Town of Nederland Memo 2014

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Nederland Board of Trustees


Sergeant Larry Johns




Staff Report Police Department

January and early February have brought us stuck cars and many requests for
assistance. We have also been working to assist Public Works to clear roads of cars,
to aid in snow removal.

New Police Chief Matheney was in town for a couple of days, meeting with
staff and finalizing a home to rent. I am working on a few things to make
Chief Matheneys transmission here as easy as possible.

I attended the Technical Review Committee with the Frozen Dead Guy Days
event coordinator. I am working on plans to hopefully move the Eldora ski
traffic through town more efficiently than in previous years.

Here is an overview of incidents in the past month.

One incident related to domestic violence resulting in an arrest.

A road rage incident that started in Nederland and ended at the High School,
resulting in the offending party opening the other drivers car door, making
verbal threats and poking the driver in the face while there were small
children in the car. Boulder Sheriffs Officers arrested and charged the
offender with a felony.

Another road rage incident over a vehicle stuck in the snow, blocking a
driveway. The suspect was summonsed for Disorderly Conduct.

Officer Smith attended a no-fee Colorado Peace Officer Standards Training (POST)
Firearms Instructor course. Typically, the class fee is $625.00. This training is
extremely valuable for every officer who is able to attend. This training will boost
every officers confidence and ability. It also provides the latest techniques and
requirements mandated by POST, which he can now pass down to the rest of our
Officer Geiger attended a no-fee certification course on the use of Radar and Lidar
(laser). This one-day class will certify him in the use of both forms of speed
Officer Manzione will be attending a training hosted by Caliber Press. It
emphasizes officer safety. Officer Manzione was able to secure a seat at no cost. The
class is typically around $275.00.
Lastly, many of you may have seen the news of the DUI driver on I-70 a few weeks
back, with the incident resulting in Clear Creek County Deputies shooting the
driver. The driver was identified as Cody Cox from Nederland. Our own department
had a number of issues with him, as well. Officer Manzione arrested him
approximately one month ago at the Post Office after a hit and run, where two
citizens were holding him down upon arrival. Approximately two years ago, he was
arrested by on a Domestic Violence case, where he also fought with officers.
Feel free to contact me at the PD or via e-mail with questions, comments or

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