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Tms 6

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Intuitive User Interface

Multi-lingual Support

Aligned with
ERP Systems
Easy Access to Data
Flexible Security Control

Next Generation
Terminal Management System

The Best has Become Even Better


Systems, Inc.

TMS6 - Next Generation Terminal Management System

Since 1995, TMS has become the most widely used and trusted terminal management system in the world. With the
introduction of TMS6, Toptech's next generation terminal management system, the best has become even better!
TMS6 is ideal for a variety of terminaling applications to support the operations of gasoline, light oil, LPG, chemical,
fertilizer, and asphalt sites. TMS6 can also handle most any terminal configuration from a manual loading rack to
facilities with multiple loading bays and a variety of electronic controls.
It doesnt matter whether you operate a single terminal or many; TMS6 delivers everything you expect and more.


Introducing TMS6

Whats New?

Features of TMS6

New User Interface

The TMS6 user interface is a Windows-based client
developed using the latest Microsoft .NET technology.
The result is an attractive graphical interface with good
performance over both slow and high-speed connections.
Mission-critical applications, however, are still controlled
by the Linux server, so any lockup or failure related to the
client PCs will not impact the ability of TMS6 to open gates,
load trucks, or print BOLs.

Load Rack Control

Terminal Balancing
Stock Balancing
Multi-user Support
Allocations Management


Order Management
Client/Host Interfaces
EDI Interfaces
Extensive Reports
Pager/E-mail/Fax Support

Toptech Developed, Customer Tested

Because Toptech invited companies to participate in prerelease testing and feedback programs, the result is the
most fully tested released product ever produced by
"It's even easier to use than TMS5" is a common response
from our customers as they familiarize themselves with
TMS6. It's no wonder, with features like PDF reporting,
improved menu navigation, comprehensive online help,
and easily accessible data, TMS6 is truly a product
designed with the end-user in mind. Our customers
apparently agree; several installations were already
planned to follow the production release.
Attention to Detail
Toptech has incorporated suggestions from customers
regarding online field level help and online documentation
of the product. The result: An extremely complete and
thorough documentation suite is included with TMS6.
Another Level of Excellence
Users will get all of the Toptech reliability and performance
of TMS coupled with a new, intuitive user interface
featuring Microsoft .NET technology. Toptech Server
technology is utilized to run the load racks.
The end result is another level of TMS excellence . . . As
Douglas A. Dunlap, Toptech's CEO put it, "When you're
competing with yourself, and your previous products set a
high mark, you must make sure that you really have raised
the bar again with your new product. TMS6 is just that kind
of release."

Aligned with ERP Systems

TMS6 incorporates database changes to more closely
align with ERP systems. These modifications will assist in
building interfaces to SAP or other ERP systems by
reducing the amount of data requiring translation. An
example of one of the enhancements is the expansion of
the Stockholder, Customer, and Account numbers from 7 to
10 characters.
Robust Multi-language Support
The TMS6 platform supports both single and double-byte
languages allowing support of Asian character sets and
resulting in a truly global terminal management system.
TMS6 menus, help screens and driver prompts are all
configurable for a multi-lingual environment.
Simplified Database Access
TMS6 utilizes a high performance, multi-threaded
database server with server-side ODBC, SQL compliant
access from Windows clients. Third-party tools such as
Microsoft Access or Crystal Reports can be used to access
all TMS6 databases. TMS6 users also have the option to
either fax or e-mail reports.
Streamlined Setup and Configuration
Users will be pleased to know that setup and configuration
data is better organized in TMS6. For example, setup
information for data exchange services has been moved
into a dedicated section. This transition will minimize
inadvertent changes to these critical services.

TMS6 - Next Generation Terminal Management System

TMS6 Features Overview
Facility Status and Control
The TMS6 Facility Status Screen provides the operator
interface to the load rack. The status of all gates, BOL print
stations, driver staging areas, and load bays are
Gate Control
Entrance and exit gates can be controlled and activity
logged by use of Toptechs Remote Control Unit (RCU II)
or Toptechs Access Card Reader (ACR) with internal
relay or external relay control via PLC or other
microprocessor-based controls.

Stock Accounting Features

TMS6 offers an extremely flexible and full-featured stock
accounting system. This module provides stock
accounting features for co-mingled inventory
management of product owned by multiple stockholders
using combined storage.
Data entry screens are
provided for manual entry of all bulk and non bulk product
movement transactions. These include bulk receipts,
bulk deliveries (disposals), product transfers, stock
adjustments, product regrading, product compounding,
product returns, and many more. Separate transaction
types differentiate product transfers between tanks and
product transfers between stockholders.
transactions identify product transfers to and from other
company owned facilities.

Benefits of TMS6
Toptechs RCU II

Toptechs ACR

Tank Gauging
Toptechs Tank Gauging option provides tank monitoring
capability within TMS6. Tank levels, temperatures, and
product quantities are available for display on the Tank
View status screen. Data is monitored at configurable
intervals. High/Low warnings/alarms may be set for each
tank. TMS6 can also be configured to interface with
automatic tank gauging systems for frequent data
Load Rack Automation
Toptech has extensive options available for load rack
control. TMS6 supports electronic presets for rack
blending or single product delivery, as well as pulse
acquisition, temperature monitoring, and control for
mechanical racks. TMS6s modular design supports
different equipment, even on the same load rack.
TMS6 uses high level communications to all intelligent
devices such as electronic presets and additive injectors,

i.e. - MultiLoad . When high level communications are

not available, TMS6 provides control of meters and
valves, pulse acquisition, and temperature averaging for
mechanical load racks by supporting interfaces to PLCs or
other microprocessor-based controls.
MultiLoad FCM Cabinet

The MultiLoad consists of a Toptech

Remote Control Unit (RCU) and a number
of Flow Control Modules (FCM). One RCU
is required for each lane. The RCU serves
as card reader, load arm (preset) controller
and additive controller for the entire lane.
The FCMs provide the I/O to operate all
meters, valves and injectors at the lane.
Toptech MultiLoad - Making Traditional Presets Obsolete

System Flexibility
TMS6 can handle most any terminal configuration from manual loading
racks to facilities with a variety of electronic controls. In addition, TMS6
supports an unlimited number of drivers, carriers, and customers.
Improved Integration with Corporate Networks
TMS6 supports better integration within the corporate network. For
example, printer support for reports, etc. is driven by the connected
workstation; any printer supported by the workstation is also supported
by the application without further configuration.
Product Reconciliation
TMS6 makes it easy to take control of product movements into and out of
your facility. Standard reports are available to track load rack activity by
account, carrier, product, or meter. Numerous other features are available
to account for every gallon of product.
Improved Safety
TMS6 monitors ESD status, grounding systems, overfill systems, and
stow switches. TMS6 also utilizes configurable Load Start Timeout, Pump
Run Timeout, and Load Completion Timeout.
Better Utilization of Manpower
TMS6 simplifies the process of running a terminal. End-of-Day and Endof-Month processing is greatly simplified.
Excellent Integration with Corporate ERP Systems
TMS6 can interface with your corporate ERP system allowing customer
and transaction data to flow seamlessly through your entire network.
Standardized Operation Between Facilities
Loading procedures and driver prompts can be standardized across all
your terminals. Operational and reporting requirements can also be
Enhanced Product Security
With TMS6, you can maintain control of who enters your facility, when
they can enter, for what duration they may stay, and the products they can
Automated Data Conversion
The migration from TMS5 to TMS6 is simplified with automated database
conversion utilities. These utilities eliminate the need to re-enter existing
TMS5 database information into TMS6.

TMS6 - Next Generation Terminal Management System

LPG Terminals
TMS6 offers many features specifically designed for LPG
(propane, butane, isobutane, etc.) terminals. These include
special mercaptan injection handling and repor ting,
m a x i m u m l o a d s u p p o r t b y t r a i l e r, a n d s a f e t y
margin adjustments.

TMS6 Applications
Refined Products Terminals
Truck, Rail, Ship, Pipeline
Propane/Butane Terminals
Throughput and Exchange Facilities

Throughput and Exchange Facilities

Toptech offers products and services to give control and
access to your load transaction data at exchange partners
and throughput facilities. These range from driver data entry
terminals, to fully automated solutions such as Toptech Data
Services (TDS). Many industry standard EDI techniques are

Metered Weigh Scale Operations

Specialty Fueling - Airport and Fleet Fueling

TMS is ideal for a variety of terminaling applications; it is

ideally suited for use at gasoline, light oil, LPG, chemical,
fertilizer, and asphalt sites. Many custom features have
been designed for specific industries.

Metered Weigh Scale Operations

TMS6 supports interfaces for many weigh scale indicators,
including Toledo, Fairbanks, Weightronix, Rice Lake, and
Cardinal. TMS6 supports concurrent meter and scale
processing (special add-on modules may be required).

Refined Products Terminals

TMS6 provides full facility balancing from receipts through
disposals. Many features are included for load rack control,
tank monitoring, co-mingled stock, product allocations, load
authorizations, and more.

Specialty Fueling - Airport and Fleet Fueling

Toptech Systems offers solutions specifically targeted for
Airport and Fleet Fueling. The distributed nature of the core
components (servers, client PCs, RCUs, etc.) lend TMS to
these typical operations.

Truck, Rail, Ship, and Pipeline

The TMS6 system supports loading and off loading of
trucks, rail cars, and barges as well as pipeline transactions.

TopHAT for Multi-terminal Environments

TopHAT is a centralized TMS6 designed for
managing and optimizing multi-terminal
operations. TopHAT manages both
company-owned and non-owned facilities by
providing a centralized solution that handles
complex data translation and routing
requirements between terminal sites and the
corporate back-office. TopHAT also serves as
a Data Warehouse providing access to both
historical and current corporate information
that may otherwise be locked up in complex
ERP and legacy systems. TopHAT is
designed to fit easily into your corporate IT
strategy, providing the ideal location for
corporate-wide data queries and reporting.
Several add-on modules are also available in
TopHAT to accomplish such tasks as
centralized Allocations Management and
centralized Dispatched Order Management.

Corporate Back

Terminal Environment
(Product Delivery)

TopHAT Architecture





Credit, Alloc.



TMS Client



(3rd Party Data

Product Movements


TopHAT Client

TopHAT is Designed to Fit Easily in Your Corporate IT Strategy

Systems, Inc.

USA Office - Longwood, Florida

Phone: (407) 332-1774 - Fax: (407) 332-1802

Europe Office - Zwijndrecht (Antwerp) Belgium

Phone: +32 (0)3 250 60 60 - Fax: +32 (0)3 250 60 61

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