Derivatives and Deregulation. Financial Innovation and Demise of Glass-Steagall
Derivatives and Deregulation. Financial Innovation and Demise of Glass-Steagall
Derivatives and Deregulation. Financial Innovation and Demise of Glass-Steagall
Both authors contributed equally to this work. Support for this article was provided
by a grant from the Rackham School of Graduate Studies at the University of Michigan. We thank Mark Mizruchi, Jason Owen-Smith, Greta Krippner, Sandy Levitsky, Sara
Soderstrom, Fred Wherry, Sarah Quinn, Rob Jansen, Fabio Rojas, Chloe Thurston, Kevin
Young, Lindsay Owens, Andrew Schrank, Marty Hirschman, members of the Comparative and Historical Methods and the Economic Sociology Workshops at the University of
Michigan, and audiences at the American Sociological Association (Las Vegas, Nevada)
and Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (Madrid) annual meetings for helpful feedback on previous drafts. Max Milstein provided excellent legal research assistance.
All errors are our own.
Just as regulation may inhibit innovation, innovation may undermine regulation. Regulators, much like market actors, rely on categorical distinctions to
understand and act on the market. Innovations that are ambiguous to regulatory categories but not to market actors present a problem for regulators
and an opportunity for innovative firms to evade or upend the existing order.
We trace the history of one class of innovative financial derivativesinterest
rate and foreign exchange swapsto show how these instruments undermined the separation of commercial and investment banking established by
the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. Swaps did not fit neatly into existing product
categoriesfutures, securities, loansand thus evaded regulatory scrutiny
for decades. The market success of swaps put commercial and investment
banks into direct competition, and in so doing undermined Glass-Steagall.
Drawing on this case, we theorize some of the political and market conditions under which regulations may be especially vulnerable to disruption by
ambiguous innovations.
In 1981, the investment bank Salomon Brothers brokered the worlds first
major currency swap. The $210 million deal between IBM and the World
Bank was some two years in the making. In the period leading up to the
deal, IBM had issued bonds denominated in Swiss francs and Deutsche Marks
that it wanted to convert to dollars. Salomon Brothers realized that IBM
could save on transaction costs by avoiding the usual conversion method of
issuing new bonds in dollars. Instead, the bankers at Salomon connected
IBM with a party that had U.S. dollar-denominated bonds on hand and a
hunger for European currenciesthe World Bankand arranged for the two
organizations to swap payment obligations on each others bonds.
Decades later, this deal is widely recognized as the origin of one of the
most important and widespread modern financial innovations (Steinherr,
2000; Tett, 2009). Following the 1981 exchange between IBM and the World
Bank, swaps diffused at a nearly incomprehensible rate. By 1999, the notional value of all outstanding interest rate and foreign exchange swaps was
estimated to be a staggering $58.3 trillionmore than six times the 1999
U.S. gross domestic product.1
Although an investment bank brokered the swap between the World Bank
and IBM, commercial banks like J.P. Morgan were key players in the takeoff
of the market in the 1980s, and pioneered many key innovations in swaps
(Tett, 2009). The heavy involvement of commercial banks in swaps in the
early 1980s is surprising because it preceded the repeal of major regulations
most notably the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933that were designed to limit the
ability of commercial banks to deal in instruments that share many properties of these novel financial products. What relationship was there, if any,
between innovation in swaps and financial regulation?
The notional value of a swap is the value of the underlying asset being exchanged.
The market value of a swap is difficult to determine but usually much smaller, on the
order of a few percent of the notional value.
Regulation has been defined very broadly in the literature as any action by the gov-
sumer advocates lobbied for the repeal of economic regulations that were
seen as anti-competitive, and thus productive of monopoly rents and reduced consumer welfare. In the second period, starting in the early 1980s,
the movement was captured by business interests and began to take aim at
social regulations, especially those concerning the environment (e.g., the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency) and workplace safety (e.g., the Occupational Safety and Health Administration). Scholars understand this second
wave of deregulation as part of the neoliberal agenda for rolling back state
intervention into the affairs of big business, and for increasing the relative
power of business vis-`a-vis labor (Harvey, 2005; Mudge, 2008). In sum, this
first strand of scholarship focuses on the large-scale movement and the social
forces arrayed to produce it, not the day-to-day politics of deregulation. The
actual businesses that were deregulated play relatively little role in the story
apart from their broad lobbying efforts. Thus, innovation is not a central
A second strand of research digs down into the guts of the policymaking process by focusing on the specific politics of deregulation in various
industries. This research fits within the broader literature on public policy
especially on the role of business interests in policymaking (Hillmann and
Hitt, 1999; Hart, 2004; Baumgartner et al., 2009)and focuses on the more
meso- and micro-level politics of the deregulatory process. Derthick and
Quirk (1985) offer what is still one of the best-documented studies of deregulation, focusing on the air transportation, trucking, and telephone service
sectors. Their analysis highlights the role of economists and economic ideas
in promoting deregulation as a way to enhance consumer welfare and increase
efficiency. Other scholars emphasize more traditional political coalitions and
interactions between legislators, the presidency, regulators, and courts. For
ernment that restricts individual or firm behavior (Meier, 1985). We narrow our focus to
economic regulation, which we define as limitations on the products a firm can offer, the
price at which it may offer those products, or the location where it may do business. We
are primarily interested in deregulation as the elimination of these economic regulations.
example, Garland (1985) highlights the interactions between courts and regulators, and the role of shifting standards of judicial review of administrative
decisions in the process of deregulation.
A few scholars in this tradition focus explicitly on the deregulation of
finance. Meier (1985) compares regulatory struggles across different industries including depository institutions to showcase the importance of
the industrys resources, the level of issue salience, ease of entry into the
industry, and other factors. Recent studies, such as Suarez and Kolodny
(2011), highlight the role of financial industry associations in collectively
lobbying legislators for and against specific financial deregulatory proposals.
Studies of financial deregulation also emphasize the role of cognitive regulatory capture, i.e., the idea that financial regulators became ideologically
committed to a notion of finance as efficient and self-regulating and thus not
in need of strong regulation (Carpenter and Moss, 2013; Kwak, 2013). These
studies pay more attention to the explicitly political actions of firms, but
still bracket those firms actual business practices and exclude them from
systematic analysis. That is, firms enter into the deregulatory process primarily through their lobbying, not through innovation in product offerings
or other normal market activities.
Adding in a more nuanced understanding of the regulatory process that moves beyond
legislation (cf. Su
arez and Kolodny, 2011) draws attention to the opening of an important
regulatory loophole (the Section 20 subsidiary debate, discussed below). This loophole
did not challenge the existing regulatory understandings of commercial and investment
banking, however, but rather allowed commercial banks to own (small) investment banks.
(Jaffe and Palmer, 1997; Taylor, Rubin, and Hounshell, 2005). Here, the
innovations reinforce the vision of the world held by regulators and embedded
in the regulations themselves.
Although all regulations are built on some understanding of the field being
regulated, we theorize that the distance between this conceptual map of the
field and the actual practices of the field is especially important for economic
regulations designed to maintain boundaries between fields. More concretely,
regulations designed to separate kinds of activitysuch as commercial and
investment bankingrely on some model of what constitutes those activities
at a given point in time. Innovations that are ambiguous with respect to these
regulatory categories present problems for regulators, and opportunities for
regulated firms.
Research on categorization generally finds that that innovations, new
products, and organizations are most successful in markets when they are
readily interpretable through the lens of existing categories used by consumers (Hargadon and Douglas, 2001; Hsu, Hannan, and Kocak, 2009; Smith,
2011). Put another way, innovations that are ambiguous to market actors
are often unsuccessful or are at least punished in the market (Zuckerman,
1999; Hsu, 2006; Ruef and Patterson, 2009).
In slight contrast, we argue that ambiguity with respect to regulatory categories may be beneficial to both the market success of innovations and to
their capacity to disrupt regulations. Innovations that do not fit into existing regulatory categories may fall between the cracks of existing regulatory
jurisdictions. To the extent that different activities or kinds of firms are regulated by different regulatory entities, ambiguous innovations are not clearly
the responsibility of any particular regulator. When a regulatory entity does
determine that a particularly activity should fall under its jurisdiction, they
face uncertainty about which rules should apply, and their determinations
are subject to challenge as overreach of their statutory mandate.
Put together with existing findings, we thus argue that innovations are
most capable of vitiating regulations when those regulations attempt to maintain boundaries between different types of activity, and when the innovations
are readily interpretable by end-users but ambiguous with respect to regulatory categories. In what follows, we focus on the role of innovation in swaps
in the disruption of Glass-Steagalls formal separation of commercial and
investment banking through the blurring effect of swaps on the boundary
between the actual practices of commercial and investment banking.
of Washington Post articles (N = 386). Drawing on existing secondary research (especially Tett [2009]), we also identified the history of derivatives as
an important component of the story, and broadened our search to include
swaps and derivatives.
After establishing the general narrative in the trade and general press,
we then dug deeper into key moments of contention. We analyzed court
documents and rulings, regulatory publications, Congressional Research Service reports, company annual reports, and scholarly publications on law and
finance, among other sources. At the helpful suggestion of an anonymous
reviewer, we also re-did our initial systematic reading using the Wall Street
Journal (WSJ ) to see if our analysis of major events would change with the
addition of a new source. We searched the WSJ for Glass-Steagall, interest rate swaps, currency swaps, and related terms from 1979 to 2000.
These searches yielded approximately 2,000 articles.4 These articles helped
us to deepen our understanding of debates about the role of swaps in the
1980s, but did not uncover any substantially new events or causal linkages.
Finally, we analyzed administrative data from the Federal Reserve to verify that smaller commercial banks played a relatively unimportant role, as
suggested by the narratives found in the newspaper accounts. A timeline of
major events in our case can be found in Table 1; the case itself proceeds
thematically rather than strictly chronologically.
Starting in the early 1990s, some articles appear in nearly identical forms across
multiple editions of the WSJ (the Asia edition, the UK edition, and so on). The estimate
of 2,000 includes these near duplicates.
Carnell, Macey, and Miller (2008: 130) define a dealer as a party that engages in the
business of buying and selling securities for its own account while an underwriter sells
securities for an issuer. . . or buys securities from the issuer with a view to distributing
them to the public.
nies that owned a single bank, further entrenching the separation between
commercial and investment banking (Carpenter and Murphy, 2010: 7). In
this period, regulators and legislators worked together to patch holes in the
Glass-Steagall framework, and investment and commercial banks largely acquiesced to the regime.
Following the economic turmoil of the 1970s, the competitive environment of commercial banks shifted dramatically, threatening the profitability of the industry. Non-financial firms began to rely more on their own
internal financial expertise (Zorn, 2004) and on issuing their own debt in
the commercial paper market rather than turning to commercial banks for
loans (Davis and Mizruchi, 1999). Simultaneously, the deregulation of interest rates (Krippner, 2011) and the creation of new savings vehicles like
money-market mutual funds created significant competition for savings deposits, and thus forced banks to pay higher interest rates on deposits (Berger
et al., 1995).6 Improvements in communication technologies and especially
advances in electronic credit scoring and credit records made it easier for foreign banks to compete in the United States. In 1979, foreign banks held less
than a quarter of the amount of U.S. nonfarm, nonfinancial corporate debt as
domestic banks; by 1994, they were roughly equal (Berger et al., 1995). Although commercial banks had fought for a few relaxations of Glass-Steagall
in the 1950s and 1960s, these threats to profitability pushed banks to begin
a struggle for outright repeal in the late 1970s (Davis, 2009: 116; Suarez and
Kolodny, 2011).
In the same period when commercial banks traditional business model
came under increasing pressure from interest rate deregulation, foreign com6
The creation of money-market mutual funds and the increased use of commercial paper effectively expanded investment banks capacity to compete directly with commercial
banks core businesses of deposit-taking and lending. Thus, they could be understood usefully as parallel cases to innovations in swaps that allowed investment banks to partially
erode Glass-Steagall. Here, we treat these developments as part of the history of swaps,
rather than undertaking a full analysis of their own regulatory and market dynamics. We
thank an anonymous reviewer for this point.
petition, and the financialization of non-financial firms, banks also encountered new opportunities to push for relaxing regulations. Together, the growing influence of the political right (Gross, Medvetz, and Russell, 2011) and
of financial economics (MacKenzie, 2006) created a regulatory environment
more friendly to deregulation. Specifically, although the status quo prevailed in Congress, regulators questioned the wisdom of Glass-Steagall and
began to agree with banks that the separation of commercial and investment
banks was no longer necessary or wise. Over the next twenty years, commercial banks learned to exploit opportunities in the regulatory arena through
a combination of clever reinterpretations and ambiguous innovations, even
while outright repeal of Glass-Steagall faced significant legislative resistance.
See Su
arez and Kolodny (2011) for a more detailed account of the congressional
maneuvering surrounding Glass-Steagall in the 1980s-1990s. Our analysis largely coincides
with their narrative, despite being completed independently and drawing on somewhat
different sources.
Just one day after the Federal Reserve Board issued its decision, the Securities Industry Association (SIA), petitioned to stop the decision from taking
effect. The SIA argued that the phrase engaged principally should cover
any affiliate created for the purpose of underwriting securities, no matter
how small a share of its total revenue derived from such activities. The case
eventually went to the Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, where the Court
ruled against the SIA, largely upholding the Federal Reserves decision.8 The
Court upheld the 5% gross revenue restriction as a reasonable interpretation
of the statute to which the Court owed deference.9 The Supreme Court
refused to hear the case, and so the 2nd Circuits decision held.
Over the next decade, the Federal Reserve would expand the range of
securities commercial banks were permitted to underwrite, and increase the
cap on the percentage of revenue that Section 20 subsidiaries were allowed
to receive in previously ineligible securities (Federal Register, 1996).10 Commercial banks had significant success in attaining a large market share in
corporate underwritingby 1996, 41 commercial banks had Section 20 subsidiaries (Carpenter and Murphy, 2010), and those subsidiaries underwrote
approximately 20% of corporate debt offerings (Gande, Puri, and Saunders,
1999). And yet, this traditional underwriting business was already seen in
the mid-1980s as decreasingly profitable, in part due to the increased competition, and in part due to the emergence of many new competing financial
products such as swaps (Wall Street Journal, 1984).
The reinterpretation of Glass-Steagall by the Federal Reserve that al8
lowed commercial banks to enter directly into investment banking offers one
strong piece of evidence for the attitude of the Fed specifically, and regulators
generally, towards the continued separation of commercial and investment
banking. By the late 1980s, most regulators no longer believed that this
separation was necessary, and often went so far as to believe it harmful to
continued American competitiveness in the face of foreign competitiors not
bound by similar restrictions (Wall Street Journal, 1986a). This permissive
attitude of regulators, combined with continued intransigence in Congress,
provided the context in which swaps would become an important innovation.
Swaps are not the only financial innovation whose market success rests on tax or
regulatory advantages. For a more general discussion, see Miller (1986), Tufano (2003),
and Frame and White (2004).
of making such a loan and investment banks the opportunity to underwrite it.
Second, by swapping, IBM managed to delay paying capital-gains taxes for as
much as five years (Sercu, 2009: 241). A third benefit, common to all swaps
in the 1980s although less emphasized in the IBM-World Bank deal, was
that the entire transaction was off-balance sheet. Early swaps thus proved
effective at both reducing transaction costs, and evading tax and regulatory
Just as the market for foreign exchange swaps began to take off, numerous banks began arranging interest rate swaps in a single currency. In an
interest rate swap, the counterparties typically swap a floating rate asset
for a fixed interest rate asset. For example, the quasi-governmental Student
Loan Marketing Association (also known as Sallie Mae) used interest rate
swaps in 1982 to help raise floating-rate money to help fund its portfolio of
floating-rate student loans (American Banker, 1983b). Interest rate swaps
allowed companies to alter their exposure to rising or falling exchange rates
or to change the maturity of obligations without having to issue new debt.
Thus, arranging swaps directly competed with the more traditional activities
of dealing and underwriting in corporate equities and debt (Steinherr, 2000).
Swaps of both types took off quickly. Figure 1 shows the growth of the
total notional value of interest rate and foreign exchange swaps contracts
outstanding from 1983 to 2000.12 The data reveal an exponential increase in
swaps activity, from just a few billions dollars in 1983, to around a trillion
dollars in 1986, up to an almost incomprehensible $63 trillion in 2000. Figure
2 shows the notional value of swaps held by commercial banks, as reported
to the Federal Reserve. The pattern here is similar, an exponential increase
throughout the 1980s and 1990s.
As noted above, the notional value of a swap is much higher than the market value.
As far as we are able to determine, no historical data exist on the total market value of
swaps from this early period.
Insert Figure 1 about here
The reasons for this incredible takeoff in swaps transactions were hotly debated in the business press and finance journals. Smith and colleagues (1986:
24-27) offer a useful summary of four categories of explanation: financial arbitrage, completing markets, exposure management, and, most important
to our analysis, tax and regulatory arbitrage. From its beginnings in the
IBM-World Bank deal described above, swaps produced favorable tax and
regulatory outcomes. Smith and colleagues (1986: 24) describe the benefits
through an example:
The introduction of the swap market allows an unbundling, in
effect, of currency and interest rate exposure from the regulation
and tax rules in some very creative ways. For example, with the
introduction of swaps, a U.S. firm could issue a yen-denominated
issue in the Eurobond market, structure the issue so as to receive
favorable tax treatment under the Japanese tax code, avoid much
of the U.S. securities regulation, and yet still manage its currency
exposure by swapping the transaction back into dollars.
Finance scholars and regulators at the time agreed that swaps boomed
in part because of their favorable regulatory treatment and lack of reporting
requirements, and not just because of their ability to reduce transaction
costs (e.g. Grant, 1985; Wall and Pringle, 1989). Less commented on at the
time was the way that swaps, and other derivatives, complicated distinctions
between traditional commercial and investment banking. Swaps are part
security, part future, and part loan. While investment banks were seen as
especially competent at the trading aspects of swaps, commercial banks had
the advantage in understanding credit riskespecially important given that
in a swap, unlike a loan, both sides of the transaction face credit risk (Daigler
and Steelman, 1988). In a traditional loan, the borrower does not have to
worry about whether the lender will default. In a swap, both parties face
potential losses if the other becomes insolvent. Commercial banks had the
techniques and experience needed to assess swap counterparties and high
credit ratings that made them attractive swap parties. Investment banks
came up with new tricks to boost their swap divisions credit ratings to
compete with commercial banks (Wall Street Journal, 1991a).
Although data from the early 1980s are scarce, it appears that interest
rate swaps were initially arranged roughly equally by commercial and investment banks. For example, American Banker reported that Morgan Stanley
(an investment bank) and Morgan Guaranty (a commercial bank) were the
most active arrangers of interest rate swaps, together accounting for about
half of all swaps issued in mid-1983 (American Banker, 1983b). In a series
of 1983 articles on the attempts by money-center commercial banks to enter more fully into investment banking, American Banker emphasized the
relative strength of Citicorp (American Banker, 1983c), Morgan Guaranty
(American Banker, 1983d), and Bankers Trust (American Banker, 1983e)
in the new markets for interest rate and currency swaps. Note that these
three banks were also the first to petition to form Section 20 subsidiaries.
Further, these portrayals (and other similar trade press accounts) treat arranging interest rate and currency swaps as a form of investment banking,
and thus treat commercial banks entrance into these market as a challenge
to Glass-Steagall.
swaps, and other new securities but it failed to pass (Wall Street Journal,
1991b). As such, the regulatory status of swaps as securities continued to be
murky throughout this period.13
In contrast, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the primary
regulator for some commercial banks) was much more permissive, arguing
in favor of extending the allowed activities of banks to include a wide array
of derivatives contracts (Omarova, 2009). These extensions were relatively
uncontroversial for interest-rate and currency swaps, but more controversial for equity swaps which were less ambiguous violations of Glass-Steagall
(Omarova, 2009: 1069-1072).
Swaps faced their most serious regulatory challenge from the CFTC. In
1987, the CFTC advanced the possibility of regulating OTC derivatives
including swapsas futures and began an investigation into Chase Manhattans derivatives dealing activities (Federal Register, 1987). The CFTC
suggested that OTC derivatives might be unauthorized futures contracts, and
thus legally unenforceable under the 1936 Commodities Exchange Act, which
requires that futures be sold on organized, regulated exchanges. These investigations sent derivatives dealers overseas, which in turn put pressure on the
CFTC to cease its efforts to regulate derivatives lest the United States lose
out on a substantial new financial market (Romano, 1996: 55). In 1989, the
CFTC backed down and issued a regulation exempting most swaps, under
the relatively minimal conditions that the swap not be offered to the general
public (but rather to large businesses, government entities, or sophisticated
and wealthy investors), and that the swap be individually tailored, and thus
not suitable to be traded on an exchange with a unifying market price (Federal Register, 1989).
This 1989 policy statement did not entirely quell fears around issues of
legal enforceability of swaps contracts, and a January 1991 ruling by the
British House of Lords stoked these fears much higher. The House of Lords
For a detailed discussion of debates at the SEC, see Russo and Vinciguerra (1990).
ruled that British municipalities did not have the authority to enter into
swaps transactions as part of their power to raise fundsfor the House of
Lords, swaps were pure speculation. Thus, the House of Lords voided swaps
contracts with over 75 banks, causing losses to derivatives dealers estimated
at $179 million (Lynn 1994: 308-309). Although this ruling did not directly
affect transactions solely within the U.S., swaps dealers feared that a similar analysis might someday be applied, and pushed for greater legal clarity
on the status of derivatives. After some squabbling between advocates for
the exchanges, who wanted to capture some of the OTC derivatives market
share, and the major banks, who wanted to preserve their unregulated, OTC
character, Congress passed the Futures Trading Practices Act (FTPA) which
specifically authorized the CFTC to exempt swap transactions. The FTPA
also retroactively exempted swaps from state Bucket Shop laws, under
which their legal status could have been challenged as an unauthorized form
of gambling, another source of legal uncertainty in the swaps market. In his
statement on signing the FTPA, President George H.W. Bush made clear
what was at stake:
The bill also gives the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
(CFTC) exemptive authority to remove the cloud of legal uncertainty over the financial instruments known as swap agreements.
This uncertainty has threatened to disrupt the huge, global market for these transactions. The bill also will permit exemptions
from the Commodity Exchange Act for hybrid financial products that can compete with futures products without the need
for futures-style regulation. (Bush, 1992)
In 1993, the CFTC followed through and issued regulations affirmatively
exempting most swap transactions from regulation (Romano, 1996: 56).
The derivatives market continued to expand in the mid-1990s, with heavy
competition between commercial and investment banks (even as those barriers were eroding), and relatively little intervention from federal authorities.
In May, 1998, the market received another scare as the new head of the
CFTC, Brooksley Born, issued a concept release, asking a series of questions and suggesting that the CFTC might once again pursue the regulation
of derivatives (Federal Register, 1998). Born argued that derivatives contracts had become increasingly standardized, and thus the 1989 and 1993
exemptions from exchange-trading no longer made sense, and that market
participants themselves were interested in moving to organized exchanges
(United States Congress, 1999). For example, the International Swaps and
Derivatives Association (founded in 1985) had created a master agreement
which increasingly standardized swap contracts and facilitated the emergence
of a secondary swaps market (Wall Street Journal, 1987). Additionally, Born
noted that the CFTC was incapable of exercising its role in preventing fraud
and misrepresentation without any record-keeping requirements (PBS Frontline, 2009).
This concept release brought about a swift reaction from bankers, and
from other financial regulators who were convinced that the regulation of
derivatives was unnecessary. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan,
Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, and SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt all disagreed vocally with both the authority of the CFTC to regulate derivatives
and the need for such regulation. To quell the market, these regulators supported a successful Congressional effort to enact a moratorium on new regulations of the OTC derivatives market (Washington Post, 2009; Stout, 1999:
706-707). Born stepped down from the CFTC in April, 1999, and in 2000,
Congress passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, affirmatively
declaring that OTC derivatives would not be regulated as either futures or
securities, and thus ending the possibility of CFTC regulation (Hazen, 2005:
Swaps presented a problem for regulators, but also an opportunity. Because of swaps ambiguous position spanning the categories of futures, securities, and loans, regulators who were favorable to financial deregulation
could happily exempt such contracts from existing rules by declaring that
swaps were not whatever it was that they were supposed to regulate. Regulators who wanted to bring swaps into an existing framework needed to either
secure new authority from the legislature, or find a compelling justification
for shoehorning swaps into an existing category of regulated activity. Either
way, the process was slow and faced pressure from lobbyists armed with the
threat of moving financial activities abroad. And in the meantime, the swaps
market flourished.
By 1988, the effective separation between commercial and investment banks
was fast becoming history. The vast new swaps market was open to commercial and investment banks alike, although the two had slightly different
strengths. Section 20 subsidiaries allowed commercial banks to compete,
albeit in a limited fashion, with investment banks in previously prohibited
businesses, including underwriting corporate securities. These successful entries into investment banking reduced pressure on commercial banks to push
for a full repeal of Glass-Steagall. As one staffer for Senator Proxmire noted,
Now that banks have gotten quite a lot through the regulatory process, it
would be easy for them to kill a bill that maintained too many restrictions
on their activities (American Banker, 1988a; American Banker, 1988b).
Recognizing the shifting balance of power, in 1989 the Securities Industry
Association backed down from their complete opposition to repealing GlassSteagall, and instead proposed an alternative measure that would partially
repeal the separation between commercial and investment banking, but maintain certain barriers within companies between the two activities (American
Banker, 1989b). The ABA rejected the SIAs proposals as too restrictive,
effectively replacing the Berlin wall with a high-powered electrical fence
(American Banker, 1989b). From 1990-1994, the SIA, ABA and other lobbying groups fought over the specifics of a repeal bill, but made little headway,
in part due to continued resistance from Democrats in the House of Representatives. The 1995 Republican takeover of the House cleared out several
hostile committee chairmen (American Banker, 1995a; Suarez and Kolodny,
2011), but insurance industry lobbyists and the ABA continued to fight over
barriers between banking and insurance, another part of the Glass-Steagall
repeal discussions (American Banker, 1995b). The ABA used its increased
leverage from winning so many regulatory victories to kill partial repeal attempts that imposed too many restrictions on commercial banks activities.
The ABA would wait for a full repeal, and in the meantime commercial banks
would take advantage of the new powers granted to them by regulators to
enter into competion with investment banks.14
Although investment banks were less concerned with entering commercial banking
than the reverse, investment banks did fight throughout this period for a repeal bill that
allowed them maximum entrance into commercial banking. That is, investment banks
decided that if the separation between commercial and investment banking was going to
erode, they wanted to ensure complete access to other sides market.
In 1998, Citicorp (a commercial bank) and Travelers Group (an insurance company that owned a major investment bank) announced a merger
that would form a company that directly violated Glass-Steagall. Because
Travelers Group was an insurance company, and not a bank holding company, it was able to apply to the Federal Reserve to become a bank holding
company and thus be granted an automatic two year grace period to divest
itself of impermissible activitiesor to get the law changed (Carnell, Macey,
and Miller, 2008: 460). The Federal Reserve approved the petition, and the
D.C. Circuit Court upheld the Feds decision over the objections of the Independent Community Bankers of America.15 It did not matter that the newly
formed Citigroup had no intentions of divesting itself of its impermissible
activities; the provisions of the Bank Holding Company Act gave the new
company a two year grace period.
As divisions between securities firms, insurance companies, and traditional banks continued to weaken (or in the case of Citigroup, collapsed entirely), the three lobbies united behind a proposal to repeal Glass-Steagall.
Reports estimate that in 1997 and 1998 alone, financial firms spent $300 million lobbying for the repeal (New York Times, 1999b). In 1999, Congress repealed the already-weakened separation of commercial and investment banking through the Financial Services Modernization Act, known popularly as
Gramm-Leach-Bliley. Although there were a few hurdles involving privacy
concerns, specifically around medical records held by insurance companies
(American Banker, 1999), and the Community Reinvestment Act (American
Banker, 1998),16 once the major lobbying groups for the investment banks,
commercial banks, and insurance companies signed on to the bill, its passage
was relatively uncontroversial. The final vote in the Senate was 90-8; in the
House, 362-57.
We began this article by noting that although research on the interconnections between regulation and innovation has a rich history in organizational
theory, existing scholarship focuses largely on one dimension of this relationship. Namely, prior studies attend primarily to the ways in which various
rules and laws designed to restrict the behavior of particular actors influence
the creation and development of novel products, services, and even organizational forms. Put differently, there exists relatively little systematic work
on how innovation shapes regulation. This oversight is problematic for several reasons. Perhaps most importantly, it is difficult to reconcile the largely
static picture of regulation painted by many organizational theories that
address innovation with observations about the relentless interplay of the activities of regulated firms and their regulators (Kane, 1977, 1981). Moreover,
to the extent that innovation shapes regulation, existing studies may mask
an important endogenous process, whereby firms engage in novel activities
that alter the effects of standing rules and laws in ways that subsequently
influence the kinds of innovations they create and develop.
In this article, we worked to develop novel theoretical insights about the
effects of innovation on regulation by showing how, under certain conditions, innovations can play an important role in the process of deregulation.
Specifically, we demonstrated that the creation and diffusion of interest rate
happening in the sector as a whole (e.g., the rise of commercial paper and
increasing foreign competition) on the demise of Glass-Steagall from those
that were exclusively attributable to innovation in swaps. Future research
might usefully work to more precisely characterize the potential effects of
ambiguous innovations on the process of deregulation through, for instance,
comparisons across different sectors or by focusing on more narrow regulations that target smaller segments of a particular industry.
Despite these limitations, we believe our analysis has several notable implications for organizational theory, which we discuss in greater detail below.
In closing, we then turn to a brief overview of the novel empirical findings
that emerge from our study.
that prohibit certain kinds of actors from engaging in certain kinds of activities (rather than rules banning or limiting any actor from engaging in
a particular activity). Banks themselves are defined by strong boundarymaintaining regulations that separate banking and banking-related activities
from other forms of commerce (Carnell, Macey, and Miller, 2008). Ambiguous innovationsthose that do not fall into the existing categories of activity
apportioned up by boundary-maintaining regulationsoverthrow the status quo bias that pervades much of the political system, and thus shift
the political burden onto those who would maintain the existing regulatory
framework. In our case, although there was not sufficient political will to pass
legislation overturning Glass-Steagall in the 1980s and early 1990s, there was
also insufficient political will to write new legislation capable of bringing
swaps into the Glass-Steagall framework (that is, defining swaps as either
loans, futures, or securities).
This analysis extends most naturally to the study of other boundary
maintaining financial regulations. For example, financial regulators in the
United States recently implemented the so-called Volcker rule designed to
stop banks from engaging in proprietary trading, an activity traditionally
associated with hedge funds (New York Times DealBook, 2013). Although it
is too early to tell, one might predict that commercial banks will attempt to
innovate around this rule by inventing new activities and products designed
to replicate the effects of proprietary trading. Historically, we can see similar
innovations in the 1960s and 1970s as banks created money market mutual
funds and other instruments designed to evade the Regulation Q ceiling on
interest rates (Frame and White, 2004; Krippner, 2011).
Finally, given that some innovations attribute their success in part to their
capacity to disrupt regulations, we believe scholars should be cautious in generalizing findings and theories about innovation broadly writ to the context
of finance. Less cryptically, scholarship, as well as popular discourse, tends to
assume that innovation is a net social good (Engelen et al., 2010). The fact
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Glass Steagall enacted, forcing big banks to separate securities (investment banking) activities and commercial banking
GS remains in force, is updated regularly to account for new activities and new legal forms.
Large US Commercial Banks declare outright war on Glass-Steagall.
IBM and World Bank complete a currency swap arranged by Salomon Bros.
First attempts to weaken GS separations through new legislation die in Congressional committees, opposed by securities
industry and many Democrats.
Reagan administration endorses repeal of Glass-Steagall.
ISDA founded by large commercial and investment banks to monitor and standardize swaps transactions.
SEC first considers regulating swaps by imposing disclosure requirements.
FASB considers creating rules to standardize accounting treatment of swaps.
The Federal Reserve approves creation of S20 subsidiaries, over the protests of the Securities Industry Association.
CFTC considers and eventually declines to regulate swaps as futures.
SIA switches positions, now supports GS repeal.
UK courts void swap agreements between banks and local governments as unauthorized speculation, creating uncertainty
in swap markets and driving business to US.
Congress enacts new legislation specifically allowing the CFTC to exempt swaps from regulation.
Republicans take over the House of Representatives.
Led by Brooksley Born, CFTC reconsiders regulation of swaps. Born is forced out and swaps remain unregulated.
Citicorp and Travelers merge in defiance of GS.
Congress passes Gramm-Leach-Bliley, effectively repealing GS.
Congresses passes the Commodity Futures Modernization Act further enshrining the exemption of swaps from most