Mae3241 HW2
Mae3241 HW2
Mae3241 HW2
5. (20 pts.)
In the lecture notes, drag calculation of a two-dimensional object by measuring velocity
profiles upstream and downstream of the control volume surfaces has been discussed. Consider
now an airfoil in a wind tunnel (i.e., a wing that spans the entire test section). Show that the
lift per unit span can be obtained from the pressure distributions on the top and bottom parallel
walls of the wind-tunnel test section (i.e., from the pressure distributions on the walls above
and below the airfoil). Define the control volume used in your analysis in detail in your answer.
6. (25 pts.)
The figure below shows a control volume used in analyzing a two dimensional flow around
the airfoil. HU and HD are half of the vertical dimensions of the upstream end (surface 1) and
downstream end (surface 2) of the control volume. Velocity profiles at surfaces 1 and 2 of the
control volume are indicated in terms of U (= constant) in the figure. Surfaces 3 and 4 coincide
with the streamlines of the flow. Assume the flow to be steady and incompressible. The
pressure over the entire surface of the control volume is constant.
a. What is the relationship between HU and HD?
b. If HD = 0.025c, calculate the drag coefficient of the airfoil.