Section - E Buddhism PDF
Section - E Buddhism PDF
Section - E Buddhism PDF
The Later Vedic society was divided into 4 varnas viz. Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishyas and
Shudras. Birth had become the basis of varnas and two higher varnas viz. Brahmins and
Kshatriya were given privileges. The later period saw tensions rising in the varnas. The two
dominant varnas Brahmins and Kshatriya competed for dominance. Kshatriya acted as rulers
and the reacted against the domination of the priests of Brahmins.
There is a story in Jain Mythology that Vardhamana Mahavira was to be born as a son of a
Brahmin lady Devananda, but as all the Tirthankaras were Kshatriya by birth, Indra
transferred the baby in the womb of a Kshatriya queen Trishla. This story might be the part
of a campaign at that time which tended to prove the superiority of Kshatriya over
Both Gautam Buddha and Mahavira Jain basically disputed the authority of the Brahmins.
Apart from that India was now developing as a agro based economy. The importance of
trade increased and Vaishyas started getting more importance. The Vaishyas came at third
position after the Brahmins and Kshatriya and they looked for other religions which could
improve their position. The money lending was a trade in post Vedic era, but Brahmins
looked down upon this business. The vaishyas wanted some better religious position and
that is one of the regions that the trader community "vaishyas" provided support to both
Jainism and Buddhism.
There was practice prevalent in the Vedic era that was killing the cattle for sacrifices. This
ritual was not accepted in the new agro economy. In fact except Brahmins, almost all
common public was irked by the ritualistic practices of the post Vedic period based upon
exaggeration, superstition, Brahminical dominance. The position of Shudras got worse to
Sanskrit which was the prime language in the Vedic and post Vedic period now started
losing charm. Most people spoke Prakrit. The Position of women got inferior.
Buddhism and Jainism were the movements that started to reform the Hinduism.
Meaning of Buddha
Buddhahood in Sanskrit is Buddhatva. In Pali is it called Buddhatta or buddhabhva. It is the
state of perfect enlightment attained by a Buddha. The perfect enlightment is
sammsambodhi in Pali. This refers to the universal and innate property of absolute
Is there only One Buddha i.e. Gautam Buddha?
The Buddhavamsa is a text which is part of the Pali Canon of Buddhism. It deals with the life
of Buddha. It mentions 29 Buddhas in all. The 27 Buddhas, preceded Gautam Buddha and
Maitreya, the 29th Buddha is next to come in future. Gautam Buddha was 28th Buddha. The
Buddhavamsa related that in the present Kalpa, there are 5 Buddhas.
1. Kak usandha
2. Kogamana
3. Kassapa
4. Gautama
5. Maitreya
The fifth Maitreya is a future Buddha. The first among these 5 Buddhas of the present Kalpa
is Kakusandha. Kakusandha is mentioned in the Sanskrit Buddhist texts as Krakucchanda. In
Tibet he is known as Khorvadjig. He was born in Nepal, near Kapilvastu. He attained
enlightment under a sirisa tree. The second Budha of the present Kalpa was Kogam ana.
Third Buddha was Kassapa. In Sanskrit Buddhist texts, he is known as Kasyapa. He was also
born in Nepal and attained enlightment under a Banyan Tree.
Buddhas of the Ananda Temple
Ananda Temple is located in Bagan, in Burma. This temple w as built in 1105 AD during the
reign of King Kyanzittha. It has four standing Buddhas w hich are adorned w ith gold leaf
and each Buddha image faces a direction. Kakusandha is North facing, Kassapa is South
facing, Konagamana is East facing & Gautama is west facing.
Gautam Buddha
Gautam Buddha founded Buddhism and is known as Supreme Buddha or ammsambuddha
or samyaksabuddha. He was born in Lumbini, a little principality of Kapilvastu in modern
day Nepal. His childhood name was Siddhartha. He was son of Shuddodhana a leader of the
Shakya clan. The capital of this Sakya clan was Kapilvastu and it was not a monarchy but a
sort of Republic. Queen Mahamaya was the name of mother of Gautam Buddha. The birth
of Buddha is celebrated as Vesaka in some countries. In India, it is Buddha Purnima.
Queen Mahamaya died soon after his birth and Maha Prajapati or Prajapati Gautami raised
him. He was a prince so he had lived his early childhood in luxury. His father wished him to
be a great king and so he was shielded from the religious teachings or human sufferings.
However, as a child Gautama used to be absorbed in philosophical musings. He got married
at the age of 16 with Yashodhara. She gave birth to a Son, Rahula. At the age of 29, while
going to meet his subjects he encountered human sufferings such as old age, death and
diseases. He used to ask his charioteer Channa about these sufferings. He deeply depressed
by the truth that human life is momentary and one has to suffer a lot. He left his home at
the age of 29 years, so that he could overcome old age, illness and death by living a life of an
ascetic. This is called "the great departure' or Mahabhinishkramana.
He first went to Rajgriha Rajgaha or Rajgir. He started begging alms over there and living life
of an ascetic. The King Bimbisara after a request from Shuddodhana, launched a search and
Siddhartha was recognized by the men of Bimbisara. Bimbisara offered him a throne, but
Gautama refused. He left Rajgir but promised Bimbisara to visit his capital Magadha, later.
Siddartha studied under two hermits Alara and Udaka. He achieved high knowledge and
was asked to succeed Udaka, but he was not satisfied with the path and his goal so he
The experiments with the life of ascetics could not bring desired fruits for Gautama. He left
the Udaka, and moved on with 5 companions who were led by Kaundinya. They set out for
more austerity. They tried enlightment through total deprivation of possessions including
food. This led him to starving near death condition, and one day he collapsed into a river
and almost drowned. This led him to reconsider the path. He started moving away from
ascetics and moving closer to meditating and this is called the Middle Path, the path of
having oneself away from extreme selfindulgence and extreme self-mortification. He
accepted milk and rice pudding from a village girl called Sujata.
While meditating under a Pipal tree on the bank of river Niranjana at Gaya, he came across
the desired truth, at the age of 35 years and after 49 days of meditating. He was now called
Buddha or "Shakyamuni Buddha" which means the Buddha of Shakya Clan.
The first disciples of Buddha after becoming enlightened were two merchants named
Tapussa and Bhallika. After becoming enlightened, he sought to find his former teachers
Arada and Udaka to teach them, but they had died. He then looked for Kaundinya and other
Gautama Buddha now preached his first sermon which deals with the Four Noble Truths and
the Noble Eightfold Path, the core pillars of Buddhist teaching regarding the intrinsic
suffering of existence and how to deal with it. This was called Dhammacakkappavattana
Sutta. Kaundinya & 4 others became the first human beings to be taught Buddha 's teaching
and become an arhat (spiritual practitioner). This event took place at Deer Park near
Two gems of Buddhism viz. Buddha and Dhamma ware now ready. The five disciples and
Buddha formed the first union of Buddhism, which is called Sangha.
So, with the formation of a Sangha, the three gems of Buddhism (Buddha, Dhamma and
Sangha) were completed. The reaming years of life, Buddha travelled many parts of the
country, established the Sangha, and propagated his teachings. Thousands of people joined
Sangha and these Sanghas spread in many parts. As promised previously Buddha now
travelled to Magadha, the capital of King Bimbisara. During this visit Sariputta(who later
founded Theravada tradition) and Mahamoggallana became Buddha's disciples. Sariputta,
Mahamoggallana, Mahakasyapa, Ananda and Anuruddha comprised the five chief disciples.
His ten foremost disciples were completed by the quintet of Upali, Subhoti, Rahula,
Mahakaccana and Punna. Rahula was his son, who became disciple at the age of 7. Buddha's
parinirva happened at Kuinagara at the age of 80 years.
Buddhas Teachings
Four Noble Truths:
Four noble truths were taught by Buddha in Dhammachakraparivartan. They are the
core teachings of Buddhism.
1. Dukkha or "Sorrow" : The world is full of sorrow and everything from birth to death
brings sorrows in life.
2. Dukkha Samudaya or Cause of Sorrow : The cause of sorrows is desire. It is the unfulfillment of human desires which leads him to the vicious cycle of births and rebirths.
3. Dukkha Nirodha or Prevention of Sorrow: It is possible to prevent sorrow. Man can
get rid of sorrow by triumphing over the desires.
4. Dukkha Nirodha Gamini Patipada Magga or The path of Prevention of Sorrow:
Man can avoid Dukkha by avoiding extremes of life and following middle path
or Madhyam Patipada. The life of moderation and self control along with pursuance
of 8 fold path is essential to prevent the Dukkha.
Concept of Nirvana:
The concept of Nirvana in Buddhism is entirely different from the Hinduism. Buddhism denied
the concept of Moksha, however it defines Nirvana has to getting rid of Cycle of Death and
birth. It is achieved in the lifetime itself and not after death. To achieve nirvana one should
follow moral code of Conduct.
Buddhist Literature
Tripitaka or Three Baskets is a traditional term used for various Buddhist scriptures.
It is known as pali Canon in English. The three pitakas are Sutta Pitaka, Vinaya
Pitaka and Abhidhamma Pitaka.
Sutta Pitaka
It contains over 10 thousand suttas or sutras related to Buddha and his close
companions. This also deals with the first Buddhist council which was held shortly
after Buddha's death, dated by the majority of recent scholars around 400 BC, under
the patronage of king Ajatasatru with the monk Mahakasyapa presiding, at Rajgir.
The subject matter of Vinay Pitaka is the monastic rules for monks and nuns. It can
also be called as Book of Discipline.
Suttavibhanga: The basic code of Monastic discipline is known as
Patimokkha. It contains 227 rules for fully ordained Monks called bikkhus
(Maha vibhanga) and 311 rules for fully ordained nuns called Bikkhunis
(Bikkhuni Vibhanga) They are contained in Suttavibhanga, one of the parts of
Vinay Pitaka.
Khandhaka: Khandhaka is the second book of Vinay Pitaka. It has two volumes viz.
Mahavagga and Cullavagga. Mahavagga deals with the awakening of Buddha and his
great disciples. Cullavagga deals with the first and second Buddhist councils and
establishments of community of Buddhist nuns and rules for Buddhist community.
Parivara: Parivara is the last book of Vinaya Pitaka. It covers the summary of analysis
of rules mentioned in first two books of Vinay Pitaka. Its is latest book and seems to
be later than the Fourth Buddhist Coincil in Ceylon. It also contains questions and
Lanka. The first version of Mahavamsa dates back to 3-4th century BC during the
reign of King Vijaya. The Mahavamsa, Dipavamsa, Culavamsa (small chronicle) all
together are sometimes known as Mahavamsa. It deals with the royal dynasties of
not only Sri Lanka but the whole Indian subcontinent and is known as world's longest
unbroken historical accounts. The consecration of Asoka and details of Selucus and
Alexander have been detailed in it.
Mahavastu means the "Great Event". It's a work in prose and verse and is written in
Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit. It details the miracles & earlier lives of Buddha.
Buddha Charita
Buddha Charita is an epic style Sanskrit work by Ashavaghosa and was compiled
in second century BC. Dharmaraksa who is known to have translated many works
of Buddhism in Chinese, translated this work in Chinese in 420AD. It mainly deals
with Buddha's Life. Asvaghosa also wrote a Sanskrit Drama "Sariputra Prakaran"
which deals about Sariputta or Sariputra the disciple of Buddha.
Mahvibhsa stra
Its an early Sanskrit work on Buddhism. Vibhasa means a compendium and has 3
prongs. It is attributed to vasumitra and deals with not only Buddhism but also
Vaisheshika and Samkya philosophies.
In Sanskrit Lalit is a Lotus. Lalitvistara is a Sanskrit text that deals with the biography
of Buddha.
Divyavadana means divine tales. It contains anthology in 38 stories and is a sankrit
text which deals with Mauryan and Sunga History. The Asokavadana is a story in it
which deals with the legends of Asoka.
Udanavarga is an early Buddhist sanskrit text. It has verses attributed to Buddha and
his disciples.
Udana is a Pali text included there in the Sutta Pitaka's Khuddaka Nikaya. It
contains the story of "Blind men and Elephant".
Bodhi Vamsa
Bodhi Vamsa is a mix Sanskrit Pali text which was composed by Upatissa under the
rule of Mahinda IV of Sri Lanka in 10th century AD. It describes the arrival of branch
of Bodhi tree in Sri Lanka and many other things which mentioned in Mahavamsa.
Buddhist Scholars
The most important turning point in the expansion of Buddhism in India was the
emergence and conversion of Asoka the Great (304232 BC). He embraced
Buddhism after 8 years of his coronation, he became a Buddhist and made it his
state religion in 260 BC. He convened the third Buddhist council, which was held in
Pataliputra in the presidency of Moggaliputta Tissa. He launched a vigorous
campaign to propagate Buddhism which could be called Asoka's Dhamma. The
main scholars of Buddha are as follows:
Avaghosa is the Greatest Indian Poet Prior to Kalidasa. he is known as first
Sanskrit Dramatist. His epics rivaled the contemporary Ramayana. He wrote
Buddhist texts in Classical Sanskrit. He was the court writer and religious advisor of
Kushana king Kanishka. His main works are Buddhacharita, Mahalankara (Book of
Glory) and Saundaranandakavya (details the life of Nanda).
Nagarjuna founded the Madhyamika school of Mahayan Buddhism. He was
contemporary of Satavahana King Gautamiputra. He was born in a Brahmin family
in Nagarjunkonda in modern Andhra Pradesh. Due to his birth in Brahmin family and
later conversion in Buddhism, it can be justified that his early work was in sanskrit
and not in Pali or Hybrid sanskrit. Most important work is Mlamadhyamakakrik ,
which means Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way. His theory is also known
asShunyavad "emptiness".
Asanga & Vasubandhu:
Both were half brothers and proponents of Yogachara and Abhidhamma Teachings.
They were from modern Peshawar in Pakistan. Most important work of Vasubandhu
was Abhidharmamoksha.
Buddhaghosa lived the 5th century AD and is known to be one of the greatest Pali
scholar. His name means " Voice of Buddha". Considered to be most important
commentator of the Theravada. Details of his life have been described in
Mahavamsa and Buddhaghosuppatti. Please note Buddhaghosuppatti was not his
work. He is said to have gone to Sri Lanka from India's Magadha and settled in
Anuradhapura. The most important work is Visuddhimagga.
Dignga or Dinnaga:
He is considered to be the founder of Buddhist logic.
Candrakrti or Chandrakirti:
he was a disciple of Nagarjuna and a scholar at the Nalanda University.
Prasannapad is his main work which means happy words or clear words
Dharmakirti lived in 7th century AD and was primary theorist of Buddhist Sankya. He
was a teacher at the Nalanda University and a poet. He has written Seven Treatises
on Valid Cognition. He has been called "Kant of India'.
Buddhist Councils
6 Buddhist councils have been convened. Here is a short description:
First Buddhist Council: 400 BC
Held soon after the mahaparinirvana of the Buddha, around 400 BC under the
patronage of king Ajatshatru with the monk Mahakasyapa presiding, at
Rajgriha, in the Sattapani Cave.
The idea was to preserve Buddha's teachings (Sutta) and rules for disciples
(Vinaya). Ananda , one of the great disciples of Buddha recited Suttas and
Upali, another disciple recited Vinaya. Abhidhamma Pitaka was also included.
Second Buddhist Council : 383 BC
It was held in 383 BC. This idea of this council was to settle a dispute on
Vinaya Pitaka, the code of discipline.
The dispute was on 10 Points such as storing salt in horn, eating after
midday, eating once and going to villages for alms, eating sour milk after one's
meal etc. It was not settles and Buddhism sects appeared for the first time.
The subgroups were Sthaviravada, Mahasanghika and Sarvastivada.
It was held at Vaishali under the patronage of King Kalasoka and the
presidency of Sabakami.
Sthaviravada followed the teachings of the elders and Mahasanghika became
extinct later.
Sthaviravada later continued till 3rd Buddhist council.
Third Buddhist Council: 250 BC
Third Buddhist council was held in 250 BC at Pataliputra under the patronage
of King Asoka and under the presidency of Moggaliputta Tissa. The teachings
of Buddha which were under two baskets were now classified in 3 baskets as
Abhidhamma Pitaka was established in this council, and they were known as
"Tripitaka". It also tried to settle all the disputes of Vinaya Pitaka.
Fourth Buddhist Council: 72AD
The Fourth Buddhist Council was held at Kundalvana, Kashmir in 72 AD
under the patronage of Kushan king Kanishka and the president of this council
was Vasumitra, with Avaghosa as his deputy. This council distinctly divided
the Buddhism into 2 sects Mahayan & Hinayan.
Another Fourth Buddhist Council was held at Tambapanni (one name of Sri
This sect believes in the heavenliness of Buddha and believes in Idol Worship. It is also called
Bodhisattva Vehicle. Mahyna Buddhism spread from India to China, Japan, Vietnam,
Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and Mongolia. Zen, Pure Land, Tiantai, and
Nichiren, Shingon and Tibetan Buddhism are traditions of Mahayana. Fundamental principles
of Mahyna doctrine were based on the possibility of universal liberation from suffering for all
beings (hence the "Great Vehicle") and the existence of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
embodying Buddha Nature. It allows salvation to be alternatively obtained through the grace of
the Amitbha Buddha by having faith and devoting oneself to mindfulness of the Buddha.
Believes in Mantras.
A Bodhisattva means one who has essence of enlightment. Anyone who has a spontaneous
wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all is a Bodhisattva. It's a very popular subject in
Buddhist art. A bodhisattva is bound to enlightment and refers to all who are destined to
become Buddhas in this life or another life. There are celestial bodhisattvas which are
manifestations of Gautam Buddha. Important 8 Bodhisattvas are as follows:
1. Avalokitevara
Avalokitevara encompasses all Buddhas. In China he is known as Gunshyn Ps , in
tibetan as Chenrezig, in Thai as Avalokitesuarn. He is said to incarnate in Dalai Lama. he is
depicted as holding a lotus flower. He is depicted as female also. A cave wall painting of
Avalokitevara is devoted in Ajanta Caves as Padmapani.
1. Manjusri:
He is known as Wnsh in Chinse, Jampelyang in Tibetan and is a menifestation of great
wisdom and meditation. Majur is depicted as a male bodhisattva wielding a flaming sword
in his right hand.
1. Samantabhadra
Samantabhadra means Universal Worthy and he is associated with meditation. Known as
Fugen Bosatsu in Japanese and very popular in Japan among the Tendai and Shingon sects.
His manifestation is Action and he is key figure in Flower Garland Sutra.
1. Ksitigarbha
Ksitigarbha is usually depicted as a Buddhist monk in the Orient / East Asia. Ksitigarbha
means Earth Womb. he is regarded as Bodhisattva of Earth or Hell beings or Mortals. He is
regarded as guardian of children and patron deity of deceased children and aborted fetuses in
Japanese culture. he carries a staff.
Ksitigarbha, Samantabhadra, Manjusri, and Avalokitesvara
Bodhisattvas of East Asian Mahayana Buddhism.
1. Maitreya
Answer of the above question is Maitreya. Maitreya will be successor of Gautama Buddha. He
is also known as Ajita Boddhisattva. He holds a "water phial" in his left hand. Earliest mention
of Metteyya is in the Digha Nikaya 26 of the Pali Canon. It is said that he will arrive when
oceans will decrease in size (that is why keeps a Kumbha or philial in his hand) and will rule
the Ketumati Pure Land (Varanasi). Budai or laughing Buddha is claimed to be an
incarnation of Maitreya. Budai was a Chinese Zen monk who lived during the Later Liang
Dynasty (907923 CE) in China. In Japanese, he is called Hotei and is one of the 7 Lucky
Gods of Japan.
1. Vajrapani
Vajrapani is depicted as one of the 3 protective deities around Buddha, other are Manjusri and
Avlokiteshwara. Vajrapani manifests Buddha's power, Manjusri manifests Buddha's wisdom
and Avlokiteshwara manifests Buddha's compassion. In Japan a dharma protector called Nio
is also Vajrapani.
1. Sadparibhta
Sadparibhta is a Bodhisattva which manifests "never disparaging" spirit.
Akasagarbha is boundless as space. He is known as twin brother of Ksitigarbha. He is
menifestation of wisdom.
Buddhist Shrines
Astamahasthanas are 8 great holy places. 4 are as follows:
Along with them, Sravasti, Sankasya, Rajgir and Vaishali are known as Astamahasthanas.
Amarawati in Andhrapradesh's Guntur district is also known as Dhanyakataka or Dharanikota
and w as the site of a great Buddhist Stupa built in pre-Mauryan times, ruled by Satavahana
Nagarjunkonda is near Nagarjun Sagar in Andhra Pradesh. Once, it w as home to more than
30 Buddhist Viharas (Buddhist universities and monasteries), attracting students from as far
as China, Gandhara, Bengal and Sri Lanka. Nagarjunkonda w as one the largest and most
important Buddhist centers in South India from the second centuary BC until the third century
AD. It w as named after Nagarjuna, a renowned Buddhist scholar and philosopher, w ho had
migrated here from Amaravati to propagate and spread the Buddha's message of universal
peach and brotherhood. Remains w ere discovered in 1926 by archaeologist AR Saraswati in
Ajanta Caves
Ajanta Caves are 31 rock cut caves from 2nd to 8th century AD, located in Aurangabad. The
first caves called Chaityas w ere created during Satavahana Dynasty. Cave No. 1 has the
painting of Padmapani and Vajrapani. Painted narratives of the Jataka tales are depicted on
the walls.
Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat is located in Cambodia. The temple complex w as built by Suryavarman II and it
was first devoted to Vishnu and later to Buddhist.
Bodh Gaya
Bodh Gaya w as known as Bodhimanda, Uruvela, Sambodhi, Vajrasana and Mahabodhi till
18th century when Bodh Gaya name became popular. It has the Mahabodhi temple and Bodhi
tree. It became Unesco world heritage site in 2002.
Bodhi Tree
It's a Pipal Tree (Ficus Religiosa) and known as Bo in Sri Lanka. Located in Bodh Gaya.
Under this tree Gautama attained enlightment. The current tree is a descendent of the original
tree. There are other Bodhi trees as well viz. Anandabodhi tree in Sravasti and the Bodhi tree
(Bo) or also known as Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi planted in 288 BC in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka and
both of them have been propagated from the original tree. It is also known as oldest living
Human Planted tree in the world with a known planting date.
Borobudur is located in Indonesia and comprises six square platforms topped by three circular
platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. It's a world
Heritage site. There are 3 Buddhist temples which are known as Borobudur Temple
Bamyan Caves:
They are located in Afghanistan and have statues represented the classic blended style of
Gandhara art of 6th century, They were the largest examples of standing Buddha carvings in
the world, before they were blown by dyanamite by Taliban in 2001.
Ellora Caves
Ellora Caves represent Buddhist, jain and Hindu Rock cut temples built by Rastrakuta Kings.
Earliest Buddhist cave is Cave 6; most caves of Buddhism are Viharas. Cave number 10 is a
Chaitya hall also known as Chandrashala or Vishwkarma Cave and also known as carpenter's
cave. At heart of this cave is a 15 ft statue of Buddha seated in a preaching pose.
Pushpagiri University:
Lalitgiri, Ratnagiri and Udayagiri are the part of the Puspagiri University which flourished till
11th century in Orissa. They lie atop the Langudi hills in Jajpur and Cuttak of Orissa.