February 2015

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The Cub Reporter

Dutch Fork Elementary School 7900 Broad River Road Irmo, SC 29063
(803) 476-3900 FAX (803) 476-3920 y www.lexrich5.org/dutchfork.cfm y Title I School
February 2015

First Annual Environmental Science Fair

Feb 2
2nd Grade Saluda Shoals
Feb 4
Second Cup of Coffee 7:30 a.m.
DARE Graduation 5th grade 10am
Feb 6
Princess Ball 7-9pm Cafeteria
Feb 9
Family Night @ Zaxbys 3-10pm
3rd grade Saluda Shoals
Feb 10
4th Grade Koger Center 8:3012:30
Feb 11
Early Release Day 11:40 a.m.
Feb 13
Jump Rope for Heart
Feb 16
Student Holiday/Staff
Professional Development
Feb 18
SIC Meeting 6-7pm Conf. Room
Feb 19
Spring and Group Pictures Made
Feb 23
4th Grade Saluda Shoals
PTO Meeting 12:45 Confer. Room
Feb 24
Interims Go Home
Feb 27
PBIS Fox Fun Friday
5th Grade CrossRoads
Informational Visit

On Thursday, January 8 our 5th grade students participated in the first

Environmental Science Fair at DFES. Twenty-five judges, which included some of
our very own faculty, 5th grade teachers and District 5 curriculum leaders had the
awesome task of deciding which projects should receive top recognition! Among
this group of judges were also representatives from Richland county Storm Water
Division, SC Dept. of Education, USC, Congaree National Park, Harbison State
Forest, Saluda Shoals Park, S.C. Wildlife Federation, State Representative for EPS
and Bethel Camp. Our 5th graders shined as they presented their projects to the
PreK through 4th grade students, parents, and judges. It was a great learning day
for all 5th graders as well as for the adults! One of our judges shared with us, I
was so grateful to be a part of this day. Listening to the students here at DFES
Academy of Environmental Sciences share what they have learned about caring for
our earth gives me hope for the future. Our 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable mention
award winners competed in the district Science Fair on Saturday, January 24 and
will go on to USC Region 2 Science and Engineering Fair on Friday, March 13.
On Friday, January 9 we held a 5th grade awards ceremony and announced
our winners who are as follows:
Local Environmental Impact Awards-These are award winners that have projects that
directly impact our school and will be part of community events in the spring as
well as meet with Mr. Scott and Mr. Chapman to make plans to implement change
on our school grounds.
Weed War
Ryan Sycamore, Ronald Blair, Khalil McDaniel
I Can See Clearly Now
LaRonte Scroggins, Jeremiah Lorick

*Kees Briggs completed the project, but did not participate in the fair

Breathe Easy
Sophia Caley, Ellen Green
Head Judge Award
7th Generation vs. Bounty Paper Towels
Zion Sheath, Carlton Bryant

*Jalin Turnipseed completed the project, but did not participate in the fair

Honorable Mention Awards

NFL: Natural Fertilizer of Lettuce
Sabastian Powell and Joshua Commander

*Nick Mavrikiotis completed the project, but did not participate in the fair
Whats Up With the Coffee Drinking Plants
Sydney Rhue, Kendall Pressley
Roaring Rivers
Sean Daugherty


(Enviroonmental Science Fair cont.)

The Dutch Fork

Fox Cub family
would like to
welcome Senora
Beatriz Gantt as
our new Spanish
teacher. We are so happy to have
her as part of our family since Senora
Gardner took a position at the high
school level. Welcome to DFES!

Think About the Air You Breathe

Thomas Tran, Carolyn Chen
Super Dish Soap
Rylee MacIsaac, Heaven Williams, Gianna Holmes
3 Place
Poop Your Plants
Mario Monk, Kori Peterman, Ryan Snow, Kennidy Jenkins
2nd Place
Evaluating Air Filters
Travante Brown-Lakin, Daniel Hair, Framecio Little
1st Place
Out With the Old and In With the New Oil
Kai Williams, Christina Kinard, Anna Sycamore

Magnet School Timeline


Student Application window

opens January 23, 2015 and
closes February 6, 2016.
Notification emails to
student/families February 13,
Student Acceptance window
opens February 13, 2015 and
closes February 23, 2015.
Students already enrolled in a
Magnet school will not need to
You can access the applications for
Magnet Schools on the District 5


**Also our 1st Place District Winners too

We are so proud of all of our participants and winners!

Mrs. Cobb!
We are so excited at DFES Academy of
Environmental Sciences because our very own
media specialist, Mrs. Laney Cobb, has written
a book! The book is entitled Crickets Capers
and it is all about the adventures of her two
dogs, Cricket and Izzy. You can order her
book on www.amazon.com.
For more
information about Mrs. Cobb and her book
about Cricket and Izzy please visit

Please Remember Car Line Procedures

And Found
Parents please remind your
children to check our Lost and
Found bin for missing clothing
items. All items will be donated
to a local charity the last Friday
of each month! Please remind
them regularly!!

Please remember that if you are dropping students off in the car line each
morning please be on campus by 7:40 a.m. This will ensure that your child is able
to get to their class before the tardy bell rings at 7:50 a.m. In order for a child to
not be counted tardy each child should be in their seat by the 7:50 bell. Those
coming in the door after the 7:50 bell will be written a tardy pass
Staff members are available at the car line to open car doors for those
students that need extra help. However, if your child is capable of getting out on
their own, they can begin exiting the car once the car is by the sidewalk (this
means by the curve at the corner of the playground).
We have noticed a few parents pulling into a parking space near the car
line, dropping their children off, then letting the children walk up the sidewalk to
the door. This is a safety concern. Please make sure you utilize the proper
procedure we have in place. This is for the safety and security of all our students.
Again, we thank you for continuing to help us maintain an environment
where all people feel safe.

School District Five Begins Kindergarten (5K) Registration for 2015-16

Dont forget to order your DFES

Yearbooks are only
$15.00 this year and include 44 allcolor pages with a sturdy, soft cover.
The deadline for ordering is March
13 and no orders will be accepted
after this date. Only a VERY limited
number of extra copies will be
ordered so be sure to send in your
order form with payment for a
www.dfespto.org to download an
order form or to order online!

School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties has begun enrolling
five-year-old students for kindergarten. Registration will take place during regular
office hours, Monday through Friday, excluding school holidays.
To register for kindergarten, your child must be five years old on or before
Sept. 1, 2015. Parents of children meeting this eligibility deadline should bring
the following to their zoned elementary school:

Your child's legal birth certificate

A current South Carolina Certificate of Immunization or a South Carolina
Certificate of Medical or Religious Exemption
A property tax receipt or a rental lease showing all occupants
Two utility bills showing your correct home address

For more information, please contact Michael Guliano, Director of Elementary

Education, or Amy Elgin, Administrative Assistant, at (803) 476-8128.

Health Room Reminders

No medication can be given at school
without a permission slip! If you
rememberThe doctor that has
prescribed the medication will need
to sign the permission slip. A
prescribed medication cannot be
given without the doctors signature.
You may obtain a permission slip
from the health room or download
one from the school website. A
responsible adult should deliver the
medicine in the original container
and the permission form to the
school. Students may not transport
any medication to or from school.
The medicine must be in the original
container with the label intact.
Please remember if your child is sent
home with a fever or if they wake up
with a fever they must stay home
until they are fever free for 24 hours
without any fever reduction
medication before they can return.
Get plenty rest,
Eat a good breakfast in the morning
Sneeze into your sleeve
Clean hands are healthy hands.
For questions call 476-3930.

PTO Highlights

Princess Ball Our

Annual Princess Ball is Friday, February 6, from 7:00-9:00
p.m. The cost is $12 per couple until 10:00 a.m. on Wedesday, February 4. After
that time the price will increase to $15. Special guests Queen Elsa and Princess
Anna will be at our Winter Wonderland and available for photographs! Please note
that due to limited space this eveny is only for the princesses and their princes.
More details and registration forms are available at 222.dfespto.org.
Donations for Sistercare In conjunction with the Princess Ball we will be collecting
items for Sistercare, an organization that services battered women and their
children. We are collecting baby food, diapers, wipes, umbrellas, books, DVDs,
hats, scarves, light bulbs, school supplies, and hair care products. Donations may
be turned in daily through February 6. Anyone (boy or girl) who turns in a
donation will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Walmart gift card. Be sure to
write your childs name and homeroom teacher on a piece of paper when turning in
a donation so he or she can be entered.
DFES Days at Chrysanthemums Salon and Spa February 5-7 Time for a hair
cut? How about a manicure for the Princess Ball? Visit Chrysanthemums for any
service February 5-7, tell them you are with DFES, and a portion of the service
charge will be returned to the school! February specials include a free haircut with
any color service ($30 value), free eyebrow wax with any haircut ($15 value), and
a free gel color with any manicure ($10 value). Walk-ins are welcome but
appointments are highly recommended for a guaranteed service, especially for the
Princess Ball. Chrysanthemums is located at 8000 Broad River Road and more
information about their services can be found on their website :
www.chrysanhair.vpweb.com You can call at 397-5901 for an appointment!
Spirit Night Our next Spirit Night is Monday, February 9 at Zaxbys on Lake
Murray Blvd. Dine in or drive thru anytime between 3:00 and 10:00, tell them you
are with DFES and a percentage of your bill will be returned to the school! Monday
nights are also Family Night.you get 4 Meal Dealz and 6 cookies for $20. We
would also like to thank everyone who came to Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A. We raised
$177.38 for DFES!
Bingo Night You dont want to miss this Family Fun Night! This years Bingo
Night is Friday, March 6. The evening will kick off at 5:30 with dinner, raffles, and

a silent auction. Prizes include Disney World tickets, $100 Rioz gift card, AMC movie tickets, Riverbanks Zoo passes, a threenight stay at the Atlantis Resort in Reno, Nevada and much more! Bingo is free and begins at 7:00. The grand prize is $100!
More information will be sent home soon!
Bingo Night Donations If you own or manage a business and would like to make a donation to our raffle or silent auction for
Bingo Night, please contact Diane Starnes at [email protected]. The PTO is a 5013 nonprofit organization so all
donations are tax deductible.
Marcos Pizza Anytime you order Marcos Pizza be sure to do so online to help our school! Just click on School Challenge
and check Dutch Fork Elementary. The top two schools with online orders each month are awarded $250. (We came in third
place in October!) The school that orders the most for the year wins $7500 and a school pizza party! If you need specific
directions you can find them on the main page of the PTO website: www.dfespto.org
Texas Road House Field Trip Today the top 18 sellers from our Texas Roadhouse fundraiser will be going on a field trip to
Texas Roadhouse. They will get to see how their rolls are made, make some rolls themselves and have lunch. We had originally
planned to take the class with the highest participation but ended up with a 3-way tie so we felt this was the only fair thing to do.
Congratulations to those students who got to attend the field trip today!
Box Tops/Labels for Education Congratulations to Ms. Hardies class for collecting the most Box Tops/Labels in December!
They currently have the Box Top Trophy proudly displayed in their classroom. Be sure to submit Box Tops/Labels and maybe
your childs classroom will win the trophy next! Ms. Caleys class remains in the overall lead!

February 2015



2nd grade Saluda




4th grade Koger

Center 8:30-12:30


Student Holiday
Staff Professional





4th grade Saluda

PTO Meeting 12:45
Conference Room



Interims Go Home








Princess Ball 7-9

p.m. DFES


Early Release Day

11:40 a.m.

SIC Mtg. 6pm

Conference Room


Second Cup of
Coffee 7:30 a.m.
Media Center
DARE Graduation
5th grade 10am

Family Night @
Zaxbys 3-10pm
3rd grade Saluda



Jump Rope for


Spring and Group
Pictures Made


PBIS Fox Fun

5th Grade
Informational Mtg.

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