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APRIL 2014
1. Introduction
It can be said that ARPES allows to see the actual distribution of electrons in the energymomentum space of the
crystal. This distribution is determined by the electronic
band structure (the interaction of electrons with a periodic
crystal potential) as well as by the interaction of the electrons with inhomogeneities of the crystal lattice (defects,
impurities, thermal vibrations) and with each other. In other
words, in addition to the band structure, which is a consequence of the single-particle approximation, the results of
the field-theory methods in the many-body problemthe
quasiparticle spectral function and self-energyhave
become directly observable.79
Ax; k
R x
p x ekR0 x2 R00 x2
A. A. Kordyuk
FIG. 1. ARPES-spectra and electronic band structure of the topological insulator Bi2Se3:4 the integral spectrum (left) recorded at h 110 eV, the valence
band with angular resolution (lower row, center) recorded at h 100 eV, and the surface states in the shape of the Dirac cone5 recorded at h 20 eV. Band
calculations were performed by Krasovskii.6
FIG. 2. Detector of a modern photoelectron analyzer (left) acts as a window into the 3D energy-momentum space of a 2D metal (center). By moving this
window in (x, k)-space, a full distribution of electrons and its cross-section at the Fermi levelthe Fermi surface (right) can be obtained. Shown are the
electronic structure and spectra of high-temperature superconductor Bi-2212.
A. A. Kordyuk
FIG. 3. Example of the Fermi surface of Bi-2212 obtained in the pioneering work of Aebi14 in 1994 (upper left) using a single-channel analyzer and 10 yr later
by us15 (bottom) using a SES 100 analyzer with a multichannel detector. Top right: both data sets are shown on the same momentum scale for comparison.
ARPESx; k /
Mh; n; kAx; kf x:
A. A. Kordyuk
FIG. 4. ARPES-spectruman image from the two-dimensional detector of a photoelectron analyzer, which represents, in fact, the one-electron spectral function A(x, k) (a). Relation of the experimental distribution of electrons with the bare dispersion of non-interacting electrons e(k) and the self-energy of quasiparticles (one-electron excitations) R R0 iR00 (b).
FIG. 5. Experimentally obtained electronic structure of untwinned YBCO (Tc 90 K).42 The Fermi surface (left) is represented by two scans (maps) along the
perpendicular crystallographic directions overlaid by the tight-binding model. Arrows indicate the positions of cross-sections (a-h) of the underlying electronic
structure; ARPES-spectra are shown on the right; h 50 (a-d) and 55 (e-h) eV, T 18 K.
A. A. Kordyuk
FIG. 6. Experimentally obtained Fermi surface of Sr2RuO4, which is composed of surface and bulk components.48
than two elementary cells. Thus, for the majority of compounds (including the most studied 122 and 111 families34)
as well as for the BSCCO, the gaps determined using
ARPES are in excellent agreement with bulk methods.52
Thus, there is no clear answer to the question surface or
volume. There are compounds where ARPES sees volume and those where this is prevented by the surface layer
(polar surface) and extremely shallow emission depth.
However, most often we can confidently say what type this
particular compound belongs to, especially when it comes to
superconductors with a gap in the one-electron spectrum.
Concluding this section, we can say that an ARPESspectrum is, in fact, the one-electron spectral function modulated by the matrix elements. The main proof for this statement is the extensive experience comparing the ARPESspectra with the electronic structure calculations by selfconsistent procedures for the self-energy25 or by comparison
with the results of other methods that can also be derived
from the electron spectrum.52,53 Next, we consider some
examples of this experience.
3. ARPES on cupratesthe story of enlightenment
A. A. Kordyuk
FIG. 7. Fermi surfaces defined in early (early 90s) ARPES-experiments on YBCO (Ref. 58) (left) and BSCCO (Ref. 59) (right) using the spectra measured at
the indicated points of the Brillouin zone. Center: An alternative61 interpretation of the data of Ref. 58.
A. A. Kordyuk
FIG. 8. (left) Fermi surface of 2H-TaSe2. (right) Details of the electronic structure in the normal state (top row), incommensurate (middle row), and commensurate (bottom row) states (a); single EDC (b); Schematics of the Fermi surface with the respective sections shown90 (c).
FIG. 9. Temperature dependences of the commensurate band gap/incommensurate pseudogap in 2H-TaSe2 (left) and the superconducting gap/pseudogap in BSCCO (right).94
A. A. Kordyuk
FIG. 10. Experimentally obtained Fermi surfaces of Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 (BKFA)95 (top row) and LiFeAs (Ref. 97) (bottom row). Right: Fermi surfaces constructed from the experimental data35 and labeled in accordance with the main orbital character (see Fig. 11).
A. A. Kordyuk
FIG. 11. Generalized electronic band structure (left) and phase diagram for iron-based superconductors (right). Maximum Tc is observed in the vicinity of the
Lifshitz transition, when the top or bottom of one of the bands with dxz or dyz symmetry aligns to the Fermi level.35
certainly important for superconductivity, the obtained correlation indicates a way to increase Tcoverdoping of
KFe2As2 and LiFeAs with holes.
6. Conclusion
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A. A. Kordyuk
A. A. Kordyuk