Healthy Berries

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Volume : December, 2014

1. Pick of the Month..Page 1
Healthy Berries is an internal
publication of Future Generali

Dry Eyes

Healthy Berries
does not
provide or recommend any
medical advice, diagnosis or
treatment. Please consult your
physician for specific medical

2. Healthy Bytes..Page 3

8 Ways to
Reduce Belly Fat

Issue Month
December, 2014
Published By
Future Generali Health
Editorial Team
Vinayak Pankhade
Ashish Sahoo
Ashish Saxena

FGH Healthy Berries is a

quarterly news magazine
which provides information on
Lifestyle , Seasonal, Perennial
Diseases / Ailments and any
breakthrough medical science
development etc.

For further information on the

articles appearing in this
magazine, please Contact
[email protected]

Views/ Information expressed

herein are illustrative and
informative in nature and not
binding on the Company.

3. Laughter...Page 5

Laughter is the
best medicine.

4. Testimonial....Page 6

Voice of

5. FGH Value Added Services.Page 7

Insurance is the subject

matter of solicitation.

Way to

Dry Eyes

Future Generali Health

Causes & Precauons

Dry eyes occur when

your tears aren't able
to provide adequate
moisture for your eyes

Dry eyes occur when your


tears aren't able to provide

Signs and symptoms, which usually

affect both eyes, may include:

adequate moisture for your






Eye redness

A sensation of having something in

your eyes

Difficulty wearing contact lenses

Periods of excessive tearing

Blurred vision, often worsening at the

end of the day or after focusing for a

A stinging, burning or scratchy

sensation in your eyes

make you more comfortable. These treatments can

Stringy mucus in or around your eyes

include lifestyle changes and eye drops. For more

Increased eye irritation from smoke or


Eye fatigue

Sensitivity to light

reasons. For example, dry





tears or if you




poor-quality tears. Dry eyes feel very uncomfortable.

If you have dry eyes, your eyes may sting or burn.
You may experience dry eyes in certain situations,
such as on an airplane, in an air-conditioned room,
while riding a bike, or after

looking at a computer

screen for a few hours. Treatments for dry eyes may

serious cases of dry eyes, surgery may be an option.

Page 1

Dry Eyes

Future Generali Health

Causes & Precauons...Contd



Dry eyes are caused by a lack of adequate tears.

Tears are a complex mixture of water, fatty oils,
and mucus. This mixture helps make the surface of
our eyes smooth and clear, and it helps protect our
eyes from infection.

For most people with occasional or mild dry eyes

symptoms, treatment involves over-the-counter
eyedrops, such as artificial tears, and other home
remedies. If your dry eyes symptoms are
persistent and more serious, your treatment
options will depend on what's causing your dry
eyes. Some conditions that cause dry eyes can be
reversed or managed. Other treatments can
improve your tear quality or stop your tears from
quickly draining away from your eyes.

For some people, the cause of dry eyes is an

imbalance in the composition of their tears. They
don't produce enough tears to keep their eyes
comfortably lubricated.

Poor tear quality

Oil- If your oil glands don't produce enough oil,
the watery layer evaporates too quickly,
causing dry eyes.

Treatments that may be used include:

Closing tear ducts to reduce tear loss.

Your doctor may suggest treatment to keep
your tears from leaving your eye too quickly.
This can be done by partially or completely
closing your tear ducts, which normally serve to
drain tears away.

Water- I f your eye produces inadequate

amounts of water, the oil and mucous layers
can touch and cause a stringy discharge.
Mucus- If you don't have enough mucus to
cover your eyes, dry spots can form on the
front surface of the eye (cornea).

Special contact lens.

Decreased tear production

People with severe dry eyes may opt for special

contact lenses. These contact lenses help
protect or shield the surface of your eyes,
trapping moisture close to your eyes in order to
relieve your dry eyes symptoms. Ask your eye
doctor whether these special lenses, called
bandage lenses or corneal shields, are an
option for you.

You may not produce enough tears if you:

Are older than 50 years of age

Are a postmenopausal woman

Have a medical condition that reduces

your tear production

Have had laser eye surgery

Have tear gland damage

Unblocking blocked oil glands.

A new treatment called LipiFlo thermal
pulsation helps clear blocked oil glands. During
the treatment, a device that looks like an
eyecup is placed over your eye. The device then
delivers a gentle, warm massage to the lower
eyelid. The procedure takes less than 15
minutes, and you can go home right afterward.
Results usually begin within a few days.
Because this is a new treatment, it may not yet
be available everywhere.

Eyelid problems
Eyelid problems can include an out-turning of the
lids (ectropion) or an in-turning of the lids

Medications that causes dry eyes

Some drugs used to treat high blood


Antihistamines and decongestants

Hormone replacement therapy

Certain antidepressants

Avoid air blowing in your eyes.

Isotretinoin-type drugs for treatment of


Consider wearing wraparound glasses or


eyeglass shields to protect your eyes.

Other Causes

Take eye breaks during long tasks.

Dry air

Be aware of your environment.

Tasks that require enough concentration

that you blink less often, such as
working at a computer, driving or
reading etc.

Position your computer screen below eye



Stop smoking and avoid smoke.

Page 2

8 Ways

Future Generali Health

To Reduce Belly Fat

Reduce Belly Fat in 8 simple ways
Everyone wishes to stay healthy. Well toned abs is a sign of good health and fitness. Women especially after delivery find difficult to
reduce belly fat as it is a hard nut to crack. Loosing belly fat is very challenging for both men and women as the fat deposition occurs
very fast but does not reduce easily in this area. Belly fat is harmful as it covers around our visceral organs and can cause high risk
to overall health. Try these natural methods and lose belly fat in just two weeks. If continued, more effective results can be seen.

Start your day with warm water and lemon. One of the best
therapies to cut fat in the whole body especially belly area. To a
glass of warm water, add half slice lemon. Honey can also be
added if needed. This is to be taken in empty stomach just after
waking up. It flushes out toxins from the body and boost
metabolism to get rid of the flab.

Say No to white rice, maida and sugar. White rice, white
pasta, white bread, sugar and maida adds to fat deposit and
not good for digestive system. Brown rice has insoluble fibres
and vitamins that helps to clean the digestive system and helps
to loose weight easily. Such foods like white rice, sugar etc
increases fat around abdomen and thigh. So reduce the intake
of these foods and slowly kick it off permanently from your diet .

Exercise or Yoga for 30 minutes minimum should be a routine.
For effective fat shedding around the waist exercises like basic
crunches, side crunch, twist crunch, bicycling exercises,
reverse crunches should be done to focus abs muscles, lower
back and sides. In addition to that anyone of the following like
brisk walking, jogging or cycling should be done for at least half
an hour for burning away the abdominal fat fast. If the person is
a regular practitioner of yoga, more focus should be given for
Asanas like Surya Namaskar, Pada Hasthasana, Naukaasana,





Breathing exercise like Kapal Bhati and Nadi Shuddhi is very

helpful to cleanse the body systems, burn out belly fat. 30
minutes of Asanas and 30 minutes of breathing exercise is
enough to burn belly fat.

Diet should be selective and healthy. Avoid fatty, oily and junk
food. Take healthy veggies, fruits, proteins like pulses, fishes,
lean meat, eggs etc. While exercising one may feel increased
appetite which may lead to increased hunger and cravings for
sugary foods and snacking at uneven times. Make sure to have
enough protein like pulses, fishes, eggs etc in diet that prevent
the muscle from starvation and make the meal fulfilling. Include
fruits rich in vitamin C like Amla, Guava, Citrus etc as it helps to
reduce cortisol and help burn fat fast.

Page 3

8 Ways

Future Generali Health

To Reduce Belly Fat.contd...

Always snack on fruit diet Even if one may be exercising well
still if there is no marked change in the waist line, make sure
that snacking in between meals is avoided. Have a bowl of
fruits or vegetables as snacks or tiffin in the evening. Avoid
sugary juices sweetened and artificial drinks and foods.

Drink plenty of water. Keep yourself hydrated, drink at least 8
10 glasses of water to get rid of belly fat. Drink water at regular
intervals to boost the metabolism and remove toxins from the

Avoid skipping meals and keep away from strict following liquid
meals. Skipping meals may hike insulin levels which may lead
to sugar fluctuations, more hunger and weight gain. Skipping
meals especially break fast causes muscle tissue to breakdown
for energy and conserve the fat. Eating healthy break fast helps
to keep the metabolism perfect. Strict Liquid meals are not
healthy as it does not give us energy for a day and thus the
muscle tissue burns out for energy leaving us starved and

Sleep well. Sleep at least 8 hours at night. Avoid day sleep.
Lack of sleep increases cravings for sugary and fatty foods,
increases cortisol hormone which makes one insulin insensitive
and the Bio-rhythm of the body is lost. Also never sleep after
heavy meals as it makes stomach flat and bloated. So keep off
from unhealthy habit of rest after heavy meals.

Follow these 8 essential points to get a marked change in two weeks itself. The most mandatory of all these points is to have
patience while following such a regimen as loosing fat is one of the most difficult tasks which has no short cut and requires hard work
and patience, discipline and self control to achieve desired results. So the key is never give up, stick to your resolutions. Keep doing
the good work and you will explore amazing results. Keep fit and stay healthy.

Page 4

Medical Humor

Future Generali Health

That takes care of health, life,

home and car insurance now,
how about some alien abduction

We combined all your

medications into ONE
convenient dose

The smallest line I can read says

Made in China

Page 5

Customer Tesmonials

Future Generali Health

Thanks to you All, who are behind the process

of Health claims se0lement !!
FG Health has done the process in remarkable
short me period.
This is going to be very helpful in my recovery
a2er Treatment of Dengue.
Thanks Once Again !!
Really, I am very happy & could not
stay silent without saying Thank You to

Jaydip Tambe
Retail Client

Your customer service is excellent &

create a good example for others.
I appreciate your quick support & quick
response which force me to trust you.
Ranjan Khuna

First I would like to Thank You very

much for providing your Financial
support in undergoing my wifes
Medical Operaon.
I will give you very good feedback
because your work is outstanding and
Thanks again and keep it up the good

Thank you to the enre team of

Future Generali for quick approvals
and processing.

Murthy SVVS

It was very helpful.

Thank you once again for the fabulous
response me.
Kajal Pandit
BT Global Services

If you are happy or delighted with our service

and the experience provided to you during any
of your interacons with Future Generali
Health, please do take a minute to send your
feedback to [email protected]

We really love to hear your feedback !

Page 6

FGH Privilege

Future Generali Health

Value Added Services

Page 7

Out Patient Services

Managed Care

Vision Care

Dental Care




Spa Services



Online Shopping

Fax Us

1800 209 1016 /

1800 103 8889

1800 209 1017 /

1800 103 9998

[email protected]

The content presented herein has been prepared by Future Generali Health and is for information purpose only. FGH, or any person connected with it, make no
guarantee, representation or warranty, whether express or implied and accept no responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect damage / injury to health, arising
from the use of the material provided. The information provided herein is generic and persons intending to use this information should do so only under appropriate
medical advice.
Future Generali Health
Office Number -3, 3rd Floor, "A" Building, G-O SQUARE,
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Future Generali India Insurance Company Limited [IRDA Registration Number : 132] [CIN : U66030MH2006PLC165287 ]
Registered Office: Indiabulls Finance Centre, Tower 3, 6th Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone (W), Mumbai - 400 013
Toll Free Phone: 1800 103 8889 / 1800 209 1016 | Toll Free Fax: 1800 103 9998 / 1800 209 1017 | e-mail: [email protected]

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