2012 FB Futureofseismic
2012 FB Futureofseismic
2012 FB Futureofseismic
Doing experiments
So what on earth (literally) does this have to do with looking for oil? The answer is rather simple: no matter what
experiments we want to do in science, whether we wish to
study the cosmos or discover new hydrocarbon reservoirs,
hardware places strict limits on what we can achieve. If you
have ever tried to find the Higgs boson without a sufficiently
powerful Hadron Collider, you will know what I mean. The
limits in our own field of endeavour are related not just to an
understanding of the underlying geophysics but also in terms
of inherent restrictions in how seismic hardware can gather
data to produce imagery of sufficient detail to say nothing
of how equipment dictates the cost and safety with which we
can carry out our practical science.
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Seismic yesterday
Let us do another jump in time to the era of 2D geophysical
experiments, i.e., seismic surveys and the CMP digital era
of the mid-1970s. A few basic calculations reveal that to do
the job properly to produce data of the highest quality and
greatest daily productivity we need at least three things. This
first is electronic equipment of sufficiently high specification
in such things as distortion and dynamic range, and the second is to have enough separate recording channels deployed
so that signal and noise spatial sampling and offset criteria
are met. As economics play a major part in such experiments
we also want to perform the work with maximum efficiency,
so the third necessity is to have a couple of thousand channels
at our disposal. But in the 1970s we did not have this luxury;
we were lucky to have a hundred. Fortunately, hydrocarbon
reservoirs were larger then, so despite our equipment and our
badly under-sampled data, we still found oil.
This does not mean we were unaware of instrumental
limitations versus theoretical and economic requirements, it
just meant that we had nothing better to use. The analogue
signal from each separate string of geophones had to travel
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Seismic today
The limiting factor for 3D a couple of decades ago was not
so much the cable but the electronics. Fortunately, geophysics
eventually could move to a higher gear thanks to changes in
digitizing technology: away from IFP systems which required
large numbers of individual and expensive components (such
as analogue filters, floating point amplifiers, and successive approximation convertors) and on to one which could
do everything on just one or two integrated circuits, thus
increasing reliability while reducing cost.
The new-to-seismic technology was that of oversampling,
sometimes called delta sigma conversion. Some felt that such
devices, which on paper had much better figures for the things
that geophysicists think are important such as harmonic
distortion and dynamic range, directly produce images of
better quality. But this view was not shared by everyone.
The enhancements which started to come from oversampling
convertors were more to do with how we could now afford to
use much larger numbers of channels. In reality it was not the
geophysical industry which came up with the idea of the oversampling convertor at all, which may be apparent in how their
use in our type of experiments brings with it some drawbacks.
This is because active surveys use sensors close to
the source which are subjected to signals many orders of
magnitude larger than those at the most distant parts of
the spread. Yet when using oversampling convertors, the
same gain is usually set for all channels, and this is generally determined by a level which will just stop the digitizers
nearest the source from being swamped with too high an
input voltage called overscaling. The benefit of this is that
the full dynamic range of the convertor can then be used
near to the source. However, the disadvantage is that as the
digitizers get ever more distant they will use less and less of
their available dynamic range. In contrast, the old IFP-based
systems adjusted gain on a sample-by-sample basis and
the full dynamic range of the convertor was always used.
So nowadays, geophysics would be better off thinking
about averaged utilized dynamic range than a theoretical
instantaneous dynamic range which mostly is not used. The
move to oversampling converters is an example of a change
in instrumentation giving with one hand while taking with
the other. The short-term advantage was definitely worth
having but lets not fool ourselves that 24-bit delta sigma is
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Seismic tomorrow
Being able to undertake all these types of survey with one
piece of hardware will not be possible if we build systems the
way we have before and, with the exception of some niche
markets, it is no longer good enough to develop instruments
which cannot multi-task. The solution lies in the notion of
component-based configurable geophysical hardware. It is an
idea we can borrow from other industries. For example, hi-fi
fans tend to buy a pre-amplifier from one supplier, a power
amp from another, loudspeakers from a third, and so on to
configure the ideal system. If you build your own PC, you
can buy motherboards, processors, hard discs, graphics cards
etc., all from different suppliers to optimize performance. In
both cases, these bits plug into each other because there are
standards. Major sub-assemblies are made with a sort of irreducible complexity, and there is no reason why geophysical
hardware cannot evolve this way too. Then, a universal system with an ability to undertake the widest range of experiments simply requires putting together the right parts.
Let us compare this with modern land cable systems.
Here, the distributed channels are essentially an integral part
of the central system. One cannot work without the other, so
when one bit stops working, due to the serial dependency of
such hardware, the whole thing tends to grind to a halt. As
if this was not restrictive enough, things are worsened by the
way the source control is often tightly integrated with the
recording system, making the whole shebang one great big
piece of hardware. Superficially this looks like it has advantages but it rather depends on how easy that one big piece
of equipment is to adapt when you want to do something it
wasnt initially designed for. It is rather difficult to take just
a part of it and make it work side by side something else
to perform some new task. Therefore, current systems, like
dinosaurs a long time ago, find rapid adaptation awkward,
making new approaches to exploration more difficult and,
therefore, less often undertaken. This phenomenon may also
stifle the imagination of the geophysicists who can envisage
new experiments, but because the hardware cannot keep up,
why should they bother?
Configurable systems do not impose their will on the
user. Such equipment considers each recording channel or
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Cableless noise monitoring using only mesh radio technology in a configurable system.
2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, or appropriate forms of compression exploiting any space-time coherence of data (Savazzi et al., 2011).
Next is the essential issue of data time-stamping. Cable
telemetry systems tend to handle timing by sending out
synchronization information along the cable. Cableless
systems must cope differently most employ a GPS receiver
in each ground unit and this works well most of the time. But
there are times when GPS is intermittent and those when it is
non-existent, so if users think this is going to be the case they
would first select some method of inter-ground unit communication which can warn when GPS was not available.
They will then want timing alternatives up their sleeve, such
as a more stable internal clock and the options of VHF radio
frequency-based timing. There are other methods of timing
too which allow, for example, use of cableless systems under
water based on a series of repeated shots for synchronization
and to convey operational commands.
The transmission of large volumes of real time data wirelessly remains technically challenging, so what can be bolted
on to the basic universal system chassis to achieve this? It is
important to understand how things like terrain will affect the
technologies which may be called into help here, so there can
be no single solution. Generally, the only licence-free option
for real-time is to use the 2.4 GHz band and, while this is
often very difficult to make work well in tough conditions, it
is possible to use this band in different ways to help overcome
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Cableless noise monitoring using only mesh radio technology in a configurable system.
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radio can, within limits, tell the operator where the ground
unit is at any time, and whether it is on the move.
of an urgent face lift too, along with the QC and communication part of the hardware set up.
Starting with Vibroseis, there are plenty of different
types of operation from single fleet, through much more
sophisticated sweeping where sources are separated in distance or time; phase-encoded sweeps, and on to free for all
types of acquisition, plus the QC and navigation that goes
with all of this. Even some of todays most modern equipment is surprisingly lacking in a few of the simpler tools,
for example, in how similarities can be undertaken, or
limits in communication with large numbers of independent
sources. All these issues can be rectified by taking an open
architecture approach.
Yet, relatively few vibroseis crews use all the source
testing and productivity-increasing tools already available
to them. Most acquisition is based on the premise that the
energy going into the ground is related to the weighted sum
ground force signal, but rarely do crews actually check what
vibrators are really doing, for example by use of load cells
or more advanced testing techniques. Merging load cell
data with the active files, and especially into 4D data sets
along with better integration of larger numbers of auxiliary
channels, has already been made possible by the configurable
source control approach. As well as recording additional
important attributes of the vibrator, plus those which are in
the process of being defined by researchers, using Vibroseis
for 4D often requires far higher accuracy in position and
much better navigational tools. Such experiments look for
very tiny changes in the response of the reservoir, yet often
do not bother to record all the far larger changes in the
behaviour of the source itself. Configurable source controllers address this.
Controlling the vibes is one thing and monitoring them
is quite another. The first requirement of the configurable
source controller is that it does not restrict us as to the
number or type of recorders that can be used. Maximum
flexibility in source control comes from being able to per-
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Impulsive source control, configurable features for safety, source source type, etc.
This industry has a poor record of adopting new technology,
and even being able to adopt new technology. For example,
when PCs first came out, some of the major manufacturers
considered them little more than toys as PCs did not fit in
with those manufacturers way of thinking. We have the
smaller system developers to thank for getting the industry
to see their value. The industry was also slow to buy into
cableless systems, seeing cable as having to take the starring
role for decades to come. However, given the historical cost
of a recording system or the profits to be made by a successful hardware manufacturer, it is no surprise that product
developers try to hook contractors into their particular system approach. And it is no shock that contractors want to
make the most out of whatever theyve invested in and will
bid such hardware for any and all work possible. After all,
being a seismic contractor is not often a profitable business,
at least not compared to being a successful manufacturer.
Open architecture configurable equipment in exploration
geophysics, something we have long enjoyed in the hi-fi or
PC world, helps to make geophysical life much less risky for
all involved.
Therefore, the good news is that every section of this
business can win with the configurable system approach.
Any manufacture can choose to make one component or
all and such competition can only accelerate our sciences
progress. Contractors can purchase the basic parts plus the
functionality they want in order to do the type of acquisition
they specialize in, and when they want to do other things
they do not have to buy a whole new system. When its time
to advance, they only need to upgrade the part that is then
reaching obsolescence. Survey planners and data users, as
long as they understand all the options on offer can design
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I am grateful for feedback from John Giles, Vlad Meyer and
Scott Burkholder of Seismic Source Co; Norm Cooper of
Mustagh Resources; Prosol Technology; Jim ODonnell of
BC Geophysics; Oliver King of Cambridge University, UK;
and of course Robert Mallet.
Heath, R. [2010] Weighing the role of cableless and cable-based systems
in the future of land acquisition. First Break, 28(2), 6977.
Heath, R. [2011] Time to consider the practicalities of passive seismic
acquisition. First Break, 29(2), 9198.
Heath, R. [2012] Cableless seismic recording and a new problems for
geophysicists. Drilling and Exploration World, Feruary, 7485.
Jervis, M., Bakulin, A. and Burnstad, R. [2012] Suitability of vibrators for
time-lapse monitoring in Middle East. SEG 2012 abstract.
Savazzi, S and Spagnolini, U. [2011] Compression and coding for cableSeismic system optimization. The shape of things to come.
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