Master Peter Joachim Go Gstad

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This master thesis has been written at the Waterpower Laboratory, Department
of Energy and Process Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU) during autumn 2011. And finally it is finished a wet winter
day in Trondheim.
I would like thank my supervisor Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug for introducing me to
the field of Francis design. It has been very interesting, sometimes frustrating,
but he has always shared of his great knowledge and inspired me to continue.
Unfortunately time has passed to fast for me to explore all the ideas I have got.
I would also thank Mette Eltvik, Bjrn Winther Solemslie and Martin Holst for
some good discussion and help you have provided.
I special thanks goes to Kristine Gjster for introducing me to the design software
Khoj, answering silly questions, finding the small errors which I had spent hours
not understanding and to not forget all the good discussions.
My sincere thanks go to my fellow students at Waterpower Laboratory for all
good discussions and great working environment. Some have made me laugh, some
have inspired me, some have given me help but you have all given me memorable
A great time as student has past. I already miss it!

Peter Joachim Gogstad

Trondheim, January 15, 2012


High concentrations of sediments is a serious problem for hydropower stations in
the Himalayas and the Andes Mountains. For run-of-river power plants sediment
causes heavy erosion even with settling basins. This leads to reduced operating
hours and high maintenance cost. In addition, the original design experienced
problem with heavy cavitation.
The objective of this master thesis is to carry out new hydraulic design of the runner
and guide vanes of the existing Francis turbines in La Higuera Power Plant with
reduced velocity components. To achieve this the cause of the heavy cavitation,
which made the turbine fail, has to be established.
Results from numerical simulations indicates a low pressure zone causing heavy
leading edge cavitation is the reason for the turbine failure. The off-design operation has made the cavitation even worse.
To carry out a new design, the in-house design software Khoj was used. Some new
parameters, like blade leaning, were included in the program. Blade leaning is an
important tool for pressure balancing the runner blade. Further, a parameter study
was carried out to investigate the effect of blade leaning, blade angle distribution
and blade length.
The numerical simulation indicates proper pressure balancing could have avoided
the cavitation problems and a new design should have an X-blade shape. Because
the power plant is already built, the number of variables is limited. The rotational
speed, inlet and outlet diameter remained constant. This made it impossible to
significantly reduce the relative velocities. Therefore, coating of all wet surfaces is
proposed to reduce the effect of erosion.
The main objective for this thesis has been to identify the cause of the turbine
failure and develop a new design to fit in the existing power plant. Complete 3Ddrawings of the design, including runner and guide vanes, has not been made due
to lack of time.


Hye konsenstrasjoner av harde mineraler er stor utfordring for vannkraftverk i SrAmerika og Himalaya. Elvekraftverk er spesielt utsatt for sanderosjon. Slitasje fra
sanderosjon frer til redusert virkningsgrad og kt vedlikehold som igjen reduserer
antall driftstimer.
Denne masteroppgaven har som m
a komme opp med et nytt design for turbinehjulet i vannkraftverket La Higuera i Chile. Det eksisterende turbinhjulet ble
delagt p
a grunn av kraftig kavitasjon tidligere i
ar. Det er nskelig at det nye designet har lavere relative hastigheter for
a redusere erosjonen, samtidig m
til kavitasjon fjernes.
Resultater fra numeriske simuleringer indikerer en lavtrykkssone p
a sugesiden av
bladet like ved innlpet. En slik lavtrykkssone skaper kraftig kavitasjon og det er
derfor antatt at den er
arsaken til kavitasjonen som dela turbinen. Drift utenfor
bestpunkt har gjort kavitasjon enda verre.
Design programmet Khoj, som er utviklet ved Vannkraftlaboratoriet, ble brukt til
lage nye design. Ulike design ble brukt for en parameterstudie. Khoj er ogs
a blitt
viderutviklet som en del av oppgaven og noen nye parametere er blitt inkludert.
Den viktigste forbedringen er muligheten for
a trykkbalansere lpehjulsbladet.
De numeriske simuleringene indikerer at ved
a trykkbalansere bladet vil det vre
a unng
a kavitasjon. Trykkbalanseringen indikerer videre at det nye bladet
br f
a et s
akalt X-blad-design. Ettersom La Higuera allerede er bygget, er det
et begrenset antallvariabler. Rotatsjonshastigheten, innlp- og utlps-diameteren
er holdt konstant fordi det har vrt nskelig
a beholde generator og ledeskovler.
Dette har imidlertid gjort det umulig
a redusere de relative hastigheten betydelig.
Derfor anbefales det coating for alle v
ate overflater.
Hovedfokuset i oppgaven har vrt
a finne
arsaken til hvorfor turbinene i La Higuera
er blitt delagt og designe en ny turbin som passer i det eksisterende vannkraftverket. Det har derfor ikke vrt tid til
a lage fullstendige 3D-tegninger for ny turbin
med ledskovler.


1 Introduction
1.1 Hydro power in
1.2 La Higuera . .
1.3 Objective . . .
1.4 Outline . . . .



2 Background
2.1 Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.1 The design software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


South America
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .




3 Wear
3.1 Wear mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Abrasive wear . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Erosive wear . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.1 Wear mechanisms . . . . . .
3.4 Cavitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.1 Cavitation areas . . . . . . .
3.5 Erosion areas in Francis turbines . .
3.5.1 Stay vanes . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5.2 Guide vanes . . . . . . . . . .
3.5.3 Runner . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 Erosion classifications . . . . . . . .
3.7 Erosion models . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.8 Design measures to decrease erosion





































4 Francis Turbine Design

4.1 Blade Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2 Blade leaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5 Design Procedure
5.1 New features of the program . . . . . . . .
5.1.1 Visual changes . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1.2 Main dimensions . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1.3 Leading and trailing edge geometry .
5.1.4 Blade leaning . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1.5 Guide vanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1.6 Blade thickness . . . . . . . . . . . .
















6 CFD Theory
6.1 Grid properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.2 Mesh Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.3 Turbulence Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
7 Computational Model for Francis Turbine
7.1 Mesh generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


Boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

8 Reference Design
8.1 CFD Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
9 Verification
9.1 Multilevel CFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
9.2 Coarse mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
10 Results
10.1 La Higuera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.2 Parameter Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.3 Design H0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.4 Single parameter studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.4.1 Effects of blade leaning . . . . . . . . . . .
10.4.2 Increasing blade length . . . . . . . . . . .
10.4.3 Effects of changing blade angle distribution












11 Discussion
11.1 Blade leaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
11.2 Weaknesses in Khoj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
12 Conclusion


13 Further Work


A Background information on the design sofware

B.1 Basic equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XXIII
C View of Khoj



List of Figures

Mechanisms of abrasive wear [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mechanisms of erosive wear [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Main types of cavitation in Francis turbines: (a) leading edge cavitation, (b) travelling bubble cavitation, (c) draft tube swirl and (d)
inter-blade vortex cavitation [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Cavitation areas in runner [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Areas Exposed to sediment erosion wear [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 Design of stay vane inlet [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7 Secondary flows, leakage flows and horse shoe vorticies on guide
vanes [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.8 Illustration of particle flow separation at high acceleration [5] . . .
4.9 Load model of the blade between hub and shroud [4] . . . . . . . .
4.10 Definition of a, b, r and RM [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.11 Tokke turbine without blade leaning [6] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.12 Different blade leaning at Cahua hydropower plant [6] . . . . . . .
5.13 Current design procedure. The red ring indicates the working area
of this thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.14 Shape of leading and trailing edge [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.15 Blade with blade leaning option 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.16 Blade with blade leaning option 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.17 SST model [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.18 Wall function. Adapted from [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.19 TurbiGrid ATM mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.20 Computational domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.21 y + -values on the runner blade formesh with Factor ratio = 1.1 . .
8.22 Streamlines in draft tube at BEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.23 Relative velocity in runner seen from outlet and from top . . . . .
8.24 Static pressure on the blade, reference mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.25 Pressure distribution between blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.26 Trailing edge shape in Turbogrid, somewhat exaggerated [4] . . . .
9.27 Static pressure on the blade, reference mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.28 Static pressure on the blade, mesh A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.29 Comparison of draft tube velocities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.30 Static pressure on the blade, viscous simulation results . . . . . . .
9.31 Static pressure on the blade, inviscid simulation results . . . . . . .
10.32Comparison of the suction side for the reference blade at different
heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.33Efficiency as a function of head for different mesh . . . . . . . . . .
10.34Pressure distribution on the blade for design H0 . . . . . . . . . .
10.35Pressure distribution between blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.36Draft tube velocities at BEP for the H0 design . . . . . . . . . . .
10.37Comparisson of different blade leaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.38Pressure distribution between blades for BL1 . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.39Static pressure on the blade for TE2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. 9
. 10
. 11
. 11






10.40Pressure distribution between blades for TE2 . . . . . . . . . . . .

10.41Different shapes of the blade angle distribution [4] . . . . . . . . .
10.42Static pressure on the blade for Shape 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.43Streamlines in draft tube at BEP for Shape 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.1 Tab 5 - Radial view of runner blade. The new blade leaning parameter is visible in the upper left corner. The graphs in the center
displays change in energy distribution when blade leaning is introduced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.2 Tab 6 - Blade thickness. In the upper left corner, the blade thickness
distribution is displayed. At the bottom, the trailing and leading
edge shape is displayed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.3 Tab 8 - Guide Vanes. This tab displays the runner cascade in 2D.
Tha shape of the leading edge is shown in the figure to the left. The
different parameters are sorted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.4 Tab 9 - Runner cascade. Currently this tab i displaying the runner,
guide vanes and stay vanes for La Higuera. It will be developed to
show the runner cascade in 3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







List of Tables

Measures to decrease erosion [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Boundary layer refinement control data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reference Turbine Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reference Turbine Mesh Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Design software data and reference turbine data . . . . . . . . . . .
Mesh information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mesh information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparison of H0 design and the reference design, both inviscid
simulation and coarse mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.9 Parameters for single effects study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.10Comparison of H0 design and the reference design, both inviscid
simulation and coarse mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.11Comparison of H0 design and the reference design, both inviscid
simulation and coarse mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.12Comparison of H0 design and different blade angle distribution . .




. 46
. 48
. 49
. 50
. 52





Difference between inlet and outlet radius of runner

Height of shroud
Absolute velocity
Specific hydraulic energy
Acceleration of gravity
Length of streamline in axial direction
Length of streamline in radial direction
Relative head
Factor that relate erosion rate and velocity
Second area moment of inertia
Overlap factor
conduction factor
Bending moment
Number of measurements
Rotational speed
Relative volume flow
Flow rate
Reynolds number
Peripheral velocity
Relative velocity
Non-dimensional distance
Number of items






m3 /s


Greek Symbols



Guide vane angle

Blade angle
Turbine coefficient
Angle in spiral casing cross section
Dynamic viscosity
Bending stress
Wall shear stress
Angle in the radial view
Angular velocity
Speed number





Refers to best efficiency point of turbine

Refers to ambient
Refers to dynamic
Refers to effective
Refers to friction
Refers to hydraulic
Refers to local
Refers to measured static pressure
Refers to rated
Refers to sudden expansion
Refers to static
Refers to guide vane
Refers to guide vane inlet
Refers to guide vane outlet
Refers to hydraulic
Refers to meridional direction
Refers to maximum value
Refers to minimum value
Refers to runner
Refers to stay vane
Refers to stay vane inlet
Refers to stay vane outlet
Refers to peripheral direction
Refers to inlet of turbine runner
Refers to outlet of turbine runner
Underline refers to reduced value



Best Efficiency Point

Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Element Method
Fluid Structure Interaction
Graphical User Interface
International Electrotechnical Commission
Net Positive Suction Head
Norewgian University of Science and Technology
Revolutions per minute
Shear Stress Transport



Hydro power in South America

The Andes Mountains is the worlds longest mountain range, stretching 9000 km
from Patagonia in south to Columbia in north. The nature forces erodes the
mountains and transports sediments down the rivers. The run-of-river power plants
experience large problems with high sediment concentration in the river. Without
massive dams, the have to use settling basins which only reduces the sediment
concentration. As the hard mineral quartz is common in the Andes, the turbines
suffer severe erosion damage.
SN Power has invested in power plants both in Peru and Chile. The Cahua Power
Plant in Peru has earlier been the subject for a master thesis at the Waterpower
Laboratory. In Chile, the potetial hydropower is about 24,000 MW, but SN Power
has only utilized fraction [9]. As a lot of the potetial rivers are far from the
consumption area, the building of a power plant also include large power lines.
This cause destruction of the wilderness and possibly removal of native people.
The last years, the focus to preserve the nature has increased and causes problems
for massive development. Developers are therefore often restricted to use run-ofriver power plants as they have less impact on the nature.
The power plant managers would like to transfer as much energy as feasible to the
grid and high efficiency is therefore important. However, they experience frequent
shut-down of the power plant as the sediment erosion causes damage and time is
needed to repair. The efficiency decreases with the erosion damage and hence the
profit. Therefore, a solution to the sediment problem is an important task in these
La Higuera Power plant is located beside Tinguiririca River in the OHiggins region
in Chile. The power plant is owned by Tinguiririca Energia, which again is partly
owned by SN Power. The run-of-river hydropower plant La Higuera is equipped
with two Francis turbines, each with nominal output of 77.5 MW.


La Higuera

La Higuera Power Plant in the Chilean Andes recently started operation. However,
due to mechanical design problems both turbines have failed. During a visit August
16th 2011, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug inspected the one unit which was still operating
and found cavitation in large parts of the operating range. Heavy cavitation due
to operation at a higher head than designed head is assumed to have caused the
failure. SN-Power in co-operation with NTNU will work to design a new runner
and guide vanes to fit in the existing power station.
In addition the power plant has problems with sediment erosion. Due to high
sediment concentration in the rivers the turbines are exposed to erosion wear and

need extra maintenance. A second goal for the new design would be to reduce the
sediment erosion wear of the runner and guide vanes.
An in-house Francis turbine design tool, Khoj, has been developed in Matlab.
This program will be modified to produce a new runner and guide vanes within
the limitations of the power plant.



The objective is to carry out a new design of runner and guide vanes for the existing
Francis turbine with reduced velocities for La Higuera Power Plant. Matlab will be
used to generate the runner geometry and for a first stage of optimization. Further,
a parametric study will be carried out by using both Khoj and CFX iteratively.



The thesis will give a brief background for the thesis in chapter two, before presenting relevant theory in chapter three. All relevant design theory behind the program
is presented in Appendix A, while relevant design theory for the improvements is
presented in chapter four. Chapter six and seven gives a relevant overview concerning CFD analysis and setup. A new turbine design for La Higuera with reduced
sediment erosion wear will be proposed. A reference design generated using the
design software and analyzed in CFD is presented in chapter eight. Furher follows
the parameter study with CFD results, discussion of the results and conclusion


Previous Work

Sediment erosion is a well documented field and lot of papers and books have been
published. However, only a few publications focus on sediment erosion in hydraulic
machinery. Litterature about Francis turbine design is harder to retrieve as it is
based on experience and subject to copyright. However, pump impeller design is
well described in the litterature and applies similar methods as for Francis turbine
Former NTNU professor Hermod Brekke, has been and still is one of most influential
people in the hydropower industry [10]. He has performed a significant amount of
research concerning sediment erosion in hydraulic machinery, including design and
material properties and development of sediment erosion resistant coatings.
During the last couple of years, the Waterpower Laboratory has increased its focus
on sediment erosion. This has given the opportunity for several project, master and
doctoral theses. In 2004, Jonas Jessen Ruud wrote his master thesis on Sediment
handling problems at Jhimruk Power Plant. Same year, Bhola Thapa finished his
doctoral thesis Sand Erosion in Hydraulic Machinery.
Mattias R
ogner started th procedure of proposing a new Francis turbine design
with reduced velocity components in 2008. This has been continued by Hallvard
Meland in 2010.
In 2008, Ola Gjmle Thorvaldsen performed a CFD and stress analysis of the
Francis turbine of Cahua power plant in Peru. Mette Eltvik used Cahua power
plant as a reference case for her project and master thesis in 2010. The CFD
analysis with two-phase fluid particle flow she performed was compared with the
erosion damage on the old turbines of Cahua. Eltvik has continued the CFD studies
of sediment erosion in her on-going PhD.
Hari Prasad Neopane finished his doctoral thesis Sand Erosion in Hydro Turbines
in 2010. His thesis included experimental tests, CFD analysis (two-phase fluid
particles) and field studies of sediment erosion. Both doctoral theses of Neopane
and Thapa are considered to be important contributions to the research field of
sediment erosion in hydraulic machinery.
In 2011, Kristine Gjster finished her master thesis Hydraulic Design of Francis Turbine Exposed to Sediment Erosion. She developed the MATLAB design
sofware, Khoj, through both her project and master thesis and performed CFD
analyses on different design for a new turbine to Jhimruk hydropower plant in
Nepal. Gjster was a part of the Francis turbine design team of spring 2011 also
including Biraj Singh Thapa (Hydraulic design of Francis turbine exposed to sediment erosion), Helene P. Erichsen (Mechanical design of Francis turbine exposed
to sediment erosion) and ph.d candidate Mette Eltvik.


The design software

The design software, Khoj, is an in-house developed Francis turbine design software.
It has been developed by Kristine Gjster as a part of her project and master
thesis. The software is programmed in Matlab with graphical user interface (GUI).
Tabs allow for easy access to the different steps of the turbine design. The program
will automatically update the chosen tab, if previous data has been altered.
The software has been further developed in co-operation with Kristine Gjster
as a part of this thesis. The development is described in detail in Chapter 5. The
background information behind the design software can be found in Appendix A.


Damages in hydro power turbines are mainly caused by cavitation problems, sand
erosion, material defects and fatigue [11]. This chapter will give an overview of the
wear mechanism which includes cavitation and sand erosion. Material defects will
be briefly mentioned as a cause of different wear mechanisms.


Wear mechanisms

In material science, wear is a collective term for the different mechanisms which
cause deformation or displacement of solids. In general, the wear mechanisms
can be classified in three categories; mechanical, chemical and thermal actions [1].
Mechanical wear will be the main focus for this chapter as it is the mechanical wear
which is affected by volume flow through the turbine.
Further, Stachowiak and Batchelor [1] classifies three types of mechanical wear;
abrasive, erosive and cavitation wear. Abrasive and erosive are due to particles on
the fluid flow, while cavitation is caused by the collapse of bubbles on the surface.
Abrasive wear is defined as the loss of material by the passage of hard particles
over a surface. Erosive wear is caused by the impact of particles against a solid


Abrasive wear

(a) Cutting

(b) Fracture

(c) Fatigue by repeated ploughing

(d) Grain pull-out

Figure 3.1: Mechanisms of abrasive wear [1]

Abrasive wear occurs when particles of a material with equal or greater hardness
than the solid surface interacts [1]. The different mechanisms are illustrated in
Figure 3.1.
Cutting occurs when a sharp grit strikes a softer surface and material can be
removed as wear debris. The cutting mechanism is illustrated illustrated in Figure
3.1a. For surfaces of brittle material, fractures or cracking may occur as illustrated
in Figure 3.1b.
The accumulation of cracks over time may result large debris removed from the
surface. For ductile materials exposed to blunt grit, cutting is unlikely, but repeated
scratching will cause deformation of the surface as illustrated in Figure 3.1c. In
this case, removal of debris is the result of metal fatigue. Detachment of grains
is illustrated in Figure 3.1d. This form of abrasive wear mainly applies to brittle
materials like ceramics due to relatively weak boundary between grains. When
present, the entire grain is lost as wear debris leading to rapid reduction of the
material [1].


Erosive wear

Erosive wear is affected by several factors which differentiate the erosion mechanisms and the erosion rate. The factors can be categorized into [1, 12, 13, 5]:
1. Operating conditions - velocity, acceleration. impingement angle, flux rate or
concentration, medium of flow and temperature
2. Eroding particles properties - size, shape hardness and material
3. Target material properties - chemistry, elastic property, hardness and surface
The most important factors would be velocity, impingement angle and particle
concentration, as these factors occurs in almost every erosion model.

Impingement angle
The impingement angle or impact angle is defined as the angle between the eroded
surface and the trajectory of the particle just begfore impact (ref bola). The
erosive wear rate is also dependent on the impingement angle for different materials.
Ductile materials will have the highest wear rate for impingement angle around 30 ,
while brittle materials typically have a higher wear rate at high impingement angles
like 80-90 [1].

(a) Abrasion

(b) Fatigue

(c) Plastic deformation

(d) Erosion by brittle fracture

Figure 3.2: Mechanisms of erosive wear [1]


Wear mechanisms

The main wear mechanisms are illustrated in Figure 3.2 [1]. A low impact angle,
material is removed by a cutting action, similar to abrasive wear, illustrated in
Figure 3.2a. For particles with high impingement angle, but low speed, the kinetic
energy of the particle is not enough to deform the surface material. However, repeated strikes might cause surface fatigue which is illustrated in Figure 3.2b. For
particles with medium velocity and high impact angle, the material property is decisive. For ductile materials, the impacting particles will cause plastic deformation
as shown in Figure 3.2c and debris is caused by particles hitting the flakes around
the initial striking point. Brittle materials are more exposed to fracture. Fractures
are most likely to occur when the surface is hit by sharp particles and debris will
detach because of surface cracking as illustrated in Figure 3.2d.
In practice, both plastic deformation and cutting occur at the same time. This is
valid above a certain velocity known as the critical velocity. The critical velocity
depends both on surface properties and particle properties [5]. Below the critical
velocity, the particle will not have enough energy to cut into the surface.



Cavitation is the development of vapor structures in an originally liquid flow due

to pressure drops in the flow itself, and the collapse in high pressure regions [3].
Low pressure zones are well known phenomena in flows and occur i.e. when a
flow exits a converging geometry and enters a diverging geometry. The velocity
is at maximum at throat where the cross-section is smallest. According to the
Bernoulli equation, at the point where the velocity is at its maximum, the pressure
is at its minimum and the risk of cavitation is greatest [12]. Cavitation is a local
phenomena and only occurs under special conditions and pressure differences are
necessary for cavitation to occur [14].
Escaler [2] describes five main types of cavitation:
Leading edge cavitation
Travelling bubble cavitation
Draft tube swirl
Inter-blade vortex cavitation
Von Karman vortex cavitation
Leading edge cavitation
Leading edge cavitation takes form of an attached cavity on the suction side of
the runner blades due to operation at a higher head than the machine design head
when the incidence angle of the inlet flow is positive and largely deviated from
the design value (see Figure 3.3(a)). Operation on lower head than design head,
the cavitation can occur on the pressure side if the incident angle is negative. If
unstable, this type of cavitation is very aggressive and is likely cause sevear damage
to the blades and provoke pressure fluctuations [2].
Travelling bubble cavitation
As the fluid moves across from a low pressure zone to higher pressure zones, a cyclic
formation and collapse of bubbles is generated. This is what Escaler [2] describes
as travelling bubble cavitation (see Figure 3.3(b)). The collapses of bubbles are
noisy, but not necessarily harmful unless the bubbles collapse on a surface. When a
bubble collapses on a surface, the liquid surrounding the bubble is first accelerated
before abruptly decelerated as it collides with the surface. The collision generates
large stresses on the surface and transient pressure can reach as high as 1500 MPa
[1]. This form of cavitation may reduce the machine efficiency significantly [2].
Draft tube swirl
A low pressure zone in core of the flow is generated due to rotation and centrifugal
forces. Hence, vortices are likely to cavitate in the core of the flow [12]. This is
what Escaler [2] describes as the draft tube swirl (see Figure 3.3(c)). The swirl may
occur both on partial load due to the residual circumferential velocity component of
the flow discharged from the runner. The cavitation itself is quite harmless as long
as the vapour bubbles do not collapse at a surface. However, strong fluctuations

Figure 3.3: Main types of cavitation in Francis turbines: (a) leading edge cavitation,
(b) travelling bubble cavitation, (c) draft tube swirl and (d) inter-blade vortex
cavitation [2]

may occur if the precession frequency matches one of the free natural oscillation
frequencies of the draft tube or penstock. Constructive interference will then provoke large bursts of pressure pulsations in the draft tube, which again causes srong
vibrations on the turbine and possibly the powerhouse.
Inter-blade vortex cavitation
Inter-blade vortex cavitation is formed by secondary vortices in the blade channels
and is caused by flow separation. The cavitation is usually located in the area of
the intersection between leading edge and hub and at the hub between two blades
as location D in Figure 3.4. These vortices will only cause erosion damage if their
tip is in contact with the runner, but they usually only occur at partial load as
illustrated in Figure 3.3(d).
Von Karman vortex cavitation
The last form of cavitation is the Von Karman vortex cavitation. Von Karman
vorticies are usually associated with vortex-shedding behind objects. This will also
occur in turbines from the trailing edge of the plades. The periodic vortex-shedding
may cause severe pulsations and a singing noise and as a result the trailing edge

might be damaged [2]. Traling edges which has curved shape from hub to shroud
are more vulnerable to this. Modern turbines therefore usually have a quite straight
trailing edge to avoid such damages (ref ole gunnar).
Cavitation wear occurs in several stages. The preliminary stage or incubation
period, is without significant mass loss and the surface undergoes mainly plastic
deformation. Over time, successive bubble collapses on the material surface leads to
fatigue followed by rupture and subsequent material removal [12, 1]. Simultaneous
occurrence of cavitation and erosive wear can accelerate the cavitation wear due to
synergetic interaction between the two wear mechanisms. For hydraulic turbines
in sandy water, the presence of particles will increase the wear rate as the bubble
collapsing will cause the particles to hit the surface with high speed [1, 14].

Cavitation areas

While sediment erosion can occur on all wet surfaces, cavitation wear are restricted
to the runner and draft tube area because that is where the low pressure zones occur
The areas most exposed to cavitation in the runner is illustrated Figure 3.4. Leading edge cavitation occurs at location (A) and (B), Travelling bubble cavitation
usually occurs at location (C) and inter-blades cavitation usually occurs at location (D) [3]. Von Karman vortex cavitation occurs at the trailing edge, but will
damage the trailing edge due to pressure pulsations.

Figure 3.4: Cavitation areas in runner [3]


Erosion areas in Francis turbines

Stay vanes

Erosion in the at the stay vanes occurs due to secondary flows from the spiral casing
influencing flow the angle, and due to the high absolute velocity. The erosion
damage is worst close to upper and lower cover [4]. The spiral casing has been
modified to reduce the propagation of secondary flows from the spiral casing into
stay vanes. Figure 3.6 shows both modern and old design. Reducing the secondary
flows, also reduces the erosion damage.


Guide Stay
vanes vanes

erosion areas

Figure 3.5: Areas Exposed to sediment erosion wear [4]

(a) Modern design

(b) Erosion by brittle fracture

Figure 3.6: Design of stay vane inlet [4]


Guide vanes

Duan and Karelin [15] classifies erosion in the guide vanes into four categories:
Turbulence erosion occur in the outlet region as a consequence of high velocities and small particles suspende in the flow. Turbulence erosion can also be
found on the facing plates.
Secondary flow erosion occur in corners like between facing plates and guide
vanes. The secondary flows are caused by horse shoe vorticies around obstacles like the guide vane inlet as illustrated in Figure 3.7.
Leakage erosion occur due to leakage flow through small gaps between guide
vanes and facing plates. The leakage flow, illustrated in Figure 3.7 will also
increase the horse vorticies on the suction side of the guide vane due to
pressure difference.
Acceleration of the main flow creates an acceleration of sand particles normal
to the streamlines. This causes the particles to collide with the guide vane

surface. The impacts of large particles (dp < 0.5mm) will normaly cuase
heavy erosion damage.


Leakage flow

Vortex that will hit

the runner inlet
and cause erosion

Figure 3.7: Secondary flows, leakage flows and horse shoe vorticies on guide vanes
Thapa [5] states that small particles will (dp > 0.5mm) will follow the streamline
s longer than the larger particles due to momentum of the larger particles. Figure
3.8 illustrates this in a Pelton turbine bucket. It is assumed that the same effect
might occur in Francis turbines as well.



Erosion wear at runner is indirectly caused by the guide vanes. Vortices are created
at top and bottom of the guide vanes due to leakage flow between the cover and
guide vane, as illustrated in Figure 3.7. The vorticies cause erosion at the top and
bottom of the leading edge of the runner.


2 gh

0.49 2 gh


Out flowing water

due to erosion at

Water surface



Figure 3.8: Illustration of particle flow separation at high acceleration [5]

The highest relative velocities are found close to the shroud at the runner outlet.
They high relative velocity is a cause of turbulence erosion. In addition, if the
runner outlet is subject to low pressure, cavitation is also likely to occur. Synergy
between both processes can accelerate the wearing process considerably.


Erosion classifications

Duan and Karelin [15] classifies sediment erosion in hydro turbine into three subcategories.
Micro erosion occur due to small particles (dp < 60m) at high velocities
gaining a high rotational velocity in boundary layer turbulence and thus
inducing abrasive erosion on the surfaces, especially in the runner outlet
Secondary flow vortex erosion occur due to secondary flow in corners and due
to horse shoe vortices around obstacles, like the guide vane shafts. This kind
of erosion is caused by a combined effect of boundary layers and change of
flow acceleration.
Acceleration of large particles (dp < 0.5mm) normal to the streamlines cause
the parties to collide with the walls.
Bardal [16] also divides erosion into three subcategories similar to the ones classified
by Duan and Karelin.
Impingement erosion occurs for two-phase flows changing flow direction as
particles then hit the material surface.
Turbulence erosion occur in areas with strong flow accelerations. This is
typically found at the outlet of an inner curve of a bend, and thus also the
outlet of a runner close to the shroud
Wear and tear due to particles flowing along and in contact with the surface.


Erosion models

As mentioned, velocity is included in almost every erosion model. According to

Truscott [17], several authors has given a simplified expression to relate erosion rate
to velocity and particle properties based on test results. The most used expression
Erosion V elocity i


where i i depending on material properties, but usually close to three.

The erosion rate is also assumed to have be proportional to the concentration up
to a certain limit. Above this limit the erosion rate is reduced due to interference
between arriving and rebounding particles. The relation is usually presented as
Erosion V elocity k


where k varies between 0.25 and 1.27 depending on material. However, for most
materials tested over a longer period of time, k is close to one. Hence, considering
erosion rate proportional to concentration is a satisfactory approximation [5].
In general, erosion is a complex process depending on several different variables. As
presented earlier in this chapter, erosion can be seen as a function of the operating
conditions, particle properties and surface material properties. A general formula
for the erosion rate can then be presented as [16]:
W = Kmat Kenv c V i f ()


Where the erosion rate, W , is given as mm/year. Kmat is the material constant,
Kenv is the constant describing the enviroment, c is the concentration of particles
and f () is a function of impingement angle. Other models take more variables
into account such as Tabakoffs model and Bergerons model.


Design measures to decrease erosion

It is an goal to reduce the erosion in turbines as it leads to reduced damage and

decreased maintenance cost. The last 15 years significant reduction of thickness of
runner blades, hub and shroud has been observed to increase efficiency [18]. The
material strength has remained unchanged, leaving the turbine more vulnerable for
stresses and erosion. The measures to decrease erosion presented in Table 3.1 will
possibly affect the turbine negative on other aspects.
Increased turbine diameter

Reduced relative velocity,
hence reduced erosion


Increased time before structural damages has significantly affect of the efficiency


Fewer runner blades

Coating on exposed

Improved access to the flow

channel for coating purposes
Increased abrasion resistance
of the surface

Increased material cost and
increased space requirements
Decreased efficiency and increased risk of of vibrations
caused by von Karman vortices
May result in reduced cavitation performance
May increase surface roughness, which may reduce the
efficiency. Increased production cost

Table 3.1: Measures to decrease erosion [8]

All measures will increase the cost of the power plant and therefore has to be
weighed against the total gain. The coating part has been a challenge as it required
a certain amount of space to spray the coating on. Turbines are usually assembled

before coating is applied due to welding may affect the coating. This mkaes it hard
to apply coating on turbines smaller than a certain size. Dynavec has come with
a solution where the turbine is assembled with bolts in stead of welding and still
ensure top performance [19]. This allows for even small turbines to be coated.



Francis Turbine Design

This chapter will present the theory basis for the new features included in Khoj
and specific theory which is discussed later. A short version of the basic theory
behind Khoj can be in Appendix A adapted from Gjsters master thesis [4].


Blade Thickness

After the number of blades are determined, the blade thickness is chosen. For
calculations, the blade thickness has been guessed from the last design. Further,
the thickness distribution can also be changed.
The blade thickness has to be large enough to withstand the hydraulic forces the
blade is exposed to. The hydraulic forces are the static pressure between pressure
and suction side of the blade and the dynamic pressure pulsation, where the static
force is the greater one.
Due to the complexity of the runner geometry, a simplified stress analysis has
been performed to estimate the minimum thickness required. The blade has been
modelled as a straight beem between hub and shroud where the hub is considered
to be rigid, while the shroud is assumed to have free-traction in accordance with
Saeed (2010) [20]. The hub is then flexible in torsion with respect to the hub and
the blade can modelled as a beam clamped at hub and guided at the shroud as
shown in Figure 4.9.



Figure 4.9: Load model of the blade between hub and shroud [4]
Assuming equally distributed load, q = rp, the bending moment, M, is given
by Equation 4.4 [21].

M =q

[N m]

The maximum bending stress, max , is



Figure 4.10: Definition of a, b, r and RM [4]

max =

M t
[P a]
I 2


The moment of inertia, I, is given by Equation 4.6, where t is the blade thickness.

rt3 4
[m ]


The minimum blade thickness at the inlet is found by rearranging Equation 4.4 4.6

tmin =

2b2 p


The pressure difference is calculated from torque on the runner. Assuming the
entire torque is transferred from the flow to the blade, the imaginary length a is
defined as in Figure 4.10 [22].
Mrunner = Zr abRM p =

p =

[N m]

[P a]
Zr abRM



Simulations for Francis turbines with heads of 51 m, 68 m and 79 m indicates static

stresses from 95-125 MPa at leading edge and 75-155 MPa on trailing edge [23].
Xiao claims a linear realtionship between power and static stresses at higher heads.
The dynamic stresses had a very high amplitude of 15 MPa. This gave a maximum

stress of 196 MPa, with about 1/4 of the ultimate failure strenght of the material
used[23]. Saeed has also done similar stress models indicating a maximum stress
of 123.5 MPa [20]. In both cases the simulations are performed for lower head
turbines than La Higuera, however the highest stress values are from loads greater
then found in La Higuera.
Bjrndal et. al. [24] have performed stress measurements in both a high head
runner and a low head runner. The peak-to-peak stress variations in the low head
runner had a maximum value of 229 MPa. The high head measurements are only
presented as relative but he states that high head Francis turbines are not subject
to the same increased stresses at low load. At overload the mean tensil stress and
dynamic stress amplitude will have negative impact on the runner lifetime due to
A comparison between measurements and FEM-analysis of an X-blade Francis
turbine indicates good agreement between simulations and measurements. The
maximum stresses found for by strain gauge measurements was approximately 65
MPa, while the simulations indicated a maximum stress of 62 MPa [18].
Based on the presented results, the maximum bending stress used for minimum
blade thickness calculations are chosen to be 100 MPa. This should be a conservative estimate for the stresses in the runner.


Blade leaning

One of the most important parameters to pressure balance the runner blade is
blade leaning [25]. The blade leaning angle is given as the angle that is normal to
the flow direction, meaning; by tilting the vertical inlet you introduce leaning to
the blade. It can also be expressed as an angular displacement of each streamline
at the inlet. By leaning the blade, the pressure distribution from hub to shroud
can be adjusted, hence low pressure zones at hub or shroud can be removed and
thereby reduce cross flow on the blade.
Figure 4.11 shows the old Tokke turbine designed without blade leaning. The
leading edge will then be vertical to the rotational direction. Figure 4.12a shows
traditional blade leaning where the leading edge at shroud has been moved in the
opposite direction of rotation. The X-blade design, illustrated in Figure 4.12b, has
been used more in the later years.
The pictures in Figure 4.12 are both from Cahua hydropower plant, where the
traditional balde leaning was replaced with a X-blade shaped turbine. Wang [26]
states that the X-blade design adapts to a wide water head variation with stable
operation and excellent cavitation performance. The shape of the leading edge
also has significant influence on the pressure distribution at the blade close to the
inlet. Especially the curve close to the shroud is important to prevent leading edge
cavitation [6].


Figure 4.11: Tokke turbine without blade leaning [6]

(a) Traditional design

(b) X-blade design

Figure 4.12: Different blade leaning at Cahua hydropower plant [6]



Design Procedure
New features of the program

This section will shortly describe the changes and the development done with Khoj
during my thesis. A description of the old version of Khoj can be found in Gjsters
master thesis [4]. Screenshots from the tabs with major changes can be foun in
Appendix C.


Visual changes

The most significant change is the removal of the update buttons. The update
function has been implemented in the tab buttons. This has made the program
more intuitive and faster, as the next tab is not updated before the user choses it.
This also allows the user to skip tabs as the update functions for all previous tabs
will run if not done already.
Of practical reasons the program will store the last used values automatically so
the next time the program is opened, the last used values will be displayed as initial


Main dimensions

The main dimensions tab has got some small changes in variables which can be
chosen due to which variables are known for La Higuera. The acceleration is
removed and inlet height, B1 , is introduced.


Leading and trailing edge geometry

A new option to choose the leading edge geometry is introduced. The standard
design is based on experience as shown in Figure 5.14 [6].
The trailing edge shape is chosen in order to minimize the amplitude of von Karman
vortices. The trailing edge is grinded at the suction side of practical reasons due to
the grinding is done after the assembly of the turbine. Currently, the trailing edge
cannot be changed, but if production methods allow it, the trailing edge shape will
be introduced as an active element in Khoj.
The distance noted as R and 3R in red in Figure 5.14, can be specified to generate
a different leading edge shape.


Geometry and
operation data


CFD - analysis


Major issues and
wrong dimensions


Finer grid
Viscous flow


Minor mechanical issues

FEM analysis




FSI - analysis


Further tests of
different operation

Figure 5.13: Current design procedure. The red ring indicates the working area of
this thesis


Figure 5.14: Shape of leading and trailing edge [4]


Blade leaning

Blade leaning has been included in the design software to make the user able
to pressure balance the blade. There are two options for the blade leaning in
the program. For both option the rotational speed remains constant, hence the
peripheral velocity U is constant. There also assumed that the blade leaning will
not affect the volume flow, hence the absolute velocity in meridional direction Cm
is constant.
Figure 5.15 and 5.16 shows the two different options of blade leaning. Both figures
illustrates blade leaning of hub in the rotational direction of the runner. Leaning
in the rotational direction will increase the pressure on suction side close to hub
and reduce the total pressure on the pressure side. This would be correct to do if
there was a low pressure zone around hub on the suction side. CFD analysis has
to be used to obtain pressure distribution with blade leaning.

Figure 5.15: Blade with blade leaning option 1


Option 1: In this option blade leaning is introduced to the whole blade from inlet
to outlet. This is simply done by rotating each streamline around the rotation
axes of the turbine in accordance with the desired blade leaning. This option does
not change the streamlines, inlet, outlet angle or Cu , hence, the velocity diagram
remains unchanged. The length of the blade will also remain unaltered.

Figure 5.16: Blade with blade leaning option 2

Option 2: However, simulations indicated that there was a need for an option to
keep the outlet geometry but still introduce leaning to the inlet. To achieve this, the
two last points on each streamline were locked, while the rest of the streamline was
rotated. The blade leaning figure was used to determine the degrees the inlet point
on each streamline should be shifted. By using linear interpolation and keeping the
distance from the rotation centre of the turbine constant for each point, a smooth
blade leaning was obtained. By doing this, the outlet velocity diagram remains
constant, but the inlet velocity diagram is changed.
Since only parts of the streamline is rotated, the inlet angle 1 is changed, thereby
the relative velocity w and the Cu -component. Hence, the energy distribution,
U Cu , is altered because the blade length is altered. Introducing blade leaning
in the way shown in the figure will increase 1 . As U1 and Cm are constant, the
magnitude of w1 is increased and Cu1 is decreased. Since the trailing edge remains
fixed, the velocity diagram for the trailing edge will remain constant.

Guide vanes

A new guide vane tab has been introduced. This tab includes the guide vane, stay
vane and spiral casing options. A complete cross-section of the turbine is plotted.
For the guide vanes the possibility to choose number of guide vanes, Zgv , the guide
vane axis location, D0 , and the overlap factor, kol . In addition there is introduced
an option to import different Naca-profiles as guide vane.
For the stay vanes, the designer has to choose number of stay vanes, Zsv , and the
stay vane thickness, tsv . In addition the maximum stay vane stress is presented

as variable. The calculations is done in accordance with chapter 4.7 in Gjsters

master thesis [4].

Blade thickness

The blade thickness tab has been further developed. The user has the possibility
to decide the blade thickness through deciding leading edge and trailing edge thickness. In addition is there an interface for changing the thickness distribution. The
minimum thickness according to calculations shown in Chapter 4.1 is displayed as
a reference.



CFD Theory

CFD is a recognized tool for analysis of hydraulic machinery like Francis turbines. In this thesis, all simulations are accomplished with three-dimensional Navier
Stokes solver Ansys CFX 13.0 to verify results from the design software. Ansys
CFX was chosen because of in-house experience and previous work of similar problems. Further background information about general CFD-theory can be found in
Appendix B.


Grid properties

A good grid is essential to achieve credible results. The choice of properties will
affect the accuracy and convergence of the solution. The governing equations for
the physics in fluid domain are based on the principles of Newtons 2nd law, mass
and energy conservation (further described in Appendix B). Measures of mesh
orthoganality, expansion and aspect ratio are generally used as significant measures
for mesh quality. The limitations included in the solver was used as reference. It
is important to realize that the measures are intimately related to the solver used
and values heavily depend on the discretization method.
To analyse the flow in the domain, the equations is discretized and solved for each
node. The Finite Volume Method (FVM) is used in Ansys CFX to to make a set
of algebraic equations.


Mesh Generation

The Automatic Topology and Meshing (ATM optimized) mesh feature was new
in the Ansys TurboGrid Release 13.0. Ansys claims this feature generates a high
quality mesh with minimal effort [27]. Mesh generation is fast and there has been
few issues with negative volumes which were the biggest problem for traditional
mesh generation.
Based on experience from Gjster [4] the ATM optimized feature has been used
without the cut-off and squared option. For the leading and trailing edge shape,
surface type have been chosen to be ruled in accordance with Gjster. This
improved the shape of trailing and leading edge and gave no problems with negative


Turbulence Modelling

Several turbulence models are available in Ansys CFX. However, not all of them
are suitable for fluids in rotating systems or flows dominated by boundary layer



Figure 6.17: SST model [4]

The k- model is considered as the industry standard dueits stability and numerical
robustness. The model is valid for the free stream area, but has its limitations in
boundary layer separation, flows over curved a surface and rotating fluids. The
achieve accurate results in the viscous sublayer, the k- model is used. The k-
model is robust and provides accurate results in the viscous sublayer. However,
it is more computational expensive than the k- and is very sensitive in the free
stream region calculations.
To achieve a turbulence model which could handle the whole near wall region, the
Shear-Stress-Transport model (SST) was proposed by Menter [28]. This model uses
an automatic near wall function which uses the k- model close to the wall and
gradually blens into the k- model in the free stream area as illustrated in Figure
The mesh resolution is defined by y + values, which is a non-dimensional parameter
describing the distance from the wall to the nearest node (Equation 6.10).
y+ =



Here, u = w 1/2 is the friction velocity, y is the distance from the wall to the
first mesh node and w is the wall shear stress.
Theoretically , a mesh resolution of y + < 2 [29] is required for the SST model
to accurately solve the viscous sublayer. However, such a low y + value is hard
to obtain for a Francis turbine runner blade. To reduce computational cost, wall
functions can used to approximate the near-wall flow. The wall function method
assume a logarithmic velocity profile to approach the no-slip condition at the wall
as shown in Figure 6.18. The method allows for a much coarser mesh, yielding
lower runtime and computer-memory requirements.

Turbulent layer

Logarithmic layer
Laminar (viscous) sublayer

Figure 6.18: Wall function. Adapted from [7]

Solving by using wall functions gives sufficiently accurate results according to several sources. For a Coutte flow, Menter [30] found that the computed shear stress
varied by less than five percent when changing the mesh resolution from y + 0.2
to y + 100. To obtain godd results when using wall function, the mesh cannot be
made arbitrary fine according to Apsley. A y + between 30 and 150 is suggested
by Apsley. This is consistent with Gjster [4] who recommends a y + value in
the range of 20 - 200 for a Francis turbine runner. It is also impossible to have a
constant value of y + over the entire blade. The y + values on the main part of the
blade should be within the recommended range as it is here separation will start.
The low y + at leading and trailing edge can be disregarded [4].



Computational Model for Francis Turbine

It is assumed that every runner blade is equal and will be exposed to the same
forces. To save computational cost only one runner blade has been used in the
computational model. The geometry of the runner blade geometry has been generated by the design software. The mesh generation and definition of boundary
conditions is further described in this chapter.


Mesh generation

All meshes are generated by the ATM optimized feature in Ansys TurboGrid. The
boundary layer refinement control parameters are shown in Table 7.2. The methods
and values are chosen based on recommandations from Gjster and Eltvik [31, 32].
Proportional refinement:
Factor ratio
Near wall element size specification:
Reynolds number
250 000
Table 7.2: Boundary layer refinement control data
The Factor ratio controls the expansion ratio of the mesh cells size from the wall.
A small factor ratio of 1.25 is recommended [32? ]. However, it was impossible to
make a mesh with these values that was fine enough to meet the y + recommendations without exciding the available computer memory. Increasing the factor ratio
to 2.0 allowed for a finer mesh in the near wall region, but had negative effect on the
mesh quality. Increasing the ratio to much will lead to convergence problems. Simulations with different factor ratio show the same trends for pressure distribution,
but the outlet velocities changes.


Boundary conditions

To simplify the simulations and reduce computational cost, only one runner blade
was calculated. In the post-processing the turbine is assembled with all 17 runner
blades. The calculating domain with periodic boundary conditions is shown in
Figure 7.20. The blade, hub and shroud are modelled as walls. For the viscous
simulations, the no-slip condition was chosen. This implies zero velocity at the wall
and a boundary layer which have to be calculated. It is preferable to simplify as
much as possible to save computational cost, without significant loss in the result
quality. By using inviscid simulations the free slip condition is chosen and thereby
disregarding the boundary layer. This implies no friction loss which would lead to
increased efficiency and increased relative velocities in the near wall region.

Figure 7.19: TurbiGrid ATM mesh

It is recommended for Francis turbine simulations to specify the mass flow at
inlet and total outlet pressure [4, 9]. The flow rate was set 25 m/s3 and the
static pressure at the outlet is equal to one atmosphere. The flow direction at the
inlet is specified by cylindrical coordinates. The design software calculates these
coordinates. However, this values can only be regarded as initial values as the
blade thickness is not taken into account in the calculations. To obtain correct
head in the simulations, it is necessary do an iteration for the velocity components.
For this, Gjster developed a MATLAB program to run CFX in batch mode [4].
The program runs the simulation and iterates the velocity components until the
head is within the specified accuracy of the design head. A head within 0.25%
of the design head is acceptable. For the simulations the limit was chosen to be
+/ 0.5m, which is less than 0.15%, was chosen to avoid to large variations of
head. The mesh has to be saved as Combined in one domain, one file due to the
.pre-file setup. Saving the mesh in another way is possible, but would require a
new .pre-file.


Figure 7.20: Computational domain



Reference Design

The turbine data for the previously installed turbine at La Higuera was used as
reference design. The known data were used in Khoj to generate a design similar
to the previously installed turbine. The objective is to carry out a new hydraulic
design with reduced velocity components.
The blade thickness was unknown, so data for this is estimated by using the calculations from Chapter 4.1. The blade thickness chosen to be 36 mm at leading edge
and 18 mm at trailing edge. The reference data is listed in Table 8.3
Flow rate
Inlet diameter
Outlet diameter
Inlet height
Rotational speed
Number of blades
Thickness at leading edge
Thickness at trailing edge
Speed number
Submergence requirement
Reaction ratio

tT E



m3 /s
mW c

Table 8.3: Reference Turbine Data


CFD Analysis

A CFD simulation was carried out to verify the reference design. As the turbine
installed in La Higuera was designed for 353 m head, but the location of the intake
was moved further up in the hillside after the turbine was designed, the actual head
was greater. Head loss measurement shows the actual net head between 370 - 380
m. The reference design was therefore put through simulations on heads at 353 m,
370 m and 380 m to identify any differences in operation at the different heads.
Simulations at different head was also used the verify BEP at the reference design
from Khoj.
As the net head was changed from what the original turbine was designed for a
second reference design was made. This turbine, hereby referenced to as H0, had
all the same input parameters as the reference turbine, except the design head was
changed from 353 m to 370 m.
Several different meshes was investigated for the reference design at head 353 m.
The mesh used for the reference design was chosen due to its y + -values which was
within the range of what is recommended. However, the mesh quality is poor.
Different mesh with better quality in accordance with parameters mentioned in



Table 8.4: Reference Turbine Mesh Data

Flow rate
Inlet velocities:

Outlet velocities
at diameter


Design software
353 m
25 m3 /s
96 %

353.11 m
25.0753 m3 /s
95.2868 %

Difference [%]














Table 8.5: Design software data and reference turbine data

Chapter 6, had y + -values in the magnitude of 103 . The results were very much
alike, but some differences was found in the outlet region as this was where the
mesh quality was the poorest. Mesh data for choosen reference design can be found
in Table 8.4.
The y + -values are well out of range for the SST-model to function properly. It was
not possibly to achieve the recommended y + -values with such low Factor ratio and
without reducing the mesh quality significantly as decribed later.
The CFX results are compared to the design software calculations in Table 8.5.
The velocities and angles are more less coincident at the inlet, except for Cm1 and
W1 . At the outlet there are some differences for the meridional velocity, Cm2 ,
and the relative velocities. The differences in relative velocities and meridional
velocities are most likely linked to the thickness estimation from Khoj. Based on
the Matlab values, the meridional velocity is reduced by 33%, while CFD simulation
only indicates a deacceleration of 18%.

(a) Suction side

(b) Pressure side

Figure 8.21: y + -values on the runner blade formesh with Factor ratio = 1.1

Figure 8.22: Streamlines in draft tube at BEP

No swirl in the flow close to the draft tube wall is prefered, while the swirl in the
center is generally considered harmless as long as the Cu velocity is less than 50%
of the absolute velocity [6]. The velocities from CFX do not add up exactly to a
correct velocity triangle. The hydraulic report from CFX-Post provides a distortion
parameter which givesthe ratio between the length of the absolute velocity C and
vector sum of Cu and Cm components. A low value of the dissortion parameter is
desirable. The distortion parameter has it maximum value at the trailing edge for
the reference design at 1.0391, which is acceptable.

(a) Top view

Figure 8.23: Relative velocity in runner seen from outlet and from top

(a) Suction side

(b) Pressure side

Figure 8.24: Static pressure on the blade, reference mesh

(a) Midway from hub to shroud

(b) hub

Figure 8.25: Pressure distribution between blades

The transition of relative velocity from inlet to outlet is shown in Figure 8.23.

There are no swirl in the blade channels and there is an acceleration in relative
velocities shown in Figure 8.23. The design software indicates a deacceleration
of the flow through the turbine and the report also indicates a velocity reduction
through the runner, but significantly smaller. A deacceleration should be avoided
due to easier separation of the flow and backflow.
The pressure distribution on the blade surface is shown in Figure ??. It is desirable to have a smooth transition from leading to trailing edge with contourlines
gradually changing from inlet shape to outlet shape. The pressure distribution on
the pressure side of the blade is good except at from close to the leading edge. The
pressure is reduced from hun to shroud along the leading edge. At the suction side
the uneven pressure distribution becomes more obviuos. Close to the shroud at the
leading edge, a low pressure zone has emerged. This low pressure could possibly
cause vapor generation, hence cavitation.
Figure 8.25 shows quite decent pressure distribution except from the at trailing
edge. Again, there is an undesirable low pressure zone occuring, prone to cause
cavitation. The cause of this low pressure zone is not clear. It is suspected that
trouble in the modelling of traling edge is some of the cause to this low pressure
zone. The blade is imported to Turbogrid as points which defines each streamline.
Turbogrid then generates the blade surface by using splines. Unfortunately, this
has an undesired effect for sharp edges like around the trailing edge. The use of
splines rounds of sharp edges and gives the trailing edge a wavy shape like shown
in Figure 8.26

Desired trailing edge shape

TurboGrid spline trailing edge shape
Design software points
Figure 8.26: Trailing edge shape in Turbogrid, somewhat exaggerated [4]
It is possible this design flaws from turbogrid can be elimated by drawing the
turbine in Pro/ENGINEER (Pro/E.) first and exporting it to Turbogrid. This
would also remove possible numerical errors from using two different programs to
generate a blade for hydraulic and mechanical analysis. However, in the early
optimization phase, design flaws like swirl and low efficiency are more critical and
a exact blade shape might not be crucial [4].




All CFD simulations should be verified and validated. Verification is the process
of determining that a model implementation accurately represents model and the
solution correctly. The process quantifies the errors [33]. To minimize mesh errors,
mesh independency is a goal. Mesh independency is ensured by refining the mesh
until simulations give the same results. A coarser mesh i prefered to use in terms
of computer memory and run time requirements.
Validation is the process determining the degree to which the model is an accurate
representation of the real world from the perspective of the intended use of the
model. [33]. To validate the CFD results, they should be compared to experimental
results which would include model testing.


Multilevel CFD

For optimization studies with CFD is very time consuming if full Navier-Stoke
CFD simulation are used. To reduce computational cost and time, multilevel CFD
can be used. Multilevel CFD implies that the initial simulations are carried out
at a lower accuracy level which will capture trends but not every detail. To use
multilevel CFD, the simulations have to be sufficiently accurate to capture the
physics correctly.
The simulation time depends on the mesh size and number of equations to solve
for each domain. A coarser mesh will have less mesh points, consequently the
total number of equations to solve is reduced and thereby the simulation time.
By applying invscid calculations the viscous boundary layer no longer need to be
solved. Reducing mesh size and using inviscid calculations may significantly reduce
the accuracy.
Several different meshes were generated to the same runner geometry to verify the
use of multilevel CFD approach. Both viscous and inviscid calculations were used
to verify the use of inviscid mesh for the optimization study. The results from
different simulations are compared in the following sections.
Table 9.6: Mesh information
Reference mesh
Mesh A






Factor ratio







Figure 9.27 shows the reference mesh, while Figure 9.28 shows mesh A. Due to the
high y + -values for the reference mesh, it was chosen to generate a second mesh with
lower y + -values. Mesh data is listed in Table 9.6. There are some minor differences
in pressure distribution at the blade. Mesh A indicates lower pressure across the

(a) Suction side

(b) Pressure side

Figure 9.27: Static pressure on the blade, reference mesh

(a) Suction side

(b) Pressure side

Figure 9.28: Static pressure on the blade, mesh A

entire blade both at suction side and pressure side, but the tendencies are similar.
The low pressure zone at inlet is found at for both meshes and the contour lines
have a similar shape.

Comparing the draft tube velocities for both meshes (see Figure 9.29) shows a
significant difference in where the maximum velocity is found. The difference in
most likely due to the cell quality in the draft tube for mesh A, which is really
poor. Therefore, the velocities in the draft tube from simulation with mesh A is

(a) Reference mesh

(b) Mesh A

Figure 9.29: Comparison of draft tube velocities

Table 9.7: Mesh information



Head (IN-OUT)

(a) Suction side

Total Efficiency (IN-OUT)


(b) Pressure side

Figure 9.30: Static pressure on the blade, viscous simulation results


Coarse mesh

Both coarse mesh simulation gives similar results for pressure distribution along
the blade, but the inviscid simulation has a closer resemblance to the fine mesh simulation. However, efficiency has significantly improved for the inviscid simulation
which is related to neglection of friction.


(a) Suction side

(b) Pressure side

Figure 9.31: Static pressure on the blade, inviscid simulation results

Simulation time is strongly dependent on mesh size and calculation method. To
properly solve the boundary layer, an y + -value less than one is required. This would
require an extremly fine mesh, which again increases the amount of calculations.
Satisfactory simulation results can be achieved if the maximum y + -value in the
critical areas does not surpass 200 [29]. The y + -values in the simulations presented
exceeds that and will need improvment.
However, all simulations show the same trends and it therefore assumed that coarse
mesh and invscid simulations are accurate enough for the first stage in the optimization process and also extremly time saving.



La Higuera

(a) Head 353 m

(b) Head 370 m

Figure 10.32: Comparison of the suction side for the reference blade at different
Figure 10.32 shows the reference blade at different heads. The low pressure zone
has become larger for the increased head, which is likely to cause heavier cavitation.

Figure 10.33: Efficiency as a function of head for different mesh


Figure 10.33 shows the efficiency plotted against Head for CFD simulation of the
reference design with different mesh. It should be noted the difference from viscous
simulation to inviscid simulation of approximately 3%. The reference mesh, which
has the best mesh quality, has a efficiency of around 95.3%. The viscous simulation with coarse mesh has approximately the same efficiency. Mesh A has the
highest efficiency for the viscous simulation. There is a tendency that the efficiency
increases with the head.


Parameter Study

Khoj allows for changing several parameters in order to generate different turbine
designs. As different parameters may influence each other, the paramater study
has been done by changing one parameter at the time.
As for La Higuera, the turbine diameter and inlet height is constant, and it is therefore not possible to reduce the relative velocities significantly. The main parameter
in this study has been efficiency and relative velocity. In addition, the pressure
distribution along the blade has been evaluated. Due to the above mentioned restrictions, the submergence requirement will remain fairly constant around -9.6
The erosion factor has been neglected as a parameter, due to the uncertainty. Eltvik
[32] claims the erosion factor does not have any correlation with CFD results for
two particle fluid flow. CFD results for two particle fluid flows are also strongly
mesh dependent [29].


Design H0

As the net head was changed from what the original turbine was designed for, a new
turbine design was made with the design software. This was done to investigate the
possibility that only the change in head had caused the cavitation at la Higuera.
Inviscid reference

Head (IN-OUT)
370.410 m
353.414 m

Total Efficiency (IN-OUT)


Power Output
89.77 MW
85.45 MW

Table 10.8: Comparison of H0 design and the reference design, both inviscid simulation and coarse mesh
The H0 design also has the low pressure zone close to leading edge found at the
reference design. However, the minimum pressure is not as low as for the reference
design tested at a head of 370 m. The small increase in pressure on the pressure
side is due to the increased design head. The increased head also gives increased
power output.

(a) Suction side

(b) Pressure side

Figure 10.34: Pressure distribution on the blade for design H0

(a) Midway from hub to shroud

(b) hub

Figure 10.35: Pressure distribution between blades

Studying the blade to blade pressure distribution at the hub, as shown in Figure
10.35b, the contour lines from the trailing edge and halfway through seem slightly
wavy. The pressure lines close to the inlet seem to become more wavy, especially
close to the suction side. The pressure distrubition in this region would cause a
crossflow towards the suction side. Halfway between hub and shroud as shown in
Figure 10.35a, the pressure lines seems to straighten out, but there is still the same
tendency close to suction side. However, the pressure distribution midway between
hub and shroud seems acceptable.

The draft tube velocities are displayed in Figure 10.36.


Figure 10.36: Draft tube velocities at BEP for the H0 design

Blade angle distribution
Blade length
Blade leaning

Four different shapes

Two different shapes
Four different shapes

Table 10.9: Parameters for single effects study


Single parameter studies

Effects of blade leaning

The effects of blade leaning was investigated with several different runner blades.
The amount of blade leaning has been defined by how much the hub or shroud line
is shifted in degrees from the original position. Simulations was done with both
option of blade leaning included in Khoj. To make the results for amount of blade
leaning comparable, the shape at the inlet should be similar. A linear blade leaning
was chosen to make things simple. It is known that the shape of the leading edge
close to the shroud has greatest effect on the blade for pressure balancing [6]
Introducing blade leaning gave positive results compared to reference blade as
shown in Figure 10.37. Figure 10.37(a)-(c) illustrates the leading edge shape. The
amount of leaning is noted in degrees roted along hub. Figure 10.37(d)-(e) illustrates the corresponding pressure distribution at the suction side of the blade close
to the leading edge. In the reference design (Figure 10.37d) there is a large low
pressure zone close to the shroud. This is significantly reduced in the two other
figures. Figure 10.37e has a small blade leaning resembling toward an X-blade design. With increased blade leaning (5 ) as shown in Figure 10.37f, the minimum

pressure is about the same as for 2.5 . However, the shape of the low pressure zone
has changed. The smaller blade leaning has a low pressure zone reaching further
along the blade, while the greater blade leaning has a low pressure zone reaching
longer along the leading edge.

Head (IN-OUT)
370.410 m
369.778 m
369.805 m

Total Efficiency (IN-OUT)


Power Output
89.77 MW
89.52 MW
89.47 MW

Table 10.10: Comparison of H0 design and the reference design, both inviscid
simulation and coarse mesh




(d) H0

(e) BL1

(f) BL2

Figure 10.37: Comparisson of different blade leaning

No significant differences could be found between blade leaning by option 1 and 2
for small angles up to 5 . Larger blade leaning was not tested. Introducing blade
leaning has been found to have a negative effect on the efficiency.
The pressure distribution in the channel midway between hub and shroud as shown
in Figure 10.38a, is acceptable and show the same tendencies as the H0-design.
However, at the hub there is indication of low pressure zone forming on the suction
side from the leading edge as seen in Figure 10.38b. This is even more evident for

(a) Midway from hub to shroud

(b) hub

Figure 10.38: Pressure distribution between blades for BL1

the BL2 design with increased blade leaning. This effect is possible related to effect
of linear blade leaning as shown in Figure 10.37(b)-(c). The H0 design indicates
the need for pressure balancing close to the shroud. By introducing linear blade
leaning, the pressure distribution close to hub is also affected. This is not desirable.
An investigation of non-linear blade leaning therefore needs to be carried out to
better pressure balance the blade.

Increasing blade length


Head (IN-OUT)
370.410 m
369.805 m
369.827 m

Total Efficiency (IN-OUT)


Power Output
89.77 MW
89.79 MW
89.75 MW

Table 10.11: Comparison of H0 design and the reference design, both inviscid
simulation and coarse mesh
This blade is a bit longer simulation indicates a slightly higher efficiency at 98.98%.
The pressure distribution again shows the same tendencies. However, it indicates
a more severe low pressure zone.
Investigating the pressure distribution between suction side and pressure side, the
distribution is similar to the H0-design between the blades. However, the large low
pressure zone at the suction side close to trailing edge has almost disappeared at
the hub as shown in Figure 10.40b. This migth be related to the length of hub
in the radial direction has been increased in this design, while shroud still has the
same radial length. This has given greater distance between the points along the
hubline, which again will affect the shape of the trailing edge in a positive way
and reduce the effect pointed out in Chapter 8.1. Figure 10.40a shows the same
tendencies as the H0-design, and the mentioned low pressure zone at trailing edge

(a) Suction side

(b) Pressure side

Figure 10.39: Static pressure on the blade for TE2

(a) Midway from hub to shroud

(b) hub

Figure 10.40: Pressure distribution between blades for TE2

is also clearly visible again.


Effects of changing blade angle distribution

The effect of changing the blade angle distribution has been discussed by Gjster
in her master thesis [4]. The Matlab-results are found to resemble Gjster results.
The different shapes tested are illustrated in Figure 10.41.
The different shapes causes a change in the energy distribution along the blade.
Traditionally a shape similar to Shape 2 is chosen. This shape has an evenly
distributed load at the trailing edge [6] and the runner blade is usually thickest at
the leading edge and has decreasing thickness towards the trailing edge.
New design philosophy has turned towards Shape 1, as this has lower relative
velocities through the runner, but a larger acceleration towards the trailing edge.

Blade angle distribution relative to inlet

Shape 1

Shape 3
Shape 4


Shape 5

Shape 2

Stream wise span from inlet (1) to outlet (0)

Figure 10.41: Different shapes of the blade angle distribution [4]

This produces an increased load at the trailing edge, which in turn requires a
stronger trailing edge.
H0 (Shape 3)
Shape 1
Shape 2
Shape 4
Shape 5

370.410 m
369.813 m
369.802 m
369.810 m
369.798 m

Total Efficiency

Power Output


Erosion Factor

Table 10.12: Comparison of H0 design and different blade angle distribution

Table 10.12 only show minor differences in efficiency and power output.
Investigating Figure 10.42 does not show any significant differences from the H0design. The pressure distribution has the same tendencies. Investigation of the low
pressure zone close to trailing edge does not show any changes. Some differences
can be found in the draft tube velocities for Shape 5. The velocities is somewhat
lower than in the H0-design. This could possibly be due to a better 2 -angle and a
smaller distortion parameter. The larger core in Figure 10.43 is due to the change
in radius for hub.


(a) Suction side

(b) Pressure side

Figure 10.42: Static pressure on the blade for Shape 1

Figure 10.43: Streamlines in draft tube at BEP for Shape 2





La Higuera Power Plant has been operating under a higher net head than it was
designed for. Simulation has indicated a low pressure zone close to the inlet. This
low pressure zone becomes more severe with increased head, which would cause
heavier cavitation. However, efficiency does not seem to be to much affected by
the change in net head. The low pressure zone from the simulations would also be
likely to cause cavitation at designed operational head as well.
The unfavourable blade leaning could explain the heavy cavitation experienced in
La Higuera.
Blade leaning is an important tool to pressure balance the runner blade. The
inviscid CFD simulations with coarse mesh indicate significant changes for the
pressure distribution on the blade when blade leaning is introduced. The use
of inviscid simulation versus viscous simulation is time saving and requires less
computer memory. The differences between inviscid and viscous simulation are
so small that inviscid simulation are assumed good enough for the first stage of
optimization. The small differences found for the simulation with blade angle
distribution might indicate that the inviscid simulation are not accurate enough to
investigate the change in energy distribution.


Blade leaning

The two options for blade leaning were both tested through CFD-analysis. The
change in outlet angle and inlet velocities were found to neglectable for blade
leaning angles less than 5 . It can be discussed wether both options are necessary
for the design software. However, it is likely to see a difference for larger blade
leaning. The user should still note the difference between the two options as Option
2 do affect the velocity diagrams, which may cause significant differences for other
The two different blade leaning angles presented in results gave to quite different
low pressure zones. It would be easy to assume that increasing blade leaning would
only reduce the low pressure zone. However, the low pressure zone of design BL1
is not reduced in BL2, but the shape has changed. For design BL1, the upper
half of the blade seem to included in one contour which means quite even pressure.
For design BL2, the low pressure zone is stretched toward the hub. This would
cause it to affect a larger part of the flow and it could possibly cause a standing
wave behind the low pressure zone. The pressure distribution between pressure
and suction side at hub was also affected by the linear blade leaning. This suggest
a non-linear blade leaning should be investigated. Finding the correct shape could
possibly be a very time consuming process of trial by error.
The effect of changing the shape of the leading edge has not been investigated.


Weaknesses in Khoj

There are two main weaknesses in Khoj; blade thickness and erosion factor. The
blade thickness is calculated by a method which should give a conservative estimate.
The blade thickness calculations has not yet been verified by mechanical analysis
as this is not the scope of this thesis. However, two other methods has been
used to calculate the minimum blade thickness. The method based on the empiric
formula from Kvrner which gave a minimum thickness of 48 mm. The last method
applied a simple infinite long plate. This method gave a minimum thickness of 52
mm. Based on experience the method described in Chapter 4.1 was chosen ??.
However, the minimum blade thickness has to verified by FEM analysis.
Error in blade thickness also effects the acceleration parameter in Matlab. CFD
simulations show a significantly lower Cm both at leading and trailing edge. The
simulations therefore also give a smaller deacceleration through the turbine than
Matlab. To achieve acceleration from leading to trailing edge, either inlet area has
to be increased or outlet area decreased. La Higuera prefers to keep the current
draft tube, which makes it hard to reduce the outlet diameter. The outlet area
could possibly be reduced by introducing a cone in the centre of the draft tube,
forcing the flow to accelerate to the trailing edge, before deacceleration in the draft
tube. A construction like this could possibly cause more problems than gain.
The second weakness is erosion factor. An erosion factor should be included in the
design software to give an indication of the erosion rate. Currently the erosion rate
i given as

Et =

W Ai 3 3
[m /s ]


Dividing by the total area leads to errors, like increasing the curvature of the so
the blade area increases, while the relative velocity at inlet and outlet remains
constant. The erosion rate will than be reduced, when in reality it is more likely
to increase. Dividing by the area is not consistent with any of the erosion models
either. It is stated that the erosion rate is proportional to velocity 3 which could
be used as an indication. However, this is a simplification and will not take into
account acceleration. The erosion factor is also limited to compare turbines for
the same location as factors such as concentration, material properties and particle
properties are ignored.
The erosion factor is included in the part with different blade angle distribution.
The erosion factor is significantly lower for Shape 1 and Shape 2 has the definitely
worst erosion factor. However, the sudden acceleration close to trailing edge might
cause heavy erosion to the trailing edge of the blade of Shape 1. Larger particles
will not be able to follow flow exposed to heavy acceleration. The acceleration could
possibly lead to a more focused erosion with shorter time before serious damage is
inflicted. Therefore, the erosion rate could possibly be much higher than indicated

by the erosion factor. Eltvik [32] has not found any correlation between the erosion
factor and erosion simulation in Ansys CFX.





Khoj has become more intuitive and easier to use. Some new parameters have been
introduced, such as blade leaning. This enables the user to pressure balance the
blade which is an important tool to avoid cavitation. Further, an option to include
different guidevane shapes has been included.
For La Higuera, this thesis has taken the design process a short way, but there
are indications that blade leaning towards an X-blade would reduce the cavitation
problem experienced with the previous turbine. CFD simulations indicate a low
pressure zone at inlet which could be the cause of heavy leading edge cavitation
which increases at of BEP operation. Further the use of inviscid simulation with
coarse mesh seem to be accurate enough to pressure balance the blade. Fine mesh
simulation need to be performed to confirm this.
Due to the restrictions with regard to changing the guide vanes and generator, it
has not been possible to decrease rotational speed or increase diameter. This has
limited the possibility to reduce the relative velocities, hence reduce erosion. The
best way of reduce erosion will therefore be coating of all wet surfaces. The erosion
factor has been neglected because of the great amount of uncertainty associated
with it.




Further Work

Some of the parameters in Khoj need to be verified, such as the minimum thickness.
The estimation of outlet velocities also has it faults. The estimation used give good
results in some cases, but a more accurate estimate should be used. However, this
may make Khoj significantly slower as every calculation done earlier has do be done
again as a change in geometry possibly could change 2 and Cm .
The erosion factor also has to modified to give a more accurate impression of how
the erosion is affected by different changes. Comparison with CFD results and
measurements are needed.
Further, there is expected new versions of the program. The Labyrinth tab has
to be improved and different labyrinth options should be included. The runner
cascade tab will be developed to display a 3D view of the complete turbine with
visibility options.
As Jonas Bergmann Paulsen in his project thesis has described how to make a runner blade in Pro/E. it would be interesting to put the design from Khoj straight
into Pro/E. or simiiar CAD-tool. A geometry made in a CAD-program may eliminate the problems with spline function at the trailing edge and produce a more
correct blade shape.
As La Higuera Power Plant include two turbines, it would be interesting to investigate the possiblity to remove the guidevanes in one of the turbines and only use
it as base load. The other turbine could than be used to cover the peak load. This
could possibly reduce the relative velocities significantly and thereby erosion.
Due to lack of time, there has been done no analysis of the runner with guide vanes
and stay vanes. An investigation of changing diameter of the runner and length
of guide vanes could be done to investigateto posssibility to reduce the relative
velocities in the runner.



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Background information on the design sofware

This chapter presents the theory behind the design software Khoj. The design
method is to a large extent based on the method most commonly used at the
Waterpower Laboratory, but with some exceptions where other methods are found
more suited and provided better results [4].

Francis Turbine Design

This chapter presents the theory basis for the design software. The design method
is to a large extent based on the method most commonly used at the Waterpower
Laboratory, but with some exceptions where other methods are found more suited
and with more correct results. Most of this chapter is taken from the authors
project thesis [18]. The chapter is included to give an assembled presentation of
the design software theory basis. In addition, the software has been extended and
revised with minor and major changes, hence new theory is prevailing. Sections
4.2, 4.3 and 4.5 contain new or revised paragraphs.
Alternative design procedures are hard to retrieve from turbine producers, as this
is considered as classified information. However, designing a pump impeller is
similar to designing a Francis turbine, and pump impeller design can be reviewed
in Stepanoff [19] and Lazarkiewicz [20].



A traditional Francis turbine consists of a runner, a set of guide vanes, a set of stay
vanes and a spiral casing, as shown in figure 4.1. The design process starts with
the runner and moves outwards, ending with the spiral casing.




C m1 B1




Figure 4.1: Axial view of a turbine [3]



Main Dimensions

Designing a Francis runner starts with calculating the main dimensions. These are
based on hydraulic parameters like head He and discharge Q, which are determined
by the topography and hydrology of the power plant site. Traditionally, velocity
triangles at the inlet and outlet of the runner, as shown in figure 4.2, are used in
the design process.








Figure 4.2: Velocity triangles

Dimensions at runner outlet

As a first attempt, the outlet angle 2 and peripheral speed U2 can be chosen
based on empirical data. Brekke [21] states that for traditional Francis runners
these values are usually found in the intervals
15 < 2 < 22


m/s < U2 < 42 m/s


where 2 takes lower values for higher heads and U2 takes higher values for higher
heads. The listed intervals should not be considered fixed limits, especially when
designing turbines that will be operated in silty water. Measurements at Jhimruk
show that the existing runners have a lower outlet peripheral speed than what
traditionally is suggested.
At best efficiency point (BEP) no swirl in the draft tube has to be assumed. Hence
the peripheral component of the absolute velocity, Cu2 , equals zero, and the meridian component of the absolute velocity can be found from the velocity triangles.
Cm2 = U2 tan 2



With these parameters the outlet diameter D2 can be calculated from continuity.
D2 =

However, this is only strictly valid for infinitely thin blades: Due to the thickness
of the blades at the trailing edge, the effective outlet area will be smaller. To find
a rough estimate of the outlet area, the number of blades and the thickness of the
blade at the trailing edge have to be decided or guessed. Because of the outlet
blade angle 2 , the lost area must be approximated as the projection of the blade
thickness in the outlet plane, as shown in figure 4.3.

Projection of blade
thickness in outlet plane

Figure 4.3: Projection of the blade thickness into the outlet plane

Choosing to keep the value of D2 , the Cm2 value is recalculated taking the lost area
into account. However, because 2 is dependent on Cm2 , a small iteration loop is
necessary to fulfil the no swirl condition.
Knowing D2 , the rotational speed of the turbine can be calculated according to
equation 4.5.

U2 60



The grid frequency in Nepal is 50 Hz. In order to obtain a frequency of 50 Hz, the
generator rotor has to pass 50 pole pairs in the stator per second.
Zpoles =

fgrid 60



The number of pole pairs has to be an integer. To fulfil this requirement, the
rotational speed has to be corrected to the corresponding synchronous speed found
by rearranging equation 4.6. The designer has to choose whether to round up or
down the number of pole pairs. Choosing a higher Zp yields a larger and slower
rotating turbine. According to Verma [22], the sediment erosion damage is less in
large machines than in smaller ones. By selecting the speed of rotation one or two
steps lower than for turbines operated in clean water, the machine size is increased.
Thus the relative flow velocities are reduced with consequently less erosion damage.

Dimensions at runner inlet

When the outlet dimensions are set, the inlet of the runner is to be designed. The
designer chooses the inlet peripheral speed, and with that the inlet diameter as
U1 60
D1 =
It is convenient to use reduced values in the design process because the reduced
velocities are dimensionless. The reduced values are denoted by an underscore.
U1 =

2 g He



The Euler equation is commonly used for turbine design, and is defined as shown
in equation 4.9.
Cu1 U1 Cu2 U2
h =
g He
By introducing reduced values and including the assumption of no swirl flow in the
draft tube at BEP, the Euler turbine equation reduces to:
h = 2 U 1 C u1



It is common to assume a hydraulic efficiency h of 96 % for the runner.

In order to avoid back flow in the runner, an acceleration of the flow through the
runner is desirable. Generally, ten percent is chosen, but this is up to the designer.
Cm2 = (1 +

) Cm1



The inlet area can now be found according to continuity.

Cm1 A1 = Cm2 A2


As was done at the outlet, the runner blade thickness has to be accounted for also
at the inlet. The inlet diameter is fixed due to equation 4.7, so the blade thickness
will only affect the runner inlet height B1 , as shown in equation 4.13. By combining
equations 4.11 and 4.12, the inlet height can be calculated as
B1 =

D1 Zblades


sin 1


where 1 is found from equation 4.14.

tan 1 =

U1 Cu1



Submerging the turbine

If the water pressure in the runner is lower than the vapor pressure, cavitation may
occur. The impact of gas cavities collapsing close to the wall surface causes cavitation erosion. In order to avoid the water pressure to drop below the vapor pressure,
the turbine can be submerged. The required level of submergence, expressed as
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) depends on the main dimensions and the speed
number of the runner. The speed number is a non-dimensional expression for
rotational speed at a given head at BEP.
= Q

Knowing the speed number, the required NPSH can be calculated as

NPSHrequired = a

+b 2

[mW c]


where the parameters a and b are empirical constants, and, according to Brekke
[21], dependent on the speed number.

gives a=1.12 and b=0.055


gives a=1.12 and b=0.1

NPSH has to fulfil the following requirement to avoid cavitation

NPSHrequired < hatm hva Hs

[mW c]


hatm - atmospherically pressure, 1 atm = 10.3 mWc
hva - vapor pressure
Hs - submerging of the turbine. A negative value of Hs implies that the turbine
is set below tail water level.
Runners are often designed for high velocities to keep the dimensions down. This
results in low water pressures and possible cavitation damage. A turbine designed
with low velocity components to reduce the sediment erosion is likely to have larger
dimensions than a traditional Francis runner, and hence possibly less cavitation
Traditionally, turbines are designed based on head and flow, assuming sediment
free water. Experiments have shown that components, which are cavitation free
when operated in clean water, cavitates when operated in silty water [23].
The required submergence is calculated based on the vapour pressure of clean water.
The viscosity of silty water is higher than for clean water, hence the vaporizing
pressure is higher as well. This causes cavitation to occur at higher pressure levels
for silty water than for clean water operation [24].

In addition, sediment erosion and cavitation are inducing each other. An already
cavitation pitted surface is more prone to sediment impacts, which intensifies the
damage. Likewise, a sediment eroded surface has local flow conditions which induce
cavitation at an earlier stage than in clean water, and hence accelerates the damage
mechanism vastly.
A deeper submergence of the turbine will avoid cavitation erosion, and thus also
the cavitation - sediment erosion synergy. The extent of the additional required
submergence is dependent on several parameters, including concentration and size
of the particles.


Runner Blades

When the main dimensions of the runner are known, the runner blades can be
designed. The design procedure starts by determining the shape of the blade in
the axial view, then the radial view is established, and finally the runner blade can
be plotted in three dimensions.
Runner axial view
At first a streamline along the shroud or along the hub has to be defined. It is
most common to define it along the shroud. Traditionally an elliptical or circular
shape is chosen for the streamline.
After the first streamline is defined, the number of streamlines has to be chosen.
The distribution of streamlines is determined by the velocity profile at the inlet of
the runner, which initially is considered uniform. This gives a uniform distribution
of the streamlines between the hub and shroud at the inlet.
Based on the inlet distribution and the definition of the first streamline, the rest
of the streamlines can be determined. A point i on streamline j + 1 is found by
drawing a line between the points (i + 1, j) and (i 1, j). Then the new point,
(i, j + 1), is placed on an axis orthogonal to this line going through point (i, j), as
shown in figure 4.4.
From figure 4.4 the following expressions can be derived:

Zi1,j Zi+1,j
i,j = tan1
Ri1,j Ri+1,j


Ri,j + Ri,j+1



Ai,j = 2 ri,j bi,j



Ri,j+1 Ri,j
sin i,j



ri,j =

bi,j =








Figure 4.4: Determining a new point on a streamline. Adapted from Eltvik et al.
Combining equation 4.19-4.21 yields:

Ri,j+1 + Ri,j
Ri,j+1 Ri,j

Ai,j = 2
sin i,j
sin i,j i,j+1
Expression equation 4.22 can be rearranged to:
2 + Ai,j sin i,j
Ri,j+1 = Ri,j


[m2 ]


Finally, the Z coordinate can be found:

Zi,j+1 = Zi,j bi,j cos i,j



A common issue when defining the first streamline along the shroud is that the
streamlines close to the hub curve upwards at the inlet instead of going in a straight
line, bending down towards the outlet. This is an undesirable design feature that
must be corrected before proceeding with the design.
Starting with the first streamline along the hub avoids the problem with upward
curvature, but it causes other problems, such as lines crossing each other at the
inlet, which could result in numerical problems.
Considering these issues, a more general shape of the first streamline would be
desirable. Then the problems of upward curvature could be avoided, even when
starting from the shroud. An example of a more general curve definition is the
Bezier curve.
When the curvature issue has been corrected, the design may need some further
adjustments if the runner blades are too close to the centre of the shaft. Removing
some of the endpoints on each streamline will solve this problem. If the endpoints


Height Z [m]



Radius R [m]



Figure 4.5: Axial view of the runner blade after cutting endpoints and redistributing the remaining points
are removed, the rest of the points should be redistributed with equal spacing. Figure 4.5 show the axial view of a Francis runner after removing upward curvature at
the hub, cutting endpoints and redistributing the remaining points. If constraints
exist for the outlet diameter, it has to be checked that the outlet diameter after
cutting endpoints does not exceed the limits.

Runner radial view

In order to simplify the design process of going from the axial view to the radial
view, a GH-plane is defined. G is the length of a streamline in the axial plane and
H is the length of a streamline in the radial plane.
The GH-plane is commonly used when designing centrifugal pump impellers, as
described by both Stepanoff [19] and Lazarkiewicz [20].
Calculating the values of G is an easy and straight forward process, using the values
of R and Z from the axial view. G equals zero at the inlet.
Gi,1 = Gi1,1 +

(Ri1,1 Ri,1 )2 + (Zi1,1 Zi,1 )2



Calculating the values of H is more demanding, as they are dependent on the distribution of the blade angle, . The blade angle is closely linked to the energy
distribution along the blade. The energy distribution is often referred to as the
U Cu distribution, and describes the transformation from pressure energy to rotational energy along the blade. The relation between the energy distribution and
the blade angle is governed by equation 4.26.
= arctan(

U Cu

[ ]




Figure 4.6: Definition of G-H plane. Adapted from Eltvik et al. [3]
The blade angles at the inlet and outlet are known from the velocity triangles.
The distribution in between has to be determined. This can be done in two ways.
Either you can choose the U Cu distribution and then calculate the distribution,
or you can choose and then calculate U Cu . Choosing the blade angle distribution gives the designer full control of the design outcome, and avoids any strange
designs. Choosing the energy distribution and subsequently calculating the blade
angle distribution, you gain the advantage of controlling the energy distribution,
but you lose the control of the blade angle, and thus some strange designs may occur. A good practice is to control the corresponding distribution afterwards, either
if the energy or the blade angle distribution is chosen. A distribution must be specified for each streamline, but you could of course specify the same distribution for
all streamlines. The same U Cu distribution for all streamlines will give a different
distribution of the blade angle for each streamline. Likewise, equal blade angle
distribution for all streamlines will give a different energy distribution for each
streamline. The corresponding distributions are calculated using equation 4.26.
Cm is the velocity along the streamline, and is found using the continuity equation.
The peripheral velocity U is dependent on the radius R and the angular velocity
and is thus known for each point.
U =R



Next the values of H can be obtained using equation 4.28, defined as shown in
figure 4.6.
H =
When this is performed for each streamline, the G-H plane can be plotted. The
radial view is established using equation 4.29, which is defined according to figure 4.8.
d =

When knowing all the coordinates for and R, the radial view can be plotted as
in figure 4.9.
Combining the axial coordinates and the radial coordinates, the 3D shape of the
runner blade emerges as shown in figure 4.10.
Radial direction H [m]









Axial direction G [m]



Figure 4.7: GH-plane











Figure 4.9: Radial view

Figure 4.8: Definition of














Figure 4.10: 3D-blade plotted without thickness



This section presents simplified methods for calculating the required number of
blades in the runner and the required runner blade inlet thickness. We have however
already guessed both number of blades and thickness at the leading and trailing
edges in order to find the effective outlet and inlet areas of the turbine when
deciding the main dimensions.
It seems that the method for calculating number of blades is excessively conservative, giving a very high number of blades. Furthermore the calculation of the blade
thickness is not suitable for turbines where sediment erosion is expected. Then it
makes sense to have thicker blades.
Number of blades in the runner
When the shape of the blade is established, the number of blades in the runner has
to be decided. This is done by investigating equation 4.30
= 2


where rcurv is the radius of curvature of the blade surface.



The equation is derived from the balance of forces acting on a particle in a rotating
channel, and describes the change in relative velocity, w, along a line, n, normal to
the streamlines in the channel.

Figure 4.11: Relative velocity in rotating channel [4]

As can be seen from figure 4.11, the lowest relative velocity appears on the pressure
side of the blade. To avoid backflow, the relative velocity at the pressure side cannot
be negative.
In general, the 2 term is relatively much larger than the rcurv
term in equaw
tion 4.30, and thus we can conclude that the value of n will be close to constant.
That will give a velocity profile which is almost linear. For calculation purposes,
the profile is assumed to be entirely linear.

Solving for n:
n =


w = const w



n is the distance from the middle of the channel to the blade. The relative velocity
increases with the flow rate, and the maximum relative velocity is found at full load,
as can be seen in figure 4.12. As a decrease in w will cause narrower channels,
and consequently an increased number of blades required, the dimensioning case
for the number of blades will be found at part load. At some point on part load,
backflow has to be allowed, and this limit has to be decided. This is, according to
Dahlhaug [25, Personal conversations], typically set to 80 percent of the flow rate
at design load.

* Cu1











Figure 4.12: Velocity diagram at BEP (*) and at full load

To calculate the least number of blades required to avoid backflow at the inlet, the
relative velocity is set to zero at the inlet on the pressure side. The relative velocity
in the middle of the channel is calculated based on the flow rate at 80 percent part
load, Q80 . As the exact behavior of the Cu component is hard to calculate, it is
in the design process assumed to obtain the same values as at design load. The
peripheral speed is the same as on design load and the Cm component is found
from continuity. Thus the relative velocity is found from the velocity triangles,
and w
n is calculated from equation 4.30. Next, the distance from the center of the
channel to the pressure side, n, is found from equation 4.32.
The distance between two blades are 2n. The circumference of the runner is
known from the main dimensions. Hence the least number of blades to avoid back
flow is:
Zrb =

Channel Width



This calculation of number of blades should be checked with CFD analysis, as the
blade thickness is not accounted for, and because of the assumption of a linear
velocity distribution and the simplification of the behavior of the Cu component.
The simplification of the Cu component is discussed in the further work section.

Thickness of blades
After the number of blades in the runner is determined, the thickness of each blade
can be calculated. The thickness has to be large enough to withstand the hydraulic
forces which the blade is exposed to, being the static pressure difference between
the pressure and the suction side of the blade, and the dynamic pressure pulsations.
As the geometry of the runner blades are quite complex, a simplified stress analysis
is performed to calculate a conservative estimate of the required blade thickness.
Modeling the blade as a straight beam between hub and shroud, classical mechanics
is applicable. The hub is considered to be rigid, while the shroud is assumed to
be flexible in torsion with respect to the hub. This means that the blade can be
modelled as a beam that is clamped at the hub side and guided at the shroud side.



Figure 4.13: Blade modeled as a straight beam between hub and shroud

Figure 4.14: Definition of a, b, r and RM

Assuming equally distributed load, q = rp, the bending moment, M , is found

as [26]
M =q
[N m]

The maximum bending stress, max , is

max =

M t
I 2

[P a]


with blade thickness, t, and second area moment of inertia, I



[m4 ]


Rearranging equation 4.34 - 4.36 gives the minimum blade thickness at the inlet as
2b2 p
tmin =
The pressure difference is calculated from the torque on the runner. The length a
defined in figure 4.14, is an imaginary length where it is assumed that the entire
torque is transferred from the flow to the blade. The value of a is usually set to
1.5 b according to Brekke [21].
Mrunner = Zr abRM p =
p =


[N m]

Zr abRM

[P a]


Leading and trailing edge

The shape of the leading and trailing edge are designed based on experience as
shown in figure 4.15 [27, personal conversation]. The trailing edge shape is chosen
in order to minimize the amplitude of von Karman vortices.

Pressure side


Suction side


Pressure side



Suction side

Figure 4.15: Shape of leading and trailing edge



Guide vanes

A number of adjustable blades, known as guide vanes, govern the discharge and
the direction of the flow before it enters the runner.
The number of guide vanes has to be chosen. To minimize the extent of the pressure
pulsations that occur when the runner vanes pass the guide vanes, the number of
guide vanes has conform to equation 4.40.
Number of Guide vanes
6= Integer
Number of Runner vanes


To have sufficient distance between the guide vane and the runner, it is common to
design the guide vanes outlet diameter at rated power approximately five percent
larger than the runner inlet diameter. The gap between the guide vane outlet
and the runner inlet is less at full power, and it should be controlled that there is
sufficient clearance also at this guide vane position.
As flow in the gap between the guide vane outlet and the runner inlet is unaffected,
the free vortex theory is used to find the tangential component of the absolute
velocity at the trailing edge of the guide vanes.
Cu1 r1 = Cugvo rgvo = Constant


The meridional component is found using continuity and the guide vane outlet
angle is found from the velocity triangle.
tan gvo =




Next, the radial position of the guide vane axis, r0 , has to be determined. When
r0 is known, the length from the trailing edge to the axis of the guide vane, L0 , is
found from the law of cosine.
The length of the guide vane is dependent on the number of vanes, as the vanes
have to overlap in the closed position. This is to avoid the vane from being able
to rotate full circle. It is common to have an overlap with a cover factor, Kcf , of
approximately 10 - 15 percent [3]. With few vanes, each vane has to be longer.
A long vane guides the flow better than a short one, but it also accounts for
larger friction losses. Thus the choice of number of guide vanes should be carefully
D0 Kcf
Lgv =
The guide vane axis should be located somewhere between the middle and three
quarters of the vane length upstream from the trailing edge. It is important that
both the overlap and axis location criteria are satisfied. The guide vane inlet
diameter can now be found using the law of cosine.
To decrease the flow losses in the guide vane cascade, it is desirable to shape the
vane as an airfoil. Smooth and symmetrical NACA profiles are often chosen.







Figure 4.16: Geometry of guide vane


Stay vanes

The stay vanes are designed to have no hydraulic effect, and are present in the
turbine cascade just to keep the spiral casing together. Thus the stay vanes have
to withstand the maximum hydraulic force acting on the spiral casing.
The shape of the stay vanes follows a free vortex. The outlet diameter is usually
chosen 2 percent larger than the guide vane inlet diameter [3]. The design process
requires the designer to choose a stay vane inlet diameter. Then the length of the
vane can be found, as the length of a streamline following the path of the free
vortex from stay vane inlet to stay vane outlet.
The maximum force acting on the spiral casing is the maximum pressure times the
area on which the pressure acts. The effective area of the spiral casing and the stay
vanes is difficult to determine. As a simplification, the spiral casing and the stay
vanes are modeled as an annulus with constant inner and outer diameter.
Fmax = pmax Aannulus
Aannulus =


[N ]

[m2 ]


The maximum pressure acting on the area of the spiral casing occurs if the turbine
running at full power is suddenly shut down. This will cause large pressure pulsations, known as the water hammer. The water hammer and the static pressure

Rsv i
Rsv o

Figure 4.17: Stay vanes



Figure 4.18: Traditional spiral casing and simplified annulus for calculating purposes
caused by the head difference give the dimensioning pressure.
pmax = phead + pwaterhammer

[P a]


Then the required cross sectional area of the stay vane can be found with maximum bending stress for steel, max , equal to 100 MPa. Subsequently the required
thickness is calculated.
Arequired =
tsv =

max Zsv


[m2 ]



Spiral casing

The purpose of the spiral casing is to distribute the flow evenly around the runner.
Thus the cross section area of the spiral casing has to decrease downstream, as
parts of the water flows through the stay vanes in each section.
Rsv i





Figure 4.19: Cross section of spiral casing

The boundary layer in the spiral casing cause an energy loss, but it also induce a
secondary flow. To prevent this secondary flow to propagate into the stay vanes
and guide vanes, the spiral casing overlaps the stay vane inlet. The overlap factor

Figure 4.20: Secondary flow in the spiral casing


K2 is traditionally set to 0.1 for high head Francis turbines [21]. For the design
software however, this factor has been set to 0.05 based on discussions in the weekly
design team meeting [28].
When designing the stay vanes, the designer has to choose a stay vane inlet radius,
Rsvi . As it is desirable to minimize the flow losses in the spiral casing, the casing
is designed so that the flow follows a free vortex. The free vortex constant, KF V ,
is found from the inlet dimensions of the stay vanes.
KF V = Cusvi Rsvi

[m2 /s]


The spiral casing is made of a number of sections chosen by the designer. Many
sections cause a better and more correct reduction of the flow through the spiral
casing, but it is also more expensive to manufacture due to the increased number
of weld joints.
RT and r has to be calculated for each section in order to find the cross section
area. This is obtained by at first choosing a starting value of r. Then 0 and
y is calculated from geometrical relations according to figure 4.19. Next, RT is
calculated from equation 4.50, and then an new value of r is found by solving
equation 4.51 with respect to r. This is an iterative process, which is repeated
until the value of r has converged.
RT () = Rsvi + r() cos(0 ) K2 B
sin2 ()
Q() = 2r()2 KF V
y RT () r() cos()



[m3 /s]


When the dimensions of the spiral casing have been found, the thickness of the
stay vanes should be calculated. If the required thickness is too small or too large,
a new stay vane inlet diameter should be chosen. Subsequently the calculations of
stay vane length, spiral casing dimensions and required stay vane thickness should
be performed over again. This should be repeated until the required thickness of
the stay vanes is acceptable.




The CFD analysis was performed by using Ansys CFX 13.0. Mesh was made using
TurboGrid. The simulations were run i batch-mode from Matlab. This chapter
will give further background information behind CFD and turbulence modelling.


Basic equations

Fluid dynamics is based on the three fundamental principles of Newtons 2. law,

mass conservation and energy conservation. These equations are solved as partial
differential equations in the CFD solver as they are difficult to solve analytically.
The Continuity Equation:

+ (U ) = 0


+ (U U ) = p + + SM


The Momentum Equations:

where is the stress tensor and SM is the momentum source. The total Energy

+ (U htot ) = (T ) + (U ) + U SM + SE


where htot is the total enthalpy, (U ) is the viscous term, U SM is work due
to external momentum sources awhich are neglegted and SE is the energy source.



View of Khoj

The Matlab code for the design software is found in the folder Design Software on
the attached CD or zipped folder.
The program is run by executing the file named RunMe.
New versions of the program are expected.

Figure C.1: Tab 5 - Radial view of runner blade. The new blade leaning parameter
is visible in the upper left corner. The graphs in the center displays change in
energy distribution when blade leaning is introduced.


Figure C.2: Tab 6 - Blade thickness. In the upper left corner, the blade thickness
distribution is displayed. At the bottom, the trailing and leading edge shape is


Figure C.3: Tab 8 - Guide Vanes. This tab displays the runner cascade in 2D.
Tha shape of the leading edge is shown in the figure to the left. The different
parameters are sorted

Figure C.4: Tab 9 - Runner cascade. Currently this tab i displaying the runner,
guide vanes and stay vanes for La Higuera. It will be developed to show the runner
cascade in 3D


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