Processing of Copper-Carbon Nanotube Composites by Vacuum Hot
Processing of Copper-Carbon Nanotube Composites by Vacuum Hot
Processing of Copper-Carbon Nanotube Composites by Vacuum Hot
Materials and Mechanical Entity, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum 695022, India
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 26 May 2012
Received in revised form
23 August 2012
Accepted 21 September 2012
Available online 27 September 2012
Copper (Cu) matrix composites reinforced with 0.2, 5 and 10 vol% single wall carbon nanotubes
(SWCNT) and 5 and 10 vol% multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) were processed by high energy
milling of pure copper powder with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and subsequent consolidation by vacuum
hot pressing. Microstructural observations of the sintered composites revealed equiaxed twinned
microstructure for 0.2 vol% SWCNT composite and elongated grain structure, with CNT layers in
between, in composites having higher CNTs content. The porosity in the composites was associated
with CNT layers. The distribution of CNTs was found to be different in axial and transverse directions.
Signicant improvement in hardness of CuSWCNT composite was observed with increase in CNTs
content. Whereas, in case of MWCNT composite, hardness reduced for 10 vol% CNT composites.
Compression strength of the SWCNT samples was found to be higher than the MWCNT reinforced
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Multiwall carbon nanotube
Single wall carbon nanotube
Vacuum hot pressing
1. Introduction
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been suggested as an excellent
reinforcement to improve the mechanical performance of metallic
materials due to their high elastic modulus, strength and aspect
ratio [1]. Novel composites have been developed by incorporating
CNTs into polymer, ceramic and metal matrices via various routes
to realize composites with outstanding properties over conventional composite materials [28]. Uniform dispersion of CNTs in
the matrix is the most important requirement to achieve uniform
properties in these composites. The ease of CNT dispersion in the
polymer matrix has resulted in considerably huge amount of
research in polymermatrix composites (PMCs) in order to
improve their electrical conductivity along with the enhancement
of mechanical properties [911]. However, work on metal matrix
composites has been relatively scarce primarily due to difculties
in achieving homogeneous dispersion of CNTs with in metal matrices
especially at high CNT loading [1215] and lack of suitable synthesis
techniques. Mechanical alloying and molecular level mixing [16]
have been the best dispersion techniques and have received the
maximum [1719]. In order to obtain excellent mechanical and
physical properties, several fabrication routes namely thermal
Corresponding author. Tel.: 91 471 256 3582; fax: 91 471 270 5048.
E-mail address: (N. Nayan).
0921-5093/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.K. Shukla et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 365371
has also been used for dispersing CNTs between thin Cu foils [27].
Ball milling has been used by several authors for CuCNT composites [2831]. Consolidation of the ball milled powders has been
reported by high pressure torsion [31] and SPS [32].
There are only a few reports on synthesis of CuCNT composites by hot pressing which is a very versatile technique. Bulk
composites for real life applications can be produced by hot
pressing. Therefore, the purpose of the present investigation
was (a) to synthesize CuCNT composites by mechanical alloying
and consolidate them through hot pressing; (b) to study the effect
of type of CNT on the microstructure and properties and (c) to
study effect of CNT content on the mechanical properties. In order
to achieve the above objectives, CuCNT composite powders were
processed by high energy milling of pure copper with 0.2, 5 and
10 vol% SWCNTs and 5 and 10 vol% MWCNTs. The composite
powders were sintered by vacuum hot pressing technique. The
hot pressed composites have been characterized using optical
microscopy, SEM, XRD and bulk hardness testing. The results
obtained are discussed in the paper.
2. Experimental procedures
Copper (99.9% pure, 140 mesh) and CVD grown multi walled
carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) (approximately 1575 nm in diameter
and 520 mm in length, having purity more than 90% supplied by
Nanolab Inc, USA) and CVD grown single walled carbon nanotubes
(SWCNT) (approximately less than 2 nm in dia., supplied by
Thomas Swan & Co. LTD., UK), were used in the present experimental study. No functionalization of the nanotubes was carried
out prior to mixing. Fig. 1 shows the SEM images of the starting
feed stock. Measured amounts of CNTs to achieve a volume percent
(vol%) of 0.2, 5 and 10 in case of CuSWCNT and 5 and 10 in case of
CuMWCNT were mixed with copper powder in stainless steel
mixing jar containing stainless steel balls of 10 mm diameter
(giving initial ball to powder ratio (BPR)5:1).The density of
MWCNT used in this study as quoted by the manufacturer was
1.8 g/cm3 and that of SWCNT was 1.2 g/cm3. While calculating the
relative density of the composite powders, the density of the pure
copper was considered as 8.9 g/cm3; for the MWCNT reinforced
Cu composites, the weight percentage of CNT is 1.06 for 5 vol% of
CuCNT composite while it is 2.25 for 10 vol% CuCNT composite.
On the other hand, for the SWCNT reinforced Cu composites, the
weight percentage of CNTs is 0.71 for 5 vol% of CuCNT composite
while it is 1.5 for 10 vol% CuCNT composite. The jar was lled with
argon and agitated in an Attritor mill (Szegvari make) at 200 rpm
for milling time of 20 h. Changes in the size and shape of the
Fig. 1. SEM images of (a) Cu powder and (b) MWCNT used in the study.
A.K. Shukla et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 365371
Fig. 3. SEM micrographs showing the morphology of the as-milled (20 h) powders (a) Cu0.2 vol% SWCNT composite (b) Cu5 vol% SWCNT composite (c) Cu10 vol%
SWCNT composite (d) Cu5 vol% MWCNT composite and (e) Cu10 vol% MWCNT composite.
A.K. Shukla et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 365371
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of polished cross section of the 20 h milled powders of (a) Cu0.2 vol% SWCNT composite (b) Cu5 vol% SWCNT composite (c) Cu10 vol% SWCNT
composite (d) Cu5 vol% MWCNT composite and (e) Cu10 vol% MWCNT composite.
Fig. 7. Relative density of the different vacuum hot pressed CuCNT composites.
CNTs can go into the pores and ll them achieving near theoretical
densities. In order to analyze the pores and CNT distribution, the
cross sectional microstructure of the samples was studied using SEM.
Fig. 8(af) show the optical micrographs of the sintered
CuSWCNT composites. It can be clearly seen from Fig. 8 that
the compacts are dense and there are no major macro porosities.
The Cu0.2 vol% SWCNT seems to have some porosity and has an
equiaxed microstructure which is different than the rest of the
samples. Presence of annealing twins is also seen which is typical
of copper. The samples with higher CNT content seem to have a
layered morphology with CNTs between the grains. It seems that
the grains have deformed during the hot pressing with CNTs in
between having a lubricating effect. This is supported by the fact
that with the increase in CNT content, the grains become more
and more deformed. The porosities are mainly in the regions
containing the CNTs. EDS spectra (not shown here) taken from the
porosities revealed the presence of Carbon peaks, while at other
locations revealed only copper peaks. It is seen that the microstructure of the Cu10 vol% SWCNT is very ne indicating the
CNTs and their clusters inhibit sintering and grain growth by
obstructing the motion of interfaces. Fig. 9 shows the microstructures of the polished cross sections of the CuMWCNT
samples. It is observed that the same layered type morphology
is observed with CNTs at the grain boundaries. The grains are
elongated perpendicular to the pressing direction. It is seen that
there is considerable elongation. There is a possibility that the
CNTs aid the ow of the Cu perpendicular to the applied stress by
reducing the friction between the particle interfaces. This clearly
A.K. Shukla et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 365371
Fig. 8. Optical micrographs of the polished top surface and cross section respectively of (a) and (b) Cu0.2 vol% SWCNT, (c) and (d) Cu5 vol% SWCNT and (e) and (f) Cu
10 vol% SWCNT.
Fig. 9. Optical micrographs of the polished top surface and cross section respectively of (a) and (b) Cu5 vol% MWCNT, and (c) and (d) Cu10 vol% MWCNT.
A.K. Shukla et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 365371
explains why the Cu0.2 vol% SWCNT is equiaxed while the other
high CNT containing phases are elongated.
The higher volume fraction CNT composites reveal network of
CNT along the grain boundaries. Some grain boundaries devoid of
CNT network are also evident. It can be marked that the micrographs of the cross section of sintered composite reveals more
predominant layered structure as compared to the micrographs of
the axial direction. The quantity as well as the continuity of the
dark phase layer (CNTs and porosities) is increasing with increase
in CNT volume fraction in the composite. The starting powder,
comprising of embedded CNT layers, being ake shape will stack
over each other during hot pressing. An increase in darker phase
Fig. 10. Raman spectra of hot pressed compacts showing the presence of D- and
G-peak characteristic of carbon nanotubes.
A.K. Shukla et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 365371
4. Conclusions
Following conclusions can be drawn from this study.
1. High energy milling up to 20 h resulted in entrapment of CNTs
in a layered fashion between the Cu akes.
2. Bulk (65 mm dia. 5 mm thick) CuMWCNT and CuSWCNT
composites were successfully sintered by conventional hot
pressing operation. Repressing operation was carried out to
eliminate delamination that occurred in the central region of
the composites.
3. The microstructure showed distinct CNT layers present at the
particle interfaces which have strong effect on the properties.
The intensity ratio of D-peak to G-peak in Raman spectra was
found to be higher for the compacts compared to respective
milled powder indicating increased defect generation during
hot pressing.
4. The hardness of the composites increased with increase in the
vol% of SWCNT whereas it decreased in case if MWCNT which
was explained based on the strong presence of CNT layers
between the grains.
5. The compressive strength of the SWCNT containing composites is higher compared to MWCNT composites. The network
structure of CNTs at the grain boundaries might be reducing
the strength by failing prematurely and aiding grain sliding.
6. This study also shows that SWCNTs are better reinforcements
compared to MWCNTs.
The authors are also grateful to Director, (VSSC) for encouragement and kind permission to publish this work. SR Bakshi
would like to thank ISRO-IITM Cell for funding.
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