Assignment One

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EduQual Extended Advanced Diploma (Level 5) in Business

and Marketing Management

Assessment Guidelines
Candidates completing the EduQual qualifications must complete the tasks given in the assignment brief
approved by EduQual. Candidates are able to request assistance from tutors about completing the tasks,
mark schemes and grade descriptors. Candidates are expected to adhere to policies and guidelines set
out by the learning centre which includes word/page/slide count and plagiarism and collusion.
Candidates are required to refer the guidance notes and brief in order to present an answer that would
be within the required context.
Candidates at all times must seek permission and advice when using organisational information that
would be considered sensitive or confidential within their assignments. If the organisations consent is
given, and anonymity is a given requirement by the organisation, then the candidate can choose to
anonymise the subject of the report.
Assessment criteria and mark sheets
The assignment brief will include the mark scheme at the end along with grade descriptors for
candidates to refer if needed. The guidance notes before the assignment questions should be referred in
order to ensure that candidates are equipped with the information and formats required. Candidates
are requested to obtain necessary advice on assignment context, format and other supporting
information to clarify and help understand the requirements better.
The assessment criteria and the mark sheets will help candidates identify how and where the marks
have been allocated and would allow them to structure their answers accordingly.
Tutor guidance
Candidates are allowed to obtain ONE feedback for their draft answers presented. In addition any
subject related questions relating to the module can also be directed to the tutor.
Word count
It is mandatory that candidates adhere to the specified word count given in the assignment brief within
a margin of -/+10%. For certain tasks, the assignment brief may specify the page count depending on the
task requirement, and although a word count may not be applicable for these, the page count must be
adhered to at all times. All tables, charts, diagrams, referencing (in-text) is considered as part of the
assignment word count.

If the task requires candidates to present a presentation, the word count will be applicable to the notes
provided only. The assignment questions may also specify the number of slides, in which case the
candidates are required to adhere to this as well.
Any supporting documents that you choose to use to reinforce your answer, need to be attached at the
end of the report as appendices, in order to equip the examiner with the required background
knowledge on the information you have provided within the report. However, these will not be
considered for grading nor as part of the word/page count.
All assignments submitted with clear disregard for the stipulated page/word counts maybe declared null
and void with the candidate having to resubmit his/her work for assessment.
Referencing and professionalism
To ensure that candidates follow a professional stance at all times, they need to:
Use Harvard referencing for all citations and references (including in-text)
Use professional business English in presenting their work
Third party referencing should be made at all-time where the words I, We, Me etc., must not
be used within the answer
Candidates should bear in mind that considerable marks are awarded for format and presentation and
therefore, referencing and professionalism will be assessed in every task they attempt.
Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism and collusion will be considered as an academic offense and will be dealt with as a serious
issue. Plagiarism refers to presenting work of another author without appropriate referencing and/or
attribution. Collusion is when two or more candidates present work with distinct similarities in concept
and ideas.
Candidates can opt to use a valid plagiarism software i.e. TurnitIn to assess similarity scores and should
attach the report along with their final answers for reference.
Excessive referencing will also be considered an academic offence which will lead to penalization in
marks awarded for format and presentation or on serious cases where candidates work will be declared
null and void. This will be decided by the OEH academic panel in collaboration with EduQual.
These offences will be taken seriously at all times and will result in penalization where candidates work
will be declared null and void.

Assignment One
Task 1
As the business development manager for a newly established organisation, you are in the process of
executing a global entrepreneurial venture. In light of this, you have been asked to prepare a report to
present to potential investors to
1. Explain the process of an entrepreneurial venture by paying adequate focus on all steps starting
from idea generation to implementation. Identify the possible challenges that your organisation
could come across as well as the opportunities that may surface as well.
2. Conduct a feasibility analysis of your venture by considering management, financial and cost
accountancy principles.
(LO: BSE - 1, 2, 3. BA 1, 2, 3, 4)
Word Count: 3000 maximum

Task 1
Assessment criteria and mark scheme
Assessment Criteria
Identification of the stages involved in
entrepreneurial ventures
Explanation of each stage from idea
generation to implementation
Identification of challenges and threats
involved in the above stages
Feasibility assessment of the proposal
with adequate focus on accounting,
management and finance principles
Structure and format
Total Mark


1st Marker



General Comment

1st Marker


2nd Marker


2nd Marker


Task 2
In your role as the Business Development Manager, you have been asked to present a report to the
board of directors that highlights the importance of understanding the changing external environment
for entrepreneurial ventures.
The report should include
1. The identification and assessment of the changing environment in relation to the industry that your
organisation functions in and assess the impact it may have on the new entrepreneurial venture
while paying adequate focus on the opportunities and threats they pose
2. Assess the policies and role of the governments in determining how the entrepreneurial functions
may be carried out and explain how any disadvantages can be mitigated or overcome
3. Explain the key attributes that a successful entrepreneur should possess in order to design and
implement successful entrepreneurial ventures within a challenging environment by highlighting
how these behavioural characteristics can help an organisation overcome any threats uncovered in
previous sections.

(LO: BSE 3, 4, 5, 6)
Word Count: 3000 maximum

Task 2
Assessment criteria and mark scheme
Assessment Criteria
Identification of a minimum of 3
changing elements within the global
Assessment of each of the afore
opportunities and threats they may pose
in terms of the chosen industry
Discussion on how it can affect the
entrepreneurial venture by focusing on
the threats and opportunities identified
in the section above.
Assess the impact government have on
entrepreneurial venture
Recommend ways in which any
Identify the personal attributes of a
successful entrepreneur
Explanation on how it can help with
successful design and implementation of
challenging conditions
The use of entrepreneurial traits to
explain how challenges can be overcome
Structure and format
Total Mark






1st Marker

2nd Marker


General Comment

1st Marker


2nd Marker


Task 3
As part of the meeting, you have also been asked to develop a presentation that highlights the
importance of applying economic analysis on the business venture.
The presentation should reflect the use of a range of business and economic resources to highlight
analysis conducted on

Interest Rate
Exchange Rate

(LO: BSE 7, 8)
Number of slides: 20 Slides Maximum including introductory and summary slides
Word count for notes: 1500

Task 3
Assessment criteria and mark scheme
Assessment Criteria
Conducting an economic analysis for the
chosen entrepreneurial venture
Use of a range of economic and business
resources to support the analysis
Structure and format
Total Mark


1st Marker



General Comment

1st Marker


2nd Marker


2nd Marker


Assessment Criteria for all assessments






The answer submitted has an outstanding result with negligible amount of mistakes.
The answer shows an appreciative level of knowledge and clear understanding of
related models, theories and frameworks. Analytical techniques used show the wide
area of knowledge the student has.
The ability to apply and contextualize the models, theories and frameworks are clearly
The analysis and the use of research data, as well as the ability to use the data to reach
acceptable and accurate conclusions is exceptional.
Answers show independent thought and clarity of the student answer has led to an
overall focused and evaluative answer.
The answer has followed proper Harvard referencing.
The answer shows an above average standard with few errors.
The answer shows a decent level of knowledge and fairly clear understanding of related
models, theories and frameworks. The use of analytical techniques is obvious
throughout the answer in a manner that reflects a very good level.
The ability to apply and contextualise the models, theories and framework are of a good
The analysis and the use of research data, as well as the ability to use the data to reach
acceptable and accurate conclusions is above average levels.
Answers show independent thought and clarity of the student answer has led to an
overall focused and evaluative answer with little inconsistency.
The answer has followed proper Harvard referencing.
The answer shows an above average standard with errors.
The answer shows a general level of knowledge and fairly clear understanding of
related models, theories and frameworks. The use of analytical techniques is obvious
throughout the answer in a manner that reflects a good level.
The ability to apply and contextualise the models, theories and framework are of a
reasonable standard. But the link between theory and practical knowledge appears to
be restricted.
The answer shows more assumptions than conclusive evidences and valid arguments.
However the ability to interpret and evaluate is evident.
Answers show independent thought and clarity of the student answer has led to an
overall focused and evaluative answer with some inconsistencies.
The answer has followed Harvard referencing in the bibliography at an acceptable level.
There are several shortcomings throughout the answer.
The knowledge level reflected in the answer is limited especially in understanding of
related models, theories and framework.
The case material has been repeated instead of evidencing knowledge.
The use of analytical techniques is inadequate.
A certain level of relevance is evident in Harvard referencing.
Answer submitted is quite weak and lacks proper focus.
There are number of poor grammar and spelling errors.
The lack of understanding in subject knowledge, related models, theories and
frameworks is evident.


Contextualisation, interpretation, and evaluation are of a poor standard.

Reflects only basic levels of Harvard referencing in the bibliography.
Requires more work on answering skills.
There is very little evidence of appropriate subject knowledge.
The use of models, theories and frameworks is quite poor.
The analytical skills and contextualization is almost non-existent.
Answer produced has little relevance to the assignment briefs.
The overall output is well below the required standard.
Considerable amount of work is needed as the overall answer it quite poor and

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