El Abrigo La Chaqueta El Traje Los

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el abrigo the coat

la chaqueta the jacket

el traje the suit
los pantalones the pants
los bluejeans/los vaqueros the jeans
los pantalones cortos the shorts
la falda the skirt
el vestido the dress
la camisa the shirt
la camiseta the t-shirt
la blusa the blouse
la corbata the tie
la bufanda the scarf
el sombrero the hat(formal style)
la gorra the cap (baseball hat, etc)
la ropa interior the underwear
los calcetines the socks
las medias the nylons/tights/stockings
el suéter/el jersey the sweater
los zapatos the shoes
las zapatillas de tenis the tennis shoes
los tacones altos high heels
el cinturón the belt
el anillo/la sortija the ring
el collar the necklace
los pendientes the earrings
el pañuelo the handkerchief
el bolsillo the pocket
el bolso/la bolsa/la cartela the purse/handbag
la cremallera the zipper
el chaleco the vest
los guantes the gloves
la sudadera the sweatshirt
el/la pijama the pajamas/ pyjamas
las botas the boots
el traje the suit
el bañador/traje de baño the bathing suit
el paraguas the umbrella
la bata the robe
los botones the buttons

shirt = camisa
t-shirt =camiseta
blouse = blusa
sweatshirt = sweater = pullover = jersey = slip-over = suéter
cardigan = saco liviano de lana
dress = vestido
vest = chaqueta
suit = traje
three-piece suit = traje de tres piezas
coat = saco
raincoat = piloto
waistcoat = chaleco
overcoat = sobretodo
mackintosh = abrigo de tela o lana gruesa
anorak = campera
bomber jacket = campera ajustada en la cintura
duffel coat = abrigo de lana
denim jacket = campera de jean

trousers = pantalones
slacks = pantalones informales
jeans = jeans
shorts = pantalones cortos

overalls (US) - dungarees (GB) = jardinero, peto

trainers (GB) - sneakers (US) = zapatillas
boots = botas

Wellingtons = botas
slippers = zapatillas
clogs = zuecos
shoes = zapatos
sandals = sandalias
high-heeled shoes = zapatos de taco alto
sole = suela
 - have your shoes soled = ponerle suela a los zapatos
heel = taco
 - have your shoes heeled = ponerle tacón a los zapatos
shoelaces = cordones
flip-flops = chanclas
espadrilles = alpargatas

bathrobe = bata
nightdress = nightgown = camisón
pyjamas (GB) = pajamas (US) = pijama
socks = calcetines
knee-length socks = medias 3/4
tights = calzas
underwear = ropa interior
bra = brassiere = corpiño
knickers = bombacha
slip = enagua
underpants = calzoncillos
bathing-suit = bathing-costume = traje de baño
swimming trunks = short de baño

bikini = bikini

belt = cinturón
hood = capucha
tie = corbata
bowtie = moño
tie-pin = traba de corbata
braces (GB) = suspenders (US) =tirantes
cravat = pañuelo
handkerchief = pañuelo
neckerchief = pañuelo de cuello
gloves = guantes
scarf = bufanda
shawl = chal
cloak = capa
cap = gorra
beret = boina
hat = sombrero
wide-brimmed hat = sombrero de ala ancha
bonnet = gorro para bebé
top hat = sombrero de copa
helmet = casco

chinos = chinos

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