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Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII (2002)



NatureShift! Linking Learning to Life Program, Dakota Science Center, Grand Forks, ND 58201, 2University of North
Dakota, Department of Physics, Grand Forks, ND 58201-7129, email: [email protected] .

Introduction: Making the leap from a classical form

of education to a technology-enhanced on-line curriculum has been the challenge of the NatureShift! [1] (NS)
Linking Learning to Life project. A five-year, U.S. Department of Education Technology Innovation Challenge Grant (TICG), the NatureShift project was
awarded in 1997 to the partnership of Dakota Science
Center and Grand Forks Public Schools. The project
has joined formal and informal education partners from
across the state of North Dakota in taking technology
and hands-on learning to an information-isolated highway of communities including public schools, tribal
schools, parks, museums and libraries. By integrating
its teaching and learning model into a web-based curriculum, Natureshift strives to engage young learners
with easy access to innovative history and science
instruction. Natureshift has faced the challenges in volved in delivering instruction indirectly to learners
over the medium of the Web by creating a design that
fosters exploration and encourages project-based learning.
The Dakota Skies Astronomy Module: This mo dule is one of five curricular-based modules that engage
students in guided explorations where they are encouraged to follow their interests and learn by self-inquiry.
Dakota Skies investigates the universe of space science, astronomy, meteorology, rocketry, and related
studies. In other modules, Ranger Rosie focuses on
nature and the environmental sciences, Wounded
Hawk explores science and history through the experiences of Native American culture, Memories & Stories
presents social studies and the science of history, and
Robot Lab investigates the physical sciences,
engineering, and technology. Each module is designed
with a wealth of resources and a guided learning
experience that engages and immerses learners in the
subject matter.
All modules ask the learner to take an active role in
their own learning. Through engagement, a Web Adventure, and a Real World Adventure, students grasp
the subject matter through personal connections with
the ideas presented. A visitor to Dakota Skies can begin the module exploration anywhere in its framework.
They are led through an investigation of basic astronomy and asked to prove to the Moon Guide (a guide
designed to help the learner though the module. )where
they live on the Earth using astronomical principles.

Student projects require students to submit their proof

and then design a solar system of their own creation.
The structure of Dakota Skies shows a home page
of windows that look out into the skies, which can take
you to one of nine different places. Possible explorations include the Wheel of Wonders, Celestial Stories,
Sky Activities, Sky Watcher Tools, Educator Guide,
Space Resources, Sky Journal, Sky Feature and the
world of the Moon Challenge Exploration.
The Wheel of Wonders takes students into 16 general areas of astronomy. Topics covered include Galaxies, Eclipses, Quasars, Comets, Asteroids, Weather and
Climate, Life on Other Worlds, Observing Space, Constellations, Inner Planets, Outer Planets, the Moon,
Cool Visuals, the Sun, Stars and Global Positioning.
These areas are meant to introduce the visitor to the
basics of these astronomical and space science themes.
Celestial Stories is a collection of stories, folklore
and legends from many cultures offering a multicultural
approach to the understanding of how the sky has
been important to civilizations past and present. Special
focus is placed on Native American oral histories of the
sky and how early cultures viewed the skies for entertainment, to predict the seasons and climate changes,
and to tell the history of their peoples.
Sky Activities offers sample projects and an index of
activities available. Activities offer explorations in how
to use the stars to tell the time of night and the seasons. It also instructs in how to use devices such as a
sundial or to chart the orbital motion of the planet Mars
and other events.
Sky Watcher Tools gives the visitor information on
the tools of the trade that astronomers use. It also
gives instructions for developing tools, handling and
caring of tools, and the various uses that help astronomers discover the physical properties of the universe.
Sky Resources, located on the main page, is an index of links to the resources available in the module.
These also include Internet links, books, videos and
periodicals that are useful in understanding the topics
covered in Dakota Skies.
The Educator Guide gives instructions on how to
use the module in the classroom or for individualized
instruction, explains how the module is designed, and
provides links to the Teachers Instructions for each
activity presented. Teachers Instructions cover na-

Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII (2002)


Astronomy and Linking Learning to Life through Technology: C. R. Milford and P. J. Donohue

tional standards addressed in the activities, and provide background knowledge on activities.
One of the most interesting links offered to students
is the Sky Journal. This gives students and other
learners the option to keep track of their sky journeys
in an on-line journal or to create a virtual slide show of
all the work they have covered. It also allows students
to create learning challenges for others that are entirely
on-line and require no other software than the Web.
The Moon Challenge Exploration: The main goal of
Dakota Skies is to give students a means to understand
the natural science of astronomy at their own pace.
Students take a self-guided journey through this exploration. The Moon Challenge is a directed experience in
which learners must explain in astronomical terms to the
Moon where their home is located on the Earth. It offers students unlimited exploration as far as personal
interest is engaged. It also provides students feedback
and all the tools necessary for solving the direct challenge of proof. Within the pages of the Moon Challenge are areas that provide learners with help and assistance. All instruction required to answer the Moon
Challenge in the I Can Prove It window are found in
the other investigations of the Exploration.
Spinning in Space provides instruction on orbital
mechanics and planetary properties. Students learn
how to tell that they live on the Earth and not another
planet, for exa mple, Pluto. This window is intended to
instruct in where the Earth is located in relation to the
other eight planets of the Solar System.
In Map Your Night Sky students get instruction on
how constellations are used as landmarks in the sky.
Just as people used the North Star to tell their latitude,
students learn the same skills to aid them in determining their location on Earth by looking at the sky. They
will learn that the sky rotates because of the Earths
motions in space, that those sky movements relate to
what we see, and about what is physically happening
to our Earth.
Space Radio covers basic astronomy principles
needed to answer the Moons challenge. Here you learn
other important information in astronomy not covered
in other pages. Subjects such as Right Ascension and
Declination are discussed in detail, as is the topic of
angles and time relating to astronomy and space.
Within each of the Moon Challenge segments lies a
key to answering the final challenge question, where
do you live on the Earth? Obtaining the keys is done
through exploring all the areas of Dakota Skies. Once
the student has collected (and understood!) their keys,
they use them to answer a set of proof questions given
by the Moon. Students are then asked to explain their
answer and why they think it is the correct one. This
evokes higher order thinking skills (HOTS) because

students must process what they have learned, make it

meaningful to them, and teach it by their presentation
to others. They are asked to provide proof of what they
have learned and to educate others or their peers.
Summary: Dakota Skies offers learners an engaging universe that replicates the mechanics and principles of space science. Within this world, free exploration and guided learning experiences help ensure that
learning takes place. The NatureShift Web site has
mastered the challenges of presenting technical information to young learners in a manner that encourages
them to want to learn, and offers all the necessary instructional tools to succeed at the challenge.
[1] www.natureshift.org

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