Care Sheet - Malaysian Forest Scorpion (Heterometrus Spinife)

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The Malaysian Forest Scorpion is a large species native to Southeast Asia that lives on the forest floor. It has a sting that is slightly stronger than a bee sting but is not lethal to humans. They can grow up to 15cm in size and live 8-10 years.

Malaysian Forest Scorpions live in rainforest habitats on the ground. They can grow up to 15cm in size.

The day temperature for a Malaysian Forest Scorpion should be between 25-28°C and fall at night to 22-23°C. The humidity should be kept between 75-85%.

Care Sheet - Malaysian Forest Scorpion

Scientific name
Heterometrus spinifer
Other Common Names
Thai Blue Scorpion, Giant Blue Scorpion, Asian Scorpion, Malaysian Giant Scorpion,
Thai Black Scorpion, Thailand Forest Scorpion.
Far East Asia - Malaysia, Thailand
Rain forest habitat, ground- living
Up to 15 cm
Life Expectancy
Approximately 8-10 years.
Sting Potency
Not lethal to humans - known to be slightly stronger than a bee sting
Heterometrus is a fairly easy genus to breed in captivity and wild caught females are
often gravid. Prepare a habitat able to house two scorpions for at least 1 week,
providing a flat surface for your scorpions' courtship. This can be a rock, slate tile or
broken crockery. Introduce the male and female scorpion in the enclosure and allow
them to settle. It may take some time however mating will occur when the male and
female scorpion are both ready; a courtship dance will take place between the mating
pair before the male scorpion locks his chelae with the female scorpion's chelae and
leads the female with rhythmic manoeuvres. It may seem as if the scorpions are
fighting; mating involves them grasping each others pincers and moving back and

Birth takes place after around 9 months for most scorpions; however this can be
affected by several factors such as species, temperature and feeding. It is important to
be patient and not stress out the female scorpion during this period but to keep a look
out for birthing. Newly birthed, scorpions are almost colourless and will quickly
climb onto their mothers' back. Often the female will not feed until the young have
moulted into 2nd instar. It will take about a week or two, depending on temperature
for the 1st instar to moult. At this time it is most important to maintain the humidity,
through misting and keeping the substrate moist.
Once the scorplings moult into 2nd instar and leave the mothers back you can
separate the babies from the adults, creating a similar habitat for them as for the
adults. Raising the young in the adult tank may deal no problems however it is still
possible that they will be cannibalised by the larger scorpions.
After the young have moved on, the mother scorpion will start to feed again so begin
to offer her plenty of food in order to replenish herself and regain lost weight
The day temperature should be between 25-28 C and fall at night to 22-23 C.
75-85%, the soil should be slightly damp.
A Lucky Reptile Halogen Sun Mini in conjunction with the Thermo Socket PLUS is
used as heat and light.
If the ambient temperature is high enough is enough and a Daylight Sun Compact, or
an LED lighting.
With night (Red or Blue bulbs) lighting, they can be observed without any stress to
the animal.
Jungle Bedding, Coir and Forest Bark mix.
Heterometrus spinifer are a forest species that comes from Asia and require warm,
humid conditions. A deep layer (6-7cm) of peat-free compost should be placed in the
terrarium; this can be covered with orchid bark chippings. The substrate should be
sprayed with water every day or so but never to a degree that it becomes very wet.
Care should be taken that the substrate does not become mouldy or covered in fungus
Herp Terrarium in various sizes, with a shallow water bowl and cork tubes or similar
as shelters. Planting is possible (e.g., Ficus benjamina, F. pumila). Artificial plants
can also be used.
Terrarium Size
30 x 30 x 30 cm
The Malaysian forest Scorpion should be provided with an enclosure of at least 6
gallons in volume due to its sheer size and bulk. Vertical room is not really a priority
as they prefer to stay at ground level. Floor space is important to allow places for your
scorpion to explore, and an improvised shelter such as a hollow log or a decorative
cave used in aquariums should also be included.
Insects, for example Crickets, cockroaches, locusts, rose beetle larvae. For young
newly hatched crickets or pinhead crickets. For water supply especially for still-small
animals, Aqua Gel has proven successful.
This species is very friendly, so it is possible that small groups can be kept together.

John Gamesby

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