lift the weight. The water acts as a lubricant
and is responsible for the surprisingly low friction experienced by the sphere.
Another phenomenon that relies on the same lubrication principle is the Leidenfrost drop, shown in Fig. 11.
This is a water drop hovering above a hot plate (typically around 250 degrees Celsius) without touching it,
carried by its own vapor layer.13,14 The fact that air is
a poor conductor of heat ensures that the drop, instead
of instantly boiling away, only slowly evaporates and can
survive for more than a minute. The same effect is observed when pouring liquid nitrogen on a table: nitrogen
drops are skating freely over the surface, with negligible
friction, thanks to the lubricating layer of nitrogen vapor.
Also the popular game of air hockey works on the same
principle, only in this case the puck does not evaporate of
course but the lubrication layer is provided by air flowing
out of tiny pores in the table.11
In all these examples, the thickness of the layer adjusts
itself such that the integrated pressure exactly balances
the weight of the levitated object. Owing to the smallness
of the gap, the viscous forces inside the flow dominate
over the inertial ones. This is, as we have shown, a necessary condition for achieving an upward levitation force.
In addition, one may wonder whether the compressibility
of the air does not fundamentally change the physics of
levitation. The effects of compressibility, however, only
begin to play a role when the Mach number becomes of
order unity. This number is defined as Ma = u/c, where
u is the velocity of the flow and c the speed of sound in
the air. Since the latter is roughly 330 m/s, the Mach
number in all examples remains much smaller than 1 and
hence the flow may safely be treated as incompressible.
In fact, also the granite sphere fountain itself can operate on air. As compared to water, both viscosity and
inertial effects become smaller in air but not to the same
degree. While the viscosity is reduced by a factor 50,
the density is reduced by no less than a factor 1000.
This means that the troublesome inertial effects are relatively smaller for the air-borne kugel than for the water
version, at least as long as we may keep the air inflow
rate Qin at a reasonably low level. (Recall that the viscous effects grow linearly with Qin , whereas the inertial
effects grow quadratically.) The condition that Qin be
kept small poses just one practical challenge: it implies,
by Eq. (26), that the gap width h will be very small,
which calls for a sphere and basin that are both perfectly
spherical and exceptionally well polished. The successful lubrication of the kugel with air thus relies, not on a
strong airflow, but on the craftsmanship of the stonema-
Y.A. C
engel and J.M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2006).
The creeping flow approximation is treated in section 10-3.
L.G. Leal, Advanced Transport Phenomena: Fluid Mechanics and Convective Transport Processes (Cambridge
Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2007). The thin-gap approximation and lubrication problems are discussed in Chapter 5.
J. Armengol, J. Calb
o, T. Pujol and P. Roura, Bernoulli
correction to viscous losses: Radial flow between two parallel discs, Am. J. Phys. 76, 730737 (2008).
D. Quere, Leidenfrost Dynamics, Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech.
45, 197215 (2013).
J.H. Snoeijer, P. Brunet, and J. Eggers, Maximum size of
drops levitated by an air cushion, Phys. Rev. E 79, 036307
A photograph of the prizewinning airborne kugel can
be found on the website of Brahma Granitech at
Due to the extremely small thickness of the fluid layer, the
water has hardly any freedom to explore the normal direction once it has left the nozzle region, and is immediately
forced into the parallel direction. As noted in Figs. 4 and 7,
the size of the nozzle region covers only about 10% of the
total range of . For the spherical fountain this constitutes
an area of (0.1)2 0.01 of the total immersed area,
making the contribution of the region that is not treated
by our analysis of the order of 1%.