zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades
der Naturwissenschaften
Alexandros Altis
aus Frankfurt am Main
1. Gutachter:
2. Gutachter:
1 Introduction
Circular statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Interpretation of eigenvectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Complex dPCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Cartesian PCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Markovian modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4 Dynamics Simulations
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6 Appendix
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Deutsche Zusammenfassung
Curriculum Vitae
Chapter 1
Proteins can be regarded as the most important building blocks of our body. They
function as mechanical tools, perform transport (e.g., hemoglobin) and communication,
catalyze biochemical reactions, and are involved in many other essential processes of life.
The native structure to which a protein folds by the process of protein folding determines
its biological function. To answer the protein folding problem of how the amino acid
sequence of a protein as synthesized by ribosomes dictates its structure, one has to understand the complex dynamics of protein folding. In the folding process the transition
between metastable conformational states plays a crucial role. These are long-lived intermediates, which for proteins can have lifetimes up to microseconds before undergoing
further transitions.
Experiments using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy or X-ray crystallography can provide structural information on the native state or sometimes metastable
states [1]. But as a system quickly relaxes to a lower energy state, the dynamics of the
process of folding is hard to assess by experiment. In addition, traditional experiments
provide only average quantities such as mean structures, not distributions and variations.
Molecular dynamics computer simulations are used to obtain a deeper understanding of
the dynamics and mechanisms involved in protein folding [2].
Molecular dynamics simulations have become a popular and powerful approach to
describe the structure, dynamics, and function of biomolecules in atomic detail. In the
past few years, computer power has increased such that simulations of small peptides on
the timescale of microseconds are feasible by now. With the help of worldwide distributed
Here P is the probability distribution of the molecular system along some (in general
multidimensional) coordinate r and Pmax denotes its maximum, which is subtracted to
ensure that G = 0 for the lowest free energy minimum. Popular choices for the coordinate r include the fraction of native contacts, the radius of gyration, and the root
mean square deviation of the molecule with respect to the native state. The probability distribution along these order parameters may be obtained from experiment, from
a theoretical model, or a computer simulation. The resulting free energy landscape
has promoted much of the recent progress in understanding protein folding [812]. Being a very high-dimensional and intricate object with many free energy minima, finding
good order parameters is essential for extracting useful low-dimensional models of conformational dynamics of peptides and proteins. For the decomposition of a system into a
relevant (low-dimensional) part and an irrelevant part principal component analysis has
become a crucial tool [13].
Principal component analysis (PCA), also called quasiharmonic analysis or essential
dynamics method [1417], is one of the most popular methods to systematically reduce
the dimensionality of a complex system. The approach is based on the covariance matrix,
which provides information on the two-point correlations of the system. The PCA represents a linear transformation that diagonalizes the covariance matrix and thus removes
the instantaneous linear correlations among the variables. Ordering the eigenvalues of the
transformation decreasingly, it has been shown that a large part of the systems fluctuations can be described in terms of only a few principal components which may serve as
reaction coordinates [1420] for the free energy landscape.
Some PCA methods using internal (instead of Cartesian) coordinates [2127] have been
proposed in the literature. In biomolecules, in particular the consideration of dihedral
angles appears appealing, because other internal coordinates such as bond lengths and
bond angles usually do not undergo changes of large amplitudes. Due to the circularity
of the angular variables it is nontrivial to apply methods such as PCA for the analysis of
molecular dynamics simulations.
This work presents a contribution to the literature on methods in search of lowdimensional models that yield insight into the equilibrium and kinetic behavior of peptides
and small proteins. A deep understanding of various methods for projecting the sampled
configurations of molecular dynamics simulations to obtain a low-dimensional free energy
landscape is acquired. Furthermore low-dimensional dynamic models for the conformational dynamics of biomolecules in reduced dimensionality are presented. As exemplary
systems, mainly short alanine chains are studied. Due to their size they allow for performing long simulations. They are simple, yet nontrivial systems, as due to their flexibility
they are rapidly interconverting conformers. Understanding these polypeptide chains in
great detail is of considerable interest for getting insight in the process of protein folding.
For example, K. Dill et al. conclude in their review [28] about the protein folding problem
that the once intractable Levinthal puzzle now seems to have a very simple answer: a
protein can fold quickly and solve its large global optimization puzzle simply through
piecewise solutions of smaller component puzzles.
The thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2 provides the theoretical foundations of
the dihedral angle principal component analysis (dPCA) for the analysis of the dynamics
of the , backbone dihedral angles. In an introduction to circular statistics we thoroughly discuss the implications of the proposed sin/cos-transformation of the dihedral
angles which comes along with a doubling of variables from N angular variables to 2N
Cartesian-like ones. It is shown that indeed this transformation can truthfully represent
the original angle distribution without generating spurious results. Furthermore, we show
that the dPCA components can readily be characterized by the conformational changes of
the peptide. For the trialanine system the equivalence between a Cartesian PCA and the
dPCA is demonstrated. We then introduce a complex valued version of the dPCA which
sheds some light on the doubling of variables occurring in the sin/cos dPCA. The developed concepts are demonstrated and applied to a 300 ns molecular dynamics simulation
of the decaalanine peptide.
What follows is a detailed study of the similarities and differences of various PCA
methods. The dPCA is evaluated in comparison to alternative projection approaches.
In particular, it is shown that Cartesian PCA fails to reveal the true structure of the
free energy landscape of small peptides, except for the conformationally trivial example
trialanine. The smooth appearance of the landscape is an artifact of the mixing of internal
and overall motion. This is demonstrated using a 100 ns and an 800 ns simulation of
pentaalanine and heptaalanine, respectively. In addition, the dPCA is compared to a
PCA which operates directly on the dihedral angles, thus avoiding a doubling of variables.
Various drawbacks of such a method which doesnt properly take the circularity of the
variables into account are discussed. The dPCA is also compared to a version using the
correlation matrix instead of the covariance matrix. Finally, it is concluded that, for the
cases studied, the dPCA provides the most detailed low-dimensional representation of
the free energy landscape. The chapter ends with a correlation analysis for the dihedral
angles of heptaalanine which is compared to results from the literature, and some remarks
about nonlinear PCAs.
Based on the dPCA, Chapter 3 presents a systematic approach to construct a lowdimensional free energy landscape from a classical molecular dynamics simulation. Demonstrating that a representation of the free energy landscape in too less dimension can lead
to serious artifacts and oversimplifications of this intricate surface, it is attempted to
answer the question on how many dimensions or PCs need to be taken into account in
order to appropriately describe a given biomolecular process. It is shown that this dimensionality can be determined from the distribution and the autocorrelation of the PCs.
Employing an 800 ns simulation of heptaalanine using geometric and kinetic clustering
techniques, it is shown that a five-dimensional dPCA energy landscape is appropriate for
reproducing the correct number, energy, and location of the systems metastable states
and barriers. After presenting several ways to visualize the free energy landscape using
transition networks and a disconnectivity graph, we close the chapter with conclusions.
Having constructed low-dimensional free energy landscapes, the remaining aim is to
construct dynamic models in this reduced dimensionality. Chapter 4 is concerned with
the construction of low-dimensional models for peptide and protein dynamics from the
point of view of modern nonlinear dynamics. Using methods from nonlinear time series
analysis a deterministic model of the dynamics is developed and applied to molecular
dynamics simulations of short alanine polypeptide chains. The well-established concept of
the complexity of a dynamical system is applied to folding trajectories. Very interestingly,
while the dimension of the free energy landscape increases with system size, the KaplanYorke dimension may decrease. This suggests that the molecular dynamics generates
less and less chaotic orbits as the length of the peptide chains increases. Furthermore,
we introduce a mixed deterministic stochastic model for the conformational dynamics in
reduced dimensions which is based on the estimation of the drift and diffusion vector fields
of a Langevin equation. This makes it possible to, e.g., study nonequilibrium dynamics
as relaxation to the folded state of a protein.
Finally, in Chapter 5 we apply some of the developed techniques to a larger system,
namely a variant of the villin headpiece subdomain (HP-35 NleNle). Using many hundreds of molecular dynamics trajectories as obtained from Folding@home, we analyze the
resulting free energy landscape for this system. In a next step we attempt to find a good
dynamic model using the Langevin ansatz as described in the last chapter. We finally
estimate folding times for this system, and conclude with an outlook. Conclusions are
drawn at the end of each chapter.
Chapter 2
Dihedral Angle Principal
Component Analysis
Classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have become a popular and powerful
method to describe the structure, dynamics, and function of biomolecules in microscopic
detail [2]. As MD simulations produce a considerable amount of data (i.e., 3M coordinates
of all M atoms for each time step), there has been an increasing interest to develop
methods to extract the essential information from the trajectory. For example, one often
wants to represent the molecules free energy surface (the energy landscape [810]) as a
function of a few important coordinates (the reaction coordinates), which describe the
essential physics of a biomolecular process such as protein folding or molecular recognition.
The reduction of the dimensionality from 3M atom coordinates to a few collective degrees
of freedom is therefore an active field of theoretical research [5, 1327, 2938].
Recently, it has been suggested to employ internal (instead of Cartesian) coordinates
in a PCA [2127]. In biomolecules, in particular the consideration of dihedral angles
appears appealing, because other internal coordinates such as bond lengths and bond
angles usually do not undergo changes of large amplitudes. Studying the reversible folding and unfolding of pentaalanine in explicit water, Mu et al. [25] showed that a PCA
using Cartesian coordinates did not yield the correct rugged free energy landscape due
to an artifact of the mixing of internal and overall motion. As internal coordinates naturally provide a correct separation of internal and overall dynamics, they proposed a
method, referred to as dPCA, which is based on the dihedral angles (n , n ) of the pep7
tide backbone. To avoid the problems arising from the circularity of these variables, a
transformation from the space of dihedral angles {n } to a linear metric coordinate space
(i.e., a vector space with the usual Euclidean distance) was built up by the trigonometric
functions sin n and cos n . In a recent comment [39] to Ref. [25], the concern was raised
that the dPCA method may lead to spurious results because of the inherent constraints
(sin2 n + cos2 n = 1) of the formulation. While it is straightforward to show that
the problem described in Ref. [39] was caused by numerical artifacts due to insufficient
sampling [40], the discussion nevertheless demonstrates the need for a thorough general
analysis of the dPCA.
In this chapter, we present a comprehensive account of various theoretical issues underlying the dPCA method. We start with a brief introduction to the basics of MD simulation
and derive the basic concepts of PCA. In an introduction to the circular statistics of angle variables we discuss the transformation from an angle to the unit circle proposed in
Ref. [25], and demonstrate that the transformation amounts to a one-to-one representation of the original angle distribution. Adopting the (, ) distribution of trialanine as
a simple but nontrivial example, the properties of the dPCA are discussed in detail. In
particular, it is shown that in this case the dPCA results are equivalent to the results
of a Cartesian PCA, and that the dPCA eigenvectors may be characterized in terms of
the corresponding conformational changes of the peptide. Furthermore, we introduce a
complex-valued version of the dPCA, which provides new insights on the PCA of circular
variables. Adopting a 300 ns MD simulation of the folding of decaalanine, we carry out a
critical comparison of the various methods. The next two section are devoted to Cartesian
PCA and possible PCAs that are applied directly to the angular variables, respectively.
Here, adopting an 800 ns MD simulation of heptaalanine, we study the similarities as
well as the differences between these methods. We show that the dPCA provides the
most detailed representation of the free energy landscapes of the peptides under concern.
After a thorough correlation analysis for the dihedral angles of heptaalanine, we conclude
this chapter with some remarks about nonlinear PCA methods that have been recently
proposed in the literature.
V (r)
= Fi ,
Vbonds =
The first three terms are the interactions for the covalent bonds, the bond angles, and the
dihedral angles, respectively. The non-bonded interactions are described by the last to
terms, the electrostatic Coulomb and the Van der Waals interactions. The parameters of
the potential, e.g. bond length, force constants or atomic charges, determine the quality
of the force field. They are obtained by fitting simulation data against detailed quantum
chemical calculations and experimental measurements.
The second main assumption is that the atoms follow classical Newtonian dynamics.
where velocities vi and positions ri of the atoms are commonly calculated by variants of
the Verlet algorithm such as the leap-frog method presented here. The method derives its
name from the fact that the computation of velocities and positions successively alternates
at 12 t time step intervals.
The most time consuming part in an MD simulation is the evaluation of the forces
acting on every particle, with the major computational effort spent for the non-bonded
interactions. To avoid the calculation of all O(N 2 ) electrostatic interactions between pairs
of atoms, one e.g. uses a cutoff radius, where one neglects interactions beyond the cutoff
distance or variations of the particle-mesh Ewalds (PME) summation.
Experimental methods as X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
can provide atomic detailed structures which are long-lived and can hence be probed experimentally. But conformational states which make fast transitions between each other
are still a challenge to experiments. The structural mechanism of transitions normally
cannot be resolved. MD can provide insight into these processes.
Similar to experiments MD can simulate different ensembles. The microcanonical
ensemble (NVE) is realized by simply integrating Newtons equation (2.8) in time. The
sum of kinetic and potential energy is constant and there is no exchange of temperature
or pressure with the sourrounding. To simulate e.g. the canonical ensemble (NVT)
the system is coupled to a temperature bath or thermostat. At certain time steps all
particles velocities are scaled by a factor in order to guarantee constant temperature.
Temperature in an MD simulation is obtained by equating the particles total kinetic
energy to 21 Nf kb T (t),
Ekin (t) =
mi vi2 (t) = Nf kb T (t),
Principal component analysis [13] (PCA), also called quasiharmonic analysis or essential
dynamics method [1417], is one of the most popular methods to systematically reduce
the dimensionality of a complex system. The approach is based on the covariance matrix,
which provides information on the two-point correlations of the system. The PCA represents a linear transformation that diagonalizes the covariance matrix and thus removes
the instantaneous linear correlations among the variables. Ordering the eigenvalues of the
transformation decreasingly, it has been shown that a large part of the systems fluctuations can be described in terms of only a few principal components, which may serve as
reaction coordinates [1420].
In this section we want to establish the basics of PCA and prove that the eigenvectors
obtained by PCA point into directions of maximal variance in a data set (see also [13]).
The main idea of PCA is to reduce the dimensionality of a given data set. This is achieved
by finding a set of a few new variables which are linearly uncorrelated and describe most
of the variation present in the originally very high dimensional data. The starting point is
the covariance matrix = {ij } of the multidimensional random variable q. For example
random variable. We are now looking for a vector v such that the projection of the
original data
V (t) = v q(t) =
vi qi (t)
has maximum variance. Henceforward, we often omit to explicitly note the time t. As a
normalization constraint we require v to have unit length, as we want to avoid an infinite
variance of (2.12). For the variance of V we find
var[V ] = var
v i qi
vi2 var[qi ]
vi2 ii
vi vj cov[qi , qj ]
= v v,
vi vj ij
v v = 0,
we learn that must be as large as possible as we aim at maximizing the variance. Hence,
it follows that the optimal is the largest eigenvalue 1 of the covariance matrix , and
we denote its corresponding eigenvector by v(1) . We have just shown that v(1) points into
the direction of maximum variance of our data set.
The projections
Vi = v(i) q
are called principal components of q, where v(i) is the eigenvector of which corresponds
to the ith largest eigenvalue i . In a similar way as above one can show that for all i
var[Vi ] = i
holds, and that Vi has maximum variance subject to being instantaneously linearly uncorrelated with V1 , . . . , Vi1 , i.e.,
h(Vi (t) hVi i) (Vj (t) hVj i)i = 0, j = 1, . . . , i 1.
Circular statistics
Dihedral angles [0 , 360 [ represent circular (or directional) data [41]. Unlike to the
case of regular data x ] , [, the definition of a metric is not straightforward, which
makes it difficult to calculate distances or means. For example, the regular data x1 = 10
and x2 = 350 clearly give x = |x2 x1 | = 340 and hxi = (10 + 350)/2 = 180. Visual
inspection of the corresponding angles 1 = 10 and 2 = 350 , on the other hand, readily
shows that = 20 6= |2 1 | and hi = 0 6= (1 + 2 )/2. To recover the standard
rules to calculate distances and the mean, we may assume that [180 , 180 [. Then
This example manifests the general property that, if the range of angles covered by the
data set is smaller than 180 , we may simply shift the origin of the angle coordinates to
-180 -90
Figure 2.1: Typical Ramachandran plot for the backbone angles , of a peptide backbone. The color code corresponds to the logarithmic population density.
The situation is more involved for true circular data whose range exceeds 180 . This
is the case for folding biomolecules, since the angle of the peptide backbone is typically
distributed as 60 30 (for R helical conformations) and 140 30 (for
equivalent vector (x, y) on the unit circle. This amounts to the transformation
x = cos
y = sin .
Unlike to the periodic range of the angle coordinate , the vectors (x, y) are defined
in a linear space, which means that we can define the usual Euclidean metric 2 =
(x1 x2 )2 + (y1 y2 )2 between any two vectors (x1 , y1 )T and (x2 , y2 )T . The distance of
two angles with an actually small distance, e.g. 1 = 179 and 2 = 179 , is given by
a small in the (x, y)-space, since the corresponding vectors lie close on the unit circle.
tanhi = hyi/hxi = P
sin n
cos n
that is,
sin n
1 P
cos n > 0
cos n
sin n
hi =
1 P
+ 180 ,
cos n < 0
cos n
sin n ,
cos n = 0.
Note that, even if the range of angles covered by the data set is smaller than 180 this
definition of circular average can differ from the arithmetic average. For example, the
arithmetic average of the 3 angles 0 , 0 , 90 is 30 , while the circular average equals to
26.6 .
Although the vector representation of angles in Eq. (2.20) appears straightforward and
intuitively appealing, it has the peculiar property of doubling the variables: Given N angle
coordinates n , we obtain 2N Cartesian-like coordinates (xn , yn ). In the example given
in Eq. (2.22), this does not lead to any problems, because in the end of the calculation
we are able to calculate back from the averaged vector coordinates to the original angle
coordinate, that is, the correctly averaged angle. Since Eq. (2.20) represents a nonlinear
transformation, however, we will see that obtaining the peptides angles in a direct way
after a dPCA treatment of the data is not possible in general (see below). In this case, a
subsequent analysis needs to be performed.
Having in mind to employ these coordinates for the description of peptide energy
landscapes, the question arises of whether the resulting representation preserves the characteristics of the original energy landscapes. In particular, it is of interest if the number
and structure of minima and transition states are preserved in the 2N -dimensional (xn , yn )
space. To answer these questions and to illustrate the properties of transformation (2.20),
we consider a simple one-dimensional example described by the angular probability density (see Fig. 2.2A)
() =
(1 cos 4)
(1 cos 4)
(1 cos2 2 + sin2 2)
2 sin2 2)
(2 cos sin ))2
cos2 sin2 ,
4 2 2 2
x y (x + y 2 1) .
The density plot of (x, y) displayed in Fig. 2.2B demonstrates that transformation
(2.20) simply wraps the angular density () around the circumference of the unit circle.
Figure 2.2: (A) Angular density () = 2
(1 cos 4). (B) Representation of ()
through its probability density (x, y) on the unit circle (artificial width added for a
better visualization). Also shown are the densities (x) and (y), which display the
angular density along the single Cartesian-like variables x and y, respectively. Note that
only (x, y) reproduces the correct number of extrema of ().
Hence, all features of () are faithfully represented by (x, y), particularly the number
and the structure of extrema. This is a consequence of the fact that transformation (2.20)
is a bijection, which uniquely assigns each angle a corresponding vector (x, y) and vice
We observe that this desirable feature is not obtained if we transform to only a single
Cartesian-like variable, x or y. The corresponding densities
8x2 1 x2
(x) =
8y 2 1 y 2
(y) =
are also shown in Fig. 2.2B and derived in the Appendix 6.1. As a consequence of the
projection onto the x- or y-axis, each density exhibits only two instead of four maxima.
The above described properties of the one-dimensional example readily generalize to
the N -dimensional case, n 7 (xn , yn ). In direct generalization of the unit circle, the data
points (xn , yn ) are distributed on the surface of a 2N -dimensional sphere with radius N .
This is because the distance of every data point (x1 , y1 , . . . , xN , yN ) to the origin equals
2 21
(x21 + y12 + + x2N + yN
) = (1 + + 1) 2 = N . Since the transformation represents
angular space and in the 2N -dimensional vector space. Again, the Euclidean metric of
the 2N -dimensional vector space guarantees that mean values and other quantities can
be calculated easily.
We note that, alternatively to transformation (2.20), one may employ a complex representation zn = ein of the angles. As Eulers formula ei = cos + i sin provides a
direct correspondence between the 2N -dimensional real vectors (x1 , y1 , . . . , xN , yN )T and
the N -dimensional complex vectors (z1 , . . . , zN )T , all considerations performed above can
also be done using the complex representation. We will explore this idea in more detail
in Sec. 2.7. Another straightforward way to use only N variables, is to use the angles n
directly. Therefore one may shift the origin of each angular variable in such a way that
a minimal number of data points are at the periodic boundaries. We will also show the
performance of such a method in Sec. 2.10.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a well-established method to reduce the dimensionality of a high-dimensional data set [13]. In the case of molecular dynamics of M
atoms, the basic idea is that the correlated internal motions are represented by the covariance matrix
ij = h(qi hqi i)(qj hqj i)i,
where q1 , . . . , q3M are the mass-weighted Cartesian coordinates of the molecule and h. . .i
denotes the average over all sampled conformations [1417]. By diagonalizing the covariance matrix we obtain 3M eigenvectors v(i) and eigenvalues i , which are rank-ordered
descendingly, i.e., 1 represents the largest eigenvalue. The eigenvectors and eigenvalues
of yield the modes of collective motion and their amplitudes, respectively. The principal
Vi = v(i) q
of the data q = (q1 , . . . , q3M )T can be used, for example, to represent the free energy
surface of the system. Restricting ourselves to two dimensions, we obtain
G(V1 , V2 ) = kB T [ln (V1 , V2 ) ln max ],
where n = 1, . . . , N and N is the total number of peptide backbone and side-chain dihedral angles used in the analysis. Hence the covariance matrix (2.28) of the dPCA uses
2N variables qn . The question then is whether the combination of the nonlinear transformation (2.31) and the subsequent PCA still gives a unique and faithful representation of
Let us first consider the above discussed example of a one-dimensional angular density
() =
(1 cos 4),
4x2 (1x2 )
y = q2 = sin . Since in this case hxi = hyi = hxyi = 0 and hx2 i = hy 2 i = 21 , we find that the
and may choose any two orthonormal vectors as eigenvectors. Choosing, e.g.,
the unit vectors ex and ey , the PCA leaves the density (x, y) invariant, which as
discussed above is a unique and faithful representation of the initial angular density
(). In general, one does not obtain a diagonal covariance matrix for a one-dimensional
angular density () (e.g., for () =
The simplest nontrivial case of a dPCA occurs for a two-dimensional correlated angular
density. As an example, we adopt trialanine whose conformation can be characterized by a
single pair of (, ) backbone dihedral angles (see Fig. 2.3). Trialanine (Ala3 ) in aqueous
program suite [49,50], the GROMOS96 force field 43a1 [51], the simple point charge (SPC)
water model [52], and a particle-mesh Ewald [53] treatment of the electrostatics. Details
of the simulation can be found in Ref. [47]. Figure 2.4A shows the (, ) distribution
Figure 2.4: (A) Ramachandran (, ) probability distribution of Ala3 in water as obtained from a 100 ns MD simulation. Performing a dPCA, the resulting free energy
landscape along the first two principal components is shown in (B), the (, ) distributions pertaining to the labeled energy minima is shown in (C). Panels (D) and (E) show
the corresponding results obtained for a Cartesian PCA. Panel (F) displays the (1 , 2 )
distribution obtained from the complex dPCA.
obtained from the simulation, which predicts that mainly three conformational states are
populated: the right-handed helix conformation R (15 %), the extended conformation
(39 %), and the poly-L-proline II (PII ) helix-like conformation (42 %). Although recent
experimental data [45] indicate that the simulation overestimates the populations of R
and , we nevertheless adopt the MD data as a simple yet nontrivial example to illustrate
the performance of the dPCA method.
Performing the dPCA on the (, ) data, we consider the four variables q1 = cos , q2 =
sin , q3 = cos , and q4 = sin . Diagonalization of the resulting covariance matrix yields
four principal components V1 , . . . , V4 , which contribute 51, 24, 15, and 10 % to the overall
fluctuations of the system, respectively. To characterize the principal components, Fig.
2.5 shows their one-dimensional probability densities. Only the first two distributions are
found to exhibit multiple peaks, while the other two are approximately unimodal. Hence
we may expect that the conformational states shown by the angular distribution of (, )
probability density
in Fig. 2.4A can be accounted for by the first two principal components.
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Figure 2.5: Probability densities of the four principal components obtained from the
sin/cos (full lines) and the complex (dashed lines) dPCA of trialanine, respectively.
If we assume that V1 and V2 are independent (i.e., (V1 , V2 ) = (V1 )(V2 )), the three
peaks found for (V1 ) as well as for (V2 ) give rise to 3 3 = 9 peaks of (V1 , V2 ). To
identify possible correlations, Fig. 2.4B shows the two-dimensional density along the first
two principal components. For the sake of better visibility, we have chosen a logarithmic
representation, thus showing the free energy landscape [Eq. (2.30)] of the system. The
figure exhibits three (instead of nine) well-defined minima labeled S1, S2, and S3, revealing that the first two principal components are indeed strongly dependent. To identify
the corresponding three conformational states, we have back-calculated the (, ) dis-
tributions of the minima from the trajectory [54]. As shown in Fig. 2.4C as well as by
Table 2.1, the minima S1, S2, and S3 clearly correspond to PII , , and R , respectively.
A closer analysis reveals, that also fine details of the conformational distribution can be
discriminated by the first two principal components. For example, the shoulder on the left
side of the R state in Fig. 2.4A corresponds to the region around V 2 0.9 of the S3
It is instructive to compare the above results obtained by the dPCA to the outcome
of a standard PCA using Cartesian coordinates. Restricting the analysis to the atoms
CONH-CHCH3 -CONH around the central (, ) dihedral angles of trialanine, the first
four principal components contribute 47, 28, 15, and 8 % to the overall fluctuations,
respectively, and exhibit one-dimensional probability densities that closely resemble the
ones obtained by the dPCA (data not shown). Figure 2.4D shows the resulting free energy
surface along the first two principal components, which looks quite similar to the dPCA
result. The three minima S1, S2, and S3 are identified in Fig. 2.4E as the conformational
states PII , , and R . Again, also the details of the conformational distribution such as
the L state are resolved by the first two principal components.
In summary, it has been shown that both the Cartesian PCA and the dPCA reproduced the correct conformational distribution of the MD trajectory of trialanine. In both
cases, the first two principal components were sufficient to resolve most details. Although
only four coordinates were used, the dPCA was found to be equivalent to the Cartesian
PCA using 33 coordinates.
MD data
P [%]
(, ) [deg]
P [%]
(, ) [deg]
Cartesian PCA
P [%]
(, ) [deg]
Interpretation of eigenvectors
In the simple example above, Fig. 2.4 demonstrates that the first two principal components
V1 and V2 (or, equivalently, the first two eigenvectors v(1) and v(2) ) are associated with
motions along the and the dihedral angles, respectively. In the case of the Cartesian
PCA, the structural changes of the molecule along the principal components are readily
illustrated, even for high-dimensional systems. From
Vi = v(i) q
we see that, e.g., the first three components v1 , v2 , and v3 of the eigenvector v(i) simply
reflect the influence of the x, y, and z coordinates of the first atom on the ith principal
component. Hence,
1 = (v1 )2 + (v2 )2
length of each eigenvector is one. Hence n can be considered as the percentage of the
effect of the angle n on the principal component Vk . Furthermore, Eq. (2.33) assures
that only structural rearrangements along angles with nonzero n may change the value
of Vk .
To demonstrate the usefulness of definition (2.34), we again invoke our example of
trialanine with angles (n = 1) and (n = 2), and consider the quantities n describing
the effect of these angles on the four principal components (k = 1, . . . , 4), see Fig. 2.6. We
clearly see that the dihedral angle has almost no influence on V1 (1 0), whereas
has a very large one (2 1). As a consequence, the first principal component allows us
to separate conformations with a different angle , but does not separate conformations
which differ in . Indeed, Fig. 2.4B reveals that V1 accounts essentially for the /PII
transition along , but hardly separates conformations with different , such as and PII .
is again in agreement with Fig. 2.4B, which shows that the second principal component
accounts essentially for transitions along . Recalling that V1 , V2 , V3 , and V4 , contribute
51, 24, 15, and 10 % to the overall fluctuations, respectively, the PII transitions
described by the second principal component represent a much smaller conformational
of the third and forth principal component are quite similar to the previous ones, they
only account for fluctuations within a conformational state and are therefore of minor
importance in a conformational analysis.
V1 (51%) V2 (24%)
V3 (15%)
V4 (10%)
Figure 2.6: Influence of the dihedral angles (black bars) and (gray bars) on the
principal component Vk (k = 1, . . . , 4) of the cos/sin dPCA of trialanine. Shown are the
quantities 1 (for ) and 2 (for ) defined in Eq. (2.34), representing the percentage
of the effect of the two dihedral angels on Vk . Also shown are the contributions (in %) of
each principal component to the overall fluctuations of the system.
Complex dPCA
Alternatively to the sin/cos transformation in Eq. (2.31) which maps N angles on 2N real
numbers, one may also transform from the angles n to the complex numbers
zn = ein
(n = 1, . . . , N ),
where the eigenvectors are unique up to a phase 0 . We define the complex principal
components to be
Wn = w(n) z = rn ei(n +0 ) ,
where we use vector-vector multiplication instead of a Hermitian inner product (see Appendix for details). Two nice features of the complex dPCA are readily evident. First,
the complex representation of N angular variables directly results in N eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, that is, there is no doubling of variables as in the sin/cos dPCA. Second, the
representation of the complex principal components by their weights rn and angles n in
Eq. (2.38) may facilitate their direct interpretation in terms of simple physical variables.
From Eulers formula ei = cos +i sin , one would expect an evident correspondence
between the sin/cos and the complex dPCA. That is, there should be a relation between
the N complex eigenvectors w(n) and the 2N real eigenvectors v(k) . Furthermore, the N
real eigenvalues n of the complex dPCA should be related to the 2N real eigenvalues k of
the sin/cos dPCA. However, this general correspondence turned out to be less obvious than
expected (see Appendix 6.2), and we were only able to find an analytical relation in some
limiting cases. In these cases, one indeed may construct suitably normalized eigenvectors
w(n) such that the real and imaginary parts of the resulting principal components Wn of
the complex dPCA are equal to the 2N principal components Vk of the sin/cos dPCA.
In other words, for every n {1, . . . , N } there are two indices kn , kn0 {1, . . . , 2N } such
Re Wn = Vkn ,
Im Wn = Vkn0 ,
and the union of the indices kn , kn0 gives the complete set {1, . . . , 2N }. Moreover, the
eigenvalues n of the complex dPCA are given by the sum of the two corresponding
eigenvalues kn and kn0 of the sin/cos dPCA
n = kn + kn0 .
Apart from the limiting cases of completely uncorrelated and completely correlated
variables, we could not establish general conditions under which Eqs. (2.39) and (2.40)
hold. Empirically, Eq. (2.40) was always satisfied, while Eq. (2.39) was found to hold
in many (but not all) cases under consideration, see Figs. 2.5 and 2.9 below. We note
that even in numerical studies it may be cumbersome to establish the correspondences,
since the accuracy of (2.39) and (2.40) depends on the number of data points one uses
to calculate the covariance matrices in both methods, i.e., on the overall sampling of the
MD trajectory.
To demonstrate the performance of the complex dPCA, we first apply it to the above
discussed example of trialanine. Comparing the 2N = 4 eigenvalues of the sin/cos dPCA
1 , . . . , 4 to the two eigenvalues 1 and 2 of the complex dPCA, we obtain
1 = 0.630 = 0.489 + 0.141 = 1 + 3 ,
2 = 0.338 = 0.237 + 0.101 = 2 + 4 ,
that is, equation (2.40) is fulfilled. Choosing suitable normalization constants 0 for the
Re W2 V2 ,
Im W1 V3 ,
Im W2 V4 .
As shown by the probability densities of the principal components in Fig. 2.5, both formulations lead to virtually identical principal components.
Finally, it is interesting to study if the representation of the complex principal components by their weights rn and angles n in Eq. (2.38) facilitates their interpretation. In the
case of our trialanine data, it turns out that the weights are approximately constant, i.e.,
r1 r2 1. Hence, the probability distribution of the two angles (1 , 2 ) contains all the
conformational fluctuations of the data. Indeed, Fig. 2.4 reveals that (1 , 2 ) is almost
identical to the original (, ) density from the MD simulation. In this simple case, the
complex dPCA obviously has managed to completely identify the underlying structure of
the data.
We finally wish to present an example which demonstrates the potential of the dPCA
method to represent the true multidimensional energy landscape of a folding biomolecule.
Following earlier work on the folding of alanine peptides [25,36,45], we choose decaalanine
(Ala10 ) in aqueous solution. Employing similar conditions as in the case of trialanine
described above (GROMOS96 force field 43a1 [51], SPC water model [52], and particlemesh Ewald [53] treatment of the electrostatics), we ran a 300 ns trajectory of Ala10 at
300 K and saved every 0.4 ps the coordinates for analysis.
Let us first consider the free energy landscape G [Eq. (2.30)] obtained from a
PCA using all Cartesian coordinates of the system. The calculations of G(V1 , V2 ) and
G(V3 , V4 ) presented in Fig. 2.7A and B show that the resulting energy landscape is
rather unstructured and essentially single-peaked, indicating a single folded state and a
random ensemble of unfolded conformational states. However, as will be discussed in
detail in the next section, this smooth appearance of the energy landscape in the Cartesian PCA merely represents an artifact of the mixing of internal and overall motion.
Figure 2.7: Free energy landscapes of Ala10 in water as obtained from a 300 ns MD simulation. The first column, (A) and (B), shows the results along the first four principal
components obtained from a Cartesian PCA, the second column, (C) and (D), the corresponding landscapes calculated from the sin/cos dPCA. Panels (E), (F), (G), and (H)
display the landscapes along the angles (1 , 2 ) and (3 , 4 ) and the weights (r1 , r2 ) and
(r3 , r4 ) of the complex dPCA, respectively.
This becomes clear when a sin/cos dPCA of the N = 18 inner backbone dihedral angles
{n } = {1 , 2 , 2 , . . . , 9 , 9 , 10 } is performed. The resulting dPCA free energy surfaces
G(V1 , V2 ) and G(V3 , V4 ) shown in Fig. 2.7C and D exhibit numerous well-separated
minima, which correspond to specific conformational structures. By back-calculating
from the dPCA free energy minima to the underlying backbone dihedral angles of all
residues [54], we are able to discriminate and characterize 15 such states [55]. The most
populated ones are the all R -helical conformation (8 %), a state (15 %) with the inner
seven residues in R (and the remaining residues in /PII ), and two states (each 8 %)
with six inner residues in R . Well-defined conformational states are also found in the unfolded part of the free energy landscape, revealing that the unfolded state of decaalanine
is rather structured than random.
Figure 2.8:
Influence of the 18 inner backbone dihedral angles {n } =
{1 , 2 , 2 , . . . , 9 , 9 , 10 } on the first two principal component V1 and V2 of the cos/sin
dPCA of Ala10 . Shown are the quantities n (for V1 ) and n (for V2 ) defined in Eq.
(2.34), representing the percentage of the effect of the dihedral angles on Vk . The black
and gray bars correspond to the and angles, respectively. Also shown are the contributions (in %) of each principal component to the overall fluctuations of the system.
angles n , Fig. 2.8 shows the quantities n defined in Eq. (2.34) which describe the effect
of these angles on the first two principal components. The first principal component V1 is
clearly dominated by motion along the angles (gray bars), while fluctuations of the
angles (black bars) hardly contribute. Hence, going along V1 we will find conformations
which mainly differ in angles. Considering the second principal component V2 , we find
a dominant n for the angle 3 (and a smaller value for 9 ), revealing that V2 separates
mainly conformation that differ in 3 . Similarly, the n obtained for next few principal
components are dominated by the contribution of a single angle. For example, we find
Figure 2.9: Probability densities of the first six principal components obtained from the
sin/cos (full lines) and the complex (dashed lines) dPCA of Ala10 , respectively.
Cartesian PCA
In section 2.5 Cartesian PCA was found to be equivalent to dPCA for the trialanine
system. Going to longer peptide chains which adopt much more conformational states, it
has been demonstrated by Mu et al. [25] that a PCA on the Cartesian coordinates fails
to reveal the true structure of the free energy landscape in the case of pentaalanine. The
smooth appearance in the Cartesian PCA represents an artifact of the mixing of internal
and overall motion. In this section we discuss the several problems of Cartesian PCA for
very flexible peptides.
In order to study dynamic structural changes of a peptide by a Cartesian PCA one
has to remove rotational and translational motion from an MD trajectory. This is usually
done by least-squares superpositioning. The full trajectory is fitted to a single reference
structure. After the trivial removal of translational motion by subtracting the center of
mass from all configurations of the MD run, the overall rotation can be removed at each
time t by minimizing the function
(t) =
mn kR(t)rn (t) cn k2
with respect to the rotation matrix R(t) R33 , where rn (t) is the position of the nth
atom at time t with its mass being mn , and the cn s are the one chosen reference structure for all the MD trajectory. In Fig. 2.10A and B we see the free energy landscape
G(V1 , V2 ) for Ala5 where we fitted the trajectory to the starting configuration of the
MD simulation, cn = rn (0) for all n, which is a mostly unfolded structure. Depending
on the reference structure chosen we obtain slightly different landscapes, but anyways the
various conformations of the peptide cannot be resolved. In contrast to this, the dPCA
landscape shows many multiple peaks (Fig. 2.10C and D) which correspond to different
conformational states of the peptide. See [25] for a thorough discussion. Note that the
dPCA landscape is unique in the sense that its shape does not depend on a reference
structure as it is explicitly constructed from internal coordinates, the dihedral angles.
The failure of Cartesian PCA to provide the true free energy landscape seems to be
ubiquitous for small very flexible peptides, with the exception of the conformationally
trivial trialanine. We will see more examples of landscapes obtained by a Cartesian PCA
on larger systems in Chapter 5 of this thesis. But let us now get to the root of the problem.
While fitting of an MD trajectory is straightforward in the case of small fluctuations
around a mean structure, it is not possible to define an appropriate reference structure of
a molecule undergoing large amplitude motion. The fit will alter the coordinates and, for
example, artificial correlations between atoms may be introduced.
Another problem is the least-squares superposition itself. The least-squares treatment
implicitly requires that atoms are uncorrelated and that each atom has the same variance, which is not given of course. Theobald et al. [56, 57] propose a maximum likelihood
method to overcome these drawbacks. They show that their maximum likelihood superposition provides markedly more accurate structural correlations than those extracted from
least-squares superpositions. Their method is implemented in the THESEUS package [58].
Figure 2.10: Free energy landscapes of Ala5 in water as obtained from a 100 ns MD
simulation. The first column, (A) and (B), shows the results along the first four principal components obtained from a Cartesian PCA, the second column, (C) and (D), the
corresponding landscapes calculated from the sin/cos dPCA. Panels (E) and (F) display
the landscape along the principal components of a PCA directly on the dihedral angels
without prior sin/cos transformation.
However the problem of the absence of an appropriate reference structure remains. Nevertheless we tried out a maximum likelihood fit in order to see if we obtain a more detailed
free energy landscape than with a least-squares fit. Comparing Figs. 2.11 (A) and (B),
Figure 2.11: Comparison of different superposition methods for Cartesian PCA, and
dPCA free energy landscape for Ala7 as obtained from a 200 ns MD simulation. (A)
least-squares fit, (B) THESEUS maximum likelihood fit, and (C) dPCA (no fit necessary).
it seems that a more accurate fit does not provide a more detailed picture of the free
energy landscape when Cartesian coordinates are used. As already seen for Ala5 above,
also the dPCA free energy landscape G(V1 , V2 ) of Ala7 as shown in 2.11 (C), provides
a much more detailed picture. Again the distinct free energy minima correspond to various conformational states of the system. The two superposition methods seem to fail to
correctly describe the correlations between the atoms in the case of peptides undergoing
large amplitude motion, and hence result in artificial free energy landscapes.
It is interesting to take a look at the covariance matrices of the Cartesian atoms for Ala7
as visualized in Fig. 2.12 for the two different superposition methods. Even though they
seem qualitatively similar, covariances are stronger among the first five as well as among
the last five atoms for the maximum likelihood fit in panel (B). Also certain covariances
are more pronounced in the least squares fit (A), but also vice versa. Nevertheless one
can say that these differences are not significant for the construction of the free energy
landscapes G(V1 , V2 ) (Fig. 2.11A and B) which are constructed along the eigenvectors
of the respective covariance matrix. The two landscapes resemble each other and both
provide an artificial picture of the true free energy landscape of Ala7 .
Figure 2.12: Covariance matrices for Ala7 (200ns data) (A) least-squares fit, (B) THESEUS maximum likelihood fit.
One may pose the question whether a PCA performed directly on the dihedral angles
can result in a correct free energy landscape as already seen for the dPCA treatment. To
answer to this question we will discuss several questions at issue. One point is that treating
the dihedral angles with a data range larger than 180 like Cartesian variables, as detailed
in Sec. 2.3, the average angles and hence also covariances are not correctly calculated.
A possible consequence might be that the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix are not
optimally chosen to obtain equally good results as from the dPCA.
In order to minimize the error which is due to the fact that circularity of the angles
is not taken into account, we shift each angular variable in such a way that a minimal
number of data points are at the periodic boundaries. Algorithmically, for all angles
separately, one finds the angular value 0 with minimum density, and shifts all values
above 0 by 360 . By doing so the interval of the circular data becomes [0 360 , 0 ],
and not anymore the somewhat arbitrarily chosen [180 , 180 ]. This preprocessing of
the data is visualized in Fig. 2.13. Note that this shifting (by 360 !) does does not change
the circular mean of the data, nor does it change the cosine or sine values of . Hence the
dPCA on the shifted angles is exactly the same as before shifting, but for a PCA directly
on the angles we have now minimized the errors coming from a states which split up at
the periodic boundaries.
Figure 2.13: (A) Exemplary Ramachandran plot in the interval [180 , 180 ]
[180 , 180 ]. (B) Same Ramachandran plot periodically shifted in order to minimize
data points at the periodic boundaries. Here, angular values of minimum density are
0 = 135 and 0 = 125 .
Employing a PCA directly on the shifted dihedral angles, without a prior sin/cos
transformation as in the dPCA, in Fig. 2.10E and F, we find a qualitatively similar
picture of the free energy landscape, nevertheless with a seemingly lower resolution - it
seems as if the peaks are kind of smeared out and not as well separated as in the dPCA
representation. The same phenomenon can be seen for the landscapes of the heptaalanine
system Ala7 in Fig. 2.14A and B. Even though there is quite some resemblance between
the two landscapes, which we will discuss next, the dPCA landscape provides the more
detailed picture. Later in Sec. 3.3 and the following sections in Chapter 3, we will provide
a full analysis of the dPCA free energy landscape of Ala7 .
Recall that after centering the data in the direct angular PCA we calculated the
covariance matrix as we would do for Cartesian coordinates,
ij = h(i hi i)(j hj i)i,
where hi denotes the arithmetic average over the shifted angles. We have already argued
multiple times why this is not the correct average. One may wonder if we get qualita-
tively better landscapes using the circular average instead. From Table 2.2A we see that
the circular averages for -angles deviate 40-50 degrees from the arithmetic averages.
Figure 2.14: Free energy landscapes of Ala7 in water as obtained from an 800 ns MD
simulation. (A) shows the results along the first two principal components obtained from
a dPCA, the second panel, (B) the corresponding landscapes calculated from a direct
PCA without prior sin/cos transformation. Panel (C) displays the landscape along the
principal components of a dPCA using the correlation instead of the covariance matrix.
Nevertheless we found that replacing the average by the circular one in (2.42) does not
significantly change the free energy landscape (data not shown). Also the covariance
may be calculated in a circular fashion. We will compare the circular with the standard
correlation in the following section 2.11.
But the problem of a PCA directly on circular variables must rather be the use of
eigenvectors, which are Cartesian by nature, as reaction coordinates for the free energy
landscape for circular data. Next, in an example we detail this problem. We also reason
why the landscapes obtained from a dPCA and a direct angular PCA have such a high
degree of resemblance with each other.
Figure 2.16: Results from a Carbon chain simulation. (A) Angular distribution of the
two dihedral angles. Panel (B) shows the data after PCA transformation. Panels (C)-(H)
present the data along all possible combinations of eigenvectors of the sin/cos dPCA.
Panels C-H show the data after a sin/cos transformation and subsequent projections onto
all possible 2D-planes of dPCA eigenvectors. In this way one can get an idea of how
the data is distributed on the 4-dimensional sphere with radius 2 (see Sec. 2.3). We
now want to learn how the PCAs perform on the angles, which will help understanding
the advantages of dPCA over a PCA directly on the angles. Let us now examine these
plots in more detail. In B the periodic boundaries are no longer at the x- and y-axes as
in A, but they are at the diagonals, that is, e.g. states 1 and 7 and states 3 and 5 are
neighbors, respectively. The problem of such an illustration of the data is that in general
we do not know where the periodic boundaries are as the eigenvectors are a combination
of the original angular variables. Hence, the circular geometry is mixed with the Cartesian
nature of the eigenvectors, e.g. after the PCA transform it is not clear anymore that state
1 and 7 are geometric neighbors. In contrast to that, in the dPCA treatment in C, state 4
is twisted to simultaneously flip around states 3, 6, and 7. In such a way it is ensured that
e.g. state 1 can be represented as a direct neighbor of state 7, and that the geometric
proximity of states 3 and 5 can also be truthfully kept. Note that similar phenomena
can be observed from other perspectives on the data in panels D-H, but in addition due
to the fact that these representations are only projections, non-neighboring states can
overlap as e.g. states 1 and 3 in panel H. This cannot be regarded as a drawback of the
dPCA as this is a general problem when visualizing a high dimensional data set on a 2D
projected plane. Because of the one-to-one mapping to the 2N -dimensional sin/cos space
geometrically close states stay together even if they are originally separated by a periodic
boundary. In general, for N angles, this is not possible in an N -dimensional Cartesian
space only, this is a reason why the the dPCA needs up to 2N Cartesian variables.
As can be seen from Figs. 2.16C-H, the shape of the 7 states in the dPCA can be
represented as in the original distribution A, as seen e.g. for states 1, 3, 5, 7 in panel C,
states 2 and 6 in panel D, and state 4 in panel G. But they can also be kind of squeezed or
twisted as e.g. states 2, 4, 6 in C. That is because the states are wrapped on the surface
of a sphere, and as a sphere can locally be regarded as a plane, depending on from which
direction one looks at it, the states appear either similar to the original distribution or in
a way squeezed. Now it is important to recall that dPCA is looking for directions with
largest variance for the first modes. Thus, the V1 /V2 plane will most likely be such that a
maximum number of conformational states will be represented in their original unfolded
shape, and not squeezed, because squeezing them would decrease their variance. If the
data is localized such that the curvature of the sin/cos sphere can be neglected we obtain
very similar results as for a PCA directly on the angles. In other cases the mixing of
Cartesian eigenvectors and circular geometry of the angles can result in seemingly less
detailed landscapes than the ones obtained by dPCA, as seen from a comparison in Fig.
2.14. The fact that a low-dimensional dPCA landscape provides a truthfull representation
of the true free energy landscape with the correct number, energy, and location of the
metastable conformational states and barriers is thoroughly studied in the next Chapter.
Correlation analysis
In this section we want to analyze the correlations between the dihedral angles of Ala7 . We
would like to compare our result to the one obtained by J. E. Fitzgerald et al. in [59], where
they report a strong anticorrelated motion of the angle of the ith residue (i ) and the
angle of the residue i 1 (i1 ). Only a slight correlation was found between the motions
of the two backbone dihedral angles of the same residue. They used a 200 ns simulation
of Ala7 with implicit solvent, N2 nonbonded interactions, and the GS-AMBER94 force
field. We used our 800 ns GROMOS simulation (see Appendix 6.4). Similar to [59] we
calculate the correlation coefficients between angles i and j as follows:
cij =
ii jj
is the covariance between angles i and j as used in the PCA which is performed directly
on the dihedral angels. Note that by doing so angles are treated like Cartesian variables.
In order to minimize the error which is due to the fact that circularity of the angles is not
taken into account in this definition of correlation, unlike Fitzgerald et al., we shift the
angular variables in such a way that a minimal number of data points are at the periodic
boundaries as detailed in Sec. 2.10.
Despite this shifting of angles, the arithmetic mean of the angles i and also the correlations are not properly calculated if circularity of the angular variables is not explicitly
taken care of. In Table 2.2A we already see that the circular averages for -angles deviate 40-50 degrees from the arithmetic averages. In contrast to that, the averages for
the -angles deviate only less than 5 from each other. We now compare the standard
correlations to circular correlations which are calculated as above in Eq. (2.43), however,
(i hi i) and (j hj i) in Eq. (2.44) are replaced by sin(i hi i) and sin(j hj i),
where now hi denotes the circular mean of a variable as defined in Eq. (2.22). This is
Our results are presented in Table 2.2B. According to a circular correlation coefficient
of -0.01, 2 and 4 can be considered as uncorrelated, whereas we obtain an artificially
increased correlation of 0.12 with the standard correlation measure. For 2 and 2 this
is similar. Examining the circular correlations, we see that in contrast to Fitzgerald et
al. [59], in both cases we observe the strongest correlations between the pairs i and i ,
-0.19 0.04 -0.08 0.02 -0.08
0.05 -0.06 0.12
0.05 0.06
-0.26 0.04 -0.13
-0.07 -0.02 -0.11
0.04 -0.01 0.06
-0.08 -0.01 -0.18 0.05 -0.22
0.05 0.00
0.04 -0.02 0.02
-0.09 -0.01 -0.12 0.06 -0.17 0.14
0.03 0.01
0.02 -0.02 0.01 -0.04
-0.06 0.00 -0.10 0.04 -0.11 0.12
0.03 -0.09
-0.02 0.10
0.02 -0.12
-0.06 0.22
0.01 -0.12
-0.12 0.15
0.03 -0.06
-0.05 0.08
0.01 -0.11
-0.01 0.16
0.02 -0.11
-0.02 0.22
0.04 -0.07
Table 2.2: Comparison of the standard and the circular mean and correlation for the
dihedral angles of Ala7 . (A) Arithmetic average (given in [180 , 180 ]) calculated from
the centered/shifted dihedral data and the circular average. (B) Circular correlation are
listed below the diagonal of the table. The standard correlation above the diagonal is
calculated for the shifted data. Entries |cij | > 0.1 are denoted bold for
P clarity. (C)
Averaged absolute correlation coefficients from (B) for each angle, i.e., 9 j6=i |cij |.
whereas i1 and i tend to have a only small correlations (|cij | . 0.1) with each other.
It is also notable that relatively high correlation coefficients are found between 3 and
4 (cij = 0.18), and also for 4 and 5 (cij = 0.17), whereas Fitzgerald et al. found
no correlations between backbone dihedral angles that are separated by more than one
torsion angle. In 2.2C we listed the averaged absolute correlation coefficients. From there
one can see that the standard correlation measure tends to overestimate the correlations,
especially for -angles. If this value is close to zero, as is the case for 2 , it means that
the respective angle is almost uncorrelated to any of the other angles, and thus could be
omitted in a PCA analysis. For larger systems this quantity might help in reducing the
number of variables before a PCA.
rather than the covariance matrix. Recall that in the standard dPCA using the covariance
matrix of the cos/sin transformed angles q we obtain their principal components by
Vi (t) = v(i) q(t),
where u(i) are the eigenvectors of the correlation matrix, and qnorm is the standardized
version of q, with qnorm having the nth element qn /nn (see also [13]). Note that the
covariance matrix for qnorm is the correlation matrix of q, that is, (2.46) can be regarded
as a covariance PCA for the standardized data qnorm .
Applying the correlation PCA to the sin/cos transformed variables for Ala7 , Fig. 2.14C
shows the resulting free energy landscape G(V1 , V2 ). Interestingly, but without having a
deeper meaning, the landscape resembles the one obtained from the direct angular PCA
in Fig. 2.14B. In any case, the detailed structural appearance of the free energy landscape
is a particular property of the dPCA using the covariance matrix only. To conclude this
section we note that using the correlation may be advantageous for a PCA analysis in
some cases [13, 57], we think that for our purpose the dPCA using the covariance matrix
of the cos/sin transformed data shows the best results.
Finally we want to mention that recently there have been efforts to study the free energy
landscapes of peptides by a nonlinear principal component analysis (NLPCA) [35]. This
can be advantageous if the conformational states are nonlinearly distributed in the given
data set.
The basic idea of this method is that hierarchically arranged neural networks are
designed and these networks are trained to build a set of adequate nonlinear mapping
functions that map an input vector to its counterpart in the principal component space.
Without going into detail, in Fig. 2.17 we present a quick comparison of the free energy
landscapes for hexaalanine Ala6 as obtained by NLPCA and the dPCA, respectively. For
a detailed analysis of the landscapes see [35]. It is interesting that we observe a strong
correlation between the first first modes of the NLPCA and the dPCA as seen from Fig.
2.17(C). Beyond the scope of this thesis, it can be an interesting topic to further analyze
nonlinear PCA methods, and to demonstrate possible advantages of such methods for the
construction and interpretation of free energy landscapes of biomolecules.
Figure 2.17: Free energy landscapes for hexaalanine Ala6 as obtained by (A) NLPCA and
(B) dPCA. Panel (C) compares the first eigenmode V1 of NLPCA with V1 of the dPCA.
We have studied the theoretical foundations of the dPCA in order to clarify the validity
and the applicability of the approach. In particular, we have shown that dPCA amounts
to a one-to-one representation of the original angle distribution and that its principal
components can be characterized by the corresponding conformational changes of the
peptide. Furthermore, we have investigated a complex version of the dPCA which sheds
some light on the mysterious doubling of variables occurring in the sin/cos dPCA. One
learns that N angular variables actually can be represented by N complex variables,
which then naturally lead to N eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Despite its similarity to the
sin/cos dPCA, the complex dPCA might be advantageous because the representation of
the complex principal components by their weights and angles may facilitate their direct
interpretation in terms of simple physical variables. Furthermore we have thoroughly
studied the similarities and differences of Cartesian PCA, PCAs performed directly on
Recently, several nonlinear approaches have been proposed [3336] which may account
for nonlinear correlations not detected by a standard PCA. For example, it has been
discussed in Ref. [34] that completely correlated motion such as two atoms oscillating
in parallel direction but with a 90 phase shift is not monitored by a linear PCA, since
hsin(t) sin(t + /2)i = 0. This geometrical artifact caused by the relative orientation
represent the free energy landscape as well as all observables of the system in terms of welldefined collective coordinates [61]. This way the dPCA free energy surface can be used to
perform (equilibrium or nonequilibrium) Langevin simulations of the molecular dynamics
[62, 63] as well as a simulation using a nonlinear dynamic model [36]. As all quantities of
interest can be converged to the desired accuracy by including more principal components,
the approach avoids problems associated with the use of empirical order parameters (such
as the number of native contacts) or low-dimensional reaction coordinates (such as the
radius of gyration), which may lead to artifacts and an oversimplification of the free energy
landscape [64].
Chapter 3
Free Energy Landscape
In this chapter we present a systematic approach to construct a low-dimensional free energy landscape from a classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The approach is
based on the in Chapter 2 discussed dihedral angle principal component analysis (dPCA),
which avoids artifacts due to the mixing of internal and overall motion in Cartesian coordinates and circumvents problems associated with the circularity of angular variables.
Requiring that the energy landscape reproduces the correct number, energy, and location of the systems metastable states and barriers, the dimensionality of the free energy
landscape (i.e., the number of essential components) is obtained. This dimensionality
can be determined from the distribution and autocorrelation of the principal components.
Performing an 800 ns MD simulation of the folding of heptaalanine in explicit water and
using geometric and kinetic clustering techniques, it is shown that a five-dimensional
dPCA energy landscape is a suitable and accurate representation of the full-dimensional
landscape. In a second step, the dPCA energy landscape can be employed (e.g., in a
Langevin simulation) to facilitate a detailed investigation of biomolecular dynamics in
low dimensions. Finally, several ways to visualize the multidimensional energy landscape
are discussed.
As we have seen in Chapter 2, assuming a time scale separation of the slow motion along
the first few PCs and the fast motion along the remaining PCs, the first few PCs may
Figure 3.1: Schematic one- and two-dimensional representations of a model free energy
landscape. Although the reduced dimensionality representation reproduces the correct
number of minima and their energies, the connectivity of these states and their barriers
are obscured in a single dimension.
To illustrate the problem, Fig. 3.1 shows schematic one- and two-dimensional rep-
dr2 P (r1 , r2 ).
gets lost. Now states 2 and 4 are direct neighbors connected by a single barrier and states
1 and 2 are only connected via state 4. The energies G24 and G12 of these spurious
barriers and the corresponding transition rates k24 and k12 may be smaller or larger than
in full dimensionality as detailed next.
We adopt a simple example to show that the barrier heights in reduced dimensionality
may be smaller or larger than in full dimensionality. The idea is given in Fig. 3.2 which
shows two-dimensional population maps P (i, j) (i, j = 1, 2, 3) and their one-dimensional
projections P (i) = j P (i, j). The corresponding free energies are again calculated via
G ln P . In case (a), there are two states at (1,1) and (3,3) with populations 4/12
and 6/12, respectively, which are separated by a barrier at (2,2) with a population 2/12.
Projecting on one dimension, the energies of states and the barrier are retained. In panel
(b), the minimum-energy path has a barrier at (2, 2). Projecting on the horizontal axis,
the barrier between right and left states becomes higher. Finally, in panel (c) we have
constructed an example in which the barrier in one dimension becomes smaller compared
to the true barrier in full dimensionality.
Further circumstances under which a PCA-based free energy landscape may appear
simpler as it actually is have been thoroughly discussed in Chapter 2.
To visualize the multidimensional energy landscape and identify its metastable states, we
have employed k-means clustering [67]. The k-means algorithm aims at finding a partition
C = (C1 , . . . , Ck ) of a given data set into k subsets that minimizes the sum of squares of
distances between the objects and their corresponding cluster centroids
k X
i=1 xj Ci
kxj i k2 ,
where xj are the objects contained in cluster Ci with centroid i . The algorithm is
initialized with k random centers. For every object, all distances to the k centroids are
determined, and the object is assigned to the centroid with minimum distance. When
all objects have been assigned to a group, k new centroids are calculated as the average
over all objects in their corresponding groups. These steps are repeated until the objects
no longer switch clusters. As this method is sensitive to the initial conditions, one can
become trapped in a local minimum of Eq. (3.2). A simple solution to this problem is to
run the algorithm several times and to choose the best solution, i.e., with minimal value
of 2 . In the calculations shown below, typically 200 runs were performed.
As the number of clusters must be known beforehand in k-means, we need to establish
a criterion to determine this number. For example, we may request that a suitable
clustering should give a large fraction (say, larger that 90 %) of good clusters. To define
such a good cluster, it is useful to introduce the circular variance [41] which provides an
appropriate measure of the spread of angular variables. It is defined as
var() = 1 R/L,
R2 =
cos (l)
sin (l)
i.e., R is the resultant length of the vector sum of the vectors (cos (l), sin (l)), where
(l) are realizations of angle . Note that var() [0, 1]. A cluster is good, if the
average circular variance of all its N dihedral angles is below a certain limit
1 X
var(i ) < max
N i=1
where the maximal circular variance max
is chosen such that angular fluctuations within a
conformational state are significantly smaller than max
, while transitions between different
conformational states result in a circular variance much larger than max
. For example,
By dividing the conformational space of the molecule into k clusters, discrete states
are defined for which we calculate the k k transition matrix T( ) of the process. Its
elements Tij ( ) denote the probability of observing the system in state j at time t+ given
that it is in state i at time t [68, 69]. Hence its diagonal elements Tii ( ) are a measure for
the metastability of state i. To estimate T( ) from a MD simulation, we represent the
conformational state of the system at time t by vector c(t), where ci (t) = 1 if the system
is in state i and ci (t) = 0 if not. Then the transition probability Tij ( ) is given by [7]
Tij ( ) =
consideration can be described by a Markov chain [68], a master equation using transition
matrix T( ) provides the complete information of the time evolution of the system (see
Refs. [57, 20, 30, 32, 70, 71] for recent applications of this approach to biomolecular processes). We note that the estimates of Tij satisfy detailed balance, that is, time-reversed
information gave the same transition probabilities. Throughout this article we use = 1
ps and omit the -dependence of the transition matrix for notational convenience.
The eigenvalues k (0 k 1) of the transition matrix can be used to construct a
kinetic clustering of the process, that is, a clustering that defines its states through their
metastability rather than through geometric similarity [6, 69, 71]. In systems governed
by hierarchical dynamics [72], one expects a separation of time scales which allows us
to define metastable clusters which exhibit fast intracluster motion and slow intercluster
motion. Eigenvalues close to unity, the so-called Perron eigenvalues, correspond to such
metastable clusters, while small eigenvalues indicate the existence of kinetically unstable
clusters. Systems showing hierarchical dynamics typically exhibit a clear gap between
Perron and small eigenvalues.
A popular means to illustrate the energy landscape of biomolecules are disconnectivity graphs [10, 73]. To construct a free energy disconnectivity graph [74], one needs to
calculate the free energies Gi of the k clusters as well as the free energy barriers Gij
along the minimum-energy path connecting states i and j. Using Eq. (1.1), the Gi are
Following Ref. [74], we estimate the transition state prefactor as k0 = kB T /h, which
results in k0 1/(0.16 ps) at T = 300 K. Furthermore, we estimate the transition rates
from the transition matrix through kij = [T ( )]ij / . This gives for the barrier heights
Gij = kB T ln
Owing to the numerous approximations involved, this expression is not meant to provide
an accurate description of free energy barriers, but solely serves as a qualitative estimate
for the disconnectivity graph. The disconnectivity graph shown below was generated
using the program of M. Miller [75].
In what follows, we employ the above described methods to construct and analyze the free
energy landscape of heptaalanine (Ala7 ), which is obtained from an 800 ns MD simulation
in aqueous solution at 300 K. We restrict the analysis to the backbone dihedral angles
2 , 2 , . . . , 6 , 6 of the inner residues (Fig. 3.3), since the dihedral angles of both endgroups were found to be virtually uncorrelated to the rest of the system.
Generally speaking, the goal of any reduced-dimensionality representation is to appropriately describe a given problem by using a minimum number of dimensions. As explained
above, we consider ten (sin- and cos-transformed) dihedral angles 2 , 2 , . . . , 6 , 6 in the
dPCA of Ala7 , thus resulting in a 20-dimensional vector space. For the dPCA representation of the free energy landscape, this amounts to the question of how many PCs
are needed in order to (at least) reproduce the correct number, energy, and location of
the metastable states and barriers. To address this question, Fig. 3.4 presents twodimensional dPCA representations of the free energy landscape of Ala7 , including (A)
Figure 3.4: Two-dimensional representations of the free energy landscape of Ala7 as obtained by dPCA: (A) G(V1 , V2 ), (B) G(V3 , V4 ), and (C) G(V5 , V6 ). The color coding
in panels (D)-(F) illustrates some prominent conformational states which are described
in Table 3.1, visualized on the upper landscape.
G(V1 , V2 ), (B) G(V3 , V4 ), and (C) G(V5 , V6 ). While the free energy exhibits several
minima corresponding to distinct metastable conformational states along the first five
PCs, there is only a single minimum found along V6 , reflecting intrastate fluctuations.
As a further indication of the number of essential PCs, we may consider the percentage of overall fluctuations covered by the first n PCs (i.e., the sum of the first n
eigenvalues of the PCA). Interestingly, Fig. 3.5(A) reveals three kinds of PCs: The first
Figure 3.5: The principal components of Ala7 as obtained by the dPCA, characterized
by (A) their cumulative fluctuations and (B) their normalized fluctuation autocorrelation
functions. The latter is shown for the principal components V1 (full line), V2 (dashed
line), and V6 (dotted line). The size of the statistical error is similar to the line width of
the plots.
one covers 22 % of all fluctuations, each of the next four contribute about 10 %, while
the remaining PCs contribute less than 4 % each. A similar behavior is found for the
time scales of the fluctuations, revealed by the normalized fluctuation autocorrelation
function (hVn (t)Vn i hVn i2 )/(hVn2 i hVn i2 ) shown in Fig. 3.5(B). Judged by their initial
time evolution, the first five PCs decay on a time scale of 1 ns, whereas the decay time of
the higher PCs is clearly shorter.
From the above results we expect that a five-dimensional dPCA representation of
the free energy surface of Ala7 suffices to correctly describe its main features. This is
because higher PCs with unimodal probability distribution account for fluctuations rather
than for conformational transitions. Appendix 6.3 shows that this is strictly true for
Gaussian-distributed degrees of freedom. For other apparently unimodal distributions,
where insufficient statistics might obscure smaller substructures, the situation is less clearcut and introduces a certain ambiguity. Considering G(V5 , V6 ) in Fig. 3.4, for example,
we observe a weak correlation between the two principal components V5 and V6 , although
the probability distribution along V6 is unimodal. This residual correlation of essential
PCs (V1 V5 ) with (apparently) non-essential PCs (V6 V20 ) therefore may also somewhat
change the definition of metastable states as well as their barriers. To investigate this
effect, in the following we employ various clustering techniques to study the metastable
states obtained from a five- and the full-dimensional energy landscape of Ala7 .
To characterize the metastable states of the reduced free energy landscape of Ala7 shown
in Fig. 3.4, we employ the k-means algorithm [67] as a well-established simple and fast
geometric clustering method. As the number of clusters must be known beforehand in
k-means, we first need to decide how many clusters should be considered in the analysis.
From a visual inspection of Fig. 3.4A it is already clear that we should include at least
20 clusters to distinguish all states shown by the G(V1 , V2 ) surface. However, since the
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
number of clusters
Figure 3.6: Geometric and kinetic clustering of the free energy landscape of Ala7 . (A)
Percentage of geometrically good clusters as a function of the number of clusters considered in k-means. (B) Percentage of metastable states (i.e., kinetically good clusters)
as a function of the number of clusters.
the algorithm. The fluctuations of the curve reflect the fact that k-means is a stochastic
algorithm and that therefore the best out of 200 k-means runs is shown for each value of
k. (A smooth curve is obtained by averaging over the n best runs.) The percentage of
good clusters exhibits a steep increase for small k and saturates for k & 20. In accordance
with the visual inspection of Fig. 3.4, this suggest that twenty represents a lower limit for
the number of clusters.
It is interesting to compare the above findings to the results of a kinetic clustering
of the process, that is, a clustering that defines its states through their metastability
rather than through geometric similarity [6, 69, 71]. To this end, we have calculated
the number of Perron eigenvalues of the transition matrix, which reflects the number of
metastable states of the partitioning (see Sect. 3.2). Plotting the fraction of metastable
clusters PPerron (i.e., the number of Perron eigenvalues divided by k) as a function of k,
Figs. 3.6(B) and 3.7 reveal that for k 23 all clusters are metastable. For larger k, we
observe an approximately linear decrease of PPerron (k). From Fig. 3.7 we can see up to
31 metastable clusters if we use k = 100 for the clustering. Note that the linear decrease
indicates that number of metastable clusters hardly increases anymore with the number
of clusters used. That is, an additional cluster does not increase the number of kinetically
stable clusters anymore. In fact, metastable clusters are split up in two ore more unstable
index of eigenvalue
Figure 3.7: Eigenvalues of transition matrices calculated for the states obtained from
k-means clustering of the five-dimensional free energy landscape of Ala7 . The black spectrum was calculated for k = 23 clusters, whereas we used k = 30 and k = 50 for the red
and the green eigenvalue spectrum, respectively.
In what follows, we adopt k = 23 in order to obtain kinetically metastable states that
are at the same time geometrically well separated. To characterize these states, Table 3.1
comprises their population probability Pi , their metastability Tii , and a rough description
of the conformational state (, ) of the five inner amino acids. Here denotes the
right-handed helix conformation and accounts for both extended and poly-L-proline
II (PII ) helix-like conformations, since most biomolecular force fields discriminate these
states only weakly [47]. / means that the circular variance of the corresponding angle exceeded the threshold 2 = 0.2, i.e., the corresponding amino acid adopts both
and conformations. All clusters are found to have a high metastability, ranging from
88-97 %. The largest cluster, and hence the global free energy minimum, is the all-/PII
conformation with a population of 23.2%, followed by mostly extended conformations
with one amino acid in . The all- state has a population of 3.5%. The occurrence of
Table 3.1: Conformational states of Ala7 as obtained from a k-means clustering on the
five-dimensional dPCA space. The states are characterized by the structure of their five
inner amino acids ( for helical conformations and for extended or poly-L-proline II
conformations), their population probability Pi and their metastability Tii . The k-means
results for Pi and Tii in reduced space are compared to the results Pid and Tiid of a direct
clustering on the full-dimensional free energy landscape of Ala7 . Statistical errors are
0.2% for populations and 1% for metastabilities.
several clusters with mixed / states demonstrates the limits of the k-means algorithm
in obtaining a physically meaningful clustering. On one hand, one needs a larger cluster
number k to resolve the conformations combined in such a state. On the other hand,
by increasing k, the metastabilities of the resulting clusters decrease, indicating that also
conformations with well-defined structure split up.
We are now in a position to assess the quality of the five-dimensional (5D) landscape
with respect to the true full-dimensional free energy landscape of Ala7 . To this end,
for /PII . This results in a total number of 25 = 32 possible conformational states for
the whole peptide. (Note that, due to this exponential scaling, direct clustering is only
feasible for small systems, while the linearly scaling k-means algorithm can be employed
rium) simulations of the molecular dynamics using the Langevin approach [62, 63, 65] or
a nonlinear dynamic model [36].
Markovian modeling
In order to describe the conformational dynamics of the system, one might wonder whether
an explicit simulation in a five-dimensional coordinate space is even necessary or if it is
sufficient to resort to a much simpler master equation modeling using the above described
conformational states and their transition matrix T( ). The latter is correct if the dynamics is Markovian, that is, if the Chapman-Kolmogorov property
P(n ) = P(0)T(n ) = P(0)Tn ( )
holds, where P(t) = (P1 (t), . . . , P23 (t)) comprises the time-dependent population probabilities of the conformational states. To check this condition, we used the discrete state
space as obtained by the k-means clustering with 23 states as listed in Table 3.1.
time [ps]
Figure 3.8: Master equation results for the decay of (A) the most stable state 1 and (B)
the least stable state 23, assuming lag times n = 1, 10, 100, 500, and 1000 ps (from left
to right). The size of the statistical error is similar to the line width of the plots.
ples, Fig. 3.8 shows the master equation results for the decay of these two states assuming
that (A) P1 (0) = 1 and (B) P23 (0) = 1, respectively. In contrast to condition (3.8), this
decay depends significantly on the chosen lag time n = 1, 10, 100, 500, and 1000 ps.
Only for lag times longer than several hundreds of picoseconds the Chapman-Kolmogorov
property is found to hold at least approximately. We note that memory times of 100-3000
ps are also expected from the decay of the PC autocorrelation functions shown in Fig.
To study if lag times & 100 ps are suited to describe the conformational dynamics
of Ala7 , we estimate the life times of the conformational states directly from the MD
simulation. Assuming an exponential waiting time distribution, we estimate mean life
times of 20 ps for states 22 and 23, while the most stable states 1, 7, and 10 live
for about 70 ps. That is, for our choice of discrete state space a Markov model of the
conformational dynamics of Ala7 is hardly appropriate, since the minimal lag time to as-
sure Markovian dynamics considerably exceeds the life times of the conformational states.
Although relatively long correlation times seem ubiquitous in biomolecular simulations,
this finding is of course not general but depends on the specific choice of discrete state
space as well as on the molecular system under consideration. For example, Chodera et
al. found a suitable time scale separation for the alanine dipeptide and the -helical Fs
peptide, whereas the trpzip2 hairpin defied a Markovian treatment [6].
A part of the reason that most authors focus on one- and two-dimensional energy landscapes lies in the problem of visualizing G(q) in higher dimensions. Adopting the above
established five-dimensional free energy landscape of Ala7 , in the following we discuss
several options to do so. As shown in Fig. 3.4, a straightforward way is to consider
two-dimensional cuts of the full-dimensional energy landscape. By color coding various
conformational states of interest (panels D-G), it is seen that k-means clustering nicely
reveals the correlation of the free energy minima in the respective representations. As an
example, consider state 11 which is clearly separated from the other states in the (V1 , V2 )
representation, while it overlaps with states 4 and 10 in (V3 , V4 ), and partly overlaps with
other states in (V5 , V6 ). By including all necessary five dimension for the description of the
free energy landscape, we take all these correlations into account, e.g., when we evaluate
the distances between the clusters during a k-means run.
For illustrative purposes, nevertheless, one often wants to restrict the representation
of the full-dimensional energy landscape to two dimensions (2D). A simple way to do so
is to plot the energy landscape G(V1 , V2 ) along the first two components. Calculating
the geometric centers of all clusters and connecting all clusters that make transitions to
each other with transition probability Tij > 0.1%, Fig. 3.9(A) shows that the arrows
mostly connect neighboring states. That is, kinetically well separated clusters are also
geometrically distinct in the first two PCs of the dPCA.
As the distances of the cluster centers in (V1 , V2 ) subspace do not reflect the true
distances in full-dimensional space, one may ask for a representation that yields the best
possible approximation of these distances in 2D. Here we use best possible in the sense
that we aim at finding the plane, on which the distances obtained through the projection
of the cluster centers deviates minimally from the original distances. This is obtained by a
PCA on the cluster centers (sometimes referred to as principal coordinate analysis [18,76])
and subsequent projection on its first two eigenvectors. (We note that, in general, the
latter are different from the first two eigenvectors of the whole data set [13, 76].) Figure
3.9 reveals that the distances in the resulting 2D representation (panel B) may differ from
the distances in the (V1 , V2 ) subspace (panel A).
For clarity, furthermore, Fig. 3.9(B) only displays arrows between clusters i and j,
if their transition probability Tij > 1.5%. While most transitions again occur between
geometrically close clusters, there are also geometrically close clusters which only show
very infrequent transitions, e.g., clusters 2 and 14 or 11 and 14. From Table 3.1 we learn
that those states are actually quite distinct as they differ in the conformations of several
amino acids. Their geometrical similarity therefore represents an artifact of the projection
on only two dimensions in the principal coordinate plot. Nevertheless, the transitions are
correctly represented, as they were calculated from the clusters in five dimensions. In
particular, this visualization clearly separates the all- state 10 from the all-extended
conformations (states 1 and its neighbors).
As a popular alternative, one may construct a free energy disconnectivity graph [10,
73, 74] of the conformational states of Ala7 (see Sec. 3.2). As shown in Fig. 3.9(C),
the disconnectivity graph directly displays the connectivity and the barriers between all
states. Dividing up the energy landscape in six basins, this representation readily reveals
the hierarchy of the states. Moreover, we find many similarities with the 2D principal
coordinate representation in panel (B). For example, the large geometric and kinetic
separation of clusters 10 and 20 from all other states in the principal coordinate plot
shows up as the highest barrier separation in the disconnectivity graph. Furthermore,
the directed arrows point from states 2, 3, and 6 to state 1 but not vice versa. This
corresponds to the fact that these states share the same basin and that the free energy
Figure 3.9: Visualization of the free energy landscape of Ala7 . Shown are (A) a twodimensional cut G(V1 , V2 ) along the first two components including transitions with
transition probability Tij > 0.1% between cluster centers, (B) a two-dimensional principal coordinate representation where only transitions with probability Tij > 1.5% are
indicated (using a line width that is proportional to Tij ), and (C) a disconnectivity graph
of the system.
barrier to state 1 is almost one kcal/mol lower than from state 1 to the other states. As
another example, we find that state 14 has its own basin in the disconnectivity graph,
which is reflected by the absence of an edge with any other state in the principal coordinate
We have outlined a systematic approach to construct a low-dimensional free energy landscape from a classical MD simulation. For this purpose, we have employed the dPCA. The
dimensionality of the free energy landscape (i.e., the minimal number of PCs along which
the energy is considered) results from the condition that the energy landscape reproduces
the correct number, energy, and location of the systems metastable states and barriers.
Restricting the analysis to a one- and two-dimensional energy surface may completely obscure the true connectivity of the conformational states (Fig. 3.1) and result in spurious
barriers that can be smaller or larger than in full dimensionality (Fig. 3.2).
We have studied several criteria to determine the minimal number of PCs or number
of essential components. As a simple rule, it is clear that all PCs with multi-peaked
distributions need to be taken into account (Fig. 3.4). This is because the various peaks
correspond to distinct metastable conformational states, while unimodal distributions intrastate fluctuations. The number of essential components is also reflected by their overall
fluctuations and the distribution of time scales as shown by their autocorrelation functions (Fig. 3.5). Employing these criteria, it has been found that a five-dimensional dPCA
energy landscape is a suitable and accurate representation of the full-dimensional landscape of Ala7 . In particular, we have performed various clusterings on the 5D landscape
(Fig. 3.6) and obtained approximately the same metastable states and barriers as for a
clustering of the full-dimensional surface (Table 3.1).
The resulting free energy landscape may be employed for interpretative purposes to
schematically illustrate the main conformational states, barriers, and reaction pathways
of a biomolecular system. With this end in mind, we have studied several approaches to
visualize energy landscapes. Considering various two-dimensional cuts, we have shown
that a color coding of k-means clusters nicely reveals the correlation of the free energy
minima in the various representations (Fig. 3.4). To restrict the visualization of the energy
Chapter 4
Dynamics Simulations
In this chapter we will be concerned with the modeling of the dynamics of molecular
dynamics (MD) simulations using methods from nonlinear time series analysis. We start
with elaborating the necessary concepts of dynamical systems and time series analysis.
Conducting a proof of principle, demonstrating that it is possible to first decompose the
dynamics from an MD simulation in a relevant and an irrelevant part and then describe
simpler models in reduced dimensionality, we aim at answering the question: How complex is the dynamics of peptide folding? Therefore we make use of the well-established
concept of the complexity of a dynamic system in the theory of nonlinear dynamics. It
is often associated with the fact that the effective dimension of the system [77], that
is, the dimension of the subspace a trajectory ~x(t) Rn will occupy in the course of its
time evolution ~x (t) = f~(~x(t)), can be much smaller than n, the dimension the problem
is formulated in. This dimensionality reduction is caused by nonlinear couplings which
give rise to cooperative or synchronization effects and consequently reduce the effective
number of degrees of freedom. In the case of MD simulations hard constraints such as
covalent bonds and softer constraints such as intramolecular hydrogen bonds restrict the
motion of the atoms, thus reducing the dimensionality.
The decomposition into system and bath variables is a crucial step before modeling the dynamics because it should ensure a time scale separation of these variables.
The system variables should contain all slow large-amplitude motions of the molecule
and hence represent conformational transitions while the bath variables only account for
high-frequency oscillations which trigger the transitions. In this chapter we will apply
a deterministic model to describe the dynamics of peptide folding for various alanine
chains. The significance of the concept becomes apparent in the case of a dissipative
chaotic system, whose effective dimension typically is a noninteger number. Apart from
its conceptional value, the effective dimension of a dynamic system is of practical interest since it may be calculated from measured or simulated data, e.g., by estimating the
correlation dimension [78] or the Lyapunov exponents from which the Kaplan-Yorke dimension [79] might be obtained. While the dimension of the free energy landscape of the
alanine peptides increases with system size, a Lyapunov analysis shows that the effective
dimension of the dynamic system is rather small and even decreases with chain length.
The observed reduction of phase space is a nonlinear cooperative effect that is caused by
intramolecular hydrogen bonds that stabilize the secondary structure of the peptides.
In section 4.3 we will introduce another approach to describe the dynamics of peptide
folding by a mixed deterministic and stochastic model. The method is based on the local
estimation of the drift and diffusion Langevin vector fields.
In this section we want to provide the basic concepts of dynamical systems and time series
analysis which we need for the interpretation and modeling of MD simulations. For more
in-depth discussions of this broad subject see e.g. the books [8083].
A continuous-time dynamical system is given by a set of ordinary differential equations
~x (t) = f~(~x(t), t),
As the data from MD trajectories is output at certain time-steps only (e.g. every
1 ps), we obtain a time series which is discrete in time. Henceforward we will restrict
ourselves to discrete-time dynamical systems. For discrete-time dynamical system the
time evolution is determined by a map
~xn+1 = f~(~xn ).
for all ~x, where Df~ is the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives of f~. If in some region
| det Df~(~x)| =
6 1,
then the system is called dissipative, and a small phase space volume either shrinks or
expands. Consider the one-dimensional case where |f 0 (x)| < 1. Then, for a point y in a
small neighborhood of x it holds
which implies
< |y x|,
and hence the distance of x and y decreases after one iteration of the map f . It is typical
for a dissipative system that many trajectories (depending on the initial condition x0 ) are
attracted by one or several certain subsets of phase space, that is, the trajectories come
arbitrarily close and never leave a so called attractor for large enough times.
An attractor can simply be a stable fixed point of f~, for example, where the vicinity of
the fixed point contracts in all directions. But often attractors reveal a much more complicated geometrical structure. They might even be fractals, a set showing self-similarity
on arbitrary length scales, having noninteger dimension. An attractor is called chaotic if
f~ displays exponentially sensitive dependence on initial conditions, that is, the distance
between to nearby points on the attractor grows exponentially fast with time when the
Figure 4.1: Orbits of the 2x modulo 1 map for initial conditions x0 = 0.10 (full line) and
x0 = 0.11 (dashed line).
As an example for the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in one dimension we
consider the 2x modulo 1 map [83]
xn+1 = 2xn modulo 1.
Fig. 4.1 shows two trajectories of the map which initially deviate by 102 . After only
six iterations the difference between the orbits is almost 0.4 which is forty (!) times as
much. Hence also small error in the initial conditions grows at a large rate rendering the
exact long-term prediction impossible for computer simulations (since numbers are only
stored up to a certain accuracy). For a chaotic attractor, this rate of divergence of nearby
trajectories can be measured by the Lyapunov exponents. They are defined as
ln |i (Df N (~x0 ))|, i = 1, . . . , d,
hi = lim
The existence of (at least one) positive Lyapunov exponents implies exponentially sensitive
dependence on initial conditions and thus chaotic behavior of the dynamical system. They
correspond to expanding directions in phase space, whereas negative exponents correspond
to contracting directions.
Using (4.9) and (4.10), we derive the Lyapunov exponent of the 2x modulo 1 map as
ln |f 0 (xN 1 ) . . . f 0 (x0 )|
= lim
ln(2N )
= ln 2.
h =
As a rule, the Lyapunov exponent h is the average of the separation rate of an initial
|xN yN | exp(hn)|x0 y0 |.
Thus, in the above example with h = ln 2 we can expect an error 2N after N iterations,
if was the initial error.
To determine the complexity of an attractor, which is often a fractal if the attractor
is chaotic, various dimension measures can be defined. Besides the topological dimension,
the information dimension, and the box-counting dimension, we want to point out the
Kaplan-Yorke or Lyapunov dimension [79]. It is defined as follows:
dKY = k +
|hk+1 |
hi ,
where k is the number of Lyapunov exponents such that (if they are ordered decreasingly)
the sum of the first k exponents is still positive or zero, whereas the sum of the first k + 1
exponents is already negative. Loosely speaking, the definition of the leading term k in
dKY assures that the phase-space expanding (hi > 0) directions just counterbalance the
phase-space contracting (hi < 0) directions, thus warranting an overall invariant phasespace volume, and thus an invariant set which is the attractor.
In experiments one cannot always or one does not want to measure all the components
of the phase space vector ~x(t). Usually only one (or a few) component of a function of
~x(t) is available,
g(t) = G(~x(t)) R.
The aim of delay or phase space reconstruction is to convert these observations into state
vectors to obtain phase space information on the geometry of the attractor. To allow for
the reconstruction of the deterministic system from the projection given by (4.16), one
might use delay coordinates. Therefore, the m-dimensional embedding vector
~y (t) = (g(t), g(t t), g(t 2t), . . . , g(t (m 1)t))
is formed, where t is called the lag or delay time [84]. Provided that the embedding
dimension m is large enough the attractor formed by ~y (t) has a qualitatively similar
structure as the unknown attractor formed by the original trajectory ~x(t). This can be
motivated by noting that ~y (t) actually can be seen as a function of ~x(t),
~ x(t)),
~y (t) = H(~
as g(t nt) = G(~x(t nt)), and ~x(t nt) can be regarded as a function of ~x(t) by
integrating Eq. (4.1) backwards in time by an amount nt. Under very general conditions
H is well-defined and provides a one-to-one image between the two trajectories. For
example, Lyapunov exponents do not change under this coordinate transformation, and
hence it is feasible to calculate them from the embedded dynamics. If the dimension m
of the embedding is too small, the mapping of ~x(t) to ~y (t) can produce self-intersections
of ~y (t). This would violate the uniqueness of the orbit of a dynamical system. F. Takens
could show in [84] that if m is larger than twice the box counting dimension, this is
sufficient to avoid such effects. Note that this result is irrespective of the chosen lag time
t for the embedding, but strictly valid only for perfectly noise-free data. In practice,
when data is contaminated with noise, it is rather difficult to obtain good estimates of
the lag time. Choosing a too large lag time, successive elements of the embedding vector
will be almost independent (see Fig. 4.2A), and will give almost no further information
than the single dimension. On the other hand a too small lag time will result in a strong
correlation and similarity between successive elements as seen in Fig. 4.2B. Hence, unless
m is very large, the deterministic structures of the dynamical system may become hard
Figure 4.2: Exemplary delay embedding for the first dPCA mode of Ala7 . In (A) the
delay time is 1 ns and in (B) t = 1 ps.
to distinguish. Here, visual inspection can help finding a reasonable lag time for the
In this section, we now wish to apply the concept of dimensionality to the interpretation
of classical MD simulations [85]. While MD simulations describe biomolecular processes
such as folding and molecular recognition in atomic detail (i.e., 3N -6 coordinates for
an N -atomic system), it is clear that the many geometrical constraints of the molecule
(e.g., covalent and hydrogen bonds) result in a considerable reduction of the effective
number of degrees of freedom. As detailed in the previous chapters, in practice, the
structural dynamics of biomolecules is often described in terms of the molecules free
energy landscape, which is represented as a function of empirically introduced reaction
coordinates. As already thoroughly studied in the course of this thesis, alternatively, one
may employ a principal component analysis of the trajectory. While these coordinates
in some sense represent the essential dynamics of the system [16], in general it is not
clear how to determine the effective dimension of a biomolecular MD simulation, since
there always is some ambiguity in the choice of the reaction coordinates. As a first
attempt to assess the complexity of a biomolecular system, in this work we (i) perform
MD simulations of various peptide systems and extract time series that account for their
structural dynamics, (ii) construct a deterministic model of the dynamics using methods
from nonlinear time series analysis, and (iii) perform a Lyapunov analysis to calculate
Figure 4.3: MD snapshots of (left) an extended conformation of Ala3 showing the central backbone dihedral angles and , and (right) the R helix conformation of Ala10
indicating the stabilizing n(n+4) hydrogen bonds.
As molecular systems we have chosen the alanine peptides Alan with n = 3, 5, 7 and
10 in aqueous solution (see Fig. 4.3), for which 100 ns MD simulations at 300 K were performed using the GROMACS program suite [50], the GROMOS96 force field 43a1 [51],
and the SPC water model [52] (for details see appendix 6.4). Unlike to proteins, these
systems are too small to adopt a stable native structure, but exhibit reversible folding
and unfolding of their secondary structure. Since this large amplitude motion results
in a strong mixing of internal and global motion (while only the internal motion is of
interest), we choose internal coordinates to describe the peptide structure, i.e., their
(k , k ) backbone dihedral angles (k = 2, . . . , n1), see Fig. 4.3. To circumvent problems
associated with the fact that angles are circular variables we employ the dPCA procedure as detailed in Chap. 2, i.e. the angles are mapped onto a Cartesian-like space via
x4k = cos k , x4k1 = sin k , x4k2 = cos k , and x4k3 = sin k , resulting in 4(n 2)
performed, yielding the PCA eigenvectors ~ui and the corresponding PCs vi (t) = ~x(t) ~ui ,
which serve as a time series for the subsequent analysis.
As a first example, Fig. 4.4 shows the time series vi (t), the distributions P (vi ), and the
autocorrelation functions Ci (t) obtained for the first two PCs of the Ala3 system. Both
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
t [ns]
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
t [ns]
t [ns]
t [ns]
Figure 4.4: Time series vi (t), distributions P (vi ), and autocorrelation functions Ci (t)
obtained for the first two principal components of the Ala3 system. The solid black lines
represent the results of the MD simulation, the dashed red lines correspond to results
from the nonlinear model of the dynamics.
poly-L-proline II (PII ) conformation and the fully extended () conformation [46]. The
tion states. Hence dEL can be considered as the dimension of the free energy landscape
G({vi }) ln P ({vi }), because G shows nontrivial structure only along the first dEL
PCs. As listed in Table 4.1, dEL increases with system size, i.e., from 2 for Ala3 to 8 for
Ala10 .
It should be emphasized, however, that the energy landscape dimension dEL is conceptionally different from the effective dimension of the dynamics in phase space. In principle,
the latter can be obtained directly from a Lyapunov analysis of the MD trajectory [86].
In practice, though, the ubiquitous noise on the data prevents an accurate calculation of
the Lyapunov exponents, which account for the sensitivity of the trajectory with respect
to infinitesimal small deviations of its initial conditions. To overcome this problem, we
employ the methods of nonlinear time series analysis [80] and construct a deterministic
model of the dynamics which reproduces the main features of the MD data, but at a much
better signal to noise ratio.
With this end in mind, we assume that the dynamics of the system that produces the
the time series ~v (t) can be expressed by the Langevin equation
~v (t) = f~(~v (t)) + ~ (t).
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
t [ns]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
t [ns]
t [ns]
t [ns]
Figure 4.5: Same as in Fig. 4.4, but for the Ala10 system.
Here f~ describes the deterministic part of the dynamics, while ~ denotes a stochastic
driving term which represents the fluctuations of all degrees of freedom we want to ignore, including, e. g., high-frequency bond oscillations, the motion of the solvent, and
the realization of the external heat bath. In order to obtain a simple model for the
deterministic part f~ of the dynamics, the following steps are taken. First, we restrict
the analysis to the first dEL PCs, thus disregarding all components accounting for simple
Gaussian fluctuations. Since only the deterministic part is subject of the dimensionality
reduction (the noise term ~ (t) by definition explores all directions of phase space), we also
neglect the stochastic driving in Eq. (4.19). This is realized by applying a simple noise
reduction scheme, i.e., the Savitzky-Golay or least-squares filter [87] to the resulting trajectory ~v (t) RdEL . The filter is applied to each dimension separately. To understand the
Savitzky-Golay filter consider a single data point, e.g. v1 (tj ), which we want to replace
by some kind of local average (in time) of surrounding data points. Taking a window
of n data points earlier than tj and n data points later than it, we obtain a window of
length 2n + 1. The idea of the noise reduction filter is to approximate the data within
the window by a polynomial of typically quadratic or quartic order. This is realized by
least-squares fitting a polynomial to the 2n + 1 data points in the window, and then
replacing the point v1 (tj ) by the value of the polynomial at point tj . In Fig. 4.6 we see
time [ns]
Figure 4.6: Time series of the MD simulation along V1 of a dPCA for Ala7 (full line),
together with its noise reduced time series after application of the Savitzky-Golay filter
(dashed line).
10 ns of MD simulation of Ala7 along the first principal component of a dPCA together
with the filtered data, using a window of 100 ps length and polynomials of quartic order
for the Savitzky-Golay noise reduction scheme. The noisy data is clearly smoothed while
the conformational transitions are still correctly reproduced. The third and final step is
to construct a state space in which the trajectory ~v (t) shows a deterministic behavior.
Since ~v (t) represents a projection of the original phase space (that explicitly includes the
positions and momenta of all atoms of the system), in general we can not expect that the
dimension dEL of the trajectory is sufficient for this purpose. To account for a possibly
higher-dimensional phase space, we use an extension of the Takens embedding [84] and
embed the first (and most important) PC until this component is reconstructed sufficiently well. Adding the remaining dEL 1 components and using a time delay t, the
resulting embedding vector at time step tj reads
where m denotes the embedding dimension of the first PC, resulting in a dimension
dRS = dEL + m 1 for the reconstructed state space. For all systems considered, m = 9
and t from 0.2 ps (Ala3 ) to 4 ps (Ala10 ) were used.
Knowing the state space, we are now in a position to fit a deterministic nonlinear
model to the data. Following Farmer and Sidorowich [88], we employ a locally linear
model defined by the map
~vj+1 = Aj ~vj + ~bj ,
where Aj is a dRS dRS matrix. Locally linear means that, given the vector ~vj at time
tj , the subsequent vector ~vj+1 at time tj+1 is obtained in linear approximation from Eq.
(4.21). The model parameters Aj and ~bj are obtained by a least squares fit which only
uses the spatial neighbors of ~vj [80, 89]. As a consequence, the model parameters need
to be calculated for every time step of the model trajectory. To validate the model,
we again consider the distributions and autocorrelation functions of the first two PC
of Ala3 (Fig. 4.4) and Ala10 (Fig. 4.5) and compare the modeled data to the results
obtained from the MD simulations. Reproducing the time scales of the dynamics as well
as the conformational distribution in almost all details, the model accounts nicely for the
essential features of the MD data.
Let us now turn to the Lyapunov exponents i , (i = 1, . . . , dRS ) of the peptide dynamics, which are calculated through the Jacobian matrix Aj of the map (4.21). For
all systems considered, we found two positive exponents 1 and 2 , which quantify the
chaoticity of the dynamics in phase space. We first consider the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy
hKS , which is given by the sum of the positive Lyapunov exponents [80]. Its reciprocal
value KS = 1/hKS is an estimate for the time span the evolution of the trajectory can be
KS [ps]
Table 4.1: Comparison of dEL , the dimension of the energy landscape, and dKY , the
effective dimension of the dynamics, as obtained for various alanine peptides. Also shown
are nHB , the average number of R -type i (i + 4)-intramolecular hydrogen bonds, and
KS , the reciprocal value of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy.
forecasted. As shown in Table 4.1, this picosecond time scale increases with system size,
thus indicating that the structural dynamics of the larger peptides is less chaotic than the
dynamics exhibited by the smaller systems.
To estimate the effective dimension dKY from the Lyapunov exponents, we employ the
Kaplan-Yorke conjecture [79] as given by Eq. (4.15). Table 4.1 lists the resulting values
of the effective dimension dKY obtained for Ala3 through Ala10 . Ranging from 3 to
5, the dimensions appear to be quite small, considering that it accounts for the motion
of thousands of atoms. Most intriguing, though, is the fact that the effective dimension
decreases with system size, from 5 for Ala3 to 3.3 for Ala10 . This is in striking contrast to
the behavior of the energy landscape dimension dEL which as expected increases with
chain length.
To explain this finding, detailed analyses of the all-atom MD trajectories were performed, which revealed that the effect is caused by intramolecular interactions that stabilize the secondary structure of the peptide. Most importantly, this is achieved by intramolecular hydrogen bonds connecting the ith and (i + 4)th residues of the amino acid
chain, thus stabilizing the R helix structure (see Fig. 4.3). As shown in Table 4.1 as well
as in Fig. 4.7, the average number of these hydrogen bonds increases significantly, once
the number of possible R -type bonds reaches three for Ala7 . Remarkably, the formation of stabilizing hydrogen bonds seems to significantly reduce the effective dimension,
although these bonds are not stable but formed and broken on a nanosecond time scale.
It is interesting to note that this decrease of the effective dimension is not observed
for the energy landscape dimension dEL . Apparently, this is because the latter quantity
is defined in the linear framework of PC analysis theory, whereas the effective dimension
Figure 4.7: Number of hydrogen bonds connecting the ith and (i + j)th residues of the
alanine chains averaged over all snapshots of the respective trajectories.
dKY is obtained from a nonlinear description of the dynamics. In a similar vain, other
nonlinear methods for the analysis of biomolecular dynamics have been proposed that
are sensitive to nonlinear correlations and therefore may reduce the dimensionality of
the problem [33, 34]. The effect of nonlinear dimensionality reduction is supposedly even
more important for the folding of larger peptides and proteins, which exploit a variety of
stabilizing interactions and exhibit significant cooperativity [90].
In the deterministic approach described in the last section we have eliminated the influence
of the bath variables by using a noise reduction scheme. By doing so, we obtained a
deterministic model which allowed for calculating e.g. Lyapunov exponents and hence
the estimation of the effective dimension. The more general approach is to first rewrite
the general multidimensional Langevin equation (4.19) as
~v (t) = f~(~v (t)) + D(~v (t))~(t),
where we replaced the stochastic driving ~ (t) by the diffusion operator D(~v (t)) which
contains all spatial and temporal dependencies of the driving and a Gaussian-distributed
white noise process ~(t) which has variance . The goal of the Langevin approach is to
estimate drift and diffusion from the MD data. R. Hegger et al. showed [66] that under
very weak assumptions one can locally obtain the vector fields f~ and D of the discretized
version of (4.22)
~vn = ~vn+1 ~vn = f~(~vn ) + D(~vn )~n ,
by the local average and covariance matrix of the position difference ~vn . That is
f~(~vn ) = h~vn i
2 D(~vn )DT (~vn ) = h~vn ~vnT i h~vn ih~vnT i,
where the average hi is taken over spatial neighbors of the point ~vn . This method has been
implemented and tested by R. Hegger et al. and showed promising results for the modeling
of the dynamics on the free energy landscapes for Ala3 and Ala7 . The distributions
and the autocorrelation functions of all the principal components (serving as reaction
coordinates) as well as the lifetimes of metastable states have been correctly reproduced by
the Langevin model. The approach can be used for obtaining a continuous trajectory from
many short replica exchange MD simulations as it uses only pairs of adjacent trajectory
points for the estimation of the drift and diffusion. Also nonequilibrium simulations can be
easily conducted. One can e.g. restart several trajectories from the same nonequilibrium
point and study relaxation times. We will use it in the following chapter when we model
the dynamics of a variant of the villin headpiece subdomain.
After having presented the basic concepts of dynamical systems and nonlinear time series
analysis, we presented a deterministic model for the dynamics of short alanine chains.
This allowed for calculating the effective dimension of the systems. A Lyapunov analysis revealed that, while the dimensionality of the free energy landscape increases with
system size, the effective dimension of the dynamic system remains rather small and even
decreases with chain length. This effect was shown to be caused by intramolecular hydrogen bonds causing a nonlinear cooperative effect. We also presented a mixed deterministic
and stochastic computational approach to describe the conformational dynamics in reduced dimensionality. This method was based on the local estimation of the drift and
diffusion vector fields of a general Langevin equation for the dynamics. While the work
presented here is only a first step towards a nonlinear analysis of MD data, it may open
ways to address the larger problem of describing folding processes. For example, we wish
to study if the folding of various structural motifs such as R -helices and -sheets results
in distinguishable properties of the corresponding dynamical model. Another next step
is to go beyond the locally linear ansatz and construct analytical models of the dynamics. Such analytical models would contain a set of parameters which presumably depend
on, e.g., experimental conditions, amino-acid sequence, and folding motifs. The study of
this parameter dependence could then shed some light on the still elusive mechanism of
Chapter 5
Applications to larger systems - an
So far we have developed statistical and dynamical methods for the construction, interpretation, and modeling of the free energy landscape of relatively small peptides. Analyzing
these relatively well-understood systems put us in a position to extensively test our methods. For example, in Sec. 3.4 of Chap. 3 we assessed the quality of the free energy
landscape of Ala7 in reduced dimension with respect to the full-dimensional landscape.
Serving as a reference, a direct clustering of the full-dimensional dihedral angle space was
only feasible or reasonable because of the small system size.
Figure 5.1: Experimental crystal structure of the 35 residue variant of the villin headpiece
subdomain (HP-35 NleNle). The backbone is colored from red at the N terminus to blue
at the C terminus.
The many hundreds of trajectories of the villin project are organized in 2 projects, one
starting from 9 different unfolded conformations (PROJ3036) and one starting from the
experimental structure (PROJ3037). The trajectories starting from structure k, are found
in RUNk. Each RUN contains up to 100 continuous trajectories with maximum length of
2 s each.
We start our analysis using the first 5 trajectories (CLONE0-CLONE4) of the unfolded
conformation 0 (RUN0, see Fig. 5.2) of PROJ3036. Therefore we simply concatenate
the 5 trajectories resulting in approximately 9 s of simulation time. First we perform
a dPCA on the 66 backbone dihedral angles {2 , 2 , . . . , 34 , 34 }. The resulting free
Figure 5.2: Starting structures for RUNs 0,4,7,9 the 35 residue variant of the villin headpiece subdomain (HP-35 NleNle).
Figure 5.3: Free energy landscapes of the villin headpiece subdomain as obtained from the
first 5 trajectories of RUN0. (A) shows the results along the first two principal components
obtained from a dPCA. (B) and (C) display the landscape obtained by a Cartesian PCA
using the starting and the native conformation as reference structure for the least-squares
fit, respectively.
obtain clearly multipeaked distributions, i.e. structural information in the free energy
surface. Interestingly, a Cartesian PCA on the C atoms (Fig.5.3B and C) reveals several
minima on the landscape as well. This finding clearly differs from the case for short
alanine chains were the free energy landscapes obtained by Cartesian PCA appeared to
be smooth and unstructured. This was shown to be caused by a mixing of internal and
overall motion. Here, for the villin system also the reference structure seems not to make
a qualitative difference, as the landscape obtained by fitting the trajectory to the unfolded
state has a comparable amount of structure when fitting to the native state. Noting that
the trajectory of CLONE1 was the only one of this set that folded from unfolded structure
0 (V1 1.3, V2 0.6 in (A)) to a native-like conformation (V1 3.6, V2 3.6 in
(A)) we move on to analyzing the full data set of the many hundreds of trajectories all at
Figure 5.4: Free energy landscapes of the villin headpiece subdomain as obtained from (A)
all trajectories of PROJ3036 ( 400s), (B) 5 trajectories (CLONE0-CLONE4, 9s)
starting from the unfolded conformation 0, and (C) 10 trajectories (CLONE0-CLONE9,
15s) starting from conformation 4. All landscapes are visualized along the same first
two principal components as obtained from a dPCA on all the trajectories of PROJ3036.
We performed a dPCA on all the trajectories from PROJ3036 which consists of almost
400 s of simulation. The free energy landscape G(V1 , V2 ) in Fig. 5.4A exhibits one
clear minimum corresponding to native-like structures, while the rest of the landscape
seems to be quite structureless at a first glance. In the full data set the population of
native-like states at V1 6 is very high compared to a single unfolded conformation.
This is one reason why it is hard to distinguish structure in the unfolded part of the
landscape. Excluding the native state from the landscape the remaining part still looks
quite smeared out (data not shown). Does this suggest that the unfolded part of the
free energy landscape for the villin system is unstructured or even random? Projecting
only a small number of trajectories onto this landscape in 5.4B we see that actually
the landscape is quite structured. As already mentioned above only one of the 5 latter
trajectories samples the native state, hence the native state is not as much populated
as when taking the whole set of trajectories into consideration. Thus, the landscape is
not dominated by the native structure and free energy minima can be distinguished in
the unfolded region. Also the first 10 trajectories starting from structure 4 (CLONE0CLONE9 of RUN4) reveal even more peaks on the landscape as can be seen in 5.4C.
We can conclude two things. The first observation is somewhat trivial. The dominant
native structure renders it almost impossible to distinguish structure in the unfolded
region of the free energy landscape. The second result is that taking more and more
trajectories into account which were simulated starting from different structures, the
2D representation of the free energy landscape G(V1 , V2 ) kind of fills up with energy
minima which lie geometrically close in this representation, resulting in a landscape which
looks smeared out. Along other modes Vk the free energy landscape doesnt look more
structured either (data not shown). It can well be that even though in the full dimensional
sin/cos space (2*66 angles = 132 dimensions) the free energy minima can be clearly
distinguished from each other, on every 2D projection of the landscape the minima come
together giving this smeared out picture. This effect did not occur in the case of the
shorter alanine peptide chains. But there, there were not as many conformational states
as there seem to be for the villin system. Even if every amino acid is only treated as a
two-state system being either in the - or the /PII -region, we already have 233 1010
We now wish to model the dynamics for the villin system using the multidimensional
Langevin model as described in section 4.3 in Chap. 4. To obtain a model we restrict
ourselves to a subset of trajectories as it would be computationally too costly to estimate
the drift and diffusion vector fields from the whole data set. In order to sample well the
phase space we choose one trajectory for every starting structure, that is, CLONE0 of
all 10 RUNs of PROJ3036 and CLONE0 from PROJ3037, and concatenate them as seen
in Fig. 5.5. Note that, as the Langevin model does not require a continuous trajectory,
this is a feasible approach. When concatenating trajectories we mark the last point of
The evolution of the resulting Langevin dynamics using k = 5 neighbors for the local
estimations of the drift and diffusion fields can be seen in 5.6A. This model cannot be
appropriate as it frequently leaves the native state and makes transitions to the unfolded
Figure 5.6: Time evolution of the first principal component using a Langevin simulation
of the villin headpiece. (A) was generated using a 5D model, while for (B) the dynamics
was modeled in 14 dimensions. Native-like structures correspond to a value of V1 5.5.
part of the free energy landscape. A truthful model should tend to stay in the native
state once it is reached. Using the first 10 modes of the dPCA, which are all multipeaked
modes, we embed the first 5 modes in 2 dimensions, respectively, with a much larger lag
time of 500 ps. We then add the modes 6-10 to the embedding vector. From 5.6B we
see that the resulting Langevin model with k = 50 after folding to the native state stays
there for all the simulation time of 20 s. Thus, the necessary condition for a good model
is fulfilled.
Now we want to apply this model to estimate folding times from a reduced data
set. Therefore we used the first ten trajectories of RUNs 4, 7, and 9, respectively. For
these three different starting we calculated the dPCA free energy landscape, and ran
1000 Langevin simulations for each starting structures with the above derived model.
We stopped a Langevin run when it reached a native-like state which we determined by
the free energy minimum on the respective landscape which corresponds to the native
structure. In such a way we obtained the distribution of folding times as presented in Fig.
5.7. The mean of the folding times are 450 ns, 100 ns, and 1.1 s for structures 4, 7, and
9, respectively.
Let us compare our results to the time scales found by Ensign et al. [4] which were
calculated by analyzing all trajectories (instead of only 10) from the respective RUN.
They estimate folding times of structures 4 and 7 to be 746 ns and 417 ns, respectively.
For structure 9 the timescale was estimated to be of the order of 5 s. Note, that our
Figure 5.7: Distribution of relaxation times to native-like structures from unfolded structures 4 (450 ns), 7 (100 ns), and 9 (1.1 s). The mean of the distribution is given in
brackets. For every starting structure the distribution was calculated from 1000 Langevin
simulations which were stopped when reaching a native-like state.
In this chapter we have detailed the first application of the methods developed in this thesis
to such a large system with hundreds of microseconds of MD simulation available from
the Folding@home project. In contrast to the case of smaller peptides that we analyzed
so far, besides the free energy landscape as obtained by dPCA the landscape as obtained
by Cartesian PCA seems to be structured as well. In order to give more quantitative
results more detailed analyses in that respect are needed. As the 2D representations of
the free energy landscapes seem to fill up the more simulations one takes into account,
this could indicate the existence of a very large number of conformational states in the
case of the villin headpiece. One would need to cluster the landscape in a way such that a
manageable number of clusters is obtained, yet providing enough detailed information on
the processes one is interested to study. We here only made the distinction between the
unfolded structures 0-9, and native-like states in order to study folding times. Therefore
a Langevin simulations of the folding process showed very promising first results. This is
only a first step towards modeling the villin dynamics by means of nonlinear time series
In future works, one should verify whether one Langevin model is appropriate for the
description of the simulations from all different RUNs. Therefore one could derive a model
for each RUN separately that well-reproduces the folding times as estimated from the
MD trajectories, and then see whether the models are similar. More than 10 trajectories
should be taken into account, or at least it should be shown that the model one obtains by
resticting oneself to a subset of trajectories is appropriate. An additional careful k-means
analysis together with a transition a matrix analysis using ideas as presented in Chap.
3 will help to gain deeper insight in the structure of the free energy landscape and the
dynamics on it.
Chapter 6
In this section we derive the probability densities for the random variables cos and sin ,
given the density for the angular variable
() =
(1 cos 4), [180 , 180 ].
We first need to consider the density (6.1) in the interval [180 , 0 ] in order to ensure
invertibility of the cosine function, obtaining
() =
(1 cos 4), [180 , 0 ]
R 180
()d = 1
of a probability density. Note that for obtaining the correct probability density for x =
cos in the interval [1, 1] of the cosine, we need to add up the contribution of (6.1) in
[180 , 0 ] and [0 , 180 ], which is consistent with our approach to consider the doubled
density in only one of the intervals (see Fig. 2.2B).
Now, in [180 , 0 ], we have
= arccos x, x [1, 1].
()d =
( arccos x)
1 x2
1 x2
1 cos2 (2 arccos x) + sin2 (2 arccos x)
1 x2
2 sin2 (2 arccos x)
sin2 (arccos x)x2
1 cos2 (arccos x) x2
1 x2
8(1 x2 )x2
1 x2
8x2 1 x2
Alternatively, we could have derived Eq. (6.5) from the two-dimensional density (2.25)
(x, y) = 4 x2 y 2 (x2 + y 2 1) by integrating over y from 1 to 1. We originally had a
problem with this approach, which we make clear with the following example. When
integrating the uniform density () =
(x2 + y 2 1)dydx,
using the substitution z := x2 + y 2 1, we obtain 0.5 instead of 1. This is due to the use
of this Delta function to describe the unit circle. Thus, when using it, one has to rescale
the two-dimensional density by a factor of 2 to obtain the correct result.
The purpose of this section is to discuss the relations of the principal components (2.39)
and the eigenvalues (2.40) between the sin/cos and the complex dPCA, respectively. To
this end, we first establish a correspondence between the covariance matrices of the two
formulations. Using Eulers formula, we express the matrix elements of the covariance
matrix (2.36) as
Cmn = h(eim heim i)(ein heim i)i
= cov(cos m , cos n ) + cov(sin m , sin n )
i cov(cos m , sin n ) + i cov(sin m , cos n ),
where cov(a, b) = habi haihbi. Without loss of generality (since the generalization is
straightforward), we restrict ourselves in the following to the case of two angles (N = 2).
Using Eq. (6.7) and the definition (2.28) of together with (2.31), it is easy to see that
one can transform the sin/cos covariance matrix into the complex covariance matrix C
according to
T T = C,
1 i 0 0
T =
0 0 1 i
Let us next derive Eqs. (2.39) and (2.40) for the limiting case of two uncorrelated angle
variables. The resulting covariance matrix of the sin/cos dPCA exhibits a block-diagonal
structure with 2 2 blocks A and B. Assuming that (x1 , x2 )T is an eigenvector of A with
v(3) = (0, 0, x3 , x4 )T ,
v(4) = (0, 0, x4 , x3 )T
to verify that the eigenvectors w(n) of the complex dPCA can be defined as follows
Cw(1) := C (x1 ix2 , 0)T = (1 + 2 )w(1) =: 1 w(1) ,
which reveals the simple relation (2.40) between the eigenvalues k of the sin/cos dPCA
and the eigenvalues n of the complex dPCA. By comparing the principal components
Im W1 = V2 ,
Re W2 = V3 ,
Im W2 = V4 .
We note that the above definition of the principal components Wn is not equivalent to the
projection w(n) z given by a Hermitian inner product. However, the appealingly simple
relation (2.39) between the principal components of the two dPCA methods only holds
when the Wn are defined that way.
While a 2 2 block-diagonal structure of the sin/cos covariance matrix represents a
sufficient condition, it is certainly not a necessary requirement to yield relations (2.39) and
(2.40). In the case of trialanine, where the latter equations were satisfied to high accuracy
(see Fig. 2.5), the covariance matrix was indeed approximately block-diagonal. On the
other hand, our second example Ala10 also satisfied the equalities quite well (see Fig. 2.9),
although revealed only little block-diagonal structure. Finally, we found cases where
the correspondence holds for covariance matrices that are not block-diagonal at all. For
example, it can be shown that two completely correlated angle variables (say, 1 and
2 = 1 + const.) result in dPCA covariance matrices that satisfy Eqs. (2.39) and (2.40).
describe conformational transitions. The question arises if the barriers of the landscape are
reproduced correctly when the lower dimensional surface is considered. As an illustrative
example, we consider the two-dimensional model
E(x, y) = V (x) + (x)y 2 + c(x)y,
consisting of a general potential V (x) coupled via c(x)y to a harmonic potential 12 (x)y 2 ,
where V (x), c(x), and (x) are general functions of coordinate x. This corresponds to
the case that the probability distribution along coordinate y is a Gaussian. Since
= (x)y + c(x) = 0
ye = c(x)/(x),
connects all extrema of the two-dimensional surface. The reduced free energy landscape
(N = const.)
dy eE(x,y)
= V (x) kT ln N
dy e[ 2 (x)y +c(x)y]
G(x) = kT ln N
is apart from a constant equivalent to Ee (x) and therefore reproduces correctly all barriers
and other extremal points of the free energy landscape.
All MD simulations of the polyalanine chains were generated using the GROMACS program suite [92]. What all simulations have in common is that the respective peptide was
solvated in a box of simple point charge (SPC) water [52], keeping a minimum distance
between the solute and each face of the box. The equation of motion was inof 10 A
tegrated by using a leapfrog algorithm with a time step of 2 fs. Covalent bond lengths
were constrained by the procedure SHAKE [93] with a relative geometric tolerance of
0.0001. We employed a particle-mesh Ewald treatment for the long-range electrostatics
with a real-space cutoff of 1.2 nm, a grid of 0.12 nm, spline interpolation of order four,
and direct sum tolerance of 105 . The Lennard-Jones interactions were cut off at 1.2 nm
without using shift or switch functions. The nonbonded interaction pair-list was updated
every 5 fs. The solute and solvent were separately weakly coupled to external temperature
baths at 300 K. [94] The temperature coupling constant was 0.1 ps. The total system was
weakly coupled to an external pressure bath at 1 atm using a coupling constant of 0.5 ps.
Ala3 :
For the trialanine simulation as introduced in Sec. 2.5 we used the GRO-
MOS96 force field 43A1 [95] to perform a 100 ns MD simulation. The final system
contained 2914 atoms within a cubic box of dimension 25
A. The coordinates were
saved every 0.5 ps for analysis. For the analysis of the dihedral angles, throughout
the thesis we only used the two dihedral angles 2 , 2 .
/data /MD ANA/ALA3 Aleko /phipsi.dat. As we needed to observe the fast interstate
dynamics between the , , and PII configurations for the nonlinear modeling in Chap.
4, we also ran a simulation were we saved the data every 0.2 ps. This simulation is saved
in /data /MD ANA/ALA3 Aleko 0.2ps.
Ala5 : The details for the 100 ns pentalanine simulation used in Sec. 2.9 are given in
Mu et al. [25].
Ala7 : The GROMOS force field 45A3 [95] was used in the simulations of Ala7 in the
zwitterionic state. The final system contained 3775 atoms within a cubic box of dimension
. Starting with an extended configuration of heptaalanine, the system was minimized
37 A
using the conjugate gradient method, followed by followed by 50 ps of MD simulation at
300 K and constant pressure at 1 atm.
We ran two simulations for the heptaalanine system. The first one has length 600 ns,
and the second one is 200 ns long (191.2 ns to be exact). The data were saved every 0.1
ps, but the timestep used in this thesis is 1 ps. In Sec. 2.9 we used the 200 ns simulation for
the comparison between the landscapes as obtained by dPCA and the Cartesian PCAs,
respectively. As the THESEUS fit required a too high amount of memory, we used a
larger timestep of 20 ps, thus only around 10,000 data points for the analysis as presented
in Fig. 2.11. Henceforward, from Sec. 2.9 we used the concatenation between the two
trajectories (the 600 ns one is followed by the 200 ns trajectory), thus obtaining an
800 ns simulation. The reason for concatenating these was that the 600 ns very rarely
sampled the all- configuration, whereas the 200 ns one did well-sample that region. One
should be aware of the discontinuity or false transition after 600 ns when modeling the
data or, more importantly, when calculating autocorrelation functions. We calculated the
autocorrelation functions for the two parts of the 800 ns simulation separately, and then
averaged the function values. The dihedral angles {2 , 2 , . . . , 6 , 6 } for the concatenated
trajectory can be found in /data /MD ANA/ALA7 /ala7 phipsi 1ps.dat.
Ala10 :
For the decaalanine simulation as introduced in Sec. 2.8 we used the GRO-
MOS96 force field 43A1 [95] to perform a 300 ns (more exact, 309.5 ns) MD simulation.
The final system contained 9073 atoms within an octahedral box of dimension given by
the vector (46, 47, 40)
The coordinates were saved every 0.2 ps for analysis and can be found in
/data /MD ANA/ALA10 dihedral angle more.dat. We used a timestep of 0.4 ps for our
Villin headpiece subdomain: The details for the Folding@home simulations of the
villin headpiece subdomain HP-35 NleNle are given in Chap. 5, Ref. [4], and references
Source code in R
In this section we provide implementations of the most important PCA and clustering methods we presented in this thesis. The code is written in the R program package [96] using the circular statistics library [97]. This is exemplary code for heptaalanine
which can easily be adjusted for other peptides. The input file contains the 10 angles
{2 , 2 , . . . , 6 , 6 }.
Method 1: Source code for performing dPCA.
#cos/sin transformation of angles
for (i in seq(1,2*nangles,2)) {
s<-svd(cov(y)) #diagonalize covariance matrix
V<-y %*% s$u
#projection on eigenvectors
Method 2: Source code for performing a PCA directly on the dihedral angles which are
shifted in order to minimize the points at the periodic boundaries as described in section
#projection on eigenvectors
Method 3: This is an implementation of the clustering method using the circular variance
to determine the number of clusters as proposed in section 3.4. The output is a table
similar to Table 3.1.
#perform clustering
while(ok==FALSE) {
for (k in 1:ncluster)
for (l in 1:nangles)
for (i in 1:ncluster)
if (mean(vmatrix[i,])<cutoff) goodcl=goodcl+1
if (goodcl/ncluster>clfrac || ncluster>=maxcluster)
else ncluster<-ncluster+cstep
round(trackcl,2) #show number of clusters and fraction of good clusters
#calculate transition matrix
tcount <- array(0,c(ncluster,ncluster))
tmatrix <- array(0,c(ncluster,ncluster))
for (n in 1:(length(cl$cluster)-tstep)) {
tcount[i,j] <- tcount[i,j]+1
for (n in 1:ncluster)
#calculate circular averages
for (k in 1:ncluster)
for (l in 1:nangles)
#Calculate table with sequence, population and metastability of clusters
#"1": alpha, "2": beta/PII, "3": circular variance of psi angle too large
for (i in 1:ncluster) {
for (j in 1:5) {
if (vmatrix[i,2*j]<cutoff) {
if (amatrix[i,2*j]<25) seqmatrix[i,j]=1
else seqmatrix[i,j]=2
else seqmatrix[i,j]=NA
#show table ordered by population of clusters
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At first I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Gerhard Stock for his constant support and excellent supervision. The many fruitful scientific discussions with him
became an integral part of my PhD.
I would like to thank Dr. Rainer Hegger for his mentoring and close collaboration.
His expert knowledge in the field of nonlinear time series analysis and programming as
well as his job as our groups system administrator have been invaluable.
I am very grateful to Dr. Phuong Nguyen for a lot of assistance especially in the
beginning of my PhD and for the production of several molecular dynamics trajectories
that I analyzed.
Many thanks to Dr. Roman Gorbunov for being an always helpful colleague with
many creative ideas to discuss.
My thanks also go to Miriam Kreth from the mathematical institute of numerical
analysis in Frankfurt for several discussions, her opinions, and encouragement.
I also thank all (former) group members of AK Stock, AK Dreuw, and AK Wachtveitl,
especially Sang-Min Park, Dr. Elisabeth Widjajakusuma, Dr. Hiroshi Fujisaki, Dr. Jessica Biedinger, Moritz Otten, Dr. Stefan Knippenberg, Heike Staudt, Thomas Kohler,
Miriam Kohagen, Dr. Radhan Ramadass, Laura Riccardi, Abhinav Jain, Maja Kobus,
and Dr. Alessandra Villa for creating a very nice working atmosphere.
My deep gratitude goes to my family for their love and caring support making it
possible to get this kind of education. I thank my lovely girl-friend Elena Schmidt and
my friends outside the institute for the work-life balance they provided me.
I thank all the people that I forgot to mention which were involved in the successful
completion of this thesis.
Finally I would like to thank trialanine Ala3 for being a simple, yet nontrivial system
from which I learned a lot about the methods that we developed, applied, and tested.
This work has been supported by the Frankfurt Center for Scientific Computing, the
Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung von Methoden
zur Modellierung von freien Energieflachen von Biomolek
ulen zu leisten. Ausgehend von
Molekulardynamik-Simulationen geht es insbesondere darum, niedrig-dimensionale Modelle f
ur die Beschreibung von Konformationen und der Kinetik von Peptiden und kleinen
Proteinen zu erhalten.
Molekulardynamik-Simulationen haben sich als gangige und leistungsstarke Methode
zur Modellierung der Struktur, Dynamik und Funktion von Biomolek
ulen auf atomistischer Ebene etabliert. In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Rechenleistung von Computern so weit entwickelt, dass Simulationen von kleinen Peptiden auf einer Zeitskala von
Mikrosekunden heutzutage kein Problem mehr darstellen. Mit Hilfe von Projekten wie
Folding@home, welche die benotigte Rechenleistung weltweit auf moglichst viele Rechner verteilen, ist es mittlerweile sogar moglich, die Faltung von kleinen Proteinen im
Mikrosekunden und Sub-Mikrosekundenbereich zu simulieren.
Molekulardynamik-Simulationen erzeugen allerdings riesige Datenmengen (3M Koordinaten bei M Atomen f
ur jeden Zeitschritt), die analysiert werden m
ussen. Es ist daher
von groer Bedeutung, Methoden zur Verf
ugung zu haben, um diese Daten zu handhaben
und die entscheidenden Informationen herauszufiltern. Beispielsweise ist man daran interessiert, die freie Energieflache eines Molek
uls als Funktion von einigen wenigen, aber
wichtigen, Koordinaten auszudr
ucken. Diese Reaktionskoordinaten sollen die wesentliche
Physik hinter den betrachteten biomolekularen Prozessen beschreiben konnen. Beliebte
Wahlen hierf
ur sind die Zahl nativer Kontakte, der Gyrationsradius und die mittlere
quadratische Abweichung des Molek
uls von seiner nativen Struktur. In letzter Zeit hat die
resultierende freie Energieflache das Verstandnis von Proteinfaltung sehr vorangetrieben.
unglich ist diese Flache jedoch ein sehr hoch-dimensionales und kompliziertes Ob119
jekt mit einer Vielzahl von freien Energie-Minima. Daher ist es unerlasslich, gute Reaktionskoordinaten zu finden, um brauchbare niedrig-dimensionale Modelle f
ur die freie
Energieflache und der sich auf ihr abspielenden konformationellen Dynamik zu erhalten.
Um ein System in einen wichtigen (niedrig-dimensionalen) und einen belanglosen Teil zu
zerlegen, hat sich als Methode die Hauptkomponentenanalyse (principal component analysis, PCA) als auerst hilfreich bewahrt. Ein Vorteil der Verwendung von PCA-Moden als
Reaktionskoordinaten gegen
uber der oben genannten Moglichkeiten ist, dass es prinzipiell moglich ist, durch einfache Hinzunahme von mehr Moden alle interessierenden Groen
mit der erw
unschten Genauigkeit anzunahern.
Als sehr beliebte Methode, um die Dimensionalitat eines komplexen Systems zu reduzieren, wird die PCA haufig auf kartesische Koordinaten angewendet. Es wurde gezeigt,
dass ein Groteil der Fluktuationen des Systems durch einige wenige Hauptkomponenten beschrieben werden kann. Diese Hauptkomponenten konnen direkt mit Konformationsanderungen des betrachteten Molek
uls in Zusammenhang gebracht werden und somit
als Reaktionskoordinaten f
ur die freie Energieflache dienen. Das Problem bei der Verwendung von kartesischen Koordinaten ist, dass es eine groe Herausforderung sein kann,
die interessante interne Bewegung, welche Konformationsanderungen entspricht, von der
globalen Gesamtbewegung zu trennen.
Schwierigkeit eine PCA auf kartesischen Koordinaten nicht die korrekte freie Energieflache
ur das Peptid Pentaalanin liefert. Um Probleme dieser Art zu vermeiden, wurden in der
Literatur einige Hauptkomponentenanalysen vorgeschlagen, die mit internen Koordinaten
arbeiten. F
ur Molek
ule ist die Verwendung von Torsionswinkeln naheliegend, da andere
interne Koordinaten wie Bindungslangen oder Bindungswinkel sich normalerweise bei Faltungsprozessen nicht so stark verandern. Aufgrund der Periodizitat von Winkeln ist es
jedoch nicht trivial, eine PCA auf solche Koordinaten anzuwenden. Beispielsweise konnen
Mittelwerte von Winkeln nicht ohne Weiteres wie bei kartesischen Koordinaten als arithmetisches Mittel gebildet werden, was sich ebenfalls auf die Berechnung von Korrelationen
In dieser Arbeit verwenden wir als Beispiele, um unsere Methoden zu entwickeln und
zu testen, hauptsachlich Molekulardynamik-Simulationen von kurzen Poly-Alanin-Ketten.
Aufgrund ihrer Groe ist es uns moglich gewesen, hinreichend lange Simulationen als Aus-
gangspunkt zu erhalten. Diese Systeme sind aufgrund der Anzahl ihrer Konformationen
berschaubar, jedoch nicht trivial, denn sie besitzen wegen ihrer Beweglichkeit eine sehr
schnelle Konformationsdynamik. Diese Bausteine von groeren Systemen genau zu verstehen ist von erheblicher Bedeutung, um Erkenntnisse u
ber den Prozess der Proteinfaltung
zu gewinnen. Aber auch groere Systeme wie das 36 Aminosauren lange Kopfst
uck des
Villin-Proteins werden betrachtet. Hunderte von Molekulardynamik-Trajektorien wurden
hierzu durch das Projekt Folding@home bereitgestellt.
Nach einer einf
uhrenden Einleitung erarbeiten wir uns im zweiten Kapitel dieser Arbeit ein tiefes Verstandnis verschiedener PCA-Methoden, um von MolekulardynamikSimulationen erzeugte Konformationen in niedrig-dimensionale Raume zu projizieren. Der
Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf der genauen theoretischen Beschreibung der Dihedral Angle Principal Component Analysis (dPCA). Die dPCA verwendet als interne Koordinaten
den Sinus und den Kosinus der phi/psi-Winkel des Peptid- bzw. Protein-R
uckgrats. Die
Auswirkungen dieser nichtlinearen Transformation, welche mit einer Verdopplung von
N phi/psi-Winkelkoordinaten auf 2N kartesische Koordinaten einhergeht, wird sorgfaltig
behandelt. Hierf
ur benutzen wir Konzepte aus der zirkularen Statistik. Wir zeigen,
dass diese Transformation die Winkelverteilungen originalgetreu abbildet ohne beispielsweise k
unstliche freie Energieminima zu erzeugen.
dPCA-Moden, ahnlich wie im kartesischen Fall, in direkten Zusammenhang mit Konformationsanderungen gebracht werden konnen. Eine alternative Version der dPCA im
komplexen Zahlenraum liefert weitere Erkenntnisse u
ber die Zusammenhange der 2N Variablen der sin/cos-dPCA. Wie wir ausf
uhren, kann man damit N Winkelkoordinaten durch
N komplexe Variablen beschreiben, was von Vorteil f
ur die physikalische Interpretation
der PCA-Moden sein kann. Dies wird am Beispiel einer 300 ns langen MolekulardynamikSimulation von Decaalanin erlautert. Es folgt ein Vergleich der dPCA mit kartesischen
PCA-Varianten und es wird gezeigt, dass eine kartesische PCA, auer f
ur das konformationell triviale Trialanin, f
ur alle betrachteten Poly-Alanin-Ketten die falsche freie Energieflache liefert.
Es mag die Frage aufkommen, ob in der Praxis eine Verdopplung der Variablen, wie
sie durch die Sinus/Kosinus-Transformation in der dPCA zustande kommt, u
notwendig ist oder ob man direkt auf den Winkeln arbeiten kann ohne die Periodizitat
explizit zu behandeln. Wir zeigen daher im Vergleich zu solch einer direkten Methode,
dass f
ur die von uns studierten Falle die dPCA die detailliertesten freien Energieflachen
liefert. Kapitel 2 schliet mit einer Korrelationsanalyse der Torsionwinkel von Heptaalanin, welche in Zusammenhang mit Ergebnissen aus der Literatur gebracht wird,
und einigen Bemerkungen zu nichtlinearen PCA-Methoden ab.
Aufbauend auf den vorangegangenen Resultaten erarbeiten wir in Kapitel 3 eine systematische Vorgehensweise, um freie Energieflachen mit Hilfe der dPCA zu erhalten
und zu charakterisieren. Einleitend zeigen wir, welche Probleme mit zu stark vereinfachten, d.h. zu niedrig-dimensionalen, Darstellungen der freien Energieflache einher
gehen konnen. Es wird versucht, die notwendige Anzahl der dPCA-Moden zu bestimmen, um einen gegebenen biomolekularen Prozess mit Hilfe der resultierenden freien
Energieflache korrekt beschreiben zu konnen. Dazu fordern wir, dass zumindest die
Anzahl, die Lage und die Energie der metastabilen Zustande sowie die Energiebarrieren richtig wiedergegeben werden. Diese notwendige Dimensionalitat kann durch die
Verteilungs- und Autokorrelationsfunktionen der dPCA-Moden bestimmt werden. Anhand der Molekulardynamik einer 800 ns langen Trajektorie von Heptaalanin zeigen wir,
dass eine 5-dimensionale dPCA-Energieflache eine angemessen exakte Beschreibung der
genauen hoch-dimensionalen freien Energieflache darstellt. Zur Charakterisierung dieser
Flachen verwenden wir geometrische und kinetische Clustering-Verfahren. Wir stellen
dabei fest, dass, zumindest mit unserer Charakterisierung der Zustande, eine Markovsche
Modellierung der Dynamik nicht in Frage kommt. Dies f
uhrt uns, nach Untersuchung verschiedener Visualisierungen der freien Energieflache, zu Kapitel 4.
Das letztendliche Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, niedrig-dimensionale Modelle f
ur die Dynamik auf der freien Energieflache auszuarbeiten. Wir verwenden hierzu moderne Konzepte
der nichtlinearen Dynamik und Methoden der nichtlinearen Zeitreihenanalyse. F
ur die
Poly-Alanin-Ketten modellieren wir die Dynamik zunachst mit einem deterministischen,
lokal linearen Modell. Diese Auffassung der Faltungsprozesse als dynamisches System
im mathematischen Sinne ermoglicht eine Betrachtung der Komplexitat ihrer Dynamik.
Besipielsweise errechnen wir die effektive Dimension (Kaplan-Yorke Dimension), die wir
mit der Dimension der freien Energieflachen vergleichen. Interessanterweise nimmt die
effektive Dimension bei ansteigender Systemgroe (Lange der Polypeptid-Kette) tenden-
ziell ab, wenngleich die Dimension der freien Energieflachen zunimmt. Dies deutet auf
eine niedrigere Komplexitat der Trajektorien f
ur groere Systeme hin, welche durch die
ansteigende Anzahl von Wasserstoffbr
ucken erklart wird. Zum Schluss des Kapitels f
wir ein Modell f
ur die Dynamik ein, welches sowohl eine deterministische als auch eine
stochastische Komponente hat. Es basiert auf der Schatzung der Drift- und Diffusionsvektorfelder einer allgemeinen multidimensionalen Langevin-Gleichung.
Im abschlieenden 5. Kapitel wenden wir einige der bisher entwickelten Methoden auf
Trajektorien des Kopfst
ucks des Villin-Proteins an. Wir betrachten insbesondere freie Energieflachen f
ur dieses System und weisen auf Unterschiede zu den Poly-Alanin-Ketten hin,
die unter anderem aus der Groe dieses Systems resultieren. Mit dem Langevin-Ansatz
unternehmen wir erste erfolgversprechende Versuche, die Dynamik niedrig-dimensional zu
modellieren, und schatzen Faltungszeiten ab. Mit einem kurzen Ausblick beschlieen wir
dieses Kapitel und damit auch diese Arbeit.
Alexandros Altis
onliche Angaben:
Geburtsdatum und -ort 18.08.1981 in Frankfurt am Main
08.1987 - 07.1991: Diesterweg Grundschule in Frankfurt am Main
08.1991 - 07.2000: Wohler-Gymnasium in Frankfurt am Main
WS 00/01 - WS 04/05: Studium der Mathematik mit Nebenfach Informatik
01.2005: Erhalt Diplomzeugnis, Betreuer: Prof. Johann Baumeister, Bewertung:
sehr gut
02.2005 - laufend: Naturwissenschaftliche Promotion am Institut f
ur Theoretische
und Physikalische Chemie der Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main, Betreuer:
Prof. Gerhard Stock
Hegger, R., Altis A., Nguyen, P.H., Stock, G. How complex is the dynamics of
peptide folding? Phys. Rev. Lett. 98:028102, 2007.
Altis A., Nguyen, P.H., Hegger, R., Stock, G. Dihedral angle principal component
analysis of molecular dynamics simulations. J. Chem. Phys. 126:244111, 2007.
Altis A., Otten, M., Nguyen, P.H., Hegger, R., Stock, G. Construction of the free
energy landscape of biomolecules via dihedral angle principal component analysis.
J. Chem. Phys. 128:245102, 2008.
September 2005, Symposium f
ur Theoretische Chemie, Innsbruck
Marz 2006, Tagung Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V., Frankfurt
April 2006, Workshop Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules, H
September 2006, Workshop Methods of Molecular Simulation, IWR Heidelberg
April 2008, Workshop Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules, H
Marz 2006, Institutsseminar Theoretische und Physikalische Chemie Frankfurt, Hirschegg
September 2006, Workshop Methods of Molecular Simulation, IWR Heidelberg
Marz 2007, Institutsseminar Theoretische und Physikalische Chemie Frankfurt, Hirschegg
April 2007, Workshop Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules, H
Mai 2008, Institutsseminar Theoretische und Physikalische Chemie Frankfurt, Universitat Frankfurt
Mai 2008, Mini-Symposium Molecular Dynamics Simulation, FIAS Frankfurt
2005-2008 mehrere Vortrage im Gruppenseminar AK Stock, Frankfurt