Hindu Election2009-Part8

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Product: THEF PubDate: 26-05-2009 Zone: Chennai Edition: CITY Page: Back_Pg User: cosjh Time: 05-25-2009 13:08

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To most, leadership Issueless election?

Not for the voter, who has many concerns

did not matter I

n contrast to 2004, Household conditions dress these concerns. When
when the campaign specifically asked about the
was focused around Remained the same 35 important tasks of the go-
the Bharatiya Janata Improved 46 vernment for the next 10
Party (BJP) slogan of ‘Shin- years, about a third men-
ing India’ and the Congress Worsened 11 tioned secure employment,
slogan of ‘aam aadmi’, this and a fifth wanted high lev-
Only one in six voters said leadership determined their voting choice election seemed issueless — Household’s prospects els of economic growth. It is
at least to the media. The clear that the economy
Will improve 55

t the starting point of parties claimed that they matters — not only for
the election cam- Manmohan Singh ahead in PM race Most popular CM had raised important is- those bothered about the
Will worsen 07
paign, leadership was Manmohan Singh Sonia Gandhi L.K.Advani Rahul Gandhi Naveen Patnaik 63 sues. The evidence gathered
Will remain the same
health of the stock ex-
seen as a weak point by the National Election change, but for the common
for the Congress. There was 1998 0 16 2 - Nitish Kumar 61 Study shows that some of people too.
no doubt that Congress pres- 1999 1 27 1 - Shivraj Singh Chauhan 50 the high-profile issues had Pending problems The survey showed that
ident Sonia Gandhi was the Sheila Dikshit 49 limited relevance to the economic problems not-
most popular leader in the 2004 1 27 1 1 voter. Drinking Water 18 withstanding, a large sec-
country, but it was not clear August 2006 12 28 2 2 Narendra Modi 45 The United Progressive Unemployment 13 tion believes their
whether she could pass on 40 Alliance (UPA) government condition had improved
her goodwill to Manmohan January 2007 11 28 2 2 Raman Singh
had staked its existence on
Electricity 9 over the last few years, and
Singh. In fact, the Bharatiya September 2007 10 22 3 3 Ashok Gehlot 40 the issue of Indo-U.S. nu- Price Rise 8 that people definitely ex-
Janata Party’s electoral January 2009 12 20 10 6 Prem Kumar Dhumal 39 clear deal and was criticised Poverty 7 pect this to improve further
strategy was focused on by the Left for its pro-U.S. in the near future.
making the most of this per- May 2009 17 15 14 6 B.S. Yeddyurappa 33 foreign policy and the loss Road Transport 6 However, this does not
ceived weakness. Hence the Source: NES 2009 Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee 30 of strategic autonomy. Only Terrorism 3 mean there is an uncritical
personal attacks on the All figures in per cent. Rest named other leaders or had no opinion. two-fifths of the voters re- endorsement of the policies
Prime Minister by L.K. Ad- Weighted data.
B.C. Khanduri 30 ported that they had heard Education (School-College) 2 of the government. Over 36
vani and the invocation that Question: After this election, who would you prefer as the next Prime Minister Mayawati 27 of the nuclear deal. Housing 2 per cent believe that the ec-
the country needs a strong of India? The BJP saw an opportu- onomic policies of the UPA
leader. The Congress strate-
Parkash Singh Badal 27 nity to push the govern-
All figures in per cent
benefited only the rich and
Rest- No opinion
gy of projecting a troika of Omar Abdullah 18 ment to the wall over the another small section of
Ms. Gandhi, Dr. Singh and voters named him as their Singh, Mr. Advani and Ms. ka (32 per cent), and Madhya terrorist attack in Mumbai. ed to economic conditions, eight per cent thinks that
Source: NES 2009.
Rahul Gandhi was seen as an preferred Prime Minister) Mayawati, 35 per cent chose Pradesh (27 per cent). Weighted data file. For the BJP, terrorism was most issues had little reso- these policies have not ben-
attempt to make the most of a was not even a third of Mr. the sitting Prime Minister Personal popularity All figures in per cent of the the top issue. Its manifesto nance with the public. A efited anyone. Such assess-
weakness. As the results Vajpayee’s (38 per cent in against 21 per cent for the PM- played a role at the State level respondents in the respective State. opened with an attack on majority had heard about ments of economic policy
started pouring in, suddenly 2004). He also trailed behind in-waiting. Besides, the pro- too. In many States, the pop- Question: After this election who the Congress for its failure the terrorist attacks (64 per are related to voting pat-
this weakness was seen as a Ms. Gandhi and Dr. Singh in jection of Mr. Advani as prime ularity or otherwise of the would you prefer as the next to combat terrorism. While cent) and farmers’ suicides terns. The BJP was unable
Chief Minister of [State name]?
strength and the victory attri- this respect. Mr. Advani was ministerial candidate in this Chief Minister was vital. In (Do not offer any name)
nearly two-thirds of the re- (53 per cent), but very few to attract these dissatisfied
buted to such things as Dr. taking a gamble in trying to election and Narendra Modi this respect, Chief Minister spondents knew about the had heard about OBC reser- voters. Most of those crit-
Singh’s charm and the ‘Rahul turn the election into a presi- as a standby in future con- Naveen Patnaik in Orissa was terrorist attack on Mumbai, vations (43 per cent), and ical of the UPA govern-
factor.’ dential race. fused voters. the most popular followed by Narendra Modi, Raman terrorism was not an issue the Ram Setu controversy ment’s economic policies
The truth is that leadership By the end of the campaign, This does not mean that Dr. Nitish Kumar in Bihar. More Singh, Ashok Gehlot and that was going to influence (38 per cent). chose to vote for various re-
was not as much of a handicap greater exposure for Mr. Ad- Singh or Mr. Gandhi won the than six out of 10 voters in Prem Kumar Dhumal. many of them into voting The National Election gional parties.
for the Congress as it was vani had pushed his rating up election for the Congress. The Orissa and Bihar preferred Much of the media coverage against the Congress and its Study also asked people to The new government has
made out to be. The leader- to 14 per cent, but a clear pro- impact of the former on this Mr. Patnaik and Mr. Kumar as in this election was focused on allies. About 41 per cent of mention those problems its job cut out. There is a
ship ratings tracked by the jection of Dr. Singh as the next election was at best modest. Chief Minister. The high pop- some leaders on the assump- the voters who had heard they would like the govern- catch though: nearly 70 per
CSDS over the last decade or Prime Minister meant that his He enjoys higher popularity ularity ratings of Mr. Patnaik tion that electoral choices about the Mumbai attacks ment to address. The issues cent of voters feel that
so show that the departure of ratings too soared to 17 per ratings in Punjab (55 per coupled with the satisfaction were driven by love or hate for were satisfied with the mea- talked about by parties and elected representatives
Atal Bihari Vajpayee from ac- cent. Add Ms. Gandhi’s 15 per cent), Kerala (37 per cent), As- of people with the State go- them. The evidence of Nation- sures taken by the govern- the elite seem to be at varia- care little for their concerns
tive politics left a leadership cent and Mr. Gandhi’s six per sam (32 per cent), Delhi (31 vernment’s performance al Election Study 2009 invites ment to curb terrorism nce with the voters’ con- and problems. Half the re-
vacuum that could not be cent and the total popularity per cent), Haryana (28 per translated into votes, helping us to rethink this assumption. after the Mumbai attacks. cerns. People want the spondents feel that in terms
filled by any BJP leader. Ms. of the Congress troika is about cent), Tamil Nadu (28 per the Biju Janata Dal to romp Only one out of every six vot- Apart from the nuclear government to improve in- of policies and issues, there
Gandhi’s rating went up after the same as that of Mr. Vaj- cent), Rajasthan (28 per cent) home in the Assembly elec- ers said that ‘party leadership’ deal and the terrorist at- frastructure — drinking wa- is little or no difference be-
her decision to renounce the payee at the height of his pop- and Jammu and Kashmir (27 tion and get a major slice of was the consideration that tack, manifestos talked ter tops the list of problems tween parties. This means
Prime Minister’s position. ularity. The BJP tried to per cent). Mr. Advani was a the Lok Sabha seats. Along dominated their vote. The about other issues such as faced by people followed by that while the electorate is
Dr. Singh’s ratings also regis- attack the presence of three more popular choice for with the BJP, Mr. Kumar’s number is not insignificant, the Ram Setu controversy, electricity, hospitals and full of hope and expecta-
tered a modest rise after his leaders at the top as a political Prime Minister in the BJP- party won 32 out of the 40 Lok and is perhaps higher than in farmers’ suicides, price rise, roads. People are con- tion, there is an undercur-
elevation as Prime Minister. joke, if not a fraud. But ordi- dominated States such as Sabha seats in Bihar. Other the past, but it comes nowhere economic slowdown, and cerned about poverty, un- rent of unease about the
But at the starting point of nary people couldn’t have Jharkhand (48 per cent), Hi- Chief Ministers who helped close to popular assumptions OBC reservations. employment, food and available choices and scep-
the election race, Mr. Adva- cared less. When asked direct- machal Pradesh (36 per cent), their party include Shivraj about how much leaders influ- The evidence shows that shelter. They want parties ticism about those who run
ni’s popularity (10 per cent of ly to choose between Dr. Orissa (33 per cent), Karnata- Singh Chauhan, Sheila Dixit, ence voting behaviour. apart from those that relat- and governments to ad- the government.

No barriers to participation
Despite reports of voter apathy, turnout at reasonably healthy level

ith over 417 million people nally visited by a party worker or can-
voting, India once again Social participation Robust participation in election activities vasser. Indeed, the campaign
was witness to the largest Turnout Activities 1971 1999 2004 2009 managed to penetrate all sections of
exercise in democratic de- Election Indian society, and party workers can-
cision-making anywhere in the world. Upper castes 56 meetings 12 23 20 19 vassed the young (58 per cent) and the
And despite widespread media con- Processions/ old (56 per cent), the poorly educated
cerns about voter apathy, the turnout
Peasant proprietors 62 (55 per cent) and the well educated
rallies 3 13 14 13
of 58.4 per cent was relatively Upper OBCs 59 Source: NES 2009. Weighted data.
(60 per cent), those living in rural ar-
healthy, and broadly in line with the eas (56 per cent) and urban areas (58
last five or six elections which have all Lower OBCs 58 Turnout over the years per cent) and people from all castes
been around the 60 per cent mark. Dalits 59 70 and communities. During the cam-
Indeed, of the 15 Lok Sabha elections paign, politicians also travelled the
Turnout (%)

since 1952, turnout this time fell STs 60 60 length and breadth of the country to
within the middle band, with six elec- speak to large numbers of people at
tions registering a higher level and Muslims 59 50
various meetings and rallies. Once
eight lower. There was also consider- Others 53 40
2 7 2 7 1 7 0 5 9 1 6 8 9 4 9
again, large numbers attended these
able deviation on a State-by-State ba- 195 195 196 196 197 197 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 200 200 events, with 19 per cent attending an
Election year
sis. States such as West Bengal, All figures in per cent election meeting and 13 per cent tak-
Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pra- per cent. States such as Jammu and interested at all in the election cam- ing part in a procession or rally. There
desh recorded very high levels of par- Kashmir, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Guj- paign, but this number has consistent- is not much change in this respect
ticipation, with turnouts of over 70 arat and Rajasthan were considerably ly fallen. Only 10 per cent said they since 2004.
lower, with turnout below 50 per cent. were interested a great deal, though Although a gender gap in turnout
Turnout trends Among the States, Bihar stands out this figure is much the same as in pre- has been reported in previous elec-
with a precipitous drop of 13 percent- vious years. The proportion of those tions, once again the evidence sug-
State Turnout Change from age points from 2004. In contrast, in who take ‘some interest’ has steadily gests that this continues to get
2009 2004 Tamil Nadu there was a sharp increase risen to reach 32 per cent this time. narrower with each election, with just
West Bengal 81.3 3.3 of the same magnitude. But with the The level of enthusiasm however, did four percentage points separating
exception of some States, the turnout not translate into voting, and those men and women in 2009 (60 per cent
Kerala 73.3 1.8 did not change from 2004 by more who were very interested in the cam- vs 56 per cent). Similarly, there is not
Tamil Nadu 73.0 12.2 than a few percentage points in most paign were only somewhat more likely much variation in propensity to vote
cases. to vote than those who were not (67 by age. The turnout rate among people
Andhra Pradesh 72.6 2.7 The National Election Study 2009 per cent versus 56 per cent). under 25 (55 per cent) is a fraction
Punjab 69.8 8.2 offers some insights into the reasons However, those with a keen politi- lower than among older people (58 per
Assam 69.5 0.4 behind why people did not vote. Most- cal interest were much more likely cent). Nor is turnout the preserve of
ly people cite circumstantial reasons, than those with no interest to partici- the well educated. Turnout among
Haryana 67.4 1.7 such as being out of station (25 per pate in a wide range of election related college educated (60 per cent) is the
Orissa 65.3 -0.7 cent) or having been unwell (14 per activities such as attending campaign same as those educated up to primary
cent). In some cases, people were un- meetings (51 per cent vs. five per cent), level (60 per cent), and only a fraction
Karnataka 63.3 -1.6 able to vote because they did not have participating in rallies (44 per cent vs. higher than those who are not literate
Delhi 51.8 4.7 the necessary identification (10 per 2 per cent), and taking part in door-to- (55 per cent). And lastly, despite sharp
Madhya Pradesh 51.2 3.1 cent). But on the whole, the lack of door canvassing (44 per cent vs. three divisions between different caste-
interest was not a major factor, with per cent). Political interest therefore communities in terms of which party
Maharashtra 50.7 -3.7 just six per cent citing it as a reason for appears much better able to explain they support, there are only minor dif-
Rajasthan 48.4 -1.5 not voting. Thirty five per cent of the depth of participation than the ferences between them in terms of
those who did not vote were unable to simple act of voting. whether they vote or not. Muslims (59
Gujarat 47.8 2.6 provide a reason. These figures are Indeed, the scope of the election per cent), ST (60 per cent) and SC (59
Uttar Pradesh 47.8 -0.4 likely to understate the impact of sea- campaign to reach out to voters is so- per cent) are a shade more involved in
sonal migration since migrants are mething truly remarkable. Overall, the electoral process than upper
Bihar 44.5 -13.4 unlikely to be available to be inter- the political parties managed to con- castes (56 per cent) and OBCs (58 per
Jammu & Kashmir 39.7 4.5 viewed for a post-poll survey. tact a substantial proportion of the In- cent). On the whole these differences
Figures for turnout are in per cent, change from On average, over half the popula- dian electorate. Over half of the are minor, and speak of a fairly well
2004 is in percentage points. tion (58 per cent) said they were not population (57 per cent) were perso- politically integrated citizenry.


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