Introduction To Controls
Introduction To Controls
Introduction To Controls
Module 5.1
An Introduction to Controls
An Introduction to Controls
The subject of automatic controls is enormous, covering the control of variables such as
temperature, pressure, flow, level, and speed.
The objective of this Block is to provide an introduction to automatic controls. This too can be
divided into two parts:
The control of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning systems (commonly known as HVAC);
Process control.
Both are immense subjects, the latter ranging from the control of a simple domestic cooker to a
complete production system or process, as may be found in a large petrochemical complex.
The Controls Engineer needs to have various skills at his command - knowledge of mechanical
engineering, electrical engineering, electronics and pneumatic systems, a working understanding
of HVAC design and process applications and, increasingly today, an understanding of computers
and digital communications.
The intention of this Block is to provide a basic insight into the practical and theoretical facets of
automatic control, to which other skills can be added in the future, not to transform an individual
into a Controls Engineer
This Block is confined to the control of processes that utilise the following fluids: steam, water,
compressed air and hot oils.
Control is generally achieved by varying fluid flow using actuated valves. For the fluids mentioned
above, the usual requirement is to measure and respond to changes in temperature, pressure,
level, humidity and flowrate. Almost always, the response to changes in these physical properties
must be within a given time. The combined manipulation of the valve and its actuator with time,
and the close control of the measured variable, will be explained later in this Block.
The control of fluids is not confined to valves. Some process streams are manipulated by the
action of variable speed pumps or fans.
Other desirable benefits such as economy, speed, and reliability are also important, but it is
against the three major parameters of safety, stability and accuracy that each control application
will be measured.
Specific terms are used within the controls industry, primarily to avoid confusion. The same
words and phrases come together in all aspects of controls, and when used correctly, their meaning
is universal.
The simple manual system described in Example 5.1.1 and illustrated in Figure 5.1.1 is used to
introduce some standard terms used in control engineering.
In the process example shown (Figure5.1.1), the operator manually varies the flow of water by
opening or closing an inlet valve to ensure that:
The water level is not too high; or it will run to waste via the overflow.
The water level is not too low; or it will not cover the bottom of the tank.
The outcome of this is that the water runs out of the tank at a rate within a required range. If the
water runs out at too high or too low a rate, the process it is feeding cannot operate properly.
At an initial stage, the outlet valve in the discharge pipe is fixed at a certain position.
The operator has marked three lines on the side of the tank to enable him to manipulate the
water supply via the inlet valve. The 3 levels represent:
1. The lowest allowable water level to ensure the bottom of the tank is covered.
2. The highest allowable water level to ensure there is no discharge through the overflow.
3. The ideal level between 1 and 2.
Inlet valve
Visual indicator 3
Discharge valve
(fixed position)
Final product
Fig. 5.1.1 Manual control of a simple process
Manipulated variable
(Arm muscle)
Controlled device
Controlled condition
The operators eye detects movement of the water level against the marked scale indicator.
His eye could be thought of as a Sensor.
The eye (sensor) signals this information back to the brain, which notices a deviation. The
brain could be thought of as a Controller.
The brain (controller) acts to send a signal to the arm muscle and hand, which could be
thought of as an Actuator.
The arm muscle and hand (actuator) turn the valve, which could be thought of as a Controlled
It is worth repeating these points in a slightly different way to reinforce Example 5.1.2:
In simple terms the operators aim in Example 5.1.1 is to hold the water within the tank at a
pre-defined level. Level 3 can be considered to be his target or Set Point.
The operator physically manipulates the level by adjusting the inlet valve (the control device).
Within this operation it is necessary to take the operators competence and concentration into
account. Because of this, it is unlikely that the water level will be exactly at Level 3 at all times.
Generally, it will be at a point above or below Level 3. The position or level at any particular
moment is termed the Control Value or Actual Value.
The amount of error or difference between the Set Point and the Actual Value is termed deviation.
When a deviation is constant, or steady state, it is termed Sustained Deviation or Offset.
Although the operator is manipulating the water level, the final aim is to generate a proper
outcome, in this case, a required flow of water from the tank.
Summary of terminology
The value set on the scale of the control system in order to obtain the required condition.
If the controller was set at 60C for a particular application: 60C would be termed as the set point.
Desired value
The required value that should be sustained under ideal conditions.
Control value
The value of the control condition actually maintained under steady state conditions.
The difference between the set point and the control value.
Sustained deviation.
The element that responds directly to the magnitude of the controlled condition.
The medium being controlled by the system. The controlled medium in Figure 5.1.1 is the
Controlled medium
water in the tank.
The physical condition of the controlled medium.
Controlled condition
The controlled condition in Figure 5.1.1 is the water level.
A device which accepts the signal from the sensor and sends a corrective (or controlling)
signal to the actuator.
The element that adjusts the controlled device in response to a signal from the controller.
The final controlling element in a control system, such as a control valve or a variable
Controlled device
speed pump.
Set point
There are many other terms used in Automatic Controls; these will be explained later in this
The task is to admit sufficient steam (the heating medium) to heat the incoming water from a
temperature of T1; ensuring that hot water leaves the tank at a required temperature of T2.
Hot water to process (T2)
Closed vessel
full of water
Anticipating change
Experience will help but in general the operator will not be able to anticipate change. He must
observe change before making a decision and performing an action.
This and other factors, such as the inconvenience and cost of a human operator permanently on
duty, potential operator error, variations in process needs, accuracy, rapid changes in conditions
and the involvement of several processes, all lead to the need for automatic controls.
With regards to safety, an audible alarm has been introduced in Example 5.1.3 to warn of
overtemperature - another reason for automatic controls.
Automatic control
A controlled condition might be temperature, pressure, humidity, level, or flow. This means that
the measuring element could be a temperature sensor, a pressure transducer or transmitter, a
level detector, a humidity sensor or a flow sensor.
The manipulated variable could be steam, water, air, electricity, oil or gas, whilst the controlled
device could be a valve, damper, pump or fan.
For the purposes of demonstrating the basic principles, this Module will concentrate on valves as
the controlled device and temperature as the controlled condition, with temperature sensors as
the measuring element.
Fig. 5.1.4 Components of an automatic control
Controllers are generally classified by the sources of energy that power them, electrical, pneumatic,
hydraulic or mechanical.
An actuator can be thought of as a motor. Actuators are also classified by the sources of energy
that power them, in the same way as controllers.
Valves are classified by the action they use to effect an opening or closing of the flow orifice, and
by their body configurations, for example whether they consist of a sliding spindle or have a
rotary movement.
If the system elements are combined with the system parts (or devices) the relationship between
What needs to be done? with How does it do it?, can be seen.
Some of the terms used may not yet be familiar. However, in the following parts of Block 5, all
the individual components and items shown on the previous drawing will be addressed.
Set point
Manipulated variable
Compressed air (0.2 to 1.0 bar)
Electric current 4 to 20 mA
Pneumatic /
electric /
SA actuator
Measured variable
Pressure / temperature signal
Proportional (P)
Proportional + Integral (P+I)
Proportional + Integral + Derivative
Temperature /
pressure /
humidity sensor
Controlled condition
Fig. 5.1.5 Typical mix of process control devices with system elements
Air temperature in a room is controlled at 25C. If the actual temperature varies from
this, what term is used to define the difference?
a| Offset
b| Deviation
c| Sustained deviation
d| Desired value
If an automatic control is to be selected and sized, what is the most important aspect to
a| The value set on the scale of the control system in order to obtain the required condition
d| The value of the controlled condition actually maintained under steady state conditions
b| The quantity or condition of the controlled medium
a| Control agent
b| Manipulated variable
c| Controlled medium
d| Controlled variable
With reference to Question 5, the controller is set to maintain the water temperature at
80oC, but at a particular time it is 70oC. In control terms how is the temperature of 80o C
a| Controlled condition
b| Control value
c| Set value
d| Control point
1: b 2: b, 3: d, 4: d, 5: a, 6: c