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Swar Vigyan

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My Dearest one,

This great swar science tantra, contain in unlimited possibility of exploration, you can
modified through this, all you bad luck to good, illness to health and off course all
your personality can changes. No yantra no mantra is required. We are here just
providing little bit more than introduction, but to have mastery , little work and
patience are needed from your side.
have you ever noticed that why in daily local panchang / daily newspapers astro
column, it is mentioned that, pratah kalin swar what does it stands for.. poojya
sadgurudev ji mentioned this science (secreat in details appeared ,in mantra Tantra
Yantra vigyan old issue). while taking some of the material from that and swarodya
vigyan one of very famous book of param poojya swami ji maharaja of Datiya , a
great saints from holy siddhashram ,(one of world famous ma Balgamukhi temple
their), at first we shashtaag pranam to both of them, and start the post with some of
our experience and the specific point of this greatest science mentioned by them.
Experience: Once my friends, younger brother asked me .. will I be pass in exam?, I
had no panchang nor having any miraculous power. I answered just not this time,
you will get compartment in three subject . he stunned, but result came as I
predicted, how I did that, very simple, I have little info of this Science on that time ,in
the era of late eightees ,by that i answered. Many such incident we will share in
Importance of this science: Poojya Sadgurudev ji once mentioned in magazine
that, by knowing this science and practicing it , can not only change persons fate but
he can raise upto a point not imaginable. Is also Possible.
Do you not want to do learn this.. yes yes.. we knew that.
Basic information: in normal person take 13/15 breath in a mints thus in 24 hours it
amount to 21,600 .some times with one side of nose ,some time with other, and
times comes ,when both side nostral breath running. this happens in fixed manner
,automatically changes, sudden changing in this pattern , leads to any danger or
Type of swar : Three main swar continuously running in cycle through out our life.

Left nostril----chandra swar (moon).

Right nostral surya swar (sun).

From both side shushmna swar (where no work is adviced ,only poojan or
yog dhanan is adviced.)

Primary preparation :So wake up in the morning (pleases be in bed )note down (if
prior preparation, it would be better),which paksha? What is the tithi (a period less
than day, normally, can be consider same as a day). oops I forget to mentioned what
are paksha?
In general ,two paksha exists in a month

In Krishna paksha(moon decreasing period): first three thithi (not same as

day.. but in primary way you can take that)sun swar will be running, its good

.(from sunrise to next 2.5 ghati i.e 1 hours then it will be changed to moon
swar, like this , whole day a cycle will be running). and after the three day
onwards , it will change means starting time swar will be the moon swar.

In Shukla paksha(moon increasing period) : Just opposite case to krishan

paksha.(means moon swar will be running) for first three days.(from sunrise to
next 2. 5 ghati, i.e 1 hours then it will be changed, whole day a cycle will be

To get success: wake up in bed (off course) , first try to know which swar is
running(through placing your finger in front of your own nose). and place that side
hand (which side swar is running) on your mouth, and also place that side of foot on
the earth ( I means here ,first step). The day will be successful one for you. Good
morning from us.
To know beforehand health problem : If continues three days the opposite swar is
running in the day beginning time(sun rise time) in a paksha (either krishan or
shukla) Oppositely .as it mentioned in locan panchang or in astro column in local
newspaper, surely next 15 days we have to face this or that type of health related
problem .
How to change the cycle : As, we desired.. very simple, if sun swar is running and
you want to start moon swar then sleep with right side of your body, in a very small
time the swar get changed. Easiest one process.
Changing swar by will only :Yes you change the swar by your will only ,but for that
you have to practice it and knowledge of five maha bhoot) five great element is
must.when they start and changes, work accordingly.(though will knowledge required
little patience then everything is possible).
To maintain Youth fullness :Please try to do the practice to change the running
swar , as many times possible. this kirya will be highly useful for mainlining youth in
To get relief from pain: if sudden pain rises , then change the swar , will give you
relif.(though in serious case please try to consult any appropriate medical
To get relief in dma ( illness related to breath): when its attack start , try to change
the swar ,running at that time ,when other swar running within 15/20 minite a person
get relief.
To get relief from fever: when the fever start, change the swar currently running ,.
Will get relief.
To get relief from any illness :When any illness comes they start running opposite.
So changing that will not remove the illness completely lessen it affect.Like that any
illness because of heat comes then .. moon(cold) swar will be benefitted. Same is
the case with health problem as a result of moon.
For Childless couple :One most important aspect is that if any one is not having
any child or want to have child as desired. Can follow the direction mentioned in the
great book. where person affected with that, spend thousand rupees and some loose

their respect, but could not get the success as desired. This science shows you the
way.(though for that you need to have advice from a competent expert in this
science. Since knowledge of pancha taav, their running period, thithi, ruler etc things
need to be understand, they are little hard to know in the beginning but believe us,
not difficult.
For journey (direction ) :Suppose you want to travel ,start the jouney when swar
running is.
For north and east directionright swar.
For west and south---- left side swar.
if not follow the instruction, many untold misery a person can face.I have read so
many example of that.
For starting the journey : if breath coming from right side, then first three step
should be start with right lag, but in case of left side is running then take first four
step start with left side.
A word of caution :If breath coming from both side of nose, then should not start
any journey/work till that change.(not good result expected).
To get favor from Any body (even in interview /from Boss/ from your friends) :(I
should write.. anukool babana)- always talk to person with the side in which your
own swar is running, not understand it , ok I will try.again. suppose at the
interviewing time , your left swar is running , then turn your face in such a way that
the person(who is going to take interview ) will be in the same side of your swar.
Follow that it will help you much,, I will not say this will always comes out positive but
if proper maha tavta (panch bhoota, ththi and time kept in mind person can do
wonder.I tried some occasion even meeting with friend , result was more than
satisfactory. want to try..
How to answer any query :in simply yes or no..if person asking question is same
side of your swar running,,answer in yes if opposite then answer in negative.
What type of work is advised:

For yagya ,marriage ,for shantikarm --- left swar days be monday ,wed,
Thursday or Friday.

For hard and difficult work, exercise, for Vishay / bhog etc. right swar days
be Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday. Etc.

On the bases of element , period running inside a swar.

here I am just mentioning element running cycle in row.(basic five)..is like

Earth tatav do work that required hard work and stability

Water element(tatav)---- do the work which needs early to finish.

Fire elementvery difficult and very hard work

Vayu and aakash (tatav )all work get failed

In aakash tatav--- yog sadhana be good.

If you want to anything more we will try, many book are available in the market try for
that, surely your knowledge base will be increase.
As you are waiting for updation so we are waiting for your response in more than two
words. If have fun..

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