Technique For Voltage Control in Distribution System

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Electrical, Robotics, Electronics and Communications Engineering Vol:7 No:10, 2013

Technique for Voltage Control in Distribution System

S. Thongkeaw, M. Boonthienthong

International Science Index Vol:7, No:10, 2013

AbstractThis paper presents the techniques for voltage control

in distribution system. It is integrated in the distribution management
system. Voltage is an important parameter for the control of electrical
power systems. The distribution network operators have the
responsibility to regulate the voltage supplied to consumer within
statutory limits. Traditionally, the On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC)
transformer equipped with automatic voltage control (AVC) relays is
the most popular and effective voltage control device. A static
synchronous compensator (STATCOM) may be equipped with
several controllers to perform multiple control functions. Static Var
Compensation (SVC) is regulation slopes and available margins for
var dispatch. The voltage control in distribution networks is
established as a centralized analytical function in this paper.

KeywordVoltage Control, Reactive Power, Distribution System.


OLTAGE is one of the most important parameters for the

control of electric power systems. The On-Load Tap
Changer (OLTC) transformers are used between these
multiple voltage levels to regulate and maintain the voltage
which is supplied to consumers within statutory limits. The
OLTC voltage regulation is naturally operated by changing the
number of turns in one winding of the transformer to
physically alter the ratios of the transformer. The On-Load
Tap Changer (OLTC) transformers are used between these
multiple voltage levels to regulate and maintain the voltage
which is supplied to consumers within statutory limits. The
OLTC voltage regulation is naturally operated by changing
the number of turns in one winding of the transformer to
physically alter the ratios of the transformer [1].
The objective of the proposed approach is not to control bus
voltage but to guarantee that generator injections alone do not
cause significant voltage rise a solution in which distribution
network operators (DNOs) are kept to their traditional task of
voltage regulation for load demand. Most DNOs require
distributed generation (DG) to operate at zero reactive power
or at fixed power factor, limiting the amount of installed
capacity to guarantee an admissible voltage profile in the
worst case scenario. Reasons for the limitation are that DG
single unit capacity is typically too small to control network
voltage DG automatic voltage control can interfere with DNO
control, namely, with the on-load tap-changing transformer
operation, which may increase the risk of islanding [2].
Volt/Var control has received an ever-increasing attention
from the electric utility industry in recent years due to
concerns regarding limited transmission capabilities, system
S. Thongkeaw and M. Boonthienthong are with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology
Phra Nakhon, Bangkok, Thailand (e-mail: [email protected], manat.b@

loss, and system security. At this level, there are several major
system components that can affect the control of voltage and
reactive power. These components are the load tap changing
transformers, the line voltage regulators, and the capacitor
A. Automatic Voltage Control
The basic operation and the general arrangement of the
OLTC and a simple automatic voltage control (AVC) relay
with the comparison between load voltage and target voltage,
the AVC relay determines whether to adjust the tap position or
not in order to maintain the required voltage level. To deal
with the voltage control problems together with the increasing
penetration of the DGs as well as the use of Smart Grid, DNOs
need more stable and effective OLTC voltage control schemes
[3]. This simple equation (1) can be used to analyze
qualitatively the relationship between the voltage at bus 2 and
the amount of generation that can be connected to the
distribution network, as well as the impact of alternative
control actions which is shown in Fig. 1.
V2 V1 + R(Pn PL ) + (Qn QL QC )X


Fig. 1 Simple system for voltage control

Capacitor placement in distribution feeder is the well

known efficient method for improving overall power delivery
in an electric distribution system. With shunt capacitors,
reactive power compensation is provided to reduce power and
energy loss, to regulate bus voltages, to improve power
quality, and to release feeders and system capacity [4].
B. Synchronous Condenser
Synchronous condenser has played a major voltage and
reactive power control. They have been a both sub
transmission and transmission voltage level improve stability
and to maintain voltage with in desired limit under varying
load condition and contingency situation. The control of
voltage levels is accomplished by controlling the generation,
absorption and flow of reactive power at all levels in the


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Electrical, Robotics, Electronics and Communications Engineering Vol:7 No:10, 2013

International Science Index Vol:7, No:10, 2013

system. The generating units provide the basic means of

voltage control. The automatic voltage regulators control field
excitation to maintain a scheduled voltage level at the
generators terminals. Additional means are usually required to
control voltage throughout the system. The devices used for
this purpose may be classified as follows [5]. The voltage
control problem is often called the reactive power control
problem since the terminal voltage of a synchronous generator
is controlled by varying its reactive power output through the
action of the excitation system [6].
C. Regulate Voltage
The On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC) transformer equipped
with automatic voltage control (AVC) relays is the most
popular and effective voltage control device [7]. There are
various control characteristics associated with OLTC such as
Line Drop Compensation (LDC), time grading for
accommodating operation in series of transformers, as well as
a variety of circulating current compensation techniques for
operation of parallel transformers.
This voltage drop along the feeder impedance is used to boost
the voltage regulated at the transformer terminal therefore
ensuring the correct voltage level maintains at the load where it is
required. The LDC provides voltage control at a nominal load
point rather than at transformer terminals as shown in Fig. 2 [8].

Fig. 2 AVC relay scheme with LDC

D.Distributed Generation
Control of distributed generation (DG) systems in power
distribution systems is very important task that must be
considered carefully. In fact the operation of distributed
generation system strongly depends on the operation of the
control system. Many of the distributed generation systems are
connected to the grid via power electronic converters to
improve the system integrity [9].
The connection of DG to distribution systems modifies
voltage levels at customers end and introduces different
degrees of complexity in the voltage control strategies. In fact,
according to the criterion by which DG is connected, the
voltage control strategy could change [10]. Controlling
network voltages, while also providing access for the
increasing numbers of DG installations, is one of the most
important challenges. This paper describes a novel approach to
voltage control for networks with multiple connected
distributed generators, which employs case-based reasoning

and online verification to select an appropriate set of control

actions in the face of voltage excursions. The control measures
above of OLTC control, DG curtailment and DG power factor
control were made available to the CBR system investigated
here. Alternative control measures for voltage control that
could be incorporated into future CBR systems include energy
storage [10].
The type of DG adopted in this study is a PV system which
can be installed in various areas such as residential area. Since
generated power of the PV system fluctuates rapidly according
to the fluctuation of solar radiation, some rapid output power
fluctuation might occur and result in rapid voltage fluctuation,
which depends on weather conditions. In order to respond to
rapid fluctuations, each interfaced inverter generated or
absorbed reactive power to compensate voltage deviation from
voltage control reference [11].
FACTS are one aspect of power electronics revolution that
is taking place in all areas of electrical energy. Recent
advances in the power system handling capabilities of static
switches have made the use of the voltage source inverter
(VSI) feasible at both transmission and distribution levels. The
concepts underlying the developing of the control strategy are
explained in detail and a criterion for the selection of the
parameters of the various controllers involved is also given.
The static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is based
on the principle that a voltage source inverter generates a
controllable AC voltage source behind a transformer leakage
reactance so that the voltage difference across the reactance
produces active and reactive power exchange between the
STATCOM and the transmission network. The STATCOM is
one of the new generation flexible AC transmission systems
(FACTS) devices with promising applications in future.
The most advanced solution to compensate reactive power
is the use of a Voltage Source Converter (VSC) incorporated
as a variable source of reactive power. These systems offer
several advantages compared to standard reactive power
compensation solutions [12].
The STATCOM is appropriate for voltage control since it
may rapidly inject or absorb reactive power to stabilize
voltage excursions, and has been widely proven in industrial
applications. Several prototype installations of STATCOM are
currently in operation. However, a STATCOM/ESS
combination can provide a better dynamic performance than a
stand-alone STATCOM. The fast and independent control of
both active and reactive power of the STATCOM/ESS system
makes it the ideal candidate for many applications in the
electric power systems as shown in Fig. 3.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Electrical, Robotics, Electronics and Communications Engineering Vol:7 No:10, 2013

The TCSC model is incorporated with the generator shaft

equations, to take into account the nonlinearities of both
generator and thyristor switching. The equations are then
linearized and the eigenvalues of the linearized system are
computed to evaluate the system stability.

International Science Index Vol:7, No:10, 2013

Fig. 3 Static synchronous compensator

B. Shunt Var Compensation

Voltage control capability of SVCs is decided by their var
reserves, regulation slopes and available margins. In this
paper, a sensitivity model for var dispatch is proposed to
restore the var reserve of SVC while keeping desirable voltage
profile and the control capability of SVCs is defined by the
available control margin, the slopes, the reference voltage, the
static voltage characteristic of the system as shown in Fig. 4.

The influence due to the concept of Smart Grid has many

potential opportunities for the OLTC control schemes.
Naturally, these schemes build on the previous techniques that
are used for OLTC control and will have a significant
influence on the development of voltage regulation in
distribution networks. The reactive control relationship with
on-load tap-changing transformer control has been illustrated
and increased stress in tap changing. Voltage control ability is
discussed by controlling active and reactive power of
distributed generators in distribution system. Although the
voltage control ability by DGs has been discussed in many
papers, quantitative evaluation of the ability has not been
clearly. However, in the situation that many distributed
generators are connected to a power distribution system, we
must utilize them as control resources for the power systems
operation. The FACTS device is an instrumental for support in
the power system when system have problem such as voltage
drop in power system. The FACTS device will be increase
curve and flexible of power system.

Fig. 4 The control diagram of SVC

Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensation (TCSC) is one of

the important FACTS devices which come under series
compensation technique in the line intended to decrease the
line reactance there by maintain flat voltage profile and
increase the power transfer capacity of the line as shown in
Fig. 5 [14], [15].

Fig. 5 Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensation

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International Science Index Vol:7, No:10, 2013

Somkieat Thongkeaw received his M.Eng in Electrical Engineering from

Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Pathumthani, Thailand in
2010. He is currently a lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon
(RMUTP), Bangkok, Thailand. His research interests include power system
operation, and renewable energy.
Manat Boonthienthong received his M.S.Tech.Ed. in Technical Education
Technology from King Mongkuts University of Technology North Bangkok
(KMUTNB), Thailand. He is currently a lecturer at the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Rajamangala University of Technology Phra
Nakon (RMUTP), Bangkok, Thailand. His research interests include electronics
engineering and powers system planning.


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