Presto A Pi Overview

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Symphony Presto API Overview

Symphony Presto API Overview

.NET external
.NET Inhouse (DataFeed directly from BDF)
.NET Inhouse (DataFeed via DDE/RTD)
Java API
Java External
Java Inhouse (DataFeed directly from BDF)
Java Studio
Http Interface

January 20, 20143

Proprietary and Confidential

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Symphony Presto API Overview

Presto provides Order Manager & Data-Feed support to clients.

.NET API is provided via a DLL

Java API is provided via a jar-file

Http Interface is provided via HTML/JavaScript

Presto Server is comprised of the following components (see diagrams below) :

BDF - Broadcast Data Feeder, receives raw broadcast from NSE/BSE/MCX

LMDS - Lightweight Market Data Server, makes market-feed available in 1-second


ORS - Order Routing Server, routes orders to exchanges via FIX 4.2 protocol

SA - Strategy Agent, hosts and executes custom strategies

ESB - Enterprise Service Bus, provides interface to external components

.NET API is available in the following 3 flavors.

.NET external
The client will be located at a remote location with respect to the Presto Server and should be
connected to the Presto Server via Internet.

January 20, 20143

Proprietary and Confidential

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Symphony Presto API Overview

.NET Inhouse (DataFeed directly from BDF)

The client has to be located at the same location with Presto Server and should be connected to
the Presto Server via LAN.

.NET Inhouse (DataFeed via DDE/RTD)

The client has to be located at the same location with Presto Server and should be connected to
the Presto Server via LAN.

January 20, 20143

Proprietary and Confidential

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Symphony Presto API Overview

Java API
Java API is available in the following 3 flavors.

Java External
The client will be located at a remote location with respect to the Presto Server and should be
connected to the Presto Server via Internet.

Java Inhouse (DataFeed directly from BDF)

The client has to be located at the same location with Presto Server and should be connected to
the Presto Server via LAN.

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Symphony Presto API Overview

Java Studio
The client will be embedded inside the Strategy Agent (SA). The Client UI will be embedded
inside the Presto Dashboard. The Dashboard will be available to a local user over the LAN and
to a remote user via Terminal Server.

Http Interface
The client will typically be a browser connected to the Presto Server via Internet.

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Symphony Presto API Overview

An API is also available to upload a file to an Execution Strategy running inside the SA.

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