Care Sheet - Painted Agama
Care Sheet - Painted Agama
Care Sheet - Painted Agama
Common Names: Somali Painted, bush Agama, Sling-Tailed Agama, Painted Agama
Scientific name: Laudakia stellio
Location: Greece & islands (inc. Cyclades, Rhodes & Corfu), Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt,
Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia
chase and fight one another, while hatchlings mimic the adults in preparation for
adulthood. It is best to keep trios of one male and two females.
Food: Agamas are mainly insectivores so feed them on Locusts, Cockroaches, Crickets
as a treat Morio worms and Wax worms. Their incisor-like front teeth are designed for
quick cutting and chewing of their prey. I offer them greens and chopped fruits should be
offered once a week also.
Water: It is best to spray them once a day just before the lights comes on. They will
drink from the droplets from the walls rocks etc. They also get water from the food that
they eat and are perfectly adapted to very dry conditions. A small water bowl can be
placed at the cool end if desired but is not necessary.
Vitamins: Dust the insects in Calcium+D3 powder five times a week and vitamins twice
a week.
Top Tip: Put the feeder insects into a plastic bag add a small amount of the calcium or
vitamin powder and shake the bag gently this will coat the insects. Then slowly tip the
insects into the vivarium leaving the excess powder in the bag which can be re used.
Picture 01 Clutch of eggs after 50 days average size of the eggs 33mm long