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January 25-31, 2015

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6th Sunday of Easter

Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website: www.ourladyofcandlesnationalshrine.com email:[email protected]

Jan. 25-31, 2015

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

National Bible Sunday

Vol. XXIII No. 05

Come and Follow Me

Ma. Rosario L. Rote-Tejada

n todays Gospel, Mark narrates to us

how Jesus called His apostles. They
were to be His partners in spreading
the Good News of Salvation to all. They
were simple fishermen. But take note
of how each of them responded to His
call they abandoned their nets, left
everything and followed Him.
But how is it really to follow Jesus?
How is it walking with Him? How is it
working with Him? Have you felt having
been called by Jesus? When? How did
you respond to Him?
By virtue of our Baptism, each one
of us was called to do our share in Jesus
work of salvation. Each of us can serve as
His hands, feet, voice or His eyes for His
people - our brothers and sisters.
Just a few days ago, our Holy Father
was here with us. Some of us, up to this
time, are still in awe, mesmerized by the
turn of events, listening to Him, seeing
his accommodating gestures. For me,

source: btscelebs.com

what is more important is how I am going

to respond to his gesture of mercy and
compassion to us, Filipino people. Let
us go deeper and examine ourselves. Let
us allow the warmth of this Papal Visit to
enkindle the enthusiasm in each of our
spirit to spread the message of the love
of Jesus that led Him to become one of us
to save us. Let us renew our baptismal
vows not only in words, but more so in
our actions and deeds. Let us feel good,
think well and do good. By this, we may
show Jesus how we respond to His call.
Basic for this to take place is our
inner transformation which bears fruit
in our outward transformation. The
transformation starts as the turning from
inside goes outside. The direction starts
from really knowing ourselves and being
there for the other people around us.
By this, may we realize that whatever
the circumstances we may be in, we are
blessings of God and as such, we must

also serve as blessings to others.

If we hear Gods call, we may respond
by ignoring Him. It may also be that we
evade and deny His call. We do what
we want in our own way. If we keep on
ignoring the voice of God, whispering to
us, what then are we here for?
But, let us realize that even though we
deny Him, we ignore Him, we avoid Him,
in the end He will still find the way to get us
back. Let us learn from the story of Jonah.
Though how much Jonah ignored God,
in the end, God got him back to do what
he was supposed to do. I hope and pray
that if we hear Him call us, we too would
follow the response of the apostles
they left everything and followed Him...
Let us search for and listen to that
little voice from within. For surely it will
take us to the long and happy way of
blessings from the Lord to be shared with
our fellowmen. God bless and keep us all
safe in His arms!

The Pastor Speaks


Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde


ng Sakramento sang Eukaristiya sarang

man matan-aw bilang Sakramento sang
Presensya ni Kristo upod sa aton. Apang
ini nga presensya ni Kristo dapat hangpon sing
tuhay sang sa iban nga sahi sang presensya
ni Kristo sa Simbahan. Halimbawa, si Beato
Papa Pablo VI, sa dokumento sang Ikaduha
nga Konsilyo sa Batikano nagapaathag nga si
Kristo ara presente sa Simbahan sa lain-lain
nga mga paagi: 1) ara Sia kon ang Simbahan
nagapangamuyo, tungod kay si Kristo
nagapangamuyo para sa aton kag upod sa
aton; 2) ara Sia kon ang Simbahan nagabuhat
sang mga buhat sang kaluoy (cf. Mt. 25:40)
Nagasiling Ako sa inyo nga sa tagsa ninyo ka
paghimo sini sa isa sining kubos ko nga mga
utod, ginhimo ninyo ini sa akon.; 3) ara Sia sa
mabudlay nga pagpanglakaton sang Simbahan
pakadto sa walay katapusan nga kabuhi; 4) ara
Sia kon ang Simbahan nagawali sang Pulong
sang Dios sa ngalan ni Kristo, sa awtoridad
ni Kristo kag sa bulig ni Kristo; 5) ara Sia
sa pagpangulo sang Simbahan sa gahum ni
Kristo; 6) kag labi sa tanan, ara Sia sa paghalad
sang Simbahan sang Eukaristiya.
Sa sulod mismo sang selebrasyon
Eukaristiya, ara si Kristo upod sa nagatilipon
sa Iya ngalan, sa persona sang ministro, sa
Iya Pulong dira sa Santos nga Kasulatan, kag
ara man Sia sa nakonsagrahan nga tinapay
kag bino. Ini nga presensya ni Kristo sa
Eukaristiya sa bayhon sang tinapay kag bino,
isa ka presensya nga matuod gid, sa diin si
Kristo, tawo kag Dios nga matuod, lubos kag
bug-os nga ara gid. Sa Eukaristiya, si Kristo nga
nabanhaw ara gid indi subong sang presensya
sang isa ka butang nga materyal sa isa man
ka materyal nga butang, kundi nga paagi sa
nakonsagrahan nga tinapay kag bino, si Kristo
matuod gid nga presente sa tunga naton
subong nga Sia gid.
Apang ini nga sahi sang presensya may
iya nga limitasyon. Indi naton mabatyagan
ang Iya lawasnon nga presensya pareho sang
pagbatyag naton sang presensya sang mga
tawo nga malapit sa aton, kundi nga ini paagi sa

alapit na lang ang aton kapiestahan!

Indi bala nga madamo kita sing may
ginahimo nga mga preparasyon?
Ayhan ang iban sa aton nagapamoroblema
kon sa diin makuha sang kwarta agud
makahanda sa tion sang piyesta? Ayhan
ang iban sa aton masako sa pagpaninlo kag
pagpakay-o sang aton balay agud ini mangin
presentable sa aton mga bisita? Diri sa aton
parokya, masako man ang Fiesta Committee
sa paghinun-anon para sa mga hilikuton sa
palaabuton nga Fiesta.
Huo, madamo ang aton ginahimo sa
pag-aman sang aton kaugalingon para sa
aton kapiyestahan. Apang, indi naton kon
tani pagkalimtan ang espiritwal nga mga
Gani, bilang bahin sang aton spiritual

pagsimba sa Eukaristiya amo ang dapat mangin

sentro kag padulongan sang tanan nga sahi sang
aton debosyon. Ang kinaandan nga pagtago
kag pagtipig sang nakonsagrahan nga Tinapay,
ginhimo agud mahatag ini bilang kalan-on
sang mga tagumatayon kag ini ginatawag nga
biatiko, kag bilang pagpakalawat sa mga
masakiton kag mga may diperensya sa ila lawas.
Sang ulihi, nahimo ini nga isa ka dalayawon nga
pagsimba sa sining langitnon nga kalan-on dira
sa mga tabernakulo sang aton mga simbahan.
Ang pagtuo sa matuod nga presensya sang
aton Ginoong Jesukristo sa Labing Santos nga
Sakramento ginapahayag paagi sa lain-lain nga
mga debosyon: ang pagpangamuyo sa atubang
sang Santos nga Sakramento sa tabernakulo,
ang madamo nga mga inoras sang pagsimba
sa Iya, ang pagbendisyon sang Labing Santos
nga Sakramento, kag ang pangkabug-osan nga
selebrasyon sang Corpus Christi.
(May kasugpon)
sakramental nga mga timaan sang tinapay kag bino.
Ini nga pagtuo sa matuod gid nga presensya ni Kristo
dapat magdala sa aton sa paglikaw sa duha ka sayop nga
paghangup: 1) ang pagkabig nga ang tinapay kag bino
nagkambio sa materyal nga lawas kag dugo ni Kristo,
kag gani ang pagkaon kag pag-inom sini pareho sang
pagkaon kag pag-inom sang tunay nga lawas kag dugo
sang tawo; kag 2) ang paghangup nga ini isa lamang ka
simbolo kag wala man sing nagakatabo nga tunay nga
pagkaon kag pag-inom sang dugo ni Kristo. Ginatudlo
sang Simbahan nga ini nga pagbaylo sang tinapay
kag bino sa matuod gid nga Lawas kag Dugo ni Kristo,
natigayon paagi sa ginatawag nga transubstantiation,
nga nagakahulogan nga paagi sa gahum sang Espiritu
Santo, ang materyal nga tinapay kag bino nahimo nga
matuod gid nga mahimayaon nga Lawas kag Dugo ni
Kristo nga nalansang sa Krus kag nabanhaw gikan sa
mga minatay.
Tungod kay ang Eukaristiya amo gid ang tunay nga
presensya ni Kristo sa tunga naton, ang labing mataas
nga kalidad sang aton pangamuyo kag pagsimba amo
ang debosyon sa Labing Santos nga Sakramento. Ang

Isa na lang ka semana kag selebrahon na
naton ang Piesta sang aton Mahal nga Patrona,
ang Ntra. Sra. de la Candelaria. Nagsugod na ang
Misa nobenaryo kag ang Nobena kahapon nga
adlaw. Akon gid ginapanugyan ang pagbuylog
sang tanan nga mga parokyano kag mga deboto
sang Mahal nga Birhen, sa iya titulo nga Birhen
sang Candelaria, sa sini nga selebrasyon.
Ini nga debosyon sa mahal nga Birhen dira
nasentro sa iya papel bilang Iloy sang bata
nga si Jesus nga nagdala sa Iya sa templo sa
pagtuman sang kasugoan sang pagpaninlo
sang mga iloy nga bag-o lang magbun-ag, kag
subong man sa paghalad sa Dios sang bata nga
bag-o lang nabun-ag. Ini nga bata gintawag
sang mga propeta nga kapawa sang kalibutan,
kag ang kandila amo ang simbolo sang sini nga
kapawa. Ang Ntra. Sra. de la Candelaria, ang
Birhen nga nagakungkong sang iya bata kag
nagauyat sang kandila amo ang aton Iloy nga
nagadala sa aton sang kapawa kag kasanag sa
tunga sang kadulom sang kalibutan bangod sa
sala kag ignoransya.
O Birhen sang Kandelarya,
Pasanagan mo kami,
O Birhen sang Kandelarya,
Ig-ampo mo kami!

Fiesta 2015 Spiritual Preparations

Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon
preparations, ginpatigayon naton ang isa ka Marian
Spirit Seminar sang nagligad nga Enero 21-22.
Pagkatapos sang sina nga seminar nga makabig man
naton nga isa ka recollection, ginsugdan naton dayon
ang aton Fiesta Pilgrimage sa tagsa ka barangay kag
ini nga hilikuton nagapadayon pa subong tubtob
Pebrero 1. Sa sini nga pagpanglakaton, ginadala
naton ang imahen sang aton mahal nga Birhen,
Ntra. Seora de la Candelaria, agud pangamuyuan
kag padungaan paagi sa mga ambahanon kag mga
sinaot sang mga tumuluo sa barangay. Aton man
ginapangamuyo ang Novena para sa aton Patrona sa
tagsa ka barangay nga aton ginabisitahan.
Ini nga Fiesta Pilgrimage magatakop sa vesperas
sang Fiesta kon sa diin ang aton mga tumuluo gikan
sa nanarisari nga barangay magatipon sa pagdulong sang imahen ni Candelaria pabalik sa Cathedral.
Maga-upod man sa ila ang mga indigents, ang

poorest of the poor, gikan sa ila barangay

kay pagkatapos sang Koronasyon sa aton
Mahal nga Patrona, may pagahiwaton
nga Gift-Giving. Ginpakamaayo naton
nga patigayunon ini nga hilikuton kay
ginasaulog naton sa sini nga tuig ang Tuig
sang mga Kubos kag si Maria may daku gid
nga pagkabalaka kag pagpalangga sa ila.
Nagapangamuyo kita nga mangin
madinalag-on ang aton pagsaulog sang
aton Kapiestahan bangud sang sini nga mga
preparasyon nga aton ginahimo. Kabay pa
nga makita naton ang bunga sang aton mga
spiritual preparations kag programa paagi
sa aton MKK nga buhi kag aktibo sa mga
programa sang Ebanghelisasyon sang aton

CANDLE LIGHT (January 25 - 31, 2015)

Total Cash on Hand Jan. 16, 2015

Donation Received

Jan. 16-23, 2015

National Shrine

Brgy. Lourdes 357.00

Brgy. Tabuc Suba Proper 243.00
Maria Lourdes Duragos Miah

From the Children of the Late Blandia & Carlos Jardeleza Sr.
May Gay Fagnatac
A Friend
Robert, Lily and Children

Wilhelma Gabuan & Family
Salazar Family
BL Hauling Services
Sarah & Romeo Paclibar
Tubilleja Family

Rasaley Jan Aguado Paragon & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro & Virginia Payopelin & Family
Total Cash Donation of the Week
Total Cash Donation
Less: Expenses
Cash on Hand as of Jan. 23, 2015
Account Payables Labor as of Jan. 23, 2015


of Our Lady of Candles

Collection and Expenses Report
For the Period
Total Collection:


Less: Expenses




In the spirit of transparency and





a weekly financial report. For

inquiries on the details, feel free

to come to our parish office or call
during office hours using these

numbers: 320-9505 and 329-1625.

Reflections on Pope Francis Visit

Si Pope Francis sang damlag lamang nangin bisita sang aton pungsod sang nagligad
nga Enero 15 tubtob 19 nga napun-an sang madamo nga mga talalupangdon kag indi
malipatan nga mga hitabo sa kasaysayan sang aton pungsod kag sang Simbahan Catolico.
Ang tema sang iya Pastoral kag State visit amo ang Mercy and Compassion ukon
Kaluoy kag Pag-unong.
Natandog ang nilibo-libo ka mga Filipino nga nakasaksi sa pagkamainubuson kag
pagkamapinalanggaon sang Santo Papa sa sulod sang iya apat ka adlaw nga pagduaw
sa aton Nagapati ang halos tanan nga tumuluo nga nangin tuman ka madinalag-on ang
amo nga pagbisita.
Vic G. Aguisanda
Pope Francis in his homily at the Quirino Grandstand Mass last January 18, 2015
said, God chose and blessed us for a purpose: to be holy and blameless in His sight. He
chose us, each of us to be witnesses of His Truth and His Justice in this world. He created
the world as a beautiful garden and asked us to care for it. But through sin, man has
disfigured that natural beauty; through sin, man has also destroyed the unity and beauty
of our human family, creating social structures which perpetuate poverty, ignorance and
corruption. This is true, but as we observe and look at our surroundings now, what
we see, hear, and witness over the radio and television and even in our neighborhood?
Its about killings, rapes, illegal drug, human trafficking, robbery, etc. Most are negative
realities. Some of our government officials are involved in graft and corruption. How can
we make our world a beautiful garden? You and I must also do something to attain this.
But most of all do not forget to pray and pass all our problems to Him. Trust Him. We
must work to the best of our ability and God will do the rest.

Fe Marina S. Siacon

CANDLE LIGHT (January 25 - 31, 2015)

source: www.catholicnewsagency.com

Fiesta 2015 Preparation

Quote of the Week

Following Jesus does
not mean more power,
it is not a career
because His way is that
of the Cross.
Pope Francis


RT. REV. Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde, JR., JCD, PA

Parish Priest

Rev. Fr. randy doromal

Rev. fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon
Parochial Vicars
Rev. fr. Philipp Neil Y. Antenor-Cruz
Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs
rev. msgr. Alejandro P. Esperancilla
Special Assistant for Liturgical Affairs
Rev. fr. Francisco T. Angostura
Rev. fr. joenick s. territorio
Resident Priests

Editorial Board
Pureza D. Lacuesta
Associate Editors
Fe marina s. siacon
News Editors
julieta g. aquilo
ma. rosario r. tejada
Feature Editors
Lalaine D. Pasquin
Layout Artist
julie ann m. blancaflor
The Candle Light is a non-profit
weekly publication.

Jel S. Zendon

ining mga nagliligad nga

semana, nangin masako
na ang aton parokya sa
pagreparar para sa kapiestahan
sang aton patrona, Nuestra
Seora de la Candelaria.
Ang mga katapo sang
mga nagakalain lain nga mga
ministeryo, kag organisasyones
nagtipon sa pagplano sang ila
hilikuton para sa palaabuton
nga kapiestahan. Ang mga
liturgical ministries nagtipon
sa pagpreparar sang mga
hilikuton liturhiko. Ang mga
tanod kag police upod si Fr.
Randy Doromal nagtipon man
sa paghisugot nahanungod sa
peace and order. Ginplanohan
man sang pastoral secretariat
upod si Mrs. Emma Victoria
ang sistema sa pagbaligya sang
perdon. Ang aton grand choir

nagsugod naman sa pag-ensayo

para sa mga ambahanon sa
May Fiesta Committee
Meeting nga ginahiwat kada
Mierkules sang gab-i sa La
Isabelita Hall. Ang mga katapo
sini amo ang mga kaparian
sang parokya, kag mga pangulo
sang mga sub-committees
kag pastoral secretariat. Diri
ginareport ang nahisugtan
nga mga plano sang mga
ministeryo kag iban pa nga
ginadesisyunan ang iban pa
nga mga importante nga mga
butang para sa kapiestahan.
Antes ang adlaw sang
kapiestahan, may ginhiwat kita
nga Marian Spirit Seminar sang
Enero 21 kag 22 sa La Isabelita
Hall alas 5:00pm tubtob alas 9 sa

gab-i. Ang mga nagpatigayon sini

amo ang aton mga kaparian nga
sanday Fr. Nathaniel Gentizon, Fr.
Randy Doromal kag Msgr. Higinio
Velarde Jr. Nagapasalamat kita
sa mga katapo sang MKK, BAC
WESTFY Coordinators, Religious
organizations kag iban pa nga
nagtambong sa sini na hilikuton.
Pagkatapos sini nga Marian
Spirit Seminar, ginsugdan naton
ang Pilgrimage sang imahen sang
aton Patrona, Nuestra Seora
de la Candelaria, sa gab-i. Ang
pagalibutan sini nga imahen amo
ang mga barangay nga sakop
sang aton parokya.
sing daku ang tanan nga
nagapakigbahin sa pagpreparar
para sa sini nga kapiestahan.
Nuestra Seora de la
Candelaria. Ig-ampo mo kami!

Responding to Pope Francis Message

Readings for
the Week

ope Francis, in his meeting

with the youth at the
University of Santo Tomas,
said: And for this the Gospel
gives us a serene way to move
forward. To use three languages,
of the mind, of the heart and of
your hands, and the three to use
them in harmony, what you think
you must feel and put into effect,
your information comes down to
your heart and you realize it in
real work. And this must be done
harmoniously. Think what you
feel and what you do. Feel what
you think and what you do. Do
what you think, and what you
feel. The three languages.
Our Holy Father is really a
friend and a brother to us, young
people. He always emphasize to
give importance to the youth
and the children. He also said,
the young ones of todays
generation lack the capacity of
knowing how to cry. For me, he
is encouraging us to be sensitive
to the realities of our society. He
wants us to show compassion
to our brothers and sisters who
are left alone, to those who
have drug problems and those
victims of abuse. Pope Francis
wants us to learn how to weep.
Last Saturday, we resumed
our Youth Council meeting
and we had prepared some

Julie Ann M. Blancaflor

throwback of pictures during
our activities last year. Our
faces formed different kinds of
smiles. A happy smile, sad smile,
embarrassed smile, proud smile,
smile with a tap on the shoulder
and laughter while punching a
seatmate. As a Youth Coordinator,
my face formed a proud smile.
All our sacrifices, hard work and
staying late at night to finish
our tasks are commendable. Im
proud of my brothers and sisters
in the Youth Council.
We had discussed our plans
for the upcoming Feast of Our
Lady of Candles this year 2015.
Like last year, we will still be
ushers/greeters for our bishops
and priests and other visitors at
the La Isabelita Hall.
Our Taize, an annual activity,
was also tackled and we came

up with a theme, The Poor at

the Heart of our Prayer. We
had assigned committees like:
Program Flow Ashley and Pearl;
Invitations Issa, John Paul, Hanna
and Warlita; Food Jella and
Emmanuel; Souvenirs Pilar, RC,
Josephine and Delia; Ushers and
Usherettes Daisyrie and Isabelle;
Decoration Jonesa, Wen, Vince
and Janelle; Logistics & Technicals
Cecil and Harley.
We always pray for our
brothers and sisters who are in
need. We may not be capable of
supporting their basic needs, but
we are capable and willing to pray
for them.
And this must be done
harmoniously. Think what you feel
and what you do. Feel what you
think and what you do. Do what
you think, and what you feel.

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jon 3:1-5, 10
Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
1 Cor 7:29-31
Mk 1:14-20
National Bible Sunday
Monday, January 26
2 Tim 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5
Ps 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 10
Lk 10:1-9
St. Timothy & Titus, Bishops
Tuesday, January 27
Heb 10:1-10
Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 10, 11
Mk 3:31-35
St. Angela Merici, Virgin

Wednesday, January 28
Heb 10:11-18
Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4
Mk 4:1-20
St. Thomas of Aquinas,
Priest & Doctor of the
Thursday, January 29
Heb 10:19-25
Ps 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Mk 4:21-25

Friday, January 30
Heb 10:32-39
Ps 37:3-4, 5-6, 23-24, 39-40
Mk 4:26-34
Saturday, January 31
Heb 11:1-2, 8-19
Lk 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75
Mk 4:35-41
St. John Bosco, Priest

(Let us pray for each other)

JANUary 2015


Msgr. Maurillo Silva

Fr. Oscar Andrada
Fr. Ricardo Vendabal




That those from diverse religious

traditions and all people of good
will may work together for peace.


That in this year dedicated to

consecrated life, religious men
and women may rediscover the
joy of following Christ and strive
to serve the poor with zeal.

CANDLE LIGHT (January 25 - 31, 2015)

:: Gospel Reflection

Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo

Ika-3 nga Domingo sang Tuig, Enero 25, 2015

Gintawag ni Jesus ang Apat ka Mangingisda

si Juan, si Jesus nagkadto
sa Galilea kag nagwali sang
Maayong Balita gikan sa Dios.
Nagsiling sia, Nag-abot na
ang nagakaigo nga tion kag ang
Ginharian sang Dios malapit
na. Bayai ninyo ang inyo mga
sala kag magpati sa Maayong
Sang nagalakat si Jesus sa
higad sang Linaw sang Galilea,
may nakita sia nga duha ka
mangingisda, si Simon kag
ang iya utod nga si Andres,
nga nagapanahid sa linaw. 17Si
Jesus nagsiling sa ila, Upod
kamo sa akon kay tudloan ko
kamo sa pagpanahid sang mga
tawo. 18Sa gilayon ginbayaan
nila ang ila sahid kag nag-upod
sa iya.

Mk 1:14-20



sa subong nga adlaw
pagtawag sang aton Ginoong
Jesus sa apat ka mangingisda
samtang nagalakat sa higad
sang linaw sang Galilea. Ini
amo sanday Simon kag ang
iya utod nga si Andres, kag si
Santiago kag si Juan nga mga
anak ni Zebedeo nga samtang
nagapanahid sa higad sang
linaw gilayon gin-agda sila ni
Jesus nag mag-upod sa Iya.
Sang gintawag sila ni Jesus
nga mag-upod sa Iya, gilayon
ginbilin nila ang ila mga
hilikuton bilang mangingisda
bisan wala pa ini natapus kag
nagsunod kay Jesus nga wala
sing pagduha-duha, kag didto
naglain ang ila kabuhi bangud
indi na sila manugpanahid sa
higad sang linaw kundi tudluan
na sila ni Hesus sa pagpanahid
sang mga tawo.
Kon aton pamalandungan
ining aton Ebanghelyo sa
subong nga Domigo, ang
aton Ginoong Jesus nagaagda sa aton bilang Iya mga
gintutun-an nga magsunod

CANDLE LIGHT (January 25 - 31, 2015)

Nagpadayon si Jesus sa
paglakat kag sa ulounhan may
duha pa gid ka mag-utod nga
nakita sia, si Santiago kag si
Juan, nga mga nak ni Zebedeo.
Didto sila sa ila sakayan nga
nagaaman sang ila sahid.


sa Iya. Aton pamangkuton

ang aton kaugalingon, ngaa
ayhan kadasig lang sa apat ka
mangingisda nga magsunod
gilayon sa aton Ginoong Jesus
sa punto nga wala sila gani ka
preparar sa tion nga ginhagad
sila? Wala sila nag duhaduha kag nangin handa sila sa
paghatag sang ila kaugalingon
Maayong Balita sa katawhan.
Kon aton dumdumon, sila
nangin gintutun-an ni Ginoong
Jesukristo asta tubtob sa Iya
nga pagkabuhi, akon man
mahambal nga ini aton man
panawagan. Samtang naga
lakat-lakat kita sa higad dalan,
pwede gid naton masugata
ang aton Ginoong Jesus. Kon
nagapaninda kita sa tindahan,
nagapungko kag nagaistorya
sa aton mga kaingod balay,
nagapanglaba, nagaluto sang
aton sud-an indi gid naton
mapaktan ang pagbisita sang
aton Ginoong Jesus sa aton.
Aton tandaan nga wala sing pili
ang aton Ginoo sa pagtawag sa
aton nga mangin Iya gintutun-

an, kon ano man ang aton kolor,

rasa o estado sa kabuhi.
Gani, gina agda kita nga
magpreparar pirme sang aton
kaugalingon kay indi naton
mahibaloan kung san-o Siya
magalabay kag magahagad sa
aton sa pagsunod sa Iya bilang
mangin Iya gintutun-an. Kay
ang Ginoong Jesus mismo ang
nag siling, Nag-abot na ang
nagakaigo nga tion, kag ang
Ginharian sang Dios malapit na.
Bayai ninyo ang inyo mga sala,
kag magpati sa Maayong Balita.
Magpamati kita sa panawagan
sang aton Ginoo, magpreparar
sang aton kaugalingon, kag
magsunod sa Iya.


Sang pagkakita ni Jesus sa

ila gilayon gintawag niya sila.
Gani, ginbayaan nila ang ila
amay nga si Zebedeo sa sakayan
upod sang mga sinuholan nga
mga tawo kag nag-upod sila kay


1. Handa bala ako nag

magsunod sa pang-agda
sang akon Ginoong Jesus
nga wala sing pagduhaduha?
2. Ano
kinahanglan himuon agud
mangin maabtik man ako
sa pagsabat sa panawagan
sang Dios?

Sem. Bunnie Ambao


Barangay Sponsors

Fiesta 2015 Novena Masses Sponsors

Misa Pro Populo Sponsors/Offerers

January 25 - Sunday 4:30 PM

Presider: Very Rev. Msgr. Jose Marie S. Delgado, PC


25 Luna

1 Benedicto
8 Democracia

Oras sang Parokya (kada Mierkules)

28 San Vicente

4 Bakhaw

11 San Roque


Tabuc Suba - Ilaya


Fiesta 2015 Baptism Schedule

A. Pre-Registration
January 27-30, 2015
Venue: Pastoral Office
Pius XII Institute Bldg.
B. Pre-Baptism Seminar
January 31, 2015
Venue: La Isabelita Hall,
Jaro Cathedral Compound

C. Baptism Rite
February 2, 2015
Saint Vincent
Ferrer Seminary
Brgy. Seminario
Jaro, Iloilo City

schedule of Barangay pilgrimage

Team 1 Team 2

Jan. 25 - Arguelles/ Libertad/ Fajardo

Jan. 26 - San Roque
Jan. 27 - Ma. Cristina
Jan. 28 - Simon Ledesma
Jan. 29 - Tabuc Suba Ilaya
Jan. 30 - Tabuc Suba Proper
Jan. 31 - Democracia

Feb. 1 - Culmination

Lourdes Jalandoni
DB Lourdes
San Vicente
CC El98/ Seminario

Fiesta Committee Meeting

Daugthers of Mary Immaculate

Catholic Womens League
Mother Butler Guild
Zone 2 (Brgy.Luna, Benedicto)

January 26 - Monday 5:30 PM

Presider: Rev. Fr. Ricky Soriano

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Kinder School

Angelicum School

China Bank

Ministry of Readers

Zone 3 (Brgy. Democracia, Tabuc Suba-Proper)

January 27 - Tuesday, 5:30 PM

Presider: Rev. Fr. Joemarie Villalobos

First Saturday Dawn Rosary


January 28, 2015

La Isabelita Hall

Novenario Masses
January 24 February 1, 2015
Monday Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, 4:30 p.m.
February 1, 2015
Coronation of Our Lady of Candles
8:30 p.m.
Rev. Fr. Randy G. Doromal
Parochial Vicar
National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles

Colegio de San Jose

Philippine National Bank


Zone 4 (Brgy. Tabuc Suba-Ilaya, Simon Ledesma)
January 28 - Wednesday, 5:30 PM
Presider: Rev. Fr. Julius Almeria


Police Station

Jaro National High School

BC Bank

Zone 5 (Brgy. Ma. Cristina, San Roque)

January 29 - Thursday, 5:30 PM

Presider: Rev. Fr. Rafael Luis L. Clavel

CHED, Region VI

Banco de Oro

Jaro I Elementary School

Bakhaw Elementary School

Zone 6 (Brgy. Libertad, Fajardo, Arguelles)

January 30 - Friday, 5:30 pm

Presider: Rev. Fr. Domingo Rafael A. Alimajen, Jr.

Jaro II Elementary School

Judith Lazarraga Memorial School

Zone 7 (Brgy. Cuartero, Taytay Zone II, Calubihan)
January 31 - Saturday, 5:30
Presider: Rev. Fr. Joenick S. Territorio

Our Lady of Candles Parish Charismatic Community

Legion of Mary
Knights of Columbus
Zone 8 (Brgy. Bakhaw, Taft North)

Extraordinary Ministry of Holy Communion

Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Apostleship of Prayer
Zone 9 (Brgy. Desamparados, CC El 98, Seminario)

February 01 - Sunday, 4:30 PM

Presider: Rev. Fr. Randy Doromal

CANDLE LIGHT (January 25 - 31, 2015)

A.1. Shrine
4:00 a.m.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde, Jr., PA, VG

Parish Priest/Vicar General
A.2. Main Altar
5:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Lester P. Villa

Parish Priest, St. Joseph Parish

Lebas, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
6:00 a.m.
Very Rev. Msgr. Alejandro P. Esperancilla, PC

Rector, St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary
7:00 a.m.
Solemn Pontifical Mass

Main Presider: Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo, DD
Archbishop of Jaro

Homilist: Most Rev. Guillermo Afable, DD
Bishop of Digos

Concelebrating Bishops
Most Rev. Jose Palma, DD
Archbishop of Cebu

Most Rev. Antonio R. Raola, DD
Auxillary Bishop Emeritus of Cebu
9:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Philip Vincent Sinco

Procurator and Human Formation Director

St. Joseph Regional Seminary
10:00 a.m.
Very Rev. Fr. Midyphil B. Billones, SThD

Rector, St. Joseph Regional Seminary
11:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Kenneth Expeleta
Chaplain, Iloilo Doctors Hospital
12:00 p.m.
Rev. Fr. Jesus Glofel Mana-ay

Director, St. Augustine Parochial School
Dumangas, Iloilo
3:00 p.m.
Rev. Fr. Ron Michael Alquisada

Parochial Vicar, Immaculate Conception Parish
Calinog, Iloilo
5:30 p.m.
Most Rev. Antonieto D. Cabajog, DD

Bishop of the Diocese of Surigao
7:00 p.m.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Sergio Jamoyot, HP
Parish Priest

Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

Alta Tierra, Jaro, Iloilo City
8:00 p.m.
Rev. Fr. Roberto Marcelino, Jr.

Vice Chancellor and Secretary to the Archbishop

Archbishops Residence, Jaro, Iloilo City
A.3. Grotto
5:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Ronald C. De Leon
5:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon
6:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Dennis Galon
6:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Roger Palmos
7:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Aris James Java
7:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Jose Alex Seraa
8:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Francisco Angostura
8:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Ian Niel Llona
9:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Randy Doromal
9:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Julius Revesencio
10:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Rex Marfil
10:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Moises Tacardon
11:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Gualberto Susaya
11:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Peter John Guarin

CANDLE LIGHT (January 25 - 31, 2015)


8:00 a.m. 12 p.m.

Rev. Paul Patrick Alipao

Rev. Fr. DB Ray Badoya

Rev. Fr. Ricky Gubac

Rev. Fr. Gremar Lacson

St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary,

Brgy. Seminario, Jaro, Iloilo City
4:00 p.m.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde, Jr., PA, VG

Parish Priest/Vicar General

Pendon of the Blessed Virgin (Fiesta Queen 2015 & Consort)
2015 Fiesta Princesses and Consorts
Childrens Fancy Ball Queen and Consort with her Princesses and
Colegio de San Jose
Angelicum School
Carriage of San Simeon
Jaro National High School
Barangay Banners with Members of LOMAS/MAMO at the middle
Sto. Nio/Couples for Christ
Medalla Milagrosa
San Roque
Sto. Rosario
CC El-98

Sagrado Corazon de Jesus
San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila/

Apostleship of Prayer
Ntra. Seora de Salvacion
Ntra. Seora de los Desamparados
Ntra. Seora de Guadalupe/

Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Libertad/Sta. Isabel Sta. Isabel de Ungria
Our Lady of Lourdes

Sta. Teresita del Nio Jesus
Ma. Cristina

San Jose/Legion of Mary
San Roque

San Roque
San Vicente

San Vicente Ferrer

Medalla Milagrosa
Simon Ledesma
Virgen de las Flores
Tabuc Suba Proper San Roque/Catholic WomensLeague
Tabuc Suba Ilaya
Ntra. Seora de Salvacion
Taft North

Sagrada Familia
Taytay Zone II

San Jose Obrero/Daughters of Mary

Immaculate, International
Carriage of the Holy Family
Standard of Our Lady
Ave Maria
Attributes of Our Lady
Seven Virtues
Community of St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary
Community of St. Joseph Regional Seminary
Monoguillos and Acolytes
Carriage of Our Lady of Candles
Parish Priest and his Assistant Priests
Band Cabatuan


Tuig sang Kubos (Part III)

n the Philippines today, God calls us

most urgently to serve the poor and
the needy. The poverty of at least
half of the population is a clear sign that
sin has penetrated our social structures.
Poverty in the sense of destitution is
not Gods will for anyone amo ina ang
ginasiling sang Acts and Decrees of PCP
II #122. Gani, sugpon sang amo man nga
dokumento: in order credibly to witness
to the love of God in Christ Jesus, we need
to become the Church of the Poor. This
expression, used by Pope John Paul II,
does not mean that the Church should
include only the materially poor and that
there is no place in the Church for those
who are not. For the Church must, like
her Savior, embrace everyone of every
economic class (#124).
Dapat kita mangin SIMBAHAN SANG
Madamo ang mga panugdaon
nahanungod sa aton pagka-SIMBAHAN
SANG MGA KUBOS, sa bagay nga sa
baylo nga maghatag kasanag daw sa
nagpadulom pa gani sang aton paghangop
sulit-sulit nga ginapamangkot kon ano gid
ang buot silingon sang SIMBAHAN SANG
Gani, balik kita sa orihinal nga
panugdaon sang dokumento kag aton
isambit kon ano gid ini santo sa orihinal
nga lingwahe sang Dokumento Acts and
Decrees of PCP II. Ari ang direkta kag
ginpalip-ot nga panugdaon sang PCP II
#125-136 nahanungod sa SIMBAHAN
SANG MGA KUBOS: 1. A Church that
embraces and practices the evangelical
spirit of poverty, which combines
detachment from possessions with a
profound trust in the Lord as the sole


Msgr. Meliton Oso

source of salvation. 2. One whose members
and leaders have a special love for the poor. 3.
This special love is a love of preference for the
poor. 4. The Church of the Poor is one where, at
the very least the poor are not discriminated
against because of their poverty, and they
will not be deprived of their right to receive
in abundance the help of the spiritual goods
of the Church, especially that of the word of
God and the sacraments from the pastors.
5. The pastors and other Church leaders will
give preferential attention and time to those
who are poor, and will generously share of
their own resources in order to alleviate their
poverty and make them recognize the love of
the Lord for them despite their poverty. 6.
The Church of the Poor is one that will be in
solidarity with the poor. It will collaborate
with the poor themselves and with others
to lift up the poor from their poverty. 7.
Pastors and members of the Church will
courageously defend and vindicate the rights
of the poor and the oppressed, even when
doing so will mean alienation or persecution
from the rich and powerful. 8. The Church

of the poor will also mean that the Church

will not only evangelize the poor, but that
the poor in the Church will themselves
become evangelizers. It will not only
render preferential service to the poor
but will practice preferential reliance on
the poor in the work of evangelization. 9.
Pastors and leaders will not compete for
the most prosperous parishes or offices,
and will not ambition for titles and honors
as they cherish in their hearts the words of
the Lord, the greatest among you will be
your servant. Whoever exalts himself will
be humbled; whoever humbles himself
will be exalted. 10. The entire community
of disciples especially the rich and better
off sectors of the community and its
leaders and pastors, will have such a love
of preference for the poor as to orient
and tilt the center of gravity of the entire
community in favor of the needy. 11. The
church of the poor is one that is willing to
follow Jesus Christ through poverty and
oppression in order to carry out the work
of salvation.

Jesus Begins His Ministry


source: Aactivity Book on Jesus and the Bible

2009 by Warner Press, Inc.

Pope Francis! You are God Sent

Pureza D. Lacuesta

ray always. Do not lose heart.

Do not be self-righteous. Accept
your deficiencies; your faults.
Nobody is perfect. Things that are
impossible for men are possible for God.
As the winds blew and the rain
dripped, thousands of people listened
to Pope Francis as he spoke at the
International Airport. Nobody worried
about getting wet or sick. Church
dignitaries, government officials under
the leadership of President Aquino, school
heads, military officials, traders and
businessmen, professionals and even the
old and the children, waved their hands
and sent flying kisses to Gods wonderful
messenger. Pope Francis waved his hands
right and left, gave flying kisses especially
to the old and the sick. He was a picture of
Gods gift from heaven.
The seeds of spirituality and Christian
brotherhood immediately took roots. His
words of: where there is love, there is no
labor, immediately grew in our hearts.
It was the height of Christianity during
these troubled times. From the moment he
stepped on Philippines soil, he opened his
bag of religious prayers and scattered the
seeds in the hearts of the Filipinos whose
happiness had reached great heights.
He further said: I plead with all my
heart. I plead for strength, courage, and
indestructible faith. Make room for Christ

in your heart, your mind, wherever you

are. Love Mother Mary and love her with
all your heart and with all your strength.
Pray to the Lord with all your strength,
courage, and indestructible faith. We only
need to look at Jesus crown of thorns as
we pray for endurance. We only need to
look at the blood oozing from His hands
and feet when we pray for determination.
Let us restore broken feelings and
make the world bright again. This is the
time to say: I can; I must; I will; Now!
There must be no procrastination; no
unreasonable excuses.
Let us follow our brothers and sisters
who were dripping wet as they listened to
Pope Francis.
Let us hold hands and raise the banner
of Christian unity.
Let us start our value formation
seminar within ourselves now, and be
messengers of God in our own way.
The downpour of cold rain is nothing
compared to the downpour of love and
The blowing of cold winds is nothing
compared to the blowing of obedience to
Gods commandments.
The cold wind that blows through
the vicinity is nothing, compared
with the shivering followers of
Christ who are dripping wet with
religious labor.

To Beg and To Cry

hese words linger in my mind and in my heart as I listen to

the message of Pope Francis in UST while being soaked in the
rain. These two action words from the Popes mouth were
worth it despite the long walks going to the venue, the shoulderto-shoulder lines pushing and pulling just to go inside the venue,
the tight security, the long standing position, the rain and the cold
as well as the empty stomach. The glimpse of the glowing face of
the Pope and His soul-touching message to cry and to beg filled
our empty stomach and refreshed our tired and soaked bodies as if
every negative feelings and thoughts are washed away.
It is a challenge for all of us Christians, especially Catholics, that we sometimes do not really think, feel and do what a true
Catholic is. I try to ask myself the questions of how I would view the
sufferings around me? Have I learned how to cry when I see and
hear the life story of a poor child living on the streets or stricken
with serious illness or victimized by the pangs of society? Have I
learned how to beg for humility, mercy and compassion? Or do I
think I have learned everything and no need of anything?

Pope Francis visit is a grace-filled experience for He did
not just bring himself to us but He brought Jesus in our country.
He showed that Jesus also cried and begged for He allowed Himself
to think of others needs, to feel compassion and mercy and to do
what every child of God would do. Let us learn how to CRY to be
Compassionate, Resilient and Yearn for Gods mercy and love; and
to BEG to be Brave in the midst of trials, Enthusiastic in doing
Gods will and Generous in serving others.
Sem. Christoper P. Villa

CANDLE LIGHT (January 25 - 31, 2015)

CANDLE LIGHT (January 25 - 31, 2015)

Start with yourself. Now! This very

moment! Move in your home. Go out
into the neighborhood. Your brothers and
sisters are waiting for you.
Be a crusader of Christ. Make His
passion your inspiration. Look at Mother
Mary. Ask her for strength. At the end
of the day, look up to God the Father and
say: My Father, thank you for the gift of
another day. May you give me more days
to love You, to revere You, to serve You.
Take my hand as I take Yours. Let
us do our crusade now as brothers and
sisters in God.

A Blessed Encounter...

he most anticipated event in 2015, the pastoral visit of Pope

Francis becomes a meaningful and memorable opportunity
for me to embrace my life as future minister. I have touched,
awed, and crystallized, when I gaze upon Pope Francis sainted face
and glooming eyes. His words and presence deeply manifested
the true Shepherd which is our Lord Jesus Christ. As a seminarian
pondering his words, inspire me to think about my decision and
commitment to follow Christ.
In his homilies and speeches, two things that I have considered
as my most valuable lesson to live. During His homily at the Manila
Cathedral, he spoke about the life of the priests and those who serve
the Church. I was struck when he said about loving the poor and the
center of our pastoral work is to serve the needy and those who are
marginalized. Second, the dramatic and heartwarming question of
the girl in UST, when he ask the Holy Father about; if there is God
why he allow these things to happen... No words, explanation or
even response from the Holy Father, but what struck me is when he
hug the girl lovingly and compassionately. It was awe and mystery,
unexplainable feeling, then we realize that many times we ask God
to answer immediately our pleading, uncertainties and questions
about life. We waited and sometimes we felt hopeless and tired
but gesture of tender hug is the only way that God is truly present.
Words could not be explained perfectly but through genuine action
we have experienced mercy and compassion.
As a seminarian, it opened my mind and heart to think about
the ministerial priesthood which Jesus Christ is our model. I am
blessed and fulfilled of this encounter. May we be inspired to do
what the Holy Father has told us. Let us be like Christ every time
we think, act and feel.

Sem. Mark Joseph D. Hormigoso

Engr. Alberto H. Yanga
Parish Secretary

The couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any
impediment or serious defects that will prohibit marriage,
please inform the Parish Secretary or call 329-16-25.
JESUS BOMER A. ALVAREZ, 44 yrs. old, resident of Pasadero
St., Poblacion Buruanga, Aklan, son of Bonifacio M. Alvarez &
Myrna M. Abayon and CRISTINA S. PEROJA, 38 yrs. old, resident
of F. Bonifacio St., Mandumol, Macasandig, Cagayan De Oro City,
daughter of Daniel R. Peroja & Ruperta D. Suerte.

PHILIP N.BALMORES, 37 yrs. old, resident of Green Valley
Subd., Buhang, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Henry M. Balmores & Alicia
M. Naval and JOBETH P. SALAZAR, 27 yrs. old, resident of 10
Libertad St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Jose Ma. J. Salazar, Jr. &
Jubeth G. Puey.
MANULO M. BAYABAN, 38 yrs. old, resident of Dulangan,
Pilar, Capiz, son of Rogelio Bayaban & Teresita Malinao and
ROSALIE P. TRESBALLES, 36 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Calubihan,
Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Rolando Tresballes & Lilia Pabillo.

REGIE F. JALANDONI, 41 yrs. old, resident of Macalbang,
Concepcion, Iloilo, son of Virgilio Jalandoni, Sr. & Fely Florendo
and NEVA H. CAMAYMAYAN, 46 yrs. old, resident of Arguelles
St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Rafael Camaymayan & Mercedes
REDAN MARK F. PANELO, 29 yrs. old, resident of Blk. 8, Lot
13, Imperial 5 Subd., Guzman St., Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of
Claro T. Panelo & Magdalena C. Fernando and SHEENA CHRISTINE
G. REY, 32 yrs. old, resident of Q. Abeto St., Doctors Village, Subd.,
Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Oscar B. Rey & Estrellita E.
JOSE ARIEL JR. V. CASTAEDA, 24 yrs. old, resident of
Arevalo, Iloilo City, son of Jose Ariel D. Castaeda, Sr. & Ma. Theresa
Q. Vargas and KAYLA MARIE G. DELES, 23 yrs. old, resident of
MYL Subd., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Francis S. Deles & Mary
Margaret U. Gomez.



Sa palaabuton nga Pebrero 2, maga-publish kita sang Special

Issue sang aton Candle Light sa baylo sang Souvenir Program.
Luyag naton ilakip sa Special Issue ang lista sang ngalan sang aton
Solidarity Fund Sponsors. Apang indi gid siguru naton malista
ang ngalan sang tanan bangud may ginalagas kita nga deadline sa
printing press. Gani, ang aton lang malakip nga ngalan amo ang
mga sponsors nga nakapalista antes Enero 29, 2015. Madamo gid
nga salamat sa inyo paghangkop.

Gentle Reminders for our Fiesta Celebration

Please participate actively during the Holy Sacrifice of the

Mass. Let us sing with the choir and be active in the responses.
Let us maintain order during the Mass by our silence and
prayerful disposition.
Let us maintain the cleanliness of the Church and the Church
ground by throwing our garbage in the trash cans.
Please take care of your children. Do not leave them behind.
Let us assist the elderly and the disabled.
Fall in line patiently and properly when going to the Ladys

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03:00 p.m.
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04:30 p.m.
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06:00 p.m.
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07:30 p.m.
Parish Solidarity Fund Sponsors


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JANUARY 17, 2015


JANUARY 18, 2015



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