Debugging of Events
Debugging of Events
Debugging of Events
Wiki Stage
Added by saurabh Asthana , last edited by saurabh Asthana on Aug 23, 2009 (view change)
Labels: debugging,
of, events
Events indicate the occurrence of a status change of a Business objects.
Events always belong to an object and are therefore described as definition
Components in the object type
Events can have parameters & exceptions like methods
These events have listeners (outside the BO). E.g., workflow
We can create our own events also.
Procedure to create Events:
a) Position the cursor on the entry Events. And then press create
b) Now enter the following texts for the event to be created
C) Give Event, Name, Short description
Irrespective of whether you use uppercase and lowercase in the event name, the
Name is always entered in uppercase letters in the event receiver linkage table by
the system.
The event has now been created and is available in the Business Object Repository.
You can now use this event in the other definition tools in SAP Business Workflow.
Position the cursor on the new event and choose Edit Change release status
Object component to implement.
The object type must first be generated so that it can be instantiated and tested.
If we have a requirement like insertion of an entry in a table when material is changed in a sales order or we
want some functionality to happen when a purchase order or sales order is created, generally in such cases we look
for BADIs and exist, these are called after the save events are triggered and we place our logic there.
But we can also have a separate approach in which we link the event to a function module through
Transaction SWETYPV and the logic are written in the FM to satisfy the requirement.
Now if we want to Debug that code, just by putting the break point there, we cannot reach their directly
So for this purpose below mentioned method should be followed, this procedure is very useful and can be utilized
v Now press execute, then it will come to following screen, there go in setting --> Breakpoint at
--> Method. A pop-up will appear, in that give the class name as CL_SWF_EVT_STRATEGY_BOR_FB
and in Method give process.
now press execute.
Now from here press F5, then after coming to CASE me->process_mode, here change the mode manually as D (for
debugging) as shown below.
Then execute, then we come to the our own created ZRECEIVERFM, where break point is set and Logic is written.
So now we can analyze and debug the logic.