Electrical Units of Measure
Electrical Units of Measure
Electrical Units of Measure
V or E
I or i
R or
G or
L or H
The basic electrical units and definitions are as shown below. This list is
not exhaustive but covers the terms you will encounter most of the time.
Many of the terms are somewhat inter-related, so you need to read all of
them to make sure that you understand the relationship between them.
Unit Symbol
Electric current (I)
Voltage (V, E)
Electromotive force (E)
Potential difference ()
Resistance (R)
Electric power (P)
Electric power (P)
Electric power (P)
Reactive power (Q)
Apparent power (S)
Capacitance (C)
Inductance (L)
Conductance (G)
Admittance (Y)
siemens per meter
Volts per meter
Newtons per
Meter / metre
Parts per million
Power of Ten
voltage source .
voltage source .
current source .
current source .
dependent current or voltage source and if not varied with time, it is referred
as time variant.
through it. So naturally from definition, it is clear that this type of current
source is not practically possible.
Current Source to Voltage Source Conversion
All sources of electrical energy give both electric current as well as
voltage. This is not practically possible to distinguish between voltage source
and current source . Any electrical source can be represented as voltage
source as well as current source . It merely depends upon the operating
condition. If the load impedance is much higher than internal impedance of
the source, then it is preferable to consider the source as a voltage source on
the other hand if the load impedance is much lower than internal impedance
of the source; it is preferable to consider the source as a current source .
Current source to voltage source conversion or voltage source to current
source conversion is always possible.
Now we will discuss how to convert a current source into voltage
source and vice-versa.
Let us consider a voltage source which has no load terminal voltage or
source voltage V and internal resistance r. Now we have to convert this to an
equivalent current source . For that, first we have to calculate the electric
current which might be flowing through the source if the terminal A and B of
the voltage source were short circuited. That would be nothing but I = V / r.
This electric current will be supplied by the equivalent current source and
that source will have the same resistance connected across it.
Ohms Law
The relationship between Voltage, Current and Resistance in any DC
electrical circuit was firstly discovered by the German physicist Georg Ohm.
and transposing the above Ohms Law equation gives us the following
combinations of the same equation:
Again, the three quantities have been superimposed into a triangle this
time called the Power Triangle with power at the top and current and
voltage at the bottom. Again, this arrangement represents the actual
position of each quantity in the Ohms law power formulas.
The Power Triangle
and again, transposing the basic Ohms Law equation above for power gives
us the following combinations of the same equation to find the various
individual quantities:
So we can see that there are three possible formulas for calculating
electrical power in a circuit. If the calculated power is positive, (+P) in value
for any formula the component absorbs the power, that is it is consuming or
using power. But if the calculated power is negative, (-P) in value the
component produces or generates power, in other words it is a source of
electrical power such as batteries and generators.
Power Rating
Electrical components are given a power rating in watts that
indicates the maximum rate at which the component converts the electrical
power into other forms of energy such as heat, light or motion. For example,
a 1/4W resistor, a 100W light bulb etc.
Electrical devices convert one form of power into another so for
example, an electrical motor will covert electrical energy into a mechanical
force, while an electrical generator converts mechanical force into electrical
energy and a light bulb converts electrical energy into both light and heat.
Also, we now know that the unit of power is the WATT, but some
electrical devices such as electric motors have a power rating in the old
measurement of Horsepower or hp. The relationship between horsepower
and watts is given as: 1hp = 746W. So for example, a two-horsepower motor
has a rating of 1492W, (2 x 746) or 1.5kW.
Series Circuits
Series circuits are sometimes called current-coupled or daisy chaincoupled. The current in a series circuit goes through every component in the
circuit. Therefore, all of the components in a series connection carry the
same current. There is only one path in a series circuit in which the current
can flow.
A series circuit's main disadvantage or advantage, depending on its
intended role in a product's overall design, is that because there is only one
path in which its current can flow, opening or breaking a series circuit at any
point causes the entire circuit to "open" or stop operating. For example, if
even one of the light bulbs in an older-style string of Christmas tree
lights burns out or is removed, the entire string becomes inoperable until the
bulb is replaced.
In a series circuit the current is the same for all elements.
The total resistance of resistors in series is equal to the sum of their
individual resistances:
For a special case of two resistors in series, the total conductance is equal to:
Inductors follow the same law, in that the total inductance of noncoupled inductors in series is equal to the sum of their individual
By reciprocity
so that the last two groups can be combined.
The first three terms represent the sum of the self-inductances of the various
coils. The formula is easily extended to any number of series coils with
mutual coupling. The method can be used to find the self-inductance of large
coils of wire of any cross-sectional shape by computing the sum of the
mutual inductance of each turn of wire in the coil with every other turn since
in such a coil all turns are in series.
Capacitors follow
total capacitance of capacitors in series is equal to the reciprocal of the sum
of the reciprocals of their individual capacitances:
Two or more switches in series form a logical AND; the circuit only
carries current if all switches are 'on'. See AND gate.
Parallel circuits
If two or more components are connected in parallel they have the
same potential difference (voltage) across their ends. The potential
differences across the components are the same in magnitude, and they also
have identical polarities. The same voltage is applicable to all circuit
components connected in parallel. The total current is the sum of the
currents through the individual components, in accordance with Kirchhoffs
current law.
In a parallel circuit the voltage is the same for all elements.
The current in each individual resistor is found by Ohm's law. Factoring
out the voltage gives
To find the total resistance of all components, add the reciprocals of
the resistances
of each component and take the reciprocal of the sum.
Total resistance will always be less than the value of the smallest resistance:
For only two resistors, the unreciprocated expression is reasonably simple:
For N equal resistors in parallel, the reciprocal sum expression simplifies to:
and therefore to:
To find the current in a component with resistance
The components divide the current according to their reciprocal resistances,
so, in the case of two resistors,
An old term for devices connected in parallel is multiple, such as a
multiple connection for arc lamps.
Since electrical conductance
is reciprocal to resistance, the expression for
total conductance of a parallel circuit of resistors reads:
The relations for total conductance and resistance stand in a
complementary relationship: the expression for a series connection of
resistances is the same as for parallel connection of conductances, and vice
Inductors follow the same law, in that the total inductance of noncoupled inductors in parallel is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the
reciprocals of their individual inductances:
If the inductors are situated in each other's magnetic fields, this
approach is invalid due to mutual inductance. If the mutual inductance
between two coils in parallel is M, the equivalent inductor is:
The sign of
depends on how the magnetic fields influence each
other. For two equal tightly coupled coils the total inductance is close to that
of each single coil. If the polarity of one coil is reversed so that M is negative,
then the parallel inductance is nearly zero or the combination is almost noninductive. It is assumed in the "tightly coupled" case M is very nearly equal
to L. However, if the inductances are not equal and the coils are tightly
coupled there can be near short circuit conditions and high circulating
currents for both positive and negative values of M, which can cause
More than three inductors becomes more complex and the mutual
inductance of each inductor on each other inductor and their influence on
each other must be considered. For three coils, there are three mutual
. This is best handled by matrix methods and
summing the terms of the inverse of the matrix (3 by 3 in this case).
The pertinent equations are of the form:
The total capacitance of capacitors in parallel is equal to the sum of
their individual capacitances:
The working voltage of a parallel combination of capacitors is always
limited by the smallest working voltage of an individual capacitor
Two or more switches in parallel form a logical OR; the circuit carries
current if at least one switch is 'on'. See OR gate.
Cells and batteries
If the cells of a battery are connected in parallel, the battery voltage
will be the same as the cell voltage but the current supplied by each cell will
be a fraction of the total current. For example, if a battery contains four cells
connected in parallel and delivers a current of 1 ampere, the current supplied
by each cell will be 0.25 ampere. Parallel-connected batteries were widely
used to power the valve filaments in portable radios but they are now rare.
Some solar electric systems have batteries in parallel to increase the storage
In the figure,
is the unknown resistance to be measured; ,
are resistors of known resistance and the resistance of
adjustable. If the ratio of the two resistances in the known leg
is equal
to the ratio of the two in the unknown leg
, then the voltage between
the two midpoints (B and D) will be zero and no current will flow through
the galvanometer . If the bridge is unbalanced, the direction of the current
indicates whether
is too high or too low. is varied until there is no
current through the galvanometer, which then reads zero.
Detecting zero current with a galvanometer can be done to extremely
high accuracy. Therefore, if ,
are known to high precision, then
can be measured to high precision. Very small changes in
disrupt the
balance and are readily detected.
At the point of balance, the ratio of
Alternatively, if , , and
are known, but
is not adjustable, the
voltage difference across or current flow through the meter can be used to
calculate the value of , using Kirchhoff's circuit laws (also known as
Kirchhoff's rules). This setup is frequently used in strain gauge and resistance
thermometer measurements, as it is usually faster to read a voltage level off
a meter than to adjust a resistance to zero the voltage.
Voltage Divider
may also be used as signal attenuatorsat low frequencies. For direct current
and relatively low frequencies, a voltage divider may be sufficiently accurate
if made only of resistors; where frequency response over a wide range is
required (such as in an oscilloscope probe), a voltage divider may have
capacitive elements added to compensate load capacitance. In electric
power transmission, a capacitive voltage divider is used for measurement of
high voltage.
General case
A voltage divider referenced to ground is created by connecting
two electrical impedances in series, as shown in Figure 1. The input voltage
is applied across the series impedances Z1 and Z2 and the output is the
voltage across Z2. Z1 and Z2 may be composed of any combination of
elements such as resistors, inductors and capacitors.
If the current in the output wire is zero then the relationship between
the input voltage, Vin, and the output voltage, Vout, is:
The transfer function (also known as the divider's voltage ratio) of this circuit
measured voltage and the known resistance and voltage, compute the
sensor resistance.
High voltage measurement
A voltage divider can be used to scale down a very high voltage so that
it can be measured by a volt meter. The high voltage is applied across the
divider and the divider outputwhich has a lower voltage that is within the
meter's input rangeis measured by the meter. High voltage resistor divider
probes designed specifically for this purpose can be used to measure
voltages up to 100 kV. Special high-voltage resistors are used in such probes
as they must be able to tolerate high input voltages and, to produce
accurate results, must have matched temperature coefficients and very low
voltage coefficients. Capacitive divider probes are typically used for voltages
above 100 kV, as the heat caused by power losses in resistor divider probes
at such high voltages could be excessive.
Nodal Analysis
In electric circuits analysis, nodal analysis, node-voltage analysis, or
the branch current method is a method of determining the voltage (potential
difference) between "nodes" (points where elements or branches connect) in
an electrical circuit in terms of the branch currents.
In analysing a circuit using Kirchhoff's circuit laws, one can either do
nodal analysis using Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) or mesh analysis using
Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL). Nodal analysis writes an equation at each
electrical node, requiring that the branch currents incident at a node must
sum to zero. The branch currents are written in terms of the circuit node
voltages. As a consequence, each branch constitutive relation must give
current as a function of voltage; an admittance representation. For instance,
for a resistor, Ibranch = Vbranch * G, where G (=1/R) is the admittance
(conductance) of the resistor.
Nodal analysis is possible when all the circuit elements' branch
constitutive relations have an admittance representation. Nodal analysis
produces a compact set of equations for the network, which can be solved by
hand if small, or can be quickly solved using linear algebra by computer.
Because of the compact system of equations, many circuit simulation
programs (e.g. SPICE) use nodal analysis as a basis. When elements do not
have admittance representations, a more general extension of nodal
analysis, modified nodal analysis, can be used.
Nodal Method
Note all connected wire segments in the circuit. These are the nodes of nodal
1. Select one node as the ground reference. The choice does not affect
the result and is just a matter of convention. Choosing the node with
the most connections can simplify the analysis.
2. Assign a variable for each node whose voltage is unknown. If the
voltage is already known, it is not necessary to assign a variable.
3. For each unknown voltage, form an equation based on Kirchhoff's
current law. Basically, add together all currents leaving from the node
and mark the sum equal to zero. Finding the current between two
nodes is nothing more than "the node you're on, minus the node you're
going to, divided by the resistance between the two nodes."
4. If there are voltage sources between two unknown voltages, join the
two nodes as a supernode. The currents of the two nodes are combined
in a single equation, and a new equation for the voltages is formed.
5. Solve the system of simultaneous equations for each unknown voltage.
Basic case example:
The only unknown voltage in this circuit is V1. There are three connections to
this node and consequently three currents to consider. The direction of the
currents in calculations is chosen to be away from the node.
In the above circuit, node D is chosen as the reference node and the other
three nodes are assumed to have voltages, Va, Vb and Vc with respect to
node D. For example;
again is the same value of 0.286 amps, we found using Kirchoffs Circuit
Law in the previous tutorial.
From both Mesh and Nodal Analysis methods we have looked at so far,
this is the simplest method of solving this particular circuit. Generally, nodal
voltage analysis is more appropriate when there are a larger number of
current sources around. The network is then defined as: [ I ] = [ Y ] [ V ]
where [ I ] are the driving current sources, [ V ] are the nodal voltages to be
found and [ Y ] is the admittance matrix of the network which operates on
[ V ] to give [ I ].
The Supernodes
In this circuit, we initially have two unknown voltages, V 1 and V2. The
voltage at V3 is already known to be VB because the other terminal of the
voltage source is at ground potential.
Mesh Analysis
Mesh analysis the mesh current method is a method that is used to
solve planar circuits for the currents and indirectly the voltages at any place
in the circuit. Planar circuits are circuits that can be drawn on a plane surface
with no wires crossing each other. A more general technique, called loop
analysis (with the corresponding network variables called loop currents) can
be applied to any circuit, planar or not. Mesh analysis and loop analysis both
make use of Kirchhoffs voltage law to arrive at a set of equations
Step 1
As we have explained earlier that every complete network is mesh network,
so for mesh analysis first we have to identify the possible meshes in that
network. There are two meshes i.e. mesh -1 formed by R1, R2, V and mesh 2 formed by V, R3, R4.
Step 2
Now choose two mesh currents one for mesh - 1 and say it is I 1 and
other is for mesh - 2 and say it is I 2. The direction of these two currents may
be taken as arbitrary but it is better convention to choice both electric
current in same direction. Here we have chosen both currents I 1 and I2 are in
clockwise direction.
Step - 3
Next step is to identify the polarities of each element connected in the
mesh. The polarities of voltage drops must be positive at upstream end and
negative at downstream end of a resistor. Generally we mark + at terminal
where current enters in the resistor. The battery polarities should be as
orientations given in the diagram.
Step 4
Now for mesh analysis we will apply Kirchoff's voltage law and
generate voltage equation for each mesh in that mesh network.
Here the mesh equations are-
After putting the values of R1, R2, R3, R4 and V in the equations (i) and (ii) we
The value of current I1 becomes negative which implies that the actual
direction of electric current in the circuit was opposite of our assumption of
mesh electric current for mesh - 1. As the value of electric current I2 is
positive, that means the direction of actual current and assumed mesh
electric current match.
Superposition Theorem
This theorem is a very simple one. Suppose a branch of an electrical
circuit is connected to numbers of voltage and current source s. As we can
consider electrical electric current as electrical quantity, it can be easily
assumed that total electric current flows through the branch is nothing but
the summation of all individual currents, contributed by the each individual
voltage or current source . This simple conception mathematically represents
the Superposition theorem.
If there are several sources acting simultaneously in an electrical
circuit, then the electric current through any branch of the circuit is
summation of currents which would flow through the branch for each source
keeping all other sources dead. Suppose there are n number of sources
acting in a circuit due to which I electric current flows through a particular
branch of the circuit. If someone replaces all the sources from the circuit by
their internal resistance except first source which is now acting along in the
circuit and giving electric current I1 through the said branch, then he or she
reconnects the second source and replaces the first source by its internal
resistance. Now the electric current through that said branch for this second
source alone can be assumed I2. Similarly if he or she reconnects the third
source and replaces the second source by its internal resistance. Now the
electric current through that said branch for this third source, alone is
assumed I3. Similarly when nth source acts alone in the circuit and all other
sources are replaced by their internal electrical resistances, then said
Inelectric current flows through the said branch of the circuit. Now according
to Superposition theorem, electric current through the branch when all the
sources are acting on the circuit simultaneously, is nothing but summation of
these individual electric current caused by individual sources acting alone on
the circuit.
Superposition Theorem
Superposition Theorem
Thus The responses due to The voltage source are:
On R1 ; Voltage Drop = 6V , Current = 0.5 Amps
On R2 ; Voltage Drop = 0V , Current = 0 Amps
On R3 ; Voltage Drop = 6V , Current = 0.5 Amps
Now let us find the responses on various branches due to the current source:
To remove the Voltage source it is shorted which converts the circuit into a
simple network of parallel and series connection of resistors ; and the
responses can be easily calculated using ohms law as following:
Superposition Theorem
Thus The responses due to the current source are:
On R1 ; Voltage Drop = 3V , Current = 0.25 Amps
On R2 ; Voltage Drop = 3V , Current = 0.5 Amps
n R3 ; Voltage Drop = 3V , Current = 0.25 Amps
Now finally to find the responses on each branch due to the combined effect
of both current source and voltage source we add the individual responses.
Superposition Theorem
On R1 ; Voltage Drop = (6+3)V = 9V , Current = (0.5+0.25) Amps = 0.75
On R2 ; Voltage Drop = (0+3)V = 3V , Current = (0+0.5) Amps = 0.5 Amps
On R3 ; Voltage Drop = (6+3)V = 9V , Current = (0.5+0.25) Amps = 0.75
Thevenin Theorem
This theorem is very conceptual. If we think deeply about an electrical
circuit, we can visualize the statements made in Thevenin theorem.
Suppose we have to calculate the electric current through any particular
branch in a circuit. This branch is connected with rest of the circuits at its two
terminal. Due to active sources in the circuit, there is one electric potential
difference between the points where the said branch is connected. The
current through the said branch is caused by this electric potential difference
that appears across the terminals. So rest of the circuit can be considered as
a single voltage source, that's voltage is nothing but the open circuit voltage
between the terminals where the said branch is connected and the internal
resistance of the source is nothing but the equivalent resistance of the circuit
looking back into the terminals where, the branch is connected.
So the Thevenin theorem can be stated as follows,
1. When a particular branch is removed from a circuit, the open circuit
voltage appears across the terminals of the circuit, is Thevenin
equivalent voltage and,
2. The equivalent resistance of the circuit network looking back into the
terminals, is Thevenin equivalent resistance.
3. If we replace the rest of the circuit network by a single voltage source ,
then the voltage of the source would be Thevenin equivalent
have to replace the voltage source from the circuit, leaving behind only its
internal resistance Ri. Now view the circuit inwards from the open terminals A
and B. It is found the circuits now consist of two parallel paths - one
consisting of resistance R2 only and the other consisting of resistance R 1 and
Ri in series.
Firstly, we have to remove the centre 40 resistor and short out (not
physically as this would be dangerous) all the emfs connected to the circuit,
or open circuit any current sources. The value of resistor Rs is found by
calculating the total resistance at the terminals A and B with all the emfs
removed, and the value of the voltage required Vs is the total voltage across
terminals A and B with an open circuit and no load resistor Rs connected.
Then, we get the following circuit.
We now need to reconnect the two voltages back into the circuit, and
as VS = VAB the current flowing around the loop is calculated as:
Then the Thevenins Equivalent circuit is shown below with the 40 resistor
and from this the current flowing in the circuit is given as:
which again, is the same value of 0.286 amps, we found using Kirchoffs
circuit law in the previous tutorial.
Thevenins theorem can be used as a Circuit Analysis method and is
particularly useful if the load is to take a series of different values. It is not as
powerful as Mesh or Nodal analysis in larger networks because the use of
Mesh or Nodal analysis is usually necessary in any Thevenin exercise, so it
might as well be used from the start. However, Thevenins equivalent circuits
of Transistors, Voltage Sources such as batteries etc, are very useful in circuit