BUS 121 Syllabus 11.5.12
BUS 121 Syllabus 11.5.12
BUS 121 Syllabus 11.5.12
Required Text/Supplies
Business Math, 9th Ed
Cleaves, Hobbs, Noble
Pearson Publishing Company
Textbook with MyLab (packaged together at Wake Tech bookstore)
ISBN: 0132770075
E-book Option: Mylab access card with ebook
ISBN: 0135027020
Contact the Instructor.
Course Description
This course covers fundamental mathematical operations and their application to business
problems. Topics include payroll, pricing, interest and discount, commission, taxes, and other
pertinent uses of mathematics in the field of business. Upon completion, students should be
able to apply mathematical concepts to business.
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Credit Hours: 3
Assignments and Grading Policy
Due dates and assignments can be found on the course schedule/outline.
Due dates and assignments can be found on the course schedule/outline.
The final grade will be determined by the instructor under the following guidelines. The average
of all test/ quiz grades will comprise a minimum of 60% of the final grade. Other assignments
will comprise a maximum of 40%of the final grade. Other assignments may include any
combination of the following components: homework, research, projects, continuing problem,
and/or participation.
A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 59 or less
Code of Conduct
It is the student's responsibility to abide by Wake Tech's Student Code of Conduct (opens in a
new window) http://handbook.waketech.edu/files/studentrights.pdf Free Adobe Acrobat PDF
reader download opens in a new window http://get.adobe.com/reader/?promoid=BUIGO.
Violation of the Student Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action. The Code of Conduct
includes the Academic Integrity Policy.
Attendance Policy
It is the students responsibility to abide by the Wake Tech Attendance Policy (opens in a new
window) http://catalog.waketech.edu/pdfs/WakeTechCatalog.pdf (p. 39).
In online or hybrid courses, in order to remain enrolled in the course, each student is required to
open and complete the Course Entry Quiz in Blackboard by 11:59 PM on or before the semester
10% date. Students should complete the activity as soon as possible. Delay in completion may
result in getting behind in coursework or in missing assignments.
Students who do not complete the Course Entry Quiz by the deadline will be withdrawn from
the course with no tuition refund.
Disability Support Services
Disability Support Services is available for students who require academic accommodations due
to any physical, psychological, or learning disability. To determine eligibility, contact the office
at 124 Holding Hall or call 866-5670 (TDD 779-0668). Disability Support Services web page
(opens in a new window) http://disabilityservices.waketech.edu/
Core Values
In keeping with the colleges mission statement, this course will promote Wake Techs core
institutional values.
Accountability is essential for an environment of learning. Those who are accountable stand by
their words and actions, taking full responsibility for what they create and for what they
contribute to the community.
Respect is a prerequisite for enhancing learning. Community members who respect themselves
and others help create a safe, yet open, climate of learning.
Responsibility is the root of success. Students who assume personal responsibility for their
education will reach their goals. Responsible students also make contributions to their
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the fundamental purpose of higher education. The ability to solve problems
through the application of the appropriate skills is critical to all disciplines.
Communication is increasingly the key competency for living and working in the information
age. Communicating effectively in oral and written forms through traditional and new media is
a powerful tool for personal and career success.
Collaboration, by bringing together individual knowledge and talents, creates teams that are
greater than the sum of their parts. Such teamwork maximizes benefits to individuals and the
Revised: 05/31/12
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 18 Inventory
Chapter 17 Depreciation
Chapter 10 Payroll
Chapter 20 Taxes
Chapter 15 Building Wealth Through Investments
Chapter 13 Compound Interest, Future Value, and Present Value
Chapter 14 Annuities and Sinking Funds
Chapter 19 Insurance
Chapter 16 Mortgages
Final Exam