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For reliable Dynamic Load Tests on any type of deep foundation

CAPWAP CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program determines static soil resistance and simulates a
static load test.
CAPWAP calculates:
Static shaft resistance, magnitude and distribution
Static end bearing
Stresses at any point along the shaft
Energy transferred from the ram to the foundation
from force and velocity data measured by the Pile Driving Analyzer
on a foundation impacted by a ram.
Based on these results, CAPWAP simulates a static load test and predicts
the instantaneous load settlement behavior of the tested foundation.
CAPWAP 2006 has an improved mathematical model that enhances the
analysis of drilled shafts and augered cast-in-place piles. Numerous
automatic search and help functions make CAPWAP an efficient and reliable
analysis tool.


Forces and velocities measured at the top of a foundation during ram impact are related (complementary)
quantities; foundation characteristics and soil resistance parameters govern this relationship. The basic
CAPWAP procedure uses this fact and consists of the following steps:
1. Retrieve force and velocity data from the Pile Driving Analyzer.
2. Setup pile model.
3. Assume soil resistance parameters.
4. Perform analysis using one of the measured quantities as an input and calculate the complementary quantity.
5. Compare measured with computed quantity.
6. If match is not satisfactory, adjust soil parameters such as resistance, quake and damping and go to step 4.
7. Output soil model, satisfactory match and simulated static test.

CAPWAP guides the user to properly adjust
the large number of variables that affect the
signal matching process. Arriving at bearing
capacity results is an efficient and rewarding
process thanks to:
Automated signal matching option (AC)
Best match for individual or groups of
variables (AQ)
Automatic resistance distribution (AF)
Automatic toe parameters check (AT)
Static resistance damping exchange (RD)
Extensive expert help system
Background manual
A training class prepares the software novice.
Continuing technical support from
CAPWAP Analysis Screen
Pile Dynamics is available to all registered users.

Quality Assurance for Deep Foundations

Cleveland Ohio USA
tel: +1-216-831-6131

[email protected]


For reliable Dynamic Load Tests on any type of deep foundation

CAPWAP is a signal matching program with an extended, Smith-type soil and continuous pile model. CAPWAP
calculations are based on one-dimensional wave propagation theory. Calculations can be performed in English, SI
or Metric units.
In its default mode, CAPWAP models the deep foundation as a series of 1 m long uniform sections with multiple
elastic properties. Pile damping, splices, non-uniformities and multiple pile or shaft materials may also be modeled.
The soil resistance is typically lumped into individual resistance forces at 2 m intervals with elasto-plastic static,
linearly viscous and mass related dynamic properties. Radiation damping is represented by an additional mass and
dashpot. The user has the option of using individual toe resistance parameters such as a plug mass, a resistance
gap and a true Smith damping approach. CAPWAP options include Residual Stress Analysis (RSA) for end of drive
situations and Multiple Blow Analysis (MBA) to analyze restrike tests.




CAPWAP Soil Resistance and

Pile Model


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Simulated static test

Resistance distribution
Forces and stresses along the shaft
Shaft and toe damping and quake
Measured and computed forces and velocities
Maxima of displacement and velocity
Transferred energy
CASE Method results

variables as a function of
depth below sensors (from
left: force in pile; transferred
energy; tensile and
compressive stresses;
maxima of displacement
and velocity.)

CAPWAP output (counter clockwise from top right: measured signals; signal
match; simulated static test; resistance distribution; pile model.)

Correlations between Load-Set Curves from static load test
and from CAPWAP simulated tests on a variety of soils and
types of foundations have been extensively published and
are available at

Minimum Requirements
Windows 2000, XP, or later 30 MB of hard disk space
CD-ROM Drive USB Port for hardware key license
Program to be operated by a person with engineering education at a
institution of higher learning with additional preparation by Pile Dynamics
or its representatives.

Load-Set Curves (measured from static load test and simulated by

CAPWAP) of a 12 inch prestressed concrete pile, driven into sandy, clayey
silts. CAPWAP analysis performed on an end of drive record. Static test
performed within two hours of pile driving.

Quality Assurance for Deep Foundations

Cleveland Ohio USA
tel: +1-216-831-6131

[email protected]
Printed on recycled paper.
2009, Pile Dynamics, Inc.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft corporation.

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