Eibukan Agazine: House of The Pure Martial Arts
Eibukan Agazine: House of The Pure Martial Arts
Eibukan Agazine: House of The Pure Martial Arts
Vladimir Vasiliev at work during a seminar in Paris, May, 2004. Photo taken by Lex Opdam.
No 3
September 2004
House of the Pure Martial Arts
Meibukan Magazine is an initiative of Lex Opdam
and Mark Hemels. Aim of this web based magazine
is to spread the knowledge and spirit of the martial
arts. In a non profitable manner Meibukan Magazine
draws attention to the historical, spiritual and technical background of the oriental martial arts. Starting point are the teachings of Okinawan karate-do.
As House of the Pure Martial Arts, however,
Meibukan Magazine offers a home to the various
authentic martial arts traditions.
Principles of Systema
James Williams, teacher of Systema, gives an in depth explanation of the
philosophy behind the Russian System, in which learning to flow with force
is taken to an exceptional level.
Readers of the webzine are enthousiasts and practitioners of the spirit of the martial arts world wide.
Editor in chief
Lex Opdam
Executive editor
Mark Hemels
Editorial Board
Matthew Jones
Iwan Meij
Jeroen Verhoeven
Mathieu Ravignat
James Williams
Vladimir Vasiliev
Marc van Dam
Art director
Lex Opdam
Meibukan Magazine is pleased to submit views,
concerns and experiences on any subject matter IF
related to the mission statement expressed by the
Meibukan Magazine. Therefore articles, photographs
and illustrations are welcome, although Meibukan
Magazine is selective and can not garantee that submissions will be placed. Submission can be mailed
to our P.O. Box by floppy, CD or DVD, or can be
sent to our e-mail address.
All information and materials on the Meibukan Magazine website and Meibukan Magazine pdf-files are provided as is and without
warranty of any kind.
No 3
September 2004
Martial system or
martial art
Lex Opdam
Editor in chief
The martial arts of Russia have a long but unknown history. The
earliest accounts testify of combative contests as part of tribal
rites. Until the 17th century an authentic martial tradition
flourished, which declined under Western and communist
influence. With the ending of the Cold War the surviving arts
slowly emerge again.
- By Lex Opdam -
No 3
September 2004
Anatolii A. Kharlampiev.
Vladimir A. Spiridinov.
Vasilii S. Oschepkov.
No 3
September 2004
like to
write or share a serious
article or interview with
Meibukan Magazine?
Dont hesitate and
feel free to write us!
Courtesy of Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia. Alexander Nevsky. Artist Vasnehov, Victor Mikhavlovich 1848-1926.
P.O. Box 8, 6663 ZG, Lent, Netherlands
Email:[email protected]
No 3
September 2004
Principles of the Russian System
Allowing things to be as they are frees us from fighting and contesting, says James Williams,
teacher of the martial art of Systema. In this article he gives an in depth explanation of the
philosophy behind the System, in which learning to blend and flow with force is taken to an
exceptional level. Systema is a state of consciousness, not a series of techniques.
- By James Williams -
Operating system
The heart of Systema is its operating
system. Techniques do not define the
art, in fact, techniques per se are not
taught. To make the most of Systema
the mind/body must be free to do whatever is necessary, and not be limited by
trained techniques. Techniques create
a box, limiting the individuals ability to
solve problems. By operating system, I
mean the manner in which human
physiology and psychology access
physical reality according to both a
classical Newtonian and quantum
physics understanding of universal
reality. This operating system opens the
door to a completely new world. When
Vladimir was told at one seminar, You
are very flexible, he replied, No, I am
free. It is this very freedom, this giving
up of ego, which gives back so much.
This is because principle-based Systema
conforms to the individual instead of
requiring the individual to conform to it.
Everyones expression of Systema is
different. It is like you are taught how
to paint and then you express yourself.
The Systema operating system as taught
by Mikhail Ryabko and Vladimir Vasiliev
is a faith-based operating system. The
process of giving up your ego-based
personal power and having faith that
things are the way that they should be
forms the core of this art. Mikhail
teaches that fear produces unnatural
movement. It is only through faith
knowing that things are the way they
are supposed to be that we can be
free of fear and move naturally. Faith
is based on the fact that everything that
we need to exist has been given to us.
Most of those things that are essential
No 3
September 2004
When practicing Systema, visualize
yourself as a contiguous energy field.
In other words, there is no separation
of body from mind. Visualize your
partner the same way and, as you begin
to work, keep this awareness. Dont
contest; dont try to do, just be moved.
If you have truly understood the return
energy drills, the solutions will come of
themselves. This reflects another universal
truth, all problems bring their solution
with them. An attacker brings the solution to his attack when he attacks. If
we relax and listen, the solution will
become apparent and all we have to do
is implement it. However, if we already
have a technique that we want to use
to solve this problem we have limited
our ability to perceive the most efficient
solution. If you approach the problem with
a toolbox of techniques and strategies,
you will be limited to them regardless if
they are the most efficient means to deal
with the attack. In fact, depending upon
Contesting for space is a huge fearbased response for human beings. We
even talk about people invading our
space, as if we owned it. The fact that
someones fist and my face intersect at
the same point in the fabric of space/
time is an agreement. How you might
say would one make such an agreement?
These agreements to fight and protect
space are made by our fear, our insecurity.
The so-called startle reflex, and sharp
inhale and tensing of the body when
surprised or frightened, is an excellent
example of this response. This response
is fear based and destructive to us. One
of the reasons drunks emerge from
traumatic situations so well is that they
do not have this response, they are not
aware enough to be afraid, fight the
kinetic energy and damage themselves.
Allowing, accepting, also gives us access
to energies that we normally have only
a rudimentary ability to use efficiently.
One of the main energies is kinetic
energy. As you get softer, relaxed, and
more aware, you realize that there are
energies at work within you that you
can use. You do not create them, they
are not yours to own, however, they are
available for you to use if you can give
up enough of yourself, your ego self.
Psychic energy is like fire. We cannot
create fire, however, we can create a
situation in which fire is manifested. We
do not own the fire, however, we can
use it. It is not intrinsic to us and yet it
can serve our needs. There is no need
to try and accumulate physic energy
inside ourselves; it is everywhere, it is
an intrinsic aspect of universal reality.
Like a sail that can shape the invisible
energy that we call wind, we too can
blend and shape forces on the levels that
we can perceive. We do not create these
forces, just as we do not create the wind,
however we can perceive and use them
Breath is the beginning of all energy in
the body. It is the seminal energy transfer; without it death occurs, with it
machines can be built that take us into
space. And with proper use of breath
our own body/mind can be trained to
do that which does not seem possible.
the opponent, they may not be successful at all. When faced with a choice of
solutions, the simplest, most efficient, is
the correct solution. We define efficiency
as the least amount of time, space, and
energy it takes to solve the problem.
No 3
September 2004
Slow-speed sparring
In Systema, the kata is replaced by
slow-speed sparring training. Learning
the physical movements is the outside
or omote of the art. The ura or inner
art is learned slowly over a period of
Returning of energy
Our mind is reflected in our physical
body. Fear-based judgment produces
rigidity; faith produces fluidity. Our own
resistance becomes our teacher. The
universe was set up to teach us; as it
corrects itself so are we corrected. If we
give pain we get pain. If we give fear
we get fear. If we give love we get love.
What we give is what we receive.
When you can give up and allow instinctively and intuitively, you can return
any energy sent your way like a conduit.
This returning of energy to its source
means that the attacker gets back what
he gave. At higher levels, this returning
of energy needs to be felt as how it can
be achieved does not seem possible.
Hearing about it or observing it leads to
incredulity. The difficulty comes in
trying to explain something that words
are not adequate for. Explain to me how
you ride a bicycle. It is an extraordinarily
complex relationship where the experience of doing it far exceeds any ability
No 3
September 2004
No techniques
There are good reasons why Systema
does not teach techniques. Techniquebased systems have a strong tendency
to produce technique-based solutions.
This box that is built, however large
and powerful, limits possibilities. It also
limits, to a great degree, how the individual can adapt to each different situation.
There are an infinite variety of potential
problems that are never the same of the
sort, best explained by chaos theory. If
you have a body of techniques, however
large, you try to fit the problem into the
existing structure regardless of whether
it is the most efficient solution for treating
that particular problem. The mind attempts to define things by what it knows
already using existing understanding and
concepts. This technique-based process
does not allow for those possibilities that
may exist. In a manner akin to a governor
on an engine, the mind itself becomes
In Systema, soft means sensitive and
aware. Systema makes us aware of force
vectors so that we do not contest with
them. It has nothing to do with an emotional
We do not realize how much resistance
we have to being pushed by other human
beings. Our fear makes us contest for
space to a degree that is unconscious
and reflexive. The use of an object like
a knife to apply the pressure engenders a
very different reaction. Our fear-based
ego response to another persons push
or punch all of a sudden gives way to a
get-out-of-the-way response. This is
because of the pain and damage the
knife would cause and, in my opinion,
because the knife is an inanimate object
our ego also has an easier time letting
go of resistance. I use the knife, real,
sharp blades, ever more in my teaching
because of their ability to help reprogram
the resistance response in our brain.
No 3
September 2004
James Williams is a
certified instructor of
Systema. He has been
studying a number of
different martial arts since
1960. He teaches Nami Ryu
Aiki Heiho (kenjutsu,
iaijutsu, and aikijujutsu) and
Systema in Encinitas,
California. Williams also
teaches Close Quarters
Combat to police and
military both foreign and
available at
By Mark Hemels
No 3
September 2004
Vladimir Vasiliev.
No 3
September 2004
Seminar with Vladimir Vasiliev in London, July, 2004. Photo taken by Lex Opdam.
No 3
September 2004
No 3
September 2004
No 3
September 2004
available at
Ancient Okinawan
Martial Arts 2
by Patrick McCarthy
Courtesy of Vladimir Vasiliev
Ancient Okinawan
Martial Arts 1
by Patrick McCarthy
available at
No 3
September 2004
Differences in kata
There are also substantial differences
in the basic kata of both systems. Toonryu Sanchin is done with the hands open,
whereas Goju-ryu Sanchin is done with
the hands closed. This change, which is
usually attributed to Miyagi, is according
to Shigekazu actually just a preference
of Miyagis, which later became common practice amongst his students.
According to this, current Grand Master
of the Toon-ryu system Higaonna had
told Kyoda Juhatsu that he should do
what was most comfortable for him,
either closed fists or open hands. The
Toon-ryu version also places its feet
wider than that Goju-ryu version, this is
also probably just a preference (McKenna,
2000, p.37-38).
No 3
September 2004
Training Apparatus
In training Toon-ryu practitioners used
something very similar to the Chinese
Muk Jong called a kakete (suspended
hand arm or wooden dummy) made
from a telephone pole on which you
could practice hooking (kake), striking,
deflecting, punching and kicking as well
as generally toughen up (McKenna,
2000, p.53).
Miyagi Chojuns Changes
Therefore, amongst the four shared
kata all of them have been changed one
way or another by Miyagi, though
Pechurin in name only. Also none of the
following kata: Saifa, Shisochin,
Kururunfa and Seipai are accounted for
in Toon-ryu. Toon-ryus current grand
master Kanzaki Shigekazu also does not
know where Miyagi may have learnt
them. Though, considering his opinion
Sepurunpai and Pechurin are essentially
the same kata but only different in name.
According to Shigekazu: Perhaps it was
Miyagi Senseis trip to China that affected the name change of the kata.
(McKenna, 2000, p.49).
The two versions are completely different
because according to Matayoshi Shinpo
Miyagi did not learn Sanseru from
Higaonna. According to Shigekazu, the
Toon-ryu version uses twice the amount
of movements than the Goju-ryu version
with many long lunging and jumping
movements. Miyagi did not learn it from
Higaonna because he was away from
home on obligatory military service for
Kanryo Higaonna (seated third from the left), Juhatsu Kiyoda (standing second from the right) and
Chojun Miyagi (standing in the middle).
No 3
September 2004
No 3
September 2004
where this philosophical idea originated. The three (san) would refer to
the characteristics of the form and
perhaps the three steps. It is unknown
what meaning Toon Ryu uses for their
Sanchin kata).
Se mun kwa (four direction sweeping):
Chian lit a (chopping attack): Saifa?
Se mun tia cha (deflecting/intercepting
four directions): Kururunfa?
Sachap lak tian kong wat (thirty six
steps of the monkey): Sanseru?
No 3
September 2004
Crane Kung Fu master who had followed him to China). It is also important to
consider the Chinese combat manual the
Bubishi. Their influence on Miyagi
Chojuns karate will be explored in Part
Conclusion to Part II
We may therefore conclude that the
differences between Goju-ryu and Toonryu are largely due to Miyagi Senseis
independent research. Secondly, that those
kata added by Miyagi may arguably be
of Chinese origin but from a source other
than Kanryo Higaonna. Thirdly, that
Five Ancestor Fist Kung Fu or a similar
style can safely be argued, though not
proven, to have been the style that
Miyagi Chojun learned while in China
from 1915 to 1917, and which accounts
for the presence or the creation of the
five kata which do not come from Kanryo
Higaonna in the Goju-ryu system.
This article represents the opinions and
speculations of the author and in no way
should be taken as a reflection of the historical
opinions of the All American Goju Ryu
Meibukan Academy or of its branches. It is
designed to incite discussion and thought
on the Chinese origins of Goju Ryu Karate.
To this end the author invites all who would
like to cordially discuss such historical matters
to contact him at the following email address
[email protected].
No 3
September 2004