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By Pait r Rma Rmnuja cri

Simha Publications 2012





There is a difference of opinion

where the first stone should be
South-west laid.









According to some northern
cryas, the 1st foundation
stone should be laid in the
following corners of the slab
when the Sun is in the depicted
signs of the Zodiac.

Some south Indian cryas
suggest that the 1st stone should
always be laid in the Northeast
regardless of the month


Cara Vstu


Nitya Vstu
00.00 03.00
03.00 06.00
06.00 09.00
09.00 12.00
12.00 15.00
15.00 18.00
18.00 21.00
21.00 24.00



Vstu nti should be done when the Vstu Purua is looking away from the front door.

j B H M I P J j
Placation of the elementals
Make 8 sthailas at the 8 cardinal directions of the land.
Ma-bhakta-bali Mix yoghurt, lac-dye (alakta or any red food dye) and black gram
(maa) place in a clay cup on the left hand corner of an inverted triangle. Repeat pha 7
times over it.
Go in procession to the 8 directions around the land and make the following panchopacra
offerings including a generous dollop of the ma-bali mixture.

ea gandha
ete pupe
ea dhpa
ea dpa
aya ma-bhakta-bali

o bhtebhyo nama
o bhtebhyo nama
o bhtebhyo nama
o bhtebhyo nama
o bhtebhyo nama

o bht pret picca ye vasantyatra bhtale |

te ghnantu may dattam balim eta prasdhitam || 1 ||
pjit gandha-pupadyair balibhis tarpits tath |
ded asmd vinistya pj payantu mat-ktm || 2 ||

Expulsion of the Elementals
Scatter mustard seeds over all the land while reciting the following slokas and ringing the

apasarpantu te bht ye bht bhuvi samsthit |

ye bht vighna-kartras te nayantu ivjay || 1 ||
apakrmantu bhtni pic sarvato diam |
sarvem avirodhena brahma karma samrabhe || 2 ||

I am about to begin a sacred duty so may all the elementals and ghosts please depart to all directions so
that the work may be done unobstructed.

bhta preta picdya rkas yaka guhyak |

sthnt asmt vrjantvanyat svikaromi bhuva tvim || 3 ||

Elementals, ghosts, spirits and demons depart hence from this site Please go elsewhere, I now acquire this
site from you.

vetlca picca rkasca sarsp |

apasarpantu te sarve caikstrea tit || 4 ||
yad atra sasthita bhta sthnam ritya sarvad |
sthna tyaktv tu tat sarva yatrastha tatra gacchatu || 5 ||

May all those elementals who have always inhabited this site, be pleased to depart hence to any other site
they may choose.

ukl baradhara viu ai vara caturbhuja |
prasanna vadana dhyyet sarva vighnopa ntaye ||

The All-pervading Lord is to be meditated upon for the removal of obstacles; Clad in white garments,
resplendent like the Moon, the four armed and cheerful-faced.

hari o tat sat | r govinda 3 | ubhe obhane muhrte adye r bhagavato mahpuruasya r vio jaya pravartamnasya, dya brahmaa dvitya parrdhe r
veta varha kalpe, vaivasvata manvantare a-viatttame kali yuge, kali yugasya
prathama pde, jmbu-dvpe mero gneya1 dig-bhge, hiramaya vare hiramaya
dee __________ dee __________ mah nagari antargate vyavahriknm
prabhavdi ahi savatsarn madhye, __________ nma savatsare,
__________ ayane, __________ tau, msottame __________ mse __________
pake __________ tithau __________ vsara yukty __________ nakatra
yuktym r viu yoge r viu karae, ubha yoga ubha karae, sakala graha
gua vieaa visihym,
Harih om tatsat. Govinda, Govinda, Govinda, with the sanction of the Supreme Being Lord Vishnu, in this
period during the second half of the life-span of the demiurge Brahma, during the aeon of the White Boar,
during the universal rule of Vaivasvata Manu in the 28th period, during the first quarter of the age of
Kali, on the planet Earth in land of mount Meru, in the country of ...., in the city of
.., in the year .................... of the 60 year Jovian cycle, in the .......................... solstice, during the
................... season, in the month of ...................... in the .................. fortnight, on the .................. lunar day, on a
.............. day under the constellation of .................... with auspicious conjunctions, and all the planets being
benevolently disposed;

asy ubha tithau asya yajamnasya upta samasta durita kaya dvra r ihadevat prtyartham prripsyamna vstuna ubhatva sapattaye nirvighnena
nirma siddhaye ca gha/rama/krylaya nirmaga bhtam bhmi pjm
kariye tad agatvena nirvighnena parisamptyartham dau vighnevara pjm
kariye ||
Ganea pj, kalaa pj Draw a picture of the Goddess on the earth using rice-flour or use a kumbha.

Bh-dev Dhynam
viu-patn mah dev mdhav mdhava-priym |
lakm priya sakh dev nammyacyuta vallabhm || 1 ||
bhmir bhmn dyaur vari'ntarika mahitv |
upasthe te devyadite'gnim anndam anndyydadhe || 2 ||


Insert the direction of the country in relation to the Himlaya mountains: east prva, south dakina,
west pacima, north uttara, NE ainya, SE gneya, SW nairrti, NW vyavya

ukla-var vilk krma-phopari sthitm |

sarva asyray dev dharm vhaymyaham || 3 ||

o bh bhmyai nama ||

Bhu Dev nmavalli o bhmyai nama | mahyai | pthivyai | vasundharyai

| vasudhyai | vsavyai | hirayagarbhiyai | samudravatyai | mah-dharayai |
viu-patnyai | vypinyai | dharyai ||
o dhanur-dharyai vidmahe sarva siddhyai ca dhmahi | tanno dhar pracodayt ||

samudra vasane dev prvata-sthana maale |
viu-patn namastubhyam khanana-kriya kamasva me ||
satya bhad tam ugra dk tapo brahma yaja pthiv dhrayanti |
sa no bhtasya bhavyasya patny-uru loka pthiv na kotu ||
Expansive Truth and Strict Law, the Initiation, Spiritual Discipline, the Veda, and Sacrifice uphold the
Earth. May she, the Queen of all that is and is to be, may Prithiv make ample space and room for us.

l bhmir am psu s bhmi sandht dht |

tasyai hiraya-vakase pthivy akara nama ||
Rock earth, and stone, and dust, this Earth is held together, firmly bound.
To this gold-breasted Prithiv mine adoration have I paid. (A.V.12:1:26)

yat te bhme vikhanmi kipra tad api rohatu |

m te marma vimgvari m te hdayam arpipam ||
Whatever I dig from you O Earth may that have quick renewed growth. May we not injure your vital
centers, may we not inure your heart. (A.V. 12:1:35)

bhme mtar ni dhehi m bhadray supratihitam |

savidn div kave ry m dhehi bhty ||
O Earth, my Mother, set thou me happily in a place of security. In harmony with Heaven, O enlightened
one, grant to me glory and material wealth. (A.V.12:1:63)

Bhh SSkkttaa
bhmir bhmn dyaur vari'ntarika mahitv |
upasthe te devyadite'gnim anndam anndyy dadhe || 1 ||
yagau pnir akram dasanan mtara puna |
pitara ca prayant-suva || 2 ||
trigu addhma virjati vk patagya iraye |
pratyasya vaha dyabhi || 3 ||
asya prd apnatyantacarati rocan |

vyakhyan mahias suva || 4 ||

yatv kruddh parovapa manyun yad avarty |
sukalpam agne tat tava punas-tvoddpaym asi || 5 ||
yatte manyu paroptasya pthivm anudadhvase |
dity vive tad-dev vasavaca sambharan || 6 ||
mano jyotir juatm jya vicchinna yajagu samima dadhtu |
bhaspatis tanutm ima no vive dev iha mdayantm || 7 ||
brahma varcasa pitgu rotra cakur mana || 8 ||
dev hiraya-garbhi dev prasvar | sadane satyyane sda || 9 ||
samudravat svitrha no dev mahyag |
mah-dhara mahovyathiha || 10 ||
rge rge yaje yaje vibha |
indra patn vypin surasarid iha || 11 ||
vyumat jalaayan riya dhrj satyandhopari medin |
voparidhata parigya || 12 ||
viu-patn mah dev mdhav mdhava-priym |
lakm priya sakh dev nammyacyuta vallabhm || 13 ||
o dhanur-dharyai vidmahe sarva siddhyai ca dhmahi | tanno dhar

Nggaa PPjj
Use either a nga-stone image, a maala or a kumbha.

ananta sarva ngnm adhipam vivarpiam |
jagata ntikartra maale sthpaymyaham ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, ananta-nga-rja ihgaccha iha tiha, anantaya ngarjya
nama | anantam nga-rjam vhaymi sthpaymi ||
Upacras om anantya ngarjya nama ||
o nava-kulya vidmahe, via-dantya dhmahi, tannas sarpa pracodayt ||
nmavalli o anantya nama | eya | vsukaye | akhya | padmya |
kabalaya | karkoya | avatarya | dhtarrya | akhaplya | takakya |
kliyya | kapilya ||

Sarpa Skta
namo 'stu sarpebhyo ye ke ca pthivm anu |
ye antarike ye divi tebhyas sarpebhyo nama || 1 ||
Homage to the dragons which are on the earth, the dragons in the atmosphere and in the sky to those
adversaries homage.

ye vo rocane divo ye v sryasya ramiu |

ye apsu sadaskta tebhyas sarpebhyo nama || 2 ||
Those that are in the vault of the sky, or those that are in the rays of the Sun, those whose seat is made in
the waters; to those dragons obeisance.

ye iavo ytudhnn ye v vanaspatgu rau |

ye v vateu erate tebhyas sarpebhyo nama || 3 ||
Those that are the missiles of sorcerers, of those that are among the trees, or those that lie in the wells; to
those adversaries obeisance. TS. 4;2;8g

brahma-loke ca ye sarp eanga purogam |
namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 1 ||
viu-loke ca ye sarp vsuki pramukhcaye |
namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 2 ||
rudra-loke ca ye sarp takaka pramukhs tath |
namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 3 ||

khavasya tath dhe svarga ye ca samdhita |

namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 4 ||
sarpa-satre ca ye sarsp astikena ca rakit |
namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 5 ||
pralaye caiva ye sarp karkoa pramukhca ye |
namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 6 ||
dharma-loke ca ye sarp vaitaray samrit |
namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 7 ||
ye sarp prvatyeu darsandhiu sasthit |
namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 8 ||
grme v yadi vraye ye sarp pracaranti hi |
namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 9 ||
pthivy caiva ye sarp ye sarp bila sasthit |
namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 10 ||
rastale ca ye sarp anantdy mahbal |
namostu tebhya suprt prasanns santu me sad || 11 ||
Donation of a golden/silver nga to the Brhmin:
Hari om tat sat | kta-saskra karmaa sgatrtha ima hema/rajatam naga
sa-kalaa sa-vastra sa-dakia tubhya aha sapradade na mama | anena
suvaramaya/rajata-maya nga dnena anantdayo nga-devat priyatm ||

Diikk--bbaallii V
Offerings are now made in the 8 cardinal directions to the Dik-plakas.
The offerings consist of a slice of the big green pumpkin on this a large pinda of rice and a
libation of blood or water dyed red.
Recite each dhyana sloka and offer pancopacara puja gandha, pupa, dhpa, dpa (clay
lamp) and then the bali.

o adya prvokta gua vieaa visiy asy ubha tithau ktasya asya bhmi
pja karmai sgat siddhyartha dig-pla pjana prvaka sthpita devatbhyo
bali-dnam aha kariye ||
On this auspicious day characterised by the afore-mentioned astrological parameters, as an ancilliary to
this bhumi-puja I now make offerings to all the eight regents of the directions.


indro'marvati ntha aci devystu nyaka |

vajryudhasya prca tasyai cairvato gaja ||
daitya-darpa vinya sahasrkya dhmate |
kuliavya grahastya namaste'stu atakrato ||

I salute you, O wise King of the Gods, who destroyed the pride of the titans and performed a hundred

bho! Indra! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tui kart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena indra priyatm ||
O Indra guard your direction, accept this offering, be generous to us, and make this yajamana and his
extended family long-lived, replete with well-being, peace, strength, contentment: may you be pleased
with this offering.


agnis tejovati vsi svh devy priya pati |

merho akti-dhara digney pratihita ||
mukha ya sarva devn yena havya tu nyate |
yena pravartate sarva namaste'stu havir-bhuje || 2 ||

I salute you, O Lord of Fire, the mouth of all the gods, the one who conveys the oblations and by whom
everything revolves.

bho! agne! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tui kart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena agni priyatm ||


yama sayamani ntha ymalya nama priya |

daa-bhn mahirho dakinasy dii sthita ||
yena sahriyate sarva yena dharmaca rakyate |
yasmd bibheti loko'ya preta-ntha namo'stu te ||

I salute you, O Lord of the Dead, the one who protects the Dharma, who terrifies the whole world, and by
whom all is eventually taken.

bho! yama! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena yama priyatm ||


krgana purg yasya drgh bhryam arohaya |

astra kunto nairtasya nairty dii thita ||
rkas ytudhnca picca rayanti yam |
tasmai nirti rudrya rakas pataye namah ||

I salute you, Wrathful Nairriti, Lord of the demons, in whom all the Rakshasas, Yatudhanas and Pisachas
take their refuge.

bho! nirti! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena nirti priyatm ||


puri radhvati yasya priy bhrya ca klik |

makara-vha pa-dharo varua pacim-evara ||


yena sarakyate sarva yasmin sarva pralyate |

amogha-pa-hastya tadap pataye namah ||
I salute you, O Lord of the Waters, who carries the peerless noose, who sustains all life and into whom all
is dissolved in the end.

bho! varua! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena varua priyatm ||


vyur gandhavati ntha kicit tasy jana priya |

praga vho dhvaja-bht vyavy dii vartate ||
dhriyante ca hriyante ca yena prdaya kramt |
bhtn pataye nitya namas-tasmai marut-pate ||

I salute you, Lord of the Cosmic Life Force, the master of all living beings, who supports all life through the
respiratory process.

bho! vyo! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena vyu priyatm ||


kuberas crakry astu citrarekha priyagaa |

hayavho khaga-dhara udcy dii vartate ||
yat prasdjjagat sarva dhanena paripryate |
yaka-guhyaka-ntha ca dhana-ntha namo'stu te ||

I salute you, O Lord of Wealth, the master of all the Yakshas and Guhyakas, and the one by whose grace
the world is filled with prosperity.

bho! kubera! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena kubera priyatm ||


yaovata na prvat paramevara |

inya dii sabhti vrrha trila-bht ||
yena klgnin loko yugnteu pradahyate |
tasmai te brahmaa putra virpka namo'stu te ||

I salute you, O Lord Rudra, the son of Brahma, the one who destroys the universe at the end of time with
the fire of Time

bho! na! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena na priyatm ||

Ketra Pla
utga vabhrha padma patryat ekaam |
ketra pla aha vande sarva ariaca ntaye ||


bho! Ketra-pla! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena ketra-pla priyatm ||

nti Pha Peace Chant

Throw a flower in each of the following directions while ringing the bell.

nama prcyai die yca devat etasy prati-vasantyetbhyaca namo |

namo dakiyai die yca devat etasy prati-vasantyetbhyaca namo |
nama pratcyai die yca devat etasy prati-vasantyetbhyaca namo |
nama udcyai die yca devat etasy prati-vasantyetbhyaca namo |
nama rdhvyai die yca devat etasy prati-vasantyetbhyaca namo |
namo 'dharyai die yca devat etasy prati-vasantyetbhyaca namo |
namo'vntaryai die yca devat etasy prati-vasantyetbhyaca namo |
namo gag-yamunayor madhye ye vasanti te me prasanntm naciram
jvita vardhayanti |
namo gag-yamunayor munibhyaca namo namo gag-yamunayor
munibhyaca nama || o nti nti nti ||


PPrraaddhhnnaa SSaakkaallppaam
tad eva lagnam sudinam, tad eva tra balam candra balam tad eva |
vidy balam daiva balam tad eva, lakmpate te aghriyugam smarmi ||
When the lotus feet of the Lord of Lakshmi are recalled to mind, there is a good ascendant, a good day,
strength of constelation and Moon, power of wisdom, energy of divinity.

hari om tat sat. ubhe obhane muhrte, asya r bhagavato mah puruasya, r
vio jay pravartamnasya dya brahmao dvitya parrdhe, r veta varha
kalpe, vaivasvata manvantare, kali yuge, kali-yugasya prathama pde, bauddha
vatre, akbde mero dakia/pacima/uttara dik bhge, ________ dee, ________
rjye ________ mahnagari antargate, asmin vartamnm vyavahriknm prabhavdi
ai savatsarnm madhye ________ nma savatsare, ________ ayane, ________
tau ________ mse, ________ pake, ________ tithau, ________ vsare, ________
nakatra yukty, ubha yoge ubha karae r viu yoga, r viu karae,
sakala graha gua vieaa visihy, asy ubha tithau ________
gotrodbhavasya, ________ nakatre jtasya ________ nma yajamna ||
asym ubha tithau bhagavad jay bhagavad kaikarya rpam _______ nakatrasya
_______ gotrasya _______ nmadheya yajamnasya prarpsyamna vstuna
ubhatva sapattaye nirvighnena nirma siddhaye ca ghe nirmaga bhta ilanysa kariye ||
with the sanction of the Supreme Lord and in order to invoke His grace, so that this yajaman .....................
and his wife .................... [all the people of this city] may obtain auspiciousness and prosperity, and that this
house [temple] may be completed without let or hindrance, as an ancillary rite to the construction I now
perform the foundation laying ceremony.

vighnevara udvsanam | puyha vcanam ||

CClleeaarriinngg ooff tthhee SSppaaccee

With white mustard seed evict the elementals of the building site.

yad atra sasthita bhta sthnam ritya sarvad |

sthna tyaktv tu tat sarva yatrastha tatra gacchatu || 5 ||
May all those elementals who have always inhabited this site, be pleased to depart hence to any other site
they may choose.

apakrmantu bhtni pic sarvato diam |

sarvem avirodhena brahma karma samrabhe || 2 ||

I am about to begin a sacred duty so may all the elementals and ghosts please depart to all directions so
that the work may be done unobstructed.


bhta preta picdya rkas yaka guhyak |

sthnt asmt vrjantvanyat svikaromi bhuva tvim || 3 ||

Elementals, ghosts, spirits and demons depart hence from this site Please go elsewhere, I now acquire this
site from you.

Sprinkle the site with pacagavya.

At the four corners of the building insert the pegs;

viantu bhtale ng lokaplca sarvata |

asmin ghevatihantu yur bala kars sad ||
May the sub-terranean dragons and guardian deities that always dwelling beneath this house grant
longevity & health.

Baallii PPrraaddnnaam
Offer balis beside them

agnibhyopyatha sarpebhyo ye cnye tat samrit |

tebhyo bali prayacchmi puyam odana uttamam ||
To all the Cosmic Forces, serpents & other beings that inhabit this site I make this offering of pure and
blessed food.

Vssttuu PPjjaannaam

Place a saptadarbha krca on the maala.

Take a flower in the hand recite the dhyna lokas and offer the flower on the krca.

vstu martyo mahkya kgo rakta-locana |

eka-vaktro dvi-bhuca barbargaca durdhara ||
vhaymyaha vstu vajra-deho mah-balam |
vivambara nga-rpa bh-bhr-arpita mastakam ||
gaccha bhagavan vsto sarva devair adhiita |
bhagavan kuru kalyam ghe-smin sannidho bhava ||
o kr kr kr krai krau kra
h vstu-pataye ihgaccha ih tia ||
o h vstu pataye nama ||
O Vastu who appears in the form of a man, of aweful appearance, having a huge body, dark complexion
and red eyes. With one face and two arms, hard to contain. I Invoke you O Vastu with the adamantine
body of great strength, clothed in space, manifest as a Naga, supporting the earth on your head. Please
come hither O Lord Vastu, the one in whom all the Devas are established, grant us your Grace and be
present in this homestead.


Maala devat vhaam

O au-mline nama dhyymi vhaymi ||
jhaa-dhvjya | kumrya | vinyakya | avibhym | candrya | durgyai | saptamtbhyo | sthave | viave | brahmae ||

sanam samarpaymi | arghyam samarpaymi | pdyam samarpaymi | camanyam
samarpaymi | o bhr bhuva suva snnam samarpaymi | vastra artha akatn |
upavta artha akatn samarpaymi | bharaa artha akatn samarpaymi | divya
gandhn dhraymi | gandhasyopari kumkumam samarpaymi | pupamlikm
samarpaymi | pupai pjaymi ||
Vstu-laghu-nmavalli o asi-carma-dharya nama | kapilsyya | bhaya |
rakta-locanya | koa-rakya | lamba-karya | drgha-jaghya | mahodarya | avatuya | kka-kaya | vajra-bhave | vratnta-kya | smita-vaktrya | ka-dehya |
veta-vastrya | su-veine | rakta-keya | mah- paye | tka-darya ||
Place the five bricks on the vedi after decorating them with the following symbols;
nand lotus, bhadr throne, jay umbrella, rikt tortoise, pr vishnu

mbbhhaa SStthhppaannaam
Establish five kumbhas for abhisekam Brick
























Invocation Mantra
brahma jajna prathama purastd
vismatas-suruco vena va |
subudhniy upam asya vihs-sataca yonim
asataca viva ||
vio raramasi vio phamasi vio
aptrestho vios yrasi vio dhruvam asi
vaiavam asi viave tv ||
yo rudro agnau yo apsu ya auadu, yo rudro
viv bhuvan vivea tasmai rudrya namo
astu ||
yo veddau svara prokto vednte ca
pratihita |
tasya prakti lnasya ya paras sa mahevara ||
na sarva-vidynm varas-sarva-bhtn
brahmdhipatir brahmaodhipatir- brahm
ivo me astu sad-ivom ||

Consecrate the kumbhas invoking the deities into them and offer them all the upacras.
Perform abhiekam to the bricks with the following substances and mantras;



om bh bhuva suva | tat savitu vareya bhargo devasya dhmahi
| dhiyo yo na pracodayt |
gandha-dvr durdhar nitya pu karim |
vargu sarva bhtn tm ihopahvaye riyam ||
pyyasva sametu te vivatas-soma viyam |
bhav vjasya sagathe ||
gandha-dvr durdhar nitya pu karim |
vargu sarva bhtn tm ihopahvaye riyam ||
dadhi krvio kria jior avasya vjina |
surabhi no mukh karat praa ygui triat ||
ukramasi jyotirasi tejosi devo vas-savitot-puntvacchidrea
pavitrea vaso sryasya ramibhi ||
madhuvt tyate madhu karanti sindhava |
mdhvrnas-santvoadh ||
ya-gau pnir-akramdasanan-mtara puna |
pitaraca prayant-suva ||


55.. SSaaddiivvaa
44.. M

11.. B

22.. V

33.. R

33.. JJaayyaa


44.. R


55.. PPrraa


22.. B


11.. N

Kumbha Sthpanam

Ihaka Sthpanam

Take each of the kumbhas and pour the water over the bricks with the following mantras;

1. Nanda-l with padma kumbha;

brahman brhmao brahma varcas jyatm asmin rre rjanya iavya
ro mahratho jyat, dogdhr dhenur voh 'nadhvn us sapti
purandhri yo ji rathehs sabheyo yuv'sya yajamnasya vro jyat,
nikme nikme na parjanyo varatu phalinyo na oadhaya pacyant
yoga kemo na kalpatm ||
In the Priesthood let there be born the Brahmana illustrious with Spiritual Knowledge; In the kingdom let
there be born a prince, a skilled archer, a hero and a great-car-warrior; the milch cow; the ox capable of
bearing burdens; the swift race horse; the industrious woman; the victorious warrior, the youth fit for the

assemble. To this sacrificer may a hero be born. May Parjanya send rain according to our needs, may the
plants ripen with fruit and may acquisition and preservation of possessions be secured for us.

2. Bhadra-l mahpadma kumbha

bhadra karebhi uyma dev bhadra payemkibhir-yajatr |
sthirair-agais-tuuvgu sastanbhi vyaema devahita yadyu ||
O Gods may we with our ears listen to what is good, and with our eyes see what is good, ye Holy Ones.
With limbs and bodies firm may we extolling you attain the term of life appointed by the Supreme Lord.

3. Jaya-l akha kumbha

vio raramasi vio phamasi vio aptrestho vios yrasi vio
dhruvam asi vaiavam asi viave tv ||
Thou art the forehead of Vishnu; thou art the back of Vishnu; ye two are the corners of Vishnu's mouth.
Thou art the thread of Vishnu, thou art the fixed point of Vishnu. Thou art of Vishnu; to Vishnu thee. (TS.

4. Rikta-l makara kumbha

o yamya tv makhya tv sryasya tv tapase | devas tv savit
madhvnaktu pthivy saggas spaspahi | arcirasi ocirasi taposi ||
For Yama thee, for Makha thee. For Surya's fervent ardour thee, May Savitar the God with balm annoint
thee, guard thou the touches of the earth. Flame art thou, radiance art thou; heat art thou. (VS.37.11)

5. Pr-l samudra kumbha

o ima dev asapatnagum suvidhvam mahate katrya mahate jyehyya
mahate jna rjyyendrasyendriyya | imam amuya putram amuyai
putram asyai via ea vom rj somosmka brhmangu rj ||
O Ye gods, energize him that none may be his rival, strengthen him for domination, mighty lordship, him,
son of such a man and such a woman of such a clan. This is your king O Clansmen. Soma is the Lord and
Regent of us the brahmins. (VS.9.40)

Invoke the devatas and then offer upacras.

o bhur bhuvas suva bala-varddhana nma agni vhaymi ||
Establish the fire and perform all the rites up to jyabhga.
With each of the following mantras offer four oblations of ghee.

vstopate prati jnhysmn svveo anamvo bhav na |

yatvemahe prati tanno juasva a no edhi dvipade a catupade svh ||

Acknowledge us O Guardian Spirit of the homestead: bring no disease, and give us happy entrance. Grant
us that which we seek of you, and prosper our bipeds and quadrupeds.

vstopate agmaysagu sad te sakmahi ravay gtumaty |

vaha keme uta yoge vara no yya pta svastibhis sad nas svh ||
Through your dear fellowship that brings welfare, may we be victorious, O Guardian of the Dwelling!
Protect our happiness in rest and labour. Preserve us evermore with blessings.

vstopate pratarao edhi gobhir avebhirindo |

ajarsas te sakhye syma piteva putrn prati no juasva svh ||
Protector of the home, be our promoter; increase our wealth in cattle and steeds. O Indu.
May we be ever-youthful in your friendship; be pleased in us as in his sons a father.

amvah vtopata viv rpyvian | sakh sueva edhi nas svh ||

O Guardian of the Homestead who destroys all disease and manifests in manifold forms, be an auspicious
friend to us.

Offer one oblation with each on the names of the maala devats.

o au-mline svh | au-mline ida na mama ||

jhaa-dhvjya | kumrya | vinyakya | avibhym | candrya | durgyai | saptamtbhyo | sthave | viave | brahmae || indrya etc.
Offer 108 oblations with each of the following mantras taking samptam:

o nandyai svh | o bhadryai svh | o jayyai svh | o riktyai svh | o

pryai svh ||
Anoint the bricks with the samptam after each homa.
Offer 108 oblations with the aghora mantra

o y te rudra iv tanr aghor ppa kin |

tay nas tanv antamay giriantbhi ckahi svh ||
With that auspicious form of thine, mild, Rudra! pleasant to behold
Even with that most blessed form, look Mountain-dweller! here on us. ( VS. 16;2)

Paca Varua Homa

ima me varua rudh havam adyca maya |
tvm avasyurcake svh || varuyedam na mama ||
O Lord Varuna listen now to my invocation. Be gracious even now. I approach you seeking your

tat tv ymi brahma vanda mnas tad ste yajamno havirbhi |

aheamno varueha bodhyuruagu sa m na yu pramos svh |
varuyedam na mama ||
O Varuna! Praised by Vedic hymns, may I reach your refuge for which I long, through these oblations. I
offer you abundant praise, withhold your anger now and enlighten us. Hail! ( RV 4.1.5 TS


tvanno agne varuasya vidvn devasya heo vaysi sih |

yajiho vahni tama-oucno viv dvegusi pramum ugdhyasmat
svh | agni-varubhym idam na mama ||
O Agni! Mollify the anger of the gods and Lord Varuna. The Most Worshipful, the Best-Conveyer, the
Most-Resplendent as you are, With these oblations we express our gratitude; turn away from us all
them that hate us. Hail! (RV 4.1.4 TS

sa tvanno agne vamo bhavoti nediho asya uaso vyuau |

avayakva no varuagu raro vhi mkagu suhavo na edhi svh |
agni-varubhym idam na mama ||
O Agni! Foremost amongst the gods, protect us at dawn and during the day and night. May we never
be hindered, grant us ever expanding happiness, O you who are easily invoked. Hail! This is an offering
to Agni and Varuna.

tvam agne aysya ysan manas hita |

aysan havyam hie yno dhehi bheajaggas-svh |
agni-ayase idam na mama ||
O Agni! You are our refuge and mental solace. O Bearer-of-oblations, vouchsafe to us healing
remedies. Hail! This is an offering to Agni. (TB

Sakalpam o prvokta gua vieea visihy asy ubha tithau
mama upta (bhagavad jay bhagavad kaikarya rpea) paca la
sthpana kariye ||
On this auspicious day characterized by the afore mentioned Astrological parameters, with the sanction
of the Supreme Lord and as service to Him alone I now perform the laying of the five foundation stones.

In the Isana corner place a silver or gold ananta sesha and invoke vstu purua:

vhaymyaha deva bhmiha cpyadhomukham |

vstuntha jagatpra prvasy prathamitm ||
I invoke thee O Deva, situated in the earth face downwards. O Vastu Natha thou art the life force of the

vstopate prati jnhysmn svveo anamvo bhav na |

yatvemahe prati tanno juasva a no edhi dvipade a catupade ||
Acknowledge us O Guardian Spirit of the homestead: bring no disease, and give us happy entrance. Grant
us that which we seek of you, and prosper our bipeds and quadrupeds.

vstu-deva namastubhya bhayy'bhirata prabho |

mad gha dhana-dhnydyai samddha kuru sarvad ||
I pay my obeisance to thee O Lord Vastu, who art situated in the earth, please grant ever increasing
wealth & food in my house.

Take each of the consecrated bricks and place them into the pits dug in each of the


1. nand-il sthpanam in the agnikona.

o padmya nama ||
brahman brhmao brahma varcas jyatm asmin rre rjanya iavya
ro mahratho jyat, dogdhr dhenur voh 'nadhvn us sapti
purandhri yo ji rathehs sabheyo yuv'sya yajamnasya vro jyat,
nikme nikme na parjanyo varatu phalinyo na oadhaya pacyant
yoga kemo na kalpatm ||
etan te deva savitur yaja prhar bhaspataye brahmae | tena yajam ava
tena yaja-pati tena mm ava || mano jtir juatm jyasya bhaspatir
yajagu imantano tvaria yajagu samimam dadhtu | vivedevsa
iha mdayantgu o 3 pratiha |

O Lord Savitar, this sacrifice of yours they have proclaimed unto Brihaspati the brahmin priest. Therefore
protect the sacrifice, protect the Lord of the sacrifice, protect me. The rapid flow of the ghee brings him
delight. Brihaspati extend this act of worship. May the sacrifice be restored complete. Here let the All-gods
rejoice. Om be thou established! VS.2;12

o bhr bhuvas sva dhrailo pratiit bhave ||

Om may this foundation stone be firm.

Place the brick and offer pacopacra puja

nande tva nandin pus tvm atra sthpaymyaham |

vemani tviha santiha yvac candrrka trak ||
O Nanda thou art the stone of joy I place thee here in this building may you remain as long as the sun and
the moon exist.

yu kma riya dehi deva vsini nandini |

asmin rak tvay kry sad vemani yatnata ||
O Nandini in who the devas dwell, grant us longevity, fulfillment of desires and prosperity. Remain here
protecting this building with all your power.

2. bhadra-l sthpanam in the nairti kona

o mahpadmya nama ||
bhadra karebhi uyma dev bhadra payemkibhir-yajatr |
sthirair-agais-tuuvgu sastanbhi vyaema devahita yadyu ||
etan te deva . o 3 pratiha ||
o bhr bhuvas suva dhrailo pratiit bhave ||
bhadre tva sarvd bhadra lokn kuru kyapi |
yurd kmad devi sukhad ca sad bhava ||


tvm atra sthpaymyadya ghesmin bhadra-dyine |

O Bhadra, scion of Kashyapa, grant eternal auspiciousness to all the realms, Grant longevity, fulfillment of
desires and perpetual happiness O Devi. I establish thee here in this building O Giver of Auspiciousness.

3. jay-l sthpanam in vyukona

o akhya nama ||
vio raramasi vio phamasi vio aptrestho vios yrasi vio
dhruvam asi vaiavam asi viave tv ||
etan te deva . o 3 pratiha ||
o bhr bhuvas suva dhrailo pratiit bhave ||
garga gotra samudbht trinetr ca caturbhujm |
ghesmin sthpayamyadya jay cru-locanm ||
nitya jayya bhtyai ca svmino bhava bhrgav |
O Scion of Garga, three-eyed and four-armed, O Jaya of beautiful eyes, I establish thee here today in this
building. Grant auspiciousness and perpetual success to the master of this house.

4. rikta-l sthpanam In na-kona.

o makarya nama ||
tryabaka yajmahe sugandhi pui vardhanam |
rvrukam-iva bandhann mtyor mukya mmtt ||
We offer our homage to Lord Siva, sweet augmenter of prosperity, as a cucumber from its stem may we be
severed from the bonds of death, and attain immortality. V.S. 3;60

etan te deva . o 3 pratiha ||

o bhr bhuvas suva dhrailo pratiit bhave ||
rikte tva rikta-doaghne siddhi mukti prade ubhe |
sarvad sarva doaghni tihsmis tatra nandani ||
O Rikta thou destroyest the inauspiciousness of numbers, and grantest success and freedom, may thou
established here perpetualy destroy all forces of negativity.

5. pra-l sthpanam In the centre of the house

o sarvatobhadrya nama ||
o pr darvi par pata supr punarpata |
vasneva vikrvah iam rjagu ata-krato ||
O Ladle, fly away filled, and well filled do thou fly back. Like wares, O Shatakratu, let us barter
nourishment and strength. VS.3;49


etan te deva . o 3 pratiha ||

o bhr bhuvas suva dhrailo pratiit bhave ||
pre tva sarvad prn lokn kuru kyapi |
yurd kmad devi dhanad sutad tath ||
ghe dhr vstumay vstu-dpena samyut |
tvmte nsti jagatm dhraca jagat priye ||
O Purna thou art eternally whole, make this world complete O scion of Kashyapa, Grant longevity,
fulfillment of desires, wealth and sons O Devi. Thou art the foundation of this house pervaded by the
energy of Vastu. Thou art immortal the foundation of the Universe beloved in the world.

Dakia Dnam
adya ktaitac chlanysa karmaa sga phala prptaye sd guyrtha ca
crydibhyo dakim sampradade ||

Lokekema prrthana.
Devat visarjanam
Sprinkle water from the nti kalaa over the heads of the yajamana and his wife.
irvdam and brhmaa bhojanam


The family assemble in front of the house, at an auspicious moment, while chanting the
following lokas, they enter the building with the sumagalis going in front carrying the
purna kumbha and other auspicious articles.
If the house is already lived in then this can be omitted.

pram nri pra bhara kumbham eta ghtasya dhrm amtena sabhtm
| im ptn amten samagdhi i-prtam abhi raktyenm ||
Bring forward, O lady, the well-filled pitcher, and the streams of light mixed with immortality.
Sprinkle these drinkers (gods) with a draught of Amrit. May all our meritorious deeds of both personal
and public fulfilment guard this dwelling. (A.V. 3:12:8)

im pa pra bharmy-ayakm yakma nan |

ghn upa pra sdmy-amtena sahgnin ||
Water that destroys disease, free from all contamination, here I bring. With Agni, the immortal one, I
enter and possess the house. (A.V.3:12:9)

SSvvaassttii SSkkttaam
svasti no mimtm avin bhaga svasti devyaditir anarvaa |
svasti p asuro dadhtu na svasti dyv pthiv sucetun ||
May Bhaga and the Asvins grant us health and wealth, and Goddess Aditi and he whom none resist.
The Asura Pusan grant us all prosperity, and Heaven and Earth most wise grant us happiness.

svastaye vyum upabravmahai somagu svasti bhuvanasya yaspati |

bhaspatigu sarva gaagu svastaye svastaya dityso bhavantu na ||
Let us solicit Vayu for prosperity, and Soma who is Lord of all the world for weal;
For weal Brhaspati with all his company. May the Adityas bring us health and happiness.

vive dev no ady svastaye vaivnaro vasuragnis svastaye |

dev avantvbhavas svastaye svasti no rudra ptvagu hasa ||
May all the Gods, may Agni the beneficent, God of all human beings, this day be with us for our weal.
Help us the Rbhus, the Divine Ones, for our good. May Rudra bless and keep us from calamity.

svasti mitr varu svasti pathye revati |

svasti na indracgnica svasti no adite kdhi ||
Prosper us, Mitra, Varuna. O wealthy Pathya, prosper us.
Indra and Agni, prosper us; prosper us you, O Aditi.

svasti panthm anucarema sry candramasviva |

punardadat ghnat jnat sa gamemahi ||
Like Sun and Moon may we pursue in full prosperity our path,
And meet with one who gives again, -who knows us well and slays us not.


The Boiling of Milk.

A new pot filled with milk is placed upon the stove and brought to the boil and allowed to

ihaiva dhruv prati tiha levvat gomat sntvat |

rjasvat ghtavat payasvaty ucchrayasva mahate saubhagya ||
Even here, O House, stand on firm foundation, filled with life-energy, frequented by knowledgeable and
truthful people. Abundant in nourishment, in milk and fatness, rise up for great joy and good fortune.

Viigghhnneevvaarraa PPjj
Sakalpam Hari o tat sat; govinda, govinda. govinda, mama yajamnasya
upta samasta durita-kaya dvr
rman paramevara/nryaa prtyrtham
(bhagavad jay bhagavad kaikarya rpea) kariyama asmin vstu anti homa
karmai nirvighnea parisampty-artham dau vighneavara pj kariye ||
Hari Om, Govinda, Today for absolution of all my patron's sins and in order to invoke the Grace of the
Supreme Lord on this auspicious day, in this Vastu Ceremony about to be performed I first offer my
homage to Ganesha for the successful and unobstructed completion of the rites.

Perform either Ganesha puja or Vishvaksena puja and then recite the main sankalpam

PPrraaddhhnnaa SSaakkaallppaam
tad eva lagnam sudinam, tad eva tra balam candra balam tad eva |
vidy balam daiva balam tad eva, lakmpate te aghriyugam smarmi ||
When the lotus feet of the Lord of Lakshmi are recalled to mind, there is a good ascendant, a good day,
strength of constelation and Moon, power of wisdom, energy of divinity.

hari om tat sat. ubhe obhane muhrte, asya r bhagavato mah puruasya, r
vio jay pravartamnasya dya brahmao dvitya parrdhe, r veta varha
kalpe, vaivasvata manvantare, kali yuge, kali-yugasya prathama pde, bauddha
vatre, akbde mero dakia/pacima/uttara dik bhge, ________ dee, ________
rjye ________ mahnagari antargate, asmin vartamnm vyavahriknm prabhavdi
ai savatsarnm madhye ________ nma savatsare, ________ ayane, ________
tau ________ mse, ________ pake, ________ tithau, ________ vsare, ________
nakatra yukty, ubha yoge ubha karae r viu yoga, r viu karae,
sakala graha gua vieaa visihy, asy ubha tithau ________
gotrodbhavasya, ________ nakatre jtasya ________ nma yajamna ||
vieata asya yajamnasya saha kuumbhnam, sa-mitrm sa-parivrn | kema
sthairya dhairya vrya vijaya yur rogya aivarynm abhivddhyartham | dharma


artha kma moka catur vidha pururtha phala siddhyartham | iha-kmyrtha

siddhyartham | sarva ariha ntyartham | sarva abhiha siddhyartham | samasta
magalvaptyartham | asmin ghe vidyamna dru pndi samasta gha nirma
upakaraa dvra janita sakala doa pdi nivtyartham | ditydi navagraha
devatnm aria nirasana dvra ubha phala pradttva siddhyartham | hita di | ahita
di | para di | krra di | vacaka dydi sakala di bdh upaamanrtham |
hita atru | ahita atru | para atru | anta atru | bahi atru itydi samasta atru bdh
nirasanrtham | asmin ghe nivasitnm manasi dukha vin | kasa vin | ppam
vin | sukha jvana prptyartham | asya yajamnasya putra pautrdi sahitasya asmin
(ntana) ghe cirakla sukha nivsrtha | nn vidha rogdi sarvopadrava
ntyartha | sampad yur rogya dvipada catupada nn vidha his doa parihra
dvra | vsto ubhad sasiddhaye | vstu nti mantra japa pjm kariye || (vstu
nti homkhym karma kariye) ||
tad-agatvena gha uddhyartha anta-karaa uddhyartha arra uddhyartha
gha uddhyartha [bha - kpa - maapa uddhyartha] sarvopakaraa
uddhyartha uddhi puyha-vcanam kariye.
As an ancilliary to this rite I shall perform the sanctification ceremony for the sanctification of mind, body,
home and all the accessories of worship.

vighnevara udvsanam | puyha vcanam ||

IInnvvooccaattiioonn ooff tthhee G

1. asmin kumbhe vi hiraya-garbhm dhyymi |
o vedtmanya vidmahe, hiraya-garbhya dhmahi, tanno brahma pracodayt ||
o vgdevyai ca vidmahe, brahma-patnyai ca dhmahi, tanno v pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham, v-hirayagarbhau dhyymi,
vhaymi, sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o v-hirayagarbhbhy nama
2. asmin kumbhe lakm-nryaa dhyymi |
o nryaya vidmahe | vsudevya dhmahi | tanno viu pracodayt ||
o mahdevyai ca vidmahe | viu patnyai ca dhmahi | tanno lakm pracodayt
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham, lakm-nryaau dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o lakm-nryabhy nama ||
3. asmin kumbhe gaur-mahevara dhyymi |
o tatpuruya vidmahe | mahdevya dhmahi | tanno rudra pracodayt ||
o gambikyai vidmahe | mah-tapyai dhmahi | tanno gaur pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham, gaur-mahevarau dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o gaur-mahevarbhy nama ||
4. asmin kumbhe durg dev dhyymi |
o ktyyanya vidmahe | kanyakumri dhmahi | tanno durgi pracodayt ||


o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham, drgm dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi

gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o drgyai nama ||
5. asmin kumbhe mah-gaapati dhyymi |
o ekadantya vidmahe | vakratuya dhmahi | tanno danti pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham, mah-gaapati dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o gaapataye nama ||
6. asmin kumbhe ketra-pln dhyymi |
bhta-preta picdyair vtam la-pinam |
vhaye ketra-plam karmayasmin sukhya na ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham, ketrapln dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || om ketra-plebhyo nama ||

Ahhaa--ddiikkppllaakkaa D
7. asmin kumbhe prva-dikplakam indra dhyymi |
o tat puruya vidmahe | sahasrkya dhmahi | tanna indra pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, indram dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o indrya nama ||
8. asmin kumbhe gneya-dikplakam agni dhyymi |
o mah jvlya vidmahe | agnim-anyya dhmahi | tannogni pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, agni dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o agnaye nama ||
9. asmin kumbhe dakia-dikplakam yama dhyymi |
o tat-puruya vidmahe | dharma-rjya dhmahi | tanno yama pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, yama dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata samarpaymi || o yamya nama ||
10. asmin kumbhe naiti-dikplakam niti dhyymi |
o tat-puruya vidmahe | preta-rjya dhmahi | tanna niti pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, niti dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o nairtaye nama ||
11. asmin kumbhe pacima-dikplakam varua dhyymi |
o jala-bimbya vidmahe | nla-puruya dhmahi | tanno varua pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, varua dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o varuya nama ||
12. asmin kumbhe vyavya- dikplakam vyu dhyymi |
o pavana puruya vidmahe | sahasra mrtaye ca dhmahi | tanno vyu pracodayt


o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, vyu dhyymi, vhaymi,

sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o vyave nama ||
13. asmin kumbhe uttara- dikplakam kubera dhyymi |
o tat-puruya vidmahe | dhana-rjya dhmahi | tanno kubera pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, kubera dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o kuberya nama ||
14. asmin kumbhe ainya- dikplakam na dhyymi |
o tat-puruya vidmahe | mahdevya dhmahi | tanno na pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, na dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o ya nama ||

Naavvaaggrraahhaa D
15. asmin kumbhe srya-graham dhyymi |
o bhskarya vidmahe | mah-dyuti-karya dhmahi | tanno ditya pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, sryam dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o sryya nama ||
16. asmin kumbhe candra-graham dhyymi |
o ni-karya vidmahe | kal-nthya dhmahi | tanna-candra pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, candram dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o somya nama ||
17. asmin kumbhe agraka-graham dhyymi |
o agrakya vidmahe | bhmi-putrya dhmahi | tanna kuja pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, agraka
vhaymi, sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o kujya nama ||
18. asmin kumbhe budha-graham dhyymi |
o saumya-karya vidmahe | soma-sutya dhmahi | tanno budha pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, budha dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o budhya nama ||
19. asmin kumbhe bhaspati-graham dhyymi |
o surcryya vidmahe | sura-rehya dhmahi | tanno guru pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, bhaspati dhyymi,
vhaymi, sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o gurave nama ||
20. asmin kumbhe ukra dhyymi |
o bhrgavya vidmahe | bhgu-sutya dhmahi | tanna-ukra pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, ukra dhyymi, vhaymi,


sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o ukrya nama ||

21. asmin kumbhe sanaicara-graham dhyymi |
o pagu-pdya vidmahe | kka-dhvajya dhmahi | tanna-anaicara pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, sanaicara dhyymi,
vhaymi, sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o anaicarya nama ||
22. asmin kumbhe rhu-graham dhyymi |
o nga-rpya vidmahe | sihi-putrya dhmahi | tanno rhu pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, rhu dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o rhave nama ||
23. asmin kumbhe ketu-graham dhyymi |
o citra-varya vidmahe | citra-guptya dhmahi | tanno ketu pracodayt ||
o bhr bhuvas suva, sgam syudham saaktim, ketu dhyymi, vhaymi,
sthpaymi gandhakata pup samarpaymi || o ketave nama ||

Vssttuu PPuurruuaa PPjjaannaam
vstu martyo mahkya kgo rakta-locana |
eka-vaktro dvi-bhuca barbargaca durdhara ||
vhaymyaha vstu vajra-deho mah-balam |
vivambara nga-rpa bh-bhr-arpita mastakam ||
gaccha bhagavan vsto sarva devair adhiita |
bhagavan kuru kalyam ghe-smin sannidho bhava ||
o kr kr kr krai krau kra h vstu-pataye ihgaccha ih tia ||
o h vstu pataye nama ||
O Vastu who appears in the form of a man, of aweful appearance, having a huge body, dark complexion
and red eyes. With one face and two arms, hard to contain. I Invoke you O Vastu with the adamantine
body of great strength, clothed in space, manifest as a Naga, supporting the earth on your head. Please
come hither O Lord Vastu, the one in whom all the Devas are established, grant us your Grace and be
present in this homestead.

Maala devat vhaam

O au-mline nama dhyymi vhaymi ||
jhaa-dhvjya | kumrya | vinyakya | avibhym | candrya | durgyai | saptamtbhyo | sthave | viave | brahmae ||

sanam samarpaymi | arghyam samarpaymi | pdyam samarpaymi | camanyam
samarpaymi | o bhr bhuva suva snnam samarpaymi | vastra artha akatn |
upavta artha akatn samarpaymi | bharaa artha akatn samarpaymi | divya


gandhn dhraymi | gandhasyopari kumkumam samarpaymi | pupamlikm

samarpaymi | pupai pjaymi ||
Vstu-laghu-nmavalli o asi-carma-dharya nama | kapilsyya | bhaya |
rakta-locanya | koa-rakya | lamba-karya | drgha-jaghya | mahodarya | avatuya | kka-kaya | vajra-bhave | vratnta-kya | smita-vaktrya | ka-dehya |
veta-vastrya | su-veine | rakta-keya | mah- paye | tka-darya ||

Vstu nmavalli
o vstu puruya nama | mahkya | kgya | arukya | vastraika-dhraya
| dvibhave | vajra-dehya | sursurkrya | eka-vaktrya | barbargya || 10 ||
durdharya | vibhrama-iiroruhya | ainya sthita mastakya | krudhya | krparikta-jnu-dvayya | ktjal-puya | kalynya | adho-vaktrya | iva-netrodbhavya |
ora-rpya || 20 || vstu-strdhipataye | cutu ahi maaldhyakya | dharasutya | bali-priyya | rakta-keya | vstu-maala-madhya-gya | vstu-devya |
trailokya-rakakya | trtre | varadya || 30 || vacitrtha-pradya | bhaktnam
abhayakarya | bhakta-vatsalya | ubhya | homrcana-prtya | prabhave |
udumbara-samit-priyya | marcynna-priya-mnasya | dikpla-paribhitya | ghanirma-sahyakya || 40 || gha-doa-nivartakya | kuliyudha-bhaya | kavastra-dharya | yur-bala-yaodya | ma-bali-priyya | drgha-netrya | nidrpriyya | dridrya -haraya | sukha-aynandya | saubhgya-dya || 50 ||
vstopataye | sarvgama-stutya | sarva-magalya | o vstu puruya nama ||

Uttttaarraa PPjj
dhpa ghrpaymi | pratyaka dpa daraymi | dhpa dpa anantaram punar
camanyam samarpaymi |
naivedyam nivedaymi | naivedya anantaram
camanyam samarpaymi | tmblam samarpaymi | nanda karpra nirjanam
sadaraymi ||
o vstu puruya vidmahe | bhm-putrya dhmahi | tanno vstu pracodayt ||
karpra nirjana anantaram punar camaniyam samarpaymi ||

vstu martyo mahkya kgo rakta-locana |
eka-vaktro dvi-bhuca barbargaca durdhara ||
O Vastu who appears in the form of a man, of aweful appearance, having a huge body, dark complexion
and red eyes. With one face and two arms, incomprehensible.

o pjito'si may vsto homdyair arcanai ubhai |

prasda phi vivea dehi me ghaja sukham ||
You has been propitiated by my O Vastu, through these various auspicious offerings. Have compassion on
me and bless me Lord of Space, grant me domestic happiness.


vstu-deva namastubhya bhayy'bhirata prabho |

mad gha dhana-dhnydyai samddha kuru sarvad ||
Obeisance to you O Lord Vastu, pervading this space. Please grant me the perpetual increase of domestic

devea vstu-purua sarva vighna-vinaka |

nti kuru sukha dehi sarva kmn prayaccha me ||
O Vastu Purusha, foremost of the Devas, the remover of obstacles. Grant me peace and happiness, grant me
the actualization of aims.


Vssttuu H
o bhr bhuvas suva ma-nma agni vhaymi ||

Establish the fire and perform all the rites up to jyabhga.

With each of the following mantras offer four oblations of ghee.

vstopate prati jnhysmn svveo anamvo bhav na |

yatvemahe prati tanno juasva a no edhi dvipade a catupade svh ||
Acknowledge us O Guardian Spirit of the homestead: bring no disease, and give us happy entrance. Grant
us that which we seek of you, and prosper our bipeds and quadrupeds.

vstopate agmaysagu sad te sakmahi ravay gtumaty |

vaha keme uta yoge vara no yya pta svastibhis sad nas svh ||
Through your dear fellowship that brings welfare, may we be victorious, O Guardian of the Dwelling!
Protect our happiness in rest and labour. Preserve us evermore with blessings.

vstopate pratarao edhi gobhir avebhirindo |

ajarsas te sakhye syma piteva putrn prati no juasva svh ||
Protector of the home, be our promoter; increase our wealth in cattle and steeds. O Indu.
May we be ever-youthful in your friendship; be pleased in us as in his sons a father.

amvah vtopata viv rpyvian | sakh sueva edhi nas svh ||

O Guardian of the Homestead who destroys all disease and manifests in manifold forms, be an auspicious
friend to us.

Offer 108 oblations with the mantra

o h vstu pataye svh ||

Offer one oblation with each on the names of the mandala devatas.

o au-mline svh | au-mline ida na mama ||

jhaa-dhvjya | kumrya | vinyakya | avibhym | candrya | durgyai | saptamtbhyo | sthave | viave | brahmae ||
Offer oblations with the purusha sukta
Offer oblations with the navagraha sukta


|| Navagraha Sktam ||
satyena rajas vartamno niveayann amta martyaca |
hirayayena savit rathen-devo yti bhuvan vipayan svh ||
agni dta vmahe hotra vivavedasam |
asya yajasya sukratuggas svh ||
yem e paupati pan catupadm uta ca dvipadm |
nikrtoya yajiya bhgam etu ryas-po yajamnasya santu svh ||
agni-mrddh diva kakut-pati pthivy ayam |
apgm retgm si jinvati svh ||
syon pthivi bhav-nkar nivean | yacchna-arma sapraths svh ||
ketrasya patin vayagm hiteneva jaymasi |
gmava poayintv sa no mt de svh ||
prava-ukrya bhnave bharadhvam | havya mati cgnaye suptam |
yo daivyni mnu jangmi | antar-vivni vidma n jigti svh ||
indrm su nriu supatnm aham aravam |
na hyasy aparacana jaras marate pati svh ||
indra vo vivataspati havmahe janebhya | asmkam astu kevalas svh ||
pyyasva sametu te vivatas-soma viyam |
bhav vjasya sagathe svh ||
apsu me somo abravdantar-vivni bheaj |
agnica viva abhuvam paca viva bheaj svh ||
gaurm imya salilni takat-yekapad dvipad s catupad |
a-pad nava-pad babhvu sahasrkar parame vyoman svh ||
udbudhyasvgne pratij ghyenam i prte sagmsjethm ayaca |
puna kvagmstv pitara yuvnam
anvtgm sttvayi tantum-etam svh ||
ida viur vicakrame tredh nidadhe padam |
samham asya pgm sure svh ||
vior aram asi vio pham asi vio aptrestho vios-syr-asi
vior dhruvam-asi vaiavam-asi viave tv svh ||
bhaspate atiyadaryo arhd dyumad-vibhti kratumaj-janeu |
yadddayacchavasarta prajta tad-asmsu dravian dhehi citram svh ||
indra marutva iha phi soma yath ryte apibas-sutasya |
tava prat tava ra-arman-nviv santi kavayas-suyaj svh ||
brahma jajna prathama purastd vismatas-suruco vena va |
subudhniy upam asya vihs-sataca yonim asataca viva svh ||


anno devr abhiaya po bhavantu ptaye |

ayor abhisravantu na svh ||
prajpate na tvadetnyanyo viv jtni pari t babhva | yat kmaste
juhumastanno astu vayagm syma patayo raym svh ||
ima yama prastaram hi sdgirobhi pitbhi savidna |
tv mantr kaviast vahantven rjan havi mdayasva svh ||
kay nacitra bhuva dt sad vdhas-sakh | kay acihay vt svh ||
ya-gau pnir-akramdasanan-mtara puna |
pitaraca prayant-suva svh ||
yatte dev nitir babandha dma grvsvavicartyam | idam te tadviymyyuo na madhydath jva pitumaddhi pramukta svh ||
ketu kvanna ketave peo mary apease | samuadbhir-ajyath svh ||
brahm devn padav kavnm ir vipr mahio mgm | yeno
gdhrgm svadhitir vanngm soma pavitram atyeti rebhan svh ||
sacitra citra citayan tamasme citra katra citratama vayodhm | candra
rayi puruvra bhanta candra candrbhir gate yuvasya svh ||

PPaaccaa V
Vaarruuaa H
ima me varua rudh havam adyca maya | tvm avasyurcake
svh || varuyedam na mama ||
O Lord Varuna listen now to my invocation. Be gracious even now. I approach you seeking your

tat tv ymi brahma vanda mnas tad ste yajamno havirbhi |

aheamno varueha bodhyuruagu sa m na yu pramos svh |
varuyedam na mama ||
O Varuna! Praised by Vedic hymns, may I reach your refuge for which I long, through these oblations. I
offer you abundant praise, withhold your anger now and enlighten us. Hail! ( RV 4.1.5 TS

tvanno agne varuasya vidvn devasya heo vaysi sih | yajiho

vahni tama-oucno viv dvegusi pramum ugdhyasmat svh |
agni-varubhym idam na mama ||
O Agni! Mollify the anger of the gods and Lord Varuna. The Most Worshipful, the Best-Conveyer, the
Most-Resplendent as you are, With these oblations we express our gratitude; turn away from us all
them that hate us. Hail! (RV 4.1.4 TS

sa tvanno agne vamo bhavoti nediho asya uaso vyuau | avayakva no

varuagu raro vhi mkagu suhavo na edhi svh | agnivarubhym idam na mama ||
O Agni! Foremost amongst the gods, protect us at dawn and during the day and night. May we never
be hindered, grant us ever expanding happiness, O you who are easily invoked. Hail! This is an offering
to Agni and Varuna.


tvam agne aysya ysan manas hita | aysan havyam hie yno dhehi
bheajaggas-svh | agni-ayase idam na mama ||
O Agni! You are our refuge and mental solace. O Bearer-of-oblations, vouchsafe to us healing
remedies. Hail! This is an offering to Agni. (TB

prajpate na tvad etnyanyo viv jtni pari t babhva | yat kmas te
juhumas tanno astu vayagu syma patayo raygu svh || prajpataya
idam na mama ||
O Lord of Beings, you alone can comprehend all these created forms, and none beside you. Grant us our
heart's desire when we invoke you, may we become the lords of rich possessions. (VS. 10;20)

om bhssvh | agnaye idam na mama ||

o bhuvassvh | vyave ida na mama ||
om suvassvh | sryya idam na mama ||
yad asya karmao tyarrica yad v nynam ihkaram | agniat svia-kd
vidvn sarvagu sviagam suhutam karotu svh | agnaye sviakt edam
na mama ||
Whatever there has been done that is superfluous or deficient in this sacrifice, you know it all, please
accept it as complete O Agni Svistakrta.

Paridhi pariharaam;
Offer the paridhis into the fire after having dipped them in ghee; the middle one first
followed by the three others.

Samsrva Homa
Fill the sruva with ghee then cover with the sruk then offer a continuous stream of ghee;

svh | vasubhyo rudrebhya ditebhya sasrva bhgebhya idam na

mama ||
om bhr-bhuvas-suvas-svh | prajpataye idam na mama ||

Sakalpam o prvokta gua vieea visihy asy ubha tithau
bhagavad jay bhagavad kaikarya rpea asmin vstu homa karmai
avijta pryacitta dni kariye ||
On this auspicious day characterized by the afore mentioned Astrological parameters, with the sanction
of the Supreme Person and as service to Him alone , in this rite of ................. I shall now make the
atonement offerings.

anjta yad ajta yjasya kriyate mithu | agne tadasya kalpaya

tvagu hi vettha yath tathagass svh || agnayedam na mama ||

Whatever error I may have committed in this sacrifice, knowingly or unknowingly, O Agni you know full
well, please amend it and make it perfect. (TB.

purua sammito yajo yaja purua sammita | agne tadasya kalpaya

tvagu hi vettha yath tathagass svh || agnayedam na mama ||
The Supreme Lord is coequal with Sacrifice, the Sacrifice is coequal with the Lord. O Agni you know full
well, please amend it and make it perfect. (TB.

yat pkatra manas dna dak na | yajasya manvate martsa | agniad

hot kratu-vid vijnan yajiho devgu kratuo yajti svh || agnayedam
na mama ||
Since we humans of feeble energies, with immature minds, are unacquainted with the correct procedure
of sacrifice, may the Mystic Fire who is skilled in the rites, well knowing all that is to be done, the best
offerer, offer worship (on our behalf) according to fit season. (RV.10.2.5a)

om bhssvh | agnaye ida na mama ||

o bhuvassvh | vyave ida na mama ||
om suvassvh | sryya ida na mama ||
asmin homa karmai madhye sabhvita samasta doa
pryacittrtha sarva pryacittam hoymi ||
For all shortcomings that occurred during the course of this sacrifice I now offer final atonement and

om bhr-bhuvas-suvas-svh | prajpataye idam na mama |

om rviave-svh | viave paramtmane idam na mama |
o rudrya paupataye svh | rudrya paupataye ida na mama ||

Sakalpam o prvokta gua vieea visihy asy ubha tithau bhagavad
jay bhagavad kaikarya rpea asmin vstu homa karmaa sapra phala
prptyrtha ma nmgnau prhuti hoymi | tadanantara sgata
siddhyartha vsorddhara hoymi ||
o prhutim uttam juhoti | sarva vai pr-huti |
sarvam evpnoti | atho iya vai pr-huti |
asym eva prati-tihati svh || agnaye vauah ||
He sacrifices the best of final oblations; Totality is the final oblation; through that everything is
obtained ; therefore is this, that final oblation; in this is it established.

Vaassoorrddhhrraa H
o sapta te agne samidhas sapta jihvs sapta aya sapta dhma priyi |
sapta hotr sapta-dh tv yajanti sapta yonir pasva ghtena svh ||
agnaye saptavateda na mama ||
Seven are your faggots O Agni, seven your tongues, seven the seers and seven the beloved locations. Seven
are the priests that oblate to you, seven are the sources, with this oblation of ghee grant us protection.

Pryma & Pariecanam

aditenvamagass sth | anumatenvamagass sth |

sarasvatenvamagass sth | deva savita prsv ||
Aditi has granted us permission, Anumati has granted permission. Sarasvati has granted permission,
Deva Savita has impelled us.

Valediction of Varuna from the pranita patra

varuya nama sakala ardhanai svarcitam | yath-sthnam .

O Varuna I offer you all my homage, please depart where you will, for Glory, well-being and the hope that
you will return.

Pouring out of the water

prcy di dev rtvijo mrjayantm

In the eastern quarter may the gods, the priests make me bright.

dakiasya di ms pitaro mrjayantm

In the southern quarter may the months, the manes make me illustrious.

pratcy di grh paavo mrjayantm

In the western quarter may the houses, the cattle make me illustrious.

udcy diypa oadhayo mrjayantm

In the northern quarter may the waters, the plants, the trees make me illustrious.

rdhvy di yaja savatsaro yaja-patir mrjayantm

In the zenith may the sacrifice, the year, the Lord of Sacrifice make me illustrious.

o vaivnarya vidmahe | lllya dhmahi | tanno agni pracodayt ||

We cognize the Mystic Fire within the soul of all beings, may that Illuminator enlighten us.

maaggee ttoo A
agne naya supath rye asmn vivni deva vayunni vidvan |
yuyoyasmaj-juhuram eno yihnte nama uktim viema ||
o agnaye nama agni tmanyudvsaymi ||
O Refulgent Agni you possess all kinds of knowledge and are therefore wise. Lead us in a goodly path to
the wealth of Beatitude. Keep away from us corrupting sin which stands in the way of our attainment.
We offer you many salutations.

Om Obeisance to Agni - I return you to your place within my heart

namaste grhpatyya namaste dakignaye |
nama havanyya mah vedyi namo nama ||

Reverence to the Garhapatya fire , reverence to the dakshina fire. Reverence to the Ahavaniya fire and to
the Main Altar I pay repeated reverence.

ka dvaya upapdhyya karma brahma svarpiam |

svarga apavarga rpya yajeya namo nama ||
I pay my obeisances to the Lord of Sacrifices who is manifest in the form of the twin divisions of the Vedas
relating to Action (karma-kanda) and to Knowledge (Brahma-kanda) which are the causes of heaven
and liberation respectively.


yajecyuta govinda mdhava anata keava |

ka vio hkea vsudeva namo'stu te ||
Salutations to you O Krishna, the Lord of Sacrifice, The All-pervading One, the Lord-of-the-senses, the
Eternal One, the Consort of Lakshmi, the Indweller, and Lord of the Universe.

mantra hna kriya hna bhakti hna hutana |

yad huta tu may deva paripra tad astu te ||
Deficient as this sacrifice is in formulae, methodology and devotion O Agni! Whatever I have offered my
Lord, let it be acceptable to you.

pryacitta anya ei tapa karmtma kni vai |

yni tem ae ka anusmaraa param ||
There is no other expiation in austerities and other actions whereby everything that is deficient becomes
whole other than by the remembrance of the name of Krishna.

yasya smtya c nmokta tapa yaja kriydiu |

nynam sampratm yti sadyo vande tam acyutam ||
o r ka ka ka

In the eight directions around the house offer balis of cooked rice and limes.
The wife of the householder pours red water (coloured with kumkum) over each handful of
rice offered.

Sakalpam o adya prvokta gua vieaa visiy asy ubha tithau

ktasya asya bhmi pja karmai sgat siddhyartha dig-pla pjana prvaka
sthpita devatbhyo bali-dnam aha kariye ||
On this auspicious day characterised by the afore-mentioned astrological parameters, as an ancilliary to
this bhumi-puja I now make offerings to all the eight regents of the directions.


indro'marvati ntha aci devystu nyaka |

vajryudhasya prca tasyai cairvato gaja ||

I salute you, O wise King of the Gods, who destroyed the pride of the titans and performed a hundred

bho! Indra! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tui kart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena indra priyatm ||
O Indra guard your direction, accept this offering, be generous to us, and make this yajamana and his
extended family long-lived, replete with well-being, peace, strength, contentment: may you be pleased
with this offering.


agnis tejovati vsis svh devy priya pati |

merho akti-dhara digney pratihita ||

I salute you, O Lord of Fire, the mouth of all the gods, the one who conveys the oblations and by whom
everything revolves.


bho! agne! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tui kart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena agni priyatm ||


yama sayamani ntha ymalya nama priya |

daa-bhn mahirho dakinasy dii sthita ||

I salute you, O Lord of the Dead, the one who protects the Dharma, who terrifies the whole world, and by
whom all is eventually taken.

bho! yama! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena yama priyatm ||


krgana purg yasya drgh bhryam arohaya |

astra kunto nairtasya nairty dii thita ||

I salute you, Wrathful Nairriti, Lord of the demons, in whom all the Rakshasas, Yatudhanas and Pisachas
take their refuge.

bho! nirti! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena nirti priyatm ||


puri radhvati yasya priy bhrya ca klik |

makara-vha pa-dharo varua pacim-evara ||

I salute you, O Lord of the Waters, who carries the peerless noose, who sustains all life and into whom all
is dissolved in the end.

bho! varua! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena varua priyatm ||


vyur gandhavati ntha kicit tasy jana priya |

praga vho dhvaja-bht vyavy dii vartate ||

I salute you, Lord of the Cosmic Life Force, the master of all living beings, who supports all life through the
respiratory process.

bho! vyo! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena vyu priyatm ||


kuberas crakry astu citrarekha priyagaa |

hayavho khaga-dhara udcy dii vartate ||

I salute you, O Lord of Wealth, the master of all the Yakshas and Guhyakas, and the one by whose grace
the world is filled with prosperity.

bho! kubera! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena kubera priyatm ||



yaovata na prvat paramevara |

inya dii sabhti vrrha trila-bht ||

I salute you, O Lord Rudra, the son of Brahma, the one who destroys the universe at the end of time with
the fire of Time

bho! na! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena na priyatm ||

vstopate prati jnhysmn svveo anamvo bhav na |
yatvemahe prati tanno juasva a no edhi dvipade a catupade ||
Acknowledge us O Guardian Spirit of the homestead: bring no disease, and give us happy entrance. Grant
us that which we seek of you, and prosper our bipeds and quadrupeds.

bho! vsto! sv diam raka, bali bhaka, asya yajamnasya sakuumbasya

saparivrasya, yu kart, kema kart, nti kart, pui kart, tuikart, varado
bhava | anena balidnena vstu-purua priyatm ||
The deities are valedicted and the kumbha disassembled the water is then sprinkled in
every room of the house.

prcy dia ly namo mahimne svh devebhyas svhyebhya |

dakiy dia ly namo mahimne svh devebhyas svhyebhya |
prtcy dia ly namo mahimne svh devebhyas svhyebhya |
udcy dia ly namo mahimne svh devebhyas svhyebhya |
dhruvy dia ly namo mahimne svh devebhyas svhyebhya |
rdhvy dia ly namo mahimne svh devebhyas svhyebhya |
dio dia ly namo mahimne svh devebhyas svhyebhya |



jap kusuma saka kyapeya mahdyutim |
tamori sarva ppaghna praato 'smi divkaram svh || 1 ||
o bhskarya vidmahe | mah-dyuti-karya dhmahi | tanno ditya pracodayt
svh ||
o rogyadya svh ||
o hr hr hrau sa sryya namas svh ||
sryya ida na mama ||

dadhi akha turbha ksrodrava sabhavam |
nammi aina soma abhor-mukua bhaam svh || 2 ||
o ni-karya vidmahe | kal-nthya dhmahi | tanna-candra pracodayt svh ||
o kl hr ai amta karmta plvaya plvaya svh ||
o r r rau sa candrya namas svh ||
somya ida na mama ||

dhara-garbha sabhta vidyut knti samaprabham |
kumra akti hasta ta magala praammyaham svh || 3 ||
o agrakya vidmahe | bhmi-putrya dhmahi | tanna kuja pracodayt svh ||
o ai hr hr sarva dun-naya naya svh ||
o kr kr krau sa bhaumya namas svh ||
kujya ida na mama ||

priyagu kalik yma rpe pratima budham |
saumya saumya guopeta ta budha praammyaham svh || 4 ||
o saumya-karya vidmahe | soma-sutya dhmahi | tanno budha pracodayt
svh ||
o hr r saumya sarvn kmn praya svh ||
o br br brau sa budhya namas svh ||
budhya ida na mama ||

devnca ca guru kcana sannibham |
buddhi bhta trilokea ta nammi bhaspatim svh || 5 ||
o surcryya vidmahe | sura-rehya dhmahi | tanno guru pracodayt svh ||
o ai o sura-guro abha yaccha svh ||
o gr gr grau sa gurave namas svh ||
Bhaspataye ida na mama ||

hima kua mlbha daityn parama gurum |


sarva stra pravaktra bhrgava praammyaham svh || 6 ||

o bhrgavya vidmahe | bhgu-sutya dhmahi | tanna-ukra pracodayt svh ||
o ai u a ukrya svh ||
o dr dr drau sa ukrya namas svh ||
ukrya ida na mama ||

nljana sambhsa raviputra yamgrajam |
chy mrtaa sabhta ta nammi anaicaram svh || 7 ||
o pagu-pdya vidmahe | kka-dhvajya dhmahi | tanna-anaicara pracodayt
svh ||
o hr hr hr hr sarva atrn vidrvaya vidrvaya mrttaa snave nama anaicarya svh ||
o pr pr prau sa anaicarya namas svh ||
anaicarya ida na mama ||

ardhakya mah-vra candrditya vimardanam |
sihik garbha sabhta ta rhu praammyaham svh || 8 ||
o nga-rpya vidmahe | sihi-putrya dhmahi | tanno rhu pracodayt svh ||
o r hrau hrai hr soma atro atrn vidhvasaya vidhvasaya rhave
nama | rhave svh ||
o bhr bhr bhrau sa rhave namas svh ||
rhave ida na mama ||

pala pupa saka trak graha mastakam |
raudra raudrtmaka ghora ta ketu praammyaham svh || 9 ||
o citra-varya vidmahe | citra-guptya dhmahi | tanno ketu pracodayt ||
o kr hr krai ketave svh ||
o sr sr srau sa ketave namas svh ||
ketave ida na mama ||


To the west of the well or tank erect the maapa with a madhyavedi and the grahavedi in
the NE.
On the center vedi draw the sarvatobhadra maapa, from the left hand side establish four
kalaas at the corners of the vedi.
In the center establish the nti kalaa.

1. Anuj
Sakalpam (for a well) hari o tatsat | .. mama yajamna r ________
armaa etat kpdhikaraaka pratyeka jala bindu samasakhyaka ata
varvicchinna svarga kma kpa-jalayotsarga karma aha kariye ||
On this auspicious day on behalf of my patron sri ........................ we perform the consecration & dedication
of this well, may he dwell in heaven for as many years as there are drops of water in this well.

(for a tank) hari o tatsat .......... mama yajamna r ________armaa caturaravnta mahdna janya puya samapuya prpti divya kma samanvittma kart
varua loka gamana kma pukari jalayotsarga makhen'ha yakye ||
On this auspicious day on behalf of my patron sri ........................ we perform the consecration and
dedication of this tank. Through this auspicious act, may he obtain the same merit as accrues to one who
gives away land surrounded by four seas, and may he obtain to the region of Lord Varuna.

2. Abhyudaya rddha.
Sit facing east and do camanam then recite:

o eko viur mahad bhta pthak bhtny anekaa |

trn lokn vypya bhttm bhukte vivabhug avyaya ||
o namo brahmaya devya go-brhmaa hitya ca |
jagad-hitya kya govindya namo namah ||
o namo namaste govinda pura puruottama |
ida rddha hkea raka tva sarvad ||
o apavitra pavitro v sarvvastha-gatopi v |
yas-smaret puarikka sa bhybhyantara-uci ||
bhagavad jay bhagavad kaikaryarpa [mama upta + prtyartha] varga dvaya
pitm akaya ttyartha nnd rddha hiraya-rpea adya kariye || apa
upaspya ||
asmin nnd rddhe satyavasu sajakn vive devn prapitmah
pitmah mt prapitmaha pitmaha pit sapatnka mtu prapitmaha
mtu pitmaha mtmahn nndmukhn vhaymi, sthpayami |
sadev nndmukh pitara am vo gandh |


imni pupi | tulasi dalni ca | sakalradhanai svarcitam ||

O Holy Gods and beatific forefathers, please accept this sandal paste and these flowers, I offer you all

sadev nndmukh mtara am vo gandh |

imni pupi tulasi dalni ca | sakalradhanai svarcitam ||
O Holy Gods and beatific fore-mothers, please accept this sandal paste and these flowers, I offer you all

asmin nnd rddhe satyavasu sajakn vive devn prapitmah

pitmah mt prapitmaha pitmaha pit sapatnka mtu prapitmaha
mtu pitmaha mtmahn nndmukhn tptyartha ida hiraya [mam]
sadakika satbla sopakaraa prva pjita brhmaya sapradade nama
| na mama ||
hiraya garbha garbhastha hema bja vibhvaso |
ananta puya phaladam atha nti prayaccha me ||
may hirayena kta abhyudayika sapannam | [susapannam] ||
i devahr manu yajan bhaspati uktmadni agu siat vivedeva
skta-vca pthivi mtar m m higu s madhu maniye madhu janiye
madhu vakymi madhu vadiymi madhu-mati devebhya vcam
udysagu uruey manuyebhyas ta m dev avantu obhyai
pitaro'numadantu ||
Ida summons the gods, Manu leads the sacrifice, Brihaspati recites the chants and acclamations. The
All-gods recite the hymns, O Earth Mother do not harm me. Of sweetness shall I think, sweetness shall I
produce, sweetness shall I proclaim, sweetness shall I speak, may I utter speech full of sweetness for the
gods and acceptable to men, may the gods aid me to radiance may the manes rejoice in me. TS.3.3.2

i ehi | adita ehi | sarasvatyehi | obhana obhanam |

Come O Ida! Come Sarasvati! May all be well

manassamdhyatm |

[samhita manasa sma] |

Reverend sirs may you be satisfied.

prasdantu bhavanta |

[prasann sma ||

Reverend sirs may you be gratified.

rrastviti bhavanto bruvantu ||

[astu r] ||

Reverend sirs may we obtain welbeing.

puyha bhavanto bruvantu ||

[puyham] ||

Reverend sirs may we be sanctified.

dhysm havyair namaso pasadya | mitra deva mitradheya no astu |

anrdhn havi vardhayanta | ata jvema aradas-savr ||
May we prosper, having approached with oblations with salutations, may the radiant Supreme Being be
our support. May His bliss-bestowing Grace with oblations ever increase, may we live a hundred autumns
in the company of our heroes. TB.


namas-sadase namas-sadasas-pataye namas-sakhnm |

purog cakue namo dive nama pthivyai ||
I offer obeisance to the aembly, homage to the Lord of the aembly, salutations to the friends who go
before, homage to Heaven and to Earth. (TS. 3;2;4)

saprath sabh me gopya | ye ca sabhys sabh sada |

tn indriyvata kuru | sarva yur upsat ||
May this august aembly afford me its protection, all those who are present here. May they protect my
sense organs, I offer my lifelong obeisance. (TB.

3. Bhtotsdhanam
Scatter mustard seeds over all the land while reciting the following slokas and ringing the

apasarpantu te bhte ye bht bhuvi samsthit |

ye bhta vighna-kartra-te gacchantvjy hare ||

Be gone, be banished all those elementals who are earth-bound.

All obstructive forces are destroyed by the command of the Lord.

apakrmantu bhtni pic sarvato diam |

sarvem avirodhena brahma karma samrabhe ||

Om Depart hence all elementals and spirits from all directions

May none of you obstruct this great ceremony that is about to begin.

4. Vstu Pj
If possible establish a vastu-vedi or invoke vastu into a ghata or a salagrama.

o h caturbhuja mahkya jamaita mastakam |

trilocana karlsya hra kuala obhitam ||
lambodara drghakara lomaa ptavsasam |
gad trila parau khavga dadhata karai ||
asi carma dharai dhrai kapilsydibhirvtam |
atrm antaka skdudyadditya sannibham ||
dhyyet deva vstu pati krma padmsana sthitam ||
I visualize Vastu Purusha the composite force of the construction, seated in lotus posture, having
expansive body, four arms, matted locks, three eyed, awesome bedecked with necklace and earrings, pot-
bellied, long ears, hairy robed in yellow. In his four hands he holds, a mace, trident, axe, and
khatvangam, the warrior holding a sword and shield, surrounded by Kapila and the others, as radiant as
the rising sun, the vanquisher of all forces of chaos.

o kr kr kr krai krau kra

hr vstupate ih gaccha ih tiha ||
o hr vstupataye nama ||
Vastu Aradhanam
Offer the 16 upacaras pushpai pjaymi:


asi carma dharya nama | kapilsyya | pigakeya | bhaya | raktalocanya |

koarkya | lambakarya | drghajaghya | mahodarya | avatuya |
kkakahya | vajrabhave | vratntakya ||
Offer balis with the above mantras.

5. Devat vhanam
Then offer puja to ganapati and vishnu, the navagrahas and the dikpalakas.

6. Yupa Sthpanam
In the NE. corner of the well area dig a pit and place five ratnas in it and erect a yupa.

7. Varua vhanam
In a kumbha of water invoke varuna;

ima me varua rudh havam adyca maya |

tvm avasyurcake svh || varuyedam na mama ||
tat tv ymi brahma vanda mnas tad ste yajamno havirbhi |
aheamno varueha bodhyuruagu sa m na yu pramo ||
O Lord Varuna listen now to my invocation. Be gracious even now. I approach you seeking your
protection. O Varuna! Praised by Vedic hymns, may I reach your refuge for which I long, through
these oblations. I offer you abundant praise, withhold your anger now and enlighten us. Hail! ( RV
4.1.5 TS

o yhi bhagavan deva toya mrte jalevara |

akha kundendu varbha makara-dhvaja pa-dhk ||
yaje tu sarit ntha sarva ppa praana |
maysmin nimite kpe snnidhyam upakalpaya ||
o varua ihgaccha iha tiha
O Lord Varuna All-pervading Lord of truth in the form of vapour, the colour of white conch, bearing the
noose of attachment and waving the banner of the crocodile. O Lord of rivers absolve us of our sins, and
please take up thy abode in these waters.

Having invoke Varuna offer 16 upacaras with the mula-mantra (o va varuya nama )

8. Nga pja
o ananto vsukicaiva karkoastakakastath |
ngapadmo mahpadma akha kulia eva ca ||
ime ca aakul ng ye ca ng viyudh |
tn pjaymyaha bhakty rak kurvantu me sad ||
I salute the eight categories of dragons who represent the embodiment of wisdom; ananta, vasuki,
karkota, takshaka, nagapadma, mahapadma, shankha and kulisha, and all those dragons having poison
as a weapon, I devotedly offer my obeisance, please protect me always.

o anantdi ng ih gacchata ih tihata

Smear the kupa with pancagavya
Offer pancopacara with the mula mantra;

o kpajalayya nama
o hriyai nama | o riyai | acyai | medhyai | vivyai | lakmyai |

9. Pradhna homa
Varua sktam with caru made of barley

udduttama varua pam asmad avgha vimadhyamagu rathya |

ath vaya ditya vrate tavngaso aditaye syma || 1 ||
Varuna, from the upmost noose release us, let down the lowest and remove the midmost. So in the
Dharma may we become faultless and achieve the state of undivided consciousness, O you who are
undifferentiated. (V.S. 12;12)

astabhndym abho antarikam amimta varima pthivy |

asdad viv bhuvanni samr vivet-tni varuasya vratni || 2 ||
The Lord of all wealth, the Sovereign who propped up the heavens, and measured out the broad earth's
wide expanses. He, King Supreme, governed all living creatures. All these are Holy Varuna's operations.

yat kiceda varua daivye janebhidroha manuycaram asi |

acitt yat tava dharm yuyopim m nas tasmd enaso deva rria || 3 ||
O Lord Varuna as undiscriminating people we may have neglected the regular daily worship, but O
Varuna such deceit might have been done unwittingly. All that we have done, all the Dharmas that we
have transgressed; O Lord Varuna save us and do not punish us for them!

kitvso yadri ripura dvi yad vgh satyam uta yanna vidma |
sarv t viya ithireva devth te syma varua priysa || 4 ||
The blame that is attributed to me unjustly or the errors which I have wittingly and unwittingly
committed; may all these be effaced by you O Varuna and may we all receive your grace.

avate heo varua amobhir ava yajobhir mahe havirbhi |

kayanna asmabhyam asura praceto rjan nengu si iratha ktni || 5 ||
With prostration, oblations, and sacrifices O Varuna we mollify your anger. Wise Sovereign, King of wide
dominion, loosen the bonds of negative karma by us committed.

tat tv ymi brahma vanda mnas tad ste yajamno havirbhi |

aheamno varueha bodhyuruagu sa m na yu pramo || 6 ||
O Varuna! Praised by Vedic hymns, may I reach your refuge for which I long, through these oblations. I
offer you abundant praise, withhold your anger now and enlighten us. Hail! ( RV 4.1.5 TS

agnaye svh | idamagnaye ||

somya svh | ida somya ||
varuya svh | idam varuya ||
yajya svh | ida yajya ||


ugrya svh | ida ugrya ||

bhmya svh | ida bhmya ||
vyuyai svh | ida vyuyai ||
atakratave svh | ida atakratave ||
svargya svh | ida svargya ||
ga gaapataye svh | ida gaapataye ||
kl viave svh | ida viave ||
br brahmae svh | ida brahmae ||
ai vyai svh | ida vyai ||
r ramyai svh | ida ramyai ||
o hau ivya svh | ida ivya ||
du durgyai svh | ida durgyai ||
hr tigmarame svh | ida tigmarame ||

Navagraha Homam
o rogyadya svh | ida sryya na mama ||
kl hr ai amta karmta plvaya plvaya svh | ida somagrahya ||
o ai hr hr sarva dunnaya naya svh | ida kujagrahya ||
o hr r saumya sarvn kmn praya svh | ida budha grahya ||
ai o suraguro abha yaccha svh | ida guru grahya ||
ai u a ukrya svh | ida ukra grahya ||
hr hr hr hr sarva atrn vidrvaya vidrvaya mrttaa snave nama
anaicarya svh | ida ani grahya ||
r hraum hrai hr soma atro atrn vidhvasaya vidhvasaya rhave nama
rhave svh | ida rhave ||
o kr hr krai ketave svh | ida ketave ||

Dikpalaka Homam
o la indrya svh | ra agnaye svh | ma yamya svh |
sta nirtaye svh | va varuya svh | va vyave svh |
ka kuberya svh | hrau nya svh | br brahmae svh |
a anantya svh | aa-vasubhyah svh |
Take the pavitri from the praita water and sprinkle water on the head;

o sumitriyn pa oadhayassantu |
Invert the pranita patra in the NE

o durmitriystasmai santu yo 'smn dvei yaca vayam dvima ||

Perform purna huti

10. Dedication
The yajaman then dedicates the kpa for all beings


sakalpa ............... etat kpa jalaya varua daivata sarva bhtopayogitven

aha utsje ||
o supryant sarva bht namo bhtoyavsina |
utsa sarva bhtebhyo mayaitajjalam utamam ||

I salute the beings that reside in water, may all beings be gratified by this body of water which I have
created to the best of my ability for all beings.

ramant sarvabhtni snna pnvaghanaih |

smnya sarva jvebhyo may dattam ida jalam ||

This water is dedicated to the use of all beings, may they enjoy, may all beings bathe, drink and wash
freely in these waters.

ye ca kecid vipadynte svasvakarma vipkata |

tatppanna pralipyeha saphalstu mama kriy ||

If those who are fatigued from the performance of their daily labour refresh themselves by drinking these
waters, then my work will be a success.

The yajaman circumambulates the tank.

dakia dnam
brhmaa bhojanam

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