Trompenaars Comparison Germany and China
Trompenaars Comparison Germany and China
Trompenaars Comparison Germany and China
Universalism is the theory that procedures can be applied in any situations whereas
particularism plays more emphasis on the situation in which the procedures are.
China scores high on particularism as it is a culture which focuses more on
relationship building than rules and regulations.
One question asked to respondents to imagine they were in a car driven by their
boss who was driving over the speed limit and consequently knocked a pedestrian
over. They were asked if they would testify under oath that their boss was driving
In China, workers are more likely to assist members of their own group than German
workers would.
Germany China
This is similar to Hofstede but Trompenaars uses the word communitarianism rather
than collectivism because he looked at how people felt as part of a group. Germany
and china are close in this category. This relates to how people work and think.
Germany is more collective than other Westernised countries and there are
similarities with China, but the method of working is different. Those in Germany are
part of a machine and therefore work as individuals within a group, whereas
Chinese workers are more team players who gain group approval.
This section is all about how people keep their emotions. In high emotional cultures,
emotions are discussed openly and people often smile and talk with enthusiasm.
China scores higher than Germany in this section. Chinese people, however display
positive emotion even when they might not be feeling it! Germans are more
introverted and do not see the need to bring emotion into situations.
A specific culture is one in which people have large public space which they are
happy to allow others into yet they keep a small area of privacy aside for closer
friends. A diffuse culture is one where public and private space is similar in size and
people guard their space. China has a diffuse culture where people are often invited
into a persons open space and there is a strong separation of work and private life.
Such people are not invited in quickly but one they are there they have access to
private space as well.
Luthans, F., and Doh, J., 2009. International Management. New York: McGraw-Hill