(GUIDE) Moto G - Restore Stock Firmware
(GUIDE) Moto G - Restore Stock Firmware
(GUIDE) Moto G - Restore Stock Firmware
You should see the Moto G bootloader screen with the following options:
Normal Powerup
Switch Console [NULL: null]
BP Tools
2) Open a command prompt / terminal (Start -> cmd.exe in Win7) and browse to the folder with
the extracted firmware.
In my case:
cd c:\falcon_retgb_user_4.3_14.10.0Q3.X-76-LGG-8_54_release-keys-cid7Retail_GB
The "/eu" switch forces userdata to be erased from the device, this is the same as a
factory reset or wipe this is recommended when restoring stock firmware.
In Linux/OSX run the flashall.sh script. Type:
chmod +x flashall.sh
The scripts will fail with an error on downgrading from 4.4.2 to 4.3. Open the
script in a text editor (notepad) and delete (or comment) the following:
Lines 89-90 in the flashall.bat file:
CALL :fastboot_flash partition gpt.bin
IF %errorlevel% NEQ 0 EXIT /b 1
The 1st command "mfastboot flash partition gpt.bin" will fail on 4.4.2 to 4.3
downgrade. Skip this command if you are downgrading and continue with the
other commands, which should work.
4) Wait, you should now be rebooted into a fully stock Moto G firmware.